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Online services will be brought up to the level of Rostelecom. Rostelecom has developed a complete solution for the new law on cash registers

It is important that money on communications is spent more efficiently

The largest Russian telecommunications company, Rostelecom, offers corporate clients a variety of cloud solutions, including such a popular service as cloud PBX, which combines the full service of a regular office PBX and a number of other features for a relatively small subscription fee. How it works, what are the advantages of the service and what can we expect from the market next, says Dmitry Kim, director for work with the corporate and government segment of the macro-regional branch "Center" of PJSC Rostelecom.

— You are now offering special conditions for connecting a cloud PBX. Let's start with something simple: what is it and why is it needed?

— In technology, the main trend now is the development of OTT services (Over The Top, “over the head”), that is, not tied to the network of a specific operator. Initially, they were launched by the most famous Internet companies, and for a wide variety of services, and the founders of this trend became “unicorns” - this is what companies with a capitalization of more than a billion dollars are called. Now this trend is gradually moving to classic telecom services. An example of such a service is our cloud PBX, that is, virtual telephone exchanges, all the work of which takes place on our side, and the client only makes and receives calls. This allows the company not to be tied to the communication channel of a specific operator: you can move to another office, change Internet provider - you can still be reached on the same number. And, you see, the phone number is an important part of business. Keeping it when moving to a new office is very useful. Now this is one of the most actively developing cloud services in Russia. In 2015, the cloud PBX market grew by 28%, in 2016 growth is expected at 22%. In 2017, it will probably slow down somewhat, but will still remain more than significant - we forecast it at 17%.

However, many companies already have regular office PBXs, and they seem to do their job. Why do they need a cloud service?

The capabilities of a virtual PBX and the number of additional services are limited only by your imagination: you can do whatever you want with calls. They can be recorded, you can track statistics by day and time of day, and by duration of the conversation. You can, for example, make it so that, depending on which number the call comes from, the greeting changes - that is, each regular customer will have his own menu of the items he needs only. And do it instantly. This is the so-called Self-Service system - the client configures the service for himself without any difficulties.

This is probably needed by relatively large companies?

No, we focus this service primarily on small and medium-sized businesses. Not because large companies don't need it. Vice versa. Now everyone is busy with digitalization - transferring as much of the business as possible into a digital format. And for large companies this is especially important, which is why IT departments are gaining more and more importance in them. To speed up, optimize, and reduce costs at every step. And for large companies this is an individual process, part of an overall strategy. And we, of course, give them such solutions, but these are industrial-grade solutions. Large companies are ready to work with us. Because we have a lot of experience. There is nothing to say about reliability - hardly anyone can remember a case where a phone from Rostelecom did not work.

Namely, this service, cloud PBX, is aimed more at medium and small businesses - it is inexpensive, functional, standardized, but at the same time easily customizable. All key business processes of a company can be converted into digital literally in a day, and we are ready to act as experts in this matter. Moreover, since the ability to work with the customer base increases many times over, as a result of this transfer, new business processes can be immediately invented. A regular office PBX can do much of this, but much less efficiently. After all, how they used to work with calls: a notebook, a separate person sits, writes it down. And if he quits and leaves with this notebook, what will happen to the client base?

We work with businesses so that they work more effectively with their clients

And what changes with your arrival?

Let's look at one simple example: you opened five hairdressing salons. Times are difficult right now, so most likely two of them will be moving somewhere soon. Either they didn’t get the location right, or they found a cheaper rental. The landline number will be lost. So what should I do? Give clients a mobile manager? What if he quits? What if the client didn’t get through to him for some reason? Yes, you can view the call log. But just by looking at the number you can’t always guess who called and why they called. Finally, the quality of communication: for example, in a large shopping center, good mobile reception may not be available everywhere. That is, it may simply not be available in a particular salon. So what, take several SIM cards, test who has the best one, and then change the operator? And our service comes over the wire. If you have five points, you still need the Internet to maintain a single database. If you order Internet from us, you get a PBX at a discount - and already have, at a minimum, free calls within your company, and they do not necessarily have to be in the same city. But most importantly, you can see the number of client calls, listen to recordings of conversations - how the staff communicates with the client, find out the effectiveness of advertising (“Where did you hear about us?”). The range of scenarios for increasing the efficiency of your own business using a virtual PBX is almost unlimited.

Now we are planning to launch a simple CRM system (Client Relation Management - “customer relationship management”), so that when a regular client calls, a card will immediately pop up on the screen: who is it, what does he want, who is he serving with. Or, for example, a client came and stopped - how can an office PBX help you track this moment? And here you can set the notification period after the client’s last call in ten seconds.

