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Letter from plants to man. The sun, plants and you and me

Manual measures "Aggressive spam" (also called "sanctions") - automated or manual kicking of a site from search without the participation of Google's main algorithms. The anti-webspam team is quite effective in combating low-quality sites, so such measures (erroneously called “filters”) are long and difficult to remove, but arrive quite quickly.

Manual measures are taken based on a complaint, based on reports from monitoring systems, or during scheduled cleanings of search results from low-quality sites.

Aggressive spam

As a rule, the site is killed by the spam bot WNC-646702.
This site exhibits signs of aggressive spam: publishing automatically generated nonsense text or content copied from other sites, masking and/or repeated or gross violation Google webmaster guidelines.
Everything is affected.
Affects all pages.
If the request for verification is rejected, the following message is received: on the website... still available serious problems with spam. The texts of messages in the Search Console periodically change slightly. The meaning of this handbrake remains unchanged.

Aggressive spam objects:

  • shitty texts (rewrites and copy-paste) and stolen pictures, that is, the site - GS:
  • dropped domain with old measures
  • an abundance of advertising that turned the site into spam
  • automated filling, synomizing, etc. Chernukha
  • stolen content from a web archive
  • stolen translations into another language
  • MFA, dora, PBN, etc.
  • useless rewrites from the YMYL sphere (I recommend google what it is)
  • black monetization (clickers, vap-click, web mining)
  • cloaking

Aggressive spam is never given for purchased links and spam in micro markup!

!) Actually, if the site is completely gs and the handbrake has come, then it’s probably easier to kill such a site. The worse the site, the less chance there is. Or change the domain. But measures will most likely arrive again.

!!) If you take a drop (abandoned domain) with measures without experience, then you will have to develop the site without Google for 3-6 months. The more lively the site looks, the higher the chance of removing measures. It’s stupid to send an empty website or add notes that the owner of the domain has changed. Nobody will read this. The check is automated.

!!!) To remove the handbrake for Aggressive spam, you need to radically redo the site - completely (and not in 1-2 days), rewrite articles, collect comments and change photos to copyright ones. After refusing a request for re-verification, we take a vacation for several months and prove that the site is necessary and traffic can be received without Google.

Common mistakes webmasters make when receiving manual measures

  • Write on with a bias to look like a fool in order to beg for an unban. This also includes aggressive behavior and boorish demands.
  • Check the uniqueness of the text as a percentage and assume that Google is doing the same thing.
  • Request multiple checks. This will result in your request no longer reaching the verification system. 180 days of waiting in line are guaranteed.
  • Write along with a request to review the letter for the anti-webspam team. They don’t read, and the robot is unlikely to be aimed at semantic analysis of such opuses.
  • Make the minimum wage on the site and try to cheat the verification system.
  • Doing pseudo-SDL (without experience is a waste of time).
  • Assume that positions will return after the measures are lifted. Very often, measures are deliberately delayed (the longer a site is under sanctions, the higher the likelihood that it has lost all its positions and they were taken by other sites, which is what they write about in the letter to Search Console, that there are no guarantees of the return of positions).
  • Assume that after the measures for aggressive spam are removed, the site’s rating will remain the same. Nothing like this.
  • Assuming that Google's Edsense will protect you from the handbrake.
  • Buying a site with measures.
  • Buying a beautiful drop with measures (there’s no need to get involved in “drop farming” without experience).
Useful links:

Thank you letter to plants

  • I want to express my gratitude to plants. They play a big role
    role in our life. If not for them, the earth would have been polluted long ago.
    Plants absorb carbon dioxide, and release oxygen this way
    they purify the air and they also provide paper
    Thank you note
    letter Dear plants! We express our deep gratitude to you for
    contribution to maintaining life on Earth. Yours deserves great respect
    everyday work in such an important and the right thing origin, development and
    the flourishing of all life on our planet, which is beautiful thanks to
    to you. We express our gratitude to you for the clean air that we
    we breathe. For the sweet rustling of leaves. For the pleasant coolness,
    created by the shadow of the foliage of the majestic trees that are
    a secluded home for chirping birds. For the softness of the silky grass that
    serves as a cozy home for cute, although sometimes annoying insects. For those who please
    lush blooming beautiful flowers blooming in the meadows and
    city ​​flower beds. Each representative of the flora makes a significant contribution to
    this noble mission. We promise to treat all representatives of the plant world with care. We promise to protect and protect every plant.

As you know, our planet Earth differs from many others in that it has vegetation. Living plants give us oxygen, purify the air, and also bring true aesthetic pleasure.

My family and I often spend our free time walking in the park or forest, recharging our health and vitality. What could be better than a picnic in a beautiful forest clearing with loved ones. The oxygen that plants give us makes our health strong and our mind clear, which is why the benefits of walking are so often discussed in the media.

But just enjoying nature would be ignorant on our part, so I want to draw your attention to the fact that plants must be protected. The problem of forest conservation has long become one of the main environmental problems of our planet. Because if there is no forest, the air will become of worse quality and, accordingly, there will be more diseases. Many species of animals will lose their home...

Scientists have proven that house flowers feel everything and grow well in those houses where there is a calm atmosphere, where people who love plants live. Therefore, it is very good that we are now all together in the mood to be grateful to plants; by changing our mood, we make our positive contribution to the development of nature. After all, plants feel everything and their life activity is closely connected with human life. Let's love and take care of plants, let's be a responsible generation of people who care about the health of the planet!

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