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Interesting riddles about birds. Interesting riddles about birds Children's riddles about the finch bird

Chaffinch: - Ping! Ping! Ping!
Take off your fur coat! Throw it off! Throw it off!
The finch began to sing -
The finch has warmed up.

Moshkovskaya Emma

A finch is a small finch
Maybe a little more than a sparrow.
Often, just leaving the threshold,
I see a finch on a branch;

- Hey hello! - he sings in my face,
Showing the feathers on the wings...
Bright colors in males
What immediately catches your eye:

Blue-gray head color
The finch flaunts in the spring,
The back is the color of dried grass,
And on the wings it was as if snow had fallen;

Red-brown down on the chest
The finch is covered like a sweater...
- Why are you standing there? Don't be afraid, come! –
The birdie tells me by whistling,

- I’ll perform for you now
A gentle, exciting trill,
My spring song
Warms the soul like a pipe!..

Kropotin Andrey

You know, the finch bird
There is in the world, friend.
He sings beautifully
Not always, not suddenly.

He sings beautifully
When the sun rays
Lights up the earth
Not afraid of clouds.

And when they come
Cloudy days -
Songs of this bird
The notes are poor.

Only sad trills
“The song is not wonderful,”
I'll repeat it to you.

But only a ray of sunshine
Hovered over the pine tree -
Performed by a finch
Encore song

Iris Review

Z softly in the forest. Like the cheeks of children
I The bright clusters of rowan berries are burning.
B crazy bird, getting ready to fly,
L This calls you on the road with you.
AND flies away into the autumn blue
TO a rattling ringing song: “Ping-ping!”

Shinkevich Nikolay

We slid through the greenery
golden snakes,
finches on the plowed land,
and the kingfisher is chilly,
wandered beyond the lake
earth dogs,
for breakfast the toad ide
fried the greedy toad!

Vasiloy Adela

The finch is seriously chilling
And he decided to buy a fur coat.
Ran to the department store
He looks - everything is not right for him:
That one is long, that one is short,
And that one has narrow sides.
The collar is too fluffy -
He's not used to this.
And this one has a hood -
He is not visible in it at all.
No suitable one was found -
I had to fly south!

Only morning comes in the garden,
Before I even wake up, I hear:
On the branch it gets louder, sometimes quieter
The finch sings uncontrollably.
Bathed in the scarlet dawn,
Clicks his tongue
As if the best in the world
He had breakfast
Like a worm!

Belozerov Timofey

No, the finch doesn't like it
Cloudy days.
He'll feel cold without the sun
He is sad in the shadows.

A ray of light for the bird -
The best friend.
The sun behind the cloud,
The finch will suddenly fall silent.

How will the sun come out
Into the blue sky -
The finch will sing
There is no respite!

He will throw up his head
Looks up.
It will flash in the light.

And sings with happiness
Joyful and brave.
Sunny, don't hide
To the finch

Feyerabend E.

It’s already spring, but the field is white.
A bird flew in from the south.
It's still cold and chilly
There is a naked finch on a birch tree.

Izmailov Alexander

The bird gets wet in the rain,
Not sung to order...
On a gray autumn day
Flies to the Caucasus:
- Well, what do I need puddles for?
I'm not a boat!
From the severe cold
The song finch is chilling.

Vasiloy Adela

And the world is spinning,
And the finches singing
It became clearer to me
All science.

Bagritsky Vsevolod

He's the size of a sparrow
With a brown-red breast,
A trill is no worse than a nightingale
The little one gives it away!

Chaffinch - that's his name,
Very nimble and striking,
Finches live everywhere,
The finch is very persistent,

The finch sings songs,
The finch is a master at this,
Builds nests in trees
And lives in them in the summer.

The bug flies slowly towards the light,
And the finch by the river became agitated.
He pecked the bug's reflection
And he was amazed: there was no insect!

Eduard Asadov

I wanted to have a bird
And saved up money
And here at the Bird Market
I bought a Chaffinch.

My Finch was sitting in a cage
And pecked the grains
And, as in the forest on a branch,
Everyone sang and chanted.

The guys came in
Look at the Chaffinch
And everyone wanted
Have the same one.

