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Game program “Day of First-Class Lessons. Scenario of a game program for first-graders “first-class September 1st with Rose Barboskina” Development of a scenario for first-graders for September 1st

The first of September for first-graders is an exciting and solemn day, and it would be good if the adults around them: teachers and parents try to fill it with positive emotions and vivid impressions. In addition to the ceremonial assembly, getting to know the school and the first lessons, we advise you to organize a small celebration, and refreshments are not necessary, because every first-grader will probably have a delicious feast at home with his family, but a small one with gifts and active fun games and competitions is what necessary. We offer a new script for a game program for first-graders “FIRST-CLASS 1st September with Rosa Barboskina”, which can be arranged right at school and on your own. One of the teachers or parents (or a guest animator) can act as the presenter.

Why Rosa Barboskina? Yes because , What heroes of your favorite and popular animated films as presenters - the most the best option for children's party. Children recognize their favorite characters and respond well to everything that he (or rather, the presenter dressed as this character) offers and arranges. If it is not possible to purchase a full-fledged cartoon character costume, then you can get by with just a few accents of clothing (hairstyle). All you need to do is put on a white wig with ponytails and a pink T-shirt, and cartoon music, characteristic behavior and recognizable phrases will complement the image and create the necessary atmosphere.

Duration of the event: 2 - 2.5 hours.

Full musical accompaniment- in the folders MUSIC FOR SCRIPT 1 and MUSIC FOR SCRIPT 2

A set of medals to choose from- in the folder MEDALS FOR FIRST GRADES

(Archive folders and text can be downloaded at the end of the full version of the script)

Scenario for first-graders "FIRST-CLASS 1st September with Rosa Barboskina"

While the children are gathering in the room (classroom, hall), it sounds in the background Track 1, 2, 3.The music at the very beginning should be less recognizable to children, so that the moment the hero comes out is a surprise for them. When the children take their seats, the program begins.

Sounds loud Track 4.

Rosa Barboskina runs out. She has a handbag hanging on her shoulder. The bag contains various girly accessories: a headband, hairpins with a bow, bracelets. Rosa runs up to the guys, says hello, and dances. Then he takes out his phone (Lyphone) and takes a selfie with the first-graders (a couple of pictures is enough). The music fades out.

Rosa Barboskina: Hello my dears! How cute you all are! ( Surprised). Why are you all so the same? ( He approaches the guys and looks at the school uniform). Your shirts are kind of strange, all white. Sundresses of the same color. Didn’t you know that you would come to Rosa Barboskina’s party? ( Children's answers). - It’s okay, we’ll fix everything now!!!

Sounds Track 5.

Rosa Barboskina begins to decorate the children. He gives the boys gel balloons, and puts on the girls bracelets, headbands, and hairpins. The music fades out.

(Note from the author: You can also arrange face painting for children in the style of the cartoon “Barboskiny”, which will be carried out by professionals ordered in advance. So that this moment does not drag on, let the makeup be symbolic, and there will be several makeup artists).

Dating game for first graders "Hello"

Rosa Barboskina: Now it's a different matter! What am I, well done! The boys look brighter, and the girls are absolutely beautiful, you can immediately see that they came to have fun! Let’s now, at my command, release the balloons and shout to the holiday and to each other: “Hello!”

One two Three!

(the guys release the balls and shout).

Rosa Barboskina: Well, it's so unfriendly, let's do it again

(conducts musical game for acquaintance)

- Come on, stand up and look.

Who did the audience gather today?

Guys, teachers and parents!

Is no one late?

Then we can First class

Let's start the party!

Now let's follow me together

Repeat the movements!

Track 6 is playing- the presenter shows different greeting movements, everyone repeats after her.

. The phone rings.

Track 7 sounds - Rose takes her favorite Lifephone out of her purse.

Rose: Sorry, phone number. A friend is calling. Hello. Hi friend. I haven't forgotten anything. I know that today is September 1st. How is Knowledge Day? First class?! (stretches out the word, speaks syllables) Briefcase? No. I don’t know, and I don’t know this either. Oh, mommies!!! (Rosa anxiously puts the phone into her purse).- You, why didn’t you tell me that you came to Moscow for the first time today? And why is this so responsible? What to do? How scary! ( panics, runs around the hall in different directions).


Rose: Eureka! I remembered that somewhere Gena had an encyclopedia book “How to become a first-grader?” Where is she?

Sounds Track 5. - Rose runs and looks for a book, looks under chairs, asks parents and children. Finally, he finds a previously hidden book………

- Team competition "Collect a briefcase"

(A fun, active team competition with the participation of all first-graders)

To conduct this competition You need two chairs on which there are briefcases or backpacks, two empty boxes and two boxes with various items, among which there must be school supplies, but also a lot of unnecessary props, toys, and sweets. It is advisable that each box contains items no less than ½ of the number of students. Among the items may be: pen, pencil, ruler, pyramid, chips, doll, notebooks, pencil case, textbook, cover, etc. Please note that the more things there are in the box, the more fun and difficult it is for schoolchildren to collect a briefcase.....


