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Competitions for the New Year's masquerade ball. Scenario for the New Year’s youth ball “New Year’s Fun”

Scenario - New Year's ball-carnival "The hour of fun has come - at the New Year's carnival"

Materials: A). Palace scroll - names of guests, titles and achievements are entered into it. The list is promptly forwarded to the prince, princess and presenter for acquaintance and holding the competition.
B). A box with paper smiles - they are handed out to guests; later, when everyone has become acquainted with everyone, you can write a wish on the smile to someone present. This is the post office. At the end of the ball, the Host reads out the mail, and the fairies (those who met) deliver it to the recipients.
B) Tree of wishes
1. Meeting guests. A waltz is playing, the guests are greeted by two maids of honor
1. Maid of honor. Welcome, we have been waiting for you,
Just a little more and they'll start playing a waltz,
And the Christmas tree will light up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!
O most noble guests,
Shining like the stars in the sky!
Tell me how to represent you in the palace scroll?
Host: Dear guests, at the entrance we have a list of guests, since today we have a carnival ball, we invite you to enter your mysterious name or the name of the image in it, so that in the future we will get to know you better!
(guests go into the hall, write down their images on a scroll)
Presenter: We are pleased to welcome you to the New Year's masquerade ball. As at any ball, we have the hostess of the ball - Zimushka-Winter, greet her with applause and joyful smiles!
(Zimushka-winter comes out and opens the masquerade ball)
Host: Our masquerade ball is officially opened and we, together with the prince and princess, invite all guests to the dance floor!
(dance break 10 min)
Leading: New Year- a time of unprecedented miracles and fairy tales, and today we will plunge into New Year's tale, in which you will be the main characters. We invite you to 12 of the most artistic and creative guests.
Competition "New Year's Tale"
1. Prince
2. Princess
3. Santa Claus
4. Snow Maiden
5. Sun
6. Old house
7. Guard dog
8. Santa's Horse
9. Snow Maiden's horse
10. Wind
11. First Elf
12. Second Elf
13. Third Elf
It was a wonderful winter day, the bright sun was shining in the clearing and warming everyone with its rays. In the center of the clearing stood an old house creaking, and a guard dog wandered and whined near the house. The Prince and Princess were walking along the clearing, they were in a wonderful mood, and they sang a cheerful New Year's song. Hearing the song, cheerful elves flew into the clearing and began to dance a catchy dance. Suddenly a cold wind rose, raged, whistled and carried away the little elves. The prince and princess began to run and look for them, but they did not find them. They got upset and decided to call Father Frost and Snow Maiden for help. But the princess knew that for this she needed to tell a New Year's poem. Immediately after this, the sound of hooves was heard, and Father Frost and Snegurochka galloped into the clearing on their beautiful horses, neighing at the top of their voices on the eve of the holiday. The sun illuminated the clearing even brighter, the dog whined even louder, and the old house creaked. Our heroes rushed to the kingdom of the wind. He did not want to give the fairies to the prince and princess, and the wind whistled with all its might. Then Santa Claus decided to defeat the wind with kindness and decided to stand with everyone in a New Year's round dance, surround the wind and sing a cheerful New Year's song. The wind became better, the fairies were released, everyone began to dance and celebrate the New Year!
(dance break 10 min)

Presenter: Dear guests! I hope none of you this evening will refuse my completely innocent request - let's play! And we will start by organizing two teams. One of them is ladies, the other is gentlemen. So we saw how you can dance, but how well do you know the songs? The next competition is called “Re-Perevka”.. But this competition is not as simple as you think. Ladies will need to sing songs with the names of their gentlemen, and gentlemen with the names of the ladies.

Competition "Repeats".
Presenter: Both teams did an excellent job with these challenges. simple tasks. Now let's keep dancing!
Dance block 10 min.
Presenter: This wonderful carnival!
Masks will hide our faces

Costume ball

The queen will give us the night!

Knight, fairy and pirate...

Feathers, silk, colored beads.

Choose your outfit!

Choose any one you like!

Presenter: Dear guests, the time has come to choose the best suit and get to know each other better. Remember, when you entered, you entered your images and names into the list, so now we will get acquainted with the brightest of them and determine the winners! The presenter reads out the names of the guests and their titles from the list, and they go up on stage.

Costume competition
Presenter: We looked at you, met you, different and interesting guests at our carnival! Well, now it’s time to dance, we’ll enlighten our winner to the next song!

Dance block 10 min.
Presenter: What would a ball be without a King and Queen? In the next competition, together with you, we will choose the King of our holiday. I invite 5 candidates for this title to the stage! What should a King be able to do? (children's answers). Of course, all this is important, but how can you rule the kingdom without Decrees? This is exactly what our participants will do now, and you and I will help them.

Competition "Prom King"
Presenter: So we have determined the host of our holiday, and now the King of the Ball invites all the guests to dance!
Dance block 10 min.
Presenter: Dear ladies and gentlemen! Our King simply needs a companion. Let's choose the Prom Queen! 5 candidates for the most honorable role are invited to the stage! Any Queen must attend the most important and significant social events and, of course, communicate with journalists. Each of the contenders will take on this role. Let's see how they do it!

