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Outsourcing in the army. Abstract outsourcing in a military organization

China's fleet of submarines in the South China Sea added a search and rescue team for the first time this month. This is the second unit of its kind in the Chinese Navy. Prior to this, a similar detachment was created in 2011 in the Northern Fleet, but it carried out operations in the interests of the entire Navy, for which it hardly had the strength. The emergence of a new unit, nicknamed the “underwater ambulance,” is associated with China’s increasing activity in southern waters around the disputed islands and with the increase in the number of Chinese submarines in the region. The detachment is called upon to provide assistance to submarines at sea in the event of accidents and malfunctions, to carry out crew rescue and simple repair work.

The Chinese military, on the one hand, says that with the growth of the submarine fleets of other countries in the region, the risk of accidents for submarines is also growing, on the other hand, they do not hide that the new detachment will now allow the Chinese Navy to operate at longer distances in the Pacific and Indian oceans and that it is simply is an urgent necessity in the event of hostilities.

In September, China also delivered a new nuclear submarine armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles to the navy. China's largest shipbuilding company, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), reported this. The class of the boat is not specified, but most likely it is a Project 093 or 094 submarine. The Project 094 boat is capable of carrying up to 12 JL-2 intercontinental ballistic missiles. Although there are assumptions that this could be the newest Project 096 boat. American military experts believe that modern Project 096 boats will be put into operation no earlier than in the 2020s, but a number of Chinese analysts report that the creation of new submarines may be accelerated pace. The Chinese Ministry of Defense did not comment on information about the introduction of a new nuclear submarine into the fleet.

The London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies has published its brief overview of China's submarine fleet. According to the institute, China has four Project 094 (“Jin”) nuclear boats armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles (and taking into account the previous news, perhaps already five boats of this project), three Project 091 (“Han”) nuclear boats, two Project 093 nuclear boats (Shan-I) and four Project 093A nuclear boats (Shan-II), armed cruise missiles. The institute, citing the Pentagon, reports that China is unlikely to commission at least one more new nuclear submarine before 2020. The Han submarines will be gradually replaced by the Shan-II submarines and withdrawn from the Chinese submarine fleet, but this is explained not so much by outdated equipment, but by the lack of qualified submariners to keep boats of both projects in service at the same time.


How dangerous are Russian and Chinese submarines?

The National Interest 09.14.2017

Russian fleet more capable than it seems

The National Interest 08/24/2017

Asia arms itself for submarine warfare

InoSMI 06/08/2017
In terms of diesel-electric submarines, each Chinese Navy fleet (North, East and South) operates two submarine flotillas of eight boats each. To continuously maintain this operational and combat capability, the Chinese Navy has 54 boats. Today, the Chinese Navy is striving to modernize its submarine fleet and commission modern submarines to replace aging ones, rather than increase the total number of boats, especially since China does not have enough trained crews or base locations for a significant increase.

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, today the composition of submarine flotillas is as follows:

. Northern Fleet- 8 boats of Project 039 (“Song”), 3-4 boats of Project 039B (“Yuan”) and 3-5 boats of Project 035 (“Ming”).

. Eastern Fleet - 8-9 boats of Project 039A/B (“Yuan”) and 8 of Project 877 (export version of the Russian boat of Project 636 “Varshavyanka”).

. Southern Fleet - 8 boats of Project 035 (Min), 4 boats of Project 039 (Sun) and 4 boats of Project 877 (export version of the Russian boat of Project 636 Varshavyanka).

The Chinese shipbuilding industry is capable of producing up to three Project 039A/B (“Yuan”) boats per year. By 2020, it is expected that 20 submarines of this class will be in service. The total number of all combat-ready boats in China by this year will be 58 units.

