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Wise thoughts of Paulo Coelho. Never give up on your dreams: a selection of quotes and sayings by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho own no less than 18 books: novels, anthologies, collections of short stories, parables, and their circulation already exceeds 350 million copies. It is read and loved all over the world.

Paulo Coelho, like no one else, knows how to help you look at life from a different angle, find the great in the small, look at life with optimism and find the strength to love in yourself.

Quotes by Paulo Coelho about love and life, which may help you understand something important for yourself:

1. Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried at your own house.

2. If you are able to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.

3. What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

4. When you really want something, the whole Universe will contribute to making your wish come true.

5. If I do exactly those things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

6. Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.

7. Getting lost is the best way find something interesting.

8. The darkest hour is before dawn.

9. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth either nerves or attention.

10. Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing.

11. Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.

12. If love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.

13. Where we are expected, we always find ourselves right on time.

14. Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and an avalanche falls on him.

15. Waiting is the hardest thing.

16. Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

17. Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury.

18. There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

19. Never give up on a dream! Dreams nourish our soul, just as food nourishes the body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to go through a crash and see our hopes shattered, we must still continue to dream.

20. Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make the wrong decisions to see who's with you when things fall apart.

21. As soon as I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

22. Most important words in our lives we speak silently.

23. Sometimes you have to die to start living.

24. People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

25. What you are looking for is also looking for you.

26. Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks fate...

27. A person does everything the other way around. He hurries to become an adult, and then sighs about the past childhood. Spends health for money and immediately spends money to improve health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, because of which he has neither a present nor a future. Lives as if he will never die, and dies as if he never lived.

28. Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

29. It happens sometimes that life separates two people - just to show both how important they are to each other.

30. Everything always ends well. If everything ended badly, then this is not the end.

Paulo Coelho is one of the most famous writers of our time. His books have been on the bestseller lists for the second decade and are of interest to readers. The works of Paulo Coelho are practically disassembled into quotes, in social networks, perhaps, there is not a single public where the Brazilian writer and poet was not quoted. We offer you a selection of the most famous quotes and sayings by Paulo Coelho from different works.

Reading is always prestigious, reading and quoting Paulo Coelho is also fashionable. Among the most famous works of the Brazilian writer, it is worth noting The Alchemist, 11 Minutes, Veronica Decides to Die, The Fifth Mountain, Maktub, Pilgrimage, etc. Coelho's books have been translated into many languages, they occupied a leading position in sales not only in Brazil, they were on the bestseller lists and in the USA, in France, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Greece. The legendary book Alchemist, published in 2009, is still the best-selling book in Brazil. In addition to short stories and novels, Paulo Coelho is the author of many Brazilian songs. In 2005, a Japanese film adaptation of the novel Veronica Decides to Die was released, in 2009 an English film adaptation of the novel was released.

If you are able to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.

The perception of the world is a reflection of the human soul.

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

There are accidents in life, but there are patterns.

Never give up on a dream! Dreams nourish our soul, just as food nourishes the body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to go through a crash and see our hopes shattered, we must still continue to dream.

To dream is to feel the taste of life.

Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

No matter how much youreceived answers, you will always find new questions.

We say the most important words in our lives silently.

Sometimes silence can say more than a thousand words.

The meaning of my life will be the one that I myself will give it.

There are a lot of important things for a person, but what will become the meaning of his life, he chooses himself.

We always know which way is the best. But we follow the usual.

We are afraid of change, even if we know that it can lead to better things.

Sometimes you have to die to start living.

Nothing teaches you to love life like the threat of death.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

What seems to be something terrible at the beginning of the path, at the end is already given out sorubbish.

Just because you've been discharged from an insane asylum doesn't mean you've been cured. You just became like everyone else.

Crazy people are not necessarily mentally ill, maybe they are just not like everyone else.

I began to understand that the lack of meaning in life is only my fault.

Everyone has meaning in life, it is enough to see it.

About happiness and love

I love you because...
"You don't have to say anything," the girl interrupted him. - They love because they love. Love does not recognize arguments.

They love not for something, they love just like that.

The strongest love is the one that is not afraid to show weakness.

Every person has weaknesses, the one who knows how to show them is most likely in love ...

Happiness sometimes descends to us as grace, but much more often it is victory and overcoming.

