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What engine is installed in a passenger train. How to ride the train correctly

In everyday life, concepts such as train, steam locomotive, locomotive and electric train are considered interchangeable, so most people don’t even think about the difference between them. But among railway workers these terms are usually separated, because they have completely different meanings.

Technically, a train is a set of a certain number of cars coupled together, driven by a locomotive. In turn, a locomotive is a traction vehicle, a self-propelled carriage that pulls all the cars behind it. An analogy would be two cars, one of which can't start and is being towed. The car moving ahead in such a situation is akin to a locomotive.

The locomotives themselves, in turn, are divided into many categories depending on the type of power plant. There are locomotives that run on electric traction, there are those that run on steam - these are, in fact, steam locomotives, and there are also those that have a gasoline or diesel engine installed.

On the railways of our country, diesel engines are the most common, while steam locomotives are considered a thing of the past. At the same time, most locomotives can operate both from electric traction and by burning fuel, which allows them to be autonomous and travel a certain distance, for example to the next major station, even if there are problems in the electrical network.

Locomotives have one thing in common: they cannot carry cargo or passengers. They are intended only to pull carriages behind them.

Electric train: train without diesel

But an electric train, which is popularly called an electric train, does not have a locomotive. It is propelled by a motor carriage, which, as the name suggests, is equipped with an electric motor. Typically, part of such a car is occupied by the driver’s cabin and a compartment for power unit, and the remaining part is used to transport passengers or cargo.

How else does an electric train differ from a regular train? It is designed to be moved short distances - within one or two areas, it has only seating and no shelves for sleeping. There is also usually no dining car on the train, and only the motor car has a bathroom, since the duration of the route rarely exceeds two hours.

However, in Lately electric trains with a higher degree of comfort are appearing, which in addition travel over relatively long distances. They are equipped with dry toilets, televisions, and the carriages are staffed by flight attendants and food and water distributors. They differ from classic trains only in the type of power plant and the absence of sleeping shelves.

Trains for long journeys

Regular trains, in turn, are designed to travel across the entire country. The carriages in them are divided into classes: the well-known reserved seat, coupe and SV (luxury). Each carriage must have a flight attendant who monitors the comfort and safety of passengers, warns them when approaching stations where they must get off, provides bed linen, tea, coffee, water, and helps in emergency situations. The carriage is equipped with toilets near each exit and a device for heating water. The train must also have a dining car.

On the website you can buy a train ticket in a matter of seconds, pay for it using Visa or Mastercard, electronic money and other methods. And you will be able to board most flights without even presenting a paper copy of your ticket: electronic check-in will suffice.

The preparation of the train begins directly with the inspection and immediately after its arrival from the previous trip. Inspectors of external and internal equipment determine which cars can go on the road and which need to be uncoupled. The train is disbanded and re-staffed. A maintenance team is assigned to its maintenance. Some trains have about a day or a little more “rest” before the next flight, while others should be ready in five hours.

Preparatory work at the depot

Technical inspection (TO-2) is carried out by teams from the electrical department, repair of running gears and internal equipment, and the restaurant car repair department.

The outfitting team works according to a predetermined schedule. Everything needed for restoration is in warehouses. Train managers and conductors constantly exchange documentation with the storekeeper-inventory manager. Information about the remaining unused sets of bed linen, tablecloths and other train utensils is entered into the database. Thus, new needs of the car and the train as a whole are formed.

Before departure, the train is filled with water. The conductor carefully checks, in addition to its presence and the serviceability of the crane, also the fuel level, the contents of the first aid kit, the serviceability of handrails, locks, entrance and transition platforms, the presence of seals on stop valves and emergency exit drive handles, the presence and serviceability of firefighting and other internal equipment.

The operation of the braking system and chassis is checked by a driver who, together with an assistant, monitors the work of the technicians. All detected deficiencies are eliminated upon their first request.

