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The ship is daring. Little “Saucy” monster: the new stealth corvette can scare any enemy ship

The laying of a new ship is always a holiday, both for shipbuilders and sailors. It seems like there are no tangible steel sides or superstructures yet, no 3,400 tons of displacement, no formidable “Calibers”, “Redoubts”, “Packages”, even the crew has not yet been assembled, but the ship already exists. The newest corvette Project 20386 received the name “Daring” and managed to evoke respect among “our own” and alarming foreboding among “strangers” due to its declared potential.

Corvette “Daring” is a continuation of the line of multi-purpose surface combatants of the second rank in the near sea zone of Project 20380, the first of which were laid down in the early 2000s. Currently, the Navy has four corvettes of this class, all in the DKBF (Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet) - Steregushchiy, Soobrazitelny, Boykiy and Stoikiy. Four more are under construction at shipyard Northern shipyard": "Zealous" and "Strict" (modernized project 20380), as well as "Thundering" and "Agile" (project 20385).
“Perfect” is being built at the Amur Shipyard in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Total within the framework of GWP-2020 ( Government program weapons) the Russian Navy should receive 20 corvettes of this type (3-8) for each fleet.

Of the announced and most popular projects of this series of corvettes (20380 and 20385), there is also project 20382 with the code “Tiger” - an export version, characterized by simplified armament. 20383 – project of a border patrol ship. Well, project 20386, which will be “Daring”, - better development this series of corvettes, which will be distinguished from their “brothers” not only by improved seaworthiness and powerful engines, but also by enhanced armament, stealth and low noise.

And if the purpose of most corvettes is to lead fighting against a naval enemy at close range maritime zone, protect sea communications and maritime facilities economic activity, then “Daring” will be able to operate in the far sea zone. In fact, in terms of its propulsion and combat capabilities, this corvette is close to destroyers.

The Project 20386 ship must hit surface combat ships and vessels cruise missiles ship-based missile system, search for and destroy enemy submarines with small-sized torpedoes anti-submarine complex, ensure the combat stability of ships and vessels from enemy air attack weapons with an anti-aircraft missile system, provide artillery support for landings and amphibious assault operations with an artillery installation. A sort of small (in size) monster, capable of performing a wide range of combat missions even far from their native shores - autonomy in within 30 days and the ability to travel almost 5,000 nautical miles without refueling allow this. Speed ​​matters too - 32 mph versus 27 for its predecessors.

“Daring” provides a combined gas turbine unit with partial electric propulsion. The installation includes two domestic gas turbine engines with a capacity of 27,500 horsepower and two main electric motors with a capacity of 2,200 horsepower. Thanks to innovative technologies This corvette will become a fundamentally new ship for the Russian fleet. The superstructure will be made of lightweight and durable composite materials.

The use of large-size closing lapports (cargo hatches) on the surface of the side will also be new, allowing for a more complete implementation of Stealth technology. It is no coincidence that the ship has already been nicknamed the “invisible corvette.”

To accommodate a large complex of transportation vehicles and ship devices on the ship, compact and powerful drives, hydraulic systems, new materials and control systems were used. Innovative solutions are also used in the electrical power system, life support system, environmental protection and many others.

Another of the “daring” features is improved seaworthiness due to new hull lines. A ship with a displacement of almost three and a half thousand tons does not “climb” the wave, but cuts through it. Such stability will allow the ship’s weapons to be used in sea conditions of up to force five.

The Project 20386 corvette has a powerful arsenal, significantly exceeding the “caliber” of ships of the same class US NAVY (for example, the newest USS Montgomery, which crashed into the Panama Canal lock on October 29 of this year and has already received the nickname a leaky trough). “Daring” will be equipped with a universal automatic 100-mm artillery mount A190 in a new “stealth” turret “flattened” from the sides. On board there will be two quadruple installations of the Uran or Uran-U ship-based missile system for attacks on surface enemies at a range of 130 to 260 kilometers (or, most likely, with Kalibr anti-ship missiles with a greater range of hitting targets). For zero visibility in the stowed position, these complexes will be hidden behind shields in the central part of the superstructure. In the bow of the ship there is a block of vertical launchers of the Redut air defense system with anti-aircraft guided missiles for hitting air targets at short and medium ranges. Launchers of the Paket-NK anti-submarine (anti-torpedo) complex will be installed on the side in the middle part of the corvette’s hull behind the lapports. In the aft part of the superstructure - also on the side - there will be two 30-mm six-barreled AK-306 assault rifles, designed to repel attacks by saboteurs and pirates, as well as to shoot floating mines.

The exact composition of the weapons of Project 20386 is unknown, however, it was announced that the planned implementation of the modular principle of acquisition (in the aft part of the ship there is a compartment that can be used to accommodate interchangeable containers equipped with various equipment, headquarters equipment, missile launchers, etc.) and capabilities basing on board, in addition to the ship's Ka-27 (Ka-31) helicopter, drones, probably the Horizon.

