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Successful strategies. Successful strategies lchi Best private investor

— Is it possible to become a millionaire on the stock exchange?
- Yes, if you were a billionaire before...

This saying is more than half a century old, but it is still relevant: the stock exchange makes very few people rich.

LCI - Best Private Investor

In this article you can familiarize yourself with the results of the study statistics on exchange participants for 7 years, which shows what the chances of the average exchange player (namely a “player”, not an investor) are to make money on the exchange.

Previously, information was periodically leaked to the public containing a generalized analysis of the chances of success among the exchange public: about 95% of all exchange participants by the end of each calendar year have less money than at the beginning, i.e. receive a loss. About 5% are in the black.

95% receive losses. 5% - profit?

This information in the form of rumors leaks onto the Internet, but such materials are usually not published on purpose, because, as the brokerage and stock exchange industry believes, they can damage their business, portray it in a negative way, and alienate people. But is it true? Let's check it ourselves, without resorting to closed broker statistics - based on open data.

For our research we took open statistics for the “Best Private Investor” competition, contained on the competition website. "Best Private Investor"(LCI) is a competition among individuals, which is held by the MICEX exchange (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange).

The competition is held once a year and lasts about three months. The winner is usually the one who receives the highest return (as a percentage) of the starting capital. There are many nominations: the best player in the stock market, foreign exchange or derivatives market, etc.

Why and who needs this competition?

The purpose of this competition is to popularize financial markets, securities, investing, increase financial literacy, attract people's attention to the industry, etc.

It turns out to be a paradox and, in their opinion, some substitution of concepts: by definition, investors cannot win at such a competition or somehow prove themselves, because investments do not involve taking on enough risk to show double-digit returns on the horizon of three months.

Brokerage industry earns from commissions, these are intermediaries between those who want to buy and sell. Those. The broker's profit does not depend on the success or failure of the transaction; turnover is important to him.

The Exchange (MICEX) is also a commercial organization, its profit also comes from commissions from transactions of trading participants. Both brokers and the exchange, like any commercial organization, interested in increasing their profits.

Increase profits in this business (in fact, it may not be the main activity) there is only one way: to increase the volume of turnover that serves these organizations.

The exchange and brokers benefit from:

  1. when the size of the average transaction of trading participants increases
  2. when the frequency of transactions among bidders increases
  3. when the number of bidders increases
  • Brokers conduct numerous free courses, where they teach beginners how to trade “correctly”. At the same time, they teach exactly active trading - one in which a person will perform many operations (transactions), and this subsequently pays for the “free” nature of this training.
  • The exchange conducts competitions, focusing the public's attention on the performance of the winners, creating the illusion that anyone can achieve the same result.

Doing this is absolutely normal for a business that is always interested in increasing its profit.

This also happens because brokers and the industry do their best to draw our attention to success stories and instill the idea that making money on the stock exchange is very simple.

According to skeptics, such competitions in the long run provide direct opposite effect what the organizers are striving for: most incompetent market participants simply lose money.

“Burst players” leave the market, are disappointed and forever decide for themselves not to contact the exchange anymore, sharing stories of their exchange losses with friends and acquaintances, creating a general negative image of the exchange among them.

At the same time, opponents of the competition believe that people who chose the “right position” would become clients of the exchange and brokers for decades and would bring much more benefit to the entire industry.

"Correct Position" is beneficial to the investor in the first place: he gets richer, his transactions increase in volume over time (over the years), and his broker and exchange rejoice along with him - they receive their commissions.

According to critics of the LCI competition, such an investor, by his example, interests friends and acquaintances who also want to get rich, and they also go to open a brokerage account and start investing. Here is a model that would benefit everyone.

Investors often pay attention to the fact that brokers, trying to show people in their free courses that making money on the stock exchange is easy, talk about the most difficult ways - attempts to play on fluctuations and exchange rate differences, which, as we will see later, few succeed, while a simpler and guaranteed way to make a profit (investing) is not considered or taught!

Why do people participate in such a competition?

