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State government social service institution of the Moscow region "Royal social rehabilitation center for minors "Zabota". State government social service institution of the Moscow region "Royal social

Director : Bukhantsova Ekaterina Borisovna

Administrative apparatus of the Center.

Department of diagnostics and social rehabilitation (with 26 children staying there 24 hours a day).

The Department of Diagnostics and Social Rehabilitation is intended for:

Providing temporary residence to minors who find themselves in difficult life situations, orphans, children without parental care, children with deviant behavior;

Providing timely qualified social, psychological, pedagogical and other assistance to minors with various shapes maladjustment;

Implementation of individual and group programs for social rehabilitation of minors, developed taking into account the degree of maladjustment of gender and age characteristics of minors on the basis of a differentiated approach to the rehabilitation process;

Assisting the child in overcoming learning difficulties and getting involved in work.

Family and Children Assistance Department (working hours - weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00, from 13:00 to 14:00 - lunch break).

The department is intended for:

Organization of the phased implementation of individual social rehabilitation programs for families of minors who find themselves in difficult life situations, whose children are pupils of the diagnostics and social rehabilitation department and the rehabilitation department of children with mental and physical disabilities;

Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors, including minors with disabilities and disabled children;

Providing assistance to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the further placement of minors living in the institution. - providing assistance to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the further placement of minors living in the institution.

Department of the District Social Service (the functions of this department are to provide pedagogical, psychological, and legal assistance to families and children of the city). The local social service department cares for 86 families.

The activities of the local social service department are aimed at implementing measures to implement family policy and promote the social protection of the family, motherhood and childhood in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

Specialists of the USS department identify minors who are in a socially dangerous situation, provide social patronage to families, and carry out preventive work to prevent family troubles and child homelessness together with all subjects of prevention.

The building was registered as the property of the Moscow Region and secured with operational rights.

​ MO, Korolev, microdistrict. Bolshevo, st. Spartakovskaya, 5. – the building is a typical barracks-type structure with a coal-fired boiler room, built in 1956. The general wear and tear of the building is 75%. total area the building is 382.4 sq.m. Usable area – 262.4 sq.m. Working area – 120 sq.m. The following departments operate in this building:

Department of rehabilitation of minors with mental and physical disabilities (classes are held in the presence of parents every day except weekends from 09:00 to 18:00). The planned number of places in the rehabilitation department for children with disabilities is 21.

The rehabilitation department for minors with mental and physical disabilities is intended for:

Ensuring the psychological security of the population, supporting and strengthening its psychological health, creating favorable socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical conditions for family education and socialization of children with disabilities;

For the rehabilitation (psychological-social, socio-pedagogical, social-medical, social-living, social-labor) of minors with disabilities in physical and mental development, as well as training parents in the peculiarities of their upbringing and rehabilitation methods.

The social rehabilitation center for minors “Zabota” in the city of Korolev works to provide assistance to children and adolescents in difficult life situations. All work of the center is carried out in accordance with the Charter, staffing table and regulations on the branches of the Center.

The main activities of the institution are:

  • Providing timely socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-legal assistance to families and children aged 3 to 18 years who find themselves in difficult life situations; assistance in implementation legal rights and the interests of children and families who find themselves in difficult life situations; assistance in improving social status, as well as psychological status;
  • Implementation of social - preventive, social - rehabilitation, medical - social, physical education - health, cultural - leisure, labor, advisory and information activities;
  • Development and implementation of social rehabilitation programs for minor children and their families who find themselves in difficult life situations;
  • Social patronage of families and children in need of social assistance;
  • Participation in work to prevent homelessness and neglect of minors, prevent crime and protect their rights;
  • Changing attitudes of teenagers towards educational activities, acquiring communication skills with adults and peers based on moral standards;
  • Education of children and adolescents in the field of prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and psychoactive substances;
  • Creation and organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents.

The institution was opened in 1996 on the basis of Decree of the head of the city of Kaliningrad, Moscow region dated November 24, 1994 No. 2747 for the purpose of social protection of children from disadvantaged families who found themselves without supervision, which until 1996 was part of the structure of the Department of Assistance to Family and Childhood of the Committee on Social questions of the City Administration of Korolev.


Department of rehabilitation of children with mental and physical disabilities as structural subdivision GKU SO MO KSRTsN "Zabota" has been operating since 2010, and was founded in 2003.

Work is being carried out in on an outpatient basis. Three shifts of children staying at the center for 2.5 hours each are organized (including 5 classes with specialists, 25 minutes each). Specialists conduct individual, group, and subgroup classes.

The basic principle building the rehabilitation process is the principle of an individually differentiated approach. This takes into account complex structure characteristics of the child’s development, the severity of personality changes associated with the disease.

Much attention is paid to working with parents on the continuity of rehabilitation activities - inclusion of parents or persons replacing them in the correctional pedagogical process. Expanding the field of pedagogical competence of parents, teaching them pedagogical methods and techniques for effective interaction with their child.

