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Aquarium fish. Project work - "Aquarium and its inhabitants" project on the surrounding world (grade 2) on the topic Compatibility of aquarium fish

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Purpose of work: Research Interesting Facts from the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Planning the study: - Get acquainted with the history of the appearance aquarium fish.- Study the variety of unusual fish.- Find and explore interesting facts from the life of aquarium fish.- Draw conclusions.

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Introduction. When I was little and still went to kindergarten, I had many hobbies. At first I was very interested in toy cars, I had a whole fleet of cars. Then I became interested in dinosaurs, I had a lot of books about them. All my albums were painted with dinosaurs. Then there were superheroes from movies... But one day, while visiting, I saw an aquarium and was fascinated by its inhabitants. I watched them for a very long time and carefully, my mother noticed this. And for my birthday, my parents surprised me by giving me an aquarium. I was happy!!! I could spend hours watching the fish and their behavior. I wondered how we were similar to them. Do fish have intelligence, memory, can they be trained and can they talk? And I started researching.

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The history of the appearance of aquarium fish. The most ancient information about goldfish appeared in China in the 6th century BC, which were considered sacred. The first European to see and describe fish of extraordinary beauty was the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo. People have long ago learned to recreate a particle underwater world next to you. These are aquariums - permanent homes for fish. The word aquarium comes from the Latin “aqua” (water) and the suffix “rium” (place, house), that is, literally translated it means a water house or dwelling with water. Previously, fish were kept in small marble tanks near the guests' beds. Then they removed one marble wall from the tanks and replaced it with glass. And nowadays there are already such unusual aquariums:

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    Giant aquariums

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    As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Freely sliding behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only please the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve stress, anxiety, and tension.

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    Unusual sea inhabitants and interesting facts from their life.

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    Aquarium fish amaze us with their richness of color and body shape. There are fish that fit in a teaspoon, and there are fish the size of a child's palm. Nature used all the colors - yellow, red, blue and blue, green and emerald, white and black - so the fish are very elegant. Some fish sport a striped outfit, others - a spotted or one-color outfit. The neon fish have blue stripes on their sides, like lights flashing. The body shape is also varied. There are fish that are flat, like a leaf. Available with thick round sides. Some fish have a large, lush caudal fin - like a veil. They are called veiltails.

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    A very interesting and unique fish. She has large, bulging, attentive eyes (it is worth mentioning that the fish often damages them and goes blind, so there should not be many hard plants in the aquarium that could hurt her). The fish has a spherical shape and is therefore clumsy, slow and a little clumsy.

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    And other inhabitants of the aquarium have a long, narrow tail, like a pike or a sword. They are called swordtails. Among the aquarium fish there are amazing creatures. For example, gourami fish build a nest out of air bubbles! The male releases bubbles with his mouth. And each bubble is enveloped in sticky saliva. The female lays eggs in such a nest.

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    Clown fish.

    More recently, thanks to the clown fish, scientists have made one important discovery. It made it possible to fight jellyfish burns. Based on the mucus of a clown fish, scientists have developed and made an “anti-jellyfish” cream.

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    Clown fish

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    Fish ball

    The ball fish lives in the coral reefs of many seas - from the Red to the Caribbean; it is the most voluminous coral creature, which, by swallowing water, can swell to an incredible size. In case of danger, it takes on a spherical shape, which allows it to scare away small predators. Its peaceful appearance is deceptive: in fact, the ball fish is one of the most poisonous.

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    Fish ball

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    running fish

    The unusual fish was caught in Australia on the Tasmanian coast in 2000, and belongs to an unknown species of marine inhabitants. The fish was nicknamed “handfish” because of the fins with which it is able to move along the bottom. The fish lives in clean water, in shallow water, crawling along the bottom and almost not swimming. This rare fish species was included in the Red Book.

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    Flying fish

    Fish are able to cover a distance of 500 meters at a speed of 75 km/h, and after jumping out they still remain in the air for 30 seconds. Scientists have come to the conclusion that fish can fly perfectly, no worse than birds.

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    Chanda ranga or Indian glass perch

    Lives in the waters of India, Burma and Thailand. Breeding these calm fish is very difficult. The female lays about 100 eggs on the thin leaves of certain plants. Tiny fry have to be fed (also tiny) ciliates. Size 6-8 cm.

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    And there are all sorts of fish!

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    Do aquarium fish have: - intelligence - can they talk - can they be trained

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    The first fish in my aquarium were Ancistrus or Cleaner Catfish and Guppies.