  • Opportunity become famous. The winners will enjoy awards ceremonies and interest from the media and public.
  • Having shown decent results (not necessarily prize money), you can subsequently try to monetize your competitive achievements by engaging in training or other paid services (the so-called "near the market")
  • Out of curiosity

Success stories excite the imagination. Thousands of percent per annum! Maybe I can do this too? Maybe I have talent, but I don’t know about it? Maybe I should check myself, try?

To understand what the chances are of getting the desired result (wealth, fame), you can and should look at the stock exchange statistics. To do this, let’s look at the only open place where you can still find stock statistics - the website of the Moscow Exchange, or rather, the section dedicated to the LCI competition :

Stock statistics

So, it's time to get acquainted with stock market statistics. No analogues of this study were found on the Internet, so for now we can write that this data is exclusive.

Below are the results of stock market players for 7 years. Since the competition lasts only three months, then if we count continuously, over 7 years only 7 * 3 = 21 months came under observation, i.e. almost two years of continuous exchange activity of participants:

We see that in 21 months the “average” participant earned 21 thousand rubles, and everyone together earned 76 million rubles. Is it good or bad?

It depends on what you compare it to. Usually compared with profitability OFZ or bank deposit. In our study, we will first compare the results of exchange players with deposits in Sberbank. How much did exchange participants beat the bank deposit?

And this is where the cruel truth begins, because participants lose in total to the bank deposit, this can be clearly seen in the following table:

If all participants, instead of the exchange, took the money to bank deposits, they would earn 2 times more: 158 million instead of 76 million rubles!

Why then is such an “investment” necessary? What is its meaning? In fact, this is exactly what not investing. As mentioned above, this is the reason why many reputable financial advisors criticize this competition - because it is misleading about the nature and potential returns of the investment, because the competition has nothing to do with investing.

Looking ahead, let's say that it is in investing, and not in the stock exchange game, that there really is meaning. If participants, instead of stock exchange games, bought and held the 10 largest shares of the Russian market (part of the MICEX index), they would have earned 7 times more money:

But do stock market players make money in general? After all, even from these statistics it is clear that the stock exchange fraternity is “in the black”: for 21 months the profit amounted to 76 million rubles.

Yes, this profit is two times less than what could be earned on a bank deposit during the same time and 7 times less than what could be earned by simply holding the 10 largest shares of the Russian market from the MICEX10 index.

But... it’s still a plus, isn’t it?

The bitter truth is that of these 76 million rubles of total profit Earned 57 million rubles... one person and this happened in 2014. 2/3 of the total profit of all traders in 21 months was earned by one person!

We see that these statistics with their averages do not tell us anything and can even be misleading. What awaits an ordinary person who decides to “learn” how to make money on the stock exchange? We need to see the fate that awaits the majority of exchange participants.

Pareto rule

The Pareto rule in general states that 80% of the result comes from just 20% of all efforts (resources, time, etc.).

For example, 80% of sales volume comes from the top 20 items out of all 100 products in the assortment. And so on. The proportions can vary from 75/25 to 95/5.

The statistics mentioned above about 95% of those who lose and 5% of those who earn on the stock exchange are also from the same area.

Could it be that these 5% will earn more than the other 95%? Then it will turn out like in the joke:

  • The average salary in Russia is when one person receives 2,000,000, and 100 others receive 8,000 rubles. Then on average they all receive 27,000 rubles.
  • Petya has 10 apples, and Vasya has 0. On average, both have 5 apples.
  • Officials eat meat, I eat cabbage, on average we eat cabbage rolls... That’s how we live.

The main goal of our research is to figure out whether it is possible for an ordinary person to make money on the stock exchange, what are his chances of making a profit.

So we need to see what happens to MOST of the participants. Let's take the same statistics, but without taking into account... the first three (prize) places:

LOSS -28 million rubles!

It turns out that only 0.1% of all its participants give the entire veneer of prestige and respectability to the exchange game, while the remaining 99.9% give their money to the exchange! This is an even more cruel statistic than 95% and 5%!

Of course, this is a bit hasty and crude conclusion (we have exaggerated the colors a little, because this conclusion is not entirely correct), and then we will look at the fate of exchange participants even more carefully:

  • We will highlight several groups and even follow the fate of individual participants and their success stories
  • Let's find those who really make money and find out what causes this
  • "money to money?" - Is it true that the more money there is, the more new money appears?
  • How to use securities correctly and not end up in these disappointing stock market statistics?

