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Outbound trade in clothing in villages. Outbound trade in food products: documents, rules, permission, organization of outbound trade

Outbound trade includes the following stages.

Issuance by the head of the organization of an order (instruction) on conducting outbound trade. This document appoints persons responsible for organizing outbound trade, as well as financially responsible persons (team leader) who are responsible for the acceptance of goods and their sale at the outbound trade site, and reporting. During outbound trade in another area, orders are additionally issued for the dispatch of persons sent to carry out preparatory work, and subsequently directly involved in outbound trade.

Before the start of on-site trade, it is necessary to conclude an agreement of full individual financial responsibility with the employee who accepts and sells goods, and if these functions are performed by several employees, an agreement of collective financial responsibility (Articles 404 - 406 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus dated 04/14/2000 N 54, “On approval of the Regulations on collective (team) financial liability, an approximate list of works for the performance of which collective (team) financial liability may be introduced, a model agreement on collective (team) financial liability,” Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic Belarus dated 05.26.2000 N 764 “On approval of an approximate list of positions and work replaced or performed by employees with whom the employer may enter into written agreements on full individual financial responsibility, and an approximate agreement on full individual material liability”)

Coordination of the operating mode of the trade facility with local executive and administrative bodies (clause 3 of Rules No. 384). For example, in the city of Minsk, the operating mode of organizations and individual entrepreneurs is agreed upon in accordance with the Decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee dated July 22, 2010 N 1725 “On some issues of approval and coordination of the operating mode of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the city of Minsk and the invalidation of the Minsk decision City Executive Committee dated January 13, 2005 N 53".

Determining the range of goods for sale. Trade organizations independently determine the range of goods sold. This takes into account the specialization of the organization, the existing conditions for storing and selling goods. The range of goods sold can be very diverse - from perishable goods (bread and bakery products, meat processing products) to consumer goods (sewing, haberdashery and other goods characterized by small volume and weight). However, it should be taken into account that during outbound trade, the sale of perishable and especially perishable food products in the absence of refrigeration equipment, as well as goods whose places of sale are limited (Part 2, Clause 40 of Rules No. 384) is prohibited.

When carrying out outbound trade, it is not necessary to coordinate the assortment list of goods for sale with local executive and administrative bodies (clause 5 of Rules No. 384)

Organization of workplaces. At this stage, the installation of an outdoor trade facility (tent-shop, pavilion, etc.) and the arrangement of trade equipment, which, as a rule, are used during a certain period of time (season), are carried out.

When delivering a store tent (pavilion) or commercial equipment by road to an off-site trading location, it is necessary to issue a TTN-1.

The facility must use equipment that has passed verification (STB 8003-93 “System for ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the Republic of Belarus. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure”). Based on the verification results, verification stamps must be applied to the measuring instruments and a note must be made in a special journal (subclause 1.5 and Appendix 2 of the Regulations on metrological control over the condition of measuring instruments and compliance with metrological rules in the field of trading activities, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.12 .1995 N 75). ¦

The use of cash register equipment is allowed only after its registration with the inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus and if there is a concluded agreement for its maintenance and repair (clauses 4, 7 of Instruction No. 103; subclause 2.3 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the National Bank of the Republic Belarus dated 01/09/2002 N 18/1 "On the acceptance of cash when selling goods (work, services) and on some issues of using cash registers and special computer systems" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution N 18/1); clause 6, 11 Regulations on the procedure for using cash register equipment, payment terminals, automatic electronic devices, vending machines and accepting cash, bank plastic cards as a means of making payments on the territory of the Republic of Belarus when selling goods, performing work, providing services, carrying out activities in the field of gambling business, lottery activities, conducting electronic interactive games, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated July 6, 2011 N 924/16 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation N 924/16))

If it is technically possible, at this stage electricity is connected to the facility. These works are carried out in accordance with the Rules for the Technical Operation of Electrical Installations (TKP 181-2009 (02230) “Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations”), and the persons carrying out them must pass a knowledge test and receive permission to perform the work. The above work, as a rule, is performed by employees on the organization’s staff, and if necessary, freelance workers or third-party organizations can be involved under contract agreements on the basis of contracts concluded with them. In addition, the problem of connecting equipment to electricity can be solved using a gasoline or diesel electric generator.

Receipt of goods for sale. As a rule, the organization first receives goods intended for sale at an outbound trade facility at the warehouse. Products may also be delivered by third parties directly to the place where they are sold. In the first case, goods are received according to shipping documents drawn up by the organization itself, in the second - by third-party organizations.

Goods are reported to the materially responsible person (team of financially responsible persons) according to the goods and transport waybills of the TTN-1 form or the goods and transport waybills of the TN-2 form (clause 2 of the Instructions for filling out standard forms of primary accounting documents TTN-1 "Consignment note" and TN-2 “Consignment note”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated December 18, 2008 N 192).

