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In-demand items. What products are in great demand in Russia? What product is in greatest demand on the Internet? Franchise "Own Line"

Our age of high technology is good because many things can be done without leaving the computer. For example, today it is not at all necessary to spend time shopping - all purchases can be made on the Internet. This makes it easy for a novice entrepreneur to start and successfully develop a business selling goods online. Before creating an online store, you should carefully study sales statistics over recent years. If you understand what is popular with consumers in 2019, your business will be profitable. However, you should not rely only on popularity, because bread, alcohol and tobacco products are very popular, but their sale will not bring much profit. So what is profitable to sell? So, according to statistics, we can assume that in 2019 the best-selling products on the Internet will remain:

  • Smartphones, tablets, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and other small household appliances;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • LEDs;
  • Books;
  • Chinese products.

Depending on the size of the starting capital, you need to choose the price category of what will be sold in your online store.

According to statistics in 2019, the most sold goods on the Internet are cheap goods. In times of crisis, cost becomes a more important criterion than quality. Therefore, budget furniture, inexpensive clothing and food are beginning to be in demand. In addition to ordinary buyers, former representatives of the “middle class” are also interested in this price category.

What should you not sell?

Among the best-selling products on the Internet in Russia in 2019, there are categories that should not be sold due to fierce competition. These include gadgets and household appliances. If you still decide to sell the most popular goods on the Internet in 2019, then your competitors will be not only well-known and little-known trading platforms in Russia, but also Chinese online stores.

Clothes and shoes

Although buying clothes and shoes usually requires trying on, these are the best-selling items online today. Why? – yes, because a quality item on the Internet costs much less than in a boutique. In addition, people need to dress and put on shoes regardless of the economic situation in the country. Therefore, there will always be a demand for “clothing” goods. Online clothing store – different. The main thing is to choose the right assortment, take high-quality photos and product descriptions. Of course, there is a possibility that the item will not suit the buyer, so the risks of returns must be taken into account. To minimize such risks, you should carefully approach client consultations. With the right approach, selling clothes and shoes will bring good profits. Statistics show that, for example, last year dresses became the best-selling product for women.

Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts

The times of resellers earning fabulous money are gradually gone. New technologies, including e-commerce, make it possible to purchase a ticket for any type of transport, as well as for all kinds of events, without leaving the couch. Electronic tickets can be called one of the best-selling products on the Internet. Of course, it will not be easy for a newcomer to this business, since competition in this segment is quite high. But if you are committed to serious work on the promotion and promotion of your ticket resale resource, then your business will be successful. Those who have potential partners – event organizers – can also make good money on tickets.

Perfumes and cosmetics

These categories are undoubtedly in demand among buyers even in difficult times. When opening an online perfume and cosmetics store, it is important to have a good website, conduct regular advertising campaigns and, of course, sell only high-quality products from well-known brands. If you think about what products are the most sold on the Internet during the holidays, then perfumes and cosmetics are one of the first options that come to mind. This product makes a wonderful gift for the New Year, Valentine's Day and March 8th.


Medicines, herbs, medicinal teas and dietary supplements are also among the best-selling products in Russia. These categories, despite their popularity, can be harmful to human health. When reselling such products, be careful to sell only high-quality products. Pay special attention to the expiration dates of the product and the authority and reliability of the manufacturer.


LED lamps can be considered the best-selling products in online stores in 2019. First of all, this is due to the fact that they consume half as much electricity as conventional lamps and last several times longer. The demand for these products is growing every day, as during the crisis people strive to save energy. The LED resale business is profitable, although competition in this area is already quite strong.


The rapid development of the e-book market has not been able to completely replace traditional ones. Are books among the best-selling products on the Internet, how to find out? – It’s very simple: take a closer look at what many people are doing on public transport. – They read paper publications! Finding a bookstore that sells the necessary literature is a troublesome task. Therefore, buyers look for books on the Internet. Consequently, the resale of traditional books is a profitable business, despite the fact that many of us consider the electronic form of publications and documents more convenient. The markup for this category of goods can reach 50–60%, the payback of the business is at least a year.