It is possible that the radio-technical armament of the new ship will be identical to that located on the Project 20385 corvettes. And it, in addition to the Sigma combat information and control system, also includes a radar station (radar) general detection“Furke-2”, target designation radar for guided missiles “Monument-A” in a radio-transparent fairing combined with the foremast structure, two navigation radars, hydroacoustic complex “Zarya-2” with an antenna in the bow bulb, hydroacoustic station “Minotaur-M” with an extended towed antenna, OGAS "Anapa-M", an automated communication complex "Ruberoid", electronic warfare and navigation equipment. For self-defense from enemy detection equipment and its anti-ship missiles, the ship is equipped with four ten-barreled PK-10 launchers (the "Smely" jammer complex) ). This entire complex of radio-technical weapons reduces the probability of hitting a ship by almost three times.

On October 28, 2016, the first ship of Project 20386 was laid down at the Severnaya Verf Shipyard OJSC. The corvettes that are to be assembled within the framework of Project 20386 are the most promising of the entire line of Project 20380. Corvette “Daring” is the first ship of the 20386 series - is a modernized warship that took the best features from the 20380 and 20385 series corvettes.

It will differ in its displacement, different hull contours, changes in the composition of the ship's radio equipment and many other improvements.

The history of the project 20386

The history of Project 20386 began with the appearance of the earlier Project 20380. Corvettes of this series are completely new ships that are equipped with a powerful system missile defense"Redoubt". IN this system includes 9M96M missiles, as well as S-400 MANPADS, designed specifically for the fleet.

Project 20380 ships are currently part of the Baltic Fleet and are armed with one of the most powerful air defense systems. It is already very difficult to classify these warships as ordinary patrol ships, although formally they are in this class. Abroad, vessels of this type have long been classified as a separate class.

The next round of development of Project 20380 was the warships of Project 20385, which received even more powerful weapons, even compared to the corvettes of the previous project. If we compare ships in terms of combat power, then the corvettes of Project 20385 (and the corvettes of Project 20380 too) can be put on the same level as the powerful frigates of Project 11356. Despite such high combat power, the new corvettes have half the size and displacement.

Why did Project 20386 begin to develop according to a different scenario?

Although it would seem that designers should continue to increase the armament power of new corvettes, in fact, it is not advisable to do this. A number of factors speak against this:

  • Corvettes with powerful and expensive weapons are too expensive for the navy;
  • The construction of such ships is extremely delayed, which leads to their obsolescence even before their official release into series;
  • A construction with such powerful weapons automatically takes them out of class, since the tasks of a corvette in no way include the responsibility of being a floating air defense complex;
  • High price prevents mass production.

In addition to these, there are many more factors that stubbornly indicate that Russian designers have chosen a fundamentally wrong development path.

That is why it was decided to make the new Project 20386 corvettes cheaper by reducing the number of weapons. In addition, after reducing the number of weapons on board the corvette, the speed and maneuverability of the vessel increased significantly. Corvettes are not at all designed to deliver powerful blows to the enemy. Their main tasks are the following functions:

  • Patrolling territorial waters;
  • Escort of transport and merchant ships;
  • Protection against attacks on the main fleet in quick response mode.

Moreover, the Russian Navy is in dire need of ships of this particular class.

It was decided to make the new project to create a corvette as cheap as possible in order to increase the speed of their production. Although thoughts were repeatedly expressed that ready-made ships of previous projects should be used as a “base” for creation, it was decided to design a new ship from a “clean slate.” According to the technical specifications, it should have a small displacement and carry on board fairly light but balanced weapons.

What will the corvette “Daring” be like?

The first ship of Project 20386, called “Daring”, is the corvette of the future. It represents a kind of intermediate class between a patrol ship and a full-fledged frigate. As a result, although formally the ship “Daring” belongs to the class of corvettes, in its characteristics it is more similar to a full-fledged destroyer.

In accordance with the development plan, the first corvette of Project 20386 must fight not only in near waters, but also confront the enemy at the far reaches of Russian territorial waters. The designers of the new ship are faced with a truly difficult task - to create a universal combat unit that can replace warships of several classes at once. So, in accordance with the technical specifications, the corvette “Daring” must confidently cope with the following combat missions:

  • New ships must protect sea communications within a 200 mile zone;
  • Counteract the enemy, who is located both at close and long distances from the bases Russian fleet;
  • Provide with its air defense system the protection of fleet ships from sudden enemy air raids;
  • Search, find and destroy enemy submarines in the zone controlled by the corvette;
  • Provide cover for the attacking landing force, both through its air defense systems and conventional fire preparation.

Naturally, a ship with such a wide range of responsibilities should differ significantly from its predecessors. The designers tried to implement in Project 20386 a ship that can act as the main strike force and at the same time have the functions of a patrol vessel.

It turns out that the designers, having built in the potential of the new warship, are again stepping on the same rake. It is unlikely that such a project will be implemented in short time, especially since the cost will be quite high.

The leadership of the Russian Navy continues to adhere to its strange tactics, which is expressed in the construction of multifunctional ships produced in very limited quantities. If this option is acceptable for the construction of several huge aircraft carriers, then at least several dozen corvettes of the same series should be produced at once. Working out every time new project, military industry simply does not have time to provide the Russian Navy with the required number of modern warships.