To be continued!

P.S. The study does not include participants who applied for the competition, but did not actually participate (assets have not changed + no transactions), as well as disqualified participants.

P.S.S. Please coordinate the use of article materials on third-party resources with the author! Thank you!

The Moscow Exchange summed up the results of the annual competition "Best Private Investor 2018", held from September 21 to December 21, 2018.

The Moscow Exchange, together with brokerage companies, annually holds an LCI competition designed to demonstrate the opportunities available to private investors when trading on the stock, derivatives and foreign exchange markets, and the profitability that can be obtained by competent work on these platforms. Open publication of transactions and results of participants allows you to monitor the progress of the competition and the strategies being implemented.

The winner of this year's competition was a participant under the nickname Enter1. Over three months of competition, he earned 1057% or 1,504,485 rubles through transactions on the derivatives market with futures and options on oil, the dollar-ruble exchange rate and other assets.

In total, 5,858 private investors took part in the competition, whose total trade turnover amounted to more than 1.4 trillion rubles over 2.5 months of competition. The total starting portfolio of participants amounted to more than 6.6 billion rubles. The largest absolute income of 16.2 million rubles was demonstrated by participant pol_unlim.

New for 2018 was the “Battle of the Indexes” - a competition between traders trading futures on the RTS index with traders who prefer futures on the American stock index. The battle ended with an unconditional victory for the RTS index - participant mixalev earned more than 12.5 million rubles on the corresponding futures against 730.7 thousand rubles received by the best trader of the “American” index VanoVano.

Official results of the competition

Competition winners:

The best private investor 2018 - Enter1 (1057%, income - 1,504,485 rubles).

The best private investor 2018 in the stock market is mifprofit (196.04%, income - 196,430 rubles). During the competition, mifprofit traded a wide range of shares, the largest share of transactions fell on the following issuers: Sberbank PJSC, Magnit PJSC, Russian Networks PJSC, Polymetal International plc and Aeroflot PJSC.
The best private investor 2018 on the derivatives market - Enter1 (1057%, income - 1,504,485 rubles)
The best private investor 2018 in the foreign exchange market - IvanKalinin66 (64.19%, income - 152,327 rubles)

Winners of the main categories:

Best active trader 2018 - MarketFall (267.93%, income - 267,925 rubles)
Best trader-capitalist 2018 - pol_unlim (121.3%, income - 16,273,524 rubles)
The best trader on IIS 2018 is barbariska (164.46%, income - 166,514 rubles)

Winners of additional categories:

The best futures trader for the American stock index is VanoVano (income - RUB 730,707)

The best futures trader on the RTS index 2018 - mixalev (income - 12,567,422 rubles)

The best options trader - Enter1 (1057%, income - 1,504,485 rubles)
Best bond trader 2018 - pavel (income - RUB 208,717)
LCI Legend - MarketFall(267.93%, income - 267,925 rubles)

Best broker 2018:

VTB - 1212 active participants
BCS company - 28 participants who took 1st to 100th place in the main standings

Best Manager 2018:

Syrnikov Anton Sergeevich (VTB PJSC) - 1212 participants
Posashkov Dmitry Andreevich (Otkritie Broker JSC) - 862 participants
Pavel Aleksandrovich Sorokovoy (BCS Company LLC) - 567 participants

Every year since 2003, the “Best Private Investor” (BPI) competition has been held in Russia, which is organized (before the merger, the competition was organized by the RTS and MICEX exchanges). The purpose of the competition is to show that if you have experience and knowledge, you can earn high profitability in exchange trading (evidence is on the LCI competition website).

The competition, as a rule, runs from September to December - that is, a long enough time for the results of the participants' transactions to be not random, but statistically correct, reflecting the degree of their skill and allowing their trading strategies to be fully realized.

More than 5,000 traders took part in LCI 2016. It is worth noting that the number of participants in the competition increases every year, which makes watching it even more interesting, and the results of traders, due to the fairly high competition, are even more statistically correct.