Cheap goods from China

Chinese businessmen have successfully implemented ideas for producing in-demand items. The purchasing cost of Chinese goods is ridiculous. And in 2019, the best-selling goods from China on the Internet remain counterfeits or, more correctly, replicas of things from famous brands:

  • Adidas;
  • NIKE;
  • UGG Australia;
  • Timberland;
  • iPhone from Apple;
  • Converse;
  • Lacoste.

Many of the best-selling items on the Internet are not original, but are made by the Chinese of very high quality. Consumers do not see the point in overpaying “for the name” of the manufacturer. In addition, many brands locate their production in China, so local craftsmen learn the secrets of the masters and successfully use them in their technological processes.

First of all, find suppliers. To avoid dependence on one supplier, keep several wholesalers in stock in order to quickly reorient yourself in the event of a sharp increase in the purchase price of the items being sold. You can search for them on specialized forums, ad sites, and at thematic exhibitions.

Depending on your capabilities, you need to choose a scheme for working with a supplier. There are several interaction options.

From the author: Hello, friends, readers of our blog! If you have decided to start a business on the World Wide Web and don’t know what niche to choose for trading, and what is best to sell in an online store, then this is definitely the place for you. In the modern world, the number of online purchases is growing every day, and today I will tell you what people buy more often in online stores.

Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine a person without access to the Internet, and some even began to live on social networks! Today you won’t surprise anyone with an online purchase, but in Russia there are still many shops that don’t want to completely go into the virtual world and leave their offices and stores in real life, and our mentality is to blame for all this. However, I note that the scope of online trading is increasingly increasing, and this process can no longer be stopped - its growth rate can be compared to geometric progression or the proliferation of microbes.

Online shopping statistics

As I already noted, the number of online purchases is increasing every year, and this happens for several reasons:

in online stores it is convenient to leaf through catalogs and select products with photographs and text descriptions;

the purchase price is below market value;

you can place an order without leaving your home, and couriers bring purchases directly to your home;

you can order exclusive products, even those that are not available in our country;

convenient payment method - you can pay for purchases by cash on delivery or by bank transfer;

free delivery from another country - many consumers value this factor.

Some statistics from global indicators: the volume of purchases by visitors to online stores has doubled over the past 4 years! If in 2012 this figure was equal to 1.07 trillion. dollars, then by the end of 2016 it approached 2.3 trillion. dollars, and the forecast for 2017 is almost 2.38 trillion. Doll.! Can you imagine these scales?

I will give general statistics on what people buy more often in online stores in the Russian Federation. In 2016, according to sociological surveys, the following figures were given: 7% prefer to shop in foreign stores, 43% of respondents choose domestic and foreign goods equally, 50% of respondents admitted the fact that over the past year they have purchased at least once using the Internet.

The current 2017 promises to be even more promising than the past for online commerce. According to survey results: 21% of Russian buyers want to learn how to purchase goods from abroad and 22% want to get acquainted with the offers of the Russian online market.

Here is a list of countries that are in greatest demand among Russian consumers:

China - 46%;

Germany - 16%;

Türkiye -12%;

France - 5%;

UK - 2%.

Respondents also admitted to being cautious about online shopping, for the following reasons:

fear of not receiving an order (51%);

risk of purchasing a low-quality product (52%);

costs for product delivery (44%);

long delivery time (45%).

Now I’ll try to answer the main question of our article, what is most often ordered in online stores. The popularity of online shopping has reached the point that today everyone buys everything online - from batteries to cars, but not all products are equally popular. So…

Rating of the most popular products that people order through the online store:

1. Clothes.

There are 55% of buyers who prefer to purchase fashion items through the World Wide Web. It's no secret that shoes, clothes and accessories are most often ordered from online stores. In this category, the main consumers are, naturally, women.

The only obstacle is that in most cases it is impossible to try on the product. But online stores are actively working in this direction, providing customers with a reliable sizing chart and 3D viewing of the product. Recently, online stores have increasingly appeared, from which you can order clothes to your home along with delivery and fitting services.

2. Electrical engineering.

42% of respondents purchase gadgets and small household appliances from online stores. Prices for this group of goods are usually lower than in a regular store, so even if you add delivery costs, it is still more profitable to buy online. But large household appliances are purchased less often - 22% of respondents.

