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At the same time, objections convey information about the values ​​and criteria by which a given client evaluates your proposal. Methods of joining a client on the sales floor Techniques of joining an objection examples

1. Reframe the client’s objection as positive:

“Yes, this suit costs more, but you will wear it twice as long.”

2. Don't despise your client! Never say: NO, DON'T, I CAN'T, I CAN'T.

3. Handle objections not as a manifestation of aggression in the client, and how his request for more complete information regarding your commercial offer.

4. With objections no need to fight we need to work with them.

5. The key to your success when dealing with objections is the ability to understand the client’s position.

6. The client’s objections, wittingly or unwittingly, almost always throw the seller out of balance.

In this situation, a sales specialist can choose one of two lines of behavior: Act thoughtfully or React thoughtlessly.

The seller's reaction to the client's objections is manifested primarily in facial expression - 50%, as well as in words - 10% and in tone of voice - 40%.

6. Join the objection. The purpose of joining an objection is to establish an atmosphere of mutual understanding, to create an opportunity for the client to express his opinion, which probably will not coincide with yours.

For example, before responding to an objection, the seller can insert a conciliatory phrase in the form of expressions: “I understand you, and...”, or “I often hear about this, and there is a reason for this...”, “It’s good that you said this , And…"

How to join any client objection?

The technique of joining the client’s objection is a five-step technique:

- Pause. Definitions of how to handle objections. At this moment you decide how to behave further. A pause is necessary to put your emotional state in order.

– Give the client the opportunity to object. Sometimes this leads to the fact that, having expressed the negative in its entirety, the client calms down.

– Psychological attachment to the objection. “Yes, this car is indeed the most expensive, but at the same time it is the safest.” Use introductory words “yes”, “of course”, “I agree” to psychologically relieve tension and negativity. Next, you can express your opinion, even if it does not coincide with the client’s opinion.

– Clarifying questions or specific answers. You ask a series of questions that allow you to clarify the essence of the objection. For example, a typical customer objection, “It’s too expensive,” might be “Compared to what?”

Or do you give a specific answer.

- Call to action. Let's continue. A gentle call to conclude an agreement.

When negotiating, it is important to monitor the state in which the client is and its changes.

How to deal with objections that are caused by the client’s emotional state?

Eastern wisdom says:

“Listen to what people say, but understand how they feel.”

If you understand that the client reacts to your proposal rather emotionally and for this reason may decide to cooperate, use techniques for verbalizing feelings.

Verbalization of feelings – reflection of feelings using words. Consists of a statement about the emotional state of one of the interlocutors.

Useful tips for a specialist:

– Prepare responses in advance to the objections that your department’s front line hears 80% of the time.

– We tell the client about discounts only if he actually has money and is ready to buy.

- Don't argue, don't attack. Don't try to turn the client 180 degrees.

– Do not interrupt the client, give him the opportunity to speak. Sometimes it’s worth asking him a clarifying question.

Bottom line: when dealing with objections, remember that they are a sign that they are listening to you and are ready to buy, but there are doubts and additional information is required. Be positive, don't question the client's validity. Remember that you have the freedom to choose: ask a question or answer in essence. A competent specialist is a specialist who knows how to use any of the client’s objections, any of his negative attacks for his own purposes - to bring the client to cooperation.

BLOCK 13. Types of difficult clients

Predicted result: increased efficiency of the negotiation process.

In the work of a specialist, sooner or later a client appears with whom it is difficult to work. The reasons for this may be different, and in this block we will analyze the types of difficult clients in order to analyze in detail the reasons for the difficulties that arise with them and find adequate options for negotiating with such clients.

Firstly, these are “dictators - rude people”.

Distinctive features of such clients: they do not tolerate objections, they refer to authorities, traditions, the heritage of their ancestors, and they know how to successfully choose quotes from the classics to confirm their statements. They work on the principle “The argument is weak, raise your voice.” They shout down and suppress the interlocutor. Unconfident specialists are very suppressed.

Recommendations for work: it is necessary to work with them in extremely specific and structured categories and at a high professional level, taking into account the erudition of this category of clients. It is strictly forbidden to include emotions, excessive gestures, or temperament when working with this category of clients. It is extremely necessary to control yourself, control yourself, not get irritated by rudeness and answer specifically, to the point, confidently and convincingly, almost with a “stony face: “Yes!” This is exactly what you need." All information must be supported by facts and arguments.

Secondly, these are “mathematicians, analysts”.

Distinctive features of such clients: they quickly calculate the necessary options, choose either a carrot or a stick strategy, and have selective memory - if something is unprofitable for them, they forget it. But they always remember what is needed and they perfectly structure and analyze such information.

Recommendations for work: the key approach is logic and simplicity. The main thing is not to lose logic and accessibility. Do not use figurative comparisons, they will not understand you! Simple, concrete, and maybe even overly primitive and stingy. For them, information must be clear and logically structured. The easiest way to perceive information is dosed and contains numbers and logical conclusions.


Distinctive features of such clients: they declare that they do not need anything for themselves, they are ready to do everything for others. Ready to stroke everyone and always until they are completely “smoothed out”. They are always ready to sacrifice their interests, and only ask “the very little…” from a person. This very little may be impossible for a specialist to do, but the feeling of gratitude and guilt does not give the specialist the opportunity to refuse such a client.

Recommendations for work: maintain control over the negotiations, do not allow yourself to get into a situation, first of all, of emotional dependence on such a client. Refrain from offers, gifts and services from such clients. Communication should be polite, but specific and in the field of business relations.


Distinctive features of such clients: they protect and take care of their interlocutors from worries and worries. They don’t allow you to learn disturbing news, and along with it, everyone else. The informational helplessness of the interlocutor is smoothed out by the fact that everything will be done for him; he should not strain himself. They create conditions under which it is impossible to get rid of their guardianship.

