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Import of goods to Belarus from Lithuania. What can be transported across the Belarusian border? The amount of the state duty for exceeding the norms of duty-free import

Diplomatic relations between the Republics of Belarus and Poland allow citizens of these countries to freely travel to a neighboring state. The purpose of the visit can be both business or tourism, and shopping. Low food prices make Poland an attractive place for business and personal purchases. There are certain rules for the import of goods into Belarus from Poland, which must be followed while passing through the border.

Goods that cannot be imported to Belarus

A private person without special permission has restrictions on the import of certain groups of goods. The list of prohibited items includes radioactive, narcotic and explosive substances, firearms and other military equipment, medical equipment, solarium cameras, diamonds, animal and fish food.

Customs pays great attention to the labeling affixed to the goods.

This is especially true for food - unidentified and poorly packaged goods may not be allowed into Belarus. It is also forbidden to import pork meat and rooted plants into the country.

Duty-free rates: allowable weight of goods, their marginal value

The norms for the transport of goods are set depending on the type of goods that are imported. These include restrictions on the number of trade items as well as their total allowable value. The list of imported goods consists of the most common items for personal use.

Personal items

The cost of personal luggage that can be carried across the border is assessed visually by the border control officer. It is allowed to carry no more than 50 kg of luggage per person with a total value of up to 1.5 thousand euros by road or 10 thousand euros by air.

If the norm is exceeded, baggage is subject to a penalty in the amount of 30% of the cost of excess weight. In this case, the penalty must not be less than the amount, which is calculated as follows: each kilogram of excess is estimated at 4 euros.

Jewelry and money

Foreign currency is allowed to be imported in unlimited quantities. The only condition is that you will have to make any amount in the declaration that exceeds the threshold of 10 thousand dollars.

Restrictions apply to cash and money in the form of traveler's checks. If the funds are in a bank account linked to a Visa or MasterCard, no declaration is required.

Jewelry is allowed to take in the amount of five pieces, you need to carry them on yourself.

The cost of jewelry is assessed by customs. If a border guard officer suspects that the products are being exported for sale, and not for personal use, detailed inspections and evaluation of products begin. The cost of jewelry is included in the total allowable baggage allowance.


Starting from July 2019, the import procedure limits the amount of vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, nuts and berries to 5 kilograms per person. Those who cross the border more than once a quarter can take with them up to 10 kg of any food, including cheese, fish. People traveling across the border on a weekly basis are allowed to take up to 5 kg of food with them, including coffee.

Alcohol and tobacco products

The maximum rate of imported alcohol is at around 5 liters, while only 3 liters of them are not subject to duty.

From tobacco products it is permissible to take 200 cigarettes, 250 g of leaf tobacco or 50 cigars, regardless of the variety.

Medicines and bioactive supplements

Medicines containing strong psychotropic substances, as well as hypnotics and analgesics, must be imported together with a medical prescription, which indicates the contact number and address of the clinic, and a medical book with indications for their use.

Narcotic medicines can be carried in an amount of no more than three daily doses, and potent drugs - with a margin of 90 days.

Plants and animals

Cut plants are allowed to be transported in bunches of 15 units in the amount of no more than three bunches. Rooted flowerpots and agricultural crops are subject to strict phytocontrol along with plant seeds. It is necessary to carry them with phytosanitary certificates and purchase receipts.

The official website of the Belarusian customs provides detailed information on import issues.


Permission is given to enter by car with a full tank and carry an additional 10 liters in a canister. The rest of the fuel, border control workers are required to confiscate and dispose of with a warning.

Indivisible goods: rules for the importation of bulky goods

Goods weighing more than 35 kg and with an estimated service life of more than one year are considered indivisible. This category includes baby carriages, large household appliances, furniture, electrical engineering, plumbing.

The first product of its category (for example, electronics) imported within a three-year period is not subject to declaration. The importation of a second similar product is subject to a duty at the rate of 30% of the value of the cargo, but not less than 4 euros for each kilogram of the weight of the product.

Goods subject to declaration

It is necessary to declare in writing goods that exceed the allowable weight and value norms, precious stones and metals, ozone-depleting substances.

The list of goods subject to declaration includes objects of cultural value, indivisible cargo, vehicles.

Electronic encryption and communication systems, personal items of people entering the country in refugee status are also subject to declaration.