The program “Formation of color perception and color perception in children with disabilities” appeared at the Royal SRCN “Care” as a result of the constant search for new forms and methods of working with pupils and is implemented in the rehabilitation department of minors with mental and physical disabilities, mainly during the summer. This Program entered Innovation project Center, which was submitted to the competition as part of the award of the annual award of the Governor of the Moscow Region “Our Moscow Region” - “Find your way”.

Getting to know color helps children perceive objects and phenomena in the world around them more fully and subtly, develop observation and thinking, and enrich their speech. Thus, the way children become acquainted with color is the way of direct perception of color in connection with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, in unity with the word denoting it.

Program goals:

  • Formation of color perception and color perception.
  • Relieving emotional stress, regulating behavioral processes.
  • Instilling communication skills and effective interaction with others.
  • Teaching the child’s own play, communication and speech activity
  • Including children in a joint creative process.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of social support for children, improving the quality of life.

A comprehensive correctional and developmental color therapy program is a cycle of basic classes, each of which is associated with a specific color.

  • Green is the color of nature itself, it evokes a feeling of peace, tranquility, and helps dispel negative emotions. In terms of treatment, it stabilizes the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and is effective for headaches and visual impairment.
  • Blue is the color of “peace of mind,” relieves muscle tension and reduces anxiety. Used to treat overexcitable children, used for anxiety, restlessness, tension.
  • Blue is the color of inner harmony, associated with clear skies and clear water. It has analgesic and calming properties. This is especially important for hyperactive children and children suffering from fears.
  • Red is energy and strength, the color of fire and thirst for life. It excites, activates, increases performance and endurance, improves mood, and has a tonic effect on the nervous system.
  • Yellow is the color of the sun itself, bringing light, warmth and joy, promotes concentration, activates communication, increases self-esteem and helps with nervous exhaustion.

The section “Self-Expression in Color” occupies a special place in the work. The teacher uses the right-hemisphere drawing method, combining it with other art therapeutic techniques of working with paints. This type of activity has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche, calms and relaxes. An additional advantage is the ability to satisfy sensory hunger, since it is the kinesthetic experience that is leading for children with developmental disabilities.

The language of color is international, it is not related to race and culture. Even on animals, colors have the same effect.

Color therapy is one of the leading methods of ecotherapy. It is based on the ability of each biologically active zone of the body to respond to a certain color. The effect of flowers on the nervous system removes energy blockade - the cause of functional disorders, and restores the body's activity.

Thanks to color therapy high efficiency and absolute safety is used in treatment and correctional institutions around the world in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with behavioral disorders and diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Color light therapy is called chromotherapy. This method of influence was known in ancient times, when patients were treated with rays of sunlight penetrating through colored crystals. Our department uses special lamps. Monochromatic radiation eliminates depression and fatigue, normalizes sleep and blood pressure, increases immunity, helps with increased irritability, and improves well-being in case of weather dependence.

Much attention is paid in the department to socio-cultural rehabilitation.

Information extract about the company GKUSO MO "ROYAL SRCN "CARE" in Korolev

The company STATE STATE SOCIAL SERVICE INSTITUTION OF THE MOSCOW REGION "ROYAL SOCIAL REHABILITATION CENTER FOR MINORS "CARE" 5018098324 was registered at the address 141074, MOSCOW REGION, ROYAL CITY, OSTROVSKOGO STREET, 2A. The company was registered on December 15, 2004. The organization was appointed by the All-Russian State Registration number: 1045003379057. According to the documents presented during registration, the main type of activity is other care activities with provision of accommodation. The head is DIRECTOR BUKHANTSOVA EKATERINA BORISOVNA. To obtain more detailed information, you need to go to the company’s card and check the reliability of the counterparty.

Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal tax service No. 23 in the Moscow region carried out registration with the GKUSO MO "ROYAL SRCN "CARE" on December 15, 2004. After this, the procedure for registration with the State Institution - Management began Pension Fund RF No. 17, Korolev, Moscow Region, which was subsequently dated November 13, 2016. Registered with Branch No. 10 Government institution- Moscow regional branch of the Fund social insurance Russian Federation organization GKUSO MO "ROYAL SRCN "CARE" became 10/19/2016 00:00:00. In Unified State Register of Legal Entities the last entry about the company has the following content: Submission by the licensing authority of information on the granting of a license.

State government institution social services Moscow region "Royal social and rehabilitation center for minors "Zabota" has been providing assistance to children and families of the city since 1997.

The social rehabilitation center for minors “Zabota” is designed to serve children from 3 to 18 years old without parental care, neglected children, street children who find themselves in difficult life situations, minors from low-income families in need of emergency social assistance.

Korolyovsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors “Zabota” The center is located in two buildings located at the addresses:

Moscow Region, Korolev, st. Ostrovsky, 2a: typical building kindergarten, built in 1962. Total area – 924.4 sq.m. The building is equipped with running water, heating, sewerage

Moscow Region, Korolev, microdistrict. Bolshevo, st. Spartakovskaya, 5. – the building is a typical barracks-type structure with a coal-fired boiler room, built in 1956. The general wear and tear of the building is 75%. The total area of ​​the building is 382.4 sq.m. Usable area – 262.4 sq.m. Working area – 120 sq.m.

The institution has a license to carry out

medical activities