Recommendations for work: polite refusal of guardianship. Maintain the position of an “adult specialist” who controls your life and work process. Communicate with such clients only regarding the scope of business relations.

"Poor things."

Distinctive features of such clients: they say that they would gladly and definitely do everything that is required of them, but they do not have such abilities and capabilities. Difficult and difficult obligations are forgotten or completely misunderstood. These are not strong-willed, not temperamental, not energetic, very indecisive, slow, doubtful and timid clients.

Recommendations for work: you need to work with such clients very lively, temperamentally, enthusiastically, brightly, involving yourself in the counseling process. They love figurative comparisons, examples in the form of rosy prospects, etc. They really do not like boring and tedious details. A high emotional level is the main key in approaching this category of clients. You will need great patience and understanding of this category of clients.


Distinctive features of such a client: a person “with a Bible in his hands.” Constantly controls, criticizes, accuses. He tries to make the specialist and everyone around him feel guilty and inferior. He inspires that no one but him is capable of judging reality at least somewhat correctly and doing anything worthwhile. Convinced of his infallibility.

Recommendations for work: let them know that you understand them and acknowledge that they are right. Be polite and maintain your self-esteem. Communication with such a client should be based on the principle “Well, you can’t help but understand this..?! With your experience and knowledge in this field...”, etc.


Distinctive features of such clients: strong-willed, temperamental, energetic. Such clients have a high level of knowledge in many areas of life. But their main feature is eternal suspicion, distrust and meticulousness in all matters. They ask a huge number of questions with a tinge of suspicion and a sense of risk in absolutely everything. The habit of questioning everything and total verification is so masterful among these clients that you must be prepared for a long confrontation and unbending endurance.

Recommendations for work: ironclad reasoning and facts are of great importance for this type of client. It is not effective to negotiate with such clients emotionally, using expressive gestures; you need to control yourself, control yourself, not get irritated by a huge number of questions and answer specifically, to the point, confidently and convincingly.

Bottom line: so, the examples above indicate the types of complex clients, the reasons for the difficulties that arise with them, and how to interact with them. Everything requires careful consideration in the practice of negotiations. Only after practicing this/that method will you be able to say whether it works or not and develop a more effective method. Having learned to work with difficult clients, you will no longer experience any difficulties in negotiations in principle. This means expanding your sphere of communication, and therefore the client base of your division.

You can become the owner of the largest customer base among the divisions! Strive to be the first!

BLOCK 14. Strategies for working in conflict situations

Predicted result: increased efficiency of the negotiation process.

Working with difficult clients requires the work of a specialist in a conflict situation. This block examines the causes of conflicts that arise and strategies for behavior in a conflict situation.

Let's start with what a conflict is and what types of conflicts can arise in the work of a specialist.

The word “conflict” comes from the Latin conflictus – clash.

Conflict is a contradiction that arises between people in connection with the solution of certain issues of social and personal life, a clash of interests, motives, goals, attitudes, expectations of different people.

Conflict situations lead to clarification of the positions of the parties and this helps to resolve previously hidden contradictions. So conflict can not only destroy relationships, but also improve their dynamics and serve as an incentive for the manifestation of hidden goals and positions of the parties.

In a conflict situation during negotiations with a client, it is necessary to remember this function of the conflict - clarifying the hidden positions of the parties.

All conflicts can be divided according to 3 criteria:

depending on the resolution method– constructive, destructive. The former help clarify the positions of the parties to the conflict, thereby facilitating the resolution of the situation. Destructive conflicts only contribute to the outburst of negative emotions and the destruction of existing relationships.

depending on the severity– open, hidden; the former lie on the surface, and the latter are hidden behind the screen of favorable relationships.

depending on the number of participants– intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, i.e. between individuals, between an individual and a group, between an individual and an organization, between a group and an organization, between different types of groups and organizations.

All types of conflicts can occur in the work of a specialist. However, the specialist must transfer hidden conflicts into the open phase, destructive conflicts into constructive ones, and interpersonal conflicts (between the specialist and the client) should not be transferred into intergroup conflicts.

In any case, the conflict must be resolved in the most effective way.

There are several conflict resolution strategies.

In a situation of conflict, its participants are faced with a choice: either to focus on unilateral actions (and in this case, each of the parties builds its behavior independently of each other), or to joint actions with the opponent (i.e., express an intention to resolve the conflict through direct negotiations or with the assistance of a third party).

A competent specialist in a conflict situation, first of all, focuses on resolving the conflict through negotiations and satisfying the needs, first of all, of the client, but taking into account the interests of the organization.

Bottom line: in order to understand how to act in a conflict situation, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence, remain calm and have an unbiased attitude towards the conflicting party (client, other employee). When choosing a strategy for exiting a conflict situation, be guided by the following useful tips.

Learn to get out of conflict with dignity - this is the key to your success! The more successful you are, the more successful the organization's Business!

BLOCK 15. Rules for working in a conflict situation

Predicted result: increasing the efficiency of the negotiation process with clients.

This block examines the basic rules for working in a conflict situation with a difficult client, but only by taking into account the characteristics of each specific client and the reasons for the conflict that has arisen can any conflict situation be resolved.

Let's list the reasons that interfere with retaining a client in a conflict situation:

1. Retaliatory aggression.

2. Justification.

3. Ignoring.

4. Bribery.

This behavior of a specialist is not acceptable; it is necessary to monitor and control your emotions.

Follow the basic rules of behavior in a conflict situation:

1. Stay calm.

2. Don't argue, don't agree.

3. Ask more clarifying questions.

If a conflict has already arisen and is not on your initiative, your behavior should be as follows:

1. Express understanding to the client. For example, you can start a phrase this way: “Yes, I understand what you are talking about...”, “Yes, I would behave the same way in such a situation...”.

