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Consumer Journey Map com. Making a Customer Journey Map: tips and tools

A Customer Journey Map is essentially an illustration, a map of the customer journey that details the customer's journey between touchpoints with a company or territory. Within the framework of this map, we have the opportunity to explore and digitize the client’s experience: what questions he asks himself, what problems he wants to solve with the help of the company, his emotions, impressions and satisfaction from interacting with a company or organization.

The process of constructing a map is comprehensive study customer behavior and created customer experience. No two cards are exactly alike, and no two companies, products or services are exactly alike. But we can show you the best examples that you can look at to understand what CJM is and how it can benefit your business.

Customer Journey Mapping as research

Using the example of CJM, which we developed for the city visit experience, you can see what exactly can be explored:

  1. Key milestones and steps of client interaction with the company
  2. What task does the client face, in what context does this happen (plan a budget, get a list, etc.)
  3. What is he thinking? What questions does he ask himself and company representatives?
  4. What is he doing exactly at this moment? Key steps that the client takes at one or another stage of interaction with the company (searches and compares information, tries to get advice by phone, goes to the branch, etc.
  5. At what specific touchpoints does interaction occur? (website, social media, short number, street, terminal)
  6. Rating of the guest's feelings, his satisfaction from this stage
  7. Pain points in customer experience
  8. “Growth points” for the company and suggestions from consultants

The data to fill out such a table cannot be based on guesswork. Before starting to develop a map, the company needs to decide on “personas”, portraits of their typical customers and the “best” customers they would like to attract.

And after determining this circle and the characters of the “persons,” it is necessary to conduct a survey of customers about their journey, the process of interaction with the company, in order to understand their motivation, goals, purchasing habits and pain points. There is no need to flatter yourself with the hope that we understand the wishes of our clients. Very often, in the process of such research, we discover a lot of new things and see our services from an unexpected side.

What else can you include in your Customer Journey Map?

The more detailed the map is, the more clearly it reflects the customer journey, and the more likely you are to identify areas for further improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the discussion any additional questions that may clarify this path. For example, you can add, as shown below in the map from Heart of Client, how much time each stage takes the client.

Describe opportunities for improvement

The map itself is not the result of work; the map is only a tool for measuring and evaluating your service. If the map does not lead to concrete changes and improvements in the organization and in the customer experience, it will simply become a path and a beautiful symbol of a waste of time.

Once key steps, touchpoints, customer emotions and questions have been identified, a coaching session can be held to identify opportunities for process optimization or improvement.

For example, this sample map from the Smart Cities project shows how the City of Edinburgh can improve public and city services.

Analyze and be prepared for unexpected discoveries

The value of CJM increases if you are able to correlate the results with other data from your business: for example, NPS survey data, mentions of the business in social media, user experience and others. For example, in our study of hospitality in the city of Almaty, we found that the willingness to recommend visiting the city is directly influenced by the foreign tourist’s feeling of safety during their stay.

What discoveries await you in your customer journey map?

The material is based on a translation of an article by Neil Davey. The material is supplemented with author's comments and links.

Experience card No. 11 "Light guide"

Topic: Light guide (waveguide).

Class: 10th grade.

Equipment: light source, optical fiber, screen.

Purpose: to study the principle of operation of the light guide and determine its role in modern technology.

Experience scheme:

The beam from the light source passes through the light guide and falls on the screen. The operating principle of a fiber light guide is based on the use of known processes of reflection and refraction of an optical wave at the interface between two media with different optical properties. The optical properties of the material depend on the refractive index n. A medium with a higher refractive index is called optically denser. Fiber light guides typically have a circular cross-section and consist of two concentric layers of dielectric. In the center there is a core of optically denser glass, surrounded by a shell of glass with a lower optical density. At the interface between the core and the cladding, light rays are reflected and propagate along the axis of the light guide. Thus, the core serves to transmit electromagnetic energy, the cladding is intended mainly to improve the reflection conditions at the core/cladding interface and protect against energy radiation into the environment.