The National Interest notes that the next Project 096 (“Tan”) nuclear submarines will be armed with 24 intercontinental ballistic missiles with a range of up to 10 thousand kilometers, which will allow China to hit targets in the United States by launching them near its coast. The publication discusses which strategy for using submarines China will choose: the Soviet strategy or the American one. The “Soviet” strategy (the Americans call it a “bastion”) implies that nuclear missile carriers will be reliably protected by a variety of means for “combat stability”, have powerful shelters, bases, and will be supported by the rest of the fleet. According to the Americans, this is due to the fact that noisy Soviet submarines could easily be found and destroyed in the ocean, and therefore required more protection. The concept of creating a “Northern Strategic Bastion”, by the way, was actually developed, but already in 1996 by the Russian Ministry of Defense and announced in 1998. The “American” strategy implies that new nuclear boats China will be technologically more advanced and quieter, which means they will be able to go on autonomous voyages for a long time to patrol the waters of the world's oceans.

It should be noted that Chinese submarines are already widely exploring the water world. For example, in September, returning from a patrol in the Gulf of Aden, a Chinese submarine visited Malaysia, which was the second visit of the Chinese Navy to this country in 2017. From the point of view of expanding its naval presence, one of the main achievements of the Chinese Navy can be considered the opening of the first foreign naval base in Djibouti. According to the official version, the base will be needed to supply and service Chinese ships that are fighting pirates in the Gulf of Aden. China constantly maintains about five ships and one submarine there on a rotational basis. According to the Indian Navy, which is frankly unnerved by this mini-fleet, Beijing is using the Gulf of Aden as a training ground for its sailors. At the same time, the activity of Chinese submarines is especially noted, whose crews are getting acquainted with the Indian Ocean, collecting information about the operating environment, shipping conditions and the actions of the navies of other countries.

In October, Western experts also noted the emerging photographs of a possible test launch of the YJ-18 subsonic/supersonic tactical anti-ship cruise missile from a submarine. The modern YJ-18 is a modification Russian system"Caliber", but there are opinions that the Chinese missile has a number of advantages, including a range of 400-500 kilometers. According to China Space News, the rocket set records for flight altitude over the sea (flying low over the water, which makes its bearing difficult), launch depth and destructive power. The modified YJ-18 for submarines is also the first missile in Chinese history to use engines that launch underwater and allow the missile's trajectory to be controlled before it reaches the surface.

It is worth noting that today China is not only developing its submarine fleet, but has also started exporting military submarines. In October, confirmation came that Pakistan would stick to an agreement to buy eight submarines from China at a cost of between four and five billion dollars. The first four boats should be delivered by 2023, and four more will be assembled in Karachi by 2028. Analysts believe that we're talking about about the export version of the diesel-electric boat of Project 039/041 (“Yuan”). In the same year, Bangladesh commissioned two submarines purchased from China. Thailand has also been eyeing Chinese submarines since the spring.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

From September 12 to 19, joint exercises are being held in the South China Sea by detachments of ships of the Russian Navy and the Navy of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA, Chinese armed forces).

TASS prepared information about the PLA Navy, organizational structure and armament of this type of armed forces.

How the fleet was formed

Until the final period of the Chinese Civil War (1927-1950, with a formal break in 1936-1945), the PLA did not have a fleet: the war between the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the Kuomintang Party was for control of the mainland.

The founding date of the PLA Navy is considered to be April 23, 1949; on this day, several ships of the Navy of the Republic of China (the government of the Kuomintang Party) went over to the side of the CPC.

How separate species The armed forces of the Navy were established in September 1950, when a separate command was created under the General Staff of the PLA.
The lack of a powerful fleet in 1950 did not allow the PLA to take control of the island. Taiwan, where the Kuomintang government evacuated. The PRC limited itself to taking about. Hainan, where army units landed on junks.

In November 1949, the Naval Academy was established in Dalian (with teachers from the USSR).

According to historians, in 1954 there were about 2.5 thousand Soviet military specialists in China who assisted the PRC in building a modern fleet.

The first combat use of the Chinese Navy was the participation of several ships in suppressing unrest in Wuhan during the Cultural Revolution in 1967. Subsequently, the Chinese fleet won victories in clashes with Vietnamese ships in the area of ​​the disputed islands in the South China Sea (in 1974 at the Paracel and in 1988 near the Spratly Islands).

By the 1970s The PRC already had a modern fleet. In 1974, China commissioned its first nuclear submarine (NPS, Project 091 Han), and in 1982 it successfully launched a ballistic missile from a submarine for the first time.

