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Items from Aliexpress VKontakte. Earning money on aliexpress without investment

  • Aliexpress in Russian: Aliexpress Store

Official group of Aliexpress VKontakte

Why did we write this article? The thing is that there are a lot of groups on social networks with all kinds of names where the word Aliexpress is involved. And the most important danger that can await you when contacting the wrong group is deception and receiving incorrect information.

So if you are interested in the official Aliexpress group, then go to the Aliexpress website and select the desired icon.

  • aliexpress groups
  • aliexpress group VK
  • aliexpress in contact group
  • aliexpress vkontakte group
  • aliexpress group

Aliexpress in Russian in hryvnias or rubles

We are glad to welcome you to our website dedicated to shopping in Russian in the Chinese online store Aliexpress ( First of all, we will help you find official website of Aliexpress in Russian in hryvnias or rubles. Secondly, we have a lot of guides, instructions and video reviews of real products purchased and received from the official Aliexpress website.

For those who don't know yet, Aliexpress website is an international online store and allows users from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Kazakhstan to buy in China.

Ali (Ali Express) It is fully available in Russian, and the currency can be selected as dollars, euros, hryvnia or rubles. There is a buyer protection system that 100% guarantees that you will receive the desired product! But be careful! This only applies Aliexpress official website, which is located at or

Official Aliexpress in Russian always holds giveaways, quizzes, sales and many other events aimed at saving your finances. AliExpress has been operating for a very long time and is perfectly adapted for buyers from the CIS countries, so buying anything there will not be difficult at all!

The task of our website is to tell you about all the new products, innovations and nuances for your safe shopping on the Aliexpress store website. Our blog has more than 20 thematic sections, which combine about 400 articles on the topic Russian official website of AliExpress!

Aliexpress is one of the most popular online stores with affordable prices.

But it also has its own subtleties and pitfalls:

  • When ordering on aliexpress, the buyer may choose the wrong size (it must be taken into account that the sizes on aliexpress may not match the real ones, since Chinese models have different parameters).
  • Often in topics (even on Russian aliexpress) there are no adequate, complete reviews about the product, which complicates the choice situation for other users.
  • It is quite difficult to get in touch with the seller on Aliexpress, so in many cases it is not possible to clarify the condition of things, the duration of their shipment and other important issues.
  • A common situation is automatic rating in your aliexpress personal account. By default, after the expiration of the period allotted for sending the parcel, the rating “excellent” is given (if the user did not mark it independently). Ratings, in turn, affect the status and rating of the seller. There are no reviews in such cases either.
  • A large number of photographs in the ad does not guarantee a complete understanding of the product being sold (for example, what type of processing and decoration was used, fabric density), so the client may receive something he did not expect.

Is there a way out of this situation? Of course! A special VKontakte group “Aliexpress Boasts ( has been created for Aliexpress customers. Reviews, photos." The main goal of the community is to publicly express the opinions of participants about the goods received, identifying all the pros and cons of the product.

How to become a member of the group?

Capabilities of group members.

  1. There is a link in the group, following which participants will visit Russian aliexpress. This is the official version, thanks to which you can familiarize yourself with topics and news in Russian without using an online translator.
  2. The VKontakte group consists of people who have ever used the services of aliexpress or those who are planning to become one. The community does not contain advertising, does not seek to “promote” the store and commercial transactions, therefore all news and posts consist of reviews and comments from participants.
  3. The post is a full description of the ordered product. The presence of a photo (one or more), a detailed user opinion and a link to the seller/product are required. Using these indicators you can get the most detailed final picture of the order.
  4. Community members can communicate not only through comments, but also in personal dialogues, clarifying questions that interest them. You can also always contact the administrator for information about current discounts and sales, as well as questions related to the VKontakte group. In addition, you can always offer your subscribers joint purchases if you are just about to place an order.
  5. The community will be of interest to both fashionistas and those who want to purchase (or have already purchased) household goods, things for the home and children, and decorative items. All posts related to products from the aliexpress website are allowed for publication.

On social media networks. Before moving on to the sequence of actions, it will be described how everything works, and why it is possible to make money from it.

The volume of online shopping is constantly growing rapidly, and it is no longer a secret that you can buy almost everything on the Internet. I won’t go into detail about which products are in greater demand and which ones are in less demand - this is completely unimportant right now. The only important thing is that any product produced in Europe or the USA has at least 3-4 Chinese analogues. Branded items, unique items, accessories of any complexity - all this and much more can be ordered from China at a price 2-3 times lower than the market price.

In this guide, we will not talk about reselling goods from China - it is all very complicated and has a number of disadvantages. The main one is that you need to purchase goods with your own money, without being sure of its quality, and without knowing the exact delivery time. This guide will talk about how to sell anything on AliExpress and get a percentage for it. The AliExpress website has been translated into many languages ​​around the world and delivers to every corner of the planet.