Most major maritime powers produce ships of this class in fairly large series (the USSR also did this). For example, the famous American destroyers Oliver Perry were produced in the amount of 71 warships. The Chinese do the same thing, last years spend huge amounts of money on the defense industry. In China, over 10 years, more than 20 corvettes of type 056 were built, and their production is planned to be closed no earlier than 60-80 ships of this type are produced.

Despite all the disagreements, the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation in April 2014 signed a contract with MPKB Almaz to carry out design and engineering work.

Design features of the new cruiser "Daring"

Since the new corvette “Daring” is a multifunctional combat ship, its design will have many non-standard solutions:

  • It is planned to use the latest gas turbine unit as a power plant, which will be partially powered by electricity. This is a whole complex consisting of two Russian gas turbine diesel engines, each of which will develop up to 27,500 l/s. In addition, each of these engines will be assisted by a specially designed electric motor that develops power up to 2,200 hp. Such power plants have been used in the automotive industry for a long time. They are known as hybrid engines;
  • The superstructure of the new military corvette of the Russian Navy is planned to be made of durable polymer-composite materials of the new generation, which will significantly lighten the weight of the warship;
  • Fundamentally new cargo hatches will appear, which will be located in the surface parts of the sides. This will help the ship realize the full potential of the technology. Already now the ship is often called a “ghost corvette”;
  • The ship will receive completely new hydraulic systems, new system control, life support and electrical equipment.

The corvette "Daring" received new hull lines, which allowed it to improve its seaworthiness. The ship turned out to be very stable. It does not “climb” the wave, but cuts it, so it can go out into the open sea with waves up to 5 points.

Armament of the first corvette of project 20386

The armament of the corvette “Daring” significantly exceeds the potential of its foreign “colleagues”. For example, the American USS Montgomery, which is considered the newest ship of the same class, has a significantly weaker combat potential. If these two ships met one on one, then the chances of survival would be American ship it wouldn't be much.

The first corvette of Project 20386 will be equipped with the following weapons:

  • A universal automatic artillery mount A190 of 100 mm caliber, which will be installed in a new flattened turret;
  • On board the ship will be installed two Uran or Uran-U missile systems, which are intended to destroy enemy ships at a distance of 130 to 260 km. It is possible that this will be the Caliber missile system, whose missiles are capable of hitting surface ships at a distance of up to 375 km. In order to reduce the visibility of these complexes, they are hidden in the stowed position of the ship behind special shields, which are located in the central part of the ship's superstructure;
  • The Redut air defense system launchers are located in the bow of the corvette. They serve to destroy air targets, both at medium and short distances;
  • In the middle part of the hull, special launchers of the Package-NK complex will be installed on board. This complex is designed for anti-torpedo protection of a corvette;
  • At the stern, on both sides of the sides, there will be automatic six-barreled artillery mounts designed to repel attacks by pirates, saboteurs, and also shoot floating mines.

Although the exact composition of the armament of the Derzkiy corvette is unknown, the designers have repeatedly stated that the principle of modular configuration will be implemented on the warship. A special compartment designed for modules will contain containers with a variety of weapons and equipment.

In addition, the ship’s KA-27 helicopter and several unmanned aerial vehicles will be placed on board the Derzkiy corvette. aircraft helicopter type "Horizon".

Radio equipment of the corvette "Daring"

On this moment, it is planned to install on the corvette “Daring” radio equipment identical to that located on the corvettes of Project 20385. Since these systems can be improved over the course of several years, it is possible that more advanced radio equipment will be installed on the new corvette. Now the proposed set of radio weapons looks like this:

  • Combat information and control system "Sigma";
  • Radar station "Furke-2";
  • Target designation radar;
  • Two navigation type radars;
  • Navigation aids;
  • Communication complex "Ruberoid";
  • Electronic warfare equipment;
  • OGAS "Anapa-M";
  • Station "Minotaur-M".

To protect against standard means of detecting the enemy and his anti-ship missiles, the “Brave” complex of fired jammers is used. Job of this complex reduces the chances of a ship being hit by 70%.

After images of the Daring ship appeared in the public domain, many were struck by its external similarities with the American Freedom-class littoral combat ship, which is also equipped with a modular weapons system. In a few years, it will be possible to compare the characteristics of these two ships and check which country has a more promising corvette.

On October 28, 2016, the first ship of Project 20386 was laid down at the Severnaya Verf Shipyard OJSC. The corvettes that are to be assembled within the framework of Project 20386 are the most promising of the entire line of Project 20380. Corvette “Daring” is the first ship from the 20386 series - is a modernized warship that took the best features from the 20380 and 20385 series corvettes.

It will differ in its displacement, different hull contours, changes in the composition of the ship's radio equipment and many other improvements.

The history of the appearance of project 20386.

The history of Project 20386 began with the appearance of the earlier Project 20380. Corvettes of this series are completely new ships that are equipped with the most powerful Redut missile defense system. This system includes 9M96M missiles, as well as the S-400 MANPADS, designed specifically for the navy.

Project 20380 ships are currently part of the Baltic Fleet and are armed with one of the most powerful air defense systems. It is already very difficult to classify these warships as ordinary patrol ships, although formally they are in this class. Abroad, vessels of this type have long been classified as a separate class.

