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Gazprom state company. Gazprom is a Russian gas giant.

Production volumes fell short of the 500 billion cubic meters promised in November by the company’s Deputy Chairman of the Board Valery Golubev. m

Last year Gazprom produced 478.7 billion cubic meters. m of gas. Production volumes fell short of the 500 billion cubic meters promised in November by the company’s Deputy Chairman of the Board Valery Golubev. m. Although back in mid-2012. Gazprom confidently spoke about plans to produce and sell 528.6 billion cubic meters. m of gas.

The year was one of the most unsuccessful for Gazprom, reports the RBC daily newspaper. Over the past two years, the company's production performance has only grown: in 2010. they amounted to 508.6 billion cubic meters. m of gas, and in 2011 - 513 billion cubic meters. m. The picture was spoiled by the fall in demand for Russian gas from European countries. According to the Central Dispatch Department of the Fuel and Energy Complex, the decrease in exports of Russian pipeline gas to non-CIS countries at the end of 2012 amounted to 3.5%.

Gazprom announced its intention to maintain the level of supplies to Europe in the amount of 150 billion cubic meters. m of gas. Exports to the CIS countries also decreased by 12.3%. Gazprom's production indicators in 2012 in fact, they turned out to be at the level of the worst crisis year for him, 2009. (then production amounted to 461 billion cubic meters).

Monopoly production was supported by cold December. As Gazprom head Alexey Miller noted in the middle of the month, the company observed “an unprecedented increase in supplies to the European market.” At the same time, a historical daily record for gas supplies to Europe was recorded - 550 million cubic meters. m.

Domestic demand also grew by 0.4%. Production in the last month of the year amounted to 49 billion cubic meters. m of gas, an increase of 2.9% compared to the same period in 2011. Of these, about 19.7 billion cubic meters. m was exported (an increase of 13%).

According to estimates by Nikolai Podlevskikh from the investment company Zerich Capital Management, the December increase in production brought Gazprom about $1 billion in revenue. And if it were not for the abnormal cold, the drop in the monopoly’s production would have already amounted to 8% (473.6 billion cubic meters).

In general, gas production in Russia at the end of 2012. amounted to 655 billion cubic meters. m, decreasing by 2.3%. It was possible to level out Gazprom's indicators at the expense of independent producers. Thus, NOVATEK produced 51.034 billion cubic meters. m of gas (growth 5.9%), oil companies- 67.571 billion cubic meters m (growth 5.7%).

Experts expect an even greater deterioration in Gazprom’s performance both due to competition in domestic market, and due to the diversification of supplies externally. “The company is further threatened by a decrease in the share of gas supplies to Europe due to competition with Qatar and the prospect of Iran entering this market (with the help of the new Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline),” says N. Podlevskikh.

Let us recall that in accordance with Gazprom’s investment program for 2013, the main priorities for capital construction expenditures in the field of production are the development of the Bovanenkovskoye, Medvezhye, Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye and other fields.

The main priorities of the investment program in transportation are increasing capacity main gas pipelines Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta, Ukhta - Torzhok, Gryazovets - Vyborg and the implementation of the Southern Corridor project.

In accordance with the program, the total volume of investments next year will be 705.41 billion rubles. At the same time, the share of capital investments will account for 658.455 billion rubles, of which expenses for capital construction - 655.158 billion rubles, for the acquisition of non-current assets into the ownership of Gazprom - 3.297 billion rubles, and the volume of long-term financial investments- 46.955 billion rubles.

Even the Ministry of Energy does not expect an increase in gas consumption in Russia, recalls Dmitry Marinchenko, director of Fitch's corporate department. “I would not rule out the possibility that Gazprom will be able to slightly increase sales within the country,” the expert continues. – But expectations for additional production growth in Western Siberia and in Yamal by 15–35 billion cubic meters. m per year they say that the company expects a corresponding increase in consumption primarily in Europe.”

2017 was a year for Russian company record for gas exports. Gazprom supplied 194.4 billion cubic meters to non-CIS countries. m, and its share in the European gas market increased to 35%.

Gas production in continental Europe “continues to fall,” Gazprom deputy chairman Alexander Medvedev said in January. "Europe's growing demand for natural gas was covered by import supplies. Contrary to expectations, LNG was far from the only source of these volumes, the top manager pointed out. – In 2017, Norway increased its supplies to European markets by 6%. Gazprom's gas exports grew even faster. At the same time, European regasification terminals remained significantly underutilized.” Gazprom’s opportunities to increase its share in the European market have not yet been exhausted, he specified.

Kiril Polous Head of Department 123, Gazprom

For several years we were frightened by a significant loss of market positions in Europe, and as a result, 2017 ended with another record for the export of Russian pipeline gas, and 2018 began with deliveries Russian LNG in USA. The share of gas supplied by Gazprom to Europe could reach 35–38% by 2030, and by 2035 it could increase to 38–41%.

Whether the demand for gas in Europe by 2025 will be such as to match Gazprom’s production directly depends on the temperature and on the pace of development of renewable energy in the region, says Mikhail Korchemkin, director of East European Gas Analysis. “In England, the conservative forecast for this year is that the share of renewable energy will be about 24%. Coal generation is falling sharply, wind generation is growing strongly, the process of transition to renewable energy sources cannot be stopped,” the expert lists. “But if cold weather persists in the region for the next seven years, then Gazprom’s consumption will be ensured.”

The structure of gas supplies to Europe may change significantly by 2025, Marinchenko suggests: “The shortage of global gas liquefaction capacity may lead to most of LNG currently arriving in Europe will be transported to countries in the Asia-Pacific region.” Given the decline in its own production in the EU, this may give Gazprom the opportunity to increase its share in the European market. “Sell an additional 35 billion cubic meters in this direction. m year is, of course, an optimistic scenario,” argues Marinchenko. – But increase exports to Europe by 10–15 billion cubic meters. m company may well.”