I was fiddling with the Chaffinch,
Although there was a lot to do.
And in two weeks
I'm tired of the singer.

One day I'm out of town
Left for three days
And at this time he
Left without me.

When from the village
I returned home
Lying in an empty feeder
My hungry finch.

I saved him from death -
I left him
And released

They want it for their birthday
Give me a puppy
But I said: “Don’t!
I'm not ready yet!

Sergey Mikhalkov

Trills tirelessly
Handsome finch before dark.
We've had time to get used to it since spring.
To a lovely song. She
Shines with a rare sound
Among the arias of all known birds.
Only inferior to the nightingale,
But it knows no boundaries!
You can hear it in the forest,
It's pouring from the trees near the houses...
It’s not difficult to see a finch –
Flutters around in search of food
And he scurries across the earth bravely,
Like a sparrow...
When will he sit down?
On a maple branch and yours
Starts to display a roulade, -
I freeze for a moment every time!
This singing is a delight to me:
Without taking my eyes off the bird,
I listen with pleasure
To the magical sounds that wave
They wrap my heart tenderly...
Thank you, dear finch!

Safiulina Galina

I sing better than anyone else
I'm singing my own song
And I can’t compare the nightingale’s whistle.
Look how good I am
You won't find anything more beautiful
I am more colorful, bolder and louder than everyone else.
Let the starling sing
On new sample
The poor fellow cannot sing in his own way;
I'll sing it a hundred times
Your melody -
After all, no one can put together the best one anyway.
I won't notice -
After all, pride is a match for me -
Some tiny birdie;
But you, my comrade,
Look, sing away, -
Everything here is mine: my maple tree, my girlfriend.

Bartold L.

Love's address is unknown
But one day in the morning she
Waking up with the finch together
A ringing bird in a light wind.

Where are you, bird? How high?
Everyone hears you, many see you,
And it’s not easy to tame!

So that my hands don't get cold,
So that the soul does not burn in fire,
Good finch, little finch,
Fly to me as soon as possible!

Only the song sounds more and more audible:
“I’m not looking for nests on the ground.
If you really know how to love,
Rise up here without fear!”

To the question: What is there about the chaffinch in poetry, prose..? given by the author wolverine the best answer is
N. I. SLADKOV “Why is a chaffinch a chaffinch”
This summer, I think I solved this riddle.
I was walking along a forest path, I heard a finch thundering! He sings great: his head is thrown back, his beak is open, the feathers on his neck are trembling - as if he is gargling with water. And the song splashes from the beak: “Witt-ti-ti-ti, vi-chu! “Even the tail is shaking!
And then suddenly a cloud floated into the sun: a shadow covered the forest. And the finch immediately wilted. He got ruffled, frowned, and hung his nose. He sits dissatisfied and sadly says: “Tr-r-r-ryu, tr-r-r-ryu! “As if he couldn’t get his teeth together because of the cold, in a sort of trembling voice: “Tr-ru-yu!” »
Anyone who sees this will immediately think: “What a finch! The sun was barely behind the cloud, and he was already ruffled and trembling! »
That's why the finch became a finch
L. BARTOLD “Finch”
I sing better than anyone else
I'm singing my own song
And I can’t compare the nightingale’s whistle.
Look how good I am
You won't find anything more beautiful
I am more colorful, bolder and louder than everyone else.
Let the starling sing
For a new sample -
The poor fellow cannot sing in his own way;
I'll sing it a hundred times
Your melody -
After all, no one can put together the best one anyway.
I won't notice -
After all, pride is a match for me -
Some tiny birdie;
But you, my comrade,
Look, sing away, -
Everything here is mine: my maple tree, my girlfriend.

G. HEINE “I stung with verse day and night”
I listened to the vinedresser singing in the garden,
And a finch is in the milkweed bushes.
I drank without feeling and about wine
I didn’t think while I was drinking the wine.
E. ASADOV “Forest River”
The bug flies slowly towards the light,
And the finch by the river became agitated.
He pecked the bug's reflection
And he was amazed: there was no insect!
And again the rejoicing of birds,
Everything about life is being repeated around.
The finches enjoy the roll call,
Dyatlov joyful knocking.
Sun. BAGRITSKY “Over the distant plain”
And the world is spinning,
And the finches singing
It became clearer to me
All science.

