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Numbers (presentation) presentation for a mathematics lesson (senior group) on the topic. Numbers (presentation) presentation for a mathematics lesson (senior group) on the topic Didactic material for teachers

Lesson 11. Number 1. Number 1. One and many

The presentation shows:
additional task with interactive support and animation,
task No. 1 with animation,
task No. 2 with animation,
task No. 3 with animation,
task No. 4 with animation,
task No. 5 with animation,
task No. 6 with interactive support and animation.



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“My mathematics” 1st grade Lesson 11 Lesson topic: “The number one. Number 1. One and many" Tips for the teacher. The presentation for the lesson is based on the tasks located in the textbook. I recommend opening the textbook on the page with this lesson, reading the assignments and viewing them in this presentation in demo mode. Attention! Some tasks can be completed interactively. For example, continue a series, compare or insert missing numbers. To do this, the presentation must be put into editing mode. Author of the presentation: Anna Vasilievna Tatuzova teacher at school No. 1702 in Moscow

Repetition. Place number cards under the pictures so that the number on the card tells how many objects are in the picture. MATHEMATICS Lesson 11. Number one. Number 1. One and many Attention! This task can be completed interactively. To do this, the presentation must be put into editing mode.

Repetition. Place number cards under the pictures so that the number on the card tells how many objects are in the picture. MATHEMATICS Lesson 11. Number one. Number 1. One and many Check!

2. Place as many circles on the table as there are cars in Petya’s drawing. MATHEMATICS Lesson 11. Number one. Number 1. One and many

3. Name the number of objects in each picture. one one one MATH Lesson 11. Number one. Number 1. One and many The number one is written with the sign - number 1.

MATHEMATICS Lesson 11. Number one. Number 1. One and many 4. Write it down. Continue the rows.

How many points are there in the picture on the left? MATHEMATICS Lesson 11. Number one. Number 1. One and many Compare the number of dots. one many 5. How many points are there in the picture on the right?

MATHEMATICS Lesson 11. Number one. Number 1. One and many 7. Help Katya find the path she needs to follow in order to collect the largest number of red circles

MATHEMATICS Lesson 11. Number one. Number 1. One and many 7. Help Katya find the path she needs to follow in order to collect the largest number of red circles


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Mathematics. 1 class. Lesson 13. Number two. Number 2. Presentation Lesson 13. Number two. Number 2 The presentation shows: task No. 1 with interactive...

Number 1 is the easiest and the very first that a child recognizes. Getting to know her begins first. This number is not difficult to write, but counting to one is even easier.

And yet numbers should be studied in a system, without separating numbers from each other. Poems, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles, pictures, cartoons “Lessons from Aunt Owl” and other entertaining aids can help the educator, teacher and parents with this, even if he is going to class in grades 1-4.

If we are teaching the number 1 with our child, we will try to offer him riddles. For preschoolers, as well as for children attending grades 1-4, riddles are an excellent technique to attract attention and interest. Riddles are a description behind which the number 1 is hidden. After hearing the riddles, the baby should find out what they are talking about.


Riddles are not only interesting, but also useful for the development of thinking. Riddles help you become smarter, develop a reaction to another person’s messages, develop ingenuity, and are useful for preschoolers and children attending grades 1-4. Love riddles and offer them to children more often. Do not be confused by the fact that riddles are a genre of folklore and do not belong to the field of mathematics. Children should develop harmoniously. Let's learn the number 1 with riddles!

Proverbs and sayings

An equally important genre of oral folk art in the development of children are proverbs and sayings. Proverbs express the wisdom of people, collected into a single saying over many centuries. Proverbs and sayings instruct and teach us. You may ask: what could be the instructions for preschoolers and children attending grades 1-4? Proverbs and sayings often present the number 1 as an expression of primacy, and primacy can lead to such a negative character trait as selfishness. Proverbs and sayings warn children against negative behavior. Let's learn the number 1 using proverbs and sayings!

If we study the number 1 with children, we should not forget about puzzles. Like riddles, puzzles develop intelligence and creative thinking. As a genre, rebuses are an encrypted word. In the case of the number 1, rebuses can have the meaning of the number or its spelling encrypted.


Rebuses are encrypted using other words. Where can you use puzzles for children? In any situation: classes in children's center, conversations at home, in lessons for children who attend grades 1-4. You can download puzzles on our website.

Another interesting genre of folk art is tongue twisters. If we are teaching the number 1, it wouldn’t hurt to practice the child’s speech. IN early age We study mathematics with children in combination with other sciences, and tongue twisters will help us with this. Tongue twisters are based on the frequent repetition of similar sounds. You can also download tongue twisters on the website.


The manuals also include poems by modern authors, as well as short rhymes for children. If we study the number 1 in class or at home, it is better to take poems by S. Marshak or A. Barto, but there are also interesting funny poems of an entertaining nature. Poems not only introduce children to the number 1, but also develop a sense of rhythm, language, and instill good taste. Poems can not only be read in class or at home, but also given to children at home if they go to an aesthetic center or 1st grade. If you love poetry, be sure to introduce it to your children. You can download poems by modern authors and interesting rhymes on the website. Let's learn numbers in verse!