3. Entertainment goods, toys.

36% of users buy. This category is popular among young mothers due to low prices. Children's products can be found at a cost 10-40% lower than the market price. A large assortment allows you to choose a unique product without “shocking” your wallet. Nowadays, children's products from Poland, such as strollers and shoes, are especially popular. This is European quality at a low price - besides, delivery time from Poland cannot be compared with China.

4. Cosmetics.

32% of respondents prefer to purchase skin care products online. Perfumes and cosmetics are very popular due to their wide range and the possibility of delivery anywhere in the world. By the way, beauty products are in great demand not only among women, but also among men - recently, a strong half of humanity has begun to actively master the purchase of beauty products in online stores. Korean brands and ECO cosmetics are especially popular.

5. Software.

The Runet is now flooded with sites where you can buy high-quality and inexpensive software. There is no doubt that this product will soon move entirely to Internet content.

6. Tickets.

Nowadays, few people go to buy tickets - no one likes to stand in a huge line among a bunch of people. Many people prefer to do this remotely, and it doesn’t matter what the ticket is for - an event, a concert, a bus or a train. You can buy a ticket on the Internet in a matter of minutes, without being distracted from your daily routine.

7. Payment systems.

Since many users want to pay for services and goods without leaving home. By downloading the application, you can be aware of the balance on the card, pay utilities, top up your account, etc. The market has come quite far in this area.

I would also like to note the following types of goods that sell well through the online store (they, of course, make up a much smaller percentage than previous products, but at the same time, they sell well): spare parts and accessories for a car - 14% of users buy them; sporting goods - 12% of respondents purchase items in this category in an online store.

This list of the most popular products has not changed recently, except that the leaders sometimes change places. But there is a forecast that smartphones will soon take first place in this ranking.

Perhaps the above data will help you and where you can invest your money. After all, there is no longer any doubt that online shopping will soon completely replace regular shopping.

On this note I will end my article. If you found it useful, subscribe to our blog and tell your friends about it on social networks - maybe they will soon become your customers or partners. See you again!

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are thinking about starting their own online business. However, this is not as simple as it may seem at first. In order to be successful, modern Internet sales must, first of all, be popular. Indeed, nowadays many people already purchase goods using Internet resources, without considering this online marketing to be some kind of unknown curiosity. That is why everyone who dreams of bringing this idea to life needs to constantly introduce new ideas and strictly evaluate their capabilities.

How did it all begin?

As the Internet developed, many businessmen began to think about selling products using the World Wide Web, which was constantly gaining popularity. Sooner or later, many entrepreneurs would come to this question. After all, the Internet allows you to reach a huge audience of potential buyers, while saving money on selling goods. Such sales became profitable in all respects.

At the origins of the Internet business is Jeff Bezos. It was he who first began building his own Amazon empire on the still empty Network. This company was founded in 1994. At that time, the online store had not yet been opened, but the foundation for such entrepreneurial activity had already been thoroughly laid. The opening of the new outlet took place on July 16, 1995. The first product that was purchased via the Internet was a book. And this is very symbolic. After all, according to many ordinary people, the Internet subsequently became a real killer of the book market.

The new store got off to a successful start and by 2000 was selling four billion dollars worth of goods a year.

Modern stage

Of course, in those days such an unusual way of selling goods was a real curiosity. But it has nonetheless caused many of us to look at the Internet in a completely different way. Over the past decade, businesses that thrive on the World Wide Web have changed beyond recognition. At the same time, competition has increased significantly.

Today the Internet has entered the home of each of us. At the same time, online commerce has firmly established itself in the modern consumer market and occupied its absolutely legitimate niche there.

What do you need to open an online store?

The success of any business directly depends on a good idea. That is why it would not hurt anyone who is going to open their own online store to study the rating of demand for goods on the Internet and select their own range of products. This is the main question that every aspiring entrepreneur needs to solve. For those who have just begun to get acquainted with existing trends and the most popular ideas today, below will be presented the top products sold on the Internet.

Where to start your online project?

What are the best selling products online? In order to find out, you need to choose a specific niche and then test it using a special service. This way you can determine how often buyers are interested in a particular product by typing its name in search engines. If the result is low, the product you have chosen will not be in demand. This means that you won’t have to expect good profits from this event. What if hundreds or even thousands of users try to find the product every day? In this case, the entrepreneur made the right choice by guessing the best-selling products on the Internet.