Competition "Prom Queen"
1. Opening of the Olympics
2. Opening of the Moscow Film Festival
3. Finale of the project “The Voice”
4. KVN anniversary evening
5. Finale of the Ice Age project

Presenter: The King and Queen of the ball have been chosen, let's greet them with applause and continue our dance evening!
Dance block 10 min.
Presenter: And we remind you that today we have a magic box in which you can send letters, be sure to sign the class and surname of the recipient, very soon we will deliver them! You have demonstrated many competitions and talents, but we have not yet determined the best dancers of the evening, the King and Queen will help me with this, who will assemble a team of 10 people!
Competition "Re-dance"
1. Only with your head
2. Only with your hands
3. Only with your feet
4. Improvisation
Presenter: Our wonderful evening is coming to an end, together with the King and Queen we will convey your messages from the magic box and invite all guests to the last white dance!
Goodbye friends,
And see you in a year,
Let the stars shine for us,
On the bright holiday of the New Year!

year 2014

Presenters: Danilenko Olga

Shcherba Denis

Filipenko Nikita

Glot Ruslan

Pogulyaev Evgeniy

Fairies: Gorbunova Lyubov and Gorbunova Maria

Baba Yaga: Vigorous Anastasia

Santa Claus: Evgeniy Krasnobay

Snow Maiden: Anastasia Mamchenko

Fairies greet you at the entrance

Guests take their places in groups

Denis: (offstage)

New Year's ball - what a miracle!
Let's hurry to the ball
Let's get into the carriage and rush off
Along the streets at night for the carnival.
The moment of the desired meeting is getting closer,
Our magic hall shines,
A wonderful waltz and candles, candles...
We are starting the New Year's ball!

Waltz (1-4 courses)

First fairy:
Welcome, we have been waiting for you,
Just a little more and they'll start playing a waltz

Second fairy:
And the Christmas tree will light up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!

And now the floor is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Podvoiskaya.

First fairy: The floor is given to Nikolai Vasilyevich Kozhemyako.

Denis: Good evening, ladies, gentlemen!
Let me welcome you today
At everyone's New Year's Eve party!

Zhenya: Everyone's favorite holiday - New Year,

He's already on his way, he'll come to us soon.

Well, for now, I’m glad to offer you

Merry New Year's masquerade!

Nikita: Put on your masks and let's play

The host himself puts on a carnival mask

We will recognize each other in the game!

Zhenya: Let the New Year's sparkle and tinsel,

Will remind us of childhood, where the game is,

Was real and alive for us...

Gaining experience in the game

We learned about life, learned to live,

We learned to believe in miracles and love...

Denis: But closer to the point - a wonderful masquerade,

And Alice the fox and Basilio the cat have been waiting for their turn for a long time. We ask you to come on stage.

Zhenya: We watched the performance of 12 couples and it's time to sum up. We ask all participants to come up to the stage. The floor is given to His Majesty King Belochon III.

King: This year has not been easy for us, there have been ups and downs. Autumn Ball, but despite all this, we found the strength to put an end to the passing year. And now we will announce our decision. So, the first place was shared by three groups: 11, 22, 32, we will continue our awarding, groups 31, 12, 42 take an honorable first place, and as you already understood 13,21, 23, 33, 41, and 43 so take the honorable first place. But seriously, in the nomination... the couple wins:

There is an award ceremony, presentation of frames and diplomas

Olya: Today we have Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Beautiful, and the King and Queen, and Emelya. And who is not?

Denis: All here. And Ivan, and Aladdin, and Lyubava and Zabava. Who are you missing?

Olya: We have a classic situation - New Year's Eve is in full swing, but there is no Santa Claus!

Nikita: So let's all call him together! (name of Santa Claus)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Congratulations to Father Frost and Snow Maiden

D.M. Hello my dear,
Small and big.
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.

SN. We came to visit today

For the holiday at this hour.
Please, Happy New Year,
Friends congratulate you.
And wish you success in all good deeds,
More songs, laughter, smiles on the lips.

D.M. Look, Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree is amazing!
And everything around is so beautiful!
I brought you news
That the New Year is on the way
And soon it will be on the doorstep!
Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle!
After all, Santa Claus will not forget:
Everyone gets a gift,
Carefully packed in a bag,
Tied up, packed brightly,
After all, everyone is now waiting for a gift,
Miracles and fairy tales for January.
And I give all this to you!

The chimes are striking. Waltz 22 groups

Firecrackers explode.


ball - masquerade

"In New Year's rhythms"

Target : organizing and holding a New Year's masquerade ball for students in grades 9-11 based on competitive competitions.

Tasks: develop creative independence, expressiveness of speech and pantomime actions, communicative qualities in the child; improve artistic and figurative performing skills; cultivate restraint, attention, feelings of friendliness and mutual assistance, develop the artistic abilities of children.

Event plan:

    meeting guests at the entrance;

    dance competition program;

    rewarding the participants.

Goals and objectives:

    organization of holiday leisure for students;

    development of creativity and aesthetic taste;

    broadening the horizons of students;

    developing the ability to work in a team.

Preparation for the event:

    release of a New Year's poster;

    participation in the competition for the best New Year's toy;

    decoration of the hall;

    preparing costumes.

The progress of the holiday


HELLO everyone! I don't know whether you're glad to see me or not, but I really would like you to be glad. Therefore, if you don’t mind, I will say “Hello everyone!” again, and you will pretend to be very happy!


Well, that's a completely different matter! We will be with you all evening.


You probably think that you have gathered to just dance on New Year's Eve? Naive! There will be a super competition here todayXXIcentury. This competition is filmed on 10 hidden cameras, and then it will be shown on all world television channels! You will go down in history.


And the following will take place here. We will revive traditions and find ourselves at a real ball.


Listen! All my life I have dreamed of attending a real ball, well, at least for 5 minutes, so that there would be real beauties, princes and a “waltz”.


On New Year's Eve - all dreams come true!


Look how many wonderful and mysterious masks and costumes are around you, and what “famous personalities” are hidden behind these masks!


We are pleased to welcome you to New Year's ball. Let us greet everyone who arrived at this ball with applause.

New Year is a special holiday




Yes because! On this day, a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. She makes a trip to the decorated Christmas trees, thunders with fireworks, and shines with multi-colored lanterns. Today, as in a fairy tale, our lovely ladies will briefly turn into fairy-tale heroines, try to work miracles and get the opportunity to compete for the title of “Prom Queen”.