After becoming familiar with the number 1, you can invite the children to practice writing it. How do you write the number 1? Very simple. It is enough to learn to write or draw a stick and attach a tail to it.

Coloring pages

To learn to write numbers, use special writing and coloring books.


A copybook will help your child quickly learn to write numbers. Even if your child doesn’t know how to write well yet, try drawing a number together. Copy and coloring books will help you draw or learn to write the number 1 correctly. To draw the number 1, draw the stick from top to bottom. Then you should draw a small tail diagonally at the top of the number. Download copybooks and coloring pages that will help you learn how to write the number 1 and draw it. Let's learn numbers along with copybooks!

English cursive.
Learning to write numbers in English.

As a provocative question in class, you can ask the children the following: what does the number “one” look like? Let's try to think about what this figure looks like. It looks like a stick, like a gun, like a hook. There may be many more answers to the question: what does the number “one” look like? Pictures, presentations, video tutorials, and photos will help stimulate children to answer what a number looks like. Let's study the numbers with interest!

How to write correctly?

Video tutorials

Pictures, photos of similar shaped objects, as well as the fascinating cartoon “Lessons from Auntie Owl” will help you correctly draw or learn to write the number 1. Together with the cartoon series “Lessons from Aunt Owl” we are studying the number 1.

What is the “Lessons from Aunt Owl” series? These are short cartoons with a separate story dedicated to each topic. At the same time, a poem is read, pictures are shown, and action takes place with the characters. The cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl” will immerse children in a fairy-tale atmosphere and show the study of mathematics from a completely different perspective. “Lessons from Aunt Owl” is a colorful and vibrant cartoon. “Lessons from Aunt Owl” can be shown to preschoolers and children attending 1st grade. You can download “Lessons from Aunt Owl” here. Let's learn the number 1 along with the "Lessons from Aunt Owl" series. It will help you correctly draw and learn to write the number 1.

Another video about digital


We also teach the children the number 1 along with the presentation. The presentation presented on our website may be interesting to view at home or in a children's aesthetic center. The presentation is bright, colorful and will surely appeal to children. This presentation will greatly facilitate the work of teachers who are preparing for a lesson in 1st grade. The presentation contains poetry, learning about numbers is exciting, and you can add puzzles and riddles to it. Let's learn number 1 with our presentation!

Developmental tasks

So, puzzles, riddles, tongue twisters, poems, etc. – all the benefits on our website will certainly be useful to your child. No matter what grade a child goes to, he will always be interested in finding out what a number looks like and how to draw it, if the information is presented in an interesting way. Let's learn numbers together!

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Slide captions:

GBDOU Kindergarten No. 79 of the compensatory type of the Frunzensky district of the city of St. Petersburg “Semitsvetik” Author: Prokofieva N. A., teacher of the highest category Introducing the number 1 Presentation for the lesson

Without a basket, without a basket, a little fox went into the forest. He walked around, wandered around and found a fungus... (one).

One penguin lived on an ice floe, He walked on the ice floe alone, The penguin was bored, the penguin was sad Among the snow and white ice floes. If only he had a friend, he wouldn’t be so lonely. 1

1 This figure is one. See how proud she is. Oh, do you know why? Starts counting everything. Digit 1

T U 7 M 1 1 1 I T I 4 U


Didactic exercise "Geometric figures" These figures are fidgety, They love to play hide and seek. So let's, guys, Let's look for them with our eyes. Look left, look right, Look... Where is the circle? (Right) And we found you. Here he is, beloved friend. Let's all look to the left together. What's there? (Square) Where is the square? You prankster cannot escape, from the inquisitive eyes of the guys. Let's look down with our eyes, (Triangle) We'll find the triangle there. This is a triangle. Where is the rectangle? (Above)

Didactic game “What has changed?”

Didactic game “What has changed?”

This finger is grandpa This finger is grandma And this finger is me This finger is daddy This finger is mommy That's my whole family Warm-up for fingers


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This collection is intended for educators preparatory groups kindergarten and for teachers primary school. You can find a lot of riddles, proverbs and sayings using numbers in various and...

A methodological technique for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in consolidating the correct writing of numbers. Fairy tale "The Kingdom of Numbers".

A way to consolidate writing numbers correctly, and not in a mirror form....

number 4. composition number 4.

Quantity and counting. Number and figure 4. make up the number 4. Goal: to introduce children to the formation of the number 4, the composition of the number 4, the number 4. Objectives: To develop the ability to correlate the number...

Topic: “Journey to the land of numbers. Number and figure 1."

Abstract directly educational activities on cognitive development (formation of elementary mathematical concepts)...

"Counting to three, number and number 3. Introducing the number 3"

[[("type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"9888728","attributes":("alt":"","class":"media-image"," height":"248","width":"480")]]Goal:Mastering the number 3, introduce the number 3. Develop logical...

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Slide captions:

Introducing preschoolers to numbers

What is a number?

A number is just a symbol, a sign of a number, and this is its main role

Remember Numbers are a secondary concept. The ability to distinguish numbers does not affect the formation of the counting process: objects are counted, not numbers.

