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Desired position in resume examples. What desired position should I indicate on my resume?

Posted on 11/27/2017

On the site HeadHunter Up to 20 resumes can be posted, which makes it possible to adjust the titles depending on the sound of the vacancy for which applicants want to respond.

In fact, in the title you indicate the purpose of your resume, the position you want to get. Unfortunately, applicants make many mistakes in wording, which negatively affects future relationships with employers. Therefore, in order to avoid annoying mistakes, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with common mistakes in advance. They can be divided into three groups:

  1. The applicant chooses too general concepts as the title of the resume.
  2. The “Desired position” column is not used for its intended purpose and is filled out incorrectly.
  3. Several positions with different functional responsibilities are indicated as the desired position.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Too general concepts

The employer has neither the desire nor the time to carefully study the resume of each applicant in order to try to understand what might interest him. In conditions of fierce competition and tight deadlines, it is quite logical that the employer will take the simpler path and choose among those candidates who have clearly defined requirements.

In the title you indicate the purpose of your resume, the position you want to get.

  • “Manager”, “specialist”, “company employee”.

In the title of the resume you should not use such “faceless” concepts, as well as the words “any”, “different”, by which it is impossible to accurately determine what position the applicant is applying for, what he wants to do, what duties he can and is ready to perform in a new job. The purpose of the resume will become more obvious if the company profile is indicated in the “Desired position” column, for example: “IT specialist” or “bank employee”. In this case, at least the professional sphere of interests of the applicant is outlined.

  • "Sales/Purchasing Manager"

This title defines the area of ​​activity, but it is too broad a concept: nowadays you can sell/purchase almost anything. On the HeadHunter website you can count about 30 specializations in these two areas. Therefore, it is necessary to narrow this concept by clarifying what exactly you want to sell/purchase. But from the wording “sales/purchasing manager for food or business goods,” HR can immediately see that the applicant knows exactly what vacancy he is applying for, and, therefore, the specialist only has to compare the requirements specified in the resume with the conditions of the vacancy.

  • “Any work in the field of logistics. 1200 USD e."

In the search parameters on all job sites there is a column “Salary expectations”, so the recruiting manager will look for this information separately, and it is completely unnecessary in the description of the desired position. This formulation focuses on the amount of compensation, rather than on the candidate's professional qualities.

  • “I’ll consider different offers.”

Such readiness of the applicant will not inspire confidence in the recruiter. It is better to communicate your thoughts about further employment in a cover letter, having previously adjusted it with the requirements specified in the description of the vacancy for which you are applying.

Improper use

There is no point for a recruiter to look through an applicant’s CV and determine for him the scope of his professional interests.

Having seen such wording, the recruiter has the right to ask the question with whom and what the applicant wants to discuss. Does it make sense to spend time on this resume if the search result returned 20 resumes, in 10 of which the desired position absolutely exactly matches the title of the vacant position? This option says that the applicant has not yet decided, but the recruiter has no time to make a decision for him.

Of course, this is a plus that a person understands what type of questionnaire the document he filled out belongs to. The simple and laconic expression “I’m looking for a job/need a job” is also very common. However, such names do not carry any semantic meaning, since it is already clear that since a person sends a resume, it means that he is looking for a job.

What desired position should I indicate on my resume?

There is no point for HR to look through the applicant’s CV and determine for him the scope of his professional interests.

  • “Work experience 5 years, salary 1500 USD. e., work schedule 2/2, social. package, communicative, goal-oriented.”

Some applicants try to make a cover letter from the title of their resume, briefly indicating all their experience. When a CV with such a long list appears on an employer’s page, it is at least tiring, and at the end of the working day, it is probably also annoying. In order to get acquainted with the basic requirements of the applicant, HR can look at the cover letter or open the resume.

Mixing functionality

  • "Secretary/office manager/personal assistant."

These specializations belong to the same professional field, but differ greatly in functional responsibilities and remuneration. If you are applying for several positions at once, create a separate resume for each of them.

Indecision cannot positively influence the employer's decision.

  • “Account manager, or recruiting manager, or sales manager.”

Indecision cannot positively influence the employer's decision. Probably, the applicant is trying to change his career profile, is thinking about where he can apply, and thinks that the employer will decide this issue for him. But what is the point of hiring a specialist who has not yet decided? After a couple of months, he may well realize that this is not his occupation, that he sees no further prospects for himself in this direction, and will want to try another “or”. This name is acceptable only for a person who is at the beginning of his professional path and chooses the specialization in which he wants to prove himself.

  • "Student with no work experience."