The next round of development of Project 20380 was the warships of Project 20385, which received even more powerful weapons, even compared to the corvettes of the previous project. If we compare ships in terms of combat power, then the corvettes of Project 20385 (and the corvettes of Project 20380 too) can be put on the same level as the powerful frigates of Project 11356. Despite such high combat power, the new corvettes have half the size and displacement.

Why did Project 20386 begin to develop according to a different scenario?

Although it would seem that designers should continue to increase the armament power of new corvettes, in fact, it is not advisable to do this. A number of factors speak against this:

  • Corvettes with powerful and expensive weapons are too expensive for the navy;
  • The construction of such ships is extremely delayed, which leads to their obsolescence even before their official release into series;
  • A construction with such powerful weapons automatically takes them out of class, since the tasks of a corvette in no way include the responsibility of being a floating air defense complex;
  • The high cost prevents mass production.
In addition to these, there are many more factors that stubbornly indicate that Russian designers have chosen a fundamentally wrong development path.

That is why it was decided to make the new Project 20386 corvettes cheaper by reducing the number of weapons. In addition, after reducing the number of weapons on board the corvette, the speed and maneuverability of the vessel increased significantly. Corvettes are not at all designed to deliver powerful blows to the enemy. Their main tasks are the following functions:

  • Patrolling territorial waters;
  • Escort of transport and merchant ships;
  • Protection against attacks on the main fleet in quick response mode.
Moreover, the Russian Navy is in dire need of ships of this particular class.

It was decided to make the new project to create a corvette as cheap as possible in order to increase the speed of their production. Although thoughts were repeatedly expressed that ready-made ships of previous projects should be used as a “base” for creation, it was decided to design a new ship from a “clean slate.” According to the technical specifications, it should have a small displacement and carry on board fairly light but balanced weapons.

What will the corvette “Daring” be like?

The first ship of Project 20386, called “Daring”, is the corvette of the future. It represents a kind of intermediate class between a patrol ship and a full-fledged frigate. As a result, although formally the ship “Daring” belongs to the class of corvettes, in its characteristics it is more similar to a full-fledged destroyer.

In accordance with the development plan, the first corvette of Project 20386 must fight not only in near waters, but also confront the enemy at the far reaches of Russian territorial waters. The designers of the new ship are faced with a truly difficult task - to create a universal combat unit that can replace warships of several classes at once. So, in accordance with the technical specifications, the corvette “Daring” must confidently cope with the following combat missions:

  • New ships must protect sea communications within a 200 mile zone;
  • To counter the enemy who is located both at close and long distances from the Russian fleet’s bases;
  • Provide with its air defense system the protection of fleet ships from sudden enemy air raids;
  • Search, find and destroy enemy submarines in the zone controlled by the corvette;
  • Provide cover for the attacking landing force, both through its air defense systems and conventional fire preparation.
Naturally, a ship with such a wide range of responsibilities should differ significantly from its predecessors. The designers tried to implement in Project 20386 a ship that can act as the main strike force and at the same time have the functions of a patrol vessel.

It turns out that the designers, having built in the potential of the new warship, are again stepping on the same rake. It is unlikely that it will be possible to implement such a project in a short time, especially since the cost will be quite high.

The leadership of the Russian Navy continues to adhere to its strange tactics, which is expressed in the construction of multifunctional ships produced in very limited quantities. If this option is acceptable for the construction of several huge aircraft carriers, then at least several dozen corvettes of the same series should be immediately produced. Developing a new project each time, the military industry simply does not have time to provide the Russian Navy with the required number of modern warships.

Most major maritime powers produce ships of this class in fairly large series (the USSR also did this). For example, the famous American destroyers Oliver Perry were produced in the amount of 71 warships. The Chinese are doing the same thing, spending huge amounts of money on the defense industry in recent years. In China, over 10 years, more than 20 corvettes of type 056 were built, and their production is planned to be closed no earlier than 60-80 ships of this type are produced.

Despite all the disagreements, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in April 2014 signed a contract with MPKB Almaz to carry out design work.

Design features of the new cruiser "Daring"

Since the new corvette “Daring” is a multifunctional combat ship, its design will have many non-standard solutions:

  • It is planned to use the latest gas turbine unit as a power plant, which will be partially powered by electricity. This is a whole complex consisting of two Russian gas turbine diesel engines, each of which will develop up to 27,500 l/s. In addition, each of these engines will be assisted by a specially designed electric motor that develops power up to 2,200 hp. Such power plants have been used in the automotive industry for a long time. They are known as hybrid engines;
  • The superstructure of the new military corvette of the Russian Navy is planned to be made of durable polymer-composite materials of the new generation, which will significantly lighten the weight of the warship;
  • Fundamentally new cargo hatches will appear, which will be located in the surface parts of the sides. This will help the ship realize the full potential of the technology. Already now the ship is often called a “ghost corvette”;
  • The ship will receive completely new hydraulic systems, a new control system, life support and electrical equipment.
The corvette "Daring" received new hull lines, which allowed it to improve its seaworthiness. The ship turned out to be very stable. It does not “climb” the wave, but cuts it, so it can go out into the open sea with waves up to 5 points.

Armament of the first corvette of project 20386.

The armament of the corvette “Daring” significantly exceeds the potential of its foreign “colleagues”. For example, the American USS Montgomery, which is considered the newest ship of the same class, has a significantly weaker combat potential. If these two ships had met one on one, the American ship would have had little chance of surviving.

