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All-Russian children's competition “Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia. Photo voting for the competition “Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia All-Russian competition of dolls in national costumes

On June 12, on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow, the FAND of Russia and the Publishing House “Arguments and Facts” opened the “Land of Dolls”.

In order to harmonize interethnic relations, as well as the formation of national civil consciousness from an early childhood FADN of Russia and the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" held the All-Russian children's competition"Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia."

The main objectives of the competition are to preserve the unique traditions and ethnic identity in the territory Russian Federation, the formation of communication channels between the peoples and nationalities of Russia, aimed at interethnic peace in the country.

More than 5,000 children from 55 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the AiF doll competition, which was held with the support of the FADN of Russia. The best works became winners in various categories.

The Magadan region was represented at the competition by Makar Miroshnichenko, 13 years old, a student at the Center children's creativity Yagodnoye village. In May of this year, Makar took part in the regional exhibition of decorative and applied creativity“Koechidek”, which took place in Magadan. By decision of the exhibition organizing committee, his work, the “Hunter” doll, presented in Evenki costume, was sent to the All-Russian children's competition “Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia.”

On June 6, Makar Miroshnichenko’s work was noted by members of the jury of the All-Russian Children’s Competition and was among the winners!

And on June 12, as part of the “Multinational Russia” project, a solemn ceremony was held in the very center of Moscow to award the winners of the All-Russian children's competition “Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia,” to which Makar Miroshnichenko was invited.

The festival program included:

12.00 - opening of the festival town on Pushkinskaya Square.

14.00 - press conference with the participation of the winners and jury members of the All-Russian children's competition "Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia."

15.00 - 15.20 - music and dance improvisations by multinational festival participants.

15.30 - 15.50 - official part and the Russian anthem performed by participants of the concert program.

15.50 - 20.00 - large concert program.

In the “Cartoon Country” tent, children and adults were able to watch cartoons from the “Multi-Russia” series about different peoples and cities of our multinational country.

The Land of Crafts tent featured a real forge with a hammer and anvil - everything you need to forge a coin for good luck - and a potter's wheel for creating masterpieces from ceramics.

In the “Land of Dolls” tent there was a puppet workshop and an exhibition of dolls in national costumes, where the works of the winners of the All-Russian children's competition, which was held by the FADN of Russia and the Publishing House “Arguments and Facts”, were exhibited.

In the alleys Tverskoy Boulevard A unique exhibition “Country in Details” was opened, demonstrating the diversity of all 85 regions of Russia. They also worked all day fair rows with exotic goods and national delicacies.

We congratulate Makar Miroshnichenko on his victory in the All-Russian children's competition “Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia”! We wish you new interesting works and bright creative victories!

We express our gratitude to the Governor of the Magadan Region V.P. Pecheny, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Magadan Region L.A. Gorlacheva for her assistance in organizing and participating in the event.

General information about the Competition

The All-Russian children's competition "Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia" with the participation of Russian clothing designers, ethnographers, theater puppeteers, show business stars (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is being held Federal agency for the Affairs of Nationalities of Russia (FADN Russia) and the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" ("AiF") as part of the implementation of the project "Multinational Russia". The competition is dedicated to Russia Day, which is celebrated on June 12.

Goals and objectives of the Competition.

Harmonization of interethnic relations, as well as the formation of national civic consciousness from early childhood

. Attracting the attention of the general public to issues of education and information about the costumes of the peoples of Russia, as part of national policy;
. Preservation of unique traditions and ethnic identity on the territory of the Russian Federation;
. Formation of communication channels between the peoples and nationalities of Russia, aimed at interethnic peace in the country;

Regulations for the Competition

1. Organization and holding of the competition

1.1. The competition “Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia” is held in 2 stages - correspondence and full-time.

1.2. Stage 1 of the competition - absentee - collection of applications and photographs of dolls in national costumes of the region, determination of finalists - 05/19/2017 - 05/29/2017 inclusive - acceptance of applications for participation and provision of photographs; - 05/30/2017 - 06/04/2017 - processing applications, reviewing projects, determining the finalists of the competition.

1.3. Stage 2 of the competition - full-time - provision of dolls in national costumes, exhibition of the finalists' works, announcement of the winners.