We are opening the ball.

But who will start the fun is the question.

After all, we don’t see the long-awaited guests.

Where is the Snow Maiden? Where is Santa Claus?


Well, what kind of New Year is there without the main characters - Father Frost and Snow Maiden? For some reason they are in no hurry to come to us. Maybe they won't come at all? How do you think? Have you forgotten what they look like? We'll check this now.

A game:

Answer the questions “Yes” or “No”.

    Does Santa Claus walk?

    With a dusty old bag?

    Is Santa Claus a good old man?

    Does he wear a hat and galoshes?

    Will Santa Claus come soon and bring beetroot soup?

    Previously, he brought us a Christmas tree with one small needle?

    Does your grandfather have a beard?

    Is she very black?

    He wears a robe over his shoulders, is it too small for him?

    Does Santa Claus live in the forest?

    Does he eat sausage for breakfast?

    Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?

    Is he friends with Snegurochka?

Musical screensaver "The sleigh is coming"

Presenter :
We have an amazing guest. IN different countries he is known under different names - Pere Noel, Gaspard, Melchior and Walthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty - Father Frost! And his beautiful companion...

Father Frost:

Hello, dear children!
I had a text here somewhere... (searches):

I am the real Santa Claus
I brought you news
That the New Year is on the way
And soon it will be on the doorstep!

I enjoy reading
Congratulations for guests:
Happy New Year
Everyone - both adults and children!


Santa Claus, are you without the Snow Maiden?

Father Frost

- Yes, she’s sick, and the kids are waiting for us (sighs).

Presenter :

Don’t be sad, we will find you the Snow Maiden! Look how many candidates for the role of the Snow Maiden are in the hall (they are seated on the prepared chair for the jury)


- Dear guests, dance, show off your outfit, take part in theatrical performances, comic competitions, sweepstakes and just smile - and then you will not go unnoticed and will definitely receive your reward...

Presenter :

A masquerade ball is a wonderful fairy tale brought into reality, where everyone can become whoever they want. And for this you need to choose an evening masquerade outfit and, hiding the image you have planned under a mysterious mask, go to a real ball!

1 competition (for

Presenter :

Guys, at today's celebration we will choose the “Prom Queen”. They will compete for this title... and we will see them now. Contenders for the title “Prom Queen” are invited to the stage.

The first competition for our contenders for the title “Prom Queen” -"Fashion peak 2019" - present and defend your outfit. All spectators will get to know our guests.


Number: what’s fashionable this year will be shown to us by class 10 “B”.

Presenter :

- And now we ask you to go on stage5 contenders for the Snow Maiden.

2 competition (for Snow Maidens)


The next competition is called “Dress up the Snow Maiden”. The applicants need 1 assistant each, who will, upon a signal, dress her up so that his Snow Maiden looks the most modern. The following items can be used: Christmas tree decorations, additional clothing. Well, Santa Claus will choose the most original Snow Maiden in this competition.

Number ____________________________________________________________

3. Competition (for spectators)


The competition is called "New Year's Fireworks". We ask for 4 couples (a boy and a girl) on stage. Each pair is given a large balloon, which you place between each other. While the music is playing, the couples are dancing, as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly and tightly hug each other so that the balloon bursts. The couple whose fireworks fires first will win.

Number ____________________________________________________

4. “Gemini” competition (for contenders for the title “Prom Queen”).


- We invite you to the stage. Every contender in this competition needs a pair. You come up to each other and hold hands. It turns out that each of them has one free hand. Then you are given a task that you must complete as if it were two hands of one person.

You will need to cut out the snowflake. Santa Claus will choose the most beautiful snowflake.

5. Competition “Musical vinaigrette” (for Snow Maidens)

Presenter :

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can be invited to different countries and the Real Snow Maiden must be able to perform different styles dancing. The Snow Maidens participate in the game. To the music, the applicants need to dance “gypsy”, “lezginka”, “tango”, “lady”, “club music”. The best Snow Maiden is chosen to the applause of the audience.

6. Competition "New Year's Masquerade" (for spectators)

Five people are needed to play. You must stand in a circle, and you will be handed a bag of clothes alone. To cheerful music, you must move in a circle, passing the bag to each other. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the bag in his hands at that moment must randomly take something out of it and put it on himself. When all the clothes are gone, you can sum it up. Whoever looks funniest wins!


    Contest "New Year's Garland"

(For contenders for the title “Prom Queen”).


Different colors are written on the leaves: red, blue, black, white, silver. Each candidate draws a piece of paper from the bag with the name of the color. If you come across a red one, for example, then you need to remove red items from the fans. It could be a scarf or decoration. Tie a garland.

Number: song “When the clock strikes 12” (points are being counted at this time)


Guys, the most awaited moment of the ball has arrived - the announcement of the winners.

The floor is given to Santa Claus!


Father Frost:

“Happy, cheerful holidays,

But don’t forget about school!”

With new happiness! Happy New Year!

See you next year!


Event plan (calculated for 4 hours):
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (greeted by girls dressed as fairies)
2. Meeting the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with competitions, an auction and small performances.
4. Farewell to the old year and welcome to the new one.
5. The arrival of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Competitions.

Characters: Presenter, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Dance Master, fairies at the entrance. Actors for dramatizations (you can rehearse in advance, or print out the roles and improvise with the guests).

1. Meeting guests.

First fairy:
Welcome, we have been waiting for you,
Just a little more and they'll start playing a waltz,
And the Christmas tree will light up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!

Second fairy:
O most noble guests,
Shining like the stars in the sky!
Tell me how to represent you in the palace scroll? (see below)

(Writes it down.)

A). Palace scroll - names of guests, titles and achievements are entered into it. At the end of the meeting, the list is promptly forwarded to the king, queen and presenter.