The amount of the state duty for exceeding the norms of duty-free import

To calculate the penalty for exceeding the weight of divisible goods, it is necessary to subtract 50 kg (norm) from the total baggage weight and multiply the result by 4 euros. For indivisible units, an individual declaration is formed, the amount of which is calculated as follows: 20% of the value added tax is added to the 15% duty on a single declaration.

The cost of the declaration form is 5 euros.

As for alcohol, for 2 liters of excess of the norm (ranging from 3 to 5 total liters), you will have to pay 10 euros for each liter.

The cost of declaring jewelry is calculated as follows: 10 euros are paid for each piece of silver jewelry over the allowed five units, 50 euros for a piece of platinum or gold, 200 euros for a piece of jewelery inlaid with precious stones.

How to choose a customs corridor

The green corridor is a passage for those who do not have goods in their luggage that need to be declared.

The red corridor is intended for those who import goods subject to registration into the country.

Inspection of travelers walking along the green corridor is carried out selectively at the choice of a customs officer. If during the inspection things are found that are subject to declaration, then in addition to the customs duty, the violator is obliged to pay a fine in the amount of 5-30 basic units.


The import of goods from Poland to the Republic of Belarus is regulated by the customs policy of these states. There are rules that determine the quantity and nature of goods that are allowed to be imported without taxation, and goods that are subject to registration. Adhere to the established rules for the importation of goods and personal effects in order to cross the border without administrative difficulties.

New rules for the import of goods from abroad will come into force in Belarus: Video

A common question asked by foreigners entering Poland: what can I bring with me from things, how many packs of cigarettes can I take with me ... This article will be devoted to answering these questions. So: what can and what cannot be transported across the Polish border?

A whole list of what is allowed and prohibited for transportation into the country and back forms the norms in accordance with which a decision will be made to let the traveler through the border or refuse entry.

Good to know:

Breaking the rules

Before moving on to the list of what can be brought across the Polish border, it is worth mentioning the sanctions for violating them. According to the degree of tightening, they can be expressed as:

  • confiscation of the forbidden;
  • imposing a fine (for example, 50 euros for an extra block of cigarettes);
  • deportation and a ban on entry into the EU for up to five years.

A relatively minor offense can result in a hefty penalty. Therefore, you should carefully read the rules below for transport across the Polish border.

Difference between air and land border crossings

There are differences in the norms depending on the method of movement:

  • ground (bus, car, train);
  • by air and by sea;

So, by air travel(and also when moving by sea) some norms are slightly increased.

As a rule, this applies to personal items, cigarettes, gifts. We will consider specific figures in the relevant sections.

note that all the rules in question apply to entry into Poland from non-EU countries. When crossing the border of the Republic of Poland from the countries of the Union, the norms are much higher.

What is the maximum weight allowed?

You can carry bags across the border, the weight of which does not exceed 50 kg per person. For citizens of Ukraine and Russia, this rule applies without exception, however for citizens of Belarus there is a difference: if the border is crossed more than once every 90 days, the weight is reduced to 20 kilograms.

Customs rules and regulations

How many things can be transported across the Polish border?

Personal items allowed for import will not be subject to customs duty and will not be subject to insurance if their total value does not exceed:

  • 150 euro for persons under the age of fifteen.
  • 300 euro for those over fifteen years old.
  • 430 euros during air travel.

Such things receive the status of "temporarily imported" and must leave Poland together with their owner.

The situation with export from Poland is similar, but there is an exception for Belarusians. The legislation of the Republic of Belarus allows citizens who cross the border less than once every 90 days to import goods in the amount of up to 1,500 euros (those who do it more often - the amount of 300 euros).

How many liters of alcohol can you?

The rules apply to travelers who are 17 years of age or older.. Before this age, the transport of alcohol is prohibited.

You can import:

  1. Drinks with a strength of more than 22.3% vol. - 1 liter of vodka per entrant.
  2. Drinks with a strength of less than 22.3% vol. - up to 2 liters per person. However, this item does not include wine and beer.
  3. Wine(excluding sparkling) - up to 4 liters.
  4. Beer- up to 16 liters.

In cases of import of alcoholic products, suitable for several points, the customs officer can calculate their average strength, and on this basis, decide on the amount allowed for import.

What kind of tobacco products are allowed?

Tobacco transportation rules also apply only to citizens who have reached the age of 17.

When crossing the border by land, it is allowed to import:

Mostly people transport cigarettes, but remember that if you transport more than 2 packs of cigarettes per person, the extra ones can be taken from you. As for hookah lovers, we did not find information prohibiting the import of it.