06/05/2017 - 06/09/2017 - provision of dolls in national costumes to the Conference Department of the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" at the address: 101000, Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 42.

06/12/2017 - an exhibition of works by the finalists of the competition, a press conference of the adult and children's jury, the announcement and awarding of the winners will be held as part of the celebration of Russia Day at the address: Moscow, Pushkinskaya Square.

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to make changes to the Regulations and Rules of the competition.

2. Conditions for organizing and participating in the competition

2.1. The competition is held in the following categories:

  • Fairytale beauty
  • Mistress Copper Mountain
  • Princess of the Mountains
  • polar Star
  • Swan Princess
  • Siberian gem
  • Steppe beauty
  • Taiga star.

There is also a Grand Prix for the best national costume “Pride of Russia”.

2.2. The competition is aimed at children from 7 to 16 years old from the regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of various creative schools and applied arts workshops where national clothes are sewn (by the author or a group of authors of no more than 3 people).

2.3. Children can take part in the competition if accompanied by one adult citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 and has completed and signed the application for participation.

2.4. By taking part in the competition, the participant confirms that he understands these terms of participation in the competition and agrees with them.

2.5. By taking part in the competition, the participant confirms his consent to the processing of his personal data by the organizer for the purpose of holding the competition.

2.6. To participate in the 1st stage of the competition, participants must fill out a form, create a folk costume of their region, and provide a photo of a doll in a national costume.

2.8. The second stage of the competition involves exclusively works selected by experts.

2.9. To participate in the 2nd stage of the competition, participants must provide the Conference Department of the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" with dolls in national costumes of the region in accordance with the photographs and descriptions provided at the 1st stage of the competition;

2.10. By taking part in the competition, the participant confirms his consent to the use of his name/name of the club/workshop and photographs in information materials of the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" dedicated to the competition.

2.11. It is not permitted to use in the design of objects containing the results of intellectual activity of third parties, images of citizens, as well as other elements for the use of which the consent of third parties is required.

2.12. The participant confirms and guarantees that he is the author of the design of the folk costume of the region submitted to the competition, and that the samples were made by him personally.

2.13. Participants confirm and guarantee that samples of folk doll costumes were produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.14. Each participant has the right to submit for the competition one doll in a folk costume from any nomination indicated in clause 2.1. At the request of the participant, it is possible to provide one costume in the three nominations chosen by him, indicated in paragraph 2.1.

3. Evaluation procedure and criteria

3.1. To evaluate the doll in national costume and determine the winners, the FADN of Russia, together with the AiF Publishing House, forms two jury panels - an adult and a child.

3.2. The adult jury includes: a Russian designer, a scientist ethnographer, a theater puppeteer, a toy factory artist, a representative of the Argumenty i Fakty Publishing House, a representative of the FADN of Russia, a media person. The children's jury includes: a representative of a creative studio of applied arts, an actor from the magazine “Yeralash”, a representative of the program “Voice. Children", a representative of a folk song group, a representative of a folk dance group.

3.3. The participants’ work will be assessed based on 5 indicators:

Display ethnographic features national costume;

Quality of tailoring, materials and workmanship;

Compliance of the image with the participant’s application for a certain nomination from clause 2.1.;

Aesthetics of creative image solution.

3.4. Each of the indicators listed in paragraph 3.3. has a 10-point scale.

3.6. Two jury compositions - adults and children - evaluate the kits and make a decision individually by filling out the competition form.

3.7. The result of the jury's work is the total score for all indicators, ranked by value.

4. Conditions of the competition

4.1. Each participant has the right to take part in any category listed in clause 2.1. or three at the same time. and attach photographs and a description of the national costume to it until May 29, 2017 inclusive.

4.3. The AiF Conference Department undertakes to announce the results of the 1st stage of the competition and notify the finalists on May 30, 2017.

4.4. Participants who have passed the 2nd stage of the competition (finalists of the 1st stage of the competition) undertake to provide the AiF Conference Department with produced/finished dolls in the national costumes of their region by June 9, 2017.