In 2002, a Chinese Navy squadron completed the first circumnavigation in the history of the Chinese navy.

Currently, the PRC's military strategy highlights the sea as one of the four key areas, in which China needs to increase the capabilities of its armed forces (along with space, cyberspace and nuclear domain).

In 2012, a course was proclaimed to establish China as a strong maritime power. The 2015 White Paper of the Chinese government emphasizes the abandonment of traditional ideas about the priority importance of land spaces and marks a transition from protecting exclusively coastal areas to comprehensively ensuring security both in coastal areas and on the high seas.

What does the fleet consist of?

The commander of the PLA Navy is Admiral Wu Shengli, a member of the Central Military Commission (the highest government agency, who leads the Chinese armed forces).

Organizationally, the PLA Navy is divided into three fleets:

Northern (Northern Federal District, coverage area - Yellow Sea and Bohai Gulf),

Eastern (East Fleet, East China Sea, including the Taiwan Strait),

Southern (SF, South China Sea).

The fleet headquarters are located in the cities of Qingdao, Ningbo and Zhanjiang, respectively. At the beginning of 2016, three fleets were included in the commands of the same name, which were created during the military reform in place of the previous districts.

The PLA Navy includes:

submarine force,

surface forces,

naval aviation,

coastal defense forces,


The number of personnel is about 235 thousand people.
Overall, the PLA Navy ranks first in the world in the number of diesel submarines, frigates, missile and patrol boats, landing ships (but are inferior to the US Navy in total tonnage and capacity of landing ships).

In terms of the number of nuclear submarines and destroyers, the Chinese fleet is the third in the world (for SSBNs and nuclear submarines - after the US Navy and the Russian Navy, for destroyers - after the US Navy and Japan).

Submarine fleet

The PRC is actively expanding its submarine fleet, which is approaching the American one in size (75 submarines; in the Russian Navy - 70).

According to the compilers of the reference book The Military Balance, published International Institute Strategic Studies, IISS), the PLA Navy operates only 61 submarines, but the US Department of Defense believes that China currently has at least 70 submarines, including 16 nuclear-powered ones.

The naval component of the PRC's nuclear deterrent forces are four Project 094 Jin nuclear-powered missile submarines (commissioned in 2006-2015), each with 12 JL-2 ballistic missiles and anti-ship missiles.

Two Project 094B nuclear submarines are being completed, each of which will carry 16 JL-2 missiles.

To replace the outdated nuclear submarines of Project 091 "Han" (3 units as part of the Northern Fleet), new ones were built - Project 093 "Shan" (presumably 6 units). Construction of new Project 095 nuclear submarines is underway.

The most modern of Chinese diesel submarines are the 15 Project 041A Yuan submarines.

Construction of even more modern Project 043 submarines has begun.

Also in service are 12 Russian-built diesel-electric submarines - projects 877, 636 and 636EM (Varshavyanka). In addition, 13 Chinese-made Project 039 Song submarines are in service.

Project 035 Min submarines are older, but still combat-ready; their number is estimated at 15 units.

Aircraft carriers

The only one on this moment Chinese aircraft carrier"Liaoning" (in the fleet since 2012) is a former Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag" of project 11436, acquired in 1998 from Ukraine in an unfinished state.

The ship can accommodate up to 24 Shenyang J-15 fighters (copied from the Su-27K purchased in Ukraine) and up to 17 helicopters (Russian Ka-31 radar patrol, anti-submarine Ka-28 and Chinese transport Z-8).

Currently, China is building a new aircraft carrier. It is stated that in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics it will be superior to the Liaoning.


The PLA Navy operates 21 destroyers:

four ships Russian projects 956E (2 units) and 956EM (2 units), delivered to China in the late 1990s - early 2000s;

three ships of projects 051C and 051B, built during the same period;

ten ships of projects 052, 052В, 052С;

in 2014, the first destroyer of project 052D "Kunming" was accepted into the Chinese fleet (4 units were put into service, 8 more units are being built).


The most numerous class of surface ships of the PLA Navy (56 units) are frigates.