- Unity game "Tour of the school"

(A game for unity and raising a festive mood, which can also be used for children to actually remember the location of the class. Lisa shows the movements, everyone repeats, when in the opposite direction, it is better to speed up the pace, it will be more interesting)

Rose: Do you know the wonderful news that you got into a first-class school? (Yes)

Do you know that this school is great to study in, but an inexperienced first-grader can get lost in it? (Yes)

Then let's take a tour of it, smile at each other to make it more fun (everyone smiles)

So, you came to school for the first time and are looking with your eyes, where is your home class? (captain's gesture - hand over eyes and everyone looks right and left).........................

- Competition "Fun Counting"

Entertaining and educational competition. Number of participants 17.

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (350 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

HOW TO GET SCRIPT number 28- FIRST-CLASS 1st September.docx

After the ceremonial assembly, many schools traditionally continue festive events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge holiday. To have an interesting day of knowledge, you can use the script of this game program with competitions and entertainment. It can be held in the school assembly hall.

Game program for the holiday “Day of Knowledge”.

At the appointed time, children take pre-agreed places so that everyone can clearly see and hear what is happening in the prologue of the game.

Before the start of the game action, holiday songs are played. Then the director or head teacher of the school may speak, congratulating the children on the start of the school year.

At the end of the “official part, a boy in a suit emerges from the crowd of guys.” business man"(although everyone immediately recognizes him as Pinocchio).

Buratino defiantly walks back and forth in front of the stage, looks at his watch, and is nervous.


Excuse me, young man, are we disturbing you?


Yes a little. Finish quickly... I have a business meeting here, and I don’t need any extra witnesses.


Meeting? What, right here and now?


Yes. We agreed to gather here with my business partners for a business meeting. Here are their business cards.

Presenter(looks at the cards)

Oh oh! By any chance, are your partners called Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat?



So. What are your common affairs?


Finance, you know. I gave them a loan of 5 gold. They promised to invest them in a profitable business - and 5 gold pieces would yield fabulous interest.


So. All clear. Isn’t this profitable business located in the Land of Fools?

Pinocchio: Maybe! And what?


Well then, young man, you will have to wait a very long time for your partners. Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox are famous deceivers. And most likely, they will simply pocket your money.

The indignant Cat and Fox emerge from the crowd.

Who are the deceivers? Who are the deceivers?!


We ourselves may be victims. We ourselves have been deceived.

They deceived me... they ripped me off like a stick.


Wait. I don’t understand anything yet. Do not make noise. Tell everything in order. Pinocchio:

Give me my money. Where do you put them?

Yes... No money. There were - and there weren't...


We, as honest people... decided to invest them... in a profitable business. We divided the entire amount into five parts. One coin was deposited in the bank.

Cat(pops the balloon) And it burst!


We invested the second money in JSC...

Cat(blows dust from palm): And it went bankrupt...


With the third money we bought a newspaper!

Cat(burns the newspaper): And it burned!


We invested the fourth money in show business!

But all our stars have gone out!


And we decided to bury only the fifth... on the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools.

Pinocchio: And what?

Nothing. The soil there turned out to be ecologically dirty... Nothing grew.


So what will I do now? I wanted to buy Papa Carlo a thousand jackets... And now everything is gone...


Wait, Pinocchio. I think your grief can be helped. Let's try to find your money. And the guys will help us...

The presenter holds 5 competitions in which Pinocchio and the guys “earn money” and find 5 coins.


1st competition - “Let’s write a book ourselves”

On prepared cards, two first-graders and two graduates write the letters of the hidden word. On back side one of the squares is a coin.

2nd competition - “Harvest”

Three first graders and three parents cut and eat candy hanging on strings. One of the candies has a coin wrapped in it.

3rd competition - “The song helps to build and live”

The presenter invites teams of children and parents to play “Guess the Melody.” Under one of the hidden notes there is a coin.

4th competition - “They love money”

Several humorous problems need to be solved. The answer needs to be “constructed” from the players of two teams - first-graders and graduates.

5th competition - “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

On command, you need to inflate 5 balloons as quickly as possible (teachers participate) so that they burst. One of the balls contains a coin.


Well, Pinocchio, keep your money!


Yeah! Now I’ll buy dad Carlo many, many jackets!


It is unlikely. The jacket costs a lot more now.

Now I know what to do. We need to invest them somewhere again.


Exactly! Let me put them in... (thinks)


And I seem to know, Pinocchio, where you should invest this money... I seem to know a business that will make you richer. By investing your money in this business, you will be able to visit any country in the world, you will conquer the entire Universe, all the laws of nature will be subject to you, all earthly and sea riches will belong to you. Everything you dream of will be yours.

Cat and Fox:

Is this really possible?


Yes! I actually know a place where all this is possible. (Whispers something in Pinocchio’s ear.)

Pinocchio goes behind the screen and performs mysterious movements. He comments aloud on his actions: “I take the gold ones... I put them down, crex-fex-pex...” Magic music sounds.


Here! Hooray! It has grown!

He brings out a large box on which is written “KNOWLEDGE” or “EDUCATION”. He takes a key out of the box.