Before making a final decision, it is important to decide on the amount of investment in a new business. To do this, you will need to competently draw up a business plan and get to work.


What do you sell most often on the Internet? The most popular goods in the online stores of the World Wide Web are books. It is with them that many entrepreneurs who have become very successful today started their business.

The main advantages of such sales are as follows:

  • low purchase price;
  • inexpensive and convenient delivery;
  • absence of warranty obligations;
  • simple storage conditions;
  • high demand, especially for collector's editions.

Offering top-selling online products like books to customers is a great option for those who are starting their business from scratch and want to really take off. It is worth saying that this type of activity will pay off very quickly. After all, the trade margin on books, as a rule, ranges from 50 to 70 percent.

However, this business also has one significant drawback. Due to the fact that books are the best-selling products on the Internet, the level of competition in this area is very high. In addition, various resources offer quite a lot of pirated copies of publications that are very popular. However, despite these facts, experts believe that a beginner should still choose books for his online trading. This option for starting your own business will be the best.

Inexpensive gadgets

What sells online as successfully as books? Of course, gadgets and various electronics. Today, this product is in great demand among buyers. The range of gadgets is very large and varied. In addition, it is constantly changing due to the regular entry into the market of more and more new models.

Due to the fact that gadgets are popular products in online stores, selling them is a great idea for a budding entrepreneur. However, to promote such a project, you need to spend a certain period of time and call on professionals for help. In addition, opening such an online store will require large initial financial investments. But don't be afraid of it. Any investment will pay off fairly quickly.

How to attract buyers when there is quite a lot of competition in this sales area? To do this, you will need to offer affordable prices for products online. At the same time, free delivery, as well as the availability of various promotions and discounts, will be attractive to the buyer.

Any successful business starts with a good idea. Therefore, if you decide to open an online store, first of all you need to think about the range of products for sale. This is the main question that every aspiring entrepreneur faces. If you can’t decide on a line of business, check out the most popular ideas for what to sell in an online store, collected in this article.

Where to begin?

So, you have decided to open your own online store, what to sell? This question arises for every novice entrepreneur who wants to start trading online. To find out which product is profitable to sell on the Internet, just test the niche you have chosen using a special service. With its help, you can determine how often buyers show interest in a particular product by making queries in search engines. If the result is low, the product will not be in demand, and accordingly, you will not be able to make a good profit from its sale. If hundreds, or even thousands of online users search for a product every day, this means that you have made the right choice.

Before you make a final decision on what to sell through an online store, decide how much you are willing to invest in starting your own business, draw up a competent business plan and get to work. It is also advisable to hire a specialist who can give advice and attract buyers to him.

Book trading

Do you want to know what is best to sell in an online store? Pay attention to the books. This is the most popular product on the Internet, with which many successful entrepreneurs started trading.

Its main advantages:

  • Low purchase price;
  • Inexpensive, convenient delivery;
  • Absence of any warranty obligations;
  • Simple storage conditions;
  • High demand.

Collectible editions sell especially well online.

An online bookstore is a great option. Since books are a fairly in-demand product, all initial investments pay off in the shortest possible time. Such products are usually marked up by 50–70%. The disadvantages of business include the high level of competition in this area and a large number of pirated copies of popular publications. Despite this, many experienced experts believe that books are the best option for a beginner than selling in an online store.

Inexpensive electronics and gadgets

Nowadays, such products are in great demand. Its range is constantly updated, so this market segment has the highest level of competition. This is a great idea for 2019, what to sell in an online store, but in order to promote such a business, it will take a lot of time, as well as the help of professionals. In addition, you will need large financial investments, but they will pay off in the shortest possible time.

To attract customers, offer them affordable prices, free shipping, various discounts and promotions. The main disadvantages of the business are the possibility of damage to goods during delivery and returns of equipment with manufacturing defects. The markup on such goods ranges from 15–45%. Electronics rank high on the list of best-selling goods on the Internet, so trading in such goods will in any case bring good profits.

Childen's goods

If you are looking for something profitable to sell in an online store, pay attention to children's products and toys. You can make a good markup on this type of product (more than 100%) and, accordingly, receive a decent income. Loving parents pamper their babies, so sales of children's products are constantly growing. Before that, carefully study the offers of competitors and select a popular product.