Conclusion: during the demonstration experiment, the operating principle of the light guide was studied and its role in modern technology was determined.

Experience card No. 12 "Obtaining interference fringes"

Topic: Obtaining interference fringes.

Class: 10th grade.

Stage: study of wave and geometric optics.

Equipment: monochromatic light source (laser), thin collecting lens (short-focus), opaque plate with two thin parallel slits, screen.

Goal: obtain an interference pattern.

Experience scheme:

The beam from the light source passes through the lens and both slits. An interference pattern is formed on the screen. Let's set up the installation so that the interference pattern is observed most clearly.

Conclusion: During the demonstration experiment, an interference pattern was obtained.

Experience card No. 13 "Diffraction of light"

Topic: Diffraction of light.

Class: 10th grade.

Stage: study of wave and geometric optics.

Equipment: monochromatic light source (laser), spectral slit, white light arc lamp, diaphragm slit, optical bench, diffraction grating, screen.

Purpose: to observe the diffraction pattern when light passes through a narrow slit and through a diffraction grating.

Experience scheme:

Narrow gap.

The beam from the light source passes through the spectral slit. On the screen we observe a diffraction pattern in the form of light and dark stripes.

Diffraction grating.

The beam from the light source passes through the diaphragm and diffraction grating. On the screen we observe a diffraction pattern, in the center of which is the brightest maximum. On both sides of which there are multicolor stripes (intensity maxima), separated by dark intervals - minima.

Conclusion: during the demonstration experiment, a diffraction pattern was obtained when light passed through a narrow slit and through a diffraction grating.

Experience card No. 14 "Light dispersion"

Topic: Dispersion of light.

Class: 10th grade.

Stage: study of wave and geometric optics.

Equipment: triangular prism, white light source, biconvex lens, screen.

Purpose: to observe the phenomenon of dispersion when light passes through a trihedral prism.

Experience scheme:

The beam from the light source is collected into a narrow beam by a biconvex lens, and behind the lens we place a glass prism with the thin end down. White light falling on a prism is refracted, behind the prism on the opposite wall of the room a “rainbow” appears from different colors of light “spectrum” (lat. spectrum) - vision.

Conclusion: during the demonstration experiment, the decomposition of white light into a spectrum was obtained when passing through a trihedral prism.

Experience card No. 15 "Photo effect"

Topic: Photo effect.

Class: 10th grade.

Stage: study of wave and geometric optics.

Equipment: arc lamp, zinc plate, electrometer.

Purpose: to observe the phenomenon of the external photoelectric effect.

Experience scheme:

Let's charge the plate negatively. Let's direct the light from the lamp onto it. The plate begins to discharge. Let's charge the plate positively and shine light on it again. No plate discharge is observed. The experimental results suggest that the rays knock out negative charges from the plate.

Conclusion: during the demonstration experiment, the phenomenon of external photoelectric effect was studied.

Thoughtful marketing brings in visitors, but will all of them become your customers? Why are they leaving? Why don’t they carry their legitimate curiosity to purchase services? Naturally, there is a desire to help the interested audience make a choice in your favor and offer a pre-designed route or, as they say, a “customer journey map.”

To do this, you need to formulate a certain scenario that best leads to the sale of the company’s services, as well as identify possible points of intersection (points of contact) between the consumer and your company. Graphically displaying this scenario will provide a visual representation of the customer's journey from need to purchase. This technique came to us from the organization of transport communications, when a person needs to get from point “A” to point “B”.

What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map is the story of a customer's experience with your company, from first contact through the process of participating in your marketing program to completing a transaction and building a long-term relationship. The interaction visualization is described step by step, according to the company.

The customer journey can take many forms, but the goal for creating a map remains the same - to provide a clear understanding of the buyer behavior that brings profit to the company. A customer journey map should make it easier to understand which sales scenario is being implemented and which touchpoints are being strengthened. It helps to understand the buyer’s motives: at each stage of the transaction, the desires of the clients and the capabilities of the company are considered.