2. Demonstrate readiness to change the situation - using phrases such as “Let's solve this unpleasant (terrible) situation together...”, “I am ready to help you in everything and solve this situation...”.

3. Offer to discuss in the meeting room - “Let’s go into the meeting room so that we are not disturbed and we will discuss everything in detail, in detail.”

5. Verbalization of your feelings and the client’s feelings - “I understand what you feel now - if I were you, I would feel the same,” “I now feel very unpleasant and bad that such a situation has arisen...”.

6. Listen carefully to the client’s opinion on conflict resolution.

7. Compliment to the client - “You are a really wise person and therefore...”, “Only such a specialist as you...”, “We are lucky that it was you who turned to us...”.

8. Discussion of further cooperation - “I give my word that this incident will not happen again and we will cooperate fruitfully in the future...”.

Usually, the client, as a conflicting party, experiences negative emotions that he tries to “impose” on the specialist.

What should a specialist do to reduce client tension?

Let's look at the Three Steps technique that you can use to reduce a client's stress.

Bottom line: learn to remain calm in any conflict situation, then you will have the opportunity to use any of the listed techniques and techniques and resolve the situation impartially, without negative emotions. This behavior of a specialist will contribute to client retention and the formation of a positive image of the organization.

Be confident in yourself and you will instill confidence in the client about quality service! The image of specialists shapes the image of the organization!

BLOCK 16. Psychological influence in negotiations with a client

Predicted result: developing in specialists the skill of resisting the negative influence of clients in the negotiation process.

The process of negotiations with clients can be complicated by the client’s desire to exert a negative influence on the specialist.

In this block you will learn how to recognize that a client is trying to influence you, how to avoid this influence, and vice versa, influence clients yourself. Let's start with definitions!

Psychological influence is the influence on the state, thoughts, feelings and actions of another person using exclusively psychological means.

Resistance to psychological influence is resistance to the influence of another person using psychological means.

Psychological means = verbal signals + paralinguistic signals + non-verbal signals.

Verbal signals are words and, above all, their meaning, but also the nature of the words used, the selection of expressions.

Paralinguistic signals are features of the pronunciation of speech, individual words and sounds.

Nonverbal signals – the relative position of the interlocutors in space, postures, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, appearance.

Let's look at the actions of the interlocutor who influences you and the goals he pursues with his behavior.

Any action of the interlocutor, with the help of which he secretly tries to lead his partner to the goal he needs, is manipulative.

Manipulation- deliberate and hidden inducement of another person to experience certain states, make decisions and perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his goals.

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Psychological techniques (techniques) of joining

(AL. Sitnikov Modern applied psychotechnologies: process and language of communication. - M., 1992)

“We can distinguish three main stages of a behavioral stereotype aimed at changing a communication partner.

A. ACCESSION. Goal: creating analog acceptance of you (building trust and empathy through congruent behavior).


  • * Connecting to breathing.
  • * Analog reflection of poses, gestures, rhythm and range of movements, facial expressions, rate of speech and thinking, etc.
  • * Identification and reflection of the modality of internal procedures.
  • * Using phrases of like-mindedness.
  • * Use of the pronoun "we"
  • * Calling the interlocutor by name.
  • * Demonstrate the joy of communication.
  • * Demonstration of respect for the personality of the interlocutor and his significance.
  • * Identification of the interlocutor’s characteristic ratio of speech and silence time (this is a fairly stable personality parameter).
  • * Sincere experience of the above components of joining: only this will ensure the congruence of your behavior.
  • * and so on.


Target: Creating conditions for the acceptance of your information and changing influence at the analog level, ensuring the necessary degree of similarity of forward and reverse procedures, protection against discrepancies in results...


  • * Maintaining a ratio of speech to silence that is convenient for the interlocutor.
  • * Confirmation of agreement with truly compelling facts and arguments presented by the partner.
  • * Using the main keywords of the interlocutor.
  • * Generosity in praising your interlocutor in connection with deserving facts.
  • * Giving the interlocutor the opportunity to fully express himself and pour out his feelings.
  • * Demonstration of your ability, in the event of a reasoned objection, to admit that you were wrong.
  • * Presupposition (in indirect form) of the desired result (see below).
  • * Formation of authoritarianism (see below).
  • * Inspiring the interlocutor to answer “Yes”.
  • * Avoidance of conclusions, advice, and assessments in speech.
  • * Semantically linking your expected dialogue outcomes with positive values ​​for the interlocutor.

Rice. 3 Stages of making contact (according to E. Tsvetkov, 1990)

  • 1. Strengthening positive transference
  • 2. Postures, gestures.
  • 3. Speech.
  • 4. Basic and leading representative system.
  • 5. Verbal and non-verbal access keys.
  • 6. Breathing.
  • 7. Psychotechnical methods of influence.






is. 2 Signs reflecting the fact that the decision maker turns to his own experience or his imagination (V. Avdeev Psychotechnology for solving problem situations. - M., 1992)

  • * Conditioned reflex linking of various psychophysiological states of the interlocutor with different analog signals (formation and consolidation of “anchors”, see below).
  • * etc.


Target: Gradual change in the interlocutor at the analog level.


  • * Gradual changes in postures, gestures, facial expressions, rate of speech and breathing, rhythm of movements to inspire the interlocutor’s transition to a psychophysiological state that is more adequate to the perception of the influencing communicative information.
  • * Transferring the interlocutor to a mode that is more adequate for subsequent changing information modality.
  • * The use of formed analog anchors to link various behavioral outcomes, decisions and motives with the evaluative sensations of the corresponding psychophysiological states necessary in accordance with the goals of influence.
  • * Reasoned belief with confirmation of respect for the interlocutor, his arguments (or based on his arguments).
  • * Gradual leading by the method of presenting facts with an unfinished conclusion of the interlocutor to the independent generation of the ensuing conclusion with a positive assessment of “his” conclusion or decision.
  • * and so on.