Happiness is like the finish line on the path of competition with difficulties.

It is enough for me to love him, to be mentally close to him and decorate this beautiful city with his caress, his words, the echo of his steps ...

Those who love can be near even mentally.

Misfortune is a test, not a punishment.

Happiness is a reward for passing tests.

Love is the great madness of man and woman.

When men and women fall in love, they automatically become mad.

Love, perhaps, is a more difficult test than standing face to face with a warrior who has aimed an arrow right at your heart.

The most terrible wound is not from the enemy in the war, but the betrayal of a loved one.

Love can only survive when there is hope, however distant, that we will be able to conquer the one we love!

Love is a feeling that lives on hopes.

Only he is happy who is able to spread happiness.

Happy are those who give happiness to others.

Love - it's solid traps and traps. When she wants to make herself known, she shows only her light, and hides and hides the shadows generated by it.

If love immediately showed all the traps, then no one would fall in love ...

Love cannot prevent a person from following his destiny. If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the one that speaks the Common Language.

True love is destiny, so it cannot interfere with it.

11 minutes

All women are sure that a man does not need anything but these eleven minutes of pure sex, and he pays a lot of money for them. But this is not so: a man, in essence, is no different from a woman: he also needs to meet someone and find the meaning of life.

Men are also looking for a soul mate.

Desire is not what you see, but what you imagine.

By and large, desires are solid imaginations.

When you teach someone something, you discover something new for yourself.

A smart teacher will always find something to take from his lesson, let it be held for the hundredth time.

If love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.

Failure and despair can either destroy a person in a couple of minutes, or make him stronger in an instant.

Life is made up of simple things.

Only people, not understanding this, are accustomed to looking for difficulties in everything.

Men threaten, scream, they can beat, but without exception, everyone goes crazy with fear of a woman. Maybe not in front of the one who was taken as a wife, but there will certainly be one who will subjugate them and force them to fulfill all their whims. Sometimes it's the mother.

Men, when they claim that they would never obey a woman, forget that they all once obeyed a woman in everything - their mother.

You can know yourself only after you discover the limits of your own possibilities.

The stronger the desires of a person, the wider the boundaries of his capabilities.

A dream is a very convenient thing, because we are not at all obliged to realize what we dream about.

A dream is not a reason for action, it is a way to amuse yourself with something.

And so it goes: children renounce their dreams in order to please their parents, parents renounce life itself in order to please their children, pain and anguish justify what should only bring joy - love.

No one should renounce what is meant for him.

Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and an avalanche falls on him.

Life can change in one minute.

There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

There are people who are not destined to find a mate.

Sex is the art of harnessing the unbridled.

And the ability to satisfy their physical needs.

The deepest, most sincere desire is the desire to be close to someone.

Man is essentially looking for a soul mate.

You should not think that someone can belong to someone.


Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried at your own house.

A person is always looking for happiness, not realizing that in fact it is very close.

Evil is not what enters a person's mouth, but what comes out of them.

Evil comes from within.

Sometimes it's better not to interfere and leave things as they are.

Life will put everything in its place better than you.

The Lord has drawn a path for every person in the world, it remains only to find it. And be able to read what is written just for you.

The one who finds his way finds true happiness.

Sometimes it is impossible to stop the flow of life.

Not that sometimes, it is never possible to keep it.

Never give up on your dreams.

Dreams are part of a person.

You can't run away from your heart.

You can't tell him either.

This is what you've always wanted to do. Every man, entering the age of youth, knows what his Path is. During these years, everything is clear, everything is possible, everything is possible, and people are not afraid to dream about what they would like to do in life. But then time passes, and some mysterious forces, intervening, try to prove that it is impossible to follow Their Paths.

You need to listen not to mysterious forces, but to fate.

The main thing is not to be afraid that nothing will come of it.

Fear kills not only the goal, but also the desire to achieve it.

Dreams are the language in which the Lord speaks to them.

It is enough to understand what She wants to tell us.

There is no need to be afraid of the unknown, because everyone is able to find what he wants, to get what he needs.

The unknown should not frighten, it should stimulate interest in life.

When the same people are around you, it seems to be by itself that they enter your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you become not the way they want to see you, they are offended. Everyone knows exactly how to live in the world.