Oh, what is this that grew here?


Key! It's golden!

Cat:(tests his teeth).

Deceived... Ordinary - iron...


Don't cry, Pinocchio. Everything is correct. Of course, this key is not golden. But it is he who will make you the richest person. After all, today he will open the door to the world of knowledge for you. And knowledge is the most important wealth for a person. A person who can read, write, count, knows no barriers, all roads are open to him, everything can be achieved by owning this magic key. Hold it, Pinocchio! (Hands over the key.)


What about all the guys? Can't they come with me?

Let's help the guys too. Let their teachers give them the magic keys to the Land of Knowledge today. And our high school students will open the door to this world for them. Have a nice trip, guys!

High school students take first-graders by the hand, hand them souvenir keys, notebooks with wishes, postcards, flowers, and accompany them to their classes to the accompaniment of solemn music.

To the land of knowledge

Theatrical script entertainment program for first graders

A picture of children having summer fun, Shapoklyak jumps out, but suddenly stops abruptly.

Shapoklyak: Where is everyone? Where are the people, I ask? (Addresses the audience.) Do you have any languages? Come on, show me! There are languages! Why then did they keep silent? It’s not clear, I ask? I'm explaining! Where have all the small fry kids gone that were just happily jumping around here? What a disaster! I was just about to join in the general fun: to hit those who needed punches, to trip up, when suddenly... (Notices the Presenter) Hey, hey, citizen! Maybe you at least know where all this cheerful company disappeared to?

Presenter: Of course I know. But, firstly, when addressing me, you need to call me not by the word “citizen”, but by my first name and patronymic - Oksana Viktorovna. Today is a very important day for all teachers and all schoolchildren. And a big, big holiday!

Shapoklyak: What day? What holiday? I want to know!


We have a lot of nice ones

Different days in the calendar,

But one is the very best,

The very first one is in September.

The cheerful bell rang.

Hello, it's school time!

And walks together to school

This morning, children.

Shapoklyak: And what does it mean?

Presenter: Today is the beginning of a new school year. And all the children go to school.

Shapoklyak: That's it? That's it?

Presenter: That's it!

Shapoklyak: And these?

Presenter: And these guys, I’m sure, will also attend lessons today.

Shapoklyak (to the hall): Is it true? Are you all going to school today? Who's going, raise your hand! And really, that’s it... But what about me?

Presenter: Excuse me, but as far as I can guess, you are the well-known Madame Shapoklyak?

Shapoklyak: Oh yeah! She's the one. (Bows)

Presenter: But, excuse me, how old are you?

Shapoklyak: Doesn't matter! And in general... it’s indecent to ask a lady’s age . (Cunning.) But... you know, I really, really, never learned anything. Well, I don’t know the letter or the number! The darkness is just a shame! Well, Oksana Viktorovna, well, dear, can I go to school?

Presenter: Really, I don't know, madam. Perhaps as an exception...

Shapoklyak: Hooray! To school! I am going to school! All! I'm ready to go to school! Let's call!

Presenter: Oh no, dear Shapoklyak! I see you are not at all ready for school yet. It's too early for you to even start first grade.

Shapoklyak: Here you go! Either late or early... I want to go to school! Oh, the tears fell... Oh, they flowed like a river... I want to go to school...

Presenter: Well, Madame Shapoklyak... well, don’t cry! Really, it’s still too early for you to go to class with your children. You know what? Let's study separately. As teachers say - individually.

Shapoklyak: Separately? Individually? I do not agree! Who will tell me? Who is to slip cheat sheets? Whose backs will I hide behind if I don't learn my lesson? No! If you study, then only in a team!

Presenter: Madame Shapoklyak, look at what a wonderful children's team we have. And most importantly - at a safe distance from you! And all the children will certainly want to help you with their studies.

Shapoklyak: Will you guys help me?

Children: Yes!

Shapoklyak: Thank you, little ones, little boogers. I'm ready to start individual training. Where do we start? From grammar? From penmanship? Or from physical education? (Does something like a jump.)

Presenter: From ethics!

Shapoklyak: What, what?

Presenter: From learning good manners and rules of communication.

Shapoklyak: Oh oh oh! Why all the ceremonies? Where are we going - to a normal school or to a royal ball?

Presenter: But can’t there be a royal ball in a normal school? It's just the opposite.

Shapoklyak: I would like to do e-ti-coy...did I say that right? (The presenter nods approvingly) together with the guys.

Presenter: Can I help you, madam?

Shapoklyak: Thank you, honey. You are very kind. I won't refuse.

Presenter: So, guys, you all know that when addressing people, we must use “magic” words: thank you, please, excuse me... Now Madame Shapoklyak will turn to all of you with a variety of requests. But I ask you: fulfill these requests if they are accompanied by the “magic” word - “please”.

Shapoklyak: So, my friends, please stand up! Clap your hands! Clap your hands please! (Sit down, raise your hands, clap overhead, wave to us, shake your neighbor's hand, smile at each other, lift your left leg, wiggle your ears...) Thank you. Rest, please. A little change.

Presenter: Madam! Madame Shapoklyak! Guess one riddle.