The first corvette of Project 20386 will be equipped with the following weapons:

  • A universal automatic artillery mount A190 of 100 mm caliber, which will be installed in a new flattened turret;
  • On board the ship will be installed two Uran or Uran-U missile systems, which are intended to destroy enemy ships at a distance of 130 to 260 km. It is possible that this will be the Caliber missile system, whose missiles are capable of hitting surface ships at a distance of up to 375 km. In order to reduce the visibility of these complexes, they are hidden in the stowed position of the ship behind special shields, which are located in the central part of the ship's superstructure;
  • The Redut air defense system launchers are located in the bow of the corvette. They serve to destroy air targets, both at medium and short distances;
  • In the middle part of the hull, special launchers of the Package-NK complex will be installed on board. This complex is designed for anti-torpedo protection of a corvette;
  • At the stern, on both sides of the sides, there will be automatic six-barreled artillery mounts designed to repel attacks by pirates, saboteurs, and also shoot floating mines.
Although the exact composition of the armament of the Derzkiy corvette is unknown, the designers have repeatedly stated that the principle of modular configuration will be implemented on the warship. A special compartment designed for modules will contain containers with a variety of weapons and equipment.

In addition, the ship’s KA-27 helicopter and several unmanned aerial vehicles of the Horizon helicopter type will be placed on board the Derzkiy corvette.

Radio equipment of the corvette "Daring"

At the moment, it is planned to install on the Derzkiy corvette radio equipment identical to that located on the Project 20385 corvettes. Since these systems can be improved over the course of several years, it is possible that more advanced radio equipment will be installed on the new corvette. Now the proposed set of radio weapons looks like this:

  • Combat information and control system "Sigma";
  • Radar station "Furke-2";
  • Target designation radar;
  • Two navigation type radars;
  • Navigation aids;
  • Communication complex "Ruberoid";
  • Electronic warfare equipment;
  • OGAS "Anapa-M";
  • Station "Minotaur-M".
To protect against standard means of detecting the enemy and his anti-ship missiles, the “Brave” complex of fired jammers is used. The operation of this complex reduces the chances of hitting a ship by 70%.

After images of the Daring ship appeared in the public domain, many were struck by its external similarities with the American Freedom-class littoral combat ship, which is also equipped with a modular weapons system. In a few years, it will be possible to compare the characteristics of these two ships and check which country has a more promising corvette.


Same type ships

"Bold"- destroyer of the "Daring" type, built according to the "small shipbuilding program" and belonged to the destroyers"Novik" type. Participated in the First World War as part of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. In 1918 it became part of the German fleet, but soon came under the control of the British. Subsequently, “Daring” was taken by the White Guards to Bizerte, where it was dismantled for metal in 1933.

General information

"Daring" and her sisterships - "Restless", "Wrathful" and "Piercing" are notable for the fact that they are the first Russian turbine destroyers built at domestic factories and from Russian materials. "Daring" was accepted by the fleet 2.5 months after Russia joined I World War and took an active part in it. By the end of the war, the crew of the Daring was one of the most experienced and highly qualified in the fleet. The ship received a short respite from military service in 1919, when it was taken away from Sevastopol by the British and repaired in Malta.

In 1920, "Daring" began active combat service again - already as part of the White Fleet. In November, he and the Russian squadron went to Constantinople, then to Bizerte, where he became the last flagship of the squadron. In 1924, it was on board the Daring that Admiral Exelmans announced France’s recognition of the USSR and the liquidation of the squadron.

Service history

In October 1914, the 1st Division was formed from ships of the “Daring” type as part of the Mine Brigade, the first such formation of modern and high-speed ships in the Imperial Navy, which turned out to be very useful in war conditions. The beginning of hostilities in the Black Sea was a sudden attack on the night of October 29, 1914 by the German-Turkish fleet on a number of Russian Black Sea ports. On the same day, the first combat cruise of the destroyer “Daring” took place as part of a division under the command of Captain 1st Rank M.P. Sablin.

Until the end of 1914, “Daring” made 7 trips to the shores of Turkey to shell the coast of the Coal region (Zonguldak) and destroy Turkish ships (about 50 sailing ships were destroyed). The destroyers also carried out mine laying operations near the Bosphorus. On December 24, 1914, the 1st Division took part in a battle with light cruiser Midilli(formerly SMS Breslau), which broke away and left when the cruisers “Cahul” and “Memory of Mercury” appeared.

In 1915, the destroyer made 21 trips to sea to shell the coast, destroy Turkish ships and lay mines. On January 4, 1915, destroyers and the cruiser Memory of Mercury met a Turkish cruiser near Sinop Hamidiye. The latter managed to escape due to a car accident at the “Memory of Mercury”. The destroyers scored several hits on Hamidiye, but the battle was accompanied by serious accidents of artillery installations - on the "Piercing" the middle gun jammed due to a rupture of the shell tray, and on the "Daring" the barrel of the stern one was torn apart.