    The cleaner catfish was named so because it cleans the aquarium. He has a very unusual mouth, like a suction cup. The catfish eats very interestingly, like a vacuum cleaner. It swims to the surface of the water and sucks in food. We bought him very little, but he grew up very big. It turns out that the larger the aquarium, the larger the fish grow.

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    I also had: - astronotus-predator fish. A very big, beautiful fish. She built barricades from soil. The funny thing was how she did it. Swallowing large stones into her mouth, she dragged them from one place to another. Thus, she built a mountain of stones. They also love to play with plants. Like this.

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    The cockerel is a very beautiful fish, but despite this, it is considered a fighting fish. You cannot keep two males in the same tank, otherwise they will always fight. The fish tear off each other’s fins, try to gouge out each other’s eyes, and sometimes even tear off the gill covers. If they are not separated in time, one of the males usually dies. It is this pugnacity that gives them their names, bettas and bettas. I once did an experiment, brought a mirror to a cockerel and he began to fight with his reflection. And he, like a person, lay down on the stones as if on a pillow and slept.

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    The cockerel is resting :)

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    In humans, as a rule, the female sex is more beautiful than the male sex. But in fish, on the contrary, for example, male guppies are more beautiful and bright. They have a large, mottled tail. male female

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    I always thought that fish reproduce by spawning. But it turns out that there are viviparous fish, just like people. This is what my guppies turned out to be. It was a great surprise for me when she gave birth to live fish in front of my eyes. It was very funny and funny to watch the process, first two small eyes appear and begin to swim rapidly. And after him, another and another and another... Unlike people, fish can give birth to up to 30 fry at a time!

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    Observing the behavior of fish, I became interested in whether they have intelligence, whether they can talk and whether they can be trained? To answer the question: “Do fish talk?” I reviewed a lot of interesting material in magazines, encyclopedias and the Internet. Now I can confidently answer: “Imagine, yes!” It turns out that fish not only can talk, they are actually quite chatty! Each type of fish has its own tongue. And they talk not only with their mouths, but also with their fins, tails and even special swim bladders.

    Animals of the living corner

    A home or school living area often contains aquarium fish, canaries, parrots, hamsters, and guinea pigs.
    Recognize aquarium fish by their silhouettes. Indicate the names with arrows. Test yourself with the tutorial.

    Using the atlas - determinant "From Earth to Sky", fill out the table.

    Aquarium fish

    Name of the fish

    Homeland of the fish

    Pearl gourami Southeast Asia
    Macropod Asia
    Angelfish South America
    Swordtails Central America
    Cockerels Southeast Asia
    Catfish South America
    Guppy South America
    Danio rerio India
    Pecilia Central America
    Blue and red neons South America

    Write down what animals there are:
    a) in the living corner of your school - parrots, fish, Guinea pigs, rabbits
    b) you have a parrot at home

    Practical work "Learning to care for animals in a living area."
    Purpose of work: learn to care for a hamster
    Equipment (what animal care products were used): cotton wool, pieces of paper, sawdust, grains, seeds
    Progress of work (what actions were performed): cleaning the cage, filling it with fresh sawdust, clean cotton wool and paper for the nest, filling the nursery with clean water, filling the feeder with grains and seeds.
    Evaluation of the work performed (whether the goal was achieved): goal achieved, learned to care for a hamster.

    Draw your favorite pet or stick a photo.

    Find information about your pet in the atlas-guide “From Earth to Sky” or other sources (books, Internet). Based on these sources, as well as your own observations, prepare a report about him.
    Here you can write down a message plan or basic information about your pet.

    1. Homeland of budgerigars Australia. The Australian Aborigines called the budgerigar "bedgerigas", which means "fit for food". On this continent, they migrate in large flocks from place to place in search of food and water, temporarily settling on grassy plains where they can feed on grass seeds. Budgerigars fly very quickly, which allows them to cover vast distances in search of food and water. The budgerigar is the most numerous of all the parrots in Australia.
    2. Peculiarities budgies . Individuals are noisy and talkative; they quite easily remember words and expressions, which they repeat many times when “communicating” with humans and even with other poultry.
    3. Care and feeding. The diet of budgies is quite varied and includes grain mixtures, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Make sure that the parrot does not pinch the greenery of your indoor plants and flowers in a bouquet, because they are poisonous to birds. The cage should be spacious. You need to clean the cage twice a day: morning and evening. The feeder and automatic drinker should also be thoroughly washed daily.


