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Life with a child in a small town: dullness, wretchedness, melancholy. How to live in a boring city Pros and cons of big and small cities

==>>>21 ways to get your own goods to sell

In the second question of the interview with Pavel Berestnev, we found out how many and which ones Pavel translated into Russian. Now let’s take an interest in the secrets of success of a person who lives, like Berestnev, in a small town.

Andrey Khvostov: Pavel, you yourself were born in a small town, in Kolomna, so it will be easy for you to answer the next question. How can a person from a small provincial town become such a successful and famous person as Pavel Berestnev?

Pavel Berestnev: In fact, I was born in a city that is much smaller than Kolomna. This is the city of Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region. I grew up and became stronger in Kolomna.

I'll tell you this. Geographic location doesn't really matter as long as you have Internet access and it all works. The only barrier that exists on the Internet is the language barrier. All other barriers do not exist there.

An interesting question, of course, is how to become one. Just take it and start doing what you set out to do. Do not need anything else. No need for any wisdom.

And as an example. Recently I had a training on finding customers for copywriters, “How a copywriter can find a customer,” and during it I told the following story.

When I was first looking for clients for copywriting, I sent a fax to all cities, to all enterprises offering my services. I sent out several hundred of these faxes to all cities and villages. And the first agreement that I entered into was an agreement with an enterprise that was located in my city, 10 minutes by tram from where I was.

Here it is useful to remember Kononov’s speech, “Macro Diamond,” about how diamonds lie in our own river, which flows between our own mountains.

It is clear that your neighbor's grass is always greener. But I tell you again, colleagues, if you want to open a chain of stores, a chain of supermarkets of some kind, your geographic location is of great importance. It matters greatly how much population there is in your city, what competitors there are, etc.

If you are going to work via the Internet, this is not so relevant. Therefore, the only thing I can say is start doing what you have in mind, and you will be happy. There is no need to be clever, everything is simple here.

Andrey Khvostov: The secret is very simple - action.

Pavel Berestnev: There is no secret - that's the secret.

How to live in a small town and be successful. VIDEO with Pavel Berestnev

In the fourth question, we will find out from Pavel a list of books that he recommends for reading.

Courses by Pavel Berestnev

  • Pavel Berestnev "Copywriting Basics", 2 DVDs
  • Course by P. Berestnev “Your career as a successful copywriter”
  • Free book by P. Berestnev “21 ways to get your own goods to sell”
  • Webinar by P. Berestnev “The natural enemy of newcomers to the information business”
  • Business card Copywriting League for Copywriters
  • Special report by P. Berestnev “Antikasha”
  • Pavel Berestnev Training Center

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Sometimes a person has no choice, and he is forced to live in a city where there are very few opportunities for entertainment. However, this also has its advantages. In small towns, where there are no distractions, you can devote more time to education and developing your talents. If you get to know the people who live in your city, you can even make the city more interesting and convenient for everyone.


How to find something to do

    Listen to new music. This will allow you to have a pleasant time. To overcome boredom, you need to try new things. Experiment with new music - try listening to new bands, new albums and even new genres of music.

    • Go to concerts. Even small towns usually have local groups. They don't always play well, but they can be interesting in their own way.
    • Try listening to Internet radio. It is quite possible that you will come across songs that you would never have heard.
    • Ask your friends to recommend music for you.
  1. Get creative. To get rid of boredom, you should do things that force your brain to constantly work and be attentive. Creativity will help you develop skills that will help you move elsewhere in the future. These skills will make you an interesting person and allow you to meet people like you.

    • Try learning to play a musical instrument or sing. When you achieve some success in this, find other musicians and form a group. If you start performing, you will have the opportunity to meet new people.
      • If you played in a band, orchestra, or sang in a choir while in school, you can continue to do so. Many cities have every opportunity for this. You can master a musical instrument or learn to sing and join existing groups.
  2. Take up literary work. Some cities have their own poetry clubs. If there are none in your city, organize a circle yourself. Try blogging with short stories and poems.

    • In many cities, people are interested in fine arts (painting, graphics). Exhibit your work in a café or take an art class.
  3. Select a book. Reading used to be the only way to entertain yourself, and it is still one of the best antidote to boredom. You will need to be attentive at all times. You will meet the heroes, follow the developments of events and learn more about the world that lies beyond the borders of your town.

    Stop dreaming in vain. As practice shows, even if your head in the clouds distracts you from your routine, it actually only harms you. When a person's dreams transport him to exotic places, the place where he lives begins to seem even less attractive to him than before.

    Try new things. To overcome boredom, you need to try new things. Surprisingly, doing things you don't like but aren't used to doing is a better anti-boredom activity than doing things you like but are used to.