On the ABC book page

Thirty-three heroes.


Every literate person knows.

What is this? How do you think?

Shapoklyak (from the audience, enthusiastically playing pats with the audience): I don't think so. I don't want to think. (Looking at the Presenter and immediately becoming serious, he runs to her.) Oh, now! Now I'll start thinking! (Assumes a thoughtful look.) This…

Presenter: I allow you to take a hint from the audience. Children, what is this? (Repeats the riddle.)

Children: Letters!

Shapoklyak: Letters! These are Letters! Hooray! I guessed it right!

Presenter: So it's time for grammar. Now we will learn letters. There are thirty-three of them.

Shapoklyak: So much? Horror! I won't learn.

Presenter: And the guys will help you. Right, guys? Name the first letter of the alphabet. Three four!

Children: A!

Shapoklyak: Bus number twenty-six!

Presenter: I'm sorry, what?

Shapoklyak: The word "bus" begins with the letter "A".

Presenter: Right! Well done! (to the hall) Second letter!

Children: B!

Shapoklyak: The ram managed to get on the bus!

Presenter: What-o-o?

Shapoklyak: honey, it's not my fault! These letters of yours automatically turn into different animals and just climb, climb onto the bus...

Presenter: But, excuse me, this is some kind of nonsense.

Shapoklyak: And it’s not nonsense at all, but real poetry! Let's go - forward through the alphabet!

Presenter, Children, Shapoklyak:

IN! The camel entered, and the wolf, and the ox.

G! The hippopotamus entered, puffing.

D! The dolphin could not crawl into the carriage,

E! The raccoon can't get out.

AND! The giraffe will pull the bell.

Z! He mistook the snake for a cord.

AND! The turkey asked, “What time is it?”

TO! The goat said: “I can’t hear you.”

L! The fox said: “It’s almost seven.”

M! The bear said: “I will eat you all!”

N! The dung beetle buzzes: “I’m afraid!”

ABOUT! The donkey said: “Don’t be a coward.”

P! The rooster crowed: “What a hero!”

R! The lynx grumbled: “Shut your mouth.”

WITH! The owl argued with the hedgehog.

T! The seal quarreled with the walrus.

Uh! A boa constrictor squeezed a pig with a ring.

F! The pheasant hid under the bench.

X! Ferret by the chicken's tail - grab it!

C! The chicken started running.

Ch! The worm thought what was behind him.

Sh! The bumblebee buzzed to him: “Let’s hurry!”

SCH! The goldfinch sat down on the window.

Y! The bittern says that it is dark for her.

Eh! Emu said: “He blocked the light.”

YU! Yurok and the blackbird said: “No!”

I! Yak mumbled, walking forward: “The bus is not going any further!”

Presenter: So the lesson is over. A little change.

Shapoklyak (sings, runs, plays with the guys): Tru-la-la, Tru-la-la...

Presenter: Enough frolic, dear Shapoklyak. Let's continue classes. So what do we do? Maybe mathematics?

Shapoklyak: Or maybe a tweedledum?

Presenter: What's wrong with you, dear! You started talking in some strange language.

Shapoklyak: In Tweedledee!

Presenter: This is the first time I've heard about such a language.

Shapoklyak: This is the language of the residents of the city of Trulyaysk. I recently visited there. Do you want me to teach you this language instantly?

Presenter: Guys, are we going to learn Tweedledee?

Children: We will!

Shapoklyak(important): So, children, sit up straight. Let's start the lesson. I will speak in poetry. In Russian! And you will finish each line in chorus - but in Tweedledee.

Presenter: But this is impossible! Children do not know this language yet.

Shapoklyak: It's very possible. Attention, let's start!

In the town of Trulyaysk

They say in Tweedledee:

There drivers are trollers,

Musicians are a troll...


Shapoklyak says the first word in the line, the children say the second in chorus, choosing the right rhyme.

Football players are troularists,

Directors are trollers,

There are slobs there - tweedledums,

And grannies are tweedledums,

And dads are trollers,

And all the aunts are trollees,

And the guys are trollers,

And the dogs are tweedles,

And the kitten is a tweedledum,

And in addition, a parrot

Cheerful Tweedledee!

Presenter: That's it, Madame Shapoklyak! Get serious, it's time to do some math.

Shapoklyak: Dear guys, help! I'm in a tweedledum, no boom-boom!

Presenter: We need to solve one fun problem. Listen carefully to the condition.

The bell rang loudly,

The lesson begins.

It was a very serious question:

About verbs, by the way.

Sveta wanted to answer -

And I got confused about the answer.

(Shapoklyak carefully bends one finger.)

Following her are four Gali

They answered in class.

(Shapoklyak diligently counts on his fingers further.)

Misha got a bad mark -

He didn't teach me a lesson.

Five Larissas remained silent,

And only Boris answered.

Who can give me the exact answer:

What item did we have?

Children: Russian language!

Shapoklyak: This is unfair! I counted the children! What kind of mathematics is this?

Presenter: Oh, you're right, madam. It was... well, something like a tweedledum. And the math starts now. So, mental counting! Listen carefully.