If goods are delivered to an outbound trade facility from the organization's warehouse, you should take into account some features in the preparation of invoices. Thus, in the lines “Consignor” and “Consignee” of TTN-1 and TN-2, the name of the legal entity or a separate structural unit engaged in outbound trade and their addresses are indicated. In the line “Base for leave” the date and number of the order (instruction) of the head of the organization are entered. The loading address is entered in the line "Loading point" TTN-1. As a rule, this is the address of a legal entity or a separate structural unit. In the line "Unloading point" TTN-1 the address of the outbound trade is indicated. In the line “Accepted by the consignee” TTN-1 and TN-2, the position, surname and initials of the financially responsible person (team leader) responsible for the storage and sale of goods are entered.

Display of goods and registration of price tags. In trading, the basis for successful sales of goods is the competent offer of goods to customers. For this reason, special attention should be paid to the display of goods. Information about the name of the product, variety, price per unit (piece, kilogram, meter, etc.), certified by the signature of the official responsible for its establishment, is placed on the price tag (clause 3.5.24 STB 1393-2003). When carrying out outbound trade, it is allowed, instead of price tags for individual goods, to display a list of goods available for sale, indicating their name, price and country of origin (clause 22 of Rules No. 384).

Sales of goods. At outbound trade facilities, goods are sold using cash registers (hereinafter referred to as CSA) (subclause 2.1 of Resolution No. 18/1, clause 3 of Regulation No. 924/16), with the exception of the sale of soft drinks, beer, kvass, and vegetable oil in bulk (except for their sale in stores, pavilions with a trading floor), as well as live fish from tanks and vegetables, fruits and melons in bulk, when cash can be accepted without cash flow (subclause 2.2.10 of Resolution No. 18/1, subclause 31.9 Regulations N 924/16).

When using KSA, in confirmation of accepted amounts, the buyer (consumer) is issued a KSA check (clause 12 of Instruction No. 103), which must contain information about the serial number of the check, the date, time and amount of the purchase, the amount paid by the consumer, the change amount, and the sign of the fiscal regime , taxpayer registration number, etc. (STB 1364.2-2002 "Cash adding machines and special computer systems. Additional requirements for cash adding machines and special computer systems used in trade")

At the end of the working day (shift), a shift closing report (Z-report) is generated on the devices (clause 13 of Instruction No. 103, clause 18 of Regulation No. 924/16). The readings of the accumulating cash counters (cash turnover) of the machine are recorded daily in the book of the cashier-operator (cashier's book), which must be laced, numbered, signed by the head of the organization and the person who manages accounting in the organization, and the seal of the organization (clause 9 of the Instructions N 103, clause 14 of Regulation N 924/16).

Cash for the sale of goods during away trade without the use of cash register equipment is accepted with reflection in the receipt cash orders of form KO-1 (hereinafter referred to as PKO), approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2010 N 38, at the end of the working day (shift ) the total amount of revenue for a working day (shift) (part 3, sub-clause 2.2 of Regulation No. 18/1, clause 33 of Regulation No. 924/16). To confirm the fact of purchase of goods to an individual, at his request, a sales receipt or other document is issued containing information about the name of the goods, cost, date of purchase, seller (manufacturer) (clause 2 of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing a document confirming the fact of purchase of goods (performance of work, provision of services), approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated 05/06/2002 N 23; part 4 subclause 2.2 of Resolution No. 18/1; part 2 clause 33 of Regulation N 924/16).

Return of remaining unsold goods to the organization's warehouse. From the place of away trade to the organization’s warehouse, the goods are also returned via TTN-1 or TN-2 (clause 2 of Instruction No. 192). We believe that the issue of processing documents for returned goods can be resolved by issuing invoice forms to the financially responsible person or the senior team leader for manually recording the balances of unsold goods.

Delivery of trading proceeds. At the choice of the organization, the financially responsible person can hand over the proceeds received (minus the amount of need for changeable cash if it is established) to the bank's cash desk (an advertisement for a cash contribution is issued), to the organization's cash desk (order KO-1 is issued) or to an organization of the Ministry of Communications and informatization of the Republic of Belarus. The procedure and timing for the delivery of proceeds are established by order of the head of the organization, but at least once every seven calendar days (clause 15 of the Instructions on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the procedure for cash settlements in Belarusian rubles on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2011 N 107).

Drawing up reports by the financially responsible person and submitting them to the organization’s accounting department. The reporting form of the financially responsible person (team) (these can be registers, commodity reports, commodity-monetary reports or other documents), the procedure and deadlines for its submission are established by the organization independently, based on the characteristics of outbound trading, the procedure for analytical accounting of the movement of goods, the degree of automation this area of ​​counting work and other conditions. So, if outbound trading is carried out only on certain days, a report can be compiled for these days. If outbound trading is carried out throughout the season, the report is generated for a certain number of days (three, five, etc.).