The oldest are 6 ships of Project 051 of the Luyda type (modifications of Soviet projects of the 1950s, built from the early 1970s to the early 1990s).
26 Project 053N ships of various modifications (created on the basis of the Soviet Project 50 patrol ship "Ermine"). These frigates (except for the most modern modification 053N3) are gradually being withdrawn from the Navy, some of them are sold to other countries or transferred to the coast guard.

Since the mid-2000s. To replace the frigates of Project 053N, two frigates of Project 054 and 22 frigates of Project 054A were built, and three more frigates of the latter type are planned to be commissioned. Vertical launch systems for anti-aircraft guided missiles on Project 054A frigates are based on the Russian Shtil air defense system.

Corvettes, boats and minesweepers

In 2012, the PRC began construction of Project 056 corvettes. Currently, 23 ships of this type have already been commissioned, of which four are anti-submarine 056A. It is planned that the total number of such ships will be at least 50 units.

The PLA Navy ranks first in the world in the number of combat boats (more than 200). There are about 100 missile boats(projects 022, 037-II, 037-IG) and approximately the same number of patrol boats (projects 037-I, 037, 062-I).

Mine sweeping forces are represented by the only minelayer project 918 "Voley" and 48 units of minesweepers of projects 081, 082 and 082A.

Landing ships

The PLA Navy's amphibious forces include:

four universal landing ships-helicopter carriers of Project 071 type "Qinchenshan";

30 large landing ships of Project 072 of four modifications;

13 Project 073 medium landing ships;

about 60 small landing ships (projects 074A, 074, 079-II);

four landing hovercraft of project 12322 "Zubr", built in Ukraine.

Naval aviation

Organizationally, it consists of six air divisions, two in each of the fleets.

According to The Military Balance, the naval aviation of the Navy has 346 aircraft (second in the world in this indicator after the American one). Among them are 30 Xian H-6G bombers (their own modification of the Soviet Tu-16) and 120 Xian JH-7 and JH-7A fighters.

Fighters are represented by 24 Su-30MK2 aircraft Russian production and copies of the Su-27SK - 72 Shenyang J-11B and J-11BS aircraft.

There are also at least 20 in service carrier-based fighters"Shenyang" J-15. In addition, naval aviation has 22 Chengdu J-10 multirole fighters and 24 Shenyang J-8 units. Production of J-11 and J-10 continues, their number will increase.

Anti-submarine aviation is represented by three amphibious aircraft own production SH-5 and 44 helicopters (19 Russian Ka-28, 25 Chinese Harbin Z-9C, created on the basis of the French AS365).

There are three H-6DU refueling aircraft (a project based on the H-6 bomber).

The PLA Navy is armed with 32 Y-8 multi-role aircraft. Of these, 8 boards are used as electronic reconnaissance aircraft, 4 boards are used as Y-8J early warning aircraft, the rest are used as transport aircraft.
There are also 10 Y-7 transport aircraft and more than 100 training aircraft.

The PLA naval aviation also includes:

44 multi-purpose helicopters (19 Russian Ka-28 and 25 Chinese Harbin Z-9C);
9 Ka-31 AWACS helicopters;

43 transport helicopters (8 Russian Mi-8, 20 Chinese Z-8, created on the basis of the French SA-321; 15 SA-321 itself).


Includes two brigades as part of the Law Firm. In addition to preparing for amphibious operations, Chinese marines carry out garrison duty on the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, disputed with Vietnam.

In service with brigades Marine Corps consists of 73 ZTD-05 light tanks and 152 ZBD-05 infantry fighting vehicles.

Self-propelled artillery includes more than 20 Type-07 self-propelled guns of 120 mm caliber and more than 20 obsolete Type-89 self-propelled guns. Also in service with the Marine Corps
PLA consist jet systems multiple rocket launcher "Type-63", anti-tank missile systems HJ-73 and HJ-8, man-portable air defense systems
HN-5 and 82 mm mortars.

We will analyze the modern combat strength and combat potential of the PLA Navy from various positions, namely: At the same time, we do not take into account the factors of the influence of natural and climatic conditions, the organization of combat service, the use of floating rear and forward basing points, and the technical reliability of weapons and weapons. Calculation materials for the above areas of analysis are included in the appendix.

