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Riddles about a smile and a good mood. Extracurricular activity for children of primary school age “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter”

You look furtively from under your brows...
Not my lover, not my wife -
You are my mystery. And the answer
You are no longer free to become different.

Even if someone else wants it -
She won't be able to live in so many years
To be loved, rejecting love
And, loving...

And close interests. Emotionality opens us up to our partner and demonstrates trust, and trust is the basis of partnership. Therefore your smile-the message is “read” in your favor, and therefore in favor of all partners or team. you send smile-message. - And you get a reaction-understanding. Smile-message: I am very good, I need to be treated well. - Reaction-understanding: Great! WITH a good man...

As a rule, completely different points of view. The scientists looked at the diagrams. And History (in this case Korolev) - on smile, which was destined to become a symbol of the planet. Therefore, the Chief Designer approached spaceship and, without looking (maybe Kamanin... go hunting, fishing and just having a drink with him. In 1961 he was a cheerful and very active person. But every year smile he became more and more sad. The face was blurry. A scar appeared on his eyebrow. The eyes grew dim. He didn't want to be a symbol - he was...

smile smile

To be, a person feels bad and sad, and he sincerely tries not to show it, tries to sincerely smile. Then it's forced smile", said the psychotherapist. If a person really smiles falsely, then, according to the doctor, there is only one option left - ... Ayvazyan. The capital's dentist persuaded a 24-year-old girl to remove all her teeth and insert artificial ones so that she smile was irresistible, the lawyer cited a case from his practice. The girl agreed to this difficult and responsible...

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Target: to reveal to students an idea of ​​what a smile is, what its secrets are (the meaning of a smile for a person).


  • To develop the communication abilities of schoolchildren, the ability to communicate in pairs and teams.
  • Bring up moral values, children's respect for each other.
  • Teach children the rules of dialogue, the ability to speak briefly, listen to the opinions of others, and prove their point of view.

Hello, dear guys! My name is Koksharova Elena Sergeevna, I am a primary school teacher at school No. 3. Today we will hold an unusual event. “The strongest is the one who smiles” . I have the sun in my hands.

-What is the Sun? (This is a star.)

– Every person can become a “star”. What does it mean to be a star? (Become famous, achieve some results, do something good, study well.)

– Raise your hand, who wants to become a “star”?

– Today we’ll talk about how and with what help to achieve success in life, learn to influence people, and also improve your mood and make new friends.

A riddle about a smile.

But first listen to the riddle:

Joy has a friend in the form of a semicircle.
She lives on her face.
It will suddenly go somewhere,
then it will suddenly return.
Sadness and melancholy are afraid of her!
What is this? (Smile.)

-What is a smile? (Children's answers.)

Working with Ozhegov's dictionary. (Give out the dictionary in advance.)

– Here is the definition given in the dictionary:

A smile is a facial expression of the face, lips, eyes, which shows a disposition to laugh, expressing greetings, pleasure or ridicule. (Universal sign.)

A smile is a language that shows our emotions and desires without words.
A smile is a cure for many diseases and a reliable way to solve many problems.
A smile is an opportunity to prolong life, since one sincere smile prolongs life by 15 minutes. So do the math!
A smile is the first positive emotion with which a baby is able to show his joy.
A smile is happiness that money cannot buy, and which you can give to everyone, without exception, whenever you want and wherever you want.

world day smiles– international unofficial holiday smiles. The holiday is celebrated every year on the first Friday of October - this year on October 4, Teacher's Day.

What kind of smile can there be? (Kind, cheerful, charming, radiant, open, mocking, angry.) All smiles can be divided into 2 groups.

– Conclusion: we found out that a smile can tell about a person’s thoughts and feelings, a person’s attitude towards others. A smile can warm, cheer, or, on the contrary, offend.

– Every person wants to live happily ever after. You agree with me?

– And for this a person needs good... health. Try to tell me what health depends on? (Children call.)

- Right. The components of health are: cleanliness, adherence to the regime, hardening, giving up bad habits, movement, proper nutrition, clothing for the weather. But your mood also affects your health.

- So that you always have good mood, take it with you... what? A smile.

Exercise “Smile training”.

- Now we will learn to smile.

– Take a mirror, sit comfortably, tuck your chin, hold your head high. Fill your lungs to capacity with air and smile as you exhale. Well done! Let's repeat it again!

– Now look at each other, smile, say a few pleasant words.

– How did you feel when you smiled at someone else?

– What did you feel when they smiled at you?

– You were undoubtedly pleased, because a smile is an antidote to all diseases, invented by nature!

You admit it - a smile is happiness,
For anyone it’s just a treasure.
In sorrow, joy, bad weather
Everyone is happy to see her.
If there is no wealth, gold
You shouldn't be sad
Life with a rich smile
Feel free to decorate!

Quickly stand up, smile,
Pull yourself higher, higher.
Come on, straighten your shoulders,
Raise, lower,
Turned left, right,
Hands touched knees.
Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up
And they ran on the spot.