Is this much more profitable than a regular PBX? After all, you don’t have to pay a subscription fee for a regular PBX.

Of course, this service allows you to save money. But we see the key point not even in this. It seems to us more important that money on communications is spent more efficiently. That is, this is our kind of B2B2C: we work with businesses so that they work more effectively with their clients.

For IT engineers of large companies, it becomes bad manners to buy hardware. The main job for them is the “front” - communication with the client

That is, right tomorrow everyone needs to throw away their PBX and turn to you?

I'm not saying that tomorrow everyone will throw out office PBXs. Perhaps some people value this kind of PBX as a memory: they installed it themselves, configured it themselves, etc. Some people still use CD players. If you don’t mind spending money on renting space, on extra electricity, on maintenance, on spare parts, then we won’t mind (laughs - author’s note). In any case, not everyone will switch to cloud services. After all, our service needs power to operate. And a regular phone is as fault-tolerant as possible. Copper wire is the “old reliable”, it also supplies power to old telephones, and, for example, hospitals or fire departments cannot refuse it: if, say, all the electricity in a city goes out, it is important that they can still be reached . But for ordinary offices this is not so critically important, and the numerous conveniences of using a cloud PBX clearly outweigh it. And the same private clinics understand very well what CRM is - if you have used their services, then you know: you called and received an SMS about making an appointment, on the eve of the appointment - another one, after the appointment - a call: “How did you like it?”, two days later month - another call: “Why don’t you go?”

Still, how competitive are your rates? After all, you are not the only one offering such a service.

I won't advertise our rates - they are open and everyone knows they are good. The only thing I can advise is: do not go to a small operator for a tariff that is too low. Where it's too cheap, there's often thin ice.

What if you now recruit clients for your good tariff, and then increase it?

Our tariffs are in the market. If we want to increase them, we, firstly, will lose clients, and the market is still far from being developed. Secondly, we are the largest operator; the Antimonopoly Service simply will not allow us to do this. Our price is not a promotion to attract customers. We are big. We monitor the cost of electricity, we have a lot of our own space, that is, we use economies of scale. If you want a promotion, please do so: we are ready to offer RBC readers a zero subscription fee, a toll-free number and connection. That is, everything is free. You only pay for your outgoing calls.

And how will you earn money then? What if one of the readers contacts the call center on such a number without a single outgoing call?

The subscriber pays for outgoing calls and does not pay for incoming calls. But in fact, the money is in any case divided between the operators sending and receiving the call. Yes, we will earn maybe a little less. But we already have a well-established infrastructure, we have equipment for this. So we won't go broke. “Hang up” even the taxi company. And, of course, the traffic fee is zero if the client calls only our numbers - the logistics are completely different there.

I repeat, the main thing is not even the tariff. It's just that owning more and more things is becoming much less profitable than renting them. For IT engineers of large companies, it becomes bad manners to buy hardware. The main work for them becomes the “front” - communication with the client. More and more services are starting to be provided remotely. For example, you can see how car sharing is penetrating our lives: a car, like any other service, is provided remotely - when needed, and is paid for exactly as much time as needed.

Are we far behind other countries in implementing this type of service?

Compared to other countries, we have a very advanced telecommunications market. For example, in the IP-TV segment we are well ahead of Spain: I was there recently and saw exactly the same interfaces that we had seven years ago. In general, Europe is a rather conservative market, where innovations appear early but spread slowly. So in terms of connection speed and other factors, including cloud PBX, we are even ahead of it. The same applies to data centers and the implementation of SaaS (Soft As A Service, the provision of software fully serviced by the provider). If we compare, for example, with the Emirates, where almost everything was built literally in recent years, then it is difficult to keep up with them. So we are on trend.

Is it possible to roughly estimate the current share of the cloud PBX market in Russia and the world?

Virtual PBXs have been present on the Russian market for many years and have proven their relevance and effectiveness. Now they occupy about 5-6% of the market, which is about 3.75 billion rubles. in year. Slightly lower than the average abroad, but the higher the demand. Surveys show that 70% of IT directors in Russia consider the transition to cloud technologies a priority.

In which market sectors are cloud PBXs most in demand?

First of all, where, as in the example I gave, a regular PBX is simply not applicable - that is, where you need to connect several isolated small points into a network. Therefore, more than half of connections are in trade and services. But manufacturing is also interested in this product—they account for about 10% of us—as well as IT companies, builders, doctors and, of course, transport workers.

If this service is no longer new on the Russian market, then why don’t you yet offer any special innovative solutions in this area?