Let's summarize the analysis by displaying the results graphically - see Fig. 3 and 4.

Rice. 3. Indicators of the state of combat ship personnel. Combat ship composition

Rice. 3. Age categories of combat ship personnel

Rice. 3. Indicators of the state of combat ship personnel. The latest and most modern ships (in brackets - specific gravity in the structure under consideration)

Thus, the “averaged standard displacement of the ship’s personnel” is about 1000 tons, and the same value “for the crew” is 68 people, which indicates the “coastal orientation” of the Chinese fleet as a whole.

As an example of this, we note that in the structure of the combat ship composition, small nuclear-powered ships have a quantitative predominance - missile and patrol boats, whose specific weight is 51.9% and which accounts for 1/5 of the anti-ship missile potential of the Chinese fleet.

Ships in the maritime zone - destroyers and frigates, as well as submarines account for 4.7, 7.9 and 13.8 percent, respectively.

At the same time, the renewal of the ship's composition is carried out with a primary focus on the construction of ships in the sea and ocean zones. So, out of 121 warship, built in the last 10-15 years, the share of landing ships accounts for 38.0%, submarines - 27.3%, frigates - 13.2% and destroyers - 10.7% of "new construction".

Meanwhile, the negligible number of China's mine-resistant ships - 46 units - are hopelessly old. (95.8%), which makes mine defense not only ineffective, but ephemeral... Similar conclusions apply to outdated and old small bank banks (96.6%)…..

Rice. 4. Combat aviation personnel

Rice. 4. Age categories of combat aviation personnel

In addition, we note that the fleet's obsolete and old ships include 18 destroyers (55.2% of ships of this class), 33 frigates (67.3%) and 40 landing ships (46.5%).

As a result and in general, it is obvious that:

  • most of the combat naval personnel are represented by obsolete and old ships, which casts doubt on their combat value;
  • the imbalance in China’s modern naval construction is the predominant construction of sea and ocean-going ships, “while neglecting” the coastal defense forces, which provide “their daily routine” for the actions of sea and ocean-going ships.
The combat aviation composition of the PLA Navy is mostly represented by aircraft of obsolete and old designs - 82.7%, and in "functional terms": fighter - 43.5% of aircraft (232 fighters), bomber - 22.5% (120 aircraft), and fighter-bomber and attack (19.5% or 104 vehicles) aviation.

The state of the Chinese fleet's combat aircraft fleet can be defined as:

  • bomber aircraft - all vehicles are old and outdated designs;
  • - 86.2% of fighter aircraft (200 aircraft) are also represented by aircraft of old and obsolete designs,
  • fighter-bomber aircraft, almost half (46.1%) are aircraft of old designs.
The negligible composition of the basic patrol aircraft is “conspicuous” - 12 UUV aircraft of an old design, which makes the effectiveness of aerial reconnaissance and patrolling very doubtful, without the involvement of reconnaissance aircraft and AWACS of the Chinese Air Force...

Thus, the modern PLA Navy Air Force is also overwhelmingly (82.7%) represented by aircraft of old and obsolete designs, which makes their combat value questionable.

The renewal of the PLA Navy's aircraft fleet, as well as the naval personnel discussed above, is carried out primarily in the renewal of strike and fighter aircraft: among the 88 new and modern aircraft built or acquired recently, there are 56 fighter-bombers (63.6% of receipts) and 32 fighters (36.4%).

Let's analyze the geographical projection of the combat potential of the PLA Navy by range zones.

At the same time, operational zones are determined by distance from the coastline, namely: coastal - up to 200 miles; short sea - from 200 miles to 500 miles, sea - from 500 miles to 1000 miles, and ocean - over 1000 miles. Geographically, the division of the near sea and marine operational zones passes along the line: the southwestern waters of the Sea of ​​​​Japan - the eastern tip of Kyushu Island - South part Luzon Islands and the delta of the river. Mekong. And the division of the near-sea and coastal operational zones runs along the line: the western coast of the Korean Peninsula – the eastern coast of the island of Taiwan – the “middle” of the Indochina Peninsula. Thus, the coastal and near sea operational zones actually cover the waters of the Yellow, East China and South China Seas.