In first grade at our school

Yegorka and Kolya are studying

Eight Gals, four Sashas,

Six Sergeyevs and two Pashas.

Someone will say now

How many girls do we have?

Shapoklyak: Oh, I'm completely confused. Head spin!

Presenter: I repeat again. At school

Yegorka and Kolya are studying

Eight Gals, four Sashas,

Six Sergeyevs and two Pashas.

Let's all answer in chorus together,

What girls were...

Children: Eight!

Shapoklyak: Right! Eight! And there were fourteen boys.

Presenter: So, dear Shapoklyak, I think you are now completely prepared to enter first grade.

Shapoklyak: And I'm not ready at all! Not even ready at all! I am missing the most important thing for school.

Presenter: I wonder what you are missing?

Shapoklyak: Is it really not clear?

The schoolboy has it in his hand,

His door is locked.

And he also loves, brothers,

Ride on someone else's back.

Eh, he could use a couple of legs

So that he can run on his own,

He performed such a dance!

Yes, you can't! He's a schoolboy...

Children: Backpack!

Shapoklyak: What other backpack? No backpacks! Satchels are not in fashion. I want to go with a colorful backpack. With yellow, with green! No, better than the colors of the African flag!

Presenter: And you, madam, clearly haven’t thought about what to put in this backpack.

Shapoklyak: What to put? Candy, ice cream... Rat Lariska...

Presenter: What do you! Try to guess. The guys will help you solve these riddles. Here's the first riddle:

Although not a hat, but with a brim,

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talking to us

Very wise language.

You talk to her more often -

You will become four times smarter.

Shapoklyak: Hey girls, hey boys, what's in your briefcases?...

Children: Books.

(The presenter takes out the Primer from her briefcase and shows it to the audience)

Shapoklyak: I would put a book like that too. Wow, beauty!

Presenter: Second mystery.

Boys live in a box -

Bright caftans.

The one who wears blue

Friendly with sky and water.

Black is friends with the shadow,

And green - with spruce.

They paint, they paint my album,

Decreasing every day.

Shapoklyak: Even kids know: they live here...

Children: Pencils!

Shapoklyak: Hooray! Pencils!

(Looks admiringly at the pencils that emerged from the briefcase.)


I, a pencil, have a fierce enemy.

I can't make friends with him in any way.

I made a cat and a cat - beauty!

He walked there a little -

No cat!

Shapoklyak: Nimble, like a tadpole,

Everything will be erased in the notebook...

Children: Eraser!

Presenter: And this subject is more often found in a teacher’s portfolio.

The white pebble melted

But he left a trail of curls.

Busy, and quick, and white,

I wrote all over the board...

Children: Chalk!

(Shapoklyak, taking chalk out of his bag, selflessly draws with it on an imaginary board, then goggles at his “stained” fingers.)

Presenter: The briefcase also contains notebooks, a pencil case and other accessories.

I think, madam, you are already completely prepared to enter the first grade. You are now our first grader!

He solemnly brings out a white apron, two lush bows, a bouquet and a school backpack. Shapoklyak changes clothes and turns into a first-grader.

Shapoklyak: Hooray! I'm a first grader!

Presenter: Well, I congratulate you, Madame Shapoklyak, and all of you dear children, on the beginning of the school year. Tomorrow a serious but very interesting school life will begin. And today we have a holiday. And may it continue all year long!


1. Malaya, N.F. We walk in step to school [Text]/N.F. Malaya //Books, sheet music and toys. - 2002. -№4. - pp. 16-17.

2. Malaya, N. Day of Knowledge [Text]/N. Small//Books, sheet music and toys. - 2004. - No. 8. - P.34-36.


The girl is a hooligan and doesn’t like school.

The boy is a nerd and loves to study.

The boy Petya comes on stage. Stand in the middle of the stage in a shirt and trousers. The music begins, cheerful and perky. The girls run out, put his jacket on him, take out his briefcase, and begin to collect his briefcase. They gathered and ran away.

P.- Hello boys and girls, we are glad to welcome you today to our holiday! Does everyone know what day it is today?

Children answer “day of knowledge”

P.- Absolutely right with Today, students and teachers traditionally celebrate the Day of Knowledge - September 1!
The first school bell rings across the country, announcing the start of the new school year! In any educational institution from this day a new one begins academic year- a special, solemn, wise holiday. Knowledge is power! Learning is one of the greatest human needs. Learn, enrich our country with knowledge! The Day of Knowledge!

The girl Sveta comes out.

D. – Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! And so every year. How can? What's special about this holiday???! NOTHING! Bored at school, are you forced to study? They give two! And who likes getting bad marks? They ask a lot. They force you to read, but everyone loves to read? Well, you see, that’s why I won’t go to school this year. I'd rather go for a walk every day and have fun!

P.-Who are you?

D.I am the most cheerful, mischievous and hooligan girl Katya!

P.– it’s immediately obvious that I didn’t go to school! Weren't you taught good manners? Would you like to say hello to the guys?

D.- A! This?! It's so easy!