Each train is assigned a commission, which ultimately checks its readiness for shipment. It consists of: representatives of the depot, the sanitary-epidemiological service, and the apparatus of traffic safety auditors.

Before starting the movement, all workers involved in its support must undergo training.

Departure of the train

Dispatcher taking readings control devices at the central apparatus, having made sure that the turnout sections are free (when changing the route - section), sets the departure route, and then actually transfers the turnouts and opens the exit traffic light.

When the permission signal is given, the driver and assistant comply with the “Minute of Readiness” regulations. It takes place in the form of a dialogue, during which the assistant reports on:

  • Availability of travel documents and warning forms;
  • Turning on security devices and radio stations;
  • Release of the hand brake;
  • Availability of certificates for brakes and tail car;
  • Locomotive traffic light indications;
  • Pressure in the brake and pressure lines;
  • Indications of the exit (route) traffic light;
  • Set speed along the route;
  • About the end of the parking time and the absence of stop signals along the way.

In fact job descriptions preparing for a flight include a huge number of different operations, and those named are only a small part of the enormous work that Russian Railways employees do to ensure that passengers reach their destination on time and without problems.

Why is the train called that way? This article provides educational information about how an electric train differs from a train, and why it transports people only over fairly short distances. In addition, below is generalized technical information about this type of transport.

An electric train is an electric train that is used in suburban traffic. That is, it transports people over short distances (no more than 200-250 kilometers). It's worth talking about it in more depth.

Composition and their differences

Surely everyone who has been to railway stations and platforms at least several times in their life has noticed that the different rolling stock standing on the tracks (long-distance trains, freight cars, electric trains, locomotives) are still different from each other.

A long-distance train consists of a huge or diesel locomotive) and cars attached to it. The latter cannot move independently, since they do not have engines on wheelsets that could move them. Therefore, the task of moving cars (both passenger and freight) is carried out by a locomotive.

It is worth noting that there are sections that are not electrified. The rolling stock to which the article is devoted can only move where there is electricity and, accordingly, a contact wire. This is where the name of the rolling stock came from - electric train, electric train. On the Moscow railway - D.C., in other regions it is variable almost everywhere.

An electric train consists of two head cars, which are installed strictly at the ends of the train, as well as motor and trailer cars. Has anyone ever wondered why such vehicles always have two “heads” with control cabins, while freight and passenger trains do not? The fact is that an electric train is an independent rolling stock; it is not profitable for the carrier at the final station (at the train station) to again attach a carriage with a control cabin or a locomotive so that it can travel in the opposite direction. Railroad transport, unlike others, cannot make a turn (exception: a turntable at a factory or depot).

Inquisitive readers may have a question: what about trains? They are pulled by a locomotive to the final destination or station where they are changed.

Brief description of the structure of the train

An electric train is a rolling stock that has a current collector (pantograph) located on the roofs of the motor cars. It is worth noting that electric locomotives also have it. With the help of a current collector, the rolling stock receives electricity. Why is it needed? Firstly, all devices and systems on the train begin to work; secondly, due to the driver’s actions they are set in motion. But in order for them to start rotating, the traction motors located on the wheel pairs of motor cars must be powered with electricity.

It can only move around its area with the type of current that suits it. For example, the ER-2 electric train can only operate where there is direct current, and the ER-9 - where there is alternating current.

Where do they run, who uses them?

Not only residents of megacities make daily trips from the city to the region, but also people living in the suburbs. That is why officially such a look railway transport called a commuter train. This inscription can be found on station signs and signs, and in the schedule.

Example routes are as follows:

  • Moscow - Sergiev Posad;
  • St. Petersburg - Siverskaya;
  • Voronezh-1 - Liski;
  • Smolensk - Yelnya.

As you can see, suburban connections exist not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Anyone can make the trip, because travel on commuter trains is cheaper than on a long-distance train. But there are no guarantees that you will be able to ride sitting all the way. The fact is that train tickets are sold indicating the carriage number and seat. An electric train is a rolling stock whose interior has seating and standing areas. The ticket indicates the departure and arrival stations, as well as the date of receipt.

