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Good deeds. drawing according to the plan "who do you want to be

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten. Alekseevka Bazarno-Karabulak municipal district

Saratov region"

Summary of continuous educational activities

On artistic and aesthetic development

In older - preparatory group on the topic of:

"Who do you want to become?"

Prepared by: Teplyakova Oksana Petrovna


First qualification category


Age group: senior preparatory

GCD theme : "Who do you want to become?."

Direction of education and development.(educational field):artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about people of different professions


5-6 years

6-7 years


Teach children to evaluate their drawings in accordance with the task.

To consolidate the ability to convey the image of a person in a drawing, depicting human figures in characteristic professional clothing, in a work environment, with the necessary attributes.


Strengthen the ability to draw the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.


Foster a sense of patriotism.

Cultivate a desire to help each other in difficult situations

Activities: gaming, communicative, motor, perception fiction and folklore, fine art

Forms of implementation of children's activities: riddles, games, physical exercises, conversations, situational conversations, drawing.

Forms of organization: group.

Equipment and materials :laptop, projector.illustrations or photographs depicting people of various professions. Presentation "Professions". White paper, pencil, colored pencils.

Preliminary work: Conversation looking at images of people of different professions. Reading stories about people of different professions. Conversations on the topic “What do your parents do?”, “Who would you like to be?” Excursions to the store, library, hairdresser, post office, construction site. Games in “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”.

Part I. Introductory part. Organizing time.

Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. But first we will need to guess a few riddles, the answers to which will give us an answer to the question: what will we talk about today?

Show presentation"Professions".

How can you name all the answers in one word?

Well done, we will talk about professions today.

What is a profession?(Children's answers)

2. Main part

A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life.

What professions do you think people primarily need for life?(Builder, cook, doctor, tailor.)

What other professions do you know? Children's answers...

There are many professions on earth

And each one is important.

Decide, my friend, who you should be.

After all, we have one life.

Guys, have you ever thought about what you want to become?

What attracts you to this profession?

Explaining something new or expanding existing knowledge.

Today you can draw what you want to be when you grow up.

Think about what you will depict on your sheet so that, after looking at the drawing, we can guess what profession you have chosen. Decide how best to place the piece of paper.

Physical exercise "Mill"

The mill, the mill grinds flour, (we twist our hands"mill")

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing stronger,(smoothly wave your arms above your head from side to side)

The mill grinds flour faster.

It blows - the wind blows stronger.

The mill grinds flour even faster.

It blows - the wind blows stronger.

We ground flour(knock fist on fist)

Huge bags (depicting"big bags")

From flour, from flour (clap our palms upside down, pretending to be pies)

We baked pies

Practical work.

I remind you of the methods of drawing with a simple pencil and painting over a drawing with colored pencils. I talk individually about what can be depicted so that the drawing is more expressive.

3 Final part. Reflection


Let's repeat once again what we drew today? (Children's answers).

What was difficult for you? Why? (Children's answers).

What did you handle easily?

Did you work together?

Well done!

All drawings are displayed on the board

Who will be the child who drew this picture?

How did you guess? What helped you with this?

What did you like about this drawing?

What do you like about your drawing?

What did you fail? .Well done. Rest.

Lesson notes in drawing

V senior group on the topic: “Who do I want to be”

(using information and communication technology)

Target: teach children plot drawing,drawing a person.


  1. Continue learning to draw people in motion.
  2. Learn to create a composition.
  3. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about types of professions.
  4. Develop compositional skills (draw across an entire sheet of paper, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).


  1. Gouache paints;
  2. brushes 2-3 sizes;
  3. sheets of paper (pre-tinted);
  4. jars of water;
  5. paper and cloth napkins;
  6. Palettes;
  7. illustrations depicting people of different professions (selection of illustrations for display using a multimedia projector).

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reads the poem “Professions” to the children:

We're still guys

Maybe there is not enough knowledge,

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will begin to heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier,

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

Ballerina and singer

I always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up beautifully,

Sing and dance for you!

I'm a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher,

I will give knowledge to children!

The children will be happy with me

I'm telling you for sure!

Well, I'll come back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become a teacher!

Guys, let's play with you!

Let's remember what other professions there are, besides those mentioned in the poem.