We are big and often swing for a long time. But when we do something closely, we do it quickly and well. Now we are deeply involved in the cloud PBX platform, because we realized that this is the market, that this is the trend of today. And in the very near future there will be many more releases and services than even many experts could expect. Why am I sure that we will have the largest and correct content? Because we are represented in all cities of the Russian Federation, we have a cross-section of the entire market, we collect all the needs and satisfy them. We are not yet talking about technological superiority: we have simply collected the best practices and implemented them as clearly and reliably as possible. And we constantly work with the service, our task is to be a little, but better in every fragment: for example, we are ready to guarantee connection within 24 hours, because we are the only ones everywhere who have our own staff of installers.

And what kind of releases and services await us?

We have many projects and plans. An interesting thing I can name is a service that we launched quite recently - mobile communications for business. These SIM cards have already been released, it is already working, the next step is the integration of this solution into a single cloud platform.

The other day, Rostelecom held a press conference, during which it spoke about the progress of the takeover of the OnLime company and the changes in package offers and tariff plans associated with this process.

To begin with, it is worth noting that in the first year of joint activity, OnLime and Rostelecom will each operate under their own brand. According to Alexander Krasnosheev, commercial director of the macro-regional branch "Moscow" of OJSC Rostelecom, the integration cycle of the new enterprise is deliberately delayed so that subscribers have time to get used to the idea that OnLime is now part of Rostelecom, and the parent company carries out all the processes without haste and strategic mistakes.

However, OnLime did not delay its first steps under the new wing. The Internet provider and digital TV operator announced the introduction of new tariff plans for Internet access services. OnLime subscribers can connect to the Internet with incoming speeds of 5, 15, 30, 55 and 80 Mbit/s, the monthly subscription fee will be 300, 400, 500, 700 and 900 rubles, respectively.

“We have increased Internet speeds without increasing the price. The new OnLime tariff plans are a reflection of our strategy, which involves providing high quality service and services while maintaining one of the best price offers in Moscow. It is important for us to develop and modify services in accordance with market requirements and the wishes of subscribers. The chosen strategy has proven its effectiveness more than once. A reliable network, high Internet access speeds, professional and prompt technical support - all this not only allows you to successfully and quickly increase your subscriber base, but also reduce the outflow of subscribers to a minimum,” comments Elena Lyubina, Marketing Director of National Cable Networks OJSC.

In addition to the indicated tariffs, OnLime updated Double Play “Double Benefit” and the “Turboknopka” service - both also increased Internet access speeds without changing the price. Switching to another tariff plan is free. You can change it in your OnLime personal account. The tariff plan will change from 00:00 the next day.

Increasing Internet speeds and updating the corresponding tariffs is not all that lies ahead for OnLime. Rostelecom intends to “bring up” its subsidiary to its level in relation to digital television. And this means an increase in the number of channels in OnLyma TV packages and the quality of the services provided.

“At the moment, we are doing IT work on combining the bundling scheme, tariff setting principles and a unified billing system for the two companies. I think that in the near future we will switch to a single package and a single price standard for both digital TV and the Internet. We are not yet undertaking to name approximate dates,” commented Dmitry Kim, Deputy Director of Marketing of the Moscow macro-regional branch of Rostelecom OJSC.

He also said that, despite the unification of tariffs and prices, some equipment from both companies will remain different. Let’s say Rostelecom, which broadcasts television largely via IP-TV, will continue to support OnLime CAM modules for at least a year. In this case, subscribers will be asked to change these modules to IP-TV on a voluntary basis. “Those who want to consume digital television via coaxial cable will continue to consume it via this cable, and those who want to receive additional services, video on demand and other services will be able to switch to Rostelecom’s IP-TV on favorable terms,” Dmitry Kim clarified.

Sales of the Rostelecom Online Cash Desk solution for small and medium-sized businesses have started in the Smolensk region.

Rostelecom’s offer will help entrepreneurs not only comply with the requirements of Federal Law 54-FZ “On the Use of Cash Register Equipment,” but also speed up customer service at points of sale. The maximum set includes a cash register, a terminal for bank cards, a 3G router, a barcode scanner with the AliPay payment system, as well as software for quick registration of equipment with the relevant authorities.

Dmitry Kim, Deputy Director of the MRF "Center" of PJSC Rostelecom, Director for Work with the Corporate and Government Segment:

« In the “Rostelecom Online Cash Desk” solution, we have collected everything you need, paying special attention to the process of registering a cash register with the tax service and connecting to the Fiscal Data Operator. A specially developed program will allow the client to do this without unnecessary headaches. Moreover, if individual entrepreneurs purchase our cash register before July 1, 2018, they will avoid fines and save 18 thousand rubles in tax deductions ».

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of trade and public catering must install cash register equipment with Internet access no later than July 1, 2018. It will ensure the transfer of information about trading operations to the Federal Tax Service in real time.