The frequency and deadlines for submitting reports should be fixed in the document flow schedule, which is an integral part of the annex to the organization’s accounting policy, and the person responsible for their preparation and submission to the accounting department should be familiarized with them (Chapter 5 of the Accounting Instructions “Accounting Policy of the Organization,” approved Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated April 17, 2002 N 62)

Reports are drawn up by financially responsible persons in two copies. Each document is recorded in the report separately, indicating the date, number, name, amount (cost of goods at discount prices). The movement of containers can be reflected in a separate column of the report.

The first copy of the report, together with the documents on the basis of which it was compiled, is transferred to the accountant against his signature on the second copy, which remains with the financially responsible person.

After checking the report, the accountant makes an appropriate note and signature. The corrections made in the report are reported to the financially responsible person, who makes the appropriate changes to the second copy of the report and confirms their correctness with his signature on the first copy (section 1.2 of the Methodological recommendations for documenting and accounting for commodity transactions in retail trade and public catering, approved by Order of the Ministry trade of the Republic of Belarus dated 04/09/2007 N 74).

Outbound trading is the organization of the sale of various food products from a specific vehicle (automatic shop), which is often carried out in surrounding towns and villages. This business is quite often organized by people living not only in large and small cities, but also in rural areas, as it is the optimal option for running their own business.

Is this relevant?

Despite how much the process of population growth in cities is increasing, villages also contain a fairly large number of residents, so outbound trade will not lose its relevance for a long time (if this ever happens). A fairly large number of modern settlements, in principle, do not have any stationary food stores, not to mention how difficult it is in some places for industrial goods. For residents of such villages, outbound trading is the only way to purchase some food or other goods, and entrepreneurs, accordingly, receive a huge market.


In the vast majority of cases, outbound trade involves the use of only fifteen to twenty types of products. The main assortment consists of the following items:

  • bread;
  • meat;
  • milk;
  • sausage;
  • stew;
  • candies;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • pasta;
  • oil;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • spices.

It is worth noting that this is only a list of the most popular and widespread products used in the outbound food trade. Documents are often issued for the sale of matches, cigarettes and a host of various household goods, and, for example, as autumn approaches, the demand for lids, seamers and all kinds of glass jars increases significantly.

In some places, standard drinking bottled water, which is sold in five-liter or even one-and-a-half-liter plastic bottles, is in good demand. Thus, if you visit the same settlements over a long period of time, you will begin to understand the needs of the residents and understand what will be best for outbound food sales. Documents often allow you to trade not only products. Some, for example, prefer to sell batteries, spare parts for equipment and a host of other goods to order.

Sales market

In the vast majority of cases, remote and nearby settlements, where there is a shortage in certain food stores, are considered as the main place of sale when running such a business. Everything is simple here - first you visit populated areas to determine the goods they lack (you can even conduct a survey), and then you start importing them.

Ensuring competition

However, you need to understand that even if there are grocery stores, organizing outbound trade does not lose its relevance and does not cease to be profitable. The stores have a certain assortment, after studying which you can create your own, which will be different. At the same time, you need to correctly evaluate the advantages that an off-site competitive business has that allows you to sell fresher products, supply some new items, or lower prices on some goods.

Many people underestimate the possibility of selling some promotional products on certain days, although this significantly increases the flow of customers and at the same time provides your business with absolutely free advertising. Here it is quite important to decide whether outbound food sales will be carried out in a specific locality or in several.

A fairly important factor in conducting retail trade in products in this way is ensuring stability. Residents of every locality should know that on certain days and at certain times your car will definitely be here, and you will be able to sell them the products they need. If you receive permission to trade outside, but go to sell at different times, you may not achieve the effect that you should expect.

It is quite promising to travel to various cottage villages or dacha cooperatives. There is a fairly large crowd of people there, and many prefer to stay overnight, having certain problems with the supply of provisions.


In the vast majority of cases, outbound trade in products is carried out using specialized vehicles, which can be, for example, GAZelle-based vehicles. However, some make do with passenger cars equipped with an appropriate trailer.

At the same time, you need to correctly understand that if you organize away trade, then the trailer will need to be equipped in such a way that the seller can easily be in it, and at the same time the necessary products can be stored. It is also quite common to use a specialized tonar, which is a mobile trading pavilion, for outdoor trading.

The availability of refrigeration equipment is one of the most important conditions under which truly profitable outbound trade is conducted. What documents are needed to register such a business is not even as important a question as what specific equipment needs to be purchased in order to sell truly competitive products of good quality. In particular, one of the most common problems is finding power in the immediate area.

If, for example, you are going to sell only eggs or frozen fish, then in this case you can use a standard GAZelle, selling directly from the back. All that remains is to prepare the necessary documents for outbound trading and start a business, but at the same time you must understand that the sales time is very limited, since food products are a product that can spoil in a fairly short time.

Legal subtleties

Before you start trading from a mobile store, it is best to familiarize yourself with all the regulatory documents, namely:

  • Federal Law No. 381-F3.
  • Government Decree No. 55 of January 19, 1998.
  • GOST R 51303-2013.
  • GOST R 51773-2009.
  • Resolution No. 23 of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of September 7, 2001.