Everyone knows how others should live, but he himself cannot figure out how to live until the end of his life.

To achieve the realization of one's Destiny is the only true duty of a person ...

To live as fate predicted means to live for real.

If I am part of your destiny, someday you will return to me.

What is destined to happen will definitely happen.

When you really want something, the whole Universe will help to ensure that your desire comes true.

If on the way to achieving the goal you are driven by the force of desire, then you will definitely achieve it.

Most people change courage. In the language of the desert, this is called "To die of thirst when the oasis is already on the horizon."

Many give up the goal, being two steps away from it.

Paulo Coelho- one of the most famous writers of our time, who is distinguished by a peculiar vision of the world and unshakable optimism. His works inspire millions of readers around the world, make them believe in miracles and give hope for a brighter future. Currently, the author has published more than 20 books, the most sensational of which was "The Alchemist", which has long remained in the top ten bestsellers.

We invite you to recharge the incredible inner strength and the lust for life of this brilliant writer, having become acquainted with his selected quotes about life, love and destiny.

Paulo Coelho

When you really want something, the whole Universe will help to ensure that your desire comes true.

Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.

Everything in the world is a different manifestation of the same thing.

Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried at your own house.

It happens sometimes that life separates two people - just to show both how important they are to each other.

Waiting is the hardest part.

If you are able to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.

Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.

H It happened once, it may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

If love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.

Where we are expected, we always find ourselves right on time.

If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

We say the most important words in our lives silently.

Getting lost is the best way to find something interesting.

The darkest hour is before dawn.

If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth either nerves or attention.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and an avalanche falls on him.

Our angels are always with us and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

Feeling unhappy all the time is an unaffordable luxury.

There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

Sometimes you have to run to see who runs after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make the wrong decisions to see who's with you when things fall apart.

Never give up on a dream! Dreams nourish our soul just as food nourishes the body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to go through a crash and see our hopes shattered, we must still continue to dream.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

Man does the opposite. He hurries to become an adult, and then sighs about the past childhood. Spends health for money and immediately spends money to improve health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, because of which he has neither a present nor a future. Lives as if he will never die, and dies as if he never lived.

Sometimes you have to die to start living.

People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks fate...

Everything always ends well. If everything ended badly, then this is not the end.

From me:

*Where there are monetary interests, you will not find justice.

*Life is not a test, it is a school on Earth.

* The world is a mirror - what you "show" in it is reflected.

*The truth depends on the coordinate system and the time of analysis of this truth.

* The correctness and incorrectness of judgments about the event is multifaceted, depending on which side to look at.

*Alas, time as a quantity has a direction, time does not exist for everyone, for a selected biological substance or species, which can be measured by time (for example, the time of gestation in women). The birth of new planets, stars, in our understanding, is more busy in organizing, it takes much more time than you can even imagine.

*The life time of a biological being can also be measured, the cell has its time marks, cell division, death, birth, time is applicable to the substance that has a beginning, a reference point.

*The world we live in is not at all the way we perceive it with our 5 senses. In reality, there should be more of them. We were deliberately limited in perception.

* If human thoughts are able to reach each other regardless of distance, then it should be understood that there is an environment in which these thoughts move, an environment (like an electric wire through which current runs), and there is a certain system of address encryption in these thoughts, they only get to the one to whom they were addressed.

* It has been noted that if a person is convinced that he is the chosen one, and can heal, heal people, then this is exactly what happens, the person actually acquires the gift of healing (the nature of this phenomenon has not yet been disclosed)

* Religion (whatever it is) makes people not “free” but slaves. The imposition of religious dogmas does not give believers the opportunity to think freely. The time of the fall of all religions, definitely. The Age of Aquarius, its beginning ..

*All physical constants and quantities can be wrong, as well as mathematics with theorems and rules. Everything is possible far from it. (According to the level of science, we, as mankind, apparently went only to the first grade, or maybe only to the nursery group).

* After studying astrophysics, it becomes clear that the universe, as it were, was specially "sharpened" for a biological model. (For the formation of RNA - DNA, its own conditions are necessary, and apparently as a result of a series of many billionths of collapse of space, our world was born, and quite by accident), Someone, shaking the vacuum, mixing various, proto-substances, until the soup became delicious. (joke)

* The matter that surrounds us (and we consist of it) is not homogeneous in composition, time as a quantity can be used for fragmentation, only for separate formations of matter.