There is no such position as “student” in the staffing table, so it is better to indicate “intern/assistant” in the “Desired position” column. And although the employer will see that this is a resume of an applicant with no experience, at the same time there will be some professional focus in the title. If the applicant has not yet fully decided where he can most usefully apply his skills, then in the “Starting a career/students” category you can select the maximum number of areas (there are 3 on our website). This option will provide an opportunity to consider a larger number of vacancies. Even students should not include an entire professional field in their title. On the one hand, this limits the possible offers of employers, and on the other hand, recruiters are unlikely to enter “Finance/accounting” or “Marketing/advertising” as keywords in “Search”.

What is acceptable for job seekers at the beginning of their careers is not suitable for experienced professionals. Before publishing a resume on the website, they must clearly and clearly assess their capabilities, decide what they want to do next, especially if they decided to change their field of activity and try themselves in something else. It is better to have specific ideas about your future employment in order to make it easier for yourself to find a job, and for personnel service employees to find a specialist. We recommend that applicants with work experience indicate only one specialization in their professional field to emphasize that they know their strengths and are ready to move further in their chosen direction.

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I decided to cover a big topic in one article, but immediately stumbled over an obvious thing. Generally speaking, writing a resume is quite simple - you need to register on any job site and fill out all the fields of the resume step by step. It would seem, what could be simpler!?

The problem, of course, is in the nuances and details. It is important what and how you write about yourself, and not what editor or website you use. It is also important not to make a bunch of mistakes.

For several years now I have been doing career consulting and writing resumes for people, and I constantly see a bunch of the same type of mistakes. People write illiterately, use the most complex phrases from job descriptions, write about things that are not relevant at all, do not understand what kind of job they want to find, and so on.

Therefore, in this article I will briefly go over the basic rules for writing a resume for a job and touch on some nuances.

Why is a resume needed?

The main purpose of a resume is to get good invitations to interviews.

After reading a resume, no one immediately invites you to work. First, they invite you to a personal meeting and after that they decide whether to work with you or not. So I'll tell you about how to write a good resume, and not just any one.

Resume structure

The summary should contain the following information blocks:

  1. Full name and contact information.
  2. Goal (desired position).
  3. Professional skills.
  4. Experience.
  5. Education.
  6. Additional information (optional section).

It is advisable to place these sections in this order. Although you can move the skills block down and put it after education. Many job sites do this.

However, I think the given structure is advantageous, and personally I would choose it for writing a resume, because... after your full name come your skills, which tell the employer: “I fit your vacancy.” Of course, you need to describe your skills so that they are ideal for the desired vacancy. To achieve this, watch how employers describe the requirements for a candidate and write them in the same words.

Full name and contact information

Common mistake. Sometimes I see large "Resume" headings on resumes. I don’t understand why write obvious things!? There is a lot of information, not enough space on the page, and then there are these ridiculous phrases...

In contact information it is necessary and, as a rule, sufficient to include:

  • Telephone.
  • Email.
  • City of residence.

Common mistake. Indicating an excessive number of contacts - several phones, emails, Skype, Facebook account, icq, etc. Leave only one phone number, only one email, and remove everything unnecessary.

Goal (desired position)

This section is filled out at your discretion. If it is not on your resume, be sure to write about your wishes in your cover letter.

If you decide to indicate the desired position, write only one.

Error it is considered to be an indication of a whole list of positions (from practice, I remember a case of mentioning as many as 7 positions that are similar in meaning).

Professional skills

This section should include your skills, knowledge and personal qualities. It is advisable to make from 5 to 9 points (so that it is neither too little nor too much). If you are a very, very experienced specialist, you can do 10 points, but this is the limit.

Common mistake. The list of skills does not correspond to the desired vacancy. People either indicate unnecessary skills, or write in incomprehensible phrases, or otherwise distort the meaning.

For example, a vacancy requires at least 3 years of experience as a chief accountant. In this case, it is better to write in the professional skills block a phrase like “experience as a chief accountant—XX years.”

The secret to writing a job resume with a high response rate lies in part in describing your professional skills in relation to the desired position. Look at 5-7 vacancies that you like, and study WHAT employers require from applicants and HOW they write about it. Then use their own words to describe your skills. Of course, you won’t be able to use their words one-on-one, but closely – it’s quite possible. This is what needs to be done. This will give you the result you need.

You can look at examples and understand how to list key skills.


Work experience is described in reverse chronological order.

What desired position should I include on my resume?

Last place of work is from above. For each place of work you must indicate:

  • Start and end date of work.
  • Company name.
  • Job title.
  • Responsibilities.

I recommend describing the last 10 years of experience or the last 3 jobs. It may be that you worked in your last three jobs for 17 years - this is normal and let it be written as such on your resume. If over the past 10 years you have changed 6 jobs, this is also normal.

Common mistake. It happens that people write the name of their position as indicated in the work book (florid and unclear). For example, a software engineer of the 3rd category. I'll tell you - forget about the labor document, this is an accounting document and no one else is interested in it. Name your position so that it is clear what you did. Write more simply.