When crossing the Polish border by plane, the norms increase:

The latter also applies to water transport.

List of what can be from food

The following products are prohibited from entering the country:
  • milk and products created on its basis;
  • meat and all its derivatives, incl. lard, sausage, salmon, etc.;
  • canned food - homemade or purchased;
  • chocolate.

These rules apply to the entire territory of the EU for the entry of third-country nationals and are regulated not by Polish, but by pan-European legislation.

However, there are a number of exceptions that allow import:

  • baby food;
  • fish and products made on its basis;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits weighing up to 5 kg per person (excluding potatoes).

There is another nuance: ready-to-eat meat products, in a small amount cut into portioned pieces (slicing) can be passed through the border.

Simply put, a traveler is not deported for a sandwich with bacon or sausage.

There are restrictions on the transport of caviar(salty, ready to eat). Sturgeon caviar is allowed in quantities of 125 g/person in hermetically sealed packaging.

The situation is more complicated with a small amount of home preservation. The decision to import it into the territory of Poland will be made by the customs officer, subjectively determining whether it is “canned food” or “personal food”. Our advice: it’s better not to take risks and not take canned meat-based food with you - stew and other things. Vegetables, please.

Permitted for import to Poland and some other products. For example, honey or products made from eggs, etc., weighing up to 2 kg.

You can introduce products for special nutrition (diet, etc.), if, firstly, their need is confirmed by a medical certificate, and secondly, the weight does not exceed 2 kg.

Other restrictions for import to Poland:

  • coffee - no more than 500 gr.;
  • coffee extract - up to 200 gr.;
  • tea - no more than 100 gr.;
  • tea extract - up to 40 gr.

The names and scope of prohibitions/permits may change depending on changes in Polish and European legislation. For example, in cases of detection of epidemics of domestic animals and birds, additional temporary bans may be introduced.

Is it possible to import medicines and dietary supplements?

Non-strong tablets in sizes suitable for personal use are allowed to be imported into Poland! Potent medicines (again in personal volumes) can be imported only with the appropriate document from the doctor (indicating the institution, the full name of the physician, the patient's data, the list of medicines).

In other cases, preparations containing psychotropic and narcotic substances are strictly prohibited for import.

What can be done from household appliances?

Transportation of any type of equipment in the amount of 1 unit per person (without packaging) should not raise questions - such an amount is allowed. However, all these things must be declared so that when they are exported from Poland, there will be no problems with re-payment of VAT.

By the way, if the equipment (mobile phone or TV, for example) was actually purchased in Poland, you will have to pay tax, but you should not forget about such a convenient refund tool as Tax Free.

When importing computer equipment into Poland(laptop) the customs officer has the right to check it for the presence of unlicensed software and prohibited content. As practice shows, such cases are extremely rare, but still have a place to be.

Pneumatic and other weapons

Transportation of all types of weapons is strictly regulated by the laws of Poland and the EU. A firearm pistol and cartridges for it are prohibited for import. However, a sports, hunting, pneumatic and gas spray (as well as up to 100 cartridges for them) can be imported with the permission of the relevant government agency and declared in the prescribed manner.

Steel arms(knife etc.) import prohibited. An exception can be made for decorative samples that are legally recognized as not representing cultural or historical value, and, accordingly, have the necessary documentation.

P.S. You can take an inexpensive travel or kitchen knife with you. As practice shows, they do not fall under edged weapons and can be passed through the border, but not always.

There are certain difficulties in transporting to Poland and from the country some weapons accessories.

In particular, a hunting sight (not double action, not installed) should not be classified as a weapon, however, as practice shows, there were cases with import-export problems - they demanded a conclusion from the Ministry of Defense to recognize the sight as non-military.

In most cases, the situation was sorted out, and the decision was made positive, but the nerves and time were wasted. This should be kept in mind.

How much cash? What can be from jewelry?

The easiest way is with the import of jewelry - it is allowed to carry jewelry with a total weight of up to 50 gr./person, even diamonds.

A little more difficult with money. This can be cash, account balances, or monetary precious metals. So, how much money is allowed to be carried across the Ukrainian and Polish borders? It is allowed to carry currency up to 10,000 euros, but there are two nuances:
  • depending on the purpose of entry, the minimum required amount of money can also be set;
  • You can import more than 10,000 euros, but such amounts must be declared.

Money can be in any currency (dollars, pounds, etc.) - the rule applies to the equivalent of 10,000 euros.