The assignment of a particular BNK, submarine or aircraft to any operational zone is carried out using the method expert assessments, without taking into account the possibility of refueling during a hike (flight). At the same time, displacement, autonomy and operational radius were used as approximate criteria for the “zoning” of a combat weapon. Thus, we conditionally assume that a non-ship or submarine has a displacement of less than 1.5-2.0 thousand tons and an endurance of less than 10 days. is not an ocean-going ship and may be a ship in a sea or other navigation zone, depending on the operational radius. The “zoning” of the aircraft is determined by the size of the operational radius.

At the same time, the operational radius is defined as: for a UAV or submarine - an indicator equal to 40% of the “certified” cruising range, and for aircraft – an indicator equal to 30% of the “certified” flight range.

The “difference between percentages” adopted in the calculations is predetermined by the physical difference between swimming and flying. Thus, the loss of 20% of a ship’s cruising range can be predetermined by weather conditions, ship maneuvering, etc. subjective factors. In the case of an aircraft, to these factors should be added the possible need to loiter the aircraft in the combat area, since an aircraft, unlike a ship, “cannot stand still”...

Rice. 5. Distribution (in percentage) of the combat potential of the PLA Navy by operational zones, 2006.


The inner line is the potential of the ocean operating zone. Middle line - potential in maritime zone. The extreme line is the potential in the near sea zone. The perimeter line of the diagram is the coastal operational zone (100% combat potential).

The calculation of the indicators of the combat strength and combat potential of the PLA Navy is included in the appendix, and the result is reflected in Fig. 5. Let's analyze the result obtained. At the same time, we do not take into account the factor of tension in the use of naval forces and assets.

So, it is obvious that for actions in coastal zone 100% of the combat strength and combat potential of the Chinese fleet can be used. But less than half (45.6%) of combat aircraft can be used for operations in the near sea zone and excludes the possibility of using up to 20% of the BNK. And for actions in the maritime operational zone can be used up to? combat ships and 14% of combat aircraft.

Thus, based on the results of 2006, the Chinese fleet still maintains a combat structure focused on operations in the coastal and near sea operational zones.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that during the first six years of the 21st century, the PLA Navy managed to significantly increase the potential of its force presence in the maritime operational zone - see table. 54.

Let's consider the combat potential of China's naval forces from the standpoint of combat readiness - the achieved or normatively specified state of the fleet forces, characterizing their ability to begin military operations and/or begin to carry out combat missions on time. To do this, we will introduce the “constant readiness force coefficient - KSPG” - an indicator reflecting the share of combat-ready forces in the total number of forces and assets of the fleet.

Obviously, the values ​​of “KSPG” can be determined by analyzing the data on the actual readiness of a submarine, UHC or aircraft, which we are unable to do. Therefore, we initially believe that the value of “KSPG” is taken within the framework of (0.4-0.6) for BNK and PL, and (0.75-0.85) for aircraft.

Let's calculate the values ​​of these values ​​​​of the realized combat potential of the PLA Navy - see table 55 (data rounded up).

Table 55. The values ​​of the realized combat potential of the PLA Navy depending on the implementation of the indicator of constant readiness forces


The nuclear submarine does not include the Xia SSBN due to its experimental operation.

Thus, the Chinese Navy can simultaneously use two or three nuclear submarines and about 33 - 50 diesel-electric submarines, 12-18 destroyers, 20-30 frigates and up to 200 small submarines, and Chinese Naval Aviation can use about 30-34 bombers, 78 -88 fighter-bombers, up to 200 fighters and 9-10 basic patrol aircraft.

As a result and in general, we note that the modern Naval Forces of the People's Republic of China are quantitatively provided with the forces and means to create a favorable operational regime within the zone limited by the “first chain of islands - the Ryukyu and Philippine Islands,” which indicates the completion of the first stage "Active Defense Strategies".

The qualitative side of the implementation of this stage is discussed below, in the third chapter of the work.