Trade from a car shop is legally a delivery trade, while the shop itself is considered a mobile non-stationary retail facility.

What devices does this include?

Distribution trade in this case is retail trade, which is carried out outside any retail stationary network using specialized or specially equipped vehicles for trading, as well as all kinds of mobile equipment used only with vehicles. This type of trade usually includes sales using a car, auto shop, auto shop, trailer, toner, or some kind of mobile vending machine. All these things are included in the list of mobile means of distribution trade.

Legal definition

In accordance with current legislation, a non-stationary retail facility is any equipment that is a temporary structure or structure, and does not have a strong connection with any land plot, regardless of whether there is a connection to any networks there or not engineering support. If we talk about what refers to non-stationary mobile objects, then here we are talking about auto shops, trays, auto shops, vans, trolleys, tank trucks and other similar equipment.

It is also worth noting the fact that the current articles of federal legislation determine the specific features and subtleties of the placement of such objects. Thus, their installation in buildings, structures, land plots or structures owned by municipal or state property can only be carried out in full accordance with a specific layout, as well as taking into account the need to ensure extremely sustainable development of the territory. The very scheme of their placement must be developed and approved by local governments.

Thus, it is necessary to first agree on the possibility of trading with local authorities. Of course, there are villages that are too far from large cities in which you can trade without prior permission, but technically you will still be violating the requirements of current legislation.

Possible problems

In large settlements, in the vast majority of cases, various supermarket owners, using administrative resources, try to actively oppose various owners of mobile tents, since this greatly harms their direct business, while in small settlements it is almost impossible to encounter such serious resistance.

You also need to correctly understand that a car shop should not create obstacles for road users or expose consumers who are pedestrians to any danger from the point of view of traffic rules, because if the shop is located on the side of the road, this can lead to some problems.


It is quite natural that you must have all the necessary documentation for the products you are selling, namely a certificate of conformity or a specialized declaration. Such documentation is mandatory to be issued either by the manufacturer or directly by the distributor of this product, if we are talking, of course, about the need for mandatory declaration or certification of products.

There is a fairly large list of papers that regulate the availability of certain documents for products, and changes are regularly made to the regulatory framework. If you wish, you can always get appropriate advice from Rospotrebnadzor employees, and in the vast majority you can get similar help from wholesale suppliers of products who sell you goods for sale.

What do you need?

All products must receive confirmation that they comply with certain requirements of established technical regulations, as well as all sets of rules, provisions of standards or terms of contracts. All this is carried out in the form of adopting an appropriate declaration of conformity or a mandatory certification procedure.

Food industry products are a category of goods for which a declaration is required. It is worth noting the fact that the declaration has absolutely the same legal force as the certificate of conformity, and if the need for mandatory certification in relation to certain products is canceled or mandatory declaration is introduced, then the declaration is used as documentary evidence of compliance with the requirements.


Many people do not know that it is possible and even necessary to bargain with manufacturers over the remains of unsold products, in particular, this applies to meat processing plants. Everyone understands perfectly well that it is extremely difficult to fully sell purchased products, and in any case, a certain part of the products will remain. That is why many merchants prefer to return the remains of unsold goods, exchanging them for fresh products and receiving a certain part of the funds back.

Here everything is already done by agreement, and the more you purchase and sell goods, the easier it will be for you to agree on getting good conditions. It is likely that a representative of the sales department of a large company will not decide to talk to small wholesale buyers, but it is worth a try in any case.

The layout of non-stationary retail facilities is developed and approved by the local government. Thus, it is necessary to negotiate the possibility of trade with local authorities (the village council to which a particular locality belongs). There are, of course, such villages in such a remote place that you don’t have to ask anyone for permission, although in this case you will technically be violating the requirements of the law. In large cities, as a rule, the owners of supermarkets, using administrative resources, oppose the owners of mobile toners, since this causes significant damage to their business, but in small settlements there is, as a rule, no opposition from the authorities.

Traveling trade

The form of the declaration of conformity was approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated March 22, 2006 No. 54 (form of the declaration of product conformity with the requirements of technical regulations). By the way, you can and should bargain with the same meat processing plants regarding the return of the remainder of unsold products. It is clear that it is very difficult to sell 100% of the volume of goods; some part of the products will remain in any case.


Remains of unsold goods can be returned to the meat processing plant in exchange for fresh products, or receiving part of the funds back. Here, as you agree, the larger the volume of goods purchased and sold, the easier it is to negotiate. It is possible that representatives of the sales departments of large suppliers will not want to talk to small wholesale buyers, but it is worth a try.

How to legalize trading from a car?


Documents are often issued for the sale of matches, cigarettes and a host of various household goods, and, for example, as autumn approaches, the demand for lids, seamers and all kinds of glass jars increases significantly. In some places, standard drinking bottled water, which is sold in five-liter or even one-and-a-half-liter plastic bottles, is in good demand. Thus, if you visit the same settlements over a long period of time, you will begin to understand the needs of the residents and understand what will be best for outbound food sales.