The gun was completely destroyed, a fire broke out, Lieutenant G. G. Planson was killed, and 5 sailors were injured. On April 25, 1915, salinization of the boilers occurred off the coast of Anatolia, the speed dropped to 12 knots and the ship went to Sevastopol for repairs. On June 10, a night battle took place near Zonguldak between a pair of destroyers “Daring” and “Gnevny” and a cruiser Midilli. "Wrathful" received heavy damage, but "Daring" damaged Midilli(3 shells hit, the radio station was destroyed, a fire was caused, 7 people were killed, 15 were wounded) and forced to leave at full speed for the Bosphorus. Maneuvering on high speed“Daring” did not receive any damage. In the morning he took the Gnevny in tow and took it to Sevastopol. On November 29, 1915, the German submarine UC-13, which had previously sunk 4 Russian sailing ships and a small steamer, was driven ashore by a storm. The crew camouflaged the boat and called for help. However, the Russian command, which had German codes, found out about this and sent it to Fr. Kefken “Daring” (under the braid pennant of the commander of the 1st division, Prince V.V. Trubetskoy), “Gnevny” and “Restless”, which sank Turkish gunboats going to rescue UC-13 Yozgat And Taşkoprü, and then they found and shot the UC-13 itself. In total, in addition to these warships, more than 120 Turkish sailing ships and transport ships were sunk in 1915.

In 1916, the active participation of “Daring” in hostilities continued. During the year, he made 19 military campaigns, destroying more than 260 Turkish sailing ships and steamships.

On May 26, Emperor Nicholas II was in Sevastopol during the review Black Sea Fleet visited all the ships of the 1st division. On the "Daring" the Emperor personally awarded the St. George's Arms to Lieutenant N.B. Fedoseev for his distinction in the battle with the cruiser Midilli June 11, 1915.

On June 11, 1916, the German cruising submarine U-38 unsuccessfully attacked the battleship Empress Catherine the Great with two torpedoes. “Daring” (Captain 2nd Rank N.I. Chernilovsky-Sokol) during the search for a submarine for the first time used (to no avail) a new product - a towed contact anti-submarine mine of Sakhnovsky, and “Restless” - sonar equipment.

On August 20-21, “Daring” (the braid pennant of the head of the division, Captain 1st Rank Nemitz) and “Piercing” laid 160 mines just one mile northwest of Hissar Kaysasi. The next day they captured the Turkestan steamship off the coast of Bulgaria and brought it to Sevastopol as a prize.

On September 6-7, the destroyers placed another 20 mines in shallow waters near Kara Burnu to blockade the Bosphorus from the east. A sailboat, a tugboat, and a destroyer died at the barrage Kutahya, and the gunboat Malatya lost the stern.

November 29 - December 2 "Daring" and "Ardent" placed 120 mines 15 miles west of the entrance to the Bosphorus. Three days later, they placed another 119 mines on the eastern flank of this barrier, thereby blocking the strait and the area east of the Kara-Burnu Rumelian Cape. At this barrier, on December 7, the German submarine UB-46 and its entire crew perished, and therefore German submarines did not risk entering the Black Sea until May 1917.

In January 1917, the "Daring" made 2 trips to the Anatolian coast, during which 27 steam and sailing ships were destroyed, and then stood up for repairs. The last chance during the war to intercept the cruiser Midilli, which entered the Black Sea, appeared on November 1, which immediately became known to the still clearly working Russian intelligence, which was reading enemy radiograms. The fleet commander, Rear Admiral A.V. Nemitz (flag on the destroyer "Daring") urgently sent three maneuver groups to sea to intercept the enemy, intending to strictly block the entrance to the strait and destroy the enemy. But the operation was disrupted by the crew of the battleship Free Russia, who voluntarily left their position and returned their ship to Sevastopol. The fleet commander's attempt to bring to justice those responsible for the failure of the operation caused a sharp protest from the sailors. There were constantly rallies and meetings on the ships, the sailors refused to follow orders - the collapse of the Black Sea Fleet began.

After the October Revolution, the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, despite the ongoing war, began to be used for a completely different purpose. On November 12, 1917, “Daring” with other ships left Sevastopol for the Don to provide assistance to detachments of sailors who were defeated in battles with the Cossacks of Ataman A. M. Kaledin in the Rostov region. True, the decision to send the ships was late; they did not participate in hostilities and returned to Sevastopol in early December. On December 15-20, sailors staged a pogrom in Sevastopol. On the “Daring”, the ship’s commander, a participant in the Russo-Japanese War and a St. George cavalier, captain 2nd rank N. S. Salov, and the watch officer, Lieutenant G. A. Tevyashev, were killed. When Romanian troops went on the offensive in early January, threatening to seize Bessarabia, the destroyer Derzkiy was sent to the port of Chilia. Later, at the beginning of March 1918, he supported with fire the actions of the Sukhumi detachment of the Red Guard in battles against the advancing Georgian military formations of Prince Emukhvari.

On May 1, 1918, together with all the combat-ready ships of the fleet, "Daring" went to Novorossiysk, fleeing from German troops, and on June 16, he left Novorossiysk back to Sevastopol, refusing to obey the order to scuttle the ship - along with the battleship "Volya", destroyers " Ardent", "Hasty", "Restless", the destroyers "Zhivoy" with "Zharkiy" in tow, the yacht "Cross", as well as the Romanian auxiliary cruiser"Social Revolution" (formerly "Emperor Trajan").