What types of electric trains are there?

An electric train is a train that has several categories:

  • regular (stops at all or almost all stations);
  • ambulance (stops only at large stations);
  • express (has a maximum of one adjacent stop).

Of course, a regular train costs less than others.

Express is an electric train with increased comfort, individual seating for passengers and space for luggage.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the train has always been the most popular view transport for short distance trips.

Research the question

The monopolist providing passenger transportation services by rail is the company RAO Russian Railways. Therefore, the main conditions and requirements that are presented to passengers are based on the rules of this company.

One of the main conveniences of traveling by train is the location of the stations. Unlike airports, they are located within the city and can be reached using public transport.

The stations are also provided with the necessary infrastructure:

The train is practically the only alternative for those who are afraid of flying. At the same time, the cost of long-distance tickets is sometimes equal to the cost of air travel.

In addition to its main function - transportation, for a comfortable stay on the train, passengers are provided with:

  • Drinking water (cold and hot), dishes and cutlery
  • Bed sheets
  • Wet cleaning in the carriage (at least 2 times a day)
  • First aid
  • Train library and available board games (checkers, chess)
  • 220 volt outlets for charging mobile phones and laptops
  • Bed preparation for the disabled, sick and passengers with young children (if necessary)

Buy tickets

Tickets can be purchased both at train stations and on the Russian Railways website.

Sale starts 45 days before train departure (in some cases over 60).

Ticket offices usually open at 8:00 and close according to the station's opening hours.

To purchase a ticket, you must have an identification document with you.

When registering, be sure to check that the form is filled out correctly. (personal details, departure date, etc.). If there is an error, it will have to be corrected immediately.

You can also find out what services are included in the ticket price (shower, air conditioning, set meals, etc.).

If there are empty compartments in luxury carriages, the passenger can purchase a ticket from the train manager while moving and change seats (in this case only the difference in cost will be paid).

Important: a fee will be charged for re-issuing a ticket.

Benefits and discounts on tickets

  • For children from 4 to 12 years old - 50%
  • For persons from 12 to 26 years old - 30%
  • For persons over 60 years old - 30%
  • On your birthday - 35% (valid for a week from the date of birth)
  • Newlyweds - 35% (valid for one month from the wedding day)
  • When purchasing a ticket 60 - 45 days before departure - 10%
A complete list of discounts on international traffic can be found on the Russian Railways website.

In addition to the requested data (full name ande-mail) it is recommended to indicate in the application:

  • FULL NAME. conductor
  • Car number
  • Train number
  • Direction

Public order protection

All Moscow stations are equipped with technical security equipment: video cameras, metal detectors, etc.

In addition, police stations are also located at each of them, so the police are involved in resolving all conflicts.

There are slightly different rules on the train, according to which a passenger can be disembarked if he:

  • Violates internal rules trains
  • Disturbs public order
  • Disturbs the peace of mind of other passengers
Important: to detain a passenger and subsequently draw up a protocol, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is called to the nearest station.

In the event of a conflict, fight or crime, the guides act in accordance with internal instructions and contact the train manager, who, in turn, calls the police to the nearest station where the train can stop.

Health care

If a passenger feels unwell while traveling, you must immediately contact the conductor, who, in turn, will call the train manager.

The following measures will then be taken:

  • A doctor is being sought among the passengers
  • An ambulance is called to the nearest station
  • The conductor provides first aid to the person
According to the order of the Ministry of Health, each long-distance train must be equipped with a first aid kit containing:
  • Bandage, plaster
  • Tourniquet to stop bleeding, dressings
  • "Bag" for artificial respiration
  • Splints for different parts of the body (neck, arms, legs, etc.)
  • Isothermal blanket
  • Scissors, napkins, etc.
  • Stretcher
Important: if a passenger requires hospitalization, he will be removed from the train for medical care (the train will not be delayed at the station and will depart on schedule).