So what are the secrets of a smile? Let’s try to unravel them.

(Fill out the table on the “SECRETS OF SMILE” board.)

What significance does it have in a person’s life? (Children's statements.)

  1. With a smile you can improve your mood and the mood of others. When a person smiles, special substances - hormones - are released into the blood, which are responsible for a good mood.
  2. People are becoming more beautiful.
  3. Boost your immunity – your body is more relaxed when you smile.
  4. A sign of happiness and prosperity.
  5. Career growth.
  6. Helps make friends.
  7. They say that 5 minutes of laughter extends a person's life by 1 year. And negative emotions (resentment, anger, dissatisfaction).

Let me give you one piece of advice:


Give smiles to your loved ones and loved ones.

Scene “Three Friends”.

(Three girls come out, roles are distributed between them.)

– Once upon a time there were three friends – Crybaby, Zlyuka and Rezvushka. One day, while walking, they got caught in the rain. And this is what happened... Show how friends with different personalities behave.

- Who did you like? Why?

– Who didn’t like it? Why?

– What would you advise them? (smile more and don’t be sad)

Which girl has more friends?

– Which person is easier and more pleasant to communicate with?


At the beginning of the lesson, the guys raised their hands that they wanted to become a “star”. What a secret we revealed today to become one! Continue my sentence... – To achieve success in life, learn to influence people, as well as improve your mood and make new friends, you need... – Smile more often, be a friendly, cheerful and sympathetic person.

What could be more important than a smile?
After all, we are all deep down
We forgive people their mistakes,
When there is no lie in a smile.
A smile is very multifaceted -
She is a healer, a friend, an executioner...
Countries are conquered with a smile
And they interrupt her crying.

A smile can be menacing,
Insidious, daring, strong-willed,
Thoughtful, sad, starry...
A smile can be anything.

A smile can bring you to your knees
Place a formidable fighter
And she can, unfortunately,
Break loving hearts.

With a smile we give heaven, bliss,
We console the children with a smile.
A smile brings you closer to perfection,
And there is no stronger weapon in the world.

Only sculptors, painters, poets,
Dictating forms of beauty,
They realize that from a smile in this world
Flowers bloom in winter!

Creative work. Guys, now let's sincerely smile at each other. From this day on, we are friends and as a sign of our friendship, let's make a “Hand of Friendship”. If you suddenly feel lonely, look at this picture and see that you are not alone and you have friends.

Exercise. You each have templates of suns on your desk. But for now they are faceless. The task is to cut out the sun, sign your name, draw a face and a smile on it, if the lesson was beneficial for you, then a cheerful smile, if you were not happy with something, then a sad one. And then we will hang all your suns on the hand of friendship. Don't forget safety precautions when working with scissors. And to make your work more fun, I have prepared for you the film “There are different smiles.” It turns out that not only people, but also animals can smile. You can sing along!

Thanks everyone for the lesson! It was a pleasure working with you!

To the question A woman's smile... what is its mystery?? given by the author Interview the best answer is A woman's smile can do incredible things - conquer, seduce, attract. This is a woman’s weapon, her wealth, which can be used as much as you like without regret.
A smile on your face is not only a decoration, it also brings pleasant moments to everyone who sees you and causes reciprocal smiles.
God created to please Man
A woman's smile and love.
Gave beauties the keys to success,
Created a passion that stirred the blood.
Smile with a gentle smile
And give kindness generously.
A warm look will correct all mistakes,
Laughter will break the spell, the emptiness.
Smile every hour, minute,
Give joy to the end.
Happiness cannot be bought for you with currency,
Only a smile will touch hearts.
Smile in grief and in bad weather,
Let a smile ward off trouble.
Let her shine with generous happiness.
People live longer with her.
Woman's smile
Mona Lisa has a secret existence
She hides, philosophizing slyly.
The strictest judge for secrecy
He can’t judge her by looking, really.
The strict business woman is so smart;
The actress is changeable like the wind;
Mysterious, like a lake without a bottom,
At the loving one; the headmistress is strict;
Full of dreams of happiness among brides,
It's bright, leaning over the unsteady -
She is more beautiful than all earthly wonders:
A charming woman's smile!
A woman's smile can work wonders. She charms, delights, attracts the eye. This is one of the main weapons of a woman, her wealth, which you can use as much as you wish.
Appreciate women's smiles
They make our hearts so happy
Shiny like goldfish
A masterpiece of the great Creator.
A smile costs nothing
But it gives a lot
The soul's longing will be driven away in a moment
And it gives inspiration.
It will only last a moment
But it stays forever
And the impression arises
A smile is a bright star.
She's a priceless prize
Money can't buy her
But you don’t need money at all
A smile must be earned.
Woman's smile
A woman's smile is a wonderful phenomenon,
A fiery fire ignites in the heart,
Generously gives happiness, joy, inspiration,
Tenderness radiates from a woman's palm.
It’s joyful when you are not superfluous to her,
And the smile shines only for you,
Attractive lips as bright as cherries,
I want to drink their sweetness, lovingly.
Slender figure, like a deer's legs,
His eyes were chained to his chest,
From a smile bright in the soul of anxiety,
After all, the vector of my life will change.
A smile called, there’s no reason not to go,
And I go limply into girlish captivity,
Her eyes look at me with love,
Life promises us a sea of ​​changes.
The stranger generously gave her glance
And she took me away with a bright smile.
A gentle smile, but what power!
She smiled and became my destiny.

