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Earning money from paid subscriptions. Social money

Currently, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Over the course of several years, its audience has grown to enormous proportions, and the service itself has been expanded with a host of different functions during this time. But the most interesting thing is that business and a solvent audience have come to Instagram, which means that advertising budgets have begun to be allocated, some of which we can earn. And today we will tell you all the options for making money on Instagram, and how much you will earn depends on your activity and abilities.

How to start making money on Instagram using this method? It’s simple, you post your best work on your account, thereby creating a kind of portfolio, and through it you get clients.

To make it easier to find your offer:

  • You should add hashtags to your posts with the name of the services and the area where your potential clients are located;
  • Use mass following (mass subscription to people who may be interested in the services offered).

You've probably seen examples of such accounts more than once; someone you don't know has subscribed to you. When you came to this page, you most likely came across an offer to buy some product or service. This is how mass following works. The account owner massively subscribes to everyone he deems necessary, hoping that the person will notice the notification, go to the subscribed page and become interested in the offer.

During the transition we see cosmetic services

Below we will tell you which programs you can use to organize a mass subscription so as not to do it manually.

Earnings from selling goods

If you are engaged in the production of handmade products, are the owner of an online store or a blogger who wants to sell your branded paraphernalia (mostly clothing), then Instagram can be a very good way to find new customers, since the consumer spectrum here is larger than in many other countries. other places.

For those involved in reselling, Instagram also provides a good place to start and promote. At the same time, you can sell anything - from clothing (the most common example) to goods in which an extremely narrow circle of users is interested.

The best sellers on Instagram are:

  • Sneakers;
  • Swimwear;
  • Underwear;
  • Fashionable streetwear;
  • Accessories: belts, glasses, gloves, handbags.

Selling goods through Instagram has become very common because it is very convenient, you can attach up to 10 photos and videos of a product in one post, make a description, and accept orders through comments or WhatApp. This saves the buyer from having to follow links to an online store, and allows them to make purchases directly within the social network. This gives the store owner the opportunity to speed up the sales process, and therefore increase profits.

All that is required of you is to provide a competent visual presentation of your products and actively promote your account.

Promoting accounts for money

Large companies often need specialists who can promote Instagram accounts for money, thereby attracting new clients. Such specialists are usually called Instagram managers (SMM specialists in a more general case), and they deal with the design of the appearance of the account (posting photos with descriptions for them), trying to give it the most presentable appearance, setting up advertising and promoting the account using various methods.

At the moment, this method of earning money is quite popular due to its relative ease of learning, and even schoolchildren make money from it.

In 1-2 months you can well study the intricacies and aspects of this business, while for maintaining one account they can pay up to 30,000 rubles per month. Agree, your income will be quite decent if you maintain 2-3 accounts.

An example of the earnings of such specialists

Administration of other people's accounts

This method is similar to promotion for money, but here you will have to work with an already promoted account, and your responsibilities will include filling it with content on a regular basis (posting), communicating with subscribers and monitoring order in the comments. Work of this kind is mainly relevant in commercial accounts or in public pages (profiles with entertainment content). Bloggers, as a rule, maintain their accounts independently, although there are exceptions.

A separate important skill for an employee will be analyzing account popularity statistics. To do this, you can use various services, for example, Pycalitics.

You can find such work on freelance exchanges in the SMM and social networks section. In addition, you can offer your services personally by writing a direct message to promoted accounts.

Earning money from selling advertising

Not only bloggers can make money from advertising. Anyone who has gained several tens of thousands of subscribers on their account can turn it into a solid source of income. The essence is very simple - advertisers need to sell some product or service, and they invite you to post a post with your offer, since you have many subscribers and there will probably be buyers. At the same time, you receive money for posting a post.

An example of advertising eco-candles on Instagram

You can earn money using the following advertising formats:

  1. Selling profile posts;
  2. Advertising in Stories;
  3. Native advertising (mention of a brand or product).

one of the most effective and at the same time not obvious at first glance methods of advertising. For example, a popular blogger appears in a photo wearing some nice T-shirt 1-2 times a month. However, his post says nothing about her. Neither the parameters, nor the price, nor the methods of delivery and payment are specified. To put it simply, the photograph at first glance is not of an advertising nature. But at the same time, the clothing brand is always clearly visible in such photos. This may interest the subscriber, who will later order the T-shirt that the blogger wore. This is how this advertising ploy works, which is completely invisible to the naked eye. Native advertising doesn’t irritate subscribers as much, so it gets more likes and views.