Plants, seedlings, seeds and animals

The importation of animals into the territory of Poland is possible with the necessary vaccinations, an international certificate confirming health and a microchip with an electronic identifier established by EU laws. Up to five pets are allowed at the same time.

The import of plants into the country is prohibited! However, there are a number of exceptions here too:

  • up to 50 cut flowers are allowed;
  • not rooted (cut, cut) coniferous tree;
  • up to 5 pieces of coniferous wood.
Rare, endangered species of both plants and animals can be imported only with the appropriate permission from CITES (the body that controls the implementation of the international convention on trade in rare species).

As for the opposite - the export of plants from Poland, as well as their seeds and seedlings (not on a commercial scale), the Polish customs is loyal to this, however, both Ukraine and the countries of the Customs Union require a phytosanitary certificate.

From experience, it can be said that his labor costs for the design of non-commercial parties make this process meaningless. But for yourself, you can buy seeds and bring home.

Other goods

Import-export of spare parts, furniture, gasoline or power tools and similar goods to Poland is subject to general rules: for an amount not exceeding 300 euros and a weight not exceeding 50 kg per adult.

As already mentioned, air travel increases the cost, however, not all things can be allowed on the plane according to the rules of the airlines.

What is prohibited to carry?

Definitely banned.:

  • drugs;
  • radioactive, incl. infected, elements;
  • explosives;
  • potent poisons.

Despite the impressive amount of information, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to deal with the issue of permission to enter and exit. Any ignorance can lead to penalties, up to deprivation of the right to visit the EU for several years.

It is better to spend a little time studying the subject, and then enjoy your visit to Poland! If something is not clear, ask clarifying questions in the comments.

Belarusians are increasingly making trips to Poland to buy necessary goods. Clothes, shoes, household appliances, building materials, cosmetics, food and much more - all this can be purchased in Polish stores at very attractive prices, especially during the season of sales and discounts. How exactly you will go for goods to Poland: by private car, train or organized shopping tour - it does not matter, the customs rules are the same in all cases. You need to familiarize yourself with them in advance in order to understand what goods and in what volume you can carry duty-free, and for which you will have to pay taxes and fees. As a reminder, from January 1, 2019, new rules for the transport of goods from Poland to Belarus came into force. We have prepared for you the answers to the most important and common questions related to the transportation of goods across the state border of the Republic of Belarus.

Permissible weight and value of goods that can be carried

The new rules, which came into force in January 2019, impose restrictions on the transported goods, depending on the frequency of crossing the border.

So if trips are carried out no more than 1 time in three months, then goods with a total weight of up to 25 kg inclusive can be transported duty-free, while the total cost of these goods should not exceed 500 EUR.

For persons crossing the border 2 or more times within three consecutive months, the total weight allowed for transportation is 20 kg. In this case, the total cost of all goods is reduced to 300EUR.

The requirements of the norms of Decision No. 91 of the Council of the Economic Commission for Europe impose on customs officers the obligation to record all border crossings by any individual. Duty-free import rates are calculated for any age of the traveler, i.e. children can also be taken into account when calculating the allowable weight and amount of goods.

The traveler's age is taken into account only in the case of transportation of alcohol, beer, cigars, underage citizens are not entitled to carry these goods under any circumstances!

Please note that if frequent trips abroad are related to your work activity, this does not affect the customs requirements for the limits on the transport of goods, they remain the same.

An exception to the new rules is the transportation of used goods that were previously imported into the country.

Maximum duty-free weight for bulky goods

When traveling no more than once in three months, you can carry a bulky item weighing up to 25 kg duty-free. In case of frequent trips, its weight should be limited to 20 kg.

If the goods belong to the category of indivisible, then it is mandatory subject to duty. Indivisible types include goods, the weight of which exceeds 35 kg, consisting of one or more items of the kit, the performance of which is possible only after assembly. Completeness is proved by the seller's information, from labels, instructions, product passports, warranty cards, packing list data.

Quantity of goods allowed for single entry

This is determined by the type of item. Household appliances, for example, can be brought in one unit every three years. This category of goods includes cookers, hoods, hobs, refrigerators, and other kitchen appliances. Plumbing, washing machines, TVs, computers. Lawn mowers, baby carriages, outboard motors, vacuum cleaners, many other household appliances with a service life of more than 1 year.

A set of tires can only be brought in once every two years. During this period, for each car, it is allowed to carry four discs, floor mats, a set of rubber according to the document confirming that the vehicle belongs to a specific individual. The weight and money limits remain the same as described above.

