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Lack of competition crossword puzzle 10 letters last m. Is the postulate that competition helps reduce prices and improve the quality of products and services correct? Or is this a myth? Definition of the word monopoly in dictionaries

Lack of competition

The first letter is "m"

Second letter "o"

Third letter "n"

The last letter is "I"

Answer for the clue "Lack of competition", 9 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word monopoly

"Loneliness" in the market

What is the most popular modern board game?

This word comes from the Greek words for "one" and "sold", and indeed it comes from everything being sold to one

(colloquial) preferential right, a special position of someone compared to others

During the height of the Great Depression, Charles Darrow invented the game, manufactured it, and sold 5,000 copies at a profit to a Philadelphia department store.

The company that took over most production and marketing of any product

Definition of the word monopoly in dictionaries

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(from mono... and Greek pōléō ≈ sell), exclusive (monopoly) right in a certain area of ​​the state (for example, monopoly foreign trade), organizations, firms, etc.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. Exclusive right to smth. in some field of activity (in production, trade, etc.) owned by a person, group of persons or the state. Exclusive use of smth. trans. A special position, an advantage compared to others. Large economic...

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
MONOPOLY (from mono... and Greek poleo - sell) exclusive (monopoly) right in any field of activity of the state, organization, company, etc.

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Monopoly: Monopoly right in any field of activity. "Monopoly" - board game, economic strategy. The monopoly of violence is a concept of the state outlined by Max Weber in his book “Politics as a Vocation and Profession.”

Examples of the use of the word monopoly in literature.

This is essentially another monopoly, which is used as a lever to inflate housing prices.

Well, no one can claim that I have monopoly on lice,” objected Haviland Tuf.

Without Free, without monopolies At home at Atreides on geriatric spice, Alia cannot be restrained by power.

This concerns Russia’s position regarding Gokhran, Goznak, the property of the liquidated USSR Ministry of Justice, as well as monopolies for foreign economic activity.

But it does not allow the use of legal force and thereby destroys both democracy and the country by the democratic mob, which has in the Russian and foreign media monopoly to disseminate their interpretations of what is happening - Sorokins, Sharapovs, Kovalevs, Grigoryans, Yushenkovs, Sheinises, Yavlinskys, Bonners, Yakovlevs, Golembiovskys, Yakovs, Gritchins, Okudzhavas, Akhmadulins, Pristavkins, Loshaks, Kabakovs, Saraskins, Ginzburgs, Volcheks, Podrabineks, etc. .

Most likely yes, but it all depends on the situation, market segment, size of the enterprise and many other factors. Competition is an unpleasant thing, forcing an entrepreneur to develop innovations, revise payroll and price lines, analyze the activities of other enterprises, come up with various advertising tricks, look for new sales channels, in short, survive. The ideal situation for any entrepreneur is the absence of competitors (i.e., a monopoly) with high consumer demand and a large number of suppliers, among whom there is no monopolist. It is precisely to achieve this result that the activities of some Russian lobbyists are aimed, calling under various pretexts to ban the import of certain foreign goods.

However, if competition exists and it is regulated in a certain way (for example, by antitrust law), the entrepreneur chooses one of several competitive strategies: special offer, low level costs/best price, a wide range of. When choosing a strategy to expand the assortment, the quality of the product/service may decrease, since the entrepreneur relies on the purchasing power of not the richest consumers and compensates for the unpretentiousness of the offer with a low price, as well as a set additional services, for example, bonuses on the card.

In small businesses, competition has almost no effect on price and quality. Let's imagine that you have a street pie shop. All proceeds go to taxes, purchase of raw materials, and wages. If there is a net profit, then most likely you are thinking about buying new equipment (the old one is irreversibly deteriorating) or opening a new point. That is, there is no profit at all in the academic sense, but only salaries to employees and a home investment fund. If someone nearby opened the same pie shop, then you, of course, will try to improve the work of employees, but you will have few options: work faster (almost has nothing to do with revenue growth) and work more (closing an hour later, which is also almost won't do anything). It’s difficult to change the quality of the ingredients (take different flour? knead the dough longer? add flavor improvers? make jam yourself?) A reduction in prices will directly hit either your salaries or your personal investment fund (you’ll have to give up the idea of ​​opening a new outlet).

However, in some small business segments there are segments where the margin (the difference between price and cost) is high. For example, you exclusively advise the mayor’s office on what flowers to plant in parks (this is an abstract example). No one knows how much such services cost; it is believed that this is some kind of super knowledge that costs a million rubles for one presentation. You are a rich man. And then another company comes and offers a price half as much. And you also fall. But this is rather an exception.

IN big business much depends on the macroeconomic situation (PEST or STEEP factors), currency prices, quality banking, the presence/absence of monopolists in the production chain, the presence of administrative and legislative barriers, the level of corruption, etc. But large companies have more room for maneuver, and it is from them that you should expect price flexibility.

What directly affects the price? High performance labor (cost reduction), new technologies, innovations, economies of scale, cost of bank loans. Partly - the high purchasing power of the population, that is, large revenues.

What directly affects quality? New technologies, innovations, the presence of external and internal standards, good management and design of manufacturing enterprise processes.

Thus, competition is one of the factors that can push an organization to improve processes, improve operations and reduce prices. Or maybe not push.

Two guys (1) and (2) are sitting in a cinema and waiting for the film to start. Here a healthy bald man sits down in front of them. (1) smiling sarcastically at (2) says:
- I'll bet you fifty dollars that you can't spank his bald head!
(2), after thinking a little:
- But I can, let’s argue.
We argued. (2) without hesitation he slaps the bald man on the head. He looks around, having lost his temper, what’s wrong?
(2) immediately:
- F#ck Lekha!! How many years and how many winters! Where did you go?
The bald man blushes and says:
- What the hell Lech, you got it wrong!
The bald man turns away. A few minutes pass and (1) again:
- Should I spank you weakly a second time? Shall we bet on a hundred?
- Let's bet I'll spank you again.
The same situation, the bald guy is ready to #kick (2). And in response:
- F#ck Lekha, why are you fooling around? No matter how much you shave, you still don’t recognize me!
The angry bald man gets up and goes to the front rows so as not to be disturbed by these freaks. A few more minutes pass, (1) again to (2):
- Shall I slap you lightly again? Shall we bet on 500?
- Come on, let's argue.
(2) gets up, goes to the bald man and carelessly slaps his bald head and shouts:
- F#ck, Lekha!!! It turns out you’re sitting here, and I’ve been there for half an hour amusing myself!