And this is an example of native advertising

The cost of advertising posts is set by the account owner, and there are no limits here, it all depends on your desire and impudence. But, of course, advertising prices must be within reason, otherwise you simply will not be able to find advertisers.


How much can you earn on Instagram from advertising?

On accounts with average popularity (several tens of thousands of subscribers) they offer 500-1000 rubles. At the same time, prices can be raised as the account becomes more popular. It is noteworthy that there is no upper limit on the price: after gaining several million subscribers, you can already ask for hundreds of thousands of rubles for advertising.

If you have an account with a large number of subscribers, and the idea of ​​earning 1000-3000 rubles for one advertising post seems very attractive, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this method of earning money and place it on advertising exchanges.

How do bloggers make money on Instagram and how?

For bloggers, the main source of income is the sale of advertising. At the same time, they can advertise anything and however they want. Most often these are goods, but in addition to them, bloggers advertise services and events.

Example of an advertising post from a blogger

How to make money on Instagram from likes

This way of earning money is the simplest, but also far from the most profitable. It is connected with Instagram only indirectly: the work is done through special sites where you will be asked to like, subscribe to profiles and write comments for money.

This is approximately how much they pay on VKTarget for one subscription and one like.

Among such sites for making money on likes, the following are very popular:


True, such services also have disadvantages. As a rule, the choice of tasks for them is not very large, and the reward for completing them is modest, so you won’t be able to earn big money here.

Earning money from affiliate programs

Affiliate programs provide an opportunity to earn money by advertising other people's products and services for a commission on sales. In your profile, you place advertising offers from various advertisers and receive a percentage of the store's profit. At first glance, this is the same as selling advertising. The methods are really similar, but there are serious differences between them. Here you are paid not for advertising, but for actions attracted users via your advertising link (registration, purchase, replenishment of balance). In order for users to get to the advertiser’s website, usually an advertising link is placed in the profile description, or they create a special advertising profile with photographs and descriptions of the product/service and link to it in posts.

Someone is promoting a lamp from an affiliate program on Instagram

What is the best way to earn money:

  • Popular products for women (including mothers);
  • Dating sites (payment for registration, filling out a questionnaire, etc.);
  • Games and applications for mobile.

Video: How to promote your Instagram profile to make money on affiliate programs

The most common are affiliate programs for the sale of physical goods and watches in particular. There are special affiliate networks where you can find advertisers selling different types of products. This allows you to select the most profitable offers for the topic and audience of your account.


Selling promoted accounts

Often, to conduct business, accounts are used that have many subscribers in advance. This avoids the need to spend money and time on promotion. You just need to buy an account and you can immediately start selling products, advertising campaigns, etc. If you have an account with a lot of followers, but you definitely don't intend to use it, it might be worth selling it. You can also engage in mass promotion of accounts with the further goal of selling them.

Advertisements for the sale and purchase of Instagram accounts are posted on specialized forums and VKontakte groups, and the transaction takes place through a guarantor, for example, through the service

How to make your page popular - instructions for attracting subscribers

A promoted page on Instagram, as on any social network, can always serve as a source of income, you just need to put in the effort. In our economically unstable times, a popular Instagram profile can allow you not to be left without money in the event of layoffs, layoffs, and similar measures. Thus, an Instagram account is also an investment, absolutely the same as, for example, an investment in real estate, which differs, however, in its scale. If you want to have such a source of income, you should think about promoting your existing account now. To succeed in this matter, do the following:

1. Select a relevant topic for your account

Subscribers will go en masse to places where there is always something fashionable and relevant, interesting to everyone in our time. A competent choice of profile topics is the key to your success.

2. Increasing the number of subscribers

The concepts of page popularity and the number of subscribers cannot exist without each other, so attracting an audience should be taken seriously. Attract subscribers using old methods (hashtags, mass following, mass liking), as well as by publishing interesting content, because Instagram promotes interesting posts for free. Participate in giveaways (group purchase of advertising from a popular blogger) and use paid promotion of posts at first.

3. Account activity

In addition, you must always stay active: constantly make new interesting publications, communicate with subscribers, hold competitions for them, etc. Subscribers should see your interest in maintaining your profile.

Never take long breaks. Posting on your page should be regular. If necessary, you can take short breaks, but if they drag on too long, the interest of subscribers in the project fades.