The basic set of “Rostelecom Online Cash Desk” includes a cash register, a terminal for bank cards and software. The kit can be supplemented with a 3G router with a Rostelecom SIM card and a barcode scanner with the ability to pay with AliPay.

According to Federal Law No. 349-FZ dated November 27, 2017, individual entrepreneurs working for UTII or PSN in the field of retail trade and public catering, as well as having employees, have the right to reduce the amount of the single tax by 18,000 rubles for each copy of cash register, subject to registration of the specified CCP to the Federal Tax Service until July 1, 2018. You can learn more about the transition to a new procedure for registering and using cash register equipment on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the section “New procedure for using cash register equipment.”

Smolensk branch of PJSC Rostelecom- a structural division of the Rostelecom company, which operates in the Smolensk region and is part of the Macroregional branch "Center".

Macroregional branch "Center" of PJSC Rostelecom- a structural division of PJSC Rostelecom, which operates in the Central Federal District, Moscow and the Moscow region.

PJSC Rostelecom is Russia's largest provider of digital services and solutions, present in all market segments and covering millions of households in Russia.

The company occupies a leading position in the Russian market of broadband access and pay television services: the number of subscribers of broadband access services exceeds 12.7 million, and Rostelecom pay TV - more than 9.8 million users, of which over 4.8 million watch the unique federal product “Interactive TV".

Revenue of the Group of Companies for 12 months. 2017 amounted to 305.3 billion rubles, OIBDA reached 96.9 billion rubles. (31.7% of revenue), net profit - 14.1 billion rubles.

Rostelecom is the undisputed leader in the telecommunications services market for Russian government agencies and corporate users at all levels.

The company is a recognized technology leader in innovative solutions in the field of e-government, cloud computing, healthcare, education, security, housing and communal services.

The Company’s stable financial position is confirmed by credit ratings: Fitch Ratings at “BBB-”, Standard & Poor’s at “BB+”, and ACRA at “AA(RU)”.

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Public Joint Stock Company "Central Telegraph"
05.03.2018 15:40

Report of a material fact

“On certain decisions adopted by the issuer’s board of directors”

1. General information

1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer Public Joint Stock Company "Central Telegraph"

1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer PJSC "Central Telegraph"

1.3. Location of the issuer Russian Federation, Moscow,

1.4. OGRN of the issuer 1027739044189

1.5. Issuer's TIN 7710146208

1.6. Unique issuer code assigned by the registration authority 00327-A

1.7. Address of the Internet page used by the issuer to disclose information,

2.1. Quorum of the meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors and results of voting on issues of decision-making: The total composition of the Board of Directors is seven people. Seven members of the Board of Directors took part in the meeting. There is a quorum. The decisions on the agenda items were made unanimously.

Regarding issue No. 1 “On the election of the chairman of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company”:

Elect Alexander Vyacheslavovich Kolesnikov as chairman of the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC Central Telegraph.

Regarding issue No. 2 “On consideration of shareholders’ proposals for the nomination of candidates to the Company’s management and control bodies for election at the annual general meeting of shareholders”:

Recognize as competent the proposals of the shareholders of the Company: Public Joint Stock Company of Intercity and International Electrical Communications “Rostelecom” and Sergei Vyacheslavovich Babintsev on the nomination of candidates to the Board of Directors of the Company.

Babintsev Sergey Vyacheslavovich;

Godovikov Anton Vyacheslavovich;

Kim Dmitry Matveevich;

Kolesnikov Alexander Vyacheslavovich;

Kurakin Dmitry Alexandrovich;

Nechaev Evgeny Alexandrovich;

Truntsov Dmitry Ivanovich.

2. Recognize as valid the proposal of the shareholder of the Company - Public Joint Stock Company of Intercity and International Electrical Communications "Rostelecom" to nominate candidates to the Audit Commission of the Company.

Vinogradov Konstantin Olegovich;

Ryzhiy Valery Petrovich;

Shchepilov Andrey Anatolievich.

2.3. The date of the meeting of the issuer’s board of directors, at which the relevant decisions were made, is March 5, 2018.

2.4. Date of compilation and number of the minutes of the meeting of the board of directors of the issuer, at which the relevant decisions were made – March 5, 2018, minutes No. 10

2.5. Due to the fact that the agenda of the meeting of the issuer's board of directors does not contain issues related to the exercise of rights under certain securities of the issuer, identification characteristics of such securities are not indicated.

3. Signature

3.1. CEO

Nechaev E.A.


This message was provided directly by the Subject of Information Disclosure and published in accordance with the “Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of equity securities” (approved by the Bank of Russia on December 30, 2014 N 454-P). The PRIME news agency is not responsible for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.