In this case, a note is placed on the ticket about a stop along the route and an extension of the validity of the ticket for the duration of illness.

Rules for transporting children

A passenger can carry one child under 6 years of age free of charge, provided that he does not occupy a separate seat.

In all other cases, you will have to issue a separate ticket for it.

Also, children under 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

Important: the child's age is determined by the day the trip begins, so if he turns 6 years old on the road, he can still travel for free.

If a child turns 14 while traveling but was 13 at the time of ticket purchase, they can verify their identity with a birth certificate.

Rules for transporting animals

1.Small (indoor) pets, dogs and birds:

  • Transported in boxes, cages, containers, etc. size 180 cm (total of 3 sides) at hand luggage places
  • Limit one seat per ticket issued
  • No more than two animals per place
  • In a separate compartment of a rigid carriage, except :
  1. Cars with 2-seater compartments (SV)
  2. Luxury carriages
Important: a separate fee is charged for transporting the above types of animals.

2. Large dogs:

  • On a leash and muzzle
3.Guide dogs:
  • On a leash and muzzle
  • In carriages of all types
  • Without additional payment transportation of animals
4.Service dogs:
  • On a leash and muzzle
  • In a separate compartment of a compartment carriage (except for luxury carriages) with payment of the full cost of all seats in the compartment
  • No additional charge for transporting an animal
Important: you must have veterinary documents with you that authorize the transportation of the animal.

Rules for the transportation of large luggage

Baggage carried on the train is divided into:

  • Ordinary
  1. No more than 3 pieces of luggage per ticket
  2. The size of each baggage must not exceed 180 cm (sum of three sides)
  3. The weight of one piece of luggage must not exceed 75 kg
  4. Total weight should not exceed 200 kg
  • Cargo luggage
  1. Placed in a baggage car
  2. The size of each item should not exceed 300 cm (in one of three directions)
  3. Items weighing at least 5 kg and not more than 75 kg
Important: if the weight of regular luggage exceeds 200 kg, excess transportation is calculated according to cargo luggage rates (payable at the ticket office) and is placed in the baggage car.

When removing a passenger from the train (for medical reasons, due to violation of public order, etc.), he must also pick up his hand luggage.

The issue with his luggage is resolved in one of the following ways::

  • Follows to the final station
  • Handed over to the passenger
If this is not possible (for example, in case of a short train stop), the luggage will proceed to the station where it can be unloaded. Then, subject to payment of the cost of transportation, it will be sent back to the passenger.

Important: if a person gets off the train due to illness, the luggage will be returned to him free of charge.

Rules for the carriage of hand luggage

  • No more than 36 kg (for SV - 50 kg) per ticket
  • The size of hand luggage should not exceed 180 cm (sum of three sides)
When purchasing an additional ticket:
  • No more than 50 kg per ticket
Families with young children and disabled people can travel free of charge:

Forgotten things

Forgotten items are handed over to the head of the station where (or next to it) they were discovered. They can also be sent to the final station (or stage) if they were left directly in the carriage.

Each item found is labeled with the designation of the station (or train station) and the serial number assigned to it after description and entry into the accounting book.

Important: suitcases, bags, etc. are opened by employees of the internal affairs bodies, and then sealed or sealed.

In order to receive your luggage, you must contact the head of the station (or train station) where the passenger discovered the loss.

The station master, in turn, will send a memo to the train master, which will indicate:

  • Description of forgotten things
  • Car number
  • Passenger seat
In order to prove that the item belongs to you, you need to describe it appearance and content. The presence of information tags on luggage greatly simplifies the search procedure.

Important: this does not apply to items carried in the luggage compartment, where a different compensation procedure applies.

Train departure delay

In accordance with the "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation", the carrier must pay the passenger a fine in the amount of 3% of the ticket price for each hour of delay (but not more than the cost of travel).

