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Trials make us stronger quotes. Aphorisms about testing

I asked God to take away my pride, and God answered me: - No! Pride is not taken away, it is abandoned.
I asked God to grant me patience, and God answered: - No! Patience is not given, but acquired through trials.
I asked God to grant me happiness, and God said: - No! A blessing is given, and it is up to you whether you will be happy or not. I asked God to save me from pain, and God said: - No! Suffering helps us remember God and draw closer to Him.
I asked for strength, and God sent me trials to strengthen me.
I asked for wisdom, and God sent me problems so that I could learn to solve them.
I asked God to teach me to love people just as He Himself loves me. “Now you understand what you need to ask for,” God answered and sent people to me who needed my help.
I didn't get anything I wanted, but I got everything I needed!

No matter what the difficulties, trials and disappointments were, those who rose to the top never lost hope. Hope, despite all the vicissitudes of fate, gives us the promise of something good and, moreover, something that we are able to achieve. Hope puts the mind in a positive mood, promising us things to look forward to while giving us the patience to wait for them. Hope is a heart-warming mixture of desire, expectation, patience and joy. She is an emotional medicine, necessary and irreplaceable for the soul.

Thank God often!
Don't forget about
How much He has done for us in life.
Each of us is blessed!

After all, many never even dreamed
Work, family, friends...
All we have left is you and me,
Thank Him, lovingly!

After all, there are so many trials in life...
Which we couldn't get through,
But before Him is the entire universe
And He preserves our ways.

And for Him, believe me, it is possible -
Heal all the wounds of the heart,
It’s not difficult to forgive and love with Him, -
Walk in victory in faith.

When Allah Almighty loves someone, He subjects him to tests.

No test can make you weak. Only you can deprive yourself of your strength. Stay strong!

The test is the lion, and lions do not eat carrion.

Don't be afraid to experience hardship - they will survive it.

I am ready to meet the Creator. The question is, is the Creator ready for such a severe test as MEETING ME?!

For some, love is a test, for some a reward, and for others a gift of fate...

One should fear violent love just as one should fear hatred. When love is strong, it is always clear and calm.

There is no better teacher than misfortune!!!

A life without challenges is not life.

I will never let misfortunes get the better of me, no matter how severe the trials, I will fight them!

The test of love comes when you are truly tired...

When climbing uphill, all the difficulties are in time.

Challenges may make us stronger, but we live for sunny days!

Difficult trials are sent to everyone! And here is the result: in our country half of Russia is lying around drunk, half of Russia is smiling through tears.

Everything will be fine... The main thing is not to fall before the shot!

It's always easy to talk about other people's suffering! (...) But when we ourselves have difficult times, we are not so optimistic. We say: “God, what is this? Give me easier tests! Unfortunately, real challenges are never easy.

If God gave it, then he knew that you could endure it.

One of the most serious tests in life is the test of Doubt and Choice.

Nowadays people are not tortured with hot irons. There are noble metals.

People need hard times and difficult experiences to develop their soul muscles.

Happy circumstances create friends, sad ones test them.

Do not put friendship or love to the test and do not demand proof of them. Tests and proofs will come of their own accord.

Life is a school of life... It’s a pity that for some unknown reason there is no exam at the end... This is what really haunts me...

What a shame to live on earth for so long and experience so little!

Not wanting to admit that life has bent you into a ram’s horn, call yourself a grated roll...

Drag your cross to life, but don’t grumble.

Managed to survive... must have strength, remember...

If God does not give people trials that they cannot overcome, then where do suicides come from?

Only someone who has been shipwrecked and miraculously avoided drowning is able to understand the psychology of a person who wants to laugh simply because he is breathing.

You won't feel the same pain that other people feel until you experience the same thing they feel.

You cannot choose the test itself, but you can choose how to react to it.

And this also NEEDS to be experienced...

“No temptation has come upon you except what is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but when you are tempted, He will also provide relief, so that you can endure it.”

- God gave us the feeling of pain, so that having experienced it, we would know the most cruel feeling - the feeling of indifference.

A life without challenges is worth nothing.