    • If people who are bored are offered candy or an electric shock, they are more likely to choose the electric shock. Something new relieves boredom better, and it doesn’t matter whether pleasant sensations arise in the process or not.
    • It may be difficult for you to come up with a new activity. Therefore, first you should surround yourself with interesting people with different tastes. They will help you get acquainted with something that you would not dare to try on your own.
    • Try new foods that seem exotic or scary to you. Go skiing or skydiving. Watch a movie in a genre you don't usually like. Go to a concert. There are many opportunities to learn new things everywhere, but our fears hold us back.
  4. Meditate. Meditation is not the most exciting activity, but it helps you spend your time productively. Meditation improves concentration, making it easier for a person to focus on interesting activities. To improve your concentration, meditate for 20 minutes daily.

    • Meditation means focusing on one thing for a long time. Concentrate your attention on the mantra (phrase) or image. Don't think about anything else. When something starts to distract you, banish those thoughts.
  5. Travel. Traveling will diversify your life and introduce you to something new. You might even start to miss something you left at home. If you don't have money to travel abroad, go to a neighboring city.

    Communication with local residents

    1. Try to notice the good. Pessimism is harmful: if you always say that you have nothing to do, you will not find anything that you want to do. Many people like to live in small towns, and, oddly enough, living in such a city can make a person happy.

      Be in nature more often. Small towns usually have more opportunities to be in nature. Go to the park or forest. Start fishing. In winter, go ice skating and skiing.

      • You never know what will come your way in the forest. Remember to practice self-awareness and pay attention to new places. Imagine what could be waiting for you around the corner. Feel how your body becomes healthier and stronger.
      • Few things relieve boredom as well as a little danger. You won't be bored if you find yourself at the top of the mountain on two narrow planks. All your attention will be occupied by maintaining balance on your skis.
    2. Chat with the locals. Look into local clubs, clubs, or sports leagues. Even if it's not what you're interested in, you can meet new people there. Surround yourself with people who will make your life interesting.

      • Communication with interesting people will make even a boring city brighter. Building relationships with other people is especially important in very small towns where everyone knows everyone. Finding replacement friends is easy only in large cities, so value the connections you have with people.
    3. Find like-minded people. Having friends is helpful, but you also need to connect with people who share your interests and can help you develop and improve life in the city. These people could be teachers, local government leaders, librarians, or even a neighbor who used to play in a jazz band. All of these people may have the experience and resources that will make life in the city what you would like it to be.

      Develop your own style. One of the downsides of living in a big city is that you can quickly blend in with the crowd. It's much easier to be special in a small town. Find music and literature that makes you different from others.

Everyone who lives in small towns is familiar with the idea “it’s time to get out”, which is constantly in the air. In my native Sterlitamak, in city public pages you can easily meet people who moan about the fact that there is no work, money, etc. These people throughout their lives want to go somewhere where they will feel good, but they still don’t leave. What about those who don’t want to live in a small town, but can’t “get out”?

There is a potted flower called Anthurium; it was brought to Russia from Central and South America. It looks quite nice, but it is too capricious - keeping such a plant at home is extremely problematic. Either the temperature is not suitable for it, or there is too much moisture, and the roots have begun to rot. In general, you can replant this flower ad infinitum, but this will not change its nature. He is moody and maladjusted. Anthurium juice is poisonous, so it is recommended to keep the plant away from cats and children so that they do not accidentally eat the plant. That is, the nature of anthurium not only creates problems for itself, but also harms others.

When a person begins to whine that he lives in the wrong city, he not only wastes his energy (time, effort, emotions) on destructive activities, but also sucks the strength out of those around him - poisons them with his poison. People are inert creatures. As soon as one person in the crowd begins to succumb to apathy, there will be others who are ready to feed his cowardice with their own weakness and join in the choral “cry of Yaroslavna.” This is where it begins: “There are no jobs,” “Salaries are low,” “the girls don’t give me jobs,” and all this is because of the city. Every time you are tempted to justify your own failures by the place in which you live, remember that no matter where you are “transplanted,” your nature will not change, and poisonous juice will continue to flow through your “stems.” He will continue to poison the life of you and everyone around you.

So, Anthurium people are everywhere, regardless of the locality, and everywhere they are the same - only the scale of thinking differs:

— In villages and hamlets they dream of moving to the so-called Sterlitamak (a neighboring city with a population higher than theirs).
— In small cities, like Sterlitamak (population 285 thousand people as of 2013), anthurium people are looking mainly at Ufa, Kazan and other regional capitals.
— In regional capitals, like Ufa, they want to get to Moscow or St. Petersburg.
— Anthurium people from St. Petersburg and Moscow want to “get out of Raska.”