Various elements of the technology of change proposed in such a simplified form (including beliefs) have been empirically derived and tested in law, psychotherapy, business and personal communication. It meets the main requirement of effective communication - ensuring the necessary change in the analog representation (and, consequently, the motivational one), which is achieved by creating conditions for sufficient similarity of sign-analog procedures (coincidence of modalities, close psychophysiological state), analog positive reinforcement of the desired analog images of solutions and programs actions against the background of stable interpersonal empathic contact with feedback of state, congruence and parameters of internal processes occurring in the interlocutor. Due to the closer connection between analog information and motivation for action (in the words of E. Coue: “Our behavior is controlled not by the will, but by the imagination...”), such a change, as if from within, will be further realized in the form of thoughts, conclusions, actions in the required direction with a full feeling of internal agreement, confidence in the fidelity, independence and correctness of such one's own choice. To prove his analogue ideas, a person will use the entire logical apparatus, creativity and energy of action."

Chapter 9. Joining and Leading Techniques

While working on yourself, learning to manage emotions and enter a trance, you should not forget for a minute that all this is done in order to learn how to effectively interact with people and influence them. Once you have the necessary skills in self-hypnosis, you can begin to study techniques for influencing other people. And you should start with joining and leading techniques. Technicians accession And conducting are called special methods of interaction that allow you to establish and maintain rapport with any person, regardless of his mood, behavior and attitude towards you. With the help of these techniques, you can come to an agreement even with your worst enemy, and achieve unity of opinions in the most difficult negotiations.

Technically it goes like this. First, you observe the person with whom you are trying to establish rapport, his manners, gestures, rhythm of speech, tone of voice, breathing, and then, as it were, you adapt to his emotional and physical state, resonate with him. This is how joining happens.

Leading begins when you, having established strong rapport, begin to gradually change your own behavior - and the interlocutor, not wanting to destroy the rapport, begins to follow you. Of course, he acts subconsciously, while you are fully aware of both your and his actions. You lead him, and he follows you to where you want to take him, draws the conclusions you need, takes your point of view and turns from an opponent into a like-minded person.

But I want to warn you: it only goes so smoothly in words. In practice, joining and maintaining is a rather complex task that often has to be completed in several stages. Sometimes it takes several days, or even months, just to join. Spies practice these techniques for years before recruiting an agent, and the operation does not always end in success.

I say all this so that you prepare in advance for long and hard work that requires remarkable patience. The reason for all these difficulties is that every person you interact with is unique. Everyone has their own character, temperament, life experience. Before you start joining, you need to properly study your interlocutor, understand what is more typical for him, what is close to him. Without this, there is no hope of establishing rapport with anyone, much less influencing him.

Any appointment with any doctor begins with the doctor saying: “I’m listening to you.” The doctor needs the patient to talk out not so much to make a diagnosis, but to understand how to join to this person like establish rapport And lead his.

The challenge is that human interactions are not typically like seeing a doctor. It is not always possible to listen to the interlocutor, and the interlocutor is not always inclined to talk to us heart to heart. This means that our most important task will be to very quickly “read” from a person all the information we need, and on its basis establish rapport. That is why I considered it necessary to begin training on joining and leading techniques with techniques for reading information.

"Reasonable Observation"

In my opinion, intelligent observation is the most difficult part of the attachment technique. Speaking about “reasonable observation,” I mean such observation of a person, object or phenomenon in which the mind, its conscious part, is activated.

So that you are sure that you are observing consciously, the first time you observe, say to yourself what you see, describe the observed object. The most important rule for a beginner is not to try to “perceive” the entire object at first glance. Start by looking at the details rather than memorizing the general appearance of the item. This is a matter of subsequent experiments, after you have already achieved some progress. Perceive individual details of an object, imprint them in your mind, then proceed to the next details, etc.

For example, take a face. There is nothing more annoying than forgetting the faces of people we meet. Many owe their failure only to a lack of observation in this direction. The mistake many of us make is that we try to remember the face as a whole, but not in detail. Start practicing on your acquaintances, then move on to strangers, and soon you will be surprised at the ease with which you remember details in the appearance of others.

Execution technique

Carefully examine the nose, eyes, mouth, chin, hair color, general shape of the head, etc. You will see that it will be easy for you to remember the nose of one, the eyes of another, the chin of a third, etc. However, even before that, sit down and try to describe the appearance of one of your closest friends. You will be surprised at the lack of clarity in your presentation. You have never taken a good look at them in detail. If this is so, how can you hope to remember strangers?

Start by looking at everyone you meet and carefully studying their appearance, and then take a pencil and try to describe their appearance in words. This exercise is very interesting, and from the very first steps you will notice rapid improvement.

A similar exercise is detailed observation of buildings. First, try to describe a building that you walk past every day. You will be able to get an idea of ​​its general appearance, shape, color, etc. But as to the number of windows in each floor, the location and size of doors, the shape of the roof, gates, chimneys, cornices, decorations, etc., you You will see that you are not able to give yourself a clear account of this. You'll feel like you've never really seen the house, right? You just looked at him.

Start by looking closely at the building on your way, later mentally reproducing its details and see how much you remember. The next day, work on the same building and look at the new details (and there will be a lot of them). Continue in this way until you have a complete picture of the building. This is a very valuable way to develop observation skills.

Execution technique

In the evening, after a long day, after all the activities, meetings and experiences, sit in a secluded place, relax, close your eyes. You can turn off the lights in the room (just try not to fall asleep).

Remember all the faces of the people you met today. Remember their voices. Select from the entire host of people those who made the greatest impression on you. Remember their faces, movements, gestures.

What words would you use to describe the impression they made on you? Try to come up with a “novel of life” for each of these people. Write down the results. Whenever possible, try to find out how close you were to reality.