The best option for aspiring entrepreneurs who are starting from scratch is offline, and some of the things that will be brought in for commission are put up for sale in an online store. Thanks to this, you can make a profit from sales without investing money in purchasing goods.

Goods for pets

People who have pets are willing to pay any money for the comfort of their pets. If you can’t decide what to sell in an online store, try offering customers:
  • Food for cats and dogs;
  • Clothes for animals;
  • Furniture and accessories.

Such products are low cost and are always in good demand. In addition, pet products are difficult to find in small towns, so residents of small towns mostly buy them online.

If you are not attracted to pet products, you might want to ask. This idea is perfect for fishing lovers. Advertise your resource on thematic forums and websites for men. When the business begins to develop, you can add hunting and outdoor products to the range.

Intimate goods

Can't find an interesting idea for what you can sell in an online store? Recently, many sites have appeared on the Internet that offer erotic products. This is a specific product, but it has its consumers. Many people are embarrassed to buy such goods in specialized stores, so they order them online. If you have not yet decided what is the best way to trade in an online store, pay special attention to this profitable idea. There will be no problems with the delivery of such goods, and you can earn a solid income from its sale.

Auto parts

This is a great idea that you can sell in an online store during a crisis. If you want to open a business with a small investment, you can initially sell spare parts for a specific brand of car. When choosing a specialization, keep in mind that during a crisis they often buy parts for domestically produced cars.

Most popular product:

  • Filters;
  • Racks;
  • Headlights;
  • Mirrors;
  • All kinds of accessories.

Before you open an online spare parts store from scratch, you need to decide which customers your products will be designed for. You must clearly understand in which direction you want to move. According to experts, the profitability of such a business reaches 50-70%.


Recently, many citizens of our country who want to improve their financial situation often ask the question,? If you are creative, you can make some products at home and sell them online. Handmade crafts are very popular, so this activity can bring a good, stable profit. Let's figure it out, shall we?

It could be:

  1. Exclusive clothing;
  2. Various souvenirs;
  3. Handmade soap;
  4. Decorative candles;
  5. Jewelry and accessories;
  6. Products made from wicker;
  7. Ceramics and more.

Chinese products

According to experts, it is guaranteed to bring decent profits. During the crisis, many consumers prefer inexpensive, high-quality products, so they often visit online stores that offer cheap goods from China.

If you decide to get into this business, first of all you need to choose what to trade.

The most popular Chinese-made products:

  • Clothing and footwear;
  • Car gadgets;
  • Tablets, laptops and mobile phones;
  • Accessories.

After you select the assortment, you need to start looking for a reliable intermediary who will supply you with goods on favorable terms. Some Chinese online stores offer free shipping, which means you can order goods directly from China from the manufacturer and resell them on their website. If you want to make a good profit, enter into cooperation agreements with retailers and supply them with products in small quantities. The more partners you can attract to your business, the higher your earnings will be.

How much can you earn?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since the profit of online stores depends on many factors:

  • Business scale. A small online store with an assortment of 20 items will not be able to generate much profit;
  • Initial investment. If you invest a lot of money in your business, there is a big risk that you won't get it back. At the same time, if you start with a small capital, trading will bring a penny profit;
  • Promotion costs. If you do not invest money in website promotion, it will begin to generate income in 2–3 years, and then in the best case;
  • Attendance. According to statistics, in the West, out of 100 customers who visit an online store, only 1 person makes a purchase. In our country, people do not have much confidence in online trading, so 1 out of 500 people decide to make a purchase.

Some resources bring in only 5–6 thousand rubles per month, while others at the same time allow you to earn up to 5 million rubles. To develop your store to such a high level, you will need about 10 years of intensive work and substantial investment.

In addition, I would like to note that earnings and profits of online stores are two different things. Today, there are many enterprises operating online with a huge turnover, but they receive little profit. Almost all the money earned has to be spent on maintaining and developing the business. They have been working in the market for several years and have already passed the break-even point, but despite this, entrepreneurs have to literally “survive” in a difficult economic situation. But there are also resources that bring huge income. It all depends on the choice of product and your attitude to the matter.