Unfortunately, there is no universal and competent example of writing a resume for a job here (there are simply no universal ones), but you can send me a resume for review and get comments for your situation.

Also, sometimes there are several job titles (synonyms). This is bad style and because of this it is generally unclear who you worked with. There is only one job title!

It is important that your work experience matches the desired position. For example, I regularly see primitive responsibilities typical of line managers in executive resumes. Sometimes even to the point of purchasing stationery. You can't do that, because... this kills the image of the leader.

To write a good resume, you need to describe your achievements and successes. It is enough to indicate 2-3 successes for the last three places of work. For more details, read the article on how to describe achievements on a resume.


Education must be indicated as basic (higher or secondary) and additional (courses, trainings, certification, etc.). In this case, indicate additional education only that which will be required in your future job.

Common mistake. Indication of personal growth trainings (spiritual practices, hypnosis, NLP and the like). Personal growth is viewed in two ways: some people respect it, while others are infinitely afraid of it. Don’t take risks, don’t write the whole truth about yourself—save it for the interview.

Additional Information

If you want to tell something about yourself, but don’t know which section to put it in, write to the additional information section. Usually it says about having a car and a driver’s license, knowledge of additional foreign languages ​​(for example, if you know four languages), marital status, etc.

If you have told everything about yourself and this section remains empty, then you don’t need it. In this case, do not write anything here.

Rules for writing a resume

There are some principles or rules for writing a resume that I would like to say. I outlined this in detail in the addition to the mini-book “7 Common CV Mistakes”, but here I will be brief but consistent.

No grammatical errors

There are a bunch of different services and programs (for example, Word) that will check you. Correct the mistakes, be sure to do so.

Reasonable length of resume

It is best to keep it to two pages (maximum three). Nowadays, people are very overloaded with information, so take care of HR managers - write about yourself simply and try to keep it to two pages.

Personally, it is extremely rare for me to write a one-page resume (only if the person has worked a little), but almost always two. I try to keep within this volume, and if it doesn’t work out, I look for opportunities to reduce the amount of information. This is difficult and creative work, but experience shows that it is worth the result.

At the same time, you must remember that the main information should be on the first page (this is the most important page of your resume). Imagine that an HR manager printed out your resume and accidentally lost the second page. Is your first page of your resume well done? Does it create an image of the specialist the employer needs?

Sample - how to write a resume

I will give here one of the possible examples of writing a resume:

If you want this template, you can download it for free along with the Resume Mistakes book.

You can also go to any employment site, create a resume step by step and then upload it in Word format. This is also a good example of how to write a resume quickly and easily.

The final touch for your resume

Create a unique cover letter for each vacancy. Together with it, your resume will look much stronger and there will be much more invitations to interviews.

Also read

On the site you can find many other articles about job search, interviews, resumes, etc.

Mini-book “7 common mistakes in a resume”

This book examines common mistakes in writing a resume - 99% of applicants make at least one of them. Correct mistakes in your resume and it will help you find a job faster.

Download the book for free

How to write a resume

How to write a resume correctly

A resume is a document consisting of 5 main sections:

1. Desired position
2. Personal information
3. Education
4. Work experience
5. Additional information

1.Desired position

In this section you should indicate that job title, which you are applying for or which you held in your last job.

There is no need to list, separated by commas, several acceptable options that you can consider. If you are interested in several vacancies at once, it is better to make several resumes and write the position exactly as it is formulated in the text of the vacancy.

If your profession involves several specializations, it is advisable to clarify your main specialization so as not to receive job offers that are not initially suitable for you.

2.Personal information

This section indicates Personal Information applicant and communication methods with him. A resume is an official document that requires compliance with certain formalities. It is advisable not to limit yourself to your last name with initials, but to indicate your full Last name, first name, patronymic.

As communication methods, you should indicate one of the phone numbers (work, home, mobile), through which, if interested, employer will be able to contact you promptly. If there are any time restrictions, please indicate this in the comments next to the phone numbers.

When posting your resume on the Internet, it is also advisable to indicate an email address as a possible means of communication, in case HR managers need to receive from you some clarifying materials confirming your qualifications, the presence of which you indicated in your resume, or send to you test.

If you prefer one type of communication to receive offers from employers, highlight in your resume the one that is most suitable for you.

If you wish, you can insert a link to your resume Internet page containing your photo and elements portfolio, if this information is relevant to the position for which you are applying. However, you should not overload your resume with unnecessary information that is not directly related to your new job.

If, together with the company, you want or are ready to change place of residence, reflect this fact in your resume, indicating possible relocation options.

Date of Birth and information about marital status, as a rule, are not required to be filled out. But, if you consider this information to be able to influence the process of your employment, employment Enter the information in the appropriate sections.

Income level You may not indicate this, but this may result in a large number of unsuitable vacancies, which you will have to spend time reviewing. It is better to reflect the salary level that suits you; as an option, you can indicate a salary range.