"Private detective"

You will need to visit public places and observe people and their behavior for an hour. Such places can be: a cafe, library, theater, school, sports club, hippodrome, stadium, public transport. It is best to visit five or six different places: in this case, you will be able to observe people from different social and age groups.

Choose a group of people - two or three people. Imagine that you are a private detective. Try, without drawing attention to yourself, to observe how these people communicate with each other, what they say, how they look at each other, how they gesticulate. Memorize everything you can remember.

At home, write down your observations. First, describe the appearance and character of each person:

- age

– nationality

– skin color (not only by race, you need to write: dark, pale, ruddy)

– eye color

- hair color

– hairstyle type

– facial features: oval face, location of cheekbones, chin; the shape of the nose, lips, eye shape, location and thickness of eyebrows.

– posture (stooped, straight), manner of holding your back

– hands (rough, thin).

– clothing: outerwear (coat, jacket, fur coat), what’s underneath (if you can see). Length of trousers, skirts, color, fabric texture, is there a style of clothing; bad taste, eclecticism. Expensive or cheap clothes on a person? New or old? Neat or messy?

Just one description of appearance will allow you to learn a lot about a person. Next, continue answering the following questions:

What did each group member do?

How were people positioned in relation to each other?

Who was standing, who was sitting?

Describe the positions in which the people were.

What they were doing?

Describe movements, gestures.

What were they talking about?

How they talked:

- friendly

- dry, indifferent

- emotional, hot

- argued

– swore

Who dominated the group?

Was there an internal struggle for leadership?

Who advanced and who made concessions?

How do you think these people relate to each other?

What is their relationship?

Describe each person. What is he like: temperamental, cold, determined or cowardly, loving or hating, kind-hearted or tough? What conditions do you think he lives in? Where does he work or study? Try to determine their basic needs and motivations.

Re-read your notes. Restore in your memory the circumstances and faces of people. Write down what was missed when you first remembered.

"Ball lightning"

Masseurs and chiropractors love to use this technique (however, most of them use this method without realizing that they are entering a trance). It's very simple. All you need is 3 minutes of time and free hands.

Execution technique

Take a comfortable position (sitting, standing). Bend your elbows, extend them slightly forward, place your open palms parallel to each other at chest level. Close your eyes.

Focus your inner attention on the surfaces of your palms. Imagine them heating up. At first this heat is soft, then it becomes stronger, and finally reaches such an extent that you begin to feel real heat.

Keep in mind that you may not feel real heat the first time, but don't let that bother you. The main thing is to say to yourself “I feel warm”, “I feel hot”.

Then imagine that this heat splashes out of your palms and seems to hang between them. It becomes denser and denser, begins to glow, and finally a luminous, hot energy field forms between your palms. It is very plastic. You can do whatever you want with it: compress, stretch. Try this - you will feel that there really is a field between your palms.

Try to “roll” it into a ball. Imagine that you are forming a small ball of lightning. This lightning can “stick” to one of the palms. You can stroke yourself with lightning on your head, shoulders, stomach, legs. Just don’t let it go into space - this is your energy, and if you let it go, you will lose your strength.

You need to complete the exercise like this: roll up the zipper, squeeze it to the size of a small ball. This ball should fit into the middle of your palm. For men it will be the right palm, for women it will be the left.

After this practice, your hands will acquire a special energy. By shaking someone's hand, you will instantly establish an energetic connection with them and create the preconditions for creating good rapport. The same effect will be achieved not only by direct touching a person. Energy is also transmitted through intermediary objects. By handing over a pen, document, or lighter to someone, you will also pass on your energy.

This technique can be used before the working day by all people whose activities involve working with their hands. The effect of this exercise lasts all day.


“Double” is the most famous joining technique, which consists in the fact that you will need to consistently repeat and copy the behavior of another person.

This technique is not only used by professional hypnologists. People in rapport subconsciously begin to copy each other's mannerisms. When you practiced observation and reading techniques, you probably noticed this. You, too, have repeatedly used this technique when communicating with a person who is close and interesting to you. You just didn't think about what you were doing. Everything happened subconsciously, and therefore naturally.

Because of the familiarity of this technique, it is easy to master. But this is also where the difficulty lies. When you begin to be aware of your actions, the naturalness will go away. And the naturalness of movements is the most important condition for any joining and leading technique. Therefore, do not try to immediately join and lead the person. Train consistently.

This exercise is divided into several stages. Until you have perfected the first stage, do not proceed to the second. By moving gradually, you will achieve greater effect.

Stage one. "Reflection"

Execution technique

Watch the movements and gestures of the interlocutor and repeat them at intervals of 2-3 seconds.

Your interlocutor raises his right hand - and you raise your right hand. He tilts his head to the left, and you tilt your head to the left. He crosses his legs - and so do you. The main subtlety is not to repeat the movements instantly, but to do it after waiting a little. At the same time, maintain a casual conversation and look your interlocutor straight in the eyes.

Stage two. "Mirroring"

At the next stage, you will need to mirror the gestures and postures of your interlocutor. To mirror means to do as a mirror image does. He leans to the right, and you lean to the left, so that both of you have the same tilt vector. Your movements should be the movements of the reflection in the mirror: where one goes, there goes another. To prevent it from looking too deliberate, you can alternate the mirroring technique with the reflection technique.

Stage three. "Indirect Reflection"

After you have mastered reflection and mirroring, move on to a more complex technique - indirect reflection. This is a subtle technique that your interlocutor will not be able to notice even if he is well aware of the techniques of joining and leading. Experienced hypnologists and manipulators resort specifically to indirect reflection, since in this case it is almost impossible to suspect them of trying to manipulate.

Execution technique

You repeat the movements of the interlocutor, but not literally. If he crosses his arms on his chest, you cross your legs, throwing one leg over the other. He shakes his head and you shake your leg. He smoothed his hair - and you made a stroking movement along the sleeve, as if brushing away a speck.