They earn money in different ways, and the amounts depend on some factors, for example, a person’s popularity on a particular social network, that is, whether he has a large number of friends and subscribers, the topic and the quality of information.

Let's highlight two large groups:

  1. earnings directly from the social network itself;
  2. earnings using special sites and services.

In the second - for completing any user tasks, and you don’t even need to go to your profile on the social network, all that is important is its linking to your profile in the service.

Earning money from likes is one of the types of earnings using special service sites. It involves receiving money for “like”, “like” or “class” marks. That is, we complete a task in the service marked “like” and for this we receive points or points that can either be used to get likes for ourselves, or exchanged for money and withdrawn to our e-wallet and turned into treasured banknotes.

16 top services for making money from likes on the Internet

Today there are many services on the Internet that allow you to get money for likes. Each of them has its own characteristics and principles of operation, and is also adapted for making money on certain social networks. Let's look at how to make money from likes on the most popular services. This is not a rating, but simply a selection without sorting.




So, you can make money on likes. And not only is it possible, but there is also a choice of services that provide this opportunity. The user can only choose the most suitable one and start completing tasks.

Basically, promotion services are aimed at ensuring that users earn money on the Internet, which can then be paid to other performers as payment for completing their tasks, that is, spend them on promoting their account or community on the social network.

Services benefit when users use points earned from likes for promotion, which they contribute in every possible way. Withdrawing money is not so profitable for them, but it is necessary to attract users.

Also, almost all services provide the opportunity to withdraw earned funds, which makes it possible to earn money from likes. But you shouldn't expect any high income. The maximum that this money will be enough for is to pay for some inexpensive services on the Internet, but sometimes the money in an electronic wallet comes in handy.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

If you love photography and love Instagram, I have good news for you. Today, almost anyone can start making money on this social network. Below I will show you five main ways to make money on Instagram from subscribers, and you can choose what suits you.

You can have a thousand subscribers or a hundred thousand - it doesn’t matter. Each of these methods ALREADY brings people hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. What's worse about you? So I think it’s nothing. And let's get down to business then.

How many subscribers do you need to make money on Instagram?

You can often hear questions such as “I have 2000 subscribers, how much can I earn?” Or - “I have 10,000 subscribers, what can I count on?”

In fact, if you want to know how many followers you need to make decent money, then there are two answers to this question - short and long.

The short answer is “much less than you think.” The main thing is not quantity, but quality. That is, a thousand active subscribers are better than a hundred thousand “inflated” bots that do not show themselves in any way.

There are reasons for this - the low level of competition (for now), the nativeness of advertising (invisibility), and a couple more. We'll talk about this in more detail some other time. For now, let's move on to the longer answer.

How much can you charge for advertising?

Forbes once conducted research among so-called “influencers” on Instagram to find out how much they earned. According to them, almost all of these opinion leaders - people with a large number of subscribers - charge $200-400 for one advertising post in their feed. We are, of course, talking about Western Instagrammers.

But if opinion leaders in the West are the same as in Russia, then they probably inflate their value in such surveys. That is, in reality, everything looks something like this - they charge around 150 dollars for one sponsored post, but one day they were offered 300, and in the end they settled on 250.

I am not kidding. Every time we talk about money and the level of earnings, people significantly inflate the numbers. But a hundred dollars per post is not bad.

Do you think that in Russia everything, as always, is much worse and smaller? But no. I personally know several well-promoted channels where placing an advertising post costs from $200. And I know this for sure, because we paid this money. And there are also more expensive ones.

It all depends on what niche you work in, how many competitors there are, and what exactly you offer your subscribers to buy. If you really want a lot of money, here’s a “simple” recipe.

An example of a “golden” niche

Make your Instagram a “success story” of how you lost weight or got pumped up. There is a huge audience for the topic of beauty/health. Almost 100% of people want to look better. Additionally, there are many products in this niche that you could offer. Add also that in Russia there are not yet many truly promoted channels on this topic.

This is what is called the “golden niche”. One Western Instagrammer made just such a channel. And now, he says, he earns £500 on a “bad day.” And he makes money exclusively by placing advertising posts. And this is only one of the five main ways.

And let’s, by the way, move on to the five main ways to make money on Instagram.

5 main ways to make money on Instagram from subscribers

Method #1 – Affiliate programs

This is one of the most common ways to make money on the Internet in general. You find products related to your topic, get your affiliate link, and then promote it through social media posts.