    "Alan-Bekserskaya main comprehensive school

    Vysokogorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"

    Student project4 class

    "Aquarium and its inhabitants"


    teacher primary classes

    Pogodina Rimma Viktorovna




      Aquarium fish……………………………………………………………

      Creative activity………………………………………



    During the fourth quarter of 2017/2018 school year a group of 4th grade students worked on the project “Aquarium and its inhabitants.”

    Relevance of the project can be expressed in just one phrase by I. Sokolov-Mikitov: “Love for nature, however, like any human love, undoubtedly develops in us from childhood.”

    Living in harmony with yourself, with other people and in harmony with nature - necessary condition for a happy and successful life of a person in the world. Love for nature is a great feeling; it helps a person to become more generous, responsible, and fairer. A person who loves nature will never offend his neighbor, will not mock our smaller brothers, will not pollute native nature.

    Practical value The project is that some of the children from our class already have an aquarium in their home and would like to learn better about caring for fish. Those guys who don’t have an aquarium are interested in this topic and are thinking about having fish at home in the future.

    Objective of the project: study theoretical material about aquarium fish in order to answer questions that interest us, write creative work and introduce the children of our class to the life of aquarium fish.

    Project objectives:

    1. Familiarize yourself with theoretical information.

    2. Analyze and summarize the facts.

    3. By comparing the collected material, develop interest in the topic.

    4. Ability to speak in front of a large audience.

    5. Foster environmental culture and abilities

    to independent work.

    Intended Product:

    Based on the collected material, create a collection of facts from the life of aquarium fish and write a creative work.

    The study was based on the following hypotheses : if carefully studied necessary information, analyze and summarize the necessary facts, then you can not only replenish and expand your knowledge, but also develop creative abilities and the ability to work independently.

    Object of study: aquarium fish

    Subject of study: literature study

    Expected results of the project.

      Teaching computer technology to class students using environmental materials.

      Environmental projects for children and adults.

      Implementation of projects at the class and school level.

      Speeches at a school scientific and practical conference.

      Association of parents, children and teachers.

      Ecological culture of junior schoolchildren.

      Environmental Olympiads, competitions, projects, practical activities, observation.

    II . Aquariums.

    The idea of ​​​​creating the project “Aquarium and its inhabitants” was the theme of the lesson on the surrounding world “Aquarium”. We were very interested in this topic, and we wanted to find out from books and magazines how the first aquarium appeared, what kind of fish they were, how to keep and care for them, how to wash and clean the aquarium.

    For us it was new, interesting and even exciting, and we set ourselves a goal:

    Study theoretical material about aquarium fish in order to answer questions that interest us, write a creative work and introduce the children of our class to the life of aquarium fish.

    Man has long been interested in the underwater world inhabited by animals and plants.

    Relatively recently, scuba gear and research submarines have appeared, making it possible to observe fish in their natural environment for several hours and study their way of life. Despite this, people have long learned to recreate a piece of the underwater world next to them. These are aquariums - permanent homes for fish.

    An aquarium is not just a beautiful thing that satisfies a person’s aesthetic needs, and not only a means to fill one’s leisure time, but also current model natural reservoir.

    Aquarium science is an occupation associated with modeling an ecosystem in a closed artificial reservoir.

    Having studied the literature, we learned that: the first European book on aquarium husbandry was published in 1797 in Thuringia by J.M. Bechstein, where the conditions for keeping fish in captivity were described.

    Fishes are the oldest, most species-rich, and most widespread group. Even the total number of fish species is not known exactly; according to a rough estimate (since not all species have been discovered and described), it ranges from 21 thousand to 25 thousand individuals.

    They are certainly beautiful creatures. As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Freely sliding behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only please the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve stress, anxiety, and tension.

    Breeding ornamental and freshwater aquarium fish is one of the most common hobbies not only for children, but also for adults. There are many reasons why people want to have fish and aquatic plants around them. And yet, all aquarists - consciously or unconsciously, to a greater or lesser extent are united by one thing: a love for living nature, as well as the pleasure derived from observing the underwater world. Other motivations for becoming an aquarist are responsibility for living creatures and the joy of successfully caring for them.

    Any person involved in aquarium keeping must contain an element of professionalism and strive for a certain amount of specialized knowledge in order to avoid possible errors in communication with living beings. And when combined with a healthy dose of explorer spirit, the learning and assimilation aspects that come from being an active aquarium hobbyist come to the fore. It is in conditions of limited space that it is possible to conduct numerous observations of fish behavior and analyze them.