Game: “Name your profession.”

(The teacher, in turn, throws the ball. The one who catches the ball names one of the professions. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher asks a riddle and helps him answer).

For example: "Poems - riddles about professions."

The traffic light is flashing for me, The insidious fire will win
He knows that I... The one whose name is...
( Driver.) (Firefighter)

Before work he is a hunter, Furniture, bread and cucumbers
Every day with a plane... They sell us...
( A carpenter. ) (Sellers)

The sick person will not solve problems, but the children know exactly:
He treats all the sick... The food is delicious...
( Doctor.) (Cook)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod - delivered to me yesterday
Paints a picture from life... Five injections...
Artist) (Nurse.)

With a heavy bag he walks around the area, Every resident in the house knows -
He puts letters in our mailbox... This house was built...
( Postman) (Builder.)

Well done! You named so many professions. Now let us draw people of these professions.

We will paint with paints (gouache). But first, let's see what kind of pictures we can draw.

(The teacher shows illustrations on a multimedia projector. Drawing children’s attention to appearance, body position, arm position - to the sides, bent, raised up.)

Don't forget about the palette, what colors need to be mixed to get pink or flesh color for painting the human body.

The children get to work. As necessary, the teacher helps those children who need help.

Summary of the lesson.

What wonderful drawings you have drawn.

Let's collect them into one big book, which we'll call "Who I Want to Be"

(The teacher compiles a book, supplementing it with poems selected by the parents).

Lesson summary for the preparatory group "All work is good"

Program content. Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about professions; arouse interest in different professions, show the importance of the work of representatives of any profession for people’s lives, bring to awareness of the need for serious preparation to master any profession, cultivate respect for people - professionals, a sense of pride in working people.

Material. A letter from Dunno, photographs depicting representatives of different professions.

Preliminary work. Educational conversations “Bread is the head of everything”, “How good it is in our garden”, “Who built the new house?”, “What would you like to become?”, “Professions of my parents”, “Profession of the future”. Memorizing poems, riddles about professions. Making up riddles about professions. Reading the poem by V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?” Drawing on the theme “My future profession».

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, today I received a letter from Dunno. (Shows the letter.) In it, Dunno asks you to help him: “Dear guys! I can't decide what to become when I grow up. Please tell me the most the best profession. Your Dunno."

Educator. Well, let's help Dunno choose the best profession? I invite you to the photo exhibition “Professions”. Let's remember what professions there are. (Children determine the names of professions from photographs.)

Educator. What other professions do you know? (Children's answers.) You named a lot of professions. Are there any professions that you may not have even heard of? Think and tell me what does a person who works as a reindeer herder do? Snake catcher? A beekeeper? A designer? A draftsman? Crane operator? Security guard? etc. (Children's answers.) Correct! It’s not difficult to guess, because the word itself already contains a hint and it’s easy to guess what the person is doing. But there are professions that you need to know, and it is impossible to guess by name what a person does. Try to name such professions. (Children's answers.) What kind of work do you think a designer does? Lawyer? Manager? Foreman? (Children's answers.)

Game “Whose farm is bigger”

Target. Teach children to distinguish between farming and household farming; consolidate knowledge about the farming profession.

Material. Two 20x30 cm paintings depicting a farm and a household. Subject pictures with farm and household attributes.

Progress of the game

Children are divided into two teams: farm owners and household owners, with large pictures in front of them.

Object pictures for the farm and household are laid out on the tables. Farm owners collect pictures related directly to farming, and household owners – pictures related directly to the household. Children justify their choice.

The emphasis is on the size of the farm, the number of products produced, the specifics of the tools and, finally, on for whom this or that product is produced.

Lesson notes in drawing

in the senior groupon the topic: « Who I want to be»

(using information–communicativetechnologists)

Target: teach children plot drawing, drawing a person.


Continue learning to draw people in motion.

Learn to create a composition.

Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about types of professions.

Develop compositional skills (draw across an entire sheet of paper, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).


Gouache paints;

brushes 2-3 sizes;

sheets of paper (pre-tinted);

jars of water;

paper and cloth napkins;

illustrations depicting people of different professions (selection of illustrations for display using a multimedia projector).