All Anthurium people are equally unhappy, unsuccessful, failed, confused, they don’t know what they want from life and don’t even know how to make sure they get at least something from this life. I witnessed a wonderful discussion video about Sterlitamak. A whole epidemic of whining broke out there. As always, people complained that we did not have work, normal wages, etc. From my position I can say the following: our salaries are two times less than in St. Petersburg, this is a fact. But it is also a fact that life in St. Petersburg is twice as expensive.

Stop whining, go and work

Just a few months ago, a partner from the city on the Neva came to visit me, and he was delighted with the Capitol cafe, where you can buy shish kebab for 160 rubles. You won't find this in St. Petersburg. Renting housing in Moscow and St. Petersburg is also consistently twice as expensive. Chicken breasts now cost 130-150 rubles here, in St. Petersburg - 330 rubles. Do you still think lower salaries are not justified? OK. The desire to earn more is quite understandable to me. So, look for ways: grow within your company, create a small business (read the stories of my friends from Sterlitamak who), look for a part-time job. There are a lot of options, but you need to work for this, and not just open your mouth and wait for someone to put food in it. Just follow the instructions:

1. Looking for a job;
2. Get a job;
3. We work.

Yes, it's that simple. Just three steps, and the plant turns into a full-fledged person. Labor ennobles.

Do you demand to be highly valued? Show respect to people

Do you think there is no work in Sterlitamak? As an employer, I will tell you that in Sterlitamak there are jobs, or rather, there are no workers. The MFO “I Like Money” currently employs 5 people, and I am tired of assembling this small team. Do you know why? Because every time I advertised, I set aside a day to conduct interviews. The interval between candidates is 1 hour. What's the end result? As a result, 60% of candidates did not come for an interview without explanation. These include lawyers, accountants, and loan managers. They didn’t even consider it necessary to call and warn that they wouldn’t come. This disrespect for the time of other people, disrespect, in principle, for people already characterizes them as unreliable partners and bad colleagues. Nobody needs such workers.

Do you want to receive a good salary? Do your job conscientiously and be a normal person. Again, as an example, I’ll give a colleague who works with us now. Her monthly salary is already 25% higher than the market average, and it will rise. Do you know why? Because the girl works and does her job well. Work is the key to success. Do you want to live well, but don't want to work? This means that your failures are your own fault, and the city has nothing to do with it.

Do you want to take your first steps, but don’t know in which direction? Try it anywhere

I understand perfectly well that there are not many entertainment venues in Sterlitamak, there are no types of entertainment at all, but I am also aware that we have wonderful nature - and this is very valuable. Understand that in the summer you can get into your car and in 15 minutes find yourself on a lake or on a river bank, swimming, picking berries and mushrooms, or having a picnic with friends. This is not Moscow, where patches of greenery in the form of parks and squares are dotted throughout. In winter, within an hour's drive you can find yourself on a ski slope and slide down with the breeze on a snowboard. Instead of focusing on the shortcomings of your city, pay attention to its advantages, and your mood will improve :)

P.S. Maybe somewhere I wrote too harshly, somewhere I offended someone. Sorry. I just want people who have the bad idea in their head that another city can give you a heavenly life to rethink their views. Perhaps you shouldn't leave? At least, unless you have a specific goal, desire or dream that cannot be realized in your city. For example, if you want to become a flight attendant, but there are no planes in Sterlitamak.

Decent wages, a high standard of living, all facets of opportunity - these are the associations that most girls have when they hear the word “metropolis”. More and more young people from provincial towns are inclined to move to a big city. Is everything so rosy in these “anthills”? Should you move from a small town to a densely populated area? Where is it better to live: in the provinces or in a big city? We weigh all the pros and cons.

Is the game worth the candle: what will you have to face when changing your place of residence?

First of all, when thinking about whether to move to a big city from a small one, ask yourself the question: “why am I going”? How spontaneous is this desire? Is the impulse to move a well-thought-out, life-long plan? Is it true that the decision to change your place of residence was not made based on emotions? Is moving to a metropolis a necessary measure or a fleeting desire to change something?

Below we have grouped lists of “disadvantages” and “advantages” of moving to a big city. It's up to you to decide!

Flat rent

The primary, most difficult and most expensive point that you will have to deal with when moving to a metropolis. Let’s not hesitate: separate housing, and even in good repair, is an unrealistic luxury for a visiting provincial.

The only option that somehow fits the budget of a typical visitor is renting an apartment together with people like you. Or renting a room in a communal apartment.