This is a very effective technique. It works in the same way as reflection and mirroring, but much more subtle.

"Physical management"

Once you have perfected the Double technique, start leading. This practice, like the previous one, is performed in several stages.

1. At the first stage, you need to check how firmly the rapport is established using joining techniques. To do this, change your position or make some gesture. If a person repeats a gesture or pose after you, the rapport is strong enough, the person is ready to be led.

2. Change the position of another part of your body. For example, if when checking rapport you touched your face with your hand (and your target repeated this), now cross your legs. When the subject does the same, make some gesture or movement again.

3. Continue changing poses and gestures until the subject stops imitating you.

4. Repeat the joining technique, re-establish rapport.

Repeat all these steps again and again. Your goal is to learn to lead a person. The main thing in this practice is to understand which of the methods of joining and leading a person responds best to.

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Operator.6. Rights of personal data subjects 6.1. The subject of personal data has the right: - to receive personal data relating to this subject and information regarding their processing; - to clarify, block or destroy his personal data if it is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing; - to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data; - to protect their rights and legitimate interests, including compensation for losses and moral damages in court; - to appeal the actions or inaction of the Operator to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects or in court. 6.2.

Techniques for responding to objections: five steps to rapprochement


You know what they buy.” Answer: “It’s good that there are a lot of pensioners. After all, pensions have recently been increased. They will not spare money for good medicine.

Objection: “This one... is not selling well.” Answer: – I noticed that it is displayed in an inconspicuous place. If you allow me, I will ask the “chief captain” to move it closer to the cash register.


Objection: “You have a small range of drugs. It’s more convenient for us to work with a large supplier.” Answer: – A large assortment is important.

However, pay attention - we have drugs that others do not have. Another example. Sale of a Volga car. Objection: “Well...the quality of Russian cars is known to everyone!” Answer: – Many people think so...However, in recent years, Russian manufacturers have very noticeably improved the quality of their products.
Objection: “The upholstery is too light.

How to resolve an objection in 5 steps

Reframe the client's objection into a positive one: “Yes, this suit costs more, but you will wear it twice as long.” 2. Don't despise your client! Never say: NO, DON'T, I CAN'T, I CAN'T.

3. Treat objections not as a manifestation of aggression from the client, but as his request for more complete information regarding your commercial offer. 4. You don’t have to fight objections, you have to work with them. 5. The key to your success when dealing with objections is the ability to understand the client’s position. 6. The client’s objections, wittingly or unwittingly, almost always throw the seller out of balance.


In this situation, a sales specialist can choose one of two lines of behavior: Act thoughtfully or React thoughtlessly. The seller's reaction to the client's objections is manifested primarily in facial expression - 50%, as well as in words - 10% and in tone of voice - 40%.


Elena Dryagina

Verbal signals are words and, above all, their meaning, but also the nature of the words used, the selection of expressions. Paralinguistic signals are features of the pronunciation of speech, individual words and sounds.
Nonverbal signals – the relative position of the interlocutors in space, postures, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, appearance. Let's look at the actions of the interlocutor who influences you and the goals he pursues with his behavior. Any action of the interlocutor, with the help of which he secretly tries to lead his partner to the goal he needs, is manipulative. Manipulation is the deliberate and hidden inducement of another person to experience certain states, make decisions and perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his goals.

How to sell?

Strategies for working in conflict situations Predicted result: increasing the efficiency of the negotiation process. Working with difficult clients requires the work of a specialist in a conflict situation.

This block examines the causes of conflicts that arise and strategies for behavior in a conflict situation. Let's start with what a conflict is and what types of conflicts can arise in the work of a specialist.

The word “conflict” comes from the Latin conflictus – clash. Conflict is a contradiction that arises between people in connection with the solution of certain issues of social and personal life, a clash of interests, motives, goals, attitudes, expectations of different people. Conflict situations lead to clarification of the positions of the parties and this helps to resolve previously hidden contradictions.

Techniques and methods for dealing with objections in sales + examples and algorithm

Next → Types of objections The most general principles for responding to objections can be reduced to 5 steps: PAUSE: DETERMINING THE WAY TO WORK WITH THE OBJECTION This is the moment when you decide how to behave further. Most people do this on an unconscious level. GIVING THE CLIENT AN OPPORTUNITY TO OBJECT Sometimes it is necessary to give the client the opportunity to fully speak out so that the objection “resolves.” For example, by repeating the client's last word, you contribute to his efforts to clarify his objection. For example, in response to a typical client objection, “Your price is too high,” you can ask again: “High?” After this, you need to pause and let the client speak. PSYCHOLOGICAL CONNECTION TO AN OBJECTION You let the client know that his objection is reasonable and has a right to exist.

Ways to join an objection

Objection: “It’s expensive...” Answer: – A quality product is never cheap... – Sometimes they say: “The miser pays twice”... – Pay attention to the unique properties of our products – What price do you consider fair? Objection: “It costs less at the Lotos company.” Answer: – Are you sure that this is the same product? What are the characteristics of their model? Objection: “I’ll buy it at the market much cheaper.” Answer: – Buying at the market involves a certain risk... – You still have to get to the market, but you and I can make a decision “here and now.” How else can you answer objections about price? – Compare the price with the client’s price. The resulting difference can be “reduced to a trifle” if you divide it by the period of use of the product and estimate the “expenses per day”. – If they ask you to reduce the price, make a “counteroffer.” It must be prepared in advance.