E. BAGRITSKY “Birdcatcher”
But, staggering along the roads,
Spending the night under fences,
Didel is cheerful, Didel can
Sing songs and catch birds.
In the elderberry, raw and round,
The nightingale struck with his pipe,
The tits are ringing on the pine tree,
A finch beats on a birch tree.
D. KEDRIN “Old Germany”
Where is it now, this dilapidated house,
A finch singing in a wicker cage
Red rosehip on a fresh branch
And Gretchen's golden braids?
I walk through the pine forest,
and I smile and I sing,
and a dented tin mug
I drink from a forest spring.
And I listen to the warbler whistling,
like a finch quarrels with his wife,
and I see a mushroom at the rhizome
through the lacy fern...
L. Oshanin "Song about the Chaffinch"
Love's address is unknown
But one day in the morning she
Waking up with the finch together
A ringing bird in a light wind.
Where are you, bird? How high?
Everyone hears you, many see you,
And it’s not easy to tame!
So that my hands don't get cold,
So that the soul does not burn in fire,
Good finch, little finch,
Fly to me as soon as possible!
Only the song sounds more and more audible:
“I’m not looking for nests on the ground.
If you really know how to love,
Rise up here without fear! »


Happy child 28.03.2018

Dear readers, spring has come, very soon the snow will melt and nature will begin to come to life, and birds will fly in from distant warm countries. But how many birds, besides the usual pigeons and sparrows, do our children know?

Riddles about birds will help you get to know other types of birds. Riddles give a brief characteristic description of the bird, by which it is easy to recognize it, but at the same time, in a playful form, children remember the information easier and better. From riddles, children will learn about various household and wild birds ah, about their habitats and other features.

Simple riddles about poultry

Simple short riddles about poultry for children with answers are suitable for children 3-4 years old. In them you need to finish the answer in rhyme, and the children will easily guess them, and the correct answer will bring pleasure and amuse the children. Be sure to praise your child, even if the riddle is solved with your help.

Spreads its tail like a peacock,
He walks like an important gentleman,
Feet knock on the ground,
What's his name? ...

He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well of course it is...

Yellow lumps,
Light as cotton wool!
They run after the quotation.
Who is this? ...

- I'm here! I'm on my guard!
I'll finish all of you!
The children fell asleep. The light went out.
Shut up, loudmouth...

I'm all golden
Soft and fluffy.
I am the chicken's child,
And my name is….

She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
“Quack” screams, it’s all a joke,
Well, of course, this is….

Goes fishing
Slowly, waddle:
The boat itself and
The fishing rod itself
Who is this? … .

My mother and I went out to the river
Little guys.
And sailed lightly

Not in the forest sings on a branch,
And the words are shouted from the cage.
Get to know him soon.
This bird is...

He lives in a spacious cage,
Children love to talk to him.
Don’t scold him in vain -
Repeat... .

Riddles about wintering birds

This section contains riddles about wintering birds for children 5, 6, 7 years old. Children of this age know more about birds: the color of their plumage, their habits, what sounds they make and what they eat. Therefore, riddles are more difficult for them.

Although I'm not a hammer,
I'm knocking on wood:
Every corner is in it
I want to explore.
I wear a red hat
And the acrobat is wonderful.

On decorated branches
Snow fringe,
Apples are rosy
They grew up in winter.
Apples on an apple tree
They scurry about merrily
Ice cream caterpillars
Apples are pecked.

Little boy
In a gray army jacket
Snooping around the yards
Picks up crumbs
Roams at night -
He steals hemp.

In a gray feather coat
And in the cold he is a hero,
Doesn't fly away for the winter
Lives under the eaves.

Here's a bird, like a bird,
Not a blackbird, not a titmouse,
Not a swan, not a duck
And not a nightjar.
But this bird
Even though it's small,
Hatches chicks
Only in severe winter.

This bird has a crooked beak
And she builds nests in winter,
Pecks seeds from cones,
Who will name this bird?

I'm the only bird, I must admit,
In the heat, frost and snowstorm
Move along the trunk
I can do it with my head down.