*Matter can be highly dispersed, have a scanty mass, which can lead to thoughts about its absence, which is not the case in reality. ( It cannot be seen with human eyes, not the spectrum of perception, not the frequency range).

*Mom (Mother - matter) Father - phase (father) phase of information. Together - a human child.

* Thought, according to the latest data, is material (I believe that it is not quite so) thought is information, information is aimless until it gets into a certain environment where it is in demand. Then comes the action - the movement created by this thought.

*Each person changes the world in his own way, through a set of his beliefs and judgments.

*It is impossible to understand the size of the universe, this understanding cannot be put in the cranium in any way big description object. ( The description and the information itself are not able to fit into the skull due to the colossal size of the information itself..)

* There is a new, different from our understanding, method of transmitting information at a distance, it has existed for a long time and has not yet been studied. ( Imagine that mobile connection a person does not need it, a person’s thoughts find the addressee anywhere, in a split second).

*The fate of man is the most skillfully invented myth. There is nothing more defining life path a person, like HE himself and his actions, deeds, and thoughts.

*In order to see the future, it is necessary to study the past well, thoughtfully. No event can happen in the future without a clear hint (mention in the past) 100% verified. Signs and meanings of events must be CORRECTLY interpreted.

*There are no more correct decisions than those that were made by us (without prompting from outside)

*Ordinary human greed always breeds poverty(poverty and hardship).

* The cause of human diseases lies in 95% of cases in the cerebral cortex (it was not for nothing that the ancestors said that all ailments are from nerves), only 5% of diseases are of a physical nature. 95% psychosomatic.

* Predisposition to diseases at 100% indicates the mental unhealthy of the system (the person is mentally ill, the nervous component) Neurosis should be treated, the disease will pass by itself.

* There is absolutely no obstacle for a person, he invents all restrictions for himself, or acts under the gun of beliefs and “advisers” from outside

*It is important to be healthy in order to be “NORMAL”. (Unhealthy means defective)

* Fear is the most terrible force, who knows how to cope with fear, he understands how to live correctly without making mistakes. Who is paralyzed by fear cannot make informed, correct decisions (fear is a very bad adviser)

*There are no bad or good temporary stripes (black stripe, white stripe) these are all inventions of the brain after a series of severe fatigues.(We all need rest)

*Even after the darkest night, there is a wonderful flowering. Usually, before the heyday, the darkness thickens (a sure sign that a new, changed time is coming)

*Instead of sorting out the situation in ourselves, we are looking for answers in other people's deeds (you must first understand yourself before you start blaming your neighbors)

*You can be equally happy both in the royal castle and in a three-room apartment, it is important to understand what exactly constitutes a set - happiness!

* It has been noticed that the one who asks is denied, do not go and do not ask, do not humiliate yourself, the time will come, they will come, offer and give everything.

*Experience does not come with age, experience is either there or it is not and never will be.

*Rivers always flow in the same direction (or almost always) the time the rivers turn back will signal grandiose changes on planet Earth.

* The hare runs and jumps, frolics all day, but does not live more than 15 years, the tortoise does not run, does not jump, lives 400-500 years. (Runners should not jump and run in the morning, except to shake their internal organs, you will not get anything) Walk calmly, breathe deeply ..

* Any information carries a hidden guide to action. Suffice it to ask: why did they give me this information, for what?


These are just thoughts...

Paulo Coelho

When you desire something with all your soul, you join the Soul of the World. And it has great power. If you want something, the whole Universe will contribute to making your desire come true.

Everything in the world has a soul, be it a stone, a plant, an animal, or even a thought.

Everything that is on earth is constantly changing, because the earth itself is alive and also has a soul. We are all part of this Soul, therefore we ourselves are not aware of everything that it constantly does for our benefit.

Any thing on the surface of the earth is capable of telling the story of the whole earth. Open a book on any page, look at the hands of a person, shuffle a deck of cards, follow the flight of a hawk in the sky - you will certainly find a connection with what you are living at this moment. And the point here is not so much in the things themselves, but in the fact that people, looking at them, discover for themselves a way to penetrate the Soul of the World.

Listen to your heart. He understands everything in the world, for it is akin to the Soul of the World and someday will return to it.