Number of pieces of goods allowed per trip

The assignment of goods to the group of personal use is carried out by the customs service. This takes into account its nature, consumer properties. The assortment of goods is carefully controlled. In one car, you cannot transport identical durable goods when their number exceeds three pieces. Under current border control regulations, they can be considered a commercial shipment, especially given the individual's previous travel history. The supervising specialist takes into account such factors as family composition, the average need for goods, place of residence, confirmation of the legality of the purchase, and the frequency of trips.

If the border is crossed no more than once a month, then no more than 5 items of goods can be transported, three pieces of each item.

If a citizen passes through border control 2 or more times a month, then as personal goods it is allowed to carry no more than three pieces of one item and no more than three items.

Alcohol allowances

The established norms allow the transportation of 3 liters of alcohol. The number of tobacco products is limited to the following values: up to 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 250 g of tobacco. The total weight cannot exceed 250 g. For those who travel more than once in the current week, new requirements for the transport of the amount of alcohol have been introduced. They make up 5 kg of all food, taking into account 1 liter of alcohol when traveling in a car, 0.5 liters if a person walks or uses a bicycle.

An important point in the control of products at customs is the presence on the package of a label, marking, or any other document specifying its composition. In the absence of a customs officer, the right is given not to allow the transport of goods. If trips are made to the country on a daily basis, for example, it is related to work, then only the minimum amount of food required for the journey is allowed.

Declaration procedure, travel through the red, green channels

Upon entry, you can not draw up a declaration if the goods being transported fully comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the transport regulations. In case of the slightest doubt, it is more correct to choose the movement along the red channel.

Customs inspection is interesting for identifying goods subject to duty. Some people have these goods, others do not. In order to facilitate the work of customs specialists, to increase the capacity of border crossing points, a system of two corridors has been developed, based on the different functions of the green and red paths. The green corridor does not mean that the passage through it occurs without inspection. The customs officer responsible for its work can observe the actions through a video camera, be close. He has the right to stop any person, make the necessary inspection of the goods, make sure that there are no things to be declared. As soon as you enter the green corridor, without any words, explanations, you state the right to pass, passage. This is the so-called implicit form of declaration. A customs violation is considered to be movement along the green corridor with cargo subject to declaration. It can bear administrative and even criminal liability.

If, in the cargo allowed by weight, there are goods subject to declaration or you doubt that you do not have any, you must use the red corridor by filling out the declaration. You can declare all goods. The customs officer will carefully check the documents, the cargo, and make an appropriate decision.

Personal goods that were in use, regardless of price and weight, do not require declaration upon entry. It is allowed to move currency, Belarusian money, traveler's checks along the green corridor with a total value not exceeding 10,000 USD in equivalent.

Declaration of goods transported by a person under 16 years of age is made by parents or guardians responsible for accompanying the trip.

Calculation of the amount of the state duty in case of exceeding the allowable baggage allowance

Let's say that trips are made no more than one border crossing every three months. Then, to determine the amount of state duty for excess weight, they are guided by the following methodology. If the excess is by weight, then the amount of the fee is calculated by the formula:

(Total weight – 25g)*4EUR

If there is an excess in value, then the amount of the fee is calculated by the formula:

(Total cost – 500EUR)*0.3

If there is an excess in both weight and cost, then the calculation is made according to both formulas, and the one that is greater is accepted for payment.

When transporting indivisible goods (indivisible goods are goods whose weight exceeds 35 kg), regardless of weight and value, customs duty is payable, the amount of which is determined as 30% of the cost or 4 euros for each kilogram. The amount that is greater is payable.

For the transport of alcoholic products in excess of the permitted norms, you will have to pay 10EUR for each extra liter.

Please note that in addition to the state duty, you must additionally pay a customs fee of 5EUR for paperwork.

Calculation of the amount of state duty for exceeding the norms when traveling more than once within three months

The methodology for calculating the amount of the state duty is similar to the rules used for legal entities. The value of the customs duty, excise is determined by the product code. The customs fee is 20EUR or 50EUR (depending on the category of goods), VAT. The calculation is governed by the requirements of the new Decision, which does not classify goods worth more than EUR 300 in the group of goods for personal use, as it was before. So, it requires the imposition of customs payments.

