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Regulations on the photo competition “Nature in the Lens. The best photos of the photo competition “Beauty of Nature” (28 photos) Regulations on the photo competition nature of the native land

Municipal budgetary cultural institution

"Center of Traditional Folk Culture"


Ophoto competition "I love my region»,

dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city of Kharovsk,

85 -anniversary of Kharovsky district.


1.1. These Regulations on the “I love my land” photo competition dedicated to the 60th anniversary

the city of Kharovsk and the 85th anniversary of the Kharovsky district, determines the procedure for organizing and holding the Event.

1.2. The organizers of the competition are the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture “Center for Traditional Folk Culture” and the Department of Education of the Kharovsky Municipal District.


2.1.Purpose of the competition:

    the formation of patriotic feelings and civic position of students, the development of a sense of pride in their native land, love for their small homeland.

2.2. Competition objectives:

    develop students’ creative thinking, their artistic taste and creative initiative;

    increase students' interest in professional activities in the field of digital photo technologies and general information culture;

    using the art of photography to tell about the history, traditions, and present day of our native land.

Popularization of photography as a means of artistic expression.


3.1.Students can take part in the event 1-11 grades general educational institutions, pupils of additional education institutions, students of educational institutions of primary vocational education.


4.1. Dates of the Event: from September 20, 2014 to October 28, 2014.

From September 20, 2014 to October 20, 2014 – acceptance of photographs.

From 21.10. 2014 to October 24, 2014 – exhibition design.

From 10.25.2014 to 10.27.2014 – summing up.

10.28.2014 - award ceremony for the winners (time and place will be determined later)


5.1. The event has a local history focus and is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city of Kharovsk and the 85th anniversary of the Kharovsky district. Competition entries must reflect the diversity of their native land and demonstrate the unique features of Kharovskaya land.

5.2.Nominations of the photo competition:

    "Edge" our northern »

Photographs in this category must reflect "ethnographic photographic research":

Traditional way of life, folk costume, national and cultural heritage of the people living in the Kharovsky district;

Organization of life and everyday life of the city, villages, towns, their inhabitants, their occupations, features and lifestyle, traditions, etc.

    « Places dear to the heart" The most beautiful corners of nature of your native land, natural monuments, photographs of natural objects indicating their local names.

    "My fellow countrymen" A portrait photograph depicting a person or a group of people who are the main subjects of the photograph. Photos of people who belong to different generations, photographs that reflect the feelings of loved ones, and manifestations of good relations between people and the outside world are accepted.

    "Free Theme"

Color or black and white photographs are accepted for the competition. good quality in printed form (standard format - 20x30 cm) and in in electronic format. Photos downloaded from the Internet will not be considered.

5.4. The competition participant draws up an accompanying sheet for the photograph. The accompanying sheet reflects the details of the competition participant: Full name. student, name educational institution, class, title of the work, competition nomination, time and place of shooting, brief description of the subject of the photograph - who or what is captured in the photograph. Volume no more than 0.5 pages of printed text.

5.5.All electronic materials must be saved in a separate folder. The folder is named by last name author.

5.6.Each participant can submit one work in the nomination to the competition. Works submitted to the competition are not reviewed and photographic materials are not returned.

5.7. Poor quality photographs in which the main subject is poorly visible are not accepted for the competition; negative or repulsive content; without name and tags; with the date and time of shooting; photographs processed in graphic editions and collages.

5.8. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to use photographs for non-commercial purposes in whole or in part.

5.9. Acceptance of competition materials and registration of participants is carried out until OCTOBER 20, 2014 in the MBUK "Center for Traditional Folk Culture", at the address: Kharovsk, Energetikov Street, 11, 2nd floor of the MIR State House of Culture. Tel. for inquiries - 89005416757


6.1.A jury is created to determine the winners of the competition. The jury consists of at least 5 people. The jury evaluates the materials submitted to the competition for each nation and determines the winners.


7.1. The winners and runners-up are determined by members of the expert commission. Winners and runners-up receive Diplomas, each participant in the competition will receive a Certificate of Participation for their portfolio.

7.2. The results of the event are posted on the official website of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Kharovsk.

« Nature of the native land»

1. General Provisions.

1.1. These Regulations establish the procedure and conditions for holding the regional Photo Competition “Nature of the Native Land” (hereinafter referred to as the Photo Competition).

1.2. Objectives of the Photo Contest:

  • highlight the uniqueness of the natural world of the Bryansk region;
  • to attract the attention of the population to the problems of protection environment Bryansk region using the artistic means of photography.

1.3. Objectives of the Photo Contest:

  • formation and education of a sense of beautiful, caring attitude towards nature, its inhabitants, birds and animals;
  • formation of active civic position;
  • creating conditions for the realization of creative potential among the population of the Bryansk region.

1.4. The organizer of the Photo Competition is the Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library named after. F.I. Tyutchev with the support of the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Bryansk Region.

1.5. Based on the results of the Photo Competition, a final exhibition of the best photographs will be held in the Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library named after. F.I. Tyutcheva. Competition works (electronic versions) will be posted on the website of the Bryansk Regional Library.