This is freedom: to feel what your heart longs for, no matter what others say.

If you know your heart, it will not succeed in betraying you. For you will know all his dreams, all his desires, and you will be able to cope with them. No one has ever been able to run away from their hearts.

Love is a force that transforms and improves the Soul of the World... it is a reflection of all of us and its passions boil in it, its wars go on. It is we who feed it, and the earth we live on will get better or worse depending on whether we get better or worse. This is where the power of love intervenes, because when you love, you strive to become better.

Love cannot prevent a person from following His Path. If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the one that speaks the Common Language.

Love always exists. Even when we are keenly aware of our worthlessness, we can still fall in love without expecting reward, change, or gratitude. If we love, the energy of love will begin to change the universe around us. When this energy appears, it always does its job.

When we love someone or believe in something with all our hearts, we feel stronger than the world, and we are overshadowed by the calm assurance that comes from knowing that no one will shake our faith. This unusual power allows us to make timely and appropriate decisions, and, having reached the goal, we sometimes ourselves wonder how we managed to do it.

Not realizing how great is the power of inspiration leading us to victory, we let it out of our hands, not even noticing that together with it we are missing the true meaning of life.

The thing is that when we go in search of love, love moves towards us. And saves us.

Spiritual life is about love. They love not because they want to do good, or help someone, or protect and protect someone. When we do this, we regard our neighbor as merely an object and ourselves as human beings endowed with nobility and wisdom. It has nothing to do with love. To love means to commune with another person and to discover in him a spark of God's fire.

We suffer because it seems to us that we give more than we receive. We suffer because our love is not recognized, not recognized. We have not been able to introduce our own rules, so we are suffering. And in vain. For in love lies the seed of our spiritual growth. The more we love, the closer we are to spiritual experience.

Sooner or later, each of us will have to overcome our fears - for the spiritual path runs through the daily experience of love.

It is often easier to love than to be loved. We find it hard to accept the help and support of others. Our attempts to remain independent deprive others of the opportunity to show us their love. Many parents in old age deprive their children of the chance to show them the same love and support that they received in childhood. Many husbands (and wives) feel the shame of being dependent on others when adversity strikes. As a result, the river of love does not flow. You must accept a sign of love from someone. You must allow others to help you in order to give you the strength to move on. If you receive such love with purity and humility, you will understand that Love neither gives nor receives - it happens at the same time.

The two most difficult tests on the spiritual path: patience in anticipation of the moment of truth and the courage to accept what is happening without judgment and evaluation.

God is God… He is everything that exists under the Sun – both the lightning that destroys the House and the hand of man that builds it anew.

God can do everything. If He did only what we call Good, we could not call Him Almighty; He would have reigned in only one part of the universe, and someone more powerful than Him would have followed His deeds and judged them. In that case, I would worship the One who is more powerful.

Human souls, like rivers and plants, also need rain. A special rain - hope, faith and the meaning of life. If there is no rain, everything in the soul dies, although the body still lives. People may say, "A man once lived in this body."

And each person reaches God in his own way: some with certainty, some with denial, and some with doubt.

The energy of the Earth must be renewed. New ideas need space. Body and soul need new tests.

On the one hand, we know how important the search for God is. But on the other hand, life moves us away from it. We feel rejected by Divinity, or else we are absorbed in our daily activities. This gives rise to a feeling of guilt: either we forbid ourselves too much in life in order to become closer to God, or we feel that we are moving away from God too much because of life. This apparent conflict is a fantasy: God is in life and life is in God.

We rarely realize that the Extraordinary is around us. Miracles are happening around us, heavenly signs show us the way, angels ask to hear them, but we do not notice this, firmly affirming that in order to come to God, we must fulfill certain rules, pronounce certain formulas. We do not understand - which gates we open for Him, by those He will enter.

Traditional religious practices are important because they help us share with others the sense of community that comes when people celebrate the sacrament together, pray together, celebrate worship together. But we must not forget that spiritual experience is primarily a practical experience of Love. And in love there are no rules.

You can try to study textbooks, curb spiritual impulses, develop a strategy of behavior - all this is nonsense. The heart decides, and only the decision made is important and necessary for them.

He who goes to seek God is wasting his time. He can go through many roads, join many religions or sects, but in this way he will never find God.