Documents often allow you to trade not only products. Some, for example, prefer to sell batteries, spare parts for equipment and a host of other goods to order.

About trading from a car. questions


Amount of the fine Fines issued to an entrepreneur engaged in street trading, both in stationary objects and from a car, are established by law and depend on the type of violation. According to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, for carrying out business activities without registration, Article 14.1 provides for a fine in the amount of 500 to 2,000 rubles. When selling products whose quality does not comply with the standards established by law, Article 14.4 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation is used, which provides for the following fines: Individuals, citizens of the Russian Federation 1-2 thousand rubles Officials From 3 to 10 thousand rubles Individual entrepreneurs working without registration 10-20 thousand rubles Legal entities 20-30 thousand rubles Trading on the street without a permit is fined according to the orders of local authorities, which regulate this issue.

Lots of small business ideas

Is it necessary to use cash register equipment when trading from a drive-thru? A separate issue is the use of cash register equipment (CCT) when trading from a mobile store. Most letters from tax officials indicate that the use of cash register systems when trading from a mobile store is mandatory. Tax authorities believe that the use of cash registers is mandatory on the basis of clause.
3 tbsp. 2 of Law No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards.” However, this issue is controversial. A little hint - when communicating with tax authorities and in court, you can focus on the possibility of non-use of cash registers by UTII payers and entrepreneurs using the patent taxation system, subject to certain conditions for conducting business.

Business idea – outbound sales from a mobile store

Hello everyone, I have this question: if I’m driving along the highway, where I stop, I’ll put up a small poster “selling something” and sell something, which means (for example) manure, coal, samovars, birch bark products , pine nut, (I won’t reveal what exactly, since we’ll call it a trade secret, but the product is close to what I described). Actually, the questions are: 1) what threatens me if I trade (without any documents for trading) in a) the territory of the city b) in the region 2) what documents do I need so that no authorities can dig in 3) do I need permission for trading if I trade from a machine, or is an individual entrepreneur sufficient? (in the sense that I don’t set up a counter and conduct trade from the back of a car) well, in general, if anyone can say anything on this issue) I will be glad to help, if you need clarifying factors, please tell me) Key fobs, cameras, standard and universal.

Business ideas from scratch

What devices does this include? Distribution trade in this case is retail trade, which is carried out outside any retail stationary network using specialized or specially equipped vehicles for trading, as well as all kinds of mobile equipment used only with vehicles. This type of trade usually includes sales using a car, auto shop, auto shop, trailer, toner, or some kind of mobile vending machine. All these things are included in the list of mobile means of distribution trade.

There is still no final decision on the issue of what can be sold on the street - according to some rules, it is generally prohibited to sell perishable goods outside of stores; the assortment of outdoor trade includes only packaged bread, ice cream and beer in closed containers. If this norm is observed, then in principle toners should not have appeared in our country at all. What taxation system can be used when trading from a mobile store? You can choose a taxation system - you can have a general taxation regime (due to its complexity, it is not recommended), UTII, you can have a patent, or you can have a simplified taxation system.
You can apply UTII on the basis of clause 2 of Art. 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. If you choose UTII, you will need to register as a UTII payer with the tax authority at your location, and not at each place where the specified business activity is conducted.

Do you need a trading permit if you sell from a car?

What documents are needed to trade from a car? Sergey Hello, Sergey. Street trading always attracts special attention from regulatory authorities. Trading from a car is street trading, because... involves the sale of goods outside of stationary premises - from a vehicle.

No matter how much one fights against street trading, it will never be “defeated” completely, because for buyers who are always late for somewhere and are in a hurry, it is very convenient to buy something on the go, along the way. In order to legalize trading from a car, you must obtain a special permit. An ordinary individual will not be able to obtain such permission - it is necessary to create some form of organization.

We are talking about registering with the tax office as an individual or legal entity.
Therefore, there are a number of places where street trading objects cannot be placed: At the central entrance to cultural, administrative buildings City administration, cinema, theater and others Near established landscape design elements Sculptures, flower beds, fountains, etc. At a distance of less than 20 meters from the intersection , as well as public transport stops The distance is measured from the road sign with which it is designated At a distance of less than 100 m To railway crossings Before contacting the relevant authorities, it is necessary to choose a place for future trade that will not correspond to these points. It is worth noting that if you plan to place a retail facility in a courtyard, near residential buildings, then for this you will need to obtain an agreement from the residents.

In recent years, a business area such as outbound sales from a mobile store has begun to actively develop on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is due to the great popularity of fast food, hot drinks and other goods that can be purchased on the run, without standing in long queues. Many novice businessmen and already existing business entities purchase auto shops, which are placed both on city streets and in other places where mass events with large crowds of people are held.