You might be lucky with your neighbors. Perhaps they will turn out to be decent people who later become friends. But we must admit that this is the exception rather than the rule.

Difficulty finding housing

In addition to the high cost of renting real estate in large cities, the difficulty of searching is also depressing. You should prepare for attempts to deceive by various scammers, meeting, to put it mildly, inadequate landlords, selling outright “bedbugs” and the presence of neighbors of oriental appearance.

High living costs

As mentioned earlier, renting a home in decent condition costs money. Big money. Be prepared to pay half or even 70% of the average salary of a middle manager.

Again, want to cut costs? Share an apartment with other residents. Keep in mind that finding neighbors on your “wavelength” is a real success.

Travel expenses

A special, distinctive feature of any “packed” metropolis is the presence of traffic jams. A typical city resident spends 20% of his time there. Of course, this point refers to the disadvantages of moving from a small town to a big one, because in the provinces there is no such problem.

While a resident of a metropolis gets from work to home, a provincial person can devote this time to his family, hobby or additional type of income.

Traveling by metro, without traffic jams, also takes up an impressive part of the day. By the way, not the most pleasant one. As a rule, there are terrible crowds on the subway or any other public transport during rush hours (everyone is going to and from work).

In addition to such obvious and quite tangible disadvantages of moving from a small town to a large metropolis, it is worth noting the invisible negative nuances that will one way or another affect your life.

Bad ecology

We think there is no need to explain that gas pollution and air pollution in large cities is much higher than in small, provincial villages. Of course, staying for a week will not give any negative results. But, having been in the smog for at least a year, you will probably notice that your overall health has worsened a little, and fatigue and a bad mood come much faster.

Of course, not only bad ecology is at play here. Psychological pressure also plays an important role.

Psychological traps

The life and everyday life of people in a big city is built completely differently from the provincial one. People are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere: to come home early after a hard day at work, to have time to run to the store after work, not to miss a paid English lesson at a language school. This situation almost eliminates communication with friends and acquaintances - simply, there is no time.

The effect of a “hamster in a wheel” leaves an imprint on the psychological state: a persistent feeling of loneliness, meaningless “Groundhog days” is created, apathy and despondency sets in.

Of course, such a feeling can appear in a small town. However, as practice shows, residents of megacities are more susceptible to such melancholy.

Pros and benefits that you will receive when moving to a metropolis

is it so bad? When moving from the provinces to the metropolis, are there only negative aspects? No, along with the difficulties, there is a lot of positive things that will “work as a plus” throughout your life.

Availability of jobs

Big city, more enterprises, infrastructure development, which means a huge number of jobs. No, no one is saying that newspapers with job advertisements are teeming with vacancies for directors in the largest holdings. But, it’s quite possible to find a place in your niche with an average salary.


The rhythm of life in a large city truly “forces” you to move up the career ladder and strive for more. Here it will no longer be so easy to “sit exactly” and receive a meager salary from year to year - there are too many temptations.

Fortunately, almost any company implies the presence of that “career ladder”, climbing which guarantees an improvement in the quality of life.

Product Availability

A definite plus of changing a small town to a metropolis. Many shops, supermarkets and shopping centers - again, motivate for career growth and increased earnings. Yes, and, any fashionista has freedom: popular brands, constant updating of collections, seasonal discounts and sales.

Competition is the key to low prices

In continuation of the positive argument “the presence of an extensive assortment in the stores of the metropolis,” I would like to note, compared with provincial prices, the low cost of food products, clothing and interior items. Of course, we will exclude any handmade items or products from famous designers. In general, and in general - there is more choice, lower prices. It would seem, how is this possible? After all, they earn more in a metropolis?

The fact is that high competition gives rise to a kind of dumping - a comparative reduction in the cost of a product compared to competitors. There are many companies, few clients. Everyone is fighting for the buyer: reducing the price, improving the quality of the product.

Varied leisure activities

The cultural component, and even the banal opportunity to relax with friends in some entertainment establishments, is much higher in a big city than in a small village. Theatres, museums, cinemas - all this works, if not around the clock, then most of the day. Of course, this has a positive effect on the quality of life and overall development.

Brides and Grooms

Very often this point is the determining factor in the question “whether it’s worth moving from the province to a densely populated city.” Of course, the choice of the other half will be much greater than in your home province. Of course, for those who want to create a successful family, this is a plus.

But, you shouldn’t “roll your lips ahead of time”; a good half of the available suitors may turn out to be just as “common” as you.

Opportunity to travel inexpensively

Have you noticed that travel to other countries from Moscow or St. Petersburg is much cheaper? Yes, the disadvantages of living in a big city can be outweighed by the fact that flight prices are much cheaper than from a “provincial” departure point. Again, this is explained by great competition, the presence of many air carrier companies and the increased regularity of flights.