God is here, now, next to us. We can see Him in this fog, in this earth, in these clothes, in these shoes. His angels stay awake while we sleep and help us when we work. To find God, it is enough to look around you.

This meeting is not easy. As God makes us participants in His mystery, our confusion will become stronger and stronger. For He constantly asks us to follow our dreams and listen to the voice of our heart. And this is difficult: after all, we are used to living in a completely different way. And now, to our surprise, we understand that God wants to see us happy, for He is our father and mother.

In order to start a spiritual life, one does not need to go to seminary, fast, be a teetotaler, and shun women. It is enough to believe in God and accept Him. Once this happens, everyone becomes His way, and we all become transmitters of His miracles.

God created us to be happy, we must admit that everything that leads us to sorrow and defeat is our fault.

Work done with passion leads to the gates of paradise, and love that transforms us leads to God. And inspiration connects with the Holy Spirit, and not hundreds, thousands of times re-read classical texts. And the desire to believe that life is a miracle, and not the notorious "secret rituals" or "rites of initiation" allows miracles to happen. And only the decision of a person to fulfill what is destined for him makes him a person - and not the philosophies that he breeds around the mystery of being.

The word "sin" in Latin is "pecus", which originally meant "sick leg", that is, a leg unable to overcome the path. To get rid of sin, you have to go forward all the time, constantly getting used to new situations for yourself and receiving thousands of blessings for which life is so generous - just ask.
People behave as they should, not because they want to follow the law, but because they fear punishment.

Many people talk about the misfortunes of others as if they would like to help them with all their might, while in fact they secretly feel some kind of gloating, because against the background of other people's suffering they feel happier, not deprived of fate.

Stop constantly thinking that you are in the way of everyone! If someone does not like it, he will complain. And if he lacks the courage to complain, then that's his problem.

What is the "true self" - This is what you are, not what has been done to you.

Society creates more and more new rules, and after them laws that contradict these rules, and then new rules that contradict these laws. And people become frightened and afraid to take a step beyond the limits of what is established by an invisible routine that subjugates everyone's life.

He who interferes in someone else's Fate will never pass his own.

No one can escape what happens under the sun... Everything is one.

If one thing develops, then everything that is around also changes.

The history of one person is the history of all mankind.

Every person on earth, no matter what he does, plays a major role in the history of the world. And usually they don't even know about it.

Why do you need money if you have to die? Money cannot delay death even for a moment.

Of all the destructive weapons that man can devise, the most terrible and most powerful is the word. Daggers and spears leave traces of blood, arrows are visible in the distance. Poison can be detected in time and death can be avoided. The word destroys imperceptibly.

The word is power. Words change the world and man. "We've all heard the phrase, 'We shouldn't talk about the good things that happened to us because the envy of others will destroy our happiness.' Nothing like that. Winners talk proudly about the miracles in their lives. If you release positive energy into the air, then it attracts even more positive energy from those who really want you to be happy.As for envy and destruction, they can only harm you if you give them this energy.Don't be afraid.Speak directly about the good things in your life to anyone who No matter what you listen to, the Soul of the World really needs you to be happy.

Simple writing helps us organize our thoughts and see more clearly what is around us. Paper and pen work wonders - they ease pain, make dreams come true, and evoke lost hope. The word has power.

The word can destroy without leaving a trace behind. Children grow up under the influence of their parents for many years, men swear disgustingly, husbands often insult and humiliate their wives. Believers move away from religion thanks to those who call themselves translators of the words of God. Think every time you want to use a word as a weapon. Pay attention to those who use this weapon against you. And stop them from continuing.

Let's listen to what the child that we keep in our chest tells us. Let's not be ashamed, let's not be ashamed of him. Let's please him - even if for this we have to act contrary to what has become a habit, even if it looks foolish to an outsider's eye.

If we listen to the child that lives in our soul, our eyes will regain their brilliance. If we do not lose connection with this child, our connection with life will not break either.

A child can teach an adult three things: to rejoice for no reason, to always find something to do, and to insist on your own.

Many people are afraid of happiness. For them, living a fulfilling life means changing a lot of their habits – and losing their sense of identity. Often we resent the good deeds that fall upon us. We do not accept them because it would make us feel we are indebted to God. We think: "It is better not to drink from the cup of happiness, because when it is empty, we will suffer seriously." We don't grow out of fear of shrinking. For fear of crying, we do not laugh.