One drawback is that delivery of goods from China takes a long time, and you will receive your interest only after the goods are delivered to the buyer.

Our main tool in the fight for sales will be prices; they are an order of magnitude lower than in any store or online store. Our goal: “Find people interested in purchasing a particular product and offer it to them.”

And we will be rewarded for this by the affiliate program (PP) of the Aliexpress website, which pays from 8.5% for each order through our affiliate link.

The second is cashback or refund for purchases. In this case, everyone who uses this function becomes your referrals and you receive 30% of their return on purchases. But for now, we will focus on the first one.

This method of making money on the Internet is available to almost everyone, without exception, as it does not require special knowledge and skills. If you are at least superficially familiar with AliExpress or CPA platforms, then you can easily understand the essence and principles of making money. If not, I will now tell you everything and try to describe everything in detail with examples.

CPA - Cost Per Action, that is, payment for action

There are two large CPA networks in RuNet that work with AliExpress, these are: ePN And Admitad.

Let's look at the work using ePN as an example. The first thing you need to do is register in it. ePN will continue to be our place of work.

Log in to your ePN account. This is what it looks like:

In the left menu we see sections, these sections first of all offer to create your own advertising creatives of different types and with different essence.

Create a group

I hope that you have an account on the VKontakte social network, since it will be our main platform (in this example) on which we will promote links. We will not spam our links in other groups, although this also brings results. We will create your own source of income that will constantly bring you money, almost automatically. We are talking about creating a VKontakte group.

You need to create a group in your main account.

If you enter the keyword aliexpress in the search for VKontakte groups, you will see dozens of huge groups with a huge number of subscribers. Remember, these groups are not competitors to us, these are extensive groups in which lovers of cheap trinkets have gathered. Of course, we will also strive to develop into a broad-niche group, but this is definitely not now.

First of all, we need to understand what we will advertise and how we will do it so that people buy it. Since we are newbies and we don’t have money for promotion, we will work in narrow niches, but we strive to develop the group to a large size. Choose what interests you. For some, these are auto products, for others, various gadgets, for others, children's items and goods for newborns. In other words, what you buy yourself.

You come up with the name of the group yourself, the main thing is that it contains the word AliExpress in English or Russian spelling.

A few examples:

  • Fishing goods from AliExpress
  • AliExpress for fishermen
  • Fashionable clothes from AliExpress
  • Auto products from AliExpress
  • Tourism goods from AliExpress
  • Cheap products from AliExpress
  • AliExpress for children (toys/clothes)

If you want to change the group address (in the group settings), then when selecting, please note that its address (url) should not contain the word “aliexpress” - these are the rules of this affiliate program.

Draw an avatar for the group. If you have basic skills in working with graphic editors like Photoshop or Corel, great, then you can do it yourself. If not, you can turn to a friend for help or, as a last resort, order for 200-300 rubles from some amateur designer whom you can find on VK.

We publish products

And so, in the previous step, we registered in ePN. Let's go there and enter your personal account.

Your referral link is valid for one browser session. This means that people who follow your link to Aliexpress and make a purchase of ANY item will bring you income. That is, even if a person got to AliExpress through your link and wandered through the pages in search of another product, then bought it, you will still receive 8.5% of the amount of his purchase, and it does not matter what kind of product it is. Within one browser session!

With this link, we go, in our case, to our VKontakte group and create a new post on the wall there, adding our description of the product (because Chinese descriptions are still such nonsense). And by inserting photographs of the same product from the aliexpress website.

How to choose products to publish:

On Aliexpress, products in any category can be sorted by the number of orders - this is a win-win option. Click this button in the category that corresponds to your group, and you will receive all frequently ordered products, and since there is a demand for them, then the visitors of your group will like them.

Before inviting someone to a group, fill it with 50-60 products.

And now, about the main thing:

Of course, you can publish products as I described above: manually creating links through the plugin, copying photos to your computer and then pasting them into VK, writing a description for each photo, etc. But, personally, at some point I got tired of it, as it takes up a lot of time. And I, with my colleagues, developed a service AliPoster for automatic posting of products to groups. It does almost everything for you, you just need to provide a link to the product you want to publish in your group and write a description for it. AliPoster will generate your affiliate link, copy all the product pictures, price, reviews and a bunch of other information and publish it in your group using a given post template. It is written about how to start working with the system

Aliexpress is a huge online store of Chinese goods. Regular customers of Chinese stores sooner or later wonder why not buy the cheapest goods on Aliexpress for further sale on VK or any other social network. Let's find out the features of selling goods from Aliexpress. Let's look at step-by-step instructions for selling goods on VKontakte. Let's study the pros and cons of such activities.

Features of selling goods from Aliexpress in VK

We find the cheapest products from AliExpress for sale in the VK group.