Every time someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you receive a commission. It sounds simple, but in fact there are a number of difficulties here.

Firstly, you can’t just post any links on Instagram. You can put one active link in your profile description - and that’s it. You can't really run away. Yes, you can still put links in the photo description, but they will be inactive.

That is, people will have to manually copy them and open them in the next tab. And I have very big doubts that everyone will want to copy your affiliate “referrer” along with the link. Thus, making money from affiliate programs here can be difficult. Perhaps this is why most Instagrammers prefer regular advertising

Method #2 – Advertising posts

Everything is much simpler here. You receive money immediately from the advertiser. And it doesn’t matter to you how many sales there will be from your advertising (or whether there will be any at all).

The only difficulty is that you need to have quite a lot of subscribers before someone wants to post their advertising posts on you (by the way, in the Instagram world they are usually mildly called “sponsored posts”).

If, in the case of making money on affiliate programs, you can start with at least a hundred subscribers, then you will first have to “sink”, and only then “swallow”. Another interesting fact. In fact, any advertisement in any source should be marked accordingly.

But in the West, which is much more developed in terms of various legal matters, there have already been several major scandals on this topic. Well-known brands fell into circulation and were forced to pay huge fines for advertising on Instagram without the appropriate tags.

Method #3 – Promote your business

Of course, owning your own business is the most profitable type of activity. There are usually two types of posts here:

  1. Happy customers with our product;
  2. Behind the scenes life of the company.

If you are promoting some of your products or services, then you may have few subscribers, and you can still make good money from them. The caption to the photo also plays a very important role here. It is the text that will sell what you want to sell.

At the same time, you need to learn to be not very intrusive, so that your text does not sound exactly like an outright advertisement. And this can be achieved in different ways. I recommend reading my article on this topic. There I tell one real case from my practice.

Method #4 – Selling photos

If you are a professional photographer (that is, if you have a camera), then you can sell your creations directly through your account, without resorting to the intermediary services of various photo stocks.

The mechanics here are very simple. You take a cool photo, add watermarks to it, and post it on your account, with an offer to buy this photo if someone likes it. But here we are again dealing with an undeveloped legal field.

In Russia they don’t like to buy photographs, because they can simply be “pirated” from each other through “Yandex Pictures” or simply from websites. Theoretically, this could result in a large fine or even imprisonment. But in practice, I have never heard of this.

And how much will you charge for one photo? How many will you sell in a month? In my opinion, this way of earning money is “for our growth.”

Method #5 – Selling your account

This is also an interesting option, which is not yet used very often. You can promote a channel to a certain level, and then offer to buy it.

It is clear that the cost of your account will depend on the number of subscribers and their activity. But there is an approximate price range that you can use as a guide. Here, for example, is a screenshot of one of the most popular exchanges for buying and selling social media accounts.

As you can see, they are asking about 1 American cent for each subscriber to your account. If you have 20,000 subscribers, you can set the price at $200. If it’s 200,000, then it’s already $2,000.

But keep in mind that making serious money from selling accounts requires a serious approach. That is, you will have to start your own small business, where many people will promote several accounts for sale in parallel.

By the way, such activity is also, of course, illegal. But there is not a single precedent for account sellers to be punished in any way. And no punishment has been provided for this yet.

Perhaps only in a couple of years, when every person at the moment of birth will have a unique ID sewn into their brain for a direct connection to the Internet, which by that time will become one big social network... Then yes. In the meantime, you can safely buy and sell followers as you please.

What you need to do right now

The most important thing at the start of any business is to gather your thoughts. Determine two things for yourself:

  1. Yes, I really want to make money on Instagram from subscribers;
  2. I want to earn money in this specific way.

After this, all your actions should be aimed at development in one specific area. Advertising means gaining the maximum number of followers. Your own business means a set of the most targeted and active ones. Affiliate programs means that we first select a list of suitable affiliate programs, and then “tailor” our account to them.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

Instagram is subversive the power of e-commerce, unlike some other social media networks. While it was first intended for photo sharing, it is now a business platform that can be used by anyone, including dropshipping e-commerce owners.

You may think to yourself:how do people make money on Instagram? How is selling on Instagram different from other types of e-commerce businesses?

In this article, we'll discuss in-depth tactics you can implement right away, so you can too.make money from Instagram.

Can you make money on Instagram?