What to sell in an online store: TOP 5 product categories in the Russian Federation + studying demand and choosing a niche + 5 tips from sales experts + 4 steps to start sales.

The popularity of the Internet in recent years has simply gone through the roof! We spend a lot of time in front of the computer monitor and other gadgets.

Most people simply relax: watch movies, listen to music, chat with friends.

For others, the World Wide Web has become a place of work that brings excellent income.

There are many options, but the majority of people on the Internet are engaged in sales.

What to sell in an online store to get real income? And how to build a successful business on this?

What to sell in an online store: rating of popular products

The first step is to study the statistics of products that are most often purchased in online stores.

Statistics show that the most popular are companies selling real estate, as well as clothing, footwear and children's accessories stores.

Of course, working with real estate is an area for specialists and owners of large investment capital. But selling souvenirs or clothes for women is an activity available to anyone with the Internet.

When you are just starting to “explore” the field of online stores, it is best to start selling one type of product.

It will be easier and more interesting if you choose an industry that is closer to your type of activity or lifestyle. For example, young mothers will be interested in selling children's clothing or toys.

What categories of goods are more profitable to sell in an online store?

A novice businessman should direct sales to his hometown and region.

Think about what people are missing. You may not have a good sportswear or outdoor supply store in your area.

Walk through supermarkets, study the assortment, interview people (and at least your neighbors), listen to their opinions.

The products you want to sell to customers must be in demand, be relevant today, and have a target audience in your region.

Let's say you decide to sell souvenirs, but there is already a similar store in the city. It is unlikely that in this case they will order products from you. After all, in an online store it is impossible to touch a thing or study its advantages and disadvantages.

On the other hand, if the price is an order of magnitude lower, then buyers may make a choice in your favor.

So what to sell in an online store?

  1. Real estate.
  2. Clothes and shoes.
  3. Childen's goods.
  4. Digital and household appliances.
  5. Recreation and sports.

These are the most popular product groups today throughout Russia.

In order to decide what exactly you want to do, you need to consider each option separately.

No. 1. Property For Sale.

A very profitable idea is to create a website about real estate. This category includes the sale of cars, apartments, houses, land, etc.

Of course, for this type of employment it is good to have experience as a realtor or at least a basic understanding of this profession.

Since the price for this category of goods is high, the owner of such an Internet project will have considerable income.

A real estate office that operates online places all advertisements for the sale or purchase of real estate, most often for free. Income will be accrued to the owner from the placement of related products, and most importantly, from completed transactions.

You can increase your profit if you hire 1-2 realtors in your mini-staff, who will be able to visit real estate sites and sell real estate.

In addition to the website, you can also create pages on social networks to increase your reach of potential clients.

No. 2. Online store of clothes and shoes.

Increasingly, people began to order clothes and shoes via the Internet. You can find many different models online at a lower cost than in regular retail outlets.

There is a risk of making a mistake with the size or encountering poor quality service in the online store. However, people continue to buy new things online.

If you decide to start selling clothes, then decide on your target group. You may want to sell men's clothing or clothing for curvy women.

The next step is to conclude a deal with the supplier. During the course of cooperation, he will send you photos from the collection, which you will post on your page on social networks or on the website.

We remind you! Analyze the pricing policy of other online stores, as well as clothing markets. Your price should be slightly lower than your competitors, but you should still make a profit.

No. 3. Childen's goods.

Young mothers simply do not have enough time to go shopping to buy clothes or toys for their baby. They turn to the same online stores for help.

If you have children, you can sell your baby’s used items along with new products. Online thrift stores have become especially popular in recent years due to the crisis in the country.

You can recruit friends and relatives to sales, who in this way can help themselves and you (for example, on the condition of selling “at a percentage”).

No. 4. Digital and household appliances.

On the Internet you can find many offers for the sale of digital and household appliances. There is a lot of competition, but the profits will also be high.

To become a leader in equipment sales, you need to spend a lot of time and your own resources.

Opening such a project will not be easy. It is imperative to hire a consultant who knows all the nuances of equipment sales and understands technical innovations.

He must always be in touch and be able to answer all customer questions.

Due to the oversaturated market of digital and household appliances, it is unrealistic to quickly become a successful entrepreneur.