Goods prohibited for import

The legislation provides for two types of goods, the transportation of which to Belarus is prohibited completely or for specific cases. It is forbidden to transport goods:

Devices, devices included in military equipment. Among them are firearms, poisons, drugs, explosives, radioactive substances. You can get acquainted with the list of such goods on the website of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

A group of goods that are not classified as personal items, the duty-free transportation of which is not allowed. These are engines, heating boilers, solariums, medical equipment, diamonds. Full details can be found on the website. .

Animals, plants are imported only with a permit, a full package of accompanying documents.

Food products subject to a permanent or temporary import ban.

Before moving on to the list of what can be brought across the Polish border, it is worth mentioning the sanctions for violating them. According to the degree of tightening, they can be expressed as:

  • confiscation of the forbidden;
  • imposing a fine (for example, 50 euros for an extra block of cigarettes);
  • in the EU for up to five years.

A relatively minor offense can result in a hefty penalty. Therefore, you should carefully read the rules below for transport across the Polish border.

There are differences in the norms depending on the method of movement:

  • ground ( , );
  • by air and by sea;

So, by air travel(and also when moving by sea) some norms are slightly increased.

As a rule, this applies to personal items, cigarettes, gifts. We will consider specific figures in the relevant sections.

note that all the rules in question apply to entry into Poland from non-EU countries. When crossing the border of the Republic of Poland from the countries of the Union, the norms are much higher.

What is the maximum weight allowed in 2019?

You can carry bags across the border, the weight of which does not exceed 50 kg per person. For citizens of Ukraine and Russia, this rule applies without exception, however for citizens of Belarus there is a difference: if the border is crossed more than once every 90 days, the weight is reduced to 20 kilograms.

Customs rules and regulations

How many things can be transported across the Polish border?

Personal items allowed for import will not be subject to customs duty and will not be subject to insurance if their total value does not exceed:

  • 150 euro for persons under the age of fifteen.
  • 300 euro for those over fifteen years old.
  • 430 euros during air travel.

Such things receive the status of "temporarily imported" and must leave Poland together with their owner.

The situation with export from Poland is similar, but there is an exception for Belarusians. The legislation of the Republic of Belarus allows citizens who cross the border less than once every 90 days to import goods in the amount of up to 1,500 euros (those who do it more often - the amount of 300 euros).

The rules apply to travelers who are 17 years of age or older.. Before this age, the transport of alcohol is prohibited.

You can import:

  1. Drinks with a strength of more than 22.3% vol. - 1 liter of vodka per entrant.
  2. Drinks with a strength of less than 22.3% vol. - up to 2 liters per person. However, this item does not include wine and beer.
  3. Wine(excluding sparkling) - up to 4 liters.
  4. Beer- up to 16 liters.

In cases of import of alcoholic products, suitable for several points, the customs officer can calculate their average strength, and on this basis, decide on the amount allowed for import.

Can I bring homemade wine or moonshine?

In general, it is possible, but ... without the original packaging and labels, no one can determine either the composition or the strength. They can take it for examination at your expense or simply not miss it.

What kind of tobacco products are allowed?

Tobacco transportation rules also apply only to citizens who have reached the age of 17.

When crossing the border by land, it is allowed to import:

Mostly people transport cigarettes, but remember that if you transport more than 2 packs of cigarettes per person, the extra ones can be taken from you. As for hookah lovers, we did not find information prohibiting the import of it.

When crossing the Polish border by plane, the norms increase:

The latter also applies to water transport.

The following products are prohibited from entering the country:

  • milk and products created on its basis;
  • meat and all its derivatives, incl. lard, sausage, salmon, etc.;
  • canned food - homemade or purchased;
  • chocolate;
  • all vegetables;
  • all seeds;
  • all plants;
  • fruits, except dates, pineapples, durians, coconuts and bananas.

As for fruits, vegetables, seeds and plants, their import on a commercial scale involves a long procedure of phytosanitary certification. Because of this process for individuals, the import of these goods is not possible.

These rules apply to the entire territory of the EU for the entry of third-country nationals and are regulated not by Polish, but by pan-European legislation.

However, there are a number of exceptions that allow import:

  • baby food;
  • fish and products made on its basis;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits weighing up to 5 kg per person (excluding potatoes).

There is another nuance: ready-to-eat meat products, in a small amount cut into portioned pieces (slicing) can be passed through the border.

Simply put, a traveler is not deported for a sandwich with bacon or sausage.

There are restrictions on the transport of caviar(salty, ready to eat). Sturgeon caviar is allowed in quantities of 125 g/person in hermetically sealed packaging.