Yes, you can definitely make money on Instagram. Business can be expressed visually and creatively for marketing purposes, you can use the millions of Instagram users. Now you might be thinking: Right, I know it's possible, but how exactly can I make money from Instagram?

To get started, here are a few ways you can make money on Instagram:

  • You could focus on sponsored posts for brands that want to reach your audience, your promoted account is the perfect vehicle for this.
  • You can become an affiliate and make money by selling products belonging to other brands.
  • You can also sell your own products, which can be physical or digital products or even a service. Basically,you can sell services and products just like in any e-commerce business environment.
  • You can sell your photo.

Enthusiasts of this social media platform are always looking for new ways to make money from Instagram.

Don't worry, we will unravel the secrets of how people make money from Instagram in detail in this post, as well as some success stories from Instagram.

How to make money on Instagram?

Instagram is ideal for selling products that photograph well. In other words, if your products are photogenic, chances are you cansell them from Instagram. Plus, if you Photoshop yourself or can source some amazing photos, you'll likely have a ton of content that you can monetize and put up for sale.

In general, there are at least 5 business models on Instagram:

1. Become an influencer and earn money from sponsored positions.

If you are very popular, thenyou can offer collaborations to brands, help them promote them in their messages. An outrager is someone who has built a reputation by doing and sharing things online. They have good results and are able to convince their audience of trends because of the level of trust they have built with their online presence.

Brands typically partner with influencers to make sponsored posts that help spread the word about their products. These bloggers have to manage many things at once, such as the size and reach of their Instagram accounts, as well as the trust and engagement they build based on their content.

Top influencers earn thousands of dollars per sponsored position. Imagine making one sponsored post a day, you can easily earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

A typical influencer post involves creating content such as an Instagram post or Instagram story that will include promoting a brand or their products. As an influencer, it is therefore very important for you to know your audience. You need to understand who your audience is, so you know which brands are best suited to your audience. If you've switched to an Instagram business account, you can explore your numbers a little through the Instagram Analytics report.

Now you might be thinking, how do I find brands to work with, am I going to pay all this money for a sponsored post? Well, if you have created a noteworthy online presence, the chances of big brands reaching out to you are high. But you can also find the brands yourself that you feel matches your personality and values ​​the best. You can contact brands directly (via Instagram or through their websites) to try to negotiate a deal, but you can also list yourself oninfluencer market,to increase your chances of being found by a major brand.

As an additional tip, be careful not to lose the trust of your existing audience in the process of making money from sponsored posts. That's why it's always a good idea to indicate with a hashtag that this is a sponsored post (for example, by adding #sponsorship).

2. Become an affiliate and make money selling other people's products.

You can sellother people's products and get cut. Many brands sell their products through affiliate programs. There are many people who make money from Instagram this way.

The difference between an influencer and an affiliate is that an affiliate works to sell the affiliate brand in exchange for a commission. On the other hand, an influencer is mainly about awareness.

Affiliates make money on Instagram through a trackable link or promo code to ensure that any clicks convert into sales.

Create attractive job titles so you can promote products without being pushy. The point is, since you can only have one link in your bio, you can include the landing page in your affiliate link. In each post, include a title that can be purchased through the bio link.

It may seem like a complicated game at first, but affiliate marketing has many expansion options if you plan to grow. You can expand your presence to include a website and/or other marketing or social media channels.

3. Sell ​​posters and other virtual products.

Instagram is all about visual content. Photogenic products will sell well on Instagram. You can sell posters, paintings, drawings, animations, videos and other virtual products based on images or videos. On each post, ask readers to visit the link in your bio. This is another popular way to make money from Instagram.

If you think you're taking high-quality photos, chances are you can pay for it. But don't limit yourself to your photography skills, explore other options that enhance your photos, such as editing and composition. Try to be original when you take photos.

You can use Instagram to promote your photography portfolio using relevant hashtags.

4. Sell ​​your physical products.

You can sell any physical product that you make or buy from suppliers. This regular e-commerce retail business usually requires some inventory to be stocked, which means you need to spend some start-up capital to stock some products.

And this requires a place where you can store food, such as a spare room at home or a rented storage space. For example, if you buy some inventory from a Chinese supplier, you need space to hold them before they are ordered and delivered to customers.

5. Sell ​​dropshipping goods.

Dropshipping is a business model that you can use to launch your store without having any resources. Once you make a sale, your supplier will ship your products from their warehouse directly to your customer's doorstep. You will never have to worry about storing, packaging or shipping your products.