    III . Aquarium fish

    The most ancient information about goldfish appeared in China in the 6th century BC, which were considered sacred.

    The first European to see and describe fish of extraordinary beauty was the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo.

    The first goldfish were brought to Europe on military sailing ships and appeared in spacious pools at the courts of kings, guarded by guards, and presented as gifts or as rewards to nobles.

    During the implementation of our project, we were faced with the following question: can all fish live in one aquarium? After all, from the lessons of the surrounding world, we knew that some fish are predators and can eat each other. In addition, while studying the literature and watching an educational film, we found out that each fish requires certain conditions of detention and nutrition. Finally, each fish has its own character, sometimes very complex.

    In this regard, we conducted a study, considering each of the selected fish according to several parameters:

    • Conditions for keeping

    • Character

    During this work, we also collected a collection of interesting facts about the fish we studied.

    We managed to find out that not all fish can be together in one aquarium.

    Fighting fish– the most wonderful members of the aquarium community, but cannot stand the community cichlids, and here angelfish They have a calm character, but they cannot be planted with small fish, which they can easily swallow.

    Aquarium soms peaceful and accommodating even with little ones.

    Guppy- the most favorite fish of beginning aquarists, since the most hardy bright freshwater fish, capable of surviving in a small aquarium, are undemanding to water quality, can withstand two weeks of fasting and are even ready to eat algae

    Poeciliaceae aquarium fish are unpretentious, omnivorous, calm, content with small aquariums

    Barbs– schooling fish and it is recommended to keep them in spacious aquariums. They are very warlike and in the presence of a female they enter into battles with each other, and their character is compatible with all other fish in the aquarium.

    U goldfish discovered the mind. This is also a fairly peaceful, calm fish.

    Pearl- this is a small fish. Each scale has a convex shape, which gives it a special originality. Feeding is the same as for other fish species. As for the conditions of detention, the fish requires a large volume of water.

    Fishes called neon quite small and very mobile. They earned their name because of the silvery shine of their scales. The male is traditionally smaller and slimmer than the female. The fish's fins are transparent. It is better to keep them in an aquarium with peace-loving fish.

    Telescope is a very interesting and unique fish. It has large, bulging, attentive eyes (it is worth mentioning that the fish often damages them and goes blind, so there should not be many hard plants in the aquarium that it could get hurt on). The fish has a spherical shape and It is also clumsy, slow and a little clumsy. The telescope reacts to temperature fluctuations, so you should be attentive to it.

    Veiltail- This is a type of goldfish, very popular among inexperienced aquarists. She has a short, wide body, a small head, a forked, very long, thin and transparent (like a veil) tail, which is why she has such a name.

    Clown fish, or amphiprions belong to the family Pomacentraceae. The size of the fish is from 8 to 15 cm. The color is plain with contrasting stripes and spots. Widely distributed in the Pacific and Indian oceans. More recently, thanks to the clown fish, scientists made one important discovery. It made it possible to fight jellyfish burns. Based on the mucus of a clown fish, scientists have developed and made an “anti-jellyfish” cream.

    Fish - ball lives in the coral reefs of many seas - from the Red to the Caribbean, this is the most voluminous coral creature, which, by swallowing water, can swell to an incredible size. In case of danger, it takes on a spherical shape, which makes it possible not only to scare away small predators, but also then, immediately freed from water, to get something edible that was hidden under a layer of sand. Its peaceful appearance is deceptive: in fact, the ball fish is one of the most poisonous underwater chemical factories and the most powerful toxins in the world are precisely those that it accumulates in itself. However, ball fish meat, provided it is properly prepared, is considered a delicacy by gourmets.

    Fish angels widespread among coral reefs. They have a bright and surprisingly refined coloring, but are by no means angelic in character. Each fish “patrolls” its own section of the reef and reacts aggressively to the appearance of other fish there, especially its own or related species. It is impossible to contain more than one individual of each species in an aquarium, otherwise, as a result of incessant fights, only the strongest fish will remain alive. Interestingly, the coloration of juvenile angelfish is often so different from that of adults that in some cases they have been described by scientists as different types.

    Fish– these are pets and, creating their own world in the apartment, they need care and attention.

    IV . Creative activity.

    Having carried out a lot of interesting work on the topic, the students of our class shared their knowledge and impressions in the class.

    We wanted to create such a model of an aquarium in the classroom. In which all the fish would live peacefully with each other.

    To make the fish we used the following work techniques. Like applique, origami, working with natural materials and plasticine.