No. 5. Recreation and sports.

Products for active recreation and sports are popular. As a rule, products of this category are much cheaper on the Internet than in ordinary stores.

As for provincial cities, they often lack high-quality sporting goods and recreational products.

In such an area, if potential buyers have the opportunity to purchase similar products, opening a specialized online store will be very useful.

Where to start selling online?

Typically the work flow looks like this:

  1. You are looking for a good supplier who will supply products in bulk at the lowest price.
  2. Create your own online store based on social networks, trading platforms, or as a separate website.
  3. Next, you will display the product on the website with a “inflated” price. This difference in cost will be the store's income.
  4. After your business begins to develop, you can add some other product categories to your assortment (for example, accessories will be a good “batch” for women’s clothing).

Note! Before increasing the price, study the policies of your competitors.
To attract buyers, it is important that your price for the same product is slightly lower than that of your “rivals”.
Reducing the cost even by 5-10 rubles can make a difference.

Often people, dreaming of how much money they will make, open a business without a business plan. This is a big mistake!

A well-drafted business development plan is the key to success, even if you just want to sell jewelry online.

The approximate structure of creating a business plan looks like this:

If after several months of operation the business is not profitable, think about where you made a mistake. Perhaps there was a bad advertising campaign or your product range is simply not suitable for sale in a particular region.

To draw up a business plan, as well as determine the vector of development of your online store, answer yourself the following questions:

How much will you have to invest in the project? Decide how much money you have. You won't be able to open a store without any money. You need to spend the first months purchasing products + creating and promoting a website. Only after “things are going well” will you be able to make a profit and use it to develop your business.
Where do you plan to sell your products? Decide for yourself which regions of the country or perhaps the world you hope to cooperate with. It’s better to start with your city and regional center, and then expand and sell products throughout the Russian Federation + abroad.
Do you have experience in sales or website promotion? If you're new to this, don't worry. There are many useful lessons and seminars on the Internet that will help you understand the basics of online trading.
Will there be demand for the product? Analyze the ratings of products that are sold through the World Wide Web. It’s better not to take risks, but to follow a proven path (at least when this is your first business and there are no unique ideas).
What about delivery? Decide how you will send packages to customers. This is one of the most important points for any online store.

What to sell in an online store to make your business profitable?

When choosing products that are profitable for sale, let’s turn to 5 tips from successful online store owners:

    If you have a limited budget, it is better to sell inexpensive products.

    It requires less + they will be cheap to ship to the buyer.

    It is worth comparing the pricing policies of online stores and markets in your region.

    Every seller understands: a customer on the Internet is looking for something that is cheaper than in a regular store.

    During a crisis, it is worth selling mid-price products in an online store.

    After all, those who have money will buy anything in an expensive boutique. People of average income (there are many more of them in our country) will look for where to buy cheaper.

    It is best to sell products that you understand.

    If you can easily provide advice to your customer, this will be a significant competitive advantage.

    If your online store sells only in a specific region, then conduct a survey on the topic: “What can’t be bought in our city?”

    Based on the results of a survey of people, add to your product range those products that many potential customers in your city are looking for.

If you decide to open a store on the Internet, then feel free to take action. Don't be afraid that there are already a ton of projects online.

Statistics confirm that the number of online shoppers in the world is only increasing, so there is and will be demand.

How much can you earn from sales through an online store?

It is difficult to name a specific figure that you will receive from your online store.

Income depends on the following factors:

    Project scale.

    The larger the assortment, the higher the income.

    Contribution of own funds to the business.

    Owning your own business is always a risk. It happens that an entrepreneur invests a large sum, but the business idea “burns out”.

    It is better not to act so rashly at the initial stage of opening an online store. Develop the project gradually.

    Site traffic.

    Unfortunately, many are still afraid to order online, especially in new stores. According to statistics, out of 500 people who visited the site, 1-2 people make a purchase.

It's one thing to answer the question what to sell in an online store, and another thing is to make buyers appear.

What is better to sell in an online store?

Find out what's in demand right now:

At the initial stage, on average, earnings will be 5,000-7,000 rubles. Successful projects that have been running for years can already generate profits in the millions, but this requires a lot of work and investment of effort and money.