Competition nominations for the best investors

As part of the competition, traders compete for the main prize - the title “Best Private Investor” and an amount of 1,000,000 rubles. (all cash prizes are exempt from personal income tax), which is not so much compared to the results of the participants themselves who take prizes. For winning traders, it is much more important to prove to the entire exchange community that they are truly the best, and also that it is possible to achieve such profitability figures. The winner is the trader who shows the maximum total profitability based on the results of trading on the derivatives, stock and foreign exchange markets.

In addition to the main prize, there is also an additional 500,000 rubles in this category. - for the maximum profitability shown on the futures, foreign exchange and stock markets separately, which is also very prestigious.

Since traders, in addition to their segmentation by traded markets, also differ in their trading style, within the framework of the “Best Private Investor” competition there is a list of main nominations with a prize for first place in the amount of 250,000 rubles. and, naturally, the title of winner. The main criterion in these nominations is also the main measure of stock exchange success - the profitability shown during the period of the competition. Here is a list of these nominations:

. "Best Options Trader"
. "Best active trader"
. “Best millionaire trader” (the only nomination where participants start with an amount of assets exceeding 1 million rubles; in all other nominations the starting amount is the same - 50 thousand rubles),
. "Best New Trader"
. “The best trader on individual investment accounts ().”

From year to year, the list of nominations may change slightly to reflect the main directions of development of exchange trading.

In addition to the main nominations, there are also a number of additional ones, which in 2016 were as follows:

. “Winner of the duel competition” - within the framework of this nomination, trading battles took place, in which the prize fund was 150 thousand rubles for first place, 100 thousand rubles for second place and 50 thousand rubles for third place.
. “Veteran LCHI” - experienced traders who have participated in the competition at least 5 times compete in this category.

as well as a number of nominations specialized for traded assets: “Best Chinese Yuan Trader”, “Best MICEX Index Futures Trader 2016”, “Best Currency Futures Trader”, “Best Commodity Futures Trader”, “Best Blue Chip Trader”.

The “Best Private Investor” competition did not ignore the managers of brokerage companies, who attract traders to try their hand at fighting with the best - the LCH includes the nominations “Best Broker” (by the number of participants attracted to the LCH) and “Best Manager” (who also attracted the maximum number of participants).

Organization of the competition

Any trader - an individual, and not necessarily a resident of the Russian Federation, can take part in this competition. To do this, the broker fills out an application for participation, the trader enters his nickname (which, if he wins, will become very famous in the trading environment) and indicates the nominations in which he wants to compete (there may be several of them). The “Best Private Investor” competition is attended by both employees of brokerage and investment companies (as individuals), and simply private traders who have made trading their main source of income.

The conduct of the competition is carefully monitored by the vast majority of those involved in one way or another in exchange trading, since the transactions of LCI participants are public and broadcast on the competition website. In addition to the competition itself, the favorites present at it and their transactions, no less interesting are the comments of the winners, whom almost all media outlets covering the stock exchange world try to interview. The winners talk about their own vision of the trading situation, often revealing some aspects of the construction of their trading systems - that is, they share their successful experience with those interested. And, naturally, the winner of the “Best Private Investor” competition rightfully receives general recognition and the exchange “crown”. Thanks to LCI, the exchange community learned about such traders as Andrey Beritz and Dmitry Cheryomushkin, about such trading legends as Eva and Panda_robot and others, whose names are now forever inscribed in the history of exchange trading.


The “Best Private Investor” competition, organized by the Moscow Exchange, is the main event of the exchange world, which not only shows who is the best, but also allows you to observe the trading methods of the leaders, as well as get their comments on exchange trading.

A little boy was playing at the stock exchange
He bought and sold shares
So calmly, without screams and moans
He lost 900 million

The Best Private Investor is a competition held annually by the Moscow Exchange to popularize exchange trading among the population. The competition took place from September 15 to December 15, 2015, that is, three months. The goal is to show maximum profitability. Anyone could register for the LCI and demonstrate their abilities. Therefore, everyone who participates in this competition tries to demonstrate their trading abilities to the maximum. All trading statistics of participants are open and published on the LCI website. Therefore, it is very easy to evaluate the success of the contestants and their results (and draw appropriate conclusions, of course). In this article I will analyze the statistics of the Best Private Investor 2015 competition and summarize the results.