    The result was a model of an aquarium with the following fish: barb, clown fish, telescope, veiltail, pearl, guppies, gourami.

    In addition, we summarized all the accumulated knowledge, interesting facts and wrote a creative work “Project “Aquarium and its inhabitants”

    V . Conclusion.

    Having completed the work, we made the following conclusions:

    people should not only admire the diversity and beauty of the underwater world, but must make every effort to preserve this heritage of our planet: protect the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes from pollution, protect fish from extermination and unreasonable fishing.

    This work helped us understand that fish are pets that delight us not only with their beauty, but also calm our nervous system, so they need care and attention, and for this we must correctly use the knowledge gained. We expanded our knowledge, learned a lot of interesting things and shared our knowledge with our friends.

    While working on the project, we not only gained new knowledge that will be useful to us in the future, but also learned how to make fish with our own hands, using various techniques for working with paper and plasticine; applied creative imagination and imagination when creating an artificial aquarium.

    Thus, hypothesis The fact that if you carefully study the necessary information, analyze and summarize the necessary facts, you can not only replenish and expand your knowledge, but also develop creative abilities and the ability to work independently has been confirmed.

    The project was made by:

    Usatyuk Ilmir

    Alexandrova Angelina

    Galimzyanov Arthur


      Everything about aquarium fish. Atlas-directory. St. Petersburg: Kristall Publishing House, 2009.

      Mikhailov S. Aquarium fish.

      Schoolboy Yu. Aquarium fish. Complete encyclopedia. St. Petersburg: Kristall Publishing House, 2009.



    Svetlana Agafonova



    Expanding ideas about aquarium fish;

    Formation of ideas about freshwater fish, their appearance, lifestyle, habits.


    Development of coherent speech, visual perception and attention, fine and fine motor skills;


    Fostering respect for nature

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Organizational moment

    A) Listen to the poems and you will find out what we will talk about today at class.

    In a pond or lake, nowhere else,

    In quiet, calm standing water,

    Where the lush greenery has grown at the bottom, -

    That's where he lives (crucian carp).

    With a long silver body,

    Lives in a fast river.

    A terrible enemy for many fish.

    Did you guess it? No? …. (Zander)

    Ruff prickly, freckled,

    Ugly and hunchbacked.

    But the ear is without a ruff

    It's unlikely to be good.

    River predator pike,

    The pike scares everyone in the river.

    The pike opens its mouth -

    It's scary to get into a pike's mouth.

    IN:-Who are these poems about?

    D:-About fish

    B) Updating knowledge about aquarium fish

    IN:-You and I met last year aquarium fish. They live in our aquarium We take care of them every day. Let's remember what they are called.

    (accompanied by showing pictures)

    D:-Goldfish, swordtail, guppy, angelfish, catfish, neon

    2. Post a new topic

    A) B:- Today we will talk about freshwater fish

    (there is a picture on the board « Freshwater fish» )

    IN:-These ones fish live in ponds, lakes, rivers. They are called freshwater. Let's look at them. Notice how different shapes the body and head can be fish, how different fish tails and fins are.

    Pike have a long head and a long body. Pike has a large tail.

    Bream has a small head and a wide body.

    The catfish has a huge head and a long, thick body. The catfish's dorsal fin is small and not sharp. The tail is short.

    The ruff has a small head and a small wide body.

    Pike perch and ruffe have sharp dorsal fins.

    Look at the different scales the body of the fish is covered with. In bream it is large. And the pike perch is small. Catfish have no scales at all. Its body is covered with thick skin. And all fish have gills. What do you think they are for?

    D:-In order to breathe.

    IN:-Why do fish have fins?

    D:-fins are needed in order to swim.

    IN:- Fish There are predatory and peaceful ones. Predatory fish feed on fish fry, small fish, frogs) Predatory fish include catfish, perch, pike perch. Crucian carp, ruffe, and bream are peaceful fish. They feed on algae.

    B) Finger gymnastics "Fish"

    The fish swims in the water, (put your palms together and show how the fish swims)

    The fish have fun playing.

    Fish, mischievous fish, (wag your finger)

    We want to catch you. (slowly bring your palms together)

    The fish arched its back (show how the fish swims)

    I took a bread crumb (make a grasping movement with your fingers)

    The fish waved its tail (show the fish swimming again)

    The fish quickly swam away.

    C) Consolidation of the material covered

    1) Exercise "Who lives where?"

    (symbolic images are placed on the board reservoirs: rivers, ponds, aquarium; flat images of fish)

    IN:-Who lives in aquarium?