B). A box with paper smiles - they are handed out to guests; later, when everyone has become acquainted with everyone, you can write a wish on the smile to someone present. This is the post office. At the end of the ball, the Host reads out the mail, and the fairies (those who met) deliver it to the recipients.

2. Getting to know each other


Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers, gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are pleased to welcome you to the New Year's Ball. In our world, time does not pass the way the people of the earth are accustomed to, so do not be surprised by the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

The presenter reads the names of guests and titles from the list. Each of them walks through the hall to the throne of the kings and bows. The fairies at the entrance must explain this to the guests in advance. The King and Queen smile and say a couple kind words to each guest personally.

3. Ball

Dance master:
The sacred hour has come,
We invite everyone to a waltz.
Let the sounds of the violin swirl,
Let the smiles shine!
Step right, step left,
Greetings friends,
Our miracle queen
And of course, the king!

The King and Queen enter the first dance.

Five to six dances - 15-20 minutes.

Between dances the Leader announces:

1. This song is dedicated to everyone who has not lost the good spirits and enthusiasm of youth in the bustle of passing days.
2. This dance is dedicated to true connoisseurs of cherry syrup and strawberry jam. (or something like that).


We had a dramatization about the suffering of Bluebeard (a dummy character), who suddenly begins to cry in the middle of the ball. He tells a story about his three wives, who mocked him mercilessly, and therefore had to strangle them - his nerves could not stand it. The story is really funny, especially if you show it in the cast. (There is text, but it is long.) At the end of the story, Bluebeard is put up for auction of grooms, and unmarried ladies bid and show off their talents.

4. New Year's Eve.

(The clock strikes.)

Let's fill our glasses, friends,
To make the year and, of course, your family happy,
So that everyone according to their spirit can find a craft.
May we all be lucky in the new year!

So that the kingdom of a dream come true will quickly enter your home
And may you feel good and happy in it!

(The first dance of the New Year, at the end of which Santa Claus appears and begins to dance in the hall without warning.)

We have an amazing guest. In different countries he is known under different names - Pere Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspard, Melchior and Walthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty - Father Frost! And his beautiful companion...

(Monologue of Santa Claus.)

5. Competitions

Competition 1.
New Year's History Exam (quiz) - the presenter will have the text. The first team to give the correct answer receives a token. The team with the most tokens receives a prize.

Presenter: Would you like to warm up? So, a competition for the most dexterous!

Competition 2.
Two teams stand in a line - half a meter apart from each other, they cannot move. From the beginning to the end of the line you need to pass the balloon without dropping it. Whoever is faster is the best.

Dangerous competition 3.
It takes three of the bravest (or more depending on the male-female ratio). For example, three gentlemen are blindfolded. Everyone else stands around. Daredevils must, blindfolded, choose a pair from those standing and dance the dance without going beyond the circle outlined by a ribbon laid out on the floor.

(Santa Claus dances with the presenter.)

Santa Claus: Oh, you have tired me, beautiful maiden, and today I still have to go around seven kingdoms. And my Snow Maiden’s eyes are closing. And our deer stand at the gate unfed. Let's go already.

Presenter: Well, Grandfather, work is work.

Father Frost:
Well now it's time to say goodbye
Hugging, kissing,
May you feel good
In the year that came into the world!

Snow Maiden:
May you all be healthy
So that the dragon with its wing
Protected you like a cover,
Didn't puff fire at you.
So that laziness does not visit,
And let peace fill the house!
And so that every new day
Warmed hearts with warmth!

Queen: Let the children be obedient,

King: And may your eye be accurate!

And so that your hands don’t shake,
And so that there are no separations.
To avoid boredom,
There were fewer blizzards in life.

Goodbye friends,
And see you in a year,
Let the stars shine for us,
On the bright holiday of the New Year!

The school organizes not only parties for children, but also for high school students. However, this category requires a special approach. After all, high school students are no longer children, they are people who consider themselves adults. To interest them, you need something completely special, with a twist. That is why as New Year's holiday A masquerade ball is offered. This will be interesting to high school students for many reasons. First of all - dances that young people love at all times.

The very principle of being at the ball is faces are covered with masks, which promotes relaxation and a free atmosphere. In addition, there will also be many good humorous competitions that will maintain the holiday atmosphere. The scenario of this New Year's masquerade ball can be successfully used for young children, and, conversely, for young people - students.

General plan of the event

Some points must be agreed upon in advance. This applies to both preparing the event itself and notifying guests. Even though the participants will most likely know each other (it is unlikely that the ball will involve the presence of students from different schools), all basic rules must be followed. This will help create the atmosphere of mystery of a real masquerade ball.


  • Hostess of the ball.
  • The presenter is her assistant.
  • Father Frost.
  • A group of Snowflakes-stewards.
  • High school students.

Rough plan

The entire event is divided into three blocks, the main part of which will, of course, be dancing. The first is the greeting and introductory part, without which not a single holiday is complete. The second is the main part. It lasts approximately half of the total time allotted for the ball. The third is essentially the end of the masquerade. However, there will also be games and mandatory dancing.

Decorations and accessories

Everyone present at the ball must wear a mask. Organizers need to ensure that there is a significant supply of these necessary accessories. Mandatory decorated Christmas tree in the back of the hall or stage (you can arrange a temporary podium). Also needed high-back chair designed to resemble a royal throne.

The main part of the hall is free, since the main thing in the event is dancing. Along one wall there are tables with drinks - lemonade and water. On the other hand, there are tables with chairs so that participants have the opportunity to relax.

First block

There is a way to make an event interesting before it even starts. To do this, you just need to prepare invitations and hand them to each prospective guest. The initiative group undertakes the preparation, and even teachers can do the distribution before classes. You can also entrust this to the prefects or student committee.