The situation is more complicated with a small amount of home preservation. The decision to import it into the territory of Poland will be made by the customs officer, subjectively determining whether it is “canned food” or “personal food”. Our advice: it’s better not to take risks and not take canned meat-based food with you - stew and other things. Vegetables, please.

Permitted for import to Poland and some other products. For example, honey or products made from eggs, etc., weighing up to 2 kg.

You can introduce products for special nutrition (diet, etc.), if, firstly, their need is confirmed by a medical certificate, and secondly, the weight does not exceed 2 kg.

Other restrictions for import to Poland:

  • coffee - no more than 500 gr.;
  • coffee extract - up to 200 gr.;
  • tea - no more than 100 gr.;
  • tea extract - up to 40 gr.

The names and scope of prohibitions/permits may change depending on changes in Polish and European legislation. For example, in cases of detection of epidemics of domestic animals and birds, additional temporary bans may be introduced.

We have also prepared an article for you about how much food costs in supermarkets in Poland. You can check prices at.

Non-strong tablets in sizes suitable for personal use are allowed to be imported into Poland! Potent medicines (again in personal volumes) can be imported only with the appropriate document from the doctor (indicating the institution, the full name of the physician, the patient's data, the list of medicines).

In other cases, preparations containing psychotropic and narcotic substances are strictly prohibited for import.

What can be done from household appliances?

Transportation of any type of equipment in the amount of 1 unit per person (without packaging) should not raise questions - such an amount is allowed. However, all these things must be declared so that when they are exported from Poland, there will be no problems with re-payment of VAT.

By the way, if the equipment (mobile phone or TV, for example) was really purchased in Poland, you will have to pay tax, but you should not forget about such a convenient refund tool as.

When importing computer equipment into Poland(laptop) the customs officer has the right to check it for the presence of unlicensed software and prohibited content. As practice shows, such cases are extremely rare, but still have a place to be.

Transportation of all types of weapons is strictly regulated by the laws of Poland and the EU. Firearms and cartridges for them are prohibited for import. However, sports, hunting, pneumatic and gas spray (as well as up to 100 rounds of ammunition for them) can be imported with the permission of the relevant government agency and declared in the prescribed manner.

Steel arms(knife etc.) import prohibited. An exception can be made for decorative samples that are legally recognized as not representing cultural or historical value, and, accordingly, have the necessary documentation.

P.S. You can take an inexpensive travel or kitchen knife with you. As practice shows, they do not fall under edged weapons and can be passed through the border, but not always.

There are certain difficulties in transporting to Poland and from the country some weapons accessories.

In particular, a hunting sight (not double action, not installed) should not be classified as a weapon, however, as practice shows, there were cases with import-export problems - they demanded a conclusion from the Ministry of Defense to recognize the sight as non-military.

In most cases, the situation was sorted out, and the decision was made positive, but the nerves and time were wasted. This should be kept in mind.

How much cash? What can be from jewelry?

The easiest way is with the import of jewelry - it is allowed to carry jewelry with a total weight of up to 50 gr./person, even diamonds.

A little more difficult with money. This can be cash, account balances, or monetary precious metals. So, how much money is allowed to be carried across the Ukrainian and Polish borders? It is allowed to carry currency up to 10,000 euros, but there are two nuances:

  • depending on the purpose of entry, the minimum required amount of money can also be set;
  • You can import more than 10,000 euros, but such amounts must be declared.

Money can be in any currency (dollars, pounds, etc.) - the rule applies to the equivalent of 10,000 euros.

Plants, seedlings, seeds and animals

The importation of animals into the territory of Poland is possible with the necessary vaccinations, an international certificate confirming health and a microchip with an electronic identifier established by EU laws. Up to five pets are allowed at the same time.

The import of plants into the country is prohibited!

Rare, endangered species of both plants and animals can be imported only with the appropriate permission from CITES (the body that controls the implementation of the international convention on trade in rare species).

As for the opposite - the export of plants from Poland, as well as their seeds and seedlings (not on a commercial scale), the Polish customs is loyal to this, however, both Ukraine and the countries of the Customs Union require a phytosanitary certificate.

From experience, it can be said that his labor costs for the design of non-commercial parties make this process meaningless. But for yourself, you can buy seeds and bring home.

Other goods

Import-export of spare parts, furniture, gasoline or power tools and similar goods to Poland is subject to general rules: for an amount not exceeding 300 euros and a weight not exceeding 50 kg per adult.