Hello guys! Boys and girls!
I greet you from the bottom of my heart, dear kids!
Comrades, adults, hello to you too!
And I have no more greetings.
However, why not?
Once again I say to everyone, everyone, everyone: “Hello!”

Why is it so unfriendly? Not hot - not cold, not wet - not dry, not bitter - not sweet, not wobbly - not wobbly? Let's say hello in an unusual way. When I say: “Hello!” - all the boys will shout: “Fireworks!” - and wave to me. Let's try. Hello!

The boys are greeted.
Girls, I suggest you say hello in French, like this: “Bonjour!” – and blow me a kiss. So, let's rehearse. Hello!
The girls are greeted.
Dear adults, mothers and fathers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, I ask you to say hello in the Eastern way. To do this, you need to fold your palms in front of your chest, make a small bow and say: “Salaam alaikum!” Hello!
Adults welcome.
Now let's all say hello together, but each in his own way. Boys – “Salute!”, girls – “Bonjour!”, adults – “Salaam alaikum!”,
We said hello very well,
Now let's have some fun,
We will sing, joke, play
And, of course, dance.

P. – that’s a great way to say hello, but we never met!

My name is Petya! And this, as we understand, is Katya’s most important fidget. But we don’t know your names, let’s now shout your names loudly one, two, three times! One two Three…

So, is everyone ready for school? (Yes)

D.- what can you learn at this school?!

- If you agree, say in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
If you don't agree, keep quiet.
*Which of you is always ready to live life without teachers?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
*Who wants to be a scientist,
Cheerful, slim and cheerful?
*Who among you does not walk gloomily,
Loves sports and physical education?
*Who is not afraid of frost,
Does he skate like a bird?
*Well, who will start lunch?
From imported chewing gum, sweets?
*Who loves tomatoes?
Fruits, vegetables, lemons?
*Who has eaten and brushes his teeth
Every day twice a day?
*Which of you, from the kids,
Walking around dirty from ear to ear?
*Who, according to the schedule
Doing physical exercises?

P. - oh, but do you like physical education??

D. - yes, but what?

P. – then let’s all do some exercises together now?

D. – can I please do some exercises!? I love exercises so much! Are you guys ready???

Hands to the heels and to the ears on the knees and to the shoulders to the sides on the waist up, and now a cheerful laugh hihihi hahaha how good everyone was and laughed from the heart, once they clapped their hands, two stomped their feet, three four pulled themselves up and smiled at each other!

P.- well done
Guys, but physical education is not the most important thing they teach at school, but the most important thing they teach at school is reading, writing, and counting. Do you want to be able to write, count and read? (Yes!) Maybe someone already knows how? (Yes!) Let's check! Can you guys count? Until when? Up to a million! Let's do this. I will read you a funny “mathematical” poem, and you help me!

Once a bunny ran along the plains -
And that means the bunny was... (alone)
The hare ran to him,
Then there were only... (two) birds.
Another one is running - look!
Now there are hares... (three)
A new hare rushes:
“The path is wider for me!” -
So, therefore, there are already... (four)
Bah, here he is running alone again,
So, that means there are now hares... (five)

The counting game is played several times, each time getting faster.

You see how well our children can count.

D.- So then why do they go to school?! And so everyone knows - I can’t understand. What else can you teach them?!

P.- Well, whatever! for example, attention! Dolphin game (I'll explain along the way, you know her)
There are still many, many interesting subjects and lessons at school! Physical education, drawing...

D.- yes, but do they teach dancing there? But I know how, do you want me to teach you?

Dancing: little ducklings.

I also have a friend who will teach you how to dance even better!

Then meet me! Dolphin moment.

Dance marathon.

P.- well done guys danced with all their hearts! Can you solve the riddles? Just be careful.

Puzzles.the girl is confused in her answers.

D.- what smart guys. But I didn’t guess a single one.

P.- Don’t be upset, it’s better to go to school with me and the guys.

D. – will you take me with you?

P. - won't you go for a walk?

D. – no honestly, honestly!

P. - Well, guys, let's take her to school with us?

D. – Well, today is a holiday, isn't it? And I invite everyone to start having fun and playing together now! All agree? Yes! Great. Well, it works for you today playground! Also for those who want to compete with our friends in knowledge. Our friends are waiting for you... here and there. Well, what would a holiday be without colorful faces. Artists work for you near the stage, but they are not ordinary ones and will be able to decorate your face according to your desire. I will also be waiting for young artists near the stage for drawings on the asphalt.

Guys, our holiday has come to an end, and it’s time for us to go. But that’s not all for you, from 16:00 to 17:00 courtyards will be open on Nekrasova Street 1a, Sovkhoznaya 7, and behind the Lapland cafe we ​​will be glad to see you at our courtyards.

Outline of the holiday “First time in first grade”

Class: 1
Description: The ceremonial assembly on September 1 is a festive and significant event for first-graders and their parents. For first-graders, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which will be remembered for a lifetime. Popular wisdom says: “ A good start- half the battle." Therefore, it is important to hold the ceremony in an interesting, bright, positive manner.
Goal: to create conditions for adaptation to school life.
Objectives: 1) to keep children in a festive mood from their first meeting with school; 2) create the mood for educational activities; 3) promote unity between teachers, children and their parents; 4) cultivate in students a desire to communicate, be friends with each other, support and help each other.

