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Riddles about a goose: funny and in verse. Riddles about a goose: funny and in verse Rhymes about a goose for children are short

Geese in the sky, in the evening,
Lined up in a wedge
Leaving my father's house,
They cry for their loved one.

Cause the road is hard
And full of obstacles.
Full moon at night
The brotherhood will sanctify them.

And on the lunar silhouette
Will be illuminated by the shadow
Wedge goose track in the trail -
Bow to the vision.

They're probably on top
Cold and scary
But in an eerie silence
After all, they fly bravely.

So that somewhere far away,
Early at dawn
On the pond or on the river,
Sleep like children.

I fell into ecstasy
I fell into raptures.
Deserts of Asia
They were dear to me.

I broke my wings
Oh dreams and glass,
Flying violence
Around and around.

I watched movies
Almost without sadness
And we floated in the sky,
It's like they're geese.

Around the world in a flash
We fly, we are agile,
And we move the earth,
Like grains - crows.

Lamb bones,
Yes, sheep's wool...
Ask anything
I will answer everything!

Geese-swans float with the flow,
They brought spring on the wing.
And by her kindness, by command,
Flowers bloomed in the meadows again.

A bumblebee is buzzing in the grass, drinking nectar.
A swift will flash in the sky like black lightning.
The poor raven caught a cold in the wind:
Now he croaks hoarsely - he doesn't sing.

The mountain river is full of water in spring,
Taking melt water from streams,
He sings and murmurs carefree about spring,
She doesn't need loud words for that.

The sky is blue, cloudless, clear,
There is a trace of an airplane, a stripe in it.
Time flies very quickly...

The geese were flying high.
There were exactly eight of them.
They flew south, far away, -
Autumn has come to us,
And even the first snow fell,
Covering the paths...
The geese were screaming - they were calling everyone
With you, flying away.
And soon doubled more birds
They caught up with them above the forest,
At its very borders -
One eighth of the pack.
Next comes the third part... then
Another second...
And now she disappeared behind the hill
The whole flock of geese.
I can't count the birds -
I get confused every now and then
And I would like to know
How many of them were flying there?

Geese-swans, on their wings,
Take me to the land of miracles.
Where sadness, sadness and fear are unknown,
Where the soul does not hold, the weight of the body is in itself.

Geese-swans, how tired I am,
From deception, lies and treacherous words.
From the cold, stone of solid rocks,
From the labors that were hateful to me, for my bread.

Geese-swans, a free flock,
How I want to come to you in the blue of heaven.
I could have done it there, I remembered again,
The path to a magical land, to a kind world of miracles.

Geese-swans, there is a rock on the paths,
Stone-hard, worldly affairs-concerns.
No from...

The fire is built, and the fatal
The flame is ready to burst into flames; everything is silent, -
Only a slight crackling sound is heard, and in the lower layer
The fire glows treacherously.

The smoke began to spread - the people crowded thicker;
Here they all are - this whole dark world:
Here are both oppressed people and oppressive people,
Lies and violence, chivalry and clergy.

Here is the treacherous Caesar, and the princes
Supreme of the imperial and spiritual hosts,
And he himself, the Roman hierarch, in his
Sinful infallibility.

Here she is - that simple old lady,
Not forgotten since then
What did you bring...

Like all domestic animals, the goose is a bright representative of folklore. He is credited with such qualities as pride, importance, and conceit. In the fairy tale, the geese-swans carried away the child. Apparently, they scared the children so that trouble would not happen. The old ones are alive and new ones are being written.

Palm goose

In Arzamas they bred a strong, large and hardy one. In the fall, the herds went to fairs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. To prevent the geese from wearing off their paws, they were driven through resin and then through fine straw. The result was improvised bast shoes. This is where the riddles about the goose come from:

  • Which goose is palmate?
  • Which bird wears bast shoes?

This breed was first bred for goose fighting. On the day of the competition, the area was white with their number. Catherine II, who was passing through at such a moment, called the city “the goose capital.” A monument to this bird was recently erected on the pedestrian street of Arzamas.

They walk in single file

For some reason these birds love to walk in an even formation. One at a time, with a goose walking in front and goslings mincing behind. In twos, when a small flock with poultry yard goes for a swim. The gander, the commander, walks ahead. It's better not to get in his way. He can run up and painfully pinch your leg if he suspects danger.

  • A squad of little white guys is moving towards the river. The leader walks ahead and disperses passers-by.