The most universal and simple algorithm for working with objections

Be positive, don't question the client's validity. Remember that you have the freedom to choose: ask a question or answer in essence. A competent specialist is a specialist who knows how to use any of the client’s objections, any of his negative attacks for his own purposes - to bring the client to cooperation. Try it, use all the recommendations and advice, overcome yourself and the client’s objections - this is the only way you will achieve success for yourself, for your department, for the entire organization!!! BLOCK 13. Types of difficult clients Predicted result: increased efficiency of the negotiation process. In the work of a specialist, sooner or later a client appears with whom it is difficult to work. The reasons for this may be different, and in this block we will analyze the types of difficult clients in order to analyze in detail the reasons for the difficulties that arise with them and find adequate options for negotiating with such clients.
Answer: – Our company has been on the market for 5 years... – Our clients are reputable companies. For example... – Our warranty repair center is located at... Objection: “We already have a supplier.” Answer: – Of course, this is not surprising... Such a reputable company should have regular suppliers... But maybe he has slightly different delivery conditions... – Let’s let’s try to compare the conditions... Objection: “This refrigerator (wardrobe, sofa...) is too big for our family...” Answer: - Where are you going to put it? Objection: “We need to think about it...” Answer: - Of course... We are talking about a serious deal... However, please note, if tomorrow we deliver the goods to you, then tomorrow you will be able to receive the corresponding profit... Objection: “Your product is not selling well (in the store)” Answer: - Let's look together at the display of goods on the sales floor. As the seller gains experience, the list of typical objections and answers expands.

5 sales steps for answering objections

Ready-made Algorithm for handling objections. 1 step. Listen completely without interrupting. Let's take a break. . Step 2. Accept the objection. - You are right to draw my attention to this issue. — Indeed, it may seem difficult to switch to other suppliers, but experience has shown... - Indeed, sometimes they think (believe) so... - I understand your doubts, but at the same time they are not justified in any way..... - Indeed, many at the beginning had such doubts, but when they studied our proposal in detail... - Thank you, that they asked me this question.. - Oh, this is a very interesting question. You were the first to ask me this... - It may indeed seem that it is expensive, but at the same time it is..... - I am very sorry that you have formed such an opinion.. - I apologize that we once created inconvenience for you... Step 3 .
Be polite and maintain your self-esteem. Communication with such a client should be based on the principle “Well, you can’t help but understand this..?! With your experience and knowledge in this field...”, etc. “Controllers.” Distinctive features of such clients: strong-willed, temperamental, energetic. Such clients have a high level of knowledge in many areas of life. But their main feature is eternal suspicion, distrust and meticulousness in all matters. They ask a huge number of questions with a tinge of suspicion and a sense of risk in absolutely everything. The habit of questioning everything and total verification is so masterful among these clients that you must be prepared for a long confrontation and unbending endurance. Recommendations for work: ironclad reasoning and facts are of great importance for this type of client.

The vast majority of sellers do not like objections, and if you ask such a seller a question - why don’t you sell enough? He usually begins to list the objections that he heard from the client. In fact, the stage of overcoming objections is the most important in terms of the personal growth of the seller as a specialist. If the seller analyzes the reasons for objections and makes adjustments to his work, then success will not be long in coming. But most salespeople perceive an objection not as feedback on their own work, but as a difficulty. This is what prevents many people from developing in sales.

What is a customer objection?

A client’s objection is a defensive reaction to the seller’s actions, usually on and off, but can occur throughout the sale. It is important to understand that the client always strives to protect himself, and the seller is perceived as a certain threat to his peace of mind (when establishing contact) and well-being (when completing the transaction). Objections are an integral and obligatory part of the sale and the persuasion process in general.

Objections are formed at the conscious and unconscious level of perception. Unconscious objections are a reaction to the seller’s invasion of the client’s personal space; the client utters them arbitrarily, almost without thinking. Any non-standard action by the seller can help overcome such objections. If the seller faces a large number of such objections. Then he needs to work on his behavior - sales script, correct pronunciation of phrases (), . Such objections are not related to the product, they are related to the behavior of the seller and the perception of the customer.

Conscious objections are objections to a part of the proposed product. That is, if the client is not satisfied with the specific characteristics and benefits announced by the seller. Such objections always arise because the client wants to get more for less money.

The most important thing a salesperson must learn about objections is:

  1. An objection is a reaction to the actions of the seller. By changing your actions you can change your reaction and avoid objections;
  2. Objection is the same physically inevitable process as friction when objects come into contact. If the client does not object to you, then he will buy without you and your merit in the sale;

Having understood and realized these two simple points, you must learn to accept the objection and rejoice at the very fact of the objection, as it brings you closer to the sale.

What is working with client objections?

Working with the client’s objections (often called working out objections, fighting objections, overcoming objections) is the activity of the seller, aimed at removing conscious and unconscious barriers that interfere with the purchase. Overcoming objections is an integral part of any sale, and every seller must know the types of objections, the stages of handling objections and prepared options for responding to frequently encountered objections.

Dealing with client objections is the fourth. So, the presentation of the product to the buyer has been carried out and the client, as a rule, has objections. There are, of course, times when the client is simply silent and has no objections; in this case, you can immediately move on to the stage of completing the transaction. But as a rule, the client does not easily agree to buy the product; he almost always has doubts; in this case, the seller applies the stage of working with objections. Clients are different, but it is important for you to know and understand that an objection is a sign of interest and by correctly handling this objection, you can add several arguments in favor of your product. Conversely, by answering an objection incorrectly, you can ruin the deal.

Types of objections

Objections are divided into true and false. Overcoming true objections leads to a deal, overcoming false ones leads to new objections. This happens because the client does not want to make a purchase, and politeness or something else prevents him from telling you this directly. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish objections from conditions. Conditions are real factors that do not make it possible to sell a product, for example: a person will not buy a car if he does not have a driver’s license.

False objections in sales

False objections are formed mostly under the influence of the unconscious. Although there are cases that the client deliberately gives a false reason. So it’s not convenient to voice the truth (for example, there is no money). There is no particular point in responding to an essentially false objection. We’ll talk about what to do with false objections a little later.