Advantages of using auto benches

Today, most people find it difficult to work. Against the background of the difficult economic situation in the country, many heads of commercial organizations have tightened the requirements for applicants for vacant positions. Some citizens, because they are not able to cope with the assigned tasks. Other citizens independently refuse the offered positions, since they are not satisfied with either the working conditions or wages. As a result, most individuals begin to think about their own business and plan, for example, a retail outlet. Also, many people consider it as an option for a source of income, in which there is no need to make too large investments. Another relatively new direction is mobile business, which involves a mobile cafe, a kitchen on wheels, an outdoor trade pavilion, etc.

If beginning business entities give their preference to mobile business, they will be able to derive a lot of advantages from it:

  • minimal risks;
  • the ability to recoup the initial investment in 6 months;
  • small starting capital;
  • ease of doing business;
  • the ability to constantly change places of trade;
  • high business profitability;
  • the ability to work under a simplified tax regime, which allows optimizing the tax burden, etc.

Advice: if a business entity seeks to receive the maximum possible income from a mobile business, it needs to take an active part in both rural and urban fairs. It is also necessary to take the auto shop to all events where large crowds of people are planned, for example, mass celebrations, public holidays, etc.

Costs when starting a mobile business

To start a mobile business, a business entity must have start-up capital in excess of 400,000 rubles. The biggest costs will have to be incurred in connection with the purchase of a drive-thru store, through which the sale of consumer goods, food, drinks or fast food will be carried out.

When studying the assortment of the domestic market, entrepreneurs need to pay attention to auto shops made on the basis of a GAZelle brand vehicle. This is primarily due to their unpretentiousness, high maneuverability and ease of maintenance. If a businessman has a large amount of money, he can purchase a new auto shop, the cost of which starts from 600,000 rubles. If an entrepreneur is limited in funds, he should pay attention to a used auto shop, since its price can be only 350,000 rubles.

Advice: When purchasing a car shop based on a GAZelle, the entrepreneur needs to carefully inspect the car so as not to subsequently spend money on constant repairs. If he does not understand cars, he needs to invite a specialist who can determine the technical condition of the car shop and give recommendations.

After the issue with the auto shop has been resolved, the business entity needs to start forming an assortment of goods that will be sold on the streets. For the initial purchase, a businessman will need to have at least 50,000 rubles. Experts in the field of mobile business recommend starting with products that are very popular among people of different social classes:

  • hot and cold drinks;
  • fast food (hot sandwiches, pies, set lunches, etc.);
  • assorted fruits and vegetables;
  • bakery products, pastries;
  • various food products;
  • chicken and quail eggs, meat products;
  • household chemicals;
  • books;
  • school supplies, stationery, etc.

As an option, individual entrepreneurs may consider. This is due to the fact that there is always great consumer demand for such products. Most people will decide to buy goods at a convenience store (here they can inspect, touch, check the quality and availability of accompanying documentation) rather than order them online from unverified sellers.

Advice: Business entities must take into account the norms of the Federal legislation in force in Russia when forming a range of goods. It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages, including beer, from drive-thrus.

In the process of preparing a mobile shop for trading, it is worth taking time to decorate it. For these purposes, it is recommended to invite a designer or artist who can paint on the van images of the goods that the entrepreneur will sell. In this way, it will be possible to distinguish the drive-thru from other mobile outlets and attract the attention of a larger number of potential buyers.

Buy a mobile cafe on wheels

Business entities can purchase a mobile cafe on wheels both on the domestic market and abroad. Many dealers today specialize in the sale of food trucks and offer Russian businessmen a wide range of cars, on the basis of which mobile catering outlets are made. Today, there are models of cafes on wheels, which provide for the placement of several tables and chairs, as well as canopies, in places where they stop, so that people can eat food in comfortable conditions. It is worth noting that the van itself is equipped directly with a mobile kitchen, which has everything necessary for preparing not too complex dishes.

Advice: individual entrepreneurs should purchase only from trusted suppliers. They must be given accompanying documents, as well as certificates of compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. Without this documentation, entrepreneurs will not be able to prepare and sell fast food to people.

If a business entity plans to sell fast food from a drive-thru, it needs to properly design a mobile premises, which must fully comply with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements imposed by the state for public catering. To start work, a businessman will need to obtain certificates for the equipment used, as well as have the entire package of documents for the products used in the cooking process. You will also need to conclude contracts with all food suppliers, obtain permission from the fire department and other authorities.

State registration of mobile business

To obtain a permit for street trading, individuals must undergo state registration. To run a mobile business, there is no need to register an LLC, since it is quite enough to have the status of an individual entrepreneur.

An individual must contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of his registration and submit there a package of documents consisting of a civil passport, identification code and an application of the established form. The future entrepreneur must pay a state fee to the budget and submit the payment receipt to the state registrar. The cost of the registration procedure, as a rule, does not exceed 800 rubles, and its duration is no more than 5 working days.

After an individual receives the status of an individual entrepreneur, he needs to choose a tax regime in which he will conduct a mobile business. Individual entrepreneurs can acquire a patent, or they can work for the simplified tax system or UTII. If novice entrepreneurs ignore this issue, the regulatory authorities will automatically transfer them to the general taxation system.