In this section you should indicate educational institution where you completed your training. You should not limit yourself only to the phrases: “higher”, “secondary”, “profile”. It is advisable to give a full explanation of the name of the educational institution next to the abbreviation. Be sure to include the year graduation, otherwise it may seem like you are still learning. Faculty name or specialties is also desirable information.

List courses And trainings with dates, names of educational institutions and received certificates. If your list contains a large number of listened seminars, then it is better to choose the most significant ones for the position for which you are applying, so as not to overload the main section of the resume. All Additional information, which is not directly related to your professional activity, but characterizes you on the positive side, you can indicate in the appropriate section.

In your resume student you should indicate the planned year of obtaining the diploma, and in the column Professional experience You can specify dates and locations practices or completed coursework, diploma works related to future profession. For applicants no work experience You need to provide as much detail as possible about your professional skills in the column Additional Information to make your resume more informative.

4.Work experience

Should be listed in reverse chronological order places of work over the last 3-5 years indicating positions, detailed description functional responsibilities And results achieved. If companies where you worked are not very well known in the market, it is advisable to include them next to the name brief information about the profile and scale of the organization.

In case you are still keep working, leave the column with the end date of your last job blank. If you know the exact end date of your current contract, include this information in your resume. If available in your work experience frequent or long breaks at work, preferably explain this fact to potential employers. Specify what you were doing during the time period when you were not working, for example, serving in the army, being on maternity leave, or doing housework.

If your work experience does not match with entries in work book, When listing the companies in which you worked, you can clarify in brackets the fact that you did not have official confirmation of any period of your work activity. In this case, it is advisable to indicate methods of communication with your management and colleagues to confirm this information and receive your reference.

For applicants with work experience more than 10 years or with a large number of one-time projects, your resume should reflect only those data that can become a positive factor when the employer considers your candidacy.

If working for the same company, please indicate all positions who occupied this will clearly demonstrate to employers your career growth. You should not write: “Responsibilities - according to the job description,” it is advisable to list in detail all the responsibilities that were assigned to you. Be sure to indicate what results You have achieved success in previous places of work, for example, “sales volume has doubled”, “an electronic document management system has been prepared and implemented.”

In the representatives' resume creative professions- there must be a link to work examples(portfolio).

5.Additional information

As a rule, this is the last section of your resume, in which you should reflect information that is not included in the “Education” and “Professional Experience” sections, but characterizes you as an experienced worker.

All information specified in this section should be aimed at solving the main task facing the applicant at the first stage of the job search: to interest the employer and receive an invitation to an interview.

This section should reflect information about what foreign languages you are proficient and to what extent, your level of proficiency in various computer programs. If this information is directly related to your functional responsibilities, you should provide more detailed information about your availability certificates, confirming your qualifications and sequentially listing the programs with which you will work.

If your work activity involves driving a car, you should indicate availability of rights And own car, in case you are ready to use it for official needs.

This column should reflect your willingness to travel. It is advisable to clarify what options are available to you acceptable(long/short-term, regional/foreign) and stipulate the percentage: for example, business trips can take up, for example, up to 90% of working time or, conversely, limit the possibility of long trips, say, only 20% of working time.

The employer should be informed of the acceptable work schedule(for example, from 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 2/2 days, 1/3 days, etc.), if this is for you significant factor when choosing a new job. It is advisable to also specify your preferred choice in your resume. type of employment, if the desired position provides various options: full-time, part-time (indicating the number of possible working hours), remote work, freelance.

If you are only interested contract, temporary or one-time project work, it is better to reflect this fact in your resume so as not to receive extra job offers.

An additional advantage for the employer is recommendations. It is advisable to indicate in your resume the names of 2-3 people who could describe you as professional. This does not have to be your immediate supervisor from your last place of work, you can indicate as recommenders former colleagues, business partners, in advance having secured their consent to comment on the period of your collaboration. In the event that for one reason or another you not ready Providing online contact information for people who can vouch for you can be as simple as saying, “References are available upon request.”

7. Personal characteristics.

In chapter Personal qualities not worth listing all positive qualities that you have, it is better to concentrate only on those that necessary in professional activities.

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Employment is always but it will be fast and successful if a person knows exactly what kind of work he needs. This applies not only to responsibilities, schedules and salary. First of all, you need to decide on the position.

This is sometimes not easy to do, since the same duties in different companies can be performed by employees in different positions. Job seekers, trying not to miss their chance to get hired, make many mistakes.

Some job seekers believe that recruiters will “figure it out themselves” which position is best to offer them. In fact, a resume without a job title is usually not considered. At best, the candidate may be offered a vacancy that no one is willing to fill or that needs to be filled urgently by at least someone. Sending an “untitled” resume as a response to a specific vacancy does not guarantee that it will be fully considered.