If we find the cheapest goods on Aliexpress, then we will be able to sell them faster on VKontakte. As a rule, cheap goods allow you to make a good profit because the products look normal.

When starting a business with China, consider the following points:

  • range;
  • optimal quantity;
  • risks associated with procurement;
  • delivery;
  • suppliers;
  • customs clearance, certification;
  • design, promotion of a group, public, VK page;
  • price policy;
  • initial capital.


What can you sell with Ali on VK public pages? Large, heavy cargo is expensive and difficult to deliver. Clothes are often of poor quality. It is difficult to predict what sizes and models will be in demand, it is difficult to choose.

It’s best to start with watches, fishing and sports goods. If you start your business in VK by selling watches, you can definitely make money. As a rule, all men love to wear beautiful watches.

Costume jewelry is attractive and small electronics are also in demand. According to the statistics of orders on Aliexpress, choose small things for manicure, kitchen, home. All of the above weighs little, will please you with a good margin and will not spoil.

To find a good product to sell on VKontakte, it is important to turn on your brain. Be smart. If you like the product, it will be easier to sell it.

Understanding the optimal amount will come with practice. If you start with small batches, you will be able to avoid problems with customs.

Risks when selling Chinese goods on VKontakte

Risks include defects, re-ordering, long delivery, Ali scammers, errors in the ordered quantity (will lead to freezing of money).

All this can be resolved: you can open a dispute, return part of the money or the full cost of the defective product, or arrange a promotion.

Offer your subscribers a competition, during which you reward customers with a stale assortment.

Good delivery is an option with tracking

For peace of mind, choose a shipping method with tracking. Remember that some products may take more than a month (for example, cosmetics). If we are talking about equipment, then the package can arrive in a couple of weeks. As you know, it is important to understand exactly when your package will arrive.

If you find reliable suppliers, then everything will be fine.

We work with suppliers

As you know, wholesalers are given a discount. This is additional profit, worth fighting for.

Negotiate even with the most intractable but reliable suppliers. Due to exchange rates, the profitability of resales has fallen, especially for Russians. It is important to take advantage of every opportunity to increase business profitability. If you find 3 reliable suppliers, then the whole business will delight you and your subscribers. For everything to work out, you must like the product.

Customs clearance of Chinese goods for VK

Customs clearance and certification are usually not required to sell goods in the VK online store. If necessary, you can find a company that will help certify Chinese goods. This will require customs clearance. It is also necessary if you have ordered an expensive product or a large batch. The cost and quantity of goods required for certification in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus vary. Russian and Ukrainian customs are characterized by more flexible rules and regulations for the import of goods from China. Keep track of current information on specialized forums.

Prepare in advance the site where you will sell the selected categories of goods. The group or community on VKontakte should be promoted, filled with attractive content, posts calling for buying this or that position. Start with a narrow specialization. Name the store clearly (for example, “everything for fishing”). Be sure to add the word Aliexpress.

Price policy

The pricing policy consists of the cost of analogues from competitors, purchases, and delivery. Business must be profitable.

The net margin when working with Aliexpress can reach 200%. If the product sells well for 250 rubles apiece, try increasing the price. Most customers will pay more not to wait for a package from China and not to look for cheap offers.

Money to start a business in VK

Initial capital will be needed to purchase goods for resale and paid promotion of an online business site. Practice shows that the minimum initial investment is about $100.

Try working on prepayment, but this is a thorny path of development. Few people will agree to a scheme without a reliable intermediary, like Aliexpress. You can earn initial capital using cashback, affiliate programs to attract referrals - you don’t have to invest your own money. Place deeplink links to cashback services (for example, ePN and others) in the same VKontakte group that you use for business.

How to sell products from Aliexpress in VK

The essence of the business is not much different from any other sales, it comes down to three “pillars”:

  1. Search for the cheapest offers on Aliexpress.
  2. Delivery organization.
  3. Selling at a premium.

How to organize a startup? A diagram of successive steps will indicate the direction of development.

Choosing your business model

Choosing a business model. There are several ways to sell goods. You can combine them or use one, the most convenient one.

  1. Dropshipping is suitable for those who want to do without investment. These are intermediary services for a certain percentage. Clients order, the application is transferred to the supplier, and the parcel is sent to the client’s address. The disadvantage of the model is that there are few people who will agree to make an advance payment and wait for the goods for an indefinite time.
  2. Wholesale. Also intermediary services for the sale of large quantities. You should look for partners on free ad sites and social networks.
  3. Online store. You will need to create a catalog, purchase goods for the home, manicure or any other. Post suggestions in VK groups.
  4. Retail sales in rented space or in a “show room” method (your own home).

Finding resources to get started

Calculation of initial investments and resources. The amount you are willing to invest in the business affects the choice of sales model.