Meeting with guests

At the entrance to the hall Those who come are greeted by snowflakes-stewards. Those guests whose faces are exposed will be given a mask. The girls have a special “palace scroll” - a notebook where they write down the names, titles and achievements of the guests. Of course, all this must be fictional. The guys also come up with achievements themselves. It can be anything. For example, someone remembers the fairy tale “About the Snow Queen” by heart, and someone has a medal for first place in the New Year’s sprint race. It is through this scroll that guests will be introduced to the Hostess of the ball.

Declaring the Rules

After all the guests have gathered, the presenter, the chamberlain, who is also the Queen’s assistant, or the presenter, who can be the main maid of honor, appears on the improvised stage. The presenter asks for silence and reads out the “Rules,” which everyone in this room must strictly observe. After which he expresses gratitude for coming to the holiday. The rules boil down to the fact that guests are required to stay in good mood, participate in all games and be sure to dance. All negative emotions, refusal to have fun and participate in the offered entertainment, and removal of masks are prohibited. Those who do not follow the rules may be punished by the Queen herself. Punishment - solo dance, song, any performance.

First dance

The host or one of the Snowflakes announces that the Queen will be delayed and invites them to finally hold the first dance. So that boys and girls do not feel shy, a prepared group can perform first, performing a real waltz first, and then something youthful and fiery. It is during youth contemporary music that the lighting in the hall is dimmed and guests join the dance. Lighting should not be too weak. It is enough to turn off only a few lamps.

Second block

The main part, which is filled with jokes, fun, music and movement. Only at certain moments will guests have the opportunity to sit down.

Arrival of the hostess of the ball - the Snow Queen

When the music fades away, the host re-enters the stage and announces that the Snow Queen herself will now arrive. This is a bit of an eccentric person. She came from a real fairy tale by Andersen, and therefore the order in her palace is a little old-fashioned. The Queen cannot be contradicted and so on. Fanfares sound and the queen enters the hall, accompanied by her retinue (the same Snowflakes). She walks through the line of guests, smiles and even nods at some. It is advisable to insert some phrases. For example, “Oh, what a wonderful Mask!” or “Knight, I don’t know you yet.” Unobtrusive music plays all this time.

Meeting the hostess

When the hostess of the ball takes her throne, she tells the assistant to introduce her to the guests with the announcement of all titles and titles, and also expresses a desire to meet the guests themselves. The Queen's performance must be magnificent and beautiful. At this time, she herself performs several steps, and her snowflake maids of honor perform a prepared dance. When it’s time to meet the participants, the host takes out the already familiar “palace scroll” and from it begins to read out all the information about each guest that was said at the entrance. When the name is announced, its owner stands and bows to the Queen.

Medley dances with competitions

After meeting, the hostess says that she is a little tired, because there are so many guests today. Therefore, they are obliged to entertain her. As entertainment, several competitions are announced in a row.

  • Medley dancing. Everyone or just a group of guys can participate. The essence of the competition is to adapt your movements as naturally as possible to the music that will be offered. To do this, they play a “cut” of very different songs - youth and fast, slow and classical dance melodies.
  • Classic. Only those who are familiar with the movements of famous dances are called upon - cancan, waltz, tango, and so on. The winner is the couple that performs best.

Performance by a visiting magician

A short respite for the guests comes when, after the competitions, the host asks everyone to sit down and respect the visiting magician from distant countries, who specially came to congratulate the Queen and her guests on the New Year's holiday, revered throughout the world. The magician demonstrates his many skills - shows tricks. He receives well-deserved applause, the approval of the Mistress and promises to come exactly a year later to the next holiday with new spells.

Dance time

When the magician leaves, the Queen reminds that the venerable public was invited not just to a masquerade, but to a real ball, so everyone must dance. The music starts playing, the lights become dim and dancing time begins. After each melody, the host announces what or who it is dedicated to. In addition, he can announce “white” or some other dance.

Third block

The holiday is gradually moving towards its end. Here everyone remembers that they have gathered on the occasion of the New Year and congratulations are heard.

Arrival of the Snow King - Father Frost

The music stops and the host says that another late guest, whom everyone has already been waiting for, is about to arrive. He talks about being called by different names depending on where exactly he comes - Santa Claus, Mikalaus, Papa Noel, Youllu-pukki and so on. In our country, everyone knows him under the name of Father Frost. The King of Winter enters the hall and loudly greets everyone. He says that he will not stay here for long, because he is expected at many more balls and holidays.

New Year's quiz

One of the final competitions is a quiz proposed by Santa Claus. There should be 13 blocks, each of which has the same number of questions. Accordingly, there will be 12 participants, and the 13th block is intended to determine the winner if someone has the same number of correct answers. The questions should be simple. For example, which month is the smallest, but not in length (May) or whether it is possible to bring water in a sieve (you can carry frozen water - ice) and so on. Ideally, there should be 12 winners who receive small souvenir gifts. It could be a horseshoe for luck, a doll, a car, mittens, etc.

Congratulations on the holiday

After the quiz, the Winter King and the Snow Queen congratulate all guests on the upcoming holidays, wish them many interesting and unusual things in the New Year, fulfillment of wishes, successful completion of their studies, and so on.

Removing masks and saying goodbye

Before the last dance at the New Year's masquerade ball, all participants will be asked to remove their masks and show their real faces.

Dance - at the choice of the public. Traditionally it is a waltz, but young people can choose something different, for example, one of the popular New Year's songs. After this, the owners of the palace thank the guests for a wonderful evening and express the hope that another such celebration will be held next year.

New Year's holiday is a favorite holiday not only for children. Adults are waiting for him with no less hopes, excitement and faith in a fairy tale. The year ended, albeit successfully, but still with many events of varying degrees of importance. And now I want to sum it up by relaxing with friends, with fun music, jokes and dancing.