Another common mistake candidates make is describing the position too generally - manager, engineer, specialist. Recruiters do not take such formulations seriously, as they are akin to the phrases “I will consider any offers.” In fact, they are all an indicator that the candidate himself does not know who he wants to work with, what he knows, what he can do, what he is striving for.

The economic situation is pushing many to create what they think is a “universal” resume. The candidate remembers all the positions in which he once worked and puts their names in the heading, for example: “seamstress / purchasing manager / accountant.” A better solution in this case would be to create three different resumes, even if they are almost identical in content.

But you can specify synonymous positions at the same time.

How to indicate your desired position on your resume

“Designer/graphic artist”, “accountant/cashier”, “secretary/executive assistant” are all valid options. Options for combining the position of a manager and an ordinary specialist will look a little worse - “head of the sales department / sales manager”, “chief accountant / accountant” and so on. Recruiters begin to examine such candidates “under a microscope” - either this candidate is not yet fully mature for leadership work, or the leadership experience was not very successful and the person, realizing this, is ready to take a step back.

Therefore, if your main goal is to obtain a management position, but you are ready to start your work in the company as an ordinary employee or deputy, make two resumes. Moreover, the key skills should be indicated in them completely different, and job responsibilities in the work experience section should be reflected differently.

Young applicants are students; in the “Desired position” field they often write “Student” or “Trainee”. It is necessary to inform the recruiter that you are still studying, but for this purpose there is an “education” section in the resume. It is important for the employer to know in what profession or specialty you want to intern. It would be appropriate for such candidates to write “Trainee hairdresser” / “trainee economist”, etc.

Statistics show that when recruiting personnel, employers first of all pay attention to the position that the candidate wants to fill. It is important for them to immediately determine how well it matches their vacancy, continue to review the resume, or put it aside. Therefore, mentioning the desired position in your resume is the most important condition for successful employment.

In the realities of the modern labor market, it is quite difficult to find a job, especially a leadership position. But this does not make specialists in their field less in demand. Moreover, such conditions make the demand for such professionals much higher, and this despite the fact that demand is now less than supply. As a result, each applicant for a managerial position will have to go through a rigorous competitive selection process.

A resume is required to participate in this selection. And in order to pass it, it is necessary, which will reflect in detail the experience and skills of the applicant, present the positive qualities in the most favorable light, and competently hide the negative ones. In addition, the requirements for a manager’s resume are much higher, so drafting it correctly is the main task.

The most common mistake made by those wishing to become a director or boss is sending hastily written resumes to all the companies they know that have a corresponding vacancy. This is done according to the principle “sooner or later you will definitely get lucky somewhere.” In fact, this is a completely wrong approach and only slows down your job search. It is best to devote the bulk of your time to the quality of your resume - then you can be guaranteed to fill the vacancy.

First, you should decide, oddly enough, the language in which the resume will be written. The best arrangement is to have a resume in two copies: in Russian and in English. This is due to the fact that managers of all kinds nowadays practically need English. But you shouldn’t send two options to the company at once: excessive demonstration of your knowledge can sometimes turn against the applicant. You should simply hint at the presence of an English-language resume, clarifying its need during a telephone conversation.

It is also worth noting that it does not make sense to simply translate a resume written in Russian, since it is the applicant’s knowledge of the language that is important. Therefore, in the absence of knowledge of English, you can and should limit yourself to a Russian-language resume.

Resume plan

Now you need to make a plan for your resume to make it easier to write in the future. So, a short summary plan:

  • Full name and date of birth;
  • Contact details;
  • information about education;
  • information about work experience;
  • Additional Information;
  • contact details again (depending on the situation);
  • career objective;
  • about salary (depending on the situation);
  • departure date.

More details about each point below.

Full name and date of birth

Perhaps this is the main point of the resume. Full name is required for identification, and date of birth is required to pass age selection. Many companies introduce an age limit for management positions, therefore indicating the date of birth at the very beginning of the resume is very important, as it will save time for both the employer (one glance is enough to make a decision) and the applicant, respectively (the sooner he is notified that he is not suitable, the sooner he can continue his job search).

What to write about the desired position in a resume is a key question for writing a high-quality resume, because the employer will see the position first.

Position is the title of the resume.

Did you know that the document you send to an employer does not need to be called a “Resume”? The title of the document is the position.

It seems that it might be easier to write the name of your position at the beginning of the document. The simplicity of the task does not prevent applicants from making mistakes and formulating the resume title in a less than successful manner. And in this case, the price of a mistake is high: if you formulate the position incorrectly, the employer who has a suitable offer will not find your resume.

The correct wording is precisely the name of the position: not the field of activity, not the industry, not the university, not the position on the career ladder.

Right : “Sales manager”, “Accountant/chief accountant”, “System administrator”, “Furniture repairman”, “All-round cook”, “Specialist in complaints and defects”.