Until October 1918, these ships stood in the South Bay of Sevastopol. After the surrender of Germany and Turkey in November 1918, the Germans were replaced by the British and French in Sevastopol. Despite the fact that Russian officers raised St. Andrew's flags on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet when the first British ship arrived in the Sevastopol roadstead, the British demanded that they be lowered. On December 15, 1918, they took the battleship Volya and the destroyer Daring to the Turkish port of Izmit. Later, "Daring" was transferred to Malta for repairs.

Repairs to the Daring in Malta were completed on December 24, 1919, but its transfer to the Whites was delayed due to lack of crew. On January 20, 1920, towed by the English cruiser Dublin, the ship arrived in Izmit, where it was met by Pospeshny (Captain 2nd Rank N.R. Gutan), whose crew transferred to Daring on March 1. Some mechanisms from the disabled and disarmed Pospeshny were also installed on it, and on March 22 the ship returned to Sevastopol. Having replenished the oil supply in Yalta on the 26th, he went to Novorossiysk.

In March, "Daring" covered the Novorossiysk evacuation. On April 2, “Daring” fired at several coastal villages occupied by the Reds near Tuapse - Dzhubga and Olginka. On April 4, the destroyer continued to provide fire support to the Cossacks at the mouth of the Nebug River. Its actions were ensured by the British cruiser Calypso, from which the Daring replenished its reserves of oil and boiler water.

On April 7, after the evacuation of Tuapse, he fired at the Red batteries and fought a duel with an armored train, and one of the shrapnel shells fired by the latter exploded exactly above the deck of the destroyer between the masts, causing a number of minor damage, but without losses in personnel. Having then received oil in Batumi, "Daring", having in tow the destroyer "Zhivoy", on which, due to the poor quality of coal, they could not raise steam, went to Sochi, where, together with the British cruiser "Caradoc", fired at the Red positions in Shahe and Lazarevskaya.

On April 17, “Daring” was in the Sochi area, covering the Cossacks fortified on the shore from the sea and firing at the Red positions. On the 19th he left for Sevastopol. From mid-July, the destroyer was part of the 3rd detachment of ships operating in the northwestern part of the sea, Tendrovsky and Egorlytsky bays, and returned to Sevastopol only on September 9. To support the beginning of the offensive of the white troops, their fleet undertook a campaign in the Sea of ​​Azov on September 28, 1920. The detachment of ships included the “Restless” and “Daring”, which were towing in order to save fuel. The Whites also towed the unpropelled battleship Rostislav into the Sea of ​​Azov, which served as a floating battery. The destroyers did not participate in the battles in Azov and left for Crimea in October.

On November 14, 1920, all serviceable ships and transports, with French flags on their masts, with a total of 132 pennants, having withstood a storm along the way, left for Constantinople. Among them were also “Daring”, “Restless” and “Gnevny”, which was not fully restored and was being towed. The White Fleet, transformed into the Russian squadron while stationed in Constantinople, went to Bizerte (at that time the French naval base in Tunisia). It is known that some Russian ships there, including the destroyers Derzkiy and Bespokoiny, underwent dock repairs in 1921. The squadron interned in Bizerte, gradually declining, existed until 1924. Its last flagship was the Daring. After France recognized Soviet Russia, the squadron ceased to exist. On November 6, 1924, St. Andrew's flags were lowered on her ships for the last time and the crews left them. The dismantling of ships in Bizerte was carried out by a company specially created for this purpose, headed by the Russian engineer A.P. Klyagin.

In 1933, “Daring” was dismantled for scrap.

St. Andrew's flag of the destroyer "Daring", preserved by Captain 2nd Rank R. E. Viren, its last commander, is still in New York in the Society of Officers of the Russian Imperial Navy.

Ship commanders

  1. Captain 2nd Rank Emmanuel Salvadorovich Molas - 03/16/1914 - 03/1/1915
  2. Captain 2nd rank, from 08/12/1915 captain 1st rank Alexander Ottovich Gadd - 03/04/1915 - 03/1916
  3. Captain 2nd rank Nikolai Ivanovich Chernilovsky-Sokol - 03.1916-1917
  4. Captain 2nd rank Nikolai Sergeevich Salov - 1917
  5. Lieutenant Leonid Leonidovich Zhitkov - 1917-1918
  6. Captain 2nd rank Nikolai Rudolfovich Gutan - 1920-January 1921
  7. Captain 2nd Rank Robert Eduardovich von Wiren - July - November 1924

This ship in art. - M.: Collection, Yauza, EKSMO, 2007. - 224 p. - (Arsenal-Collection). - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-23164-5

The laying of a new ship is always a holiday, both for shipbuilders and sailors. It seems like there are no tangible steel sides or superstructures yet, no 3,400 tons of displacement, no formidable “Calibers”, “Redoubts”, “Packages”, even the crew has not yet been assembled, but the ship already exists. The newest corvette of Project 20386 received the name “Daring” and managed to evoke respect among “friends” and alarming foreboding among “strangers” due to its declared potential.

Corvette “Daring” is a continuation of the line of multi-purpose surface combatants of the second rank in the near sea zone of Project 20380, the first of which were laid down in the early 2000s, writes.