There are moments in life when it seems like the world is simply collapsing around you. This is very important time in life, because that's when we truly learn to live.

Don't expect life to immediately take you to the dolphinarium. First, be prepared for a pool with sharks.

Remember, many trials sent to us by fate only strengthen our spirit!!!

When, LORD, will you begin to test me with wealth???

Anyone who has a Why to live will be able to withstand almost any How.

The thinner the ice, the more everyone wants to see whether it will hold up.

The soul grows stronger through trials.

There are no chance meetings... This is either a test... or a punishment... or a gift of fate...

Dreams that come true make our life predictable, and unrealistic hopes only push it away, not allowing us to experience happiness now!!!

A decline in a relationship after a surge of emotions is just the vicissitudes of great love.

REMEMBER! If GOD gave it, then he knew... you will endure it!!!

Sometimes you can fall in love at first sight, but you can fall in love deeply only after going through difficult trials together.

Life gives everyone the same trials, only the strong have scars on their souls, and the weak have scars on their wrists.

Lord, they told me that you are sending me tests so that I become even stronger, braver and more resilient... Maybe ENOUGH is already ?! Can I just be an ordinary, weak WOMAN?!

There will definitely come a time when everything will be fine. When Fate steps aside and says: “You have had enough trials. Live in peace."

Trials never come to us in the form we prefer.

You can always emerge victorious from any, even the most tragic life situation! As the heroine of Liya Akhedzhakova said in “Office Romance”: “Nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence.”

All life's difficulties must be perceived as tests. Since life tests you, it means it wants to check whether you are ready for something better!

It is not without reason that we meet certain people along the way. This is how it should be, this is a special test.

Life weaves lace, and sometimes cobwebs embroider patterns with a heavy cross. Today I fight, no matter the reasons, and then, I don’t care what happens next...

There are still many heroes in Rus'! Even my TITANIUM patience has a limited margin of safety! And you need to make a COSMIC effort to make it burst! But some people succeed!

Take every punishment as a test and you will receive a gift from fate.

The elevator to health, happiness and success does not work. You will have to use the stairs and go through everything.

You shouldn’t be afraid of trials, you should be afraid of living a smooth, useless life.

When you see a person in trouble, do not think that God is testing only him, this test applies to you too... How will you behave towards him? Will you help him or turn away...

Statuses about tests

This collection includes quotes about trials in life for reflection and development. And here is the first expression: A person loves and respects another as long as he cannot judge him, and longing for love is a consequence of insufficient knowledge. T. Mann.

There is no other meaning in life than what a person himself gives to it, revealing his strength, living fruitfully. Fromm E.

Amor et deliciae humani generis - love and joy of the human race.

Life doesn't have to give us what we expect. We must take what it gives and be grateful for the fact that it is so, and not worse.

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Surround yourself only with those people who will pull you higher. It’s just that life is already full of those who want to pull you down. George Clooney

The highest wisdom is to know yourself. Galileo Galilei

Be happy in this moment. This moment is your life.

You need to communicate only with those with whom you feel comfortable. The rest are free. Especially unlikable ones are free twice.

Loving those who make mistakes and are mistaken is a special human quality. Such love is born when you understand that all people are your brothers; that they are mired in ignorance and are mistaken against their own will. Marcus Aurelius

If you need money, go to strangers; if you need advice, go to your friends; and if you don’t need anything, go to your relatives. Mark Twain

Even in times of terrible tragedy and crisis, there is no reason to add to the suffering of others by appearing unhappy.

A warrior does not give up what he loves. He finds love in what he does. Peaceful warrior

A girl must love someone, otherwise she will hate everyone Jared Leto

Women love, men play along in love. Arkady Davidovich

You think about life and love in moments of self-knowledge of your own essence...

Life goes on when the way of life dies.

Life is harsh, but for a person with a strong spirit, it is beautiful and interesting, despite all the difficulties. R. Rolland

Almost every wise saying has an opposite meaning and is no less wise. D. Santayana

Happiness is such a monstrous thing that if you don’t burst from it yourself, then it will require at least a couple of murders from you.