Riddle about a goose for children:

  • He has red boots on his feet. run quickly.

Unique goose down

The value of goose down has been known since ancient times. A feather bed stuffed with such down was considered a valuable dowry. Modern conquerors of Everest or Arctic explorers wear down jackets made from it.

The composition of goose down has been carefully studied and, based on these data, Primaloft insulation was invented. It also has water-repellent properties. Thanks to this quality of goose down, there are riddles about the goose:

  • Who gets away with it?
  • Since childhood, he has become accustomed to water and gives people down jackets.

Playful riddles about a goose

Who doesn't know songs about happy geese! People have different versions of this story, all very funny.

  • A famous producer came to a famous grandmother to look for artists. One artist is white, another artist is gray, in order to sign a contract with them.
  • Two illusionists who possess the secrets of disappearance and reappearance that gave an elderly woman a heart attack.

Loyalty of Geese

Anyone who kept these cute birds in their yard noticed their affection. Geese are monogamous, they are characterized by strong emotions. All this fits into the concept of “swan fidelity”. If a goose is deprived of its favorite goose, it becomes sad and does not eat well.

If you draw your child’s attention to this representative of birds and feed him a bun near the water, the baby will fall in love with him. Perhaps he will even ask you to buy a goose toy. You can wish for interesting walks and funny incidents.

The goose is walking along the path.
Goose plays the harmonica.
And the accordion player is proud:
- I am a ga-ga-ha-vocalist!

The goose is noisy, with a long nose.
The neck is like a question mark.
The goose goes for a walk in the meadows
And he cackles: GA-GA-GA!

Don't hiss, angry goose -
I'm already afraid of you!
Well, please stop being angry -
I want to make friends with you.
I can shepherd you
Near the river in the meadow,
We will swim in the river
Let's bask in the sand.
Brought for reconciliation
I'm a treat for you -
Eat a piece of pie.
The goose replied: “Ha-ha-ha!”

Masalova V.

Geese - geese, ha - ha - ha!
Did you fly to the south?
Can others come with you?
- We don’t know ourselves yet...
We're flying away from winter.
We don't want frost!

Gorelov V.

Near the puddle there is a fat goose,
He looks menacing and angry, -
I'll walk through a puddle,
Hisses suspiciously.

Marmazov Anatoly

A goose has two legs
Beads are eyes,
Has its own habits
Walks without looking back
Yes, and not in a hurry.
Goose is a homely sage,
Thinks, reflects,
He is a brave fighter
It just doesn't fly.
Looks good-natured
But I’m ready for battle,
And he can walk
Following you.
Doesn't let you out of my sight,
As if he's guarding
But stroke it, try it -
He'll run away immediately...
Just out of curiosity
Beady eyes
Watching again
You can't approach!
He decides for himself
How should I be with you?
Most often chooses -
Ask for something...

Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of the goose!
You can't mess with him.
Red-legged, long-necked,
Important, angry, knows how to hiss.
Comes out of the pond dry
And he restores his own order.
Stretches his neck and cackles
He wants to be a commander.
Pinches everyone's heels.
Run away without looking back!

Borisov T.

The palm-footed geese flew in,
They brought ringing harps.
Their wings were speckled,
The feet were webbed.
The folding doors opened,
People came out to them smiling:
— We have patterned tablecloths,
Our porridges are all crumbly -
You are welcome to the table!..
Speckled feathers flew away,
The ringing harp sounded:
The clawed geese carried away
Its paws are webbed -
I'll say hello!

Boris Zakhoder

A goose is walking in the meadow,
I'm afraid of this bird:
The goose hisses and attacks,
Spreads its wings at the top.
I'll take the twig
Now he should run away.

Laktionov V.

This bird has a long neck.
Igor is afraid of her:
Very menacing looking
And he cackles and hisses!

Paroshin A.

Walks importantly, with a proud look
And he won’t let his wife be offended:
It will hiss and... don't be a coward -
A goose might pinch you!

Talyzin V.

The geese cackled loudly,
Down and feathers were collected
Feathers were put in little bags,
Fluff - in canvas bags,
Murka the cat came running,
I checked everything for softness.
Then the geese walked in a crowd
To kind grandmother Marusa:
With a request to do for Irinka
Two pillows and a feather bed.

Efimova T.