Currently, the Navy has four corvettes of this class, all in the DKBF (Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet) - Steregushchiy, Soobrazitelny, Boykiy and Stoikiy. Four more are under construction at the Severnaya Verf shipyard: Zealous and Strict (modernized project 20380), as well as Gremyashchiy and Provorny (project 20385).

“Perfect” is being built at the Amur Shipyard in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In total, within the framework of the GVP-2020 (State Armaments Program), the Russian Navy should receive 20 corvettes of this type (3-8) for each fleet.

Of the announced and most popular projects of this series of corvettes (20380 and 20385), there is also project 20382 with the code “Tiger” - an export version, characterized by simplified armament. 20383 – project of a border patrol ship.

Well, project 20386, which will be “Daring”, is the best development of this series of corvettes, which will be distinguished from its “brothers” not only by improved seaworthiness and powerful engines, but also by enhanced armament, stealth and low noise.

And if the purpose of most corvettes is to conduct combat operations against a naval enemy in the near sea zone, to protect sea communications and maritime economic activity, then the “Daring” will be capable of operating in the far sea zone. In fact, in terms of its propulsion and combat capabilities, this corvette is close to destroyers.

The Project 20386 ship must hit surface combat ships and vessels with cruise missiles of the ship's missile system, search for and destroy enemy submarines with torpedoes of a small-sized anti-submarine system, ensure the combat stability of ships and vessels from enemy air attacks with an anti-aircraft missile system, provide artillery support for landings and naval operations landings with an artillery installation.

A kind of small (in terms of size) monster, capable of performing a wide range of combat missions even far from its native shores - autonomy for 30 days and the ability to travel almost 5,000 nautical miles without refueling allow this.

Speed ​​matters too - 32 mph versus 27 for its predecessors.

“Daring” is equipped with a combined gas turbine installation with partial electric propulsion. The installation includes two domestic gas turbine engines with a power of 27,500 horsepower each and two main electric motors with a power of 2,200 l/s.

Thanks to innovative technologies, this corvette will become a fundamentally new ship for the Russian fleet. The superstructure will be made of lightweight and durable composite materials.

The use of large-sized, closing lapports (cargo hatches) on the surface of the side will also be new, allowing for a more complete implementation of Stealth technology. It is no coincidence that the ship has already been nicknamed the “invisible corvette.”

To accommodate a large complex of transportation vehicles and ship devices on the ship, compact and powerful drives, hydraulic systems, new materials and control systems were used. Innovative solutions are also used in the electrical power system, life support system, environmental protection and many others.

Another of the “daring” features is improved seaworthiness due to new hull lines. A ship with a displacement of almost three and a half tons does not “climb” the wave, but cuts through it. Such stability will allow the ship’s weapons to be used in sea conditions of up to 5 points.

The Project 20386 corvette has a powerful arsenal, significantly exceeding the “caliber” of ships of the same class US NAVY (for example, the newest USS Montgomery, which crashed into the Panama Canal lock on October 29 of this year and has already received the nickname a leaky trough).

“Daring” will be equipped with a universal automatic 100-mm artillery mount A190 in a new “stealth” turret “flattened” from the sides. On board there will be two quadruple installations of the Uran or Uran-U ship-based missile system for attacks on surface enemies at a range of 130 to 260 kilometers (or, most likely, with Kalibr anti-ship missiles with a greater range of hitting targets). For zero visibility in the stowed position, these complexes will be hidden behind shields in the central part of the superstructure.

In the bow of the ship there is a block of vertical launchers of the Redut air defense system with anti-aircraft guided missiles for hitting air targets at short and medium ranges. Launchers of the Paket-NK anti-submarine (anti-torpedo) complex will be installed on the side in the middle part of the corvette’s hull behind the lapports. In the aft part of the superstructure - also on the side - there will be two 30-mm six-barreled AK-306 assault rifles, designed to repel attacks by saboteurs and pirates, as well as to shoot floating mines.

The exact composition of the weapons of Project 20386 is unknown, however, it was announced that the planned implementation of the modular principle of acquisition (in the aft part of the ship there is a compartment that can be used to accommodate interchangeable containers equipped with various equipment, headquarters equipment, missile launchers, etc.) and capabilities basing on board, in addition to the ship's Ka-27 (Ka-31) helicopter, drones, probably "Horizon".

It is likely that the radio-technical armament of the new ship will be identical to that located on the Project 20385 corvettes. And it, in addition to the Sigma combat information control system (combat information and control system), also includes the Furke-2 general detection radar (radar), Target designation radar for guided missiles "Monument-A" in a radio-transparent radome combined with the foremast structure, two navigation radars, hydroacoustic complex "Zarya-2" with an antenna in the bow bulb, hydroacoustic station "Minotaur-M" with an extended towed antenna, OGAS "Anapa-M", automated communication complex "Ruberoid", electronic warfare and navigation equipment.

For self-defense against enemy detection systems and anti-ship missiles, the ship is equipped with four ten-barreled PK-10 launchers of the “Smely” jammer complex). This entire complex of radio-technical weapons reduces the probability of hitting a ship by up to 3 times.

Victor Sokirko