Wrong : “System administration” (this is a field or process, but not a position), “MPEI” (this is a university, not a position), “Trainee” (this is a position on the career ladder, not a position).

To understand what desired position to include in your resume, you need to learn about the typical mistakes that applicants make when writing their resume at this point.

The most common mistake – this is an indication of diverse positions from different fields of activity. For example: “Translator, analyst, blogger, sales manager.” There are even more extreme options, when the applicant is a manager, a fitness instructor, and an assistant manager.

When an applicant indicates such a position, the employer gets the impression that: a) the applicant himself does not know what he is looking for; b) he doesn’t really know how to do anything, because his field of activity is too wide.

Right : In one resume, indicate one position, or several positions in similar areas of activity. For example, “Translator, secretary, office work specialist,” “Marketer, Internet marketer, sales manager.”

Another mistake is wording like “Work from home”, “Trainee”, “No work experience”, “Shift work”, etc. These resume titles don’t tell the employer anything. The employer is looking for a specialist in a certain field; he is not looking for an intern or an applicant with no experience. Let us remind you once again: the desired position in the resume is precisely the position, and it is also the title of the resume.

You definitely won’t get confused if you post your resume on our portal. First, you'll put your job title exactly where you want it—it will appear as your resume title.

Secondly, our system will help you avoid a common mistake - when the position specified by the applicant does not coincide with the category (field of activity) in which he places his resume. For example, a secretary posts a resume in the “Sales” category (if he has experience in sales and partly considers himself a sales specialist).

The system will prompt you if you want to place your resume in a category/category that does not correspond to the position. Be careful and if you see a system warning, select the category correctly, or correct the title if it was formulated incorrectly.

Let's look at successful and unsuccessful job formulations using the example of resumes posted on the portal

Successful examples.

Bad examples.

Example 1.

Example 2.

Instead of a position - a field of activity.

Example 3.

Instead of one position or positions similar in content, a lot of different information is indicated, with abbreviations, and untidy.

The employer does not expect a perfect resume from the applicant (although one can safely strive for this), and everyone has the right to make mistakes, inaccuracies, and poor wording. But a mistake in the title of your resume, that is, in the indication of the position, can cost you a job opportunity. Keep this in mind and take the time to think about and formulate the job title as descriptively as possible.

What desired position should I indicate on my resume? was last modified: December 25th, 2018 by Elena Nabatchikova

If you want to quickly find a good job in Baku, then first of all, you need to create a competent resume. You will need to spend some time describing your work history. There are several standard rules and guidelines for writing a resume. Using these recommendations, it will be easier for you to find a suitable job or finally understand why your resume is being rejected.

How to write a resume?

Resume title (“header”)

Full Name

Date of birth must be indicated

Marital status and presence of children

Address (street, house, apartment)
- Phones (home, mobile), E-mail (if any)

Clearly state the purpose of the resume (desired position)

You need to make sure that your resume makes a decent impression. It is for this reason that you need to indicate the position for which you are applying in the first lines of your resume.

Indication of the position is MANDATORY! This is the most basic information for the employer, because he is looking for a specialist for a specific vacancy. Therefore, NEVER list multiple positions, especially if they are completely unrelated:

Bad example:

Name: Mamedov Samir Mamed ogly

Desired position: sales manager, hotel administrator, 1C operator

This makes an extremely negative impression, and your value plummets in the eyes of a potential employer. It seems that you are ready to take on any job. It is better to create a separate resume for each individual position. If you are applying for a vacancy that interests you, then immediately pay attention to the fact that the name of this vacancy exactly matches the position indicated in your resume.

Education (higher, additional)

First, you must indicate your primary education in the specialty that allows you to apply for the position you indicated above (the purpose of your resume). It is necessary to write the name of the educational institution from which you graduated, MANDATORY years of study and your specialty (exactly the one written in the diploma). Don't forget to mention if you have an honors degree or have practice or internship abroad. If you have a second higher education, this will be a big plus.

A very important point: additional education, courses (computer, language, specialized), seminars, trainings.

PLEASE NOTE that you only need to indicate certain courses if they were completed recently. If you took a one-week English language course two years ago, a computer course three years ago, and improved your qualifications as a “Lawyer” even earlier, then it is better to write about this in the “Additional information” or “Professional skills” section.

For example: I speak English (indicate level), PC user (indicate degree of “advanced”, knowledge of programs)

Work experience (basic)

This is the most important part of your resume. Sequentially, starting from your last place of work, describe in which organizations, in what positions you worked and what duties you performed.

Schematically it should look like this:

1. Organization (name, year\month of admission and dismissal)
2. Position
3. Responsibilities
4. Results achieved

It is also very important not to leave the “responsibilities” section blank. Your future boss just needs to see what you did at your previous job. Perhaps you performed completely wrong functions.