I ran up to the gosling:
- Oh, so fluffy!
Just something between a goose and a goose
They hissed quickly.
The goose cackles: “Ha-ha-ha!”
He flaps his wings.
And he seems to say:
- Go away!
Don't grab my goslings
Those who pluck the grass
Otherwise you now
I'll pinch your heel!
I can't handle the goose -
I feel sorry for my heels.
I'm running away quickly
From the field without looking back!

Fomicheva I.

Two merry geese lived with granny,
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese,
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese!

Geese washed their feet in a puddle by the ditch,
One is gray, the other is white,
Hid in a ditch
One is gray, the other is white,
Hid in a ditch!

Here the granny shouts - “Oh, the geese are gone!”
One is gray, the other is white,
My geese, my geese!
One is gray, the other is white,
My geese, my geese!

The geese came out and bowed to grandma!
One is gray, the other is white,
They bowed to grandma,
One is gray, the other is white,
We bowed to grandma!

Angry white goose
For the cat Miroshka
— I don’t fight with cats,
Even for fun.
Why are you looking at the goose like that?
Little Stepka?
You'll wait for me
And you'll get a beating!
Ask the hostess to let her
He'll give you sour cream.
And they will disperse your sadness

Fink I.

Goose bought himself an accordion,
but a little holey.
The harmonica sang well,
hissed like a goose.

Thirty little goslings
They are afraid to go on an excursion,
Walking in the city park
Behind the teacher in single file.
- Look, here is the sorrel,
Clover, buttercup, lungwort...
Stop - stop! Where are you going?
Exhibits are not food!

Volkova N.

Geese, geese,
Do you want to eat?
Yes Yes Yes!
Bread and butter?
No no no!
And what?
Sweets, sweets.
Well, fly
No no no!
Gray wolf under the mountain
Doesn't let us go home.
Well, fly as you wish
Just take care of your wings.

The geese waddle from side to side -
Each one is wearing a pair of orange slippers.
Probably the unfortunate slippers are pressing on them -
It wouldn't hurt to free the paws!
They stubbornly walk towards the pond,
Spanking in slippers on a familiar path.
They barely arrived and they were pummeling! - straight into the water.
The weather turned out to be hot today.
They even forgot to take off their shoes!..
But wow, how gracefully they swam!!
These brisk paws row nicely -
That's what these wonderful slippers are for!

Kechatova N.

Geese, you geese, where have you been?
Geese, you geese, what did you see?
We saw a wolf, the wolf carried away the gosling!
Yes, the biggest, and the most beautiful!
Geese, you geese, catch up with the wolf,
Geese, you geese, save the gosling!

Geese are walking in the yard.
- Come in, don’t be a coward.
Only the gate creaked,
Like a goose hissed.
The goose shouts: Ha-ha, ha-ha,
Show me the enemy!
I'll pinch his leg
Let him forget the way to us!
It's a guest you say
Get him out of the yard!
I won't tolerate guests
I'll wear out everyone's pants!
- Ah ah ah! We told them -
They drove me into the field with a twig, -
Ay-ay-ay, well, to what extent?
You are still not educated!
It's high time you realized
That guests cannot be driven away.
Your neighbor was just as stupid
And one day I got into the soup!

Batsanova N.

He pulls his neck and hisses.
He tries to pinch everyone.
Only you are not very cowardly.
This is our pet goose.

Zikh E.

Ha-ha-ga, cackles the goose.
Shoot, I'm not afraid of you.
Beats the water with its wings,
He hits the ground with his paw.
He arches his neck: Ha-ha-ha.
Run away, kids.
Goose twig
We'll drive you out of the yard.
Don't pinch our feet
Run to your barn

Zamaraev E.

Goslings have a funny tongue
Pili-pik! We are here! We are here!
Pili-pik! Bring some food.
I'm going for a walk in the yard
I feed my gluttons.

And now it’s not like that at all.
There was a gosling, now there is a gander.
And he swims along the blue river with a goose.
I call my geese:
Get out quickly!
And they cackle, they laugh at me:
We won't understand, baby.
What are you talking about?

I tear off the thin rod
The geese are right there
And they shout: It’s no good!
We are not horses, but birds,
But they run from the twig
Directly to the house along the path.

Who is this biped?
Left a mark on the road?
Head on a long neck
Chooses where it tastes best!
He must be very strong!
He has big wings!
He cackles loudly and loudly,
He wants to pinch me!
Mom, I'm afraid of him!
- Don't be afraid, it's a goose.