This bird is not easy at all:
Her head and tail are not enough,
Her beak is not enough and her claws are not enough,
There are few colorful feathers on her,
Yellow scary eyes aren't enough for her
(You have seen a bird in the forest more than once!)
Wisdom and intelligence are the virtues of a bird.
This quality will be useful to you too.
A symbol of wisdom is not just words.
Who is she? Did you guess it? … .

Very beautiful forest cockerel:
Red eyebrows like a comb.
Ponytail with pigtails, black feathers.
Loves spring dancing and fun.
Sings songs. They say it's leaking.
Do you know this bird?

And this taiga bird
Sits on a cedar pine tree.
He sits, the cheat, and is silent.
She peels cedar cones.

A very strange postman:
He is not a magician or a magician.
Deliver letters and newspapers,
Carries a parcel to the ends of the world,
He knows how to keep all secrets.
He is winged, and brave, and vigilant.
Who is this postman?

Look at our spruce
They flew in and sang,
They arrived with crests
And they sang like pipes.

She's long-tailed
Black from the back.
White belly and shoulders.
Rattling instead of speech.
At least he sees someone - instantly
Raises a chirping cry.

The gray bird lives.
Never builds a nest.
He grows up in other people's families.
Predicts years of life.
“Ku, ku, ku,” shouts on a branch, “
Where are you, where are you, my children!
Don't believe her, the bird is a liar!
And her name is...

Smart bird
Circling over the field
With your beak
She can be proud:
Black as coal,
And strong as steel
The beak is very necessary
It's a detail in life.

Riddles about migratory birds

April 1 is International Bird Day, and this is a good reason to learn more about birds. And when migratory birds return to our region for the summer soon, you and your children can make houses for them and get ready to welcome them. In this section you will find riddles about migratory birds with answers.

Everyone knows this bird
On the fly she grabs
Flies, grasshoppers, crickets,
Butterflies, dragonflies, bugs.

This bird (when scared)
It makes this sound,
It's like a cat is somewhere nearby
She suddenly started making a fuss.

The brothers stood on stilts,
They look for food along the way.
Are you running or are you walking?
They can't get off their stilts.

There's a happy house on the pole
With a small round window.
So that the children fall asleep
The house is shaking in the wind.
Father sings on the porch -
He is both a pilot and a singer.

If he wants, he will fly straight,
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights
And in the fields he sings, sings.

He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt
For frogs to the swamp.

In the summer he follows the plowman,
And in the winter he leaves screaming.

Sleeping or bathing
Everything doesn't come off:
Day and night on legs
Red boots.

The air is cut without effort,
Like sickles, crooked wings.
It flashes by - you won’t see it,
Only... flies like this.

Eating, hanging on thin branches,
Children are often kept in cages
Look, if you can see it:

He is very clever on the turnip
Tenacious heads shake,
Spills seeds on the floor
The bird is lively...

The abdomen is speckled, as if
He sings sometimes in the morning.
In a bird short stature,
They call her….

Her name has "raspberry" in it.
White belly, orange head,
And the voice is thin, thin.
It's called...

Flying away from September
To distant seas.
The bird is white, like a toast,
They call her….

It's as orange as a sunset
The beak is short - strong grip.
Floats across the sky like a boat,
They call him….

It rushes across the sky like an arrow,
Fast, brisk, like a swarm.
It's never tight for her
Her name - … .

Tuft on the head
Sees everything, always, everywhere.
This bird is like an iris
But everyone calls her...

This bird's beak is
Like long knitting needles.
She's walking through the swamp
The frogs are waiting.

From South the bird returns,
He walks halfway.
What is this bird called?
Who will guess the most?

Watch an interesting video with riddles about wild birds. With a time delay, children will see clues and answers in the form of pictures of birds, sounds and text.

There are not simple riddles, but ones with logic or a trick. Some cause such fun and laughter that you want to spend time again and again solving fascinating riddles. Although interesting riddles can be serious and quite complex, they will be an excellent training for attentiveness and intelligence. This section contains interesting riddles about birds for children with answers.

How many times does a chicken crow when it lays an egg?
(Not once - only the rooster crows)

Can a rooster call itself a bird?
(No, because roosters don't talk)