Therefore, describe your functionality very clearly and in accordance with the position that is indicated. But you shouldn’t write about them on several sheets. Otherwise, you might think that someone is skillfully lying. It would be optimal to indicate from 7 to 12 points of your responsibilities.

VERY IMPORTANT Do not confuse the dates of your work in a particular organization. The chronology must be strictly observed! If you have gaps, you did not work for some reason for some time, if you worked two jobs at the same time, be sure to explain this!

Bad resume example.


1) Organization: LLC “No. 1”
Operating period: from January 2006 to February 2012.

Position: Accountant

2) Organization: LLC “No. 2”
Operating period: from March 2006 to December 2010 (error or combination?!)

Position: Assistant accountant

It will be an additional advantage if you indicate the reasons for looking for a job! You will still be asked about this at the interview.

Errors (spelling, punctuation, grammar)

Grammatical errors and poorly constructed sentences in a resume create an extremely unfavorable impression.

If grammatical and spelling knowledge is not your strong point, use an automatic error correction program.

Salary level on resume.

It’s worth saying right away that your opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the employer. If you are a professional of a good level and know your “worth”, don’t be shy, name it. But it shouldn’t be “pulled out of thin air.” Be based on your work experience, professionalism, previous fees and, of course, the real cost of a specialist in the Azerbaijani labor market.

For those who cannot determine their salary, you can not indicate the desired income, but consider all incoming offers based on the salary level. You can focus on the income of your previous job if you do not want to increase your position and salary. But it’s best to conduct your own marketing research on resumes and vacancies and determine the approximate cost of specialists like yourself. This is always useful, since the situation on the labor market changes almost monthly.

Availability and efficiency.

Please, if you indicate a mobile phone, be prepared to answer incoming calls, even from a blocked number (since the internal telephone numbers of the Employer's company may sometimes simply not be detected by the Mini-PBX). Most likely, your resume will be sent to the trash if during the day the employer is still unable to reach you by phone.

Never ask to call back later because you are “well, very busy”, write down the contact information and call back yourself, don’t skimp. If you indicate your home phone number, try not to be away from it for a long time. If you can communicate only during a certain time period, you MUST indicate this in your resume next to your phone number.

In the case of e-mail, you need to regularly check for new letters. The most interesting offer may come electronically.

Additional Information

As additional information, you can tell a little about yourself (passion, hobby, personal qualities). If in your free time you spend your free time painting or studying Chinese, you can write about it! It is very important to indicate several personal qualities that would characterize you as a serious and responsible worker. You can also voice your wishes for a future place of work quite restrainedly (for example, territorial preferences or the company’s area of ​​activity) But it is important to KNOW THE MEASURE! The information must be to the point. No more than 3-4 sentences. You shouldn't bother writing an autobiography.

Important details!

When describing this work, use verbs in the present tense. For example: I perform, control, test. Accordingly, when describing previous places of work, use verbs in the past tense.

Make sure that your resume is formatted in the same style, color and the same font size, no larger than 12 (the main part of the text is in a simple font, the names of educational institutions and companies are in bold, position is underlined, responsibilities are point by point)

It is very important to keep your resume on one (if you are a young specialist) or maximum two pages (if you are a specialist with extensive experience).

When placing a photo on your resume, make sure that your face is clearly visible and the environment around you is working (you must agree, it will be very strange if you attach a photo from a picnic), do not post a full-length photo, a photo up to the middle of the chest is enough.

So, your resume is ready. Congratulations!

The next stage is the interview!

You have compiled a competent resume, you have been selected and are invited to the first interview. Be ready!

When preparing for an interview, it is very important to do your own research. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the company where you are going for an interview, and, if possible, about the people you will meet. Study the company’s website, its principles and priorities, get acquainted with its products or services. At the interview, do not forget to mention in time that you have researched the company.

Take care of your appearance. Your clothing style should be businesslike, discreet and most importantly neat. If the game is worth the candle, then buy a new suit. Get a good night's sleep so that your vision is clear and attentive. Use perfume in moderation! It is better to spit out chewing gum without leaving home - even a first-grader knows this.

DON'T FORGET the necessary documents: passport, diplomas of education, work book, recommendations, portfolio of your work, various certificates.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to immediately take out a pen and notepad for an interview to write down the smart thoughts of your future boss. You may not write anything down, but you must get it.

Turn off your phone IMMEDIATELY and do not attempt to answer calls.

This is perhaps the most important thing.

You can also download a sample resume template from our website below.

The “desired position” column in the resume serves as a kind of heading for everything that is written below. No employer or recruiter will look at your skills or achievements to find the right job for you. If you don't know what you want to do, no one will decide for you. Only after learning what kind of work you want to do, the employer compares it with open vacancies, and then begins to study your work history to understand whether you are suitable for the company or not.