We are fully occupied with taking action, doing things, solving problems meant for others. We are always trying to plan something, solve something else, discover a third. There is nothing wrong with this - after all, this is how we build and change the world. But Rapture is also a part of life. To stop from time to time, to escape from myself, and to stand in silence before the universe. To kneel in body and soul. Not demanding anything, not thinking, not even thanking for anything. Just to receive the warmth of love that surrounds us.

Never forget that you are free and showing your emotions is not a shame.

We must fight for our dreams and persevere to the end. But we must not forget that life is made up of small pleasures. They have been placed here to assist us, assist us in their quest, and provide moments of rest from our daily struggles. It's not a sin to be happy. There is nothing wrong with breaking certain rules about diet, sleep and happiness from time to time. Do not criticize yourself if - occasionally - you waste your time on trifles. These little pleasures that stimulate us."

Those who have lost everything they had are in a better situation than many others, because from now on things can only get better.

If you deny that you have limitations, you will never be free from them. Stand boldly before your path and do not be afraid of the criticism of others. And most importantly, don't let yourself be paralyzed by self-criticism.

Objects have their own energy. When not in use, they turn into standing water in the house - a good place for rot and mosquitoes. You must be mindful and allow the energy to flow freely. If you keep what is old, then the new will have no place where it can find itself.

Don't judge others because of their beliefs. We cannot judge the dreams of others. To walk in faith on your own path, there is no need to prove that the path of another is wrong. It is one thing to believe that you have found the right path, and quite another to assure yourself and others that this path is the only one.

Forgiveness is like a two-way street. Every time we forgive someone, we also forgive ourselves. If we are tolerant of others, we can more easily accept our own mistakes.

A stupid person always believes that he is better than others.

One of the most powerful exercises for inner growth is that we must pay attention to things that we used to do automatically - such as breathing, blinking our eyes, and also paying attention to things around us. When we do this, we allow the brain to work with more freedom - without clashing with our desires. Some problems that seemed insoluble to us are successfully solved, and some diseases that we thought would never go away disappear without a trace. The teacher said, "When a difficult situation comes before you, try to use this technique. It takes a little discipline...but the results may surprise you.

Sign language is open to us to teach us how to act in the best possible way. But very often we try to distort these signs so that they "agree" with what we want to do in the first place.

The other is who I was taught to be, but who I am not. Another is convinced that a person must think all his life about how to save money so that he does not die of hunger in old age. And I am the same as any of us, if only he listens to the voice of his heart. A man fascinated by the mystery of life, a man open to a miracle, a man who is pleased and inspired by everything he does. The trouble is that the Other, eternally tormented by the fear of disappointment, did not allow me to do so... And from the moment I expelled the Other from my life, the Divine energy began to work its miracles.

Science has proven that when a certain number of people reach a certain degree of development, the whole human race develops. We do not know how many people are needed for this leap - but we know for sure that it is.

Each person, no matter how many there are on Earth, is endowed with a gift ... For some, it manifests itself by itself, for others it is necessary to make efforts to find and reveal it.

A person who encourages others to commit crime is not trustworthy.

For the most part, people use sex as a drug - to escape from reality, to forget about their problems, to relax. And, like any drug, it has a detrimental and destructive effect.

No one wants to suffer, and yet everyone is looking for pain and sacrifice, and having found, they feel that their existence is justified, and they themselves are pure and deserve the respect of children, spouses, neighbors, the Lord God. Children renounce their dreams in order to please their parents, parents renounce life itself in order to please their children, pain and anguish justify what should only bring joy - love.

A schizophrenic is a person who has a natural tendency to withdraw from this world until, as a result of some event - difficult or not so - he creates a reality that exists only for him alone.

Just as a prison does not correct a criminal, but only teaches him to commit new crimes, psychiatric clinics only taught patients to live in a completely unreal world where everything is allowed and no one has to answer for their actions.

No one wants to suffer, and yet everyone is looking for pain and sacrifice, and having found, they feel that their existence is justified, and they themselves are pure and deserve the respect of children, spouses, neighbors, the Lord God.