What do entrepreneurs involved in outbound trade need to consider?

Before taking a truck shop onto a city or rural street, an individual entrepreneur must obtain a trade permit. This can be done at the local administration, which has a special department for entrepreneurship and trade. It is worth noting that if a business entity does not have a complete package of permitting documentation on hand, it will have to regularly sort things out with employees of regulatory and law enforcement agencies, as well as representatives of various inspection inspectorates.

If an individual entrepreneur is engaged in the trade of fast food or various goods belonging to the food group, he will have to obtain a health certificate. This also applies to all of its employees, who will have to undergo medical examinations at regular intervals (health records are issued at the local sanitary and epidemiological station).

Formation of target audience

Every individual entrepreneur engaged in outbound trade from a truck shop strives to receive maximum income. But he can do this only if he forms his target audience. To attract the attention of more buyers, individual entrepreneurs need to advertise their business:

  • Post posters with a certain content around the area in which the auto shop will be located;
  • distribute leaflets to passers-by, which indicate the range of products sold and the operating hours of the auto shop;
  • hold promotional events at which the price of goods will be slightly reduced (people love discounts, so they always pay attention to such promotions);
  • place advertising brochures and calendars in places with high traffic (for example, savings banks, banks, hairdressers, etc.);
  • install mobile structures in the immediate vicinity of the auto shop, on which there is advertising for your business, etc.

How to choose the right place for outbound trading?

Individual entrepreneurs should carefully consider the issue of planning the daily route of the auto shop. They should first coordinate with local authorities all locations for mobile retail outlets. When developing a route, you should consider such important factors as:

  • local population size;
  • presence of competitors' auto shops;
  • remoteness of the trading location from supermarkets and other stores that sell a similar range of consumer goods, etc.

If a business entity wants to focus its mobile business on villages and urban-type settlements, it needs to correctly draw up a schedule for its work. In the case where the target audience of one locality does not exceed 500 people, there is no point in coming there every day. The ideal option would be to develop a business in several settlements located in close proximity. For example, on Monday and Thursday, an individual entrepreneur brings his auto shop to one village, on Tuesday and Friday he comes to a second, and on Wednesday and Saturday he visits a third. A businessman can set aside Sunday for rest and preparation for the new work week. If an entrepreneur works according to such a schedule, he will be able to serve more customers, thereby increasing the profitability of his mobile business.

Points to remember

Business entities must understand that in food trucks they cannot prepare food products that require a complex production cycle, for example, sausage, cheese or fermented milk products. Therefore, they do not need to spend money on purchasing sour cream, sausages, etc. When forming an assortment, you should pay attention to ready-made goods that can be purchased from suppliers in a form ready for sale. The exception is mobile cafes, which are equipped to prepare certain dishes.

As sources of financing, business entities can use:

  • personal savings;
  • credit funds;
  • private investment;
  • partners' money;
  • assistance from the state provided in the form of subsidies for small businesses.

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Despite the existing competition, outbound trade from a truck shop can be considered a fairly profitable business area. Many business entities are attracted to mobile businesses by their low start-up costs and quick payback.

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If, for example, you are going to sell only eggs or frozen fish, then in this case you can use a standard GAZelle, selling directly from the back. All that remains is to prepare the necessary documents for outbound trading and start a business, but at the same time you must understand that the sales time is very limited, since food products are a product that can spoil in a fairly short time.

Business idea – outbound sales from a mobile store


Trade Register), the following documents must be submitted:

  • legal entities provide constituent documents; Individual entrepreneur - extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur;
  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • information about the manager and chief accountant, bank details (provided by legal entities);
  • a lease agreement for the premises and documents on the ownership of the premises in which trading will take place;
  • sanitary passport of the premises where trade will take place;
  • conclusions of the State Supervision Authority and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • an agreement with a municipal or other waste removal service;
  • list of products for trade.

It is important to know that obtaining a permit to trade certain types of products (for example, alcohol) is accompanied by the addition of a corresponding license to the specified list of documents.

The procedure for obtaining a permit to sell on the street

Is it necessary to use cash register equipment when trading from a drive-thru? A separate issue is the use of cash register equipment (CCT) when trading from a mobile store.


Most letters from tax officials indicate that the use of cash register systems when trading from a mobile store is mandatory.

Tax authorities believe that the use of cash registers is mandatory on the basis of clause.

3 tbsp. 2 of Law No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards.”


However, this issue is controversial. A little hint - when communicating with tax authorities and in court, you can focus on the possibility of non-use of cash registers by UTII payers and entrepreneurs using the patent taxation system, subject to certain conditions for conducting business.