4.5. Participants who have passed the 2nd stage of the competition, living in the regions of the Russian Federation, undertake to deliver dolls in national costumes to the AiF Conference Department in Moscow independently and at their own expense.

4.6. An exhibition of works by the finalists of the competition, announcement and awarding of the winners is held by the organizers on June 12 in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square as part of the celebration of Russia Day.

4.7. Participants who have passed the 2nd stage of the competition and are taking part in the exhibition are obliged to attend the award ceremony in person.

4.8. Participants who have passed the 2nd stage of the competition and who live in the regions of the Russian Federation undertake to ensure their arrival and accommodation in Moscow for the duration of the exhibition of the competition finalists independently and at their own expense.

Awards and coverage of the competition

5.1. The jury determines one winner in all categories indicated in paragraph 2.1.

5.2. The winners of the competition in each category are awarded a memorable gift from the Publishing House “Arguments and Facts” and the FADN of Russia.

5.3. The publishing house “Arguments and Facts” on its website will hold a “popular” vote for the best examples of dolls in national costumes from May 30 to June 9, 2017.

5.4. All finalists will be awarded certificates of diploma from the All-Russian children's competition "Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia."

6. Contact Information Conference Department of the Publishing House "AiF"

101000, Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, house 42

May 29, 2017 9:38 / 1599

On the eve of Russia Day, the Federal Agency for National Affairs and the publishing house "Arguments and Facts" are holding the All-Russian children's competition "Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia."

“Over 190 nationalities live in Russia; people from more than 150 countries of the world come for permanent or temporary residence, but few of our citizens can name at least 20 nationalities. Therefore, we consider it important to educate about the enormous and in many ways unique ethno-confessional diversity of our country. The folk costume contains a rich cultural and historical heritage. It’s great that thanks to the competition, our youngest citizens will also be involved in it,” said Igor Barinov, head of the FADN of Russia.

The competition consists of two stages. At the first, correspondence stage, photographs of dolls in national costumes of the region will be collected. Photos must be sent by May 29 to email: [email protected] And [email protected]. Then an adult and children's jury with the participation of Russian clothing designers, ethnographers, theater puppeteers, show business stars, and child actors will choose best works, the authors of which, together with dolls in national costumes, will come to Moscow. On June 12, as part of the Multinational Russia festival, an exhibition of dolls will be held, as well as an award ceremony for the winners.


Reviewed by The All-Russian children's competition “Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia” has started. on May 29. On the eve of Russia Day, the Federal Agency for National Affairs and the publishing house "Arguments and Facts" are holding the All-Russian children's competition "Dolls in Rating: 0

All-Russian children's competition "Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia"
Regulations on the Competition

General information about the Competition
The All-Russian children's competition "Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia" with the participation of Russian clothing designers, ethnographers, theater puppeteers, show business stars (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held by the Federal Agency for Nationalities of Russia (FADN Russia) and the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" (“AiF”) as part of the implementation of the “Multinational Russia” project. The competition is dedicated to Russia Day, which is celebrated on June 12.

Goals and objectives of the Competition.

Harmonization of interethnic relations, as well as the formation of national civic consciousness from early childhood

. Attracting the attention of the general public to issues of education and information about the costumes of the peoples of Russia, as part of national policy;
. Preservation of unique traditions and ethnic identity on the territory of the Russian Federation;
. Formation of communication channels between the peoples and nationalities of Russia, aimed at interethnic peace in the country;

Regulations for the Competition

1. Organization and holding of the competition

1.1. The competition “Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia” is held in 2 stages - correspondence and full-time.

1.2. Stage 1 of the competition - absentee - collection of applications and photographs of dolls in national costumes of the region, determination of finalists - 05/19/2017 - 05/29/2017 inclusive - acceptance of applications for participation and provision of photographs; - 05/30/2017 - 06/04/2017 - processing applications, reviewing projects, determining the finalists of the competition.

1.3. Stage 2 of the competition - full-time - provision of dolls in national costumes, exhibition of the finalists' works, announcement of the winners.
-06/05/2017 - 06/09/2017 - provision of dolls in national costumes to the Conference Department of the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" at the address: 101000, Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 42.