    D:-guppy, goldfish, catfish, neon

    IN:-Who lives in the river?

    D:- Catfish, pike, pike perch, perch, bream, ruff

    IN:- Who lives in the pond?

    D:- carp, crucian carp, bream

    2) Exercise "Show the body parts"

    IN:- Let's look at fish and show what body parts fish have. (torso, tail, back, head, eyes, mouth, fins, scales, gills)

    3) Ball game “Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?

    IN:-Now let’s rest a little and play the game “Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose pike tail?


    IN:-Whose catfish mustache?

    D:- Somovy

    IN:- Whose pike perch head?

    D:- Sudachya

    IN:-Whose body is the perch?


    IN:- Whose crucian carp fins?

    D:- crucian carp

    IN:-Whose pike gills?


    IN:- Whose ruff’s head is it?


    IN:-Whose crucian carp tail?

    D:- crucian carp

    4) Game "Who is missing"(pike, catfish, crucian carp, ruff, bream)

    (five pictures with the image are placed on the board freshwater fish.

    IN:- Look carefully and remember the images freshwater fish. Now close your eyes, and I will remove one picture, and you will tell me which fish is gone.

    (the game is played until the children answer once).

    5) Exercise "Get to know the fish"? Draw the tail and color the picture.

    IN:- What kind of fish is this

    3. Summing up classes

    IN:- What fish did we talk about today?

    D: - ABOUT freshwater

    IN:- What bodies of water do they live in? freshwater fish?

    D:- In a river, lake, pond.


    1. Nishcheva N.V.

    Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in senior group kindergarten for children with special needs. -SPb.: Publishing House LLC. -CHILDHOOD- PRESS", 2014.-704 p.

    2. Teremkova N. E

    Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Album 4.-GNOM Publishing House, 2012.-312 p.

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the senior group “Pets in winter” Topic: Pets in winter. Goal: To consolidate ideas about domestic animals. Objectives: Educational - Enrich vocabulary on the topic.

    Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the senior group “House plants” Getting to know the world around you

    The relevance of the project can be expressed in just one phrase by I. Sokolov-Mikitov: “Love for nature, however, like any human love, undoubtedly develops in us from childhood.” The goal of the project: to study theoretical material about aquarium fish in order to answer questions that interest us, to introduce the children of our class to the life of aquarium fish. Project objectives: get acquainted with theoretical information; analyze and summarize facts; Comparing the collected material, develop interest in the topic. ability to speak in front of large audiences; develop an environmental culture and the ability to work independently.

    The study was based on the following hypothesis: if you carefully study the necessary information, analyze and summarize the necessary facts, you can not only replenish and expand your knowledge, but also develop creative abilities and the ability to work independently.

    Aquarium science is an occupation associated with modeling an ecosystem in a closed artificial reservoir. Fishes are the oldest, most species-rich, and most widespread group. Even the total number of fish species is not known exactly; according to a rough estimate (since not all species have been discovered and described), it ranges from 21 thousand to 25 thousand individuals.

    They are certainly beautiful creatures. As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Freely sliding behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only please the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve stress, anxiety, and tension.

    The most ancient information about goldfish appeared in China in the 6th century BC, which were considered sacred. The first goldfish were brought to Europe on military sailing ships and appeared in spacious pools at the courts of kings, guarded by guards, and presented as gifts or as rewards to nobles.

    Guppies are the most favorite fish of beginning aquarists, as the hardiest bright freshwater fish, capable of surviving in a small aquarium, are undemanding to water quality, can withstand two weeks of fasting and are even ready to eat algae

    Neon: These fish are quite small and very active. They earned their name because of the silvery shine of their scales. The male is traditionally smaller and slimmer than the female. The fish's fins are transparent. It is better to keep them in an aquarium with peace-loving fish. Veiltail: This is a type of goldfish that is very popular among inexperienced aquarists. She has a short, wide body, a small head, a forked, very long, thin and transparent (like a veil) tail, which is why she has such a name.

    Angelfish Young angelfish grow very quickly. As soon as they begin to swim, in addition to daytime lighting, a low-power light bulb is installed in the aquarium for night lighting. If this is not done, then at night the fry will crowd into corners and die en masse.

    Pearl gourami Pearl gourami lives in the area of ​​the Malacca Peninsula, the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra. This small fish can be kept in a community aquarium, but you should carefully close it at the top so that there is warm air above the surface. Otherwise, gouramis take in cold air and may catch a cold.