This works similar to the previous point of selling products on Instagram to make money. You just don't have to store any inventory. You can easy to create a dropshipping store With e-commerce platform Shopify, which is free for 14 days, and the app Oberlo forever free app for Dropshipping. WITH dropshipping you can experiment to find niche products that will sell well without losing your startup capital.

So, a private topic that was sold a few days ago for $300 suddenly surfaced in public. Let's read.

Guided by this manual and consistently performing the steps described in it, you will learn to earn from 50 to 100 dollars per day by selling mobile subscriptions. If desired, this figure can be increased with a little more effort. Time expenditure from one to three hours per day. The actions are not difficult at all.

Let’s immediately get to the essence of the manual, which is the extraction and subsequent sale of mobile subscriptions in specialized affiliate programs. These include:,,, All of them have built-in exchanges, where the sale of mobile subscriptions will take place directly.

The manual is “tailored” for the affiliate program, but it will work on other affiliate programs without any problems. It should be noted that the method of obtaining subscriptions is not entirely “white”, but with the right approach it is more than working. And you will soon see this for yourself. So, let's begin:

Step one. Registration.

Register in the affiliate program. After registration, we activate access to the subscription exchange for your account. We do this through a regular request to support.

In principle, in my experience, problems with activating the subscription exchange have never arisen. But if suddenly the support decided to play “smart guys” and in response you received a message from the series “For what purposes?” and so on. – write that you want to act as an investor and buy a hundred or two subscriptions from their exchange. In this case, the exchange will be activated 100%. However, I repeat that in my experience with this has never happened.

After the exchange is activated, I advise you to familiarize yourself with its interface and rules. The main thing is that payments take place every Wednesday evening automatically.

Step two. Activators.

We find people offering SMS activation services for free and paid services. I call them “activators”. They can be found on the ANTICHAT forum in the section “Financial tasks/Social networks - Buying, Selling, Exchange - Mobile communications, SMS - Buying, selling”.

There are plenty of people with SIM cards there, there are plenty to choose from. We will filter them according to the following criteria:

1. Activation of paid subscriptions. It happens that you come across people who refuse to activate mobile subscriptions without any justification. But this is rare. In practice, I only saw a couple of people. We pass them by right away.

2. Only Russian telecom operators: Megafon, MTS and Beeline. I primarily advise you to take Megafon, it is best suited for activating subscriptions.

3. Cost of one activation from 8 to 15 rubles. This is quite an average market range of prices for activating a DDP. It's not profitable to pay more. There are also activators who are “in the know” and offer to work for a share, usually 50/50. These too pass by.

We select activators according to these criteria. I’ll tell you other details about purchasing activations for subscriptions below. I personally went through probably more than a hundred people offering activation services and prepared for you a small list of people I have verified. No advertising. Simply reliable and time-tested activators. Here is their ICQ:

1087828 (Megafon)

8834959 (MTS, Beeline)

574521676 (Beeline)

600664643 (Megafon)

470521013 (Beeline)

367420 (Megafon)

850615 (Beeline)

When adding, write that you are going to activate subscriptions. Where, how and what you do with them is none of their business. They offer a service, you buy it. Decide on the price right away. Try to bargain, the price tag can be brought down a little, but without fanaticism.

You need to have 5-10 activators in stock for a number of reasons. Firstly, not everyone is always online, and if you work with 1-2 people, you can simply waste time waiting for them. Secondly, one activator usually has SIM cards with similar numbers, and this is not good for mass sales on the exchange. Such subscriptions must be put up for sale one by one with a time interval.

It is better to take, say, 20 subscriptions from 5 people than 20 subscriptions from one. In this case, we will receive the maximum number of different numbers and will be able to put them on the exchange in batches. In addition to the above list of activators, I advise you to find a couple or three more people on the “achat”. The bigger, the better. However, do not forget about the selection criteria.

So, we have an account in the affiliate program with an activated subscription exchange and a list of verified people offering SMS activation services. It's time to make redirects.

Step three. Redirects.

Log into your account on in the “Promo” section. We choose a payer. I recommend choosing from the following:

They have the fastest subscription activation process. In general, when choosing paid providers, look at their description to see if they support subscriptions of the operators we need. We redirect to the selected paysite from our domain. Get the redirect link here:

Create a text document with the following content:

We place it at the root of the site and rename it to index.html. We go to the site and check. If everything was done correctly, it should work. We need a redirect in order to “not get scorched” and to dilute the traffic to maintain a sane conversion level. How will we dilute traffic and control the conversion? Very simple.