Elena Polyakova
Extracurricular activity for younger children school age“A smile brightens a gloomy day”

State government institution

social services Krasnodar region"Krasnodar social rehabilitation center for


Lesson on the topic:

"From smile a gloomy day brighten»

Krasnodar city


formation of universal human values ​​in children through kindness, smiles and laughter.


educational: cultivate goodwill, the ability to give warmth and kindness.

educational: teach the ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary.

developing: to form and consolidate friendly relationships in the children's team, respect for each other.

Equipment and material: presentation "From smile a gloomy day brighten» , means (DVD player, discs with songs and cartoons, smiles, cut out of cardboard, poems, riddles, tongue twisters.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part.


Hello guys! Our today The lesson is dedicated to smiling and laughing.

Come in quickly, welcome guests.

Throw away all your worries at the entrance!

Let happy faces flash everywhere,

May everyone have fun with you today.

Come in, hurry up

Our dear friends!

Relax, have fun,

You can't get bored here.

Let's forgive all mistakes today,

But not absence smiles.

Face without smiles are a mistake!

Long live laughter and smile!

And now guys, attention, we will tell each other smile!

1. Game "Tell smile» .

(To music, at the teacher’s choice, children, smiling, one by one turn to the neighbor on the right, and, clapping their palms on the neighbor’s palms, as if conveying smile.)

Main part.


Someone has today Bad mood, someone got up on the wrong foot. But still, let's try to leave all the bad things at the door.

2. Comic riddles.

I will tell you a riddle, and you will give the answer to each other.

Joy has a friend

In the form of a semicircle

She lives on her face:

It will suddenly go somewhere,

It will suddenly return.

Sadness and melancholy are afraid of her. (Smile)

Now guess the funny riddles with a trick!

We remembered easily:

First letter number... (Not O, but A.)

Round shaped head

The same shaped letter... (Not A, but O.)

The bunny went out for a walk

The hare's paws are straight... (Not five, but four.)

Look at the bird;

The bird's legs are straight... (Not three, but two.)

Let's pick up an armful of flowers

And now we will weave. (Not a hat, but a wreath.)

Hockey players can be heard crying

The goalkeeper let them through... (Not a ball, but a puck.)

Both capricious and stubborn

IN kindergarten doesn't want (Not mother, but daughter.)

Dresses and pants for dolls

Always love to sew (Not boys, but girls.)

3. Poem about friendship and smile.

Thin threads circled the earth,

Threads of parallels and green rivers,

Stretch out your hand, stretch out your hand,

Every person must believe in friendship.

Warm with a word, caress with a glance,

Even snow melts from a good joke.

It's so wonderful to be with you

Will become kind and cheerful gloomy man.

We must wish each other well, we must be able to give warmth, speak sweet words, then all troubles will recede, your heart will become lighter, all problems will become minor.

4. Game "Repeat".

(Children repeat what the teacher said; first slowly, then faster and faster.)

He joked, joked, and joked.

Make a joke, make people laugh.

Jokes are in fur coats.

The crested little girls laughed with laughter.

The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come.

They joked, played and kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Remember this funny April Fool's Day,

And we won't forget about you!

5. Poem about smile

1) When we smile, we make mistakes less often

And more often we are rewarded with gifts of fate.

2) A smile is a free thing, simple and clear

Funny and understandable, accessible to everyone.

3) Enjoy life! Laugh with happiness!

Don't hide your smiles, in spite of all misfortunes!

4) Let's smile just like that,

Smiles distribute to random people.

Whatever for a penny, and not for a quarter,

And just like that we will smile!

6. Task "Earth without smiles» .


Guys, tell me what the Earth will turn into without smiles? (answers children)

The sun would disappear

Everyone would be bored

I wouldn't like to do anything

I wouldn't be in the mood

Probably everyone would study poorly

They would get sick often.

Final part.


Guys, tell me why a person needs smile? (Students express their opinions about the meaning smiles in a person's life, about the need for people to have a friendly attitude towards each other).

From smile a gloomy day brighten

Let's smile at each other more often

- smile helps overcome difficulties

- smiling improves your mood

- smiling doesn't hurt anyone

- smile more often: it's good for health

Start yours a day with a smile

7. Election of the most benevolent and smiling pupil. He is rewarded with a Kinder surprise.

8. Watching the cartoon "Little Raccoon".