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reads the poem “Professions” to the children:

Maybe there is not enough knowledge,

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will begin to heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier,

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

Ballerina and singer

I always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up beautifully,

Sing and dance for you!

I'm a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher,

I will give knowledge to children!

The children will be happy with me

I'm telling you for sure!

Well, I'll come back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become a teacher!

Guys, let's play with you!

Let's remember what other professions there are, besides those mentioned in the poem.

Game: “Name your profession.”

(The teacher takes turns throwing the ball. ThatWhoever catches the ball names one of the professions.If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher asks a riddle and helps him answer).

For example: « Poems are riddles about professions.”

The traffic light is flashing for me, The insidious fire will win, He knows that I am... The one whose name is... ( Chauffeur.) (Firefighter)

Before work, he is a hunter, Furniture, bread and cucumbers, Day after day with a plane... They sell it to us... ( A carpenter.) (Sellers)

The sick person will not solve problems, The children know for sure: He will treat all the sick... The food is delicious... ( Doctor.) (Cooks) Stretched canvas, paints, tripod - She put it up for me yesterday She paints a picture from life... Five injections... ( Artist) (Nurse.)

He walks around the area with a heavy bag, Every resident in the house knows that he puts letters in our box... This house was built by... ( Postman) (Builder.)

Well done! You named so many professions. Now let us draw people of these professions.

We will paint with paints (gouache). But first, let's see what kind of pictures we can draw.

(The teacher shows illustrations on a multimedia projector. Drawing children's attention toappearance, body position, arm position - to the sides, bent, raised up.)

– Don’t forget about the palette, what colors need to be mixed to get pink or flesh color for painting the human body.

The children get to work. As necessary, the teacher helps those children who need help.

Summary of the lesson.

What wonderful drawings you have drawn.

Let's collect them into one big book, which we'll call "Who I Want to Be"

(The teacher compiles a book, supplementing it with poems selected by the parents).


Implementation of program content in educational areas : « Speech development», « Social and communicative development», « Artistic and aesthetic development».

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, visual.

Goals : learn to write a story; ask questions, convey in a drawing ideas about the work of adults, depicting figures of people in characteristic professional clothing, in a work environment, with the necessary attributes; practice sound analysis of words; consolidate the ability to draw the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.

Preschool education targets : knows how to navigate the moral content of his own actions and the actions of other people; knows how to compose a story on the topic of good deeds, relying on his knowledge of moral categories and using antonyms in speech; has an idea of ​​the names of professions, professional tools and clothing; independently draws representatives of the profession that he likes, observing proportions and correctly organizing the composition of the drawing.

Materials and equipment : illustrations depicting people of different professions; sheets of white paper, simple graphite and colored pencils.

organized children's activities

1. Introductory word from the teacher.

Our guest is Dunno. He wants to learn about the professions of adults and what a “good deed” is.

2. Conversation on the topic “Good deeds.”

It’s always a joy to hear when one of the children is told: you did well. Remember, guys, the good deeds of your comrades. What good deed can you talk about? These actions demonstrate friendship, courage, truthfulness, modesty, and kindness. Now write a story on the topic “A good deed of my friend.” I would like to talk about a good deed in more detail and more interestingly. Listen to my story about Seryozha’s good deed.

Recently, during a walk, Ira and Sveta were playing with a ball. They threw it to each other and caught it. But then the ball flew to the side, fell on the grass and rolled under the Christmas tree, under its prickly green branches. The girls ran up to the tree and stopped - they were afraid to prick themselves on the needles. How to get the ball? Seryozha hastened to their rescue. He walked up to the tree and bent down, lifted a spruce branch, took out a ball and gave it to the girls. Ira and Sveta thanked Seryozha.

What can you praise Seryozha for? What part of the story would you like to hear again and why? How will you try to talk about a good deed?

Children tell the teacher about good deeds comrades.

3. Drawing according to the plan “Who do you want to be.”

Tell us what your parents do, where, what special items do they need? Do they have special professional clothing? Think about who you would like to become? Make drawings on the topic “Who do you want to be?” Tell us about the methods of drawing with a simple pencil and painting over a picture with colored pencils.

Children independently portray representatives of professions that they like.

4. Summary of the lesson.

Look at all the pictures. What professions are depicted? What good deeds of each other did we talk about today?