To make it easier to understand the “Customer Journey Map” methodology, we will consider the transaction process using the example of hotel services. Below is typical behavior for a new hotel website visitor. Although we must admit, there is no clear standard for creating a travel map. This can be a laconic description of the procedures at each stage of the sales funnel, or colorful infographics that take into account motives, emotions, sales channels, time frames and the company’s responsible persons for each touch point.
For the consumer, the transaction begins with searching for options and comparing them. If expectations are met internal motives, a detailed study of the offer takes place and a decision is made on the possibility of using the hotel’s services. The process of perceiving the service does not end there, and the client develops an attitude towards the company in terms of the level and quality of service.

For each stage of the sales funnel, the hotel has predetermined tasks that are implemented by the marketing and reservation services and directly by the hotel staff serving the guest. IN hotel business It is customary to use service standards, which carefully define the responsibilities and procedures for each hotel service.

A customer journey map is a method of analyzing the interaction of a consumer with a company, which allows you to identify problems and understand at which stage of the sales funnel a customer is lost.

Key factors for creating an effective customer journey map

  1. Focus on what allows a visitor to become a client

The basis for building a customer journey map should be the actual experience of a consumer interacting with your company throughout the entire sales cycle. Instead of wondering how you will sell, pay attention to what the client is doing. It's important to understand what customers think and feel when they interact with your brand. Essentially, a journey map should be built on actually understanding customer behavior, thoughts and feelings at every stage of the sales funnel and at every touch point.

You need to formulate reasonable hypotheses about how the client will behave in a particular case. This should be the basis for possible solutions developing relationships with clients that stimulate positive emotions. The more different clients, the more diverse the palette of travel maps will be.

  1. Need to capture the client's attention

The client's attention to your service can be spontaneous. It's easy to lose. Therefore, the customer journey map should be based on specific goals and include actions to retain the visitor. A successful transaction will depend on the client's emotions, both positive and negative, based on his subjective experience. Therefore, investments in building relationships with the buyer should begin at the very first stage of the sales cycle, and follow it up as necessary.


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With the use of big data in marketing, the understanding of the client has changed - it has become possible to determine his habits, preferences, and motives even before making a purchase. Information about who buys, how and why helps to find weak points in the work. Data tells you how to improve the product and experience to provide the greatest benefit to both the customer and the company. In marketing, visualization tools, such as Customer Journey Map, are used to organize customer data.

Customer Journey Map - what is it?

Literally, Customer Journey Map (CJM) translates as “customer journey map.” This is his visualized experience, the history of communication with the company, taking into account thoughts, emotions, goals, motives. The map is compiled on behalf of the buyer and looks like a graph with points and channels of his interaction with the product.

CJM reflects the customer's journey to the product, identifies problem areas and suggests how to increase sales and increase customer loyalty.

With the help of the map, the main fears and expectations of clients are revealed. This is the main difference between CJM and a sales funnel, in which the company depicts a linear movement of the consumer to the product without detours.

To create a map, you need to track the client’s behavior at all points of intersection with the company. For a good analysis, you need to collect enough information about the buyer and the product itself, and then correctly record it on the map. Here are five basic steps to creating a Customer Journey Map.

Collect information

First you need to study the audience and think through the characters.

A persona is a collective image of a buyer created based on audience data. He must have real personal qualities and clear goals.

Identify customer behavior patterns and formulate their main characteristics, from gender and age to place of work and interests. Based on patterns, collect several buyer personas.

Each customer has a different path to the product, so it’s better to create a “journey map” for several personas. Characters of different audience segments will react differently to prices, they will have different expectations and impressions. This has already been discussed on the blog.

For detailed description the path requires information about the buyer’s actions - his problems, doubts and search for options, triggers and distractions. For example, how does a client find out about a company, with whom does he compare prices, why does he get upset, and at what point is he completely satisfied.