Number and digit zero. Ten.

Introducing a child to zero presents a separate methodological problem, since zero is not a natural number

When getting acquainted with numbers, it is advisable to remember that preschoolers should not be taught to write numbers; this is provided for in primary school programs.

Teach children to recognize the image of numbers in various images; Teach children to relate the word - numeral and number; - Teach children to memorize the outlines of numbers. The purpose of the teacher’s work when introducing children to numbers:

Exercises with numbers

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

A number like the letter O is a zero, or nothing. A round zero, so pretty, But it doesn’t mean anything. 0

Here is one, or one, very thin, like a knitting needle. 1

But this is number two. Admire how it looks: The deuce arches its neck, Its tail drags behind it. 2

Three is the third of the icons, Consists of two hooks. 3

After three come four, A sharp protruding elbow. 4

And then she went to dance. The number five on the paper. She extended her hand to the right and bent her leg sharply. 5

Number six - door lock: Hook on top, circle on bottom. 6

Here is seven - a poker. She has one leg. 7

The figure eight has two rings without beginning or end. 8

Number nine or nine, Circus acrobat: If she stands on her head, Number six will become nine. 9

The cheerful round zero said to his neighbor - one: - Let me stand next to you on the page! She looked at him with an angry, proud look: “You, zero, are worth nothing.” Don't stand next to me! Zero answered: “I admit that I’m worth nothing, But you can become ten, If I’m with you.” 10

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation "Learning numbers"

The presentation is intended for children aged 4-6 years. Not only a graphic representation of the number is offered, but also a poem about this number. I will be glad if my material is used for its intended purpose....

Presentation for younger preschoolers "Number and figure."

The presentation contains material for strengthening the knowledge of numbers and numbers within 5 in younger preschoolers with hearing impairments. All actions are set up “click on” for the convenience of working with a group of...

Marina Solovyova
Math lesson “One, many. Number, figure 1"

Topic: “One, many. Number, figure 1"

Basic textbook: Shevelev K. V. Entertaining mathematics. Workbook for preschoolers 4-75 years old. / K.V. Shevelev. – M. : /Yuventa Publishing House, 2013. – 40 p. : ill.


Educational: give an idea of ​​the concepts: one, many. Introduce the formation and naming of the number 1.

Practical: to promote the formation of graphic skills when drawing objects in cells.

Developmental: continue the development of fine and gross motor skills, visual perception, attention, memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination.

Educational: to cultivate the ability to come to the rescue, friendly relationships.

Lesson type: getting to know new material

Didactic material for teachers:

For the teacher: laptop, Parsley toy, cards with pictures, literature.

For students: math notebooks, red and green apples.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment (emotional mood for the lesson)

2. Updating knowledge.

2.1. Introduction to the concept of “one”, “many”

2.2. Reinforcing the concepts of “one”, “many”

3. Generalization and systematization of the studied material.

3.1. Working with printed notebooks

3.2. Working with demo material

3.3. Working with printed notebooks

4. Lesson summary

5. Relaxation

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Teacher: Hello, children!

Teacher: Today Parsley came to our lesson (The teacher shows a picture of Parsley)

Today he will help teach me a lesson.

2. Updating and systematization of acquired knowledge.

Teacher: He is a funny toy, and his name is...

The children say in unison: “Parsley!”

Teacher: Parsley brought us an interesting game. Let's play?

The teacher shows paired cards and asks what is drawn on one and what is on the other (on one there is one ball, and on the other there are many balls). Then he gives each child one card and asks:

Who has one ball?

Who has a lot of balls? Etc.

When all the paired pictures have been examined, the teacher places two boxes of different sizes in front of the children and offers to put their cards there: in a small box - cards with one toy, in a large box - with several toys, etc.

Teacher: Well done! Let's now relax a little and play the game “Complete the Poem Correctly”

In the evening the moon rises.

How many moons are there in the sky? (one)

The rooster is like an important gentleman,

Walking around the yard (alone)

Winnie the Pooh hurries to the den:

There are pots of honey (lots of them)

Forest in the snow, white road,

It snowed (a lot)

3. Introducing the number 1.

Teacher: Open your notebooks, let’s try to write the number 1 in the boxes.

The guys are doing the task

Teacher: Guys, our Petrushka doesn’t know geometric shapes! Let's show him geometric shapes!

The teacher shows cards with geometric shapes, the children name them.

Teacher: You also have geometric figures drawn in your notebooks. Color the figures that are drawn one at a time.

The guys do the tasks.

Teacher: Well done! Tired? Let's rest!

Hands need care

(arms extended in front of you)

After all, they have a lot to worry about:

It's hard to write all day long

(clench and unclench fists)

And sculpt and draw.


We reached up, then

(raise hands up)

Let's spread our arms wider.

(spread arms to the sides)

That's all. End of charging.

Sit down at the table again, guys.

Teacher: Guys, our Parsley says goodbye to us, he has to go to another lesson with the guys. Let's tell him goodbye! Did you enjoy playing with Petrushka?

Tell us, what new did you learn in our lesson today?