Everyone participates in LCH: from beginners to professional traders and robots. The minimum amount on the account should be 50,000 rubles, but some trade hundreds of millions of rubles. The number of active participants in the competition in 2015 was 8,721, almost 20,000 accounts were opened, almost 12,000 active accounts. Trading takes place on three markets: stock, derivatives and foreign exchange. The results of the competition are summed up in several categories, you can read about them. I will sum up the results in my own way.

Statistics of the competition Best Private Investor 2015

Let's look at the leaders first. In first place is the trading robot robot_SprStealer with a result of 1644.33%, which increased the initial account from 50,000 rubles to 822,162. In second place is cge15 with a profitability of 870.84%, in third is expert007, whose profitability was 397.19%. All three traded on the derivatives market.

The total amount in all accounts of active participants was 5.89 billion rubles. The largest income in nominal terms was earned by participant vd: 89 million rubles. The largest loss was for scorp: -137 million rubles (137,000,000, Karl!).

Now let’s evaluate the overall result for all accounts (accounts that have a dash in the “Profitability” column are excluded from the calculations). The chart below shows the distribution of returns among all LCI accounts.

The majority of traders—1,824 people—finished the competition with results ranging from -5% to 0%. Slightly less - 1,791 people earned from 0% to +5%. 4 participants completely lost their account (loss -100%), doubled their account 134, tripled 11, quadrupled 3. The leader of the competition increased his account 16 times. 55% of accounts were in the red, in plus 45%.

Now let's look at the results separately for each market.

Stock market

The majority of traders (1337) who traded in the stock section of the market earned from 0% to +5%, slightly fewer (1243) showed returns from 0% to -5%. 94 people doubled the score, 8 tripled. Accounts in minus 50%.

Derivatives market

The derivatives market is the second category by the number of accounts. The maximum return is 1644.33%, the worst result is -100%.

The majority of participants in the derivatives market (546) showed returns from -5% to 0%, 432 accounts finished the competition with results from 0 to +5%. As you can see, the spread of returns here is noticeably greater than in the stock market. The percentage of accounts in the red on the derivatives market is 67%.

Currency market

The number of accounts in this category is 273. The results here are the most modest: the best is 143%, the worst is -94%.

35 accounts completed the competition with returns from -5% to 0%, 24 from 5% to 10%. In the foreign exchange market, 46% of participants showed negative returns, 54% showed positive returns.

Trading robots

Now let’s look at the “Best Active Trader” nomination. This nomination evaluates the results of the Competition Participants, due to whom more than 300 (three hundred) Active applications were submitted during the Competition during the T day. This nomination is reserved specifically for trading robots that make a very large number of transactions. Sometimes an entire team of developers works to create such robots. To create a robot, you need to be well versed in mathematics, statistics, programming and understand how the market works. That is, it is not beginners who trade in this category, but experienced traders, and in theory they should show good results.

Particularly notable here is the result of the robot_SprStealer robot with the maximum profitability among all participants of 1644.33%. But the rest of his “colleagues” were far behind him.

In general, trading robots’ results are not too different from those who trade “manually”. The most “massive” yield is from -10% to -5%. 64% of accounts are in the red.


Some traders have been participating in LCI for several years now. For those who achieved at least fifth place in the 2015 LCH, a special category “LCh Veteran” was introduced. This is a nomination where “hardened” speculators, strongly smelling of the gunpowder of battles on the stock exchange, compete with each other. Maybe they will show a decent level?

But no, most veterans earned between -10% and 0%. 57% in the red, that is, more than half.

Results of the competition Best Private Investor 2015

Statistics show that the majority of participants in the Best Private Investor competition showed negative returns. The only exception sector is the foreign exchange market. The profitability of the majority of traders is in the range of -5% to +5%. We are not talking about hundreds of percent. Beginners' dreams of fabulous and easy profits are dashed against the hard rocks of stubborn statistics. Trading robots and experienced veterans for the most part also went into the red. The leading winners of the nominations are individual cases that are exceptions from the general mass.