Collect information from different sources:

  • Study. This could be web analytics, surveys or a full-fledged social poll. You can conduct interviews or communicate with clients on social networks.
  • Accumulated knowledge. Sales managers and customer support interact frequently with customers. They know the problems and understand the buyer's thoughts. Ask them to talk about clients or fill out a map together.
  • Own experience. A simple way to understand a client is to become one. Try testing the product yourself, capturing ideas as you go, or use “mystery shoppers” to do this.

Also, at this stage, start collecting internal information - product features, company business goals and possible problems On the market.

Polina Kabirova

Mark interaction points and channels

Depending on the interaction channel, contact points can be online or offline. The buyer accesses the site from a computer or mobile device, orders a product by phone or at the company’s office, talks with the courier, or fills out a form on the site. All options are plotted on the map.

Informal interaction - the buyer turned out to be an acquaintance of the manager or solved his problem on social networks - is also recorded on the map.

It is important to note the actions of the buyer, and not just the channels that are simply tools to achieve the goal. Remember that the lack of interaction is also considered a point - this is also a potential scenario.

Mark critical points and barriers

Barriers prevent the client from moving from one point to another. These could be errors on the site or spam letters, or doubt or loss of interest among the buyer.

It is necessary to find barriers and ways to overcome them. The points where there are the most barriers are critical. In them, the buyer experiences negative emotions associated with a product or company. For example, a customer is annoyed or disappointed with the quality of service. As a result, his loyalty decreases and he may turn to competitors.

Make sure that there are not several barriers at one point on the map - in such a situation, the buyer may change his mind and leave.

Remove barriers

The ultimate goal of the card is to create a positive consumer experience, continuous and successful interaction between the buyer and the product. There should be few barriers, and consumer movement on the map should be comfortable.

At critical points, ways to optimize the product and the company's operations are determined. Anything goes here - from brainstorming before engaging external consultants.

Removing barriers usually requires improving service quality or updating the product. You may have to simplify the map and remove some touchpoints, or completely rebuild the buyer's journey.

Remember to estimate the costs of reducing barriers.

Identify specific actions to improve performance and estimate how much additional investment they will require. For example, while compiling CJM, you found that customers often do not make a purchase because they cannot find the “buy” button on the site. To remove this barrier, you can redesign the site. What resources do you have for this? How much will the redesign cost from external specialists? Perhaps there are other ways to eliminate such a barrier.

Do it all over again

The result of working with the buyer’s “journey map” should be specific actions to overcome barriers. But it is important to remember that the card does not issue ready-made solutions, although it clearly shows the sources of the problems. Even if the map is drawn up correctly and logical steps are taken to improve performance, there is no guarantee that it will work. Therefore, it is useful to build CJM regularly.

If after optimization the customer journey has changed, create new map. Monitor the points of interaction between the buyer and the company and prevent the emergence of new barriers.

Constantly return to the client and check what else is preventing him from achieving his goal and making a purchase. By gradually getting to know your client better, you can find the best ways to interact with him.

CJM Tools

  • The easiest way to create a map is in the form of a table in Google Sheets. Horizontally, write down the stages of the journey: how the company interacts with the buyer and helps him move forward. Write down the specific characteristics of the buyer vertically: goals, motives, points and channels of interaction, emotions, barriers. The advantage of the table is that it is easy to update, and all team members have access.
  • If you need details and visualization, involve designers and draw in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Such maps look good in presentations and work for one-time optimizations, but they are difficult to edit without a specialist.
  • In paid services, for example,
  • Mark interaction points and channels. Write down what buyer actions gradually lead him to the product and what channels help him in this.
  • Identify critical points and barriers. Highlight the moments when the buyer stops on his way to the product: he doubts for a long time or makes a choice in favor of competitors.
  • Remove barriers. Based on the collected data, make the customer journey faster and more comfortable.
  • Repeat from the beginning. With new CJMs, track changes in the customer experience and continuously improve the customer experience.