On the desk
Wonderful days have come
We came to 1st grade.
And a lot of interesting things
We'll find out now.
The song "First-grader" is playing
Teacher: Dear Guys! Dear mothers and fathers, grandparents! The long-awaited day has come when you first came to school, the land of Knowledge. I'm sure you've been looking forward to this day. Have you noticed that each of you has matured a little this day? Just yesterday they called you children, kids, but from today they will say about you: “This is a student, a schoolboy.” I wonder if everyone is here? Let's check.
- Are the girls here diligent?
- Smart boys?
- Caring mothers?
- Skillful dads?
- Kind and affectionate grandparents?
- Then we can begin.
Dressy! Front doors!
So darling!
Combed, with bows
The girls have arrived!
And the boys are great!
So cute
So neat
They came with bouquets!
All former pranksters -
First graders today.
Everyone is good today
I'm waiting for guys like these!
Teacher: It's time to get acquainted. I'm your teacher. My name is... I was really looking forward to meeting you, I was thinking about you.
Look around - this is our office where we will study. It is clean, bright, beautiful. Your parents helped make it this way. We will try to keep it like this for a whole year.
In this room, called the classroom, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candies. This is knowledge. I will give you, my dear students, all my knowledge so that you grow up smart, kind, hardworking. I congratulate you on your first day of school and wish you to study well and work well. School years are the most wonderful and fun years. They are so interesting. That you will be endlessly surprised! What happens for the first time is especially memorable and stays in the memory for a long time. May everything be good in your school life. Together we have to learn not only to read, write and count, play and have fun, but also to be sad, rejoice at our successes and the successes of our comrades, think, reflect. How many good and kind students sat at these tables. I hope that you will study with interest, treat teachers with respect, and actively participate in all school events.
- Guys, what can you call us all in one word? (schoolchildren, students, first graders)
Guess the riddle:
There is a cheerful bright house,
There are a lot of agile guys in it;
They write and count there,
Draw and read! (school)
- What do the kids do at school?
- Well done! So, you came to school, do you know how to behave in class, during the lesson? Now our guys will tell you the rules of being a student at school.
Rules for first graders.
Advice for first-graders. Poems are told by students
1. Don’t yawn in class
Feel free to raise your hand.
Just don't shout from your seat,
Don't spin and don't jump.
Answer beautifully, clearly,
To make it clear to everyone.
2. Everyone should study at school,
You can't be lazy here, my friend.
The lesson will not pass quickly,
If you think about the call
And don't listen to the teacher,
And eat a pear under the desk.
3.Know: during recess
Never stand against a wall.
Better play games
Wipe the board, chat.
Like girls and boys,
Prepare books for the lesson.
4. Don’t count the gnats in the classroom,
Listen to everything, remember.
Keep your briefcase in order
Books, pens and notebooks.
Don't forget about your diary:
After all, now you are a student.
5. The bell rang - go,
Don't wait for permission.
Laugh louder than anyone else in the world
Trip the kids
And, like a turbo plane,
Knocking everyone down, rush forward.
6. Don’t be greedy, share
Be good, don't fight.
Protect the weak in the class
And don't be offended.
We must value friendship
Everyone lives as one family.
7. Don’t be sad in class
Better unscrew the handle.
Chew on the laundry a little
Make a hole in the book with your finger.
Draw on the desk with chalk,
Tell everyone: “I’m busy!”
8.Don't joke about your health.
And go to the dining room.
Behave with dignity there
Eat carefully and calmly.
Don't talk with your mouth full
If you eat, put away the dishes.
9. I wanted to sleep at school,
Desk is the best bed!
Stretch out on her beautifully
And snore lazily.
If they call -
Ask them to wait.
10. Don't run like a cheetah
Along the rows of beautiful desks.
Don't kick the briefcase with your foot -
He is new and dear.
Comb your hair and be neat
Clean, cute, neat.
11. And during recess
Paint the walls beautifully.
Show me how you can
Remove the bolts from the table.
And, like a brave knight in a fairy tale,
Fight with a pointer sword.
12. After school, take a rest,
Help the adults at home.
And homework
Don't leave me unattended, friend.
Try to do them yourself:
Without prompting from moms and dads.
Teacher: Today you became first graders. Student! This honorary title is worn by all residents of the Land of Knowledge and must be earned. So now I will check if you are ready to become disciples. To do this you must overcome trials.
- WITH tomorrow you will need school items, and you will find out which ones if you solve my riddles:
I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked,
And they live in that house -
Pens, books and album. (briefcase)
Tell me, first grader,
What do you wear to school with an eraser?
What - colored markers
And simple pencils? (pencil case)
I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
We need to learn to read and write. (book)
I’m ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have -... (plasticine)
Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
What am I? Notebook
Doesn't look human
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He writes when dictated,
He draws and draws,
And this evening
He will color the album for me. Pencil
I love directness
I'm the most direct
Make a straight line
I help everyone. Ruler
Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page. Brush
I have a grimy back.
But my conscience is clear -
I erased the blot from the sheet. Rubber.
You need me for order
Don't flip the pages in vain.
Where I lie, read. Bookmark
What kind of stick is in your hand?
Is he quick to draw on a piece of paper?
Have you written everything you need?
Put it in your pencil case! Pen
Well done! You have passed this test.
I believe that all of you can be accepted into the school fraternity and awarded the proud title of FIRST CLASSER. And now the moment has come for the solemn pronouncement of the oath of the first-grader, after which you will become members of the large and friendly school family of the school…………………..
I read the oath. You repeat “We swear” in unison
Learn letters, learn to read... We swear!
Learn to write and count by summer... We swear
Try your best in class and don’t count flies... We swear!
Take care of the textbook, do not throw it away or tear it... We swear!
Do your homework completely... We swear
Come to school on time... We swear
Become smarter and more mature in a year... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers... We swear! We swear! We swear!
All homework
We will strictly implement it.
To class without being late
We'll come running in the morning. We swear!
Let's not forget our pen at home
And a notebook and a pencil.
And we forgot - we won’t cry
For the whole class, for the whole floor. We swear!
And during recess
We promise not to make noise
Don't knock down people or walls,
Don't push like a bear. We swear!
Let's be smart and cheerful
Do good deeds
So that our home school
She accepted him as if she were her own. We swear!
Teacher: Of course, school will not be easy. But we always have reliable friends and helpers. Who are they? Yes, these are our parents.
Well, dear parents, are you ready to help your first-graders study?
- And you, children, turn to your parents and listen to what they promise you.
We will always help children with their studies,
So that the school is proud of the children. Yes!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks,
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. Yes!
Let's be calm, like water in a river,
We will be as wise as a star in the sky. Yes!
We will get up in the morning in the cold,
To be on time both here and there. Yes!
We will always prepare delicious dishes,
Pamper your children with sweets sometimes. Yes!
When will my studies be completed?
Then we'll go for a walk with the children. Yes!