Let's summarize the financial statistics. The total amount of starting assets on all active accounts is 5.89 billion rubles, the balanced income of all participants is 353 million rubles. That is, in general, speculators suffered losses.

55% of all accounts went negative. If we divide the results by market, then in the stock market the number of negative and positive accounts is approximately equal, and only in the foreign exchange market the majority of participants were in the black. Trading robots and veterans do not differ in results from the general mass. The worst performance in the derivatives market: 67% in the red, and the overall return -9.2%.

What conclusions can be drawn from this competition?

  1. Speculators, Steadily and annually. Experienced speculators are no exception.
  2. Therefore, when speculating in the stock market, you are more likely to suffer losses than to make profits.
  3. The exchange and brokers made good money and promoted themselves.

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

On December 15, the “Best Private Investor” competition, which the Moscow Exchange has been holding annually for 11 years, ended. This is a three-month competition of traders, in which to win you need to show the highest profitability of transactions in a particular market. Competitions are held in almost two dozen categories, including “Best Private Investor”, “Best Options Trader”, “Best MICEX Index Futures Trader”.

According to the curator of the competition, Valery Skotnikov, head of the Moscow Exchange department for interaction with private investors, a record number of investors took part in the competition this year - 14.1 thousand versus 13.4 thousand people last year. At the same time, the number of active participants who made at least one transaction during the competition remained almost unchanged over the year: 10.3 thousand versus 10.2 thousand people. The average daily turnover of transactions carried out by participants also increased slightly: 31 billion compared to 30 billion rubles. a year ago.

But the total result of traders who participated in the competition was positive for the first time in a long time - 550 million rubles, notes Skotnikov. Last year, participants showed a total loss of 350 million rubles. Also, as a result of the competition, three traders received a profitability of more than 1000%, while in 2015 none of them could reach this level. Skotnikov explains this by higher volatility in the Russian market than last year.

Currently, the Moscow Exchange is completing the traditional verification of transactions of the competition leaders. After this, the marketplace will be able to officially announce the winners of the competition. The overall picture, however, is already clear, because all transactions were reflected in the open statistics of the competition. As of December 19, the winner in the main category, “Best Private Investor,” was a trader with the nickname pavel, a client of the broker “IT Invest.” RBC spoke with him, as well as with the winners in the categories “Best Trader on Individual Investment Accounts” and “Best Millionaire Trader” about how they managed to make money.

Pavel Tsoi

Age: 32 years

Nomination: “Best private investor in all markets”

Yield: 1132.59%

Starting assets: 50 thousand rubles.

I am a mathematician by training, graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Now I live in Tver. I have been trading since 2006. Initially, I worked at Agrokhimbank, where I traded federal loan bonds. There I became acquainted with the infrastructure of the exchange market and mastered the trading terminal.

Since 2008, he began trading independently. I was mainly involved in scalping: first I traded Sberbank shares, then I switched to the derivatives market and started trading futures for the dollar-ruble currency pair and gold. I am participating in the competition for the eighth year in a row. By the way, I already won it in 2012 in the category “Best Private Investor in the Derivatives Market.” True, under a different nickname - psp.

This year I traded spot stocks in second and third tier stocks. I received the greatest profit on shares of the Razgulay group. I don’t use algorithms or robots; I submit all orders myself. It must be said that during this competition there were large fluctuations in shares. Literally every 2-3 days some paper made a 40% step. That is why such a high profitability turned out - usually stocks from the second and third echelons do not shoot out with such frequency.

I have been actively trading such securities for a year and a half now, and started dealing with them about two and a half years ago. Of course, I don’t get involved in completely illiquid stocks - it’s dangerous. But I can only advise a novice investor: there is no need to make the market the main source of income.

Natalia Orlova

Age: 53 years

Nomination: “Best Millionaire Trader”

Profitability: 216.78%

Starting assets: 3.7 million rubles.

I participated in the competition for the first time in 2009 - there were no nominations then, but I entered the top hundred with a yield of about 70%. Then, due to the crisis, I did not trade for some time, but returned to the stock exchange in 2013. Initially, I just wanted to chat with other traders and couldn’t even think about winning anything. Nevertheless, in 2013 I won the same category - “Best Millionaire Trader”.