06/12/2017 - an exhibition of works by the finalists of the competition, a press conference of the adult and children's jury, the announcement and awarding of the winners will be held as part of the celebration of Russia Day at the address: Moscow, Pushkinskaya Square.

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to make changes to the Regulations and Rules of the competition.

2. Conditions for organizing and participating in the competition

2.1. The competition is held in the following categories:

  • Fairytale beauty
  • Mistress of Copper Mountain
  • Princess of the Mountains
  • polar Star
  • Swan Princess
  • Siberian gem
  • Steppe beauty
  • Taiga star.

There is also a Grand Prix for the best national costume “Pride of Russia”.

2.2. The competition is aimed at children from 7 to 16 years old from the regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of various creative schools and applied arts workshops where national clothes are sewn (by the author or a group of authors of no more than 3 people).

2.3. Children can take part in the competition if accompanied by one adult citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 and has completed and signed the application for participation.

2.4. By taking part in the competition, the participant confirms that he understands these terms of participation in the competition and agrees with them.

2.5. By taking part in the competition, the participant confirms his consent to the processing of his personal data by the organizer for the purpose of holding the competition.

2.6. To participate in the 1st stage of the competition, participants must fill out a form, create a folk costume of their region, and provide a photo of a doll in a national costume.

2.8. The second stage of the competition involves exclusively works selected by experts.

2.9. To participate in the 2nd stage of the competition, participants must provide the Conference Department of the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" with dolls in national costumes of the region in accordance with the photographs and descriptions provided at the 1st stage of the competition;

2.10. By taking part in the competition, the participant confirms his consent to the use of his name/name of the club/workshop and photographs in information materials of the Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" dedicated to the competition.

2.11. It is not permitted to use in the design of objects containing the results of intellectual activity of third parties, images of citizens, as well as other elements for the use of which the consent of third parties is required.

2.12. The participant confirms and guarantees that he is the author of the design of the folk costume of the region submitted to the competition, and that the samples were made by him personally.

2.13. Participants confirm and guarantee that samples of folk doll costumes were produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.14. Each participant has the right to submit for the competition one doll in a folk costume from any nomination indicated in clause 2.1. At the request of the participant, it is possible to provide one costume in the three nominations chosen by him, indicated in paragraph 2.1.

3. Evaluation procedure and criteria

3.1. To evaluate the doll in national costume and determine the winners, the FADN of Russia, together with the AiF Publishing House, forms two jury panels - an adult and a child.

3.2. The adult jury includes: a Russian designer, a scientist ethnographer, a theater puppeteer, a toy factory artist, a representative of the Argumenty i Fakty Publishing House, a representative of the FADN of Russia, a media person. The children's jury includes: a representative of a creative studio of applied arts, an actor from the magazine “Yeralash”, a representative of the program “Voice. Children", a representative of a folk song group, a representative of a folk dance group.

3.3. The participants’ work will be assessed based on 5 indicators:

Display of ethnographic features of the national costume;

Quality of tailoring, materials and workmanship;

Compliance of the image with the participant’s application for a certain nomination from clause 2.1.;

Aesthetics of creative image solution.

3.4. Each of the indicators listed in paragraph 3.3. has a 10-point scale.

3.6. Two jury compositions - adults and children - evaluate the kits and make a decision individually by filling out the competition form.

3.7. The result of the jury's work is the total score for all indicators, ranked by value.

4. Conditions of the competition

4.1. Each participant has the right to take part in any category listed in clause 2.1. or three at the same time. and attach photographs and a description of the national costume to it until May 29, 2017 inclusive.

4.3. The AiF Conference Department undertakes to announce the results of the 1st stage of the competition and notify the finalists on May 30, 2017.

4.4. Participants who have passed the 2nd stage of the competition (finalists of the 1st stage of the competition) undertake to provide the AiF Conference Department with produced/finished dolls in the national costumes of their region by June 9, 2017.

4.5. Participants who have passed the 2nd stage of the competition, living in the regions of the Russian Federation, undertake to deliver dolls in national costumes to the AiF Conference Department in Moscow independently and at their own expense.

4.6. An exhibition of works by the finalists of the competition, announcement and awarding of the winners is held by the organizers on June 12 in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square as part of the celebration of Russia Day.