Step four. Traffic dilution.

Let's go to the cheap labor exchange We register, go to the “Advertiser” panel in the “Surfing” section. We create and configure a surfing project. We need this to dilute the traffic, so that our statistics in the affiliate program look more believable, and the administration does not have unnecessary questions for us.

Set the settings like this:

Thus, we receive super-cheap traffic to the site, which will be displayed accordingly in our statistics. You have complete control over your envelope. I advise you to keep from 1:40 to 1:70 so as not to attract the attention of the administration once again. As a result, we get something like this, which is good:

So, there is access to the exchange, there are activators, there is a redirect, there is traffic dilution. It's time to further secure our scheme. We want to work on it as much as possible and skim off all the cream. For this we will need Russian proxy servers and VPN.

Step five. Russian proxies.

Register on We go to the VPN section and buy access for 1 month for 279 rubles. The price is quite reasonable. We follow all the instructions and as a result we get a bunch of high-quality Russian proxy servers, a free and convenient program for working with OpenVPN GUI proxy and an IP address control panel. In it you can select an IP address depending on the server and region to which you are connected.

When subscriptions are activated multiple times from the same IP address, the anti-doss system is triggered in the VivaPays protection system and the IP address is banned. Tested by experience. Therefore, I advise you to activate no more than 5 subscriptions from one IP address, and then change it to another. The fewer subscriptions from one IP, the better. Fortunately, the HideME service offers a large selection of IPs covering a wide geography.

Now we have everything we need to successfully make money selling mobile subscriptions on the VivaPays subscription exchange. Let's move on to the algorithm itself:

Algorithm of actions.

1. Go to wmmail and start surfing the site where there is a redirect to a paysite.

2. We agree with the activator on the purchase of SMS activations for subscriptions, we carry out the transaction, we receive the numbers.

3. We replenish their balances according to 20 rubles for each via, or in another way convenient for you.

4. Open the site with the redirect in your browser. We carry out the actions indicated on it (either confirming age on adult paid sites, or registering for dating and work).

5. Enter the number that the activator gave us and on which we have already topped up the balance, enter the verification code, send an SMS to the number.

6. We receive the code from SMS from the activator, enter it on the website, subscription activation is completed.

7. Clear cookies in the browser and repeat steps 3-6 20-30 times.

8. After every 5 activations, do not forget to change the IP address.

After that, we get 20-30 active subscriptions with 1 rebill on each. We put them on the exchange one by one (or in a pack, if the numbers are as different as possible) according to 110-120 rubles for each. The subscription exchange looks like this:

Within 24 hours, subscriptions will be purchased, and the money received for them will appear on your balance. Let's turn to simple mathematics:

Cost of 30 subscriptions = 900 rubles

Income from 30 subscriptions = 3600 rubles

Profit from 30 subscriptions = 2700 rubles

Want more? Make 2-3 rebills, increase the number of subscriptions, work from several accounts and in several affiliate programs at the same time J

Important points.

1. After each activation, be sure to clear the cookies in your browser. I recommend using a third-party browser for activations.

2. Be sure to top up your room balances by 20 rubles before activating your subscriptions. If you do not top up your balance, the subscription will not be rebilled, and its cost will not exceed 30-40 rubles. Moreover, the demand for such subscriptions is very small.

3. Try to buy numbers that differ in numbers as much as possible. That is, for example, the numbers 7923832424 and 7923832455 are a so-so option. But if you bought them, don’t put them up for sale at the same time. Ask activators to select numbers for you. In most cases this is not difficult for them.

4. Do not sell subscriptions at reduced prices to “bots”. From time to time, the exchange turns on a “bot” that automatically buys subscriptions at a certain price, below the system average. Such “bots”, as a rule, belong to VivaPays administrators and work to identify offenders.

5. Do not order many subscriptions at once from an activator that has not yet been verified. Take a small batch to try and experiment.

6. Don’t forget to dilute traffic and control the envelope.

7. If possible, register 2-3 accounts and work from three evenly, so that in case of a ban you don’t lose everything.

And finally, I’ll show you my modest results of working on this manual recently.

Payments, as I already said, are automatic every Wednesday evening.