Filling principles

It so happens that the desired position in a resume is its title (the word “resume” itself does not need to be written at all). It reflects the essence of the document, tells the recruiter what you want to get and what you can offer to achieve your goal. The more specific and obvious it is, the greater the chance that your resume will be considered.

Hence the opposite rule: even if the entire resume is written correctly, your professional skills and experience are enough to take the desired position, but an error has crept into the title, the likelihood of getting the job is reduced significantly. Or you may be offered a position that no one is taking, and the vacancy needs to be filled. The likelihood that it will coincide with your intentions is small.

To avoid mistakes, follow the following algorithm:

Determine your professional skills and qualifications;

Decide what kind of job that suits your capabilities you want to find;

Create a resume focused on a specific position, or several resumes if you are applying for different jobs.

Basic mistakes

Despite its apparent simplicity, since the position is the shortest paragraph on a resume, mistakes are often made in it. The most common of them: incorrect wording, inability to narrow your profile, the desire to show yourself from all sides at once, lack of understanding of what is required of you.

To prevent you from making these mistakes, let's look at examples that clarify what should not be in the desired position indicated on the resume.

Profile too wide

A manager, a top-level specialist, a store employee, a professional craftsman - these are all empty words for a potential employer. What kind of manager are you? In sales, in working with clients, in recruiting? Is a store employee a cleaner, a loader or a director of a retail outlet?

Be sure to specify the area of ​​your skills: metal sales manager, Wordpress web developer, regional merchandiser-loader, hardware manicure and pedicure specialist. This way your employer will know exactly what kind of job you are applying for.

Full readiness

I will take on any job, I will consider all proposals - such formulations reveal an unskilled worker who has no skills in any field. And, probably, there is no desire to purchase them either. But there is a desire to get money.

Most companies don't take the time to consider candidates like these. If you are invited to an interview with such a resume, there is no chance of a decent salary or an interesting job. But if you were looking for a vacancy as a laborer, there is nothing wrong with such wording.


“Seamstress, salesman, driver” or “plumber, economist, turner” - such lists of desired positions in a resume are unacceptable. Not a single employer (except for Pushkin’s Pop, who needed a “cook, groom and carpenter” rolled into one) is looking for a person with such versatile working skills. In addition, such a strong scatter often reveals an inability to concentrate on one activity, a lack of life goals, and strict guidelines. Few people manage to master more than two working specialties at an average or high level.

If you are truly equally familiar with different professions and are willing to work in any of them, write several different resumes with different desired positions. The likelihood of getting one of the advertised vacancies will increase significantly. The exception is related, related professions. They can be listed in one resume. For example, “administrator, secretary, assistant manager”, “journalist, copywriter, proofreader”, “driver, forwarder”.

You should not combine different levels of hierarchy in one resume. “Head of the sales department, manager of the sales department” is an example of a combination that raises doubts among the employer. Either you are not ambitious enough, or you are not confident in yourself, or you have had a bad experience as a manager.” Decide who you see yourself as.

Do you think that your professional skills from other areas could be useful for a vacant position? Be sure to include them, but in a paragraph dedicated to your skills, achievements or hobbies.

Exception: a jack of all trades is useful to a small company during a crisis. Then the opportunity to find a part-time worker to fill several vacancies at once is beneficial to the employer. If you are comfortable with this, send your addressed resume directly to the employer.


Even if you are still studying or have just graduated from university, “student” or “trainee” is not a desired position, but your place in the service hierarchy. This needs to be indicated, but in the “education” section. If you have no experience, but only practical knowledge in some area, be sure to clarify it. “Intern PHP programmer” or “trainee hairdresser” will say much more about you than the banal “I’m studying” or “no experience”.

Confusion of concepts

Another possible mistake is inattention or misunderstanding of what they want from you. “Administrative work,” “marketing,” “sales” are not a specific position, but a branch of work. “Boss”, “employee”, “worker” are general concepts that are not tied to specific job responsibilities. The employer needs specific skills that you possess: beauty salon administrator, financial analyst, cashier salesperson.

Like in labor

This is the case when you want the best, but it doesn’t turn out very well. There is no need to copy the name of your position from your work book into your resume. There may appear ranks, degrees, additions, even specialties unique to your former employing organization. “3rd category graphic information input specialist” - such a position may not be available in other companies.

If you want to find a job that is as close as possible to your last one, rewrite the text in a more understandable language, for example, “Specialist in the formation of electronic archives.”


One of the most disastrous options is to leave the column about the desired position in the resume for which you are applying empty. Firstly, it shows some disrespect for the employer. It’s as if you are inviting him to decide for you what is best for you to do. Secondly, this is an indicator of unprofessionalism. A person who has mastered his specialty at the proper level will not forget to indicate this in his resume.

If the desired position in your resume coincides with an open vacancy, the employer will certainly consider your candidacy in detail. The chances of getting an interview, and then being hired, will increase significantly.