Compensation will not be paid if the delay is due to:

  • Force majeure circumstances:
  1. Hostilities
  2. Act of terrorism
  3. Natural disasters
  • Eliminating a train malfunction that threatens the lives of passengers (arising through no fault of the carrier)
  • Other circumstances (also independent of the carrier)
In order to receive compensation you must:
  1. Obtain from the station duty officer a certificate confirming the train is late
  2. Submit a written application (in free form) to the claims department of the Department railway, attaching the original tickets and the above certificate (this can be done at any station)
A decision on payment of compensation will be made within 30 days.

Important: if, due to the fault of the carrier, you suffered material losses, for example, you were late for another train, you can go to court for compensation for damages.

Life insurance

The cost of standard insurance is automatically included in the ticket price.

Depending on the damage caused, the carrier must pay the following amounts:

  • Harm to life - 2,500,000 rubles
  • Damage to health - 2,000,000 rubles
  • Damage to property - 23,000 rubles
Also, when purchasing a ticket, you can purchase additional insurance, the cost of which will depend on the set of services chosen.

Immediately after the accident, a report is drawn up and submitted to the insurance company.

To receive compensation you must:

  • Collect documents (the list of which the passenger must be familiarized with when drawing up the report)
  • To write an application (in free form) and send to the carrier (By legal address, unless other contacts are indicated).
The period for payment of compensation is 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents by the insurance company.

Trains now have significantly greater length, speed, and weight compared to the first trains that ran 160 years ago. But they still have the same steel wheels with a protrusion on the edge of the rim and roll on cast iron rails of the same shape in the form of the Latin letter I. Each train wheel has a 1-inch protrusion on the inside of the rim.

It is these protrusions that guide the wheels along the rails, be it a straight section or a curved track. A railroad wheel and rail fit together so well, that is, have such a small coefficient of friction, that if a 40-ton railroad car were allowed to roll freely along a horizontal track at 60 miles per hour, it would still travel a full 5 miles before stopping. While a truck weighing 40 tons with the engine turned off and the same initial speed can travel about 1 mile to a stop.

Elastic rail support

The rail rests on wooden or concrete sleepers laid in a gravel base. Typically, long bolts that pass through spring clips hold the rail in place. This elastic fastening system contributes to a softer ride.

Rail joint

When the rails are joined, there is a small gap between each 39-foot section. This is what allows metal rails to expand when heated without interference. A bolted rail cap holds adjacent sections of rail together. Although currently on the main railway lines, all sections on each side of the track are welded into one rail.

Traction force

The train with all its weight (through the wheels) presses on the rails. Due to friction, the rolling wheel adheres to the rail and from this, a traction force arises at the point of their contact, which moves the train forward both on flat areas and on inclines. The weight plus the friction between the rail and the rolling wheel acts to pull the train forward.

ц - friction coefficient

F - friction force

Passing ways

In order for a moving train to move from one track to another, its wheels must make such a transition. And railway switches help them with this. Guide rails allow the wheels to cross the "cross" where both tracks meet. If the train hits the switch, moving along the picture from bottom to top, then after the switch it will continue moving along the straight track drawn on the right.

Movement on the bends of the tracks

When a train moves along a curved track, it is acted upon by a so-called centrifugal force, which tends to push the train outward from its track. To counteract this lateral force, the outer rail is installed higher than the inner one. Such an excess of one rail over the other is called the inclination of the superelevation. It allows trains to pass rounded sections of the track without reducing speed.


The distance between the rails on track bends is greater than on straight sections. As a result, the friction force that acts on the wheels when the centrifugal force pulls the car sideways is reduced, and at the same time the wear of the rails is reduced.

Trolleys on wheels

The wheels of the cars are attached to bogies, that is, moving platforms on which the suspension system is also located. Each cart is equipped with two pairs of wheels. And the bogies themselves, on which the car is placed, can turn under it to the right or left with the help of a special device - a thrust bearing. This gives the carriage movement smoothness when the train passes rounded sections of the track. The independent suspension system helps ensure a smooth ride.