Congratulations to the parents. Parting words from parents.
To a first grader from his parents.

1.The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We will give you an order:
Tell everyone about the school
Cherish the honor of the school!
Always keep it in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks!
Should learn at school
You read, count, write.
It is not allowed to be lazy -
You need to do everything to perfection!
You should know perfectly well:
Fighting at school is indecent!
So that you are always cheerful,
Sing more good songs.
To always be healthy,
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!
Listen to dad, listen to mom
And the teacher too...
And learn the program
If anything, we will help!
If you carry out the order,
Get ready for the second class!
2.You will remember this day forever:
The school will accept you for the first time.
Will open its doors wider -
And the school week begins,
And behind it is the second, quarter, year...
Your school period will flow by,
He will walk, he will run, he will rush,
Just make sure you get an A+ in your studies!
This is still in the future, now
You will go to first grade for the first time.
There is still a small amount of knowledge,
But over the years you will overtake us.
3. A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new backpack behind me,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday,
You are going to school for the first time,
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different. ©
4. Are you going to first grade, my friend?
Show me your backpack?
Here is a pencil case, an ABC book, a notebook,
Well done, study for five!
Well, to study for five,
My friend, you must not be lazy.
It is necessary in the morning and at lunchtime,
Repeat letters!
Open the notebook
And in it,
Write in cursive!
You will have grades
The most decent
Bunnies and suns,
Agree, great, right?
Don't be lazy to read, write,
And take home lessons,
Not homework
And carry out beyond the plan!
So that your mother is proud of you,
Grandma was proud
So that your father, at work,
He boasted to all his friends,
Like, my son is smarter than everyone else,
Knows letters and numbers!
Count to one hundred? Easily!
Just don't be lazy.
5. Yesterday still grimy,
Already today adults,
You are all so different
So different.
With swirls and braids
Today for the first time
Brothers and sisters,
You have come to first grade.
Well, hello school!
On your first call
Accept, first-graders,
This is the greeting:
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
Happy new beginning of life!
Let moms be proud
With your “stupid” ones.
Achieve success in life
Only work will help.
More optimism -
And difficulties will fall!
Learn a lot of new things
Don't give in to boredom
Dare and comprehend
Wisdom of science!
Teacher: Your first Knowledge lesson is coming to an end. I'm glad we met for the first time.
I congratulate you. I would like to wish you to learn a lot of interesting things at school, find new friends and be very, very friendly and inquisitive. I want to give you the song “Come to School!”
(To the tune of the song “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter”)
1. Come to school, kids!
Collect books, pens and notebooks...
The teacher will tell you from the heart:
– Don’t worry, children, everything will be fine!
And then for sure
Suddenly the clouds will dance,
And you will begin to study well;
Life will seem easy
And the teacher's hand
He will only put “excellent” in his diary!
2.Come to school as soon as possible!
I am waiting for you and will be very glad to see you all!
Higher nose, look more cheerful:
There is no need to worry, cry or frown!
3. Come to school, first grade,
After all, being illiterate is simply ugly.
Much knowledge awaits you;
Study everything for the benefit of all Russia!