True objections in sales

True objections are the client’s logical justification for the inappropriateness of the purchase. Working through true objections leads to sales; you need to be able to work through them according to the stages of working with objections.

Stages of handling objections

Objections are usually processed according to the following scheme:

  • Listen carefully to the objection. Do not interrupt the client even if you already understand which direction the client is going, use. At the end of the client’s phrase, you can say “I heard you”;
  • Agree with the objection. Also called psychological connection, you need to show that you understand and agree with what the client has voiced, for example: “I completely agree with you, saving money is very important...”
  • Give a reasoned answer to the essence of the objection, show the client a way out of the situation;

These stages are a classic model for handling objections. Every salesperson should be able to handle objections this way.

Client - “... I compared your prices with competitors and you are more expensive!”

Seller (option 1) — “I completely agree with you, the issue of saving is very important. That is why, unlike our competitors, we include in the price all the costs of servicing the product purchased from us. By purchasing a product from us, you will pay more, but you will be able to save time and money in the future on servicing the product.”

Seller (option 2) — “I'm glad you noticed this! Indeed, our prices are slightly higher than many of our competitors. Because we think about our client and count on long-term cooperation, and not just quickly sell low-quality goods"

It is clear that this is just an example, but it shows the general scheme for working out objections. It should be noted that in sales, objections are usually the same and you can prepare good answers to them in advance.

False objections and how to deal with them

If everything is generally clear with true objections, then many sellers do not know how to work with false ones. When communicating with sellers, I most often hear the following objections: “I need to think,” “I’m not ready to make a decision right now,” “I have everything,” these are just examples that exist in almost all sales. There are many more false objections and sometimes they are difficult to distinguish from true ones. But it is important to understand that behind every false objection there is either a true objection (for example, many clients are embarrassed to say that I don’t have money or this is expensive for me, but will simply say that I need to think about it), or a condition that prevents them from making a purchase .

To learn how to handle false objections, you need to have extensive experience in selling a given product, since you will have to guess at random which objection is true or false. But regardless of experience, it is important to know not to respond to a false objection. You will simply waste time, and maybe completely ruin the sale. Another point to keep in mind: most false objections are due to flaws in needs identification or presentation. And if you constantly hear the same false objections, then you need to change your needs identification and presentation.

Ways to deal with false objections

The goal of working out a false objection is to get a true objection from the client. All methods will not be standard; they must be used depending on the situation. combine.

Ignore the false objection. That is, they told you “I need to think,” and you continue to talk about the product or even try to complete the transaction.

Try to bring out the sincerity. In this case, you gently tell the client “well, that’s not the reason, let’s lay out what it really is.” Naturally, not in direct text, but carefully. For example, “Are you saying that you need to think about it just because you don’t want to refuse me? I’m an adult and I can handle rejection.”

Method of summing up benefits. The essence of the method is to once again list what he will receive from the transaction. Example “...Look, by purchasing our product you will receive: high quality, savings, a lot of emotions from use, new opportunities. Are you saying that you need to think?”

Ask a limiting question. For example: “is this the only thing that bothers you?”, “I understand that if you solve this problem, you will buy the product?”

Very often, the stage of working with client objections is called combating objections. Personally, I categorically disagree with the term “fight”, there is no need to fight objections, objections are an integral part of selling, only those who don’t care don’t object. Even if you can't overcome objections, you should still proceed to the last stage of sales - closing the deal.

Examples of working with objections

There are a huge number of objections in sales, and there are also many sales tactics. Therefore, let’s look at examples of working out the most popular objections using different methods. I’ll say right away that the stage of joining an objection was not mentioned in the examples below, this does not mean that it is not needed.

Method of working out objections using questions

You can make the client question whether their judgment is correct. Example:

Client: "Your place is expensive"

You: If we were expensive, so many clients wouldn’t work with us for many years. Why do you think they buy from us?

You can also clarify the information that the client expressed to you. Example:

Client: "Expensive"

You: What are you comparing to?

You: Why did you decide so?

You: What is dear to you?

You: How much is inexpensive for you?

Comparison method

Compare what we have now and what you offer. Show differences that the client did not pay attention to. Show that you can see wider. Example:

Client: "Expensive"

You: Let's compare. What batch size are you taking? How often? What are the terms of payment? What delay? What is the amount of trade credit? What is the quality of the product? Who is the manufacturer? Which warehouse is it shipped from? Whether there are available? In what batches? What additional range do you take in addition to this product? Did they have a quality problem? How quickly do they return in case of defect? What warranty terms do they provide? What additional services do they offer? Do they have a service station? How long has this company been on the market to guarantee the fulfillment of the obligations it undertakes?

The “yes, but...” method

A very common technique, the client speaks a lot of true objections to the point. For example, your product may really be the most expensive on the market; it is important to explain to the client why this is happening. Example:

Client: “Your place is expensive.”

You: Yes, but we have a quality product.

Client: "I've heard some negative comments."

You: Yes, but there are much more positive reviews from satisfied customers.

Client: “Take a long time.”

You: Yes, but we have a lot of goods and absolutely everything is in stock.

Client: "No money".

You: Yes, but we have the option of credit (leasing).

You: Yes, but let's meet for the future.

Client: “Competitors are cheaper.”

You: Yes, but let's compare...

That is why

The method is in many ways similar to the previous one. This technique may also be suitable for working out false objections.

Client: "I will think".

You: That is why I want to meet with you, tell you everything, so that you have something to think about.

Client: “Good personal relationship with existing supplier.”

You: That is why I want to start cooperating with you, so that you can also have good personal relationships with us.

Client: “I don’t want to pay an advance.”

You: That is why we have a lot of other advantages that will compensate for this.

Client: "There is a supplier."

You: That is why I would like to meet with you to tell you about our advantages.

Client: “Your place is expensive.”

You: That's why I want you to take only a trial batch. So that you can see for yourself that our product is worth the money.