This year I traded oil and the strategy was the same as always. I bought oil with almost maximum leverage and made good money. I usually enter a position in order to catch long movements, and this is what happened: the strongest movement was after November 30, when the OPEC agreement became known. Actually, I still hold oil, I believe that the price will rise.

I have a very risky style. I don't day trade or bid for everything. Of course, there is some kind of risk management. I don't set stops, but I keep them in mind and try to trade without a loss. In general, risking millions is not at all the same as risking 50 thousand rubles. Therefore, I believe that the “Best Millionaire Trader” nomination is the most difficult.

I bought my first shares in 2003. I was running my own business at the time and somehow heard on the radio that Platon Lebedev had been arrested and Yukos shares had collapsed by 30%. I decided that, most likely, he would be released and everything would work out, but when else would you buy YUKOS at such a discount? That's why I bought shares. At that moment I didn’t plan to sell them at all, I was going to keep them. Two months later, the price returned to its original levels and everything was fine until the moment when Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested and a roller coaster began in the market. I realized that it is impossible to hold shares, they need to be bought and sold.

Alexey Kolosov

Age: 41 years

Nomination: “Best trader on IIS”

Profitability: 821.22%

Starting assets: 62 thousand rubles.

I participated in almost all competitions. Constant trading is a rather monotonous and emotionless activity, but here is at least some kind of entertainment. You can learn new information and compare yourself with others. My strategy is simple: buy cheaper and sell more expensive. Everything else is nuances, because all strategies essentially boil down to the above.

I traded on IIS because there is less competition there. This time there was a good rise in copper: in November the price rose from $2 per pound to 2.7. If I had bought copper with all the money, I could easily have received almost the same amount. And if there had been no jump, I would have earned about 300%. By the end of the competition, it was no longer very interesting: about three weeks before the end, it became clear that no one would catch up with me and did not want to.

I have been trading since 1999 and almost always received my income from there, with the exception of a couple of years when I worked at Otkritie - we opened a representative office in Chelyabinsk. It was very interesting at the time when privatization began: stock quotes, prices were constantly changing, I started reading the magazine “Money”. In 1999, he opened an account on the Yekaterinburg Stock Exchange, trading mainly in Gazprom shares and futures on them. I opened an account on FORTS as soon as this market appeared. Many participants do not understand what they are trading and how the instruments work, but at the same time you can earn a lot on FORTS.

It is usually difficult for a new investor to determine his risk profile: in my experience, if a person says that he is prepared for a 30% loss, he usually expects no more than 10%. We can advise, firstly, not to invest large sums. Secondly, double the investment horizon and, thirdly, always have free money in your portfolio so that, if necessary, you can buy a cheaper asset, which should recover in price.

Why is this competition needed?

The competition website says that LCI allows you to show the opportunities available to private investors when trading on the Moscow Exchange, and the profitability that can be obtained with competent work on this platform. However, experts interviewed by RBC doubt that the competition is capable of increasing the popularity of private investment in Russia.

According to Alexey Belkin, portfolio manager of Finam Financial Group, as a result, investors’ expectations are inflated and false ideas are created about the opportunities that exist in the stock market. A novice trader, inspired by the successes of the competition winners, will quickly become disillusioned with stock trading because he will not get as good results as them, the financier warns.

“The results obtained there are real, but it is most likely impossible to show such high profits for a long time without taking increased risk. And when an investor is faced with the other side of such a risky investment, that is, with the possibility of losing all capital, he may leave the market forever,” explains Belkin. The expert adds that the competition is more likely to attract speculators to the stock exchange who do not stay in the market for a long time and do not create long-term capital.

The chief strategist of the BCS FG, Vyacheslav Smolyaninov, agrees that the profit shown by the winners is by no means a guarantee of earnings for ordinary investors. At the same time, he admits that the competition contributes to increased attention to private investment on the part of Russians. The fact that the number of participants in the competition is growing every year indicates its influence on the target audience, sums up Smolyaninov.