And in order for the holiday to succeed and be remembered for a long time, it must be prepared and organized.

To begin, select and decorate the room with beautiful New Year's compositions. Tables or one common table also decorate with candles, balloons and fir branches.

Well-chosen New Year's music will create a festive mood. The New Year's disc must be recorded in advance, taking into account the wishes of all participants.

Be sure to prepare gifts.

It is better to invite one of the employees to act as Father Frost and Snow Maiden. It will be more creative and fun.

And now your day has come. Everything is ready for the masquerade ball. Above the entrance to the hall hangs a notice “Do not enter without a mask!” There is a box with masks, glasses, and crowns on the table at the entrance. Everyone chooses a mask for themselves. The attendants, also wearing masks, help you choose the right item and make sure that you don’t enter without masks.

Everyone is here. Merry New Year's music plays in the festively decorated hall. The organizer seats the guests at the table.

Host: New Year is knocking on the window.

It's time for us to meet him.

And the champagne sparkles.

And the fun can't stop.

We raise our glasses,

We light the candles

Let your dreams come true

On New Year's Eve!

And I invite you, friends, to raise your first glass of champagne for the coming New Year.

A year has passed. Our leader will tell us what he was like now___________

The director briefly sums up the work, thanks everyone for their work and makes a toast.

Host: With a heart full of expectations,

Let's celebrate this New Year.

Many bright wishes

He will collect it under the tree.

Only joyful time

What fate has in store for us,

To make a burden into a fairy tale,

May miracles happen!

And he will spin in a white dance

Santa Claus makes us happy.

The coming year is full of chances,

Starts now!

Bag good wishes prepared for us by the chairman of the trade union committee________

There are words of congratulations and a toast.

Host: And now, friends, let’s congratulate each other on the New Year and wish...., and we’ll say our wishes during the competition “I wish you a New Year...”. The point of the competition is that now everyone in a circle will say their wishes to their neighbor, the whole team or someone specific, and the jury consisting of the administration will decide whose wish is better. The author will receive our gift, and we will raise a toast to the fulfillment of all wishes.

Presenter: - Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?

With a long white beard,

Comes to visit on New Year's Day,

Both ruddy and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,

It makes the holiday more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

Where is our Grandfather Frost? Let's invite him to visit us.

He calls on the phone and invites Santa Claus. Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

They greet the team and make a toast.

The Snow Maiden invites everyone to a merry round dance. The dance program begins.

All participants are invited to dance three dances: lambada, rock and roll and Russian dance. Based on the results of this competition, the best dancers are selected. The winners are chosen by Santa Claus. For this competition, a phonogram with a recording of dances must be prepared in advance. Participants dance each dance together.

Each participant is given five sheets of A4 paper. Opposite each participant, approximately 2 m from him, a hat is placed on the floor. At the command of the presenter, the contestants must take the first sheet of paper with their left hand, crumple it into a ball and throw this “snowball” into the hat. You cannot help yourself with your right hand. Then a second sheet of paper is taken, and so on until all the “snowballs” are over. Based on the results of this competition, the fastest and most accurate are chosen and they receive prizes.

I offer the word for a toast to the best dancer of the evening.

The next toast is made by the most dexterous and accurate shooter.

Host: What would a New Year's Eve be without songs? I suggest remembering all the songs about winter, New Year, Christmas tree. Now let’s divide into two teams and take turns singing these songs one verse at a time. The team that lasts the longest will be the winner.

Host: Oh, how many talents we have. But the most talented team turned out to be ____. She is given the floor for a toast.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, I want to dance. Will you support me? Of course, my granddaughter and friends will help.

The second dance part begins.

Host: We have a lot of animals of different stripes at our party today. And now we will find out whether they can find a sound similar to themselves in the general mass. I suggest the game “A pair for each creature.”

The presenter must prepare cards in advance with the names of animals (two of each type)

The more people play this game, the more interesting it becomes. Participants are given cards. The presenter must ensure that one of the paired cards goes to the man and the other to the woman. (To make this task easier, you can make cards of two different colors, or choose an assistant, and then one will issue cards only to men, and the second only to women)

At the leader’s command, the participants begin to make the sounds of their animal (grunt, croak, meow, etc.). It is necessary to find your match in this cacophony by sound.

Newly formed couples are offered a slow dance.

Santa Claus: Well, friends, we had a great time, but it’s time to get ready for the road. After all, we still have a lot of work ahead.

Snow Maiden: You continue to have fun, we wish you good luck, health, kindness and love. We say goodbye to you today and hope to see you next year.

The dance program continues.

New Year's Eve can be completed with fireworks.