Bottom line

Do you doubt whether it is worth moving from the province to a big city or metropolis? Take a short break, weigh all the pros and cons. Imagine the worst case scenario that could happen. Can you handle it? Then go.

Just please make sure that at any moment you can “rewind time” and return to your homeland. Simply having a retreat plan will greatly help in difficult times during the initial stages of moving and adapting to a big city.

One of the readers of RebenokBY shared the story of her life in a small town

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From time to time I read articles about the variety of leisure activities of mothers with children, wives and husbands, and I wonder who they are written for.

For some this is a revelation

Shopping, fitness, dancing, cosmetologist, visiting a cafe or organizing cultural leisure in musical comedy and theater.

Probably for some people it will be my story about how mothers and children live in modern urban villages is a revelation, small towns and regional centers (some won’t believe it or will shrug their shoulders in disgust) - but I’ll tell you anyway.

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To work in Minsk

My daughter is 5 years old and My husband and I are not planning on having more children - we simply “can’t handle it financially.”

I work as a nurse in a local clinic, my husband goes to work in Minsk: fifty minutes by minibus to the capital and the same amount back every weekday.

And this means that our dad comes home from work at almost nine in the evening and he simply does not have enough strength to help with the child.

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Grandparents and other sympathizers also work(it’s difficult to live on one pension now) or are busy with gardening, that is, they can help, but not on an ongoing basis.

Choosing is an unaffordable luxury

The kindergarten and school are the only ones in the area, which means you you accept any teacher with gratitude and the teacher who works with your child.

Often, these are random people who don’t care about any educational standards and the child, when leaving the kindergarten (where there is no speech therapist and only a part-time psychologist), will not even know the alphabet if his mother does not study with him at home.

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And only the lazy did not hear the shouting of “Makarenko’s followers” ​​at children on walks.

And you can't complain because this is not accepted and everyone understands what will happen to your child afterwards.

Where is the pediatrician? - I'm for him!

In a two-story small clinic two adult therapists who take turns sitting at a “children’s” appointment, a surgeon and gynecologist, whom people turn to only in extreme need.

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For any medical issue, almost everyone goes to Minsk or by hook or by crook they knock out directions to our regional center, because, Until you bring it to your paw, no one will just treat you- they will dismiss it as a general purpose and offer some folk remedy based on burdock or licorice root.

Meager salaries

I was on maternity leave until the last minute because my salary is lower than child benefit. During my maternity leave, I took hairdressing and manicure courses in Minsk to earn extra income.

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I learned to work conscientiously (I practiced for a long time for free or for a nominal fee in order to gain experience), so I am not ashamed of my work in front of clients.

After work, I pick up the child from kindergarten and At home, I often arrange another working day for a couple of hours.

Prices are higher than in the capital

In my urban village there are seven stores, the prices in which are 1.5-2 times higher than in the capital. For any little thing (down to men's underpants or short women's socks) you need to go to Minsk hypermarkets, because the range of industrial goods is poor, even for villagers.

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And every woman, and even man, wants to look good and wear comfortable and beautiful clothes.

There used to be a market on Sundays, where the whole village went as if on a holiday, because they sold the necessary little things there (yes, they don’t even sell diapers and underwear in our stores), and you could see all your fellow villagers.

Longing and silence

I generally keep quiet about entertainment. In summer, on weekends, there was a small inflatable slide and a trampoline, but the prices were such that parents preferred to avoid this place.

Certainly, events are held in our House of Culture, dedicated to holidays or significant events, and, lacking a choice, we attend them.

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We don’t have a car, so it’s not practical to take a three-year-old child to Minsk and be on the road for about two hours.

Now we can buy tickets in advance and organize a cultural capital program for yourself every two months, and about once a month We come for a “wholesale” purchase of products in a hypermarket after receiving salary.

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Life freezes

In late autumn and winter it gets dark early, and life in a small village comes to a standstill with the onset of darkness, that is, on a weekday at 19.30 the roads are already deserted, even grocery stores close at 19.30-20.00.

The only cafe closed a couple of years ago as unprofitable, but the local “beer pub” is thriving. I don’t think there’s any need to explain why.

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Former classmates are slowly drinking themselves to death, and classmates become like their mothers, tortured by life, counting the last pennies, gardening and children.

It’s scary to look at it, but it’s also scary to change anything. How can you decide to leave your hard-won home, some kind of job, and rush into the unknown? That's how we live.

Anna Kuleshova

How do you live in your city? Write to us - myhistory@site