  1. little or no starting capital – start with dropshipping. The costs in this option are minimal, and the “burnout” of the business is practically excluded.
  2. several tens of thousands of rubles or hundreds of dollars - purchase goods in accordance with a well-thought-out catalog. An online store (subject to good promotion) will provide the owner with good profit and volume of work.
  3. a significant amount and some work experience, established contacts with suppliers - engage in wholesale sales.

Be successful, work in your niche

Finding your niche, assessing the prospects of the product and consumer demand. Analyze your competitors and search engine statistics. Take a look at the following inexpensive categories:

  • accessories: bags, watches, belts, umbrellas, jewelry;
  • small electronics: card readers, power strips, cigarette lighters;
  • cases and accessories for smartphones;
  • devices for cars: navigators, video recorders, floor mats, phone holders;
  • hygiene products;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • children's things, toys, construction sets;
  • goods for fishing, manicure.

This is not a complete list of popular, popular Chinese goods, look for what is interesting and what you understand.

Expensive goods are also purchased for further sale, but this is quite risky.

For success, we find Ali products with low cost

Perhaps the most important step
– find the cheapest products on Aliexpress so that the store can be competitive and profitable in the vastness of VK. Buy goods cheap, sell high.

We find reliable suppliers of goods

Select suppliers, check if they are on the lists of scammers. Study reviews, documents, time of existence of the store, contacts. If only the city is indicated, this is alarming, but it occurs quite often on the Aliexpress site. You should not immediately reject such a business partner. Ideally, agree on a trip to the warehouse of the manufacturer or supplier (in the case of planned wholesale sales).

Studying local business conditions

The sixth step is to study the terms of delivery and ordering of goods. All necessary information about purchase, delivery, discounts for large orders is indicated on the store’s website. Contact the seller, ask for an additional discount.

If you learn how to order with discounts on AliExpress, you can earn more. As a rule, during the holidays the discount on interesting products is 25-50%.

Large shipments may be turned away by customs or an import duty may be imposed. Break the parcel into smaller ones, indicate the addresses of relatives for delivery.

We constantly find buyers among VK subscribers

Finding potential clients is an important point when building a VKontakte business. Create a VK group, actively use ways to increase likes, subscribers, the “tell friends” option, and sweepstakes. If you use special services, you can achieve results faster. To make people more willing to join, your number of subscribers is important.

To find new subscribers, we constantly create and improve content.

We study costs, draw up a business model

Calculation of profitability, preparation of a business plan. It is advisable to study the market for similar products and the cost of selected categories. The initial price should be attractive, competitive, and profitable. If your profit per sale is 25%, then this is a good business.

We strike first, gain experience in doing business in VK

We are testing the business model: we purchase a trial batch and try to sell goods from AliExpress to friends.

We develop business

We are constantly looking for ways to increase the number of subscribers and orders.

Pros and cons of selling goods from Aliexpress in VK

VK is a popular social network. This is both a plus (a large number of potential clients) and a minus (high competition). If a certain group of goods is in demand in your city, then you can start working. Even with great competition, as a rule, it is possible to take orders and sell goods.

As you know, there is something to fight for if the competition is high.

Possible problems when selling goods from Aliexpress

Possible problems include the following:

  1. Careless suppliers - look for reliable ones.
  2. Low quality products - purchase a small test batch.
  3. Problems with customs – break up parcels with a large number of identical goods.
  4. Low demand - carefully analyze information from competitor groups and communities, assortment, price.

To start your own business you do not need any special entrepreneurial skills or specialized education. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the listed steps to follow them. A constant income from what you love is a dream that will definitely come true. In order for your profits to constantly grow, engage in the sale of goods that interest you.

Invites all subscribers to share their impressions of shopping in a famous online store. Nobody here encourages anyone to buy or sell anything. The project was created exclusively on a voluntary basis.

What is good about Aliexpress VKontakte?

Our group is Aliexpress in Russian. Here are our photos, our sizes, our impressions.

How can we help a potential buyer?

As it turned out, not only with choice. Aliexpress VK covers the entire purchasing process.

  • Useful video instructions, screenshots on searching for goods, ordering procedures, payment, making changes to your data, etc.
  • Where and how to track postal items?
  • What to do if the parcel is missing for a long time? And how long does it take?
  • How to competently “quarrel” with the seller? How to prove your rights?
  • What is a “dispute” on Aliexpress? When and why should it be opened?
  • How to file a wanted list? And deal with unscrupulous postal service workers?

Our project has ALL the information on purchases at the famous Aliexpress auction. And if something is missing, you can always ask. And get useful advice from those who have already encountered similar problems.

Buy with us with peace of mind. Join our friendly ranks. Don’t forget to “show off”, leave photos and comments. You, too, can help someone make a good choice.