Scenario of the festive program “New Year's Ball Masquerade 2018” New Year's fanfare sounds. Leading 1st leads come out. Finally in school holiday , Finally a carnival. And, believe me, it was not in vain that everyone expected Him! 2 ved. There will be competitions, jokes, awards, prizes. The disco will very soon tell us: “Don’t slow down! 1 led. We invite you to a holiday, to the New Year's Masquerade. Let's arrange a real carnival at the New Year's tree. Fun, games, songs, dances Attractions and poems Will help us at the carnival Have fun from the heart. Song-dance “And white snow flies” 2 ved. Let's start, let's start the New Year's carnival We invite, we invite All guests to come to us today Today you must be in time everywhere And dance, and laugh, and sing There are many all kinds of undertakings for you Be the first everywhere today. 1 led. Be the first in a song, in a round dance Leave sadness and melancholy at the entrance Friends at our ball We ask you not to remain silent. 2 ved. Come on in, come on in, don’t yawn. Here to the left is fun. To the right is fun and dancing. And straight ahead the fun is in full swing. Who loves songs, games, jokes Riddles, dances, jokes And who misses dancing Hurry to the New Year's ball 2 Vedas. Allowed on the road Littering with streamers and confetti Everyone should have fun We will not tolerate boredom. 1 led. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! And to those who are suitable, and to those who are already here We announce important news: Are there whiners at the evening? (Answer NO) Who is looking for an excuse for criticism? (Answer NO) 2 ved. You are not superfluous guests for us. Who laughs more fun? (Answer I) Not waiting for an invitation? (Answer: I) Does he dance and sing? (Answer I) 1 ved. We send the boring ones back. You can be bored at home Completely free! 2 ved. So, friends! Let me invite you to dance (everyone repeats after the leader) Song “Ice Ceiling” 1st Ved. The New Year is already around the corner. May it be kind, peaceful and happy for everyone. I wish you health and happy days. 2 ved. Not a single New Year can do without gifts, holiday greetings and without your favorite heroes. Riddles: All of him sparkles in gold, All of him sparkles in the moonlight, He dresses up the Christmas tree with beads and draws on the glass. He's such a big prankster. He'll pinch you right on the nose. He will come to us here for a holiday... Who is he? (Grandfather Frost) Covered in snowflakes, ice sparkles on her eyelashes, Racing on a sleigh through the snow, Horses are like birds! She's flying to visit us, Hey, don't stand in the way! In a white fur coat, like a princess, In warm mittens, He rushes past the fairytale forest towards our Christmas tree! And beautiful and slim, so tell me - who is she? (Snegurochka) Father Frost and Snegurochka come out dancing to the song of the Giant group “New Year’s” D.M.: On a well-worn ski track With a heavy bag on my shoulder We arrived here, Good evening, gentlemen! Snow Maiden: Hello, hello friends! Welcome us, what are you waiting for? (Everyone shouts “HURRAY!!!”) D.M.: Let’s get to know each other, I’m happy to see you until I cry. My name is simply: I’m Santa Claus! Snow Maiden: If getting to know everyone is more important, introduce me quickly. D.M.: Snow Maiden, my granddaughter is with me as always. She found the way to your tower. Snow Maiden: From the New Year's Academy of Ideas For all guests, for all friends... We brought the New Year's holiday, Gathering the fun of the entire big Earth. D.M.: Dear friends! Here I am with you again! We haven't met for a whole year. Look, you're so tired! I'm ready to hug everyone around me! Yes, I'm afraid there won't be enough hands! Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, don’t get carried away! Mind your own business! Gather the people quickly for the New Year's round dance! Game from Santa Claus “Mittens in a circle”. Santa Claus invites the participants to stand facing each other. Music begins to play, and the mittens, passing from hand to hand, move in a circle. The music stops, the handing over of mittens stops. Those who have mittens left are out of the game. The game continues until two people remain. Game from the Snow Maiden "New Year's Tradition". Now I will tell you about one New Year’s tradition. As soon as I say the word “girls,” all the girls raise their hands up and move their hips. As soon as I say the word “boys,” all the boys do a squat with a clap. So, who will be the most attentive? Get ready! “On New Year’s Day in Bashkiria, young Girls give carpets to Boys so that their dreams come true. The boys tell the girls in response that there are no more beautiful girls in the world than them. Girls in Bashkiria are comparable to the purity of snow, Girls' blush is like the bright light of the sun. The young men are active and energetic. There Boys and Girls dance so rhythmically. The young men go hunting there, and the girls willingly prepare dinner for them in yurts. There is peace, comfort reigns, fun from the heart. And, in general, Boys are like Boys, Girls are like Girls. Both Boys and Girls are good-looking!” D.M.: The old year is ending, a good, good year. We will not be sad. After all, the New Year will come. We will greet it with singing of hundreds of voices. And we are looking forward to the merry striking of the clock. Snow Maiden: Friendship, joy and laughter New knowledge, strength, success And great love for work We sincerely wish you in the coming year. D.M.: Well, granddaughter, in parting we will say to our friends “Let there be more smiles in the New Year.” Snow Maiden: Goodbye, see you in the New Year. (They leave) DISCO (3 songs) The soundtrack “Howl of the Wind” plays, the Snow Queen appears. Snow Queen: In the distant kingdom, in the white kingdom. Among the snow, among the ice floes. I live like a queen. Cold is my only companion. The snow sparkles, the snow sparkles, Delighting me with its beauty. It will never melt Even in summer and spring. It's cold everywhere in my house. I own the kingdom of ice. And snowflakes are circling everywhere, circling, circling and flying. Snowflakes appear whirling. (To the soundtrack) 1 lead. The Snow Queen , you have such wonderful snowflakes. Why did you come to us for the holiday? It's not cold here at all. We dance, sing, play, so we have no time to freeze. Snow Queen: I didn’t come to you to freeze you, but, on the contrary, to warm myself up. And they prepared New Year's ditties. Snowflakes sing New Year's ditties. Put your ears on top of your heads. Listen carefully to New Year's ditties. We will sing diligently. Ah, winter, winter, winter, Russian beauty, you have driven us all crazy, we like Winter! I danced under the Christmas tree and stomped my feet, picked gingerbread cookies from the branches and gobbled up candy! Near the house, by the skating rink, I made a snowman, made a nose out of a carrot, and it turned out to be Santa Claus. Everyone is making a snowman, Mom is looking for Igor. Where is my son? Where is he? Rolled into a snowball. Let all your dreams come true, come true. Let the lights on our Christmas tree light up brightly. In our hall there is noise and laughter, the singing does not stop. Our Christmas tree is the best! There is no doubt about it. Outside the window there is a flock of snowflakes, also dancing in a circle. Having said goodbye to the old year, We welcome the New Year. The Snow Queen plays the game “Ice Pieces” with 4 teams of 3 people (2 burdens and a girl). The boys rearrange the “ice pieces”, and the girl walks along them. Those who walk back and forth across the hall the fastest will receive a sweet prize. DISCO (3 songs) (chair, prize, 6 people) Competition "Take the prize!" A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the competition participants. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three!” Those who try to grab the prize at the wrong time are eliminated from the competition. I'll tell you the story a dozen and a half times. As soon as I say the word “three” - take the prize immediately! Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we counted small fish - And not just one, but TWO. A seasoned boy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion, Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command one, two, SEVEN. When you want to remember poems, don’t cram them until late at night, but repeat them to yourself Once, twice, or better yet FIVE! Recently I had to wait THREE hours for a train at the station. But why didn’t you take the prize, friends, when you had the opportunity to take it? DISCO (3 songs) The soundtrack of a song from the film “The Town of Bremen Town Musicians” plays, and robbers appear and dance. Chieftain: Hey, dashing robbers! Hey, daring shooters! It's not in vain that we came now. There is entertainment here for us! 1st robber. (Punches himself in the chest with his fists) I am a dashing robber Ukhar If anything happens, then immediately in the ear! 2nd robber. (Shows strength) I am Gramila, hahaha! Get away from sin If I shoot with a pistol It will all end there! 34th robber. (Hug each other) I am a Big Man, I am a Kid. You won't leave us. Are you naughty? (stomp their feet together) 1 lead. Maybe we can treat you to some sweets and you will become kinder? Atamansha: (grabs her teeth) Oh, not a word about candy, my teeth have been hurting since last New Year. You better have some fun with us, otherwise we’ll soon go completely wild in the forest. Circle, square, triangle, number, letter" Game "Two teams of 12 people each participate, both dance freely. On a dance command, players quickly form a circle, then a square, a triangle, a number, a letter... (names the presenter) DISCO (3 songs) (The presenter distributes lottery tickets) Win-win lottery. If you love chocolate, you will be incredibly happy. If you don't love it, it doesn't matter. Mom will eat it then! (small chocolate bar) Some get soap, some get a candy wrapper, and you got a bow! (hairpin - bow) So that you can always taste sweet tea with your friends, On the holiday, along with congratulations, receive this mug! (disposable mug) To make your hair beautiful, you are given this comb! (comb) Quiet! Attention! Sensation of the century! Hey trumpeters! Play emergency! Look at this man! He's now.. (pause) lost! (no prize) To become a great mathematician, you simply need this notebook. (notebook) Well, you’re just great! For this you get a cucumber! (cucumber) Would you like to get a flashlight? And you just got a ball! (balloon) Don’t think about being angry with us - lemon will come in handy around the house! (lemon) Here's a ticket, so a ticket, don't rummage through the numbers, Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief). You and your companion will never be lost! You won't come home hungry from any guest! (Disposable spoon) There is no better win than a plastic bag (New Year's bag). If you want to be strong, like a gin, get a vitamin. (Carrot). My dear friend, get some candy. Just don’t eat it yourself, give it to your neighbor. (Big chocolate candy , which needs to be given to the neighbor sitting next to you at the table) You and your companion never lose heart! Rub it on any place in a hot bath! (washcloth) Your mood will be better! You get a cookie (pack of cookies). Here is your lucky ticket, hold your pencil tightly. (Pencil) Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, no doubt about it. You didn’t get three candies, but... three pieces of paper from candies!!! (three candy wrappers) Happiness fell into your hands... You got potatoes! (potatoes) Comrade! Believe, hope and wait! Your winnings are ahead! (nothing) Don't be bored today! Receive delicious tea! (tea) Better draw a cloud. Here's a blue pen (ballpoint pen). They wanted to win a piano, but what they got was a calendar. (calendar) And not empty, and not crowded! The winnings are forks of cabbage! (head of cabbage) You are lucky! Hug your neighbor on the right! (no prize) Take this coin, my friend, and joyfully walk around the world! (button). To be clean, beautiful, receive this soap (soap) We are not afraid of all diets if we have candies (sweets) There is no prize under this number... But there is an additional TICKET (the last one)! Smile wider, nose higher, you got Santa Claus! To make the year wonderful, happy and sweet, you will receive a prize as soon as possible - CHOCOLATE! We carry out the circulation with all our hearts, not just for show. You get a super prize - CHUPACHOPS on a stick! A treat for everyone's friends - get COOKIES ASAP! It will be able to quench your thirst and warm your soul in the cold, it always pleasantly invigorates you in the morning, this prize is aromatic COFFEE. Better than any other candy, only a PACK OF SEEDS! Everyone is attracted to the refrigerator by a beautiful colorful MAGNET. While you were sitting there yawning, all the prizes had already been taken away! So you got what was left! SUPER PRIZE! You were quite worried. But there is no loss! You got beets for your ticket To make a vinaigrette. DISCO (3 songs) Game “Two are better than one.” Some three toys are placed on the floor: a ball, a cube, and a pin. Two players come out and start dancing around them (the game can be played to music). As soon as the music stops or Santa Claus gives the command “Stop!”, each player must try to grab two toys. Whoever gets one loses. The game can be complicated: increase the number of participants and, accordingly, the number of toys or objects. The one who grabs the most toys wins. Game "Tangerine Trouble". Participants in pairs must peel and eat a tangerine. Whoever completes the task first wins. 1 led. Time flew by quickly and it's time for us to part. With all our hearts, friends, we wish you great, great success! 2 ved. It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye. Congratulations to everyone! Let both adults and kids celebrate the New Year together! 1 led. Well, friends, it’s time to say goodbye. It flew to us with the January wind. And again we say “Goodbye” to our good and great friends. 2 ved. And at this hour of farewell To all our dear and dear friends, We say: “See you again, See you again. We wish you happiness!” Last dance.