Do nothing to please yourself, but do everything to help and please those around you; and you will practice self-sacrifice and love. Saint Theophan

Having avoided one trouble, you find yourself in another; However, this is wisdom: having weighed all possible troubles, consider the least evil as a good. Niccolo Machiavelli

Smile because life is a beautiful thing and there are many reasons to smile. Marilyn Monroe

Marital love, which passes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary. Francois Mauriac Even the strongest family is no stronger than a house of cards. George Saville Halifax

Inaction creates doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, take action.

A woman needs love, and a man needs a woman. Wolf Vondracek

If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. A. Vampilov

Looking back on the experience, I remember the story of an old man who, on his deathbed, said that his life was full of troubles, most of which never happened. Winston Churchill

Any ontology, no matter how rich and firmly consolidated a categorical system it is, remains fundamentally blind and a perversion of its very purpose, if it has not first sufficiently clarified the meaning of being and has not accepted this clarification as its fundamental task. Heidegger M.

Everything passes, this is the truest truth in the world. - Erich Maria Remarque.

Never feel sorry for yourself and don’t let anyone do it.

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for. Grace Hopper

Be the only one in love and no secondary roles!

Love must be in actions. And in words you can take over France!

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to make it come true. Richard Bach

If there is no pleasure in life, then there must be at least some meaning. Diogenes

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a book of 365 pages. Write good book. Brad Paisley

You should not mistake kindness for weakness, rudeness for strength, and meanness for the ability to live.

It's hard to be the last bitch, there's always someone behind you! M. Zhvanetsky

Even the strangest people can come in handy someday. Tove Jansson, All about the Moomins.

Being good wears out a person so much! Mark Twain

The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore. William James

The only way to live is to live. Tell yourself: I can do this, even knowing that you can’t. Tove Jansson, All about the Moomins.

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we don’t see the most beautiful things in life, but feel them with our hearts.

Affectionate speeches can also make you deaf. Ivan Ivanyuk

You can neither win nor lose until you are racing. David Bowie

Collect all the money you want to spend on doctors, psychics, medicines and buy yourself a sports suit, sneakers and start doing physical exercise!.

Amor omnibus idem - love is the same for everyone.

Love is a test. She tests the spirit of a person. Yes, if you are intelligent enough, if you are able to rely on your consciousness, you can cope with passion. But what next? Get angry at the whole wide world, give up on yourself and hide? To a monastery? Into the wilderness? To Saratov?
No, if you truly love a person, you need to go all the way to the end, and not run away with your tail between your legs at the first explosion of firecrackers. Just go forward, do what you have to do, what your heart tells you. And don't be afraid of anything. Yes, love is a test. But it's the challenge that makes you strong.

Living is like running through a museum. And only then do you begin to truly realize what you saw, think about it, consult books and remember - because you cannot accept it all at once.

If you can find someone you can cuddle with and close your eyes to the world, you're lucky - even if it only lasts a minute.

If you love, but you are not there, let go. If you are loved, but you are not, evaluate and take a closer look. If the love is mutual, fight

If you want to make the whole world happy, go home and love your family.

You can get everything you need if you really need it.

If you can imagine something, you can achieve it.

The path to happiness is based on 2 principles: find what interests you and what you can do well and put all your energy into it.

How long does love last?
- I don't know. I think it's just a matter of luck. If you meet the right person, love lasts forever.

Be grateful for what you have and you will eventually gain more. If you focus on what you don't have, you will never have enough.

People are often unreasonable, illogical and selfish. Despite this - forgive them!
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish intentions. Despite this - be kind!
If you succeed, you will have not only true friends, but also false ones. Regardless, do well!
If you are honest and open, people can deceive you. Despite this, be honest and open!
What you have been building for many years, someone can destroy overnight. Despite this - build!
If you achieve peace and happiness, people may become envious. Despite this - be happy!
What good you do today, people often forget tomorrow. Despite this, do good!
Give the world the best you have, even though it may often not be enough. Regardless, give it away!
If you judge someone, you don't have time to love them! Love them! Despite everything!