2. Participants of the competition.

2.1. Both professional and non-professional photographers can take part in the Photo Contest.

2.2. Any resident of the Bryansk region aged 14 years or older can take part in the Photo Contest.

3. Conditions and terms of the Photo Contest.

3.1. The photo competition is held in five categories:

  • “The protected places of my small Motherland”;
  • « Animal world» - photos of birds, wild animals;
  • “Nature of the Bryansk region” - photographs of nature;
  • “Man in harmony with nature” - showing a caring attitude towards the nature of his native land;
  • "Cry for Help" - reflection environmental problems areas.
  • Stage 1 (district)- February 1 - May 31, 2017 Announcement of the start of the Photo Contest. Participants prepare competition works, send them to regional libraries.
  • Stage 2 (regional)- June 1 - September 1, 2017. Competition works (printed and electronic versions) are submitted to the Organizing Committee of the competition. Summing up the results of the competition, choosing winners, selecting competitive works for the Photo Exhibition.
  • Stage 3- Organization and holding of a Photo Exhibition - September 1-30, 2017

4. Requirements for submitted works.

4.1. Works that do not meet the stated nominations and the requirements of these Regulations will not be accepted or considered for the Photo Contest.

4.2. The number of works from one participant can be no more than three.

4.3. Works submitted to the Photo Contest must be photographed personally by the author and cannot be borrowed from external sources.

4.4. Reasonable use of graphic editors for processing photographs to emphasize the author's intention is allowed.

4.5. The shooting location is geographically limited only to the Bryansk region.

4.6. The organizers reserve the right to move works to other nomination categories without the consent of the author.

4.7. Photos must have a title.

4.8. Works for the competition must be submitted in printed and electronic form.

4.9. Requirements for printed work:

  • Photo size should be A4 (297x210);
  • works are accompanied by a label measuring 3x7 cm, Times New Roman font (full name, age, region, nomination, title of work);
  • works must be presented in high-quality execution and printing.

4.10. Requirements for works in electronic form:

  • photos must be in JPEG format, minimum resolution - 1024 pixels on the long side;
  • The name of the photo file must be similar to the title of the work and contain the author’s surname.

5. Criteria for evaluating submitted works.

5.1. Works submitted to the competition will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • originality of the plot;
  • unusual angle;
  • reflection and disclosure of the theme through the skill of photography and composition;
  • artistic and technical qualities work;
  • surprise of a creative solution;
  • general perception.

6. Procedure for submitting applications.

6.1. Participants in the competition must submit their work(s) to the municipal library of their district by May 31, 2017.

6.2. District libraries provide a consolidated application (Appendix 3), attaching individual applications, and the works of all participants from their district to the Bryansk Regional Library named after. F.I. Tyutchev from June 1 to August 31, 2017.

7. Rewarding.

7.1. The winners will be determined by the Organizing Committee of the Photo Contest.

7.2. 3 winners will be selected in each category.

7.2. The winners in each category are awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.

7.3. The winners will be awarded at the opening of the Photo Exhibition in September 2017.


I approve

And about. Directors of MBOU DOD

Krasnogorsk CDT

A. S. Keldysheva

"__" __________ 2014


about holding a regional photo competition

"Fantasies of Native Nature"

1. Goals and objectives of the competition
- fostering a caring attitude towards nature, developing cultural traditions, organizing creative communication between competition participants, forming and promoting a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature;
- formation of an active civic position and drawing attention to the problems of preserving the environment, flora and fauna, and unique corners of nature;
- attracting public attention to the problems of specially protected natural areas of the Krasnogorsk region using the artistic means of photography;
- development of environmental thinking and stimulation of creativity and environmental initiative of the younger generation and youth.

2. Organizers of the competition

The competition is organized and conducted by MBOU DOD Krasnogorsk CDT.

3. Participants of the competition

3.1. Students aged 7-18 years old from educational institutions in the Krasnogorsk region can take part in the photo competition.
3.2. The Photo Contest will not accept or consider works that do not comply with the topics of the nominations and the requirements of the regulations of the Photo Contest.
3.3. Submitted photographs must be taken personally by the author and cannot be borrowed from external sources.
3.4. The shooting location is geographically limited only by the Krasnogorsk region.
3.5. Contest participants can submit no more than 2 photographs in each category.
3.6. Photos must have titles and be accompanied by comments from the authors.
3.7. The organizers of the photo competition reserve the right to move photographs to other nomination categories without the consent of the author.
3.8. Works sent to the Photo Contest will be returned.

4. Conditions of the competition

Photos with an annotation from the participant are provided for the competition on time until May 30. No work will be accepted later! The photo must fully correspond to the theme of the competition.

The competition is held in the following categories:

- “Pearls of the native land” - photographs of unique corners of nature in the Krasnogorsk region (landscape of the native land);
- “Stop for a moment - you’re wonderful!”(Rare shot, unusual natural objects)

- “Fauna and Plants” (Flora