As already mentioned, air travel increases the cost, however, not all things can be allowed on the plane according to the rules of the airlines.

What is prohibited to carry?

Definitely banned.:

  • drugs;
  • radioactive, incl. infected, elements;
  • explosives;
  • potent poisons.

Despite the impressive amount of information, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to deal with the issue of permission to enter and exit. Any ignorance can lead to penalties, up to deprivation of the right to visit the EU for several years.

It is better to spend a little time studying the subject, and then enjoy your visit to Poland! If something is not clear, ask clarifying questions in the comments.

Are you from Ukraine and do you need a work visa? Fill out this form and an employment agent will call you.

How much money can be spent “on purchases”, is alcohol included in the norms, what to do if you went abroad for the first time in three months and they didn’t let you in, and how to pay for indivisible household appliances, the Grodno regional customs told.

If you travel more than once every three months, carry no more than 20 kg worth 300 euros
Since January 1, the rules for importing goods for personal use from abroad have changed. Now, if you cross the border once every three months or less, you can carry goods worth 500 euros and weighing no more than 25 kg. Those who travel to Europe more often can carry items worth 300 euros and weighing 20 kg across the border.

If at the checkpoint a citizen has exceeded the norms, then he will pay a fee for this part. It is calculated as follows: 4 euros for each kilogram or 30% of the cost of excess. In this case, a person will pay a large amount, which will be the result of calculations, and will also pay an additional customs fee of 10 rubles.

How do we pay for an indivisible commodity
Similar rules apply to indivisible goods weighing more than 35 kg. For example, if you cross the border for the first time in three months and transport an oven for 600 euros weighing 40 kg, then the duty for 30% of the cost will be 180 euros, and for the weight - 160 euros. Thus, at the border you will have to pay more - 180 euros.

What is not included in the rules
Indivisible goods are not included in the duty-free import. That is, if you were abroad more than three months ago, then together with the oven (for which you paid) you can carry 25 kg in the amount of 500 euros (if these are goods for personal use).

It is important to note that the rate of 300 euros and 20 kg does not include alcoholic beverages and beer.

The Poles were not allowed in - the passage does not count
If a citizen left for Poland for the first time in three months, but was turned back in Kuznya, then the next time, even if he goes abroad even the next day, Belarusian customs officers will not apply the reduced rates of 300 euros and 20 kg to him. The main thing is to hand over to the customs officers a declaration with the mark “After return”, affixed in the column for official use, as well as a passport (or other document) with a mark from the neighboring party about the refusal of entry of a citizen. For Polish border guards, this is usually the cancellation of a stamp.

How much you can bring from abroad depending on the frequency of trips
Non-grocery goods
Once every 3 years - per unit of the following products: gas or electric stoves, kitchen, hobs, hoods, food processors, microwave ovens, ovens, bathtubs, showers, sinks for draining water, washbasins, bidets, toilets, drains cisterns, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and washing machines, coffee machines, sewing machines, water heaters, TVs, LCD computer monitors, laptops/netbooks, tablets, lawn mowers (trimmers), vacuum cleaners, household welding machines, electric generators, etc.

Every 2 years - up to 4 new summer or winter tires or wheels with tires for cars, up to 2 (or 3 if you have a sidecar for a motorcycle) tires or wheels for motorcycles, mopeds or scooters. However, transporting such goods must present a registration certificate confirming that he has a personal car or motorcycle, and tires are designed specifically for this vehicle.

By the way, used tires are not allowed to be transported separately, but are allowed only complete with disks.
More often than once a month - no more than 3 units of one item, with no more than 5 items of goods. For example, three pairs of shoes, three jackets, three shirts, three packs of washing powder, each weighing no more than 5 kg.

More often than once every 7 calendar days - 1 unit of 1 item. For example, some trousers.

More often than once a calendar day - only second-hand goods, food products necessary for the duration of the journey. For example, a hat, jacket or sweater for cold weather.

Once a month and more often - no more than 10 kg of food.

Once every 7 calendar days and more often - no more than 5 kg of food, of which alcoholic beverages and beer - no more than 1 liter for those crossing the border of the Republic of Belarus by transport, 0.5 liters - for those crossing the border on foot or by bicycle.

More than once a day - only on the route in the absence of alcoholic beverages and beer.

You can import three liters of alcohol into Belarus no more than once every 8 days. However, if you constantly carry three liters of alcohol every eight days, then you can arouse the suspicion of customs officers, who may regard this as the movement of goods for commercial purposes.