How to obtain a trade permit: step-by-step instructions

Legal definition In accordance with current legislation, a non-stationary retail facility is any equipment that is a temporary structure or structure, and does not have a strong connection with any land plot, regardless of whether there is a connection there or not to any or utility networks.
If we talk about what refers to non-stationary mobile objects, then here we are talking about auto shops, trays, auto shops, vans, trolleys, tank trucks and other similar equipment.
It is also worth noting the fact that the current articles of federal legislation determine the specific features and subtleties of the placement of such objects.

What documents are needed to conduct outbound trade?

Thus, the meat processing plant will issue all the necessary documents for its products, etc.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, mandatory confirmation of product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, provisions of standards, sets of rules or terms of contracts is carried out in the form of accepting a declaration of conformity or mandatory certification.

Since 02/15/2010, mandatory certification of certain types of products has been abolished - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12/01/2009 No. 982 approved the Unified Lists of products subject to mandatory certification and products, confirmation of conformity of which is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity.

Forum: UTII: single tax on imputed income - all about “imputation”

Also, the auto shop should not interfere with road users, it should not endanger customers - from the point of view of traffic, these are pedestrians, and if the auto shop is located on the side of the road, this can create certain problems.

Naturally, you must have all the necessary documentation for the products you sell - a certificate of conformity or a declaration of conformity.

All documents must be given to you by the manufacturer or seller of the goods.

Of course, this must be done if the product is subject to mandatory certification or declaration.

There are quite a lot of documents regarding the availability of necessary documents for products, and the regulatory framework is constantly changing.
If you wish, you can consult with Rospotrebnadzor.
In principle, the wholesale supplier of products from whom you will purchase goods for sale will also advise you on this issue.

How and where to obtain a trade permit, what is needed for this?

  • Submit an application to the local administration department dealing with street trading issues. The following package of documentation must be attached to the application:
  • A map of the area to indicate the future location of the retail facility.
  • Original and photocopy of the certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  • Original and photocopy of a certificate from the tax office stating that tax registration has been carried out.
  • For legal entities - original and photocopy of the organization's charter.
  • Original and photocopy of the applicant's general passport.
  • Documentary confirmation of the absence of tax debts to the state.

Permits can be issued only in places designated for these purposes; they are determined by the territorial plan, which is approved by the administration.

Organization of outbound trade

If trade operations will be carried out using a light vehicle, then it is necessary to have a conclusion on the technical condition of the transport, a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station with permission to use it for trade purposes. It is also necessary to provide a list of goods that will be sold on the street, and an agreement on the removal of garbage that will inevitably appear during the work process.

If foreign citizens are expected to be hired, their registration documents and work permits will be required.

Obtaining a license Trade in alcoholic beverages is subject to mandatory licensing, but only legal entities can obtain it; it is impossible for an individual entrepreneur to obtain a license, this is established by our legislation. Trade in medicines, hunting goods, for example, ammunition, veterinary or children's goods is also subject to licensing.

Lots of small business ideas

Types of UTII in Krasnogorsk for 2013 Tatyana, February 28, 2013 at 11:06 comments 1 UTII KIRBASHYAN GAYANE VALERIEVNA, May 23, 2012 at 21:37 UTII: How to open an individual entrepreneur? Natalya, April 6, 2012 at 2:47 pm comments 1 Type of activity Katya, March 22, 2012 at 11:25 am Pharmacy - UTII or simplified tax system Tatyana, March 11, 2012 at 00:06 UTII Elena, February 14, 2012 at 4:23 pm Next... Reducing UTII Tatyana , October 14, 2017 at 11:01 am comments 1 Determining the area for calculating tax NAtalya, October 29, 2013 at 5:17 pm In Moscow, the law on imputed (fixed) income does not work? Olga, June 21, 2012 at 05:07 pm comments 2 Coefficient K-2 Lukhovitsy Galina, April 13, 2012 at 08:49 pm comments 1 Coefficient K2 Lytkarino city Anastasia, April 4, 2012 at 08:49 pm K2 for UTII city Dzerzhinsky MO Gorbachev Larisa Vasilievna , March 15, 2012 at 11:30 comments 1 See Local regulations More...
Sales market for outbound (delivery) trade from a truck shop These are nearby and remote settlements in which there are no stationary food stores. However, even the presence of stationary grocery stores will not be an obstacle to profitable delivery trade from a truck shop. The stores have one assortment, yours has a different one. In addition, you can provide the population with fresher products, bring some new products, sell some products at a lower price.

By the way, selling certain “promotional” products on some days significantly increases customer flow, creating free advertising for your business.

You need to decide - either you trade from a car in only one locality, or you travel around several localities during the day. A very important factor in the retail trade of products from a food truck is stability.

Before receiving it, it is necessary to register a legal entity or individual entrepreneurship with the tax authorities.

In this case, it is necessary to choose a simplified taxation system or a single tax on temporary income. The following documents must be attached to the application, a sample of which can be viewed below:

  • topographic plan of the area with a symbol of the future location of the outlet;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
  • charter for legal entities, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or residence permit of foreign citizens for individuals;
  • an extract from the tax service confirming the absence of debts.

All documents, except the plan, must be provided in the form of an original and a copy.