Discussions of opinions always serve the same purpose... They help people convince themselves that they are right.

The lesson is mastered when you are ready to comprehend, and if you pay attention to the signs and signs, you will certainly understand what is needed for the next step.

We always ask ourselves questions like: "Are we good or evil? What to do with such a contradiction?" No matter how strong these internal conflicts are, we are able to overcome them. We can take a step towards a better way of life - in the sense that it is more reasonable, more practical to be kind than evil.

We are something like a battlefield between angels and demons. There are indeed parts of us that we can't fully explain - like unkind thoughts - but we can control them and choose the best in ourselves.

Only those who are afraid to take a certain position in life should portray generosity. Of course, it is much easier to believe in your own kindness than to oppose someone and defend your rights. It is much easier to swallow an insult, to endure an insult, than to muster up the courage and enter into a fight with a strong opponent. You can always say that the stone that was thrown at us flew past, and only at night, left alone with ourselves, when the wife, or husband, or school friend is sleeping, - only at night, in silence, do we mourn our cowardice.

It is not given to us to guess what will bring joy to the Lord. Do what your heart tells you to do, and He will be pleased.

God is Almighty… – He can do everything, nothing is forbidden for him… But, possessing unlimited power, He decided to do only Good. The more experience we gain in life, the better we understand that Good is often hidden under the guise of Evil, but this does not stop it from being Good. It is only part of God's plan for people.

Ancient teachers used to create "characters" to help students deal with the dark side of their personality. Many stories about the creation of such characters have become well-known fairy tales. The procedure is simple: you just have to place all your worries, fears and frustrations on the invisible being standing on your left side. It functions as a "scoundrel" in your life, suggesting actions that are unacceptable to you - but which you sometimes do. Once this character is created, it becomes much easier to reject his advice. It's extremely simple. And that's why it works so well.

There are no chosen ones. Chosen, singled out, and preferred is anyone who, instead of racking his brains over the question "What am I doing here?", decides to do at least something or awaken inspiration in his heart.

Of all the ways to harm yourself, the most painful are those where Love is involved. We always manage to suffer when someone does not love us, or someone has abandoned us, or, conversely, someone will not get rid of us. If we are left alone, we suffer from loneliness; if we get married, we turn marriage into slavery. All this is just terrible!

  • I DO NOT KNOCK on a closed door! In response, I silently CLOSE mine ... I DO NOT IMPOSE! The world is huge - and there certainly is someone who is happy receiving exactly my communication, my look and my smile ... I AM NOT JEAL! if the person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn to somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and even more so, he is not worth my nerves ... nor attention
  • If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.
  • Waiting is painful. Forgetting hurts. But the worst of suffering is not knowing what decision to make.
  • Once I found all the answers, the questions changed.
  • Of all the destructive weapons that man can devise, the most terrible and most powerful is the word. Daggers and spears leave traces of blood, arrows are visible in the distance. Poison can be detected in time and death can be avoided.
  • The word destroys imperceptibly.
  • Sometimes you have to run to see who runs after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make the wrong decisions to see who's with you when things fall apart. Sometimes you have to let go of someone you love just to see if you are loved enough to come back!
  • Man does the opposite. He hurries to become an adult, and then sighs about the past childhood. Spends health for money and immediately spends money to improve health. Thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, because of which he has neither present nor future. Lives as if he will never die, and dies like this as if he had never lived.
  • A person who has happened to lose what he thought would be his forever, eventually learns that nothing belongs to him.
  • Forgiveness is a two-way street. By forgiving someone, we forgive ourselves at this moment. If we are tolerant of other people's sins and mistakes, then it will be easier to accept our own mistakes and miscalculations. And then, having renounced feelings of guilt and bitterness, we can improve our attitude towards life. When, out of weakness, we allow hatred, envy, intolerance to rage around us, then we ourselves involuntarily succumb to them in the end.
  • The most important meetings are arranged by the souls, even before the bodily shells meet.
  • "I heal wounds," said Time. "I chain you to the ground," Prejudice replied. “I inspire,” objected Happiness. “And I hurt, lift it up to heaven, and then throw it to the ground,” Lyubov smiled slyly.
  • Change is always scary. But no one will change your life for you. You understand what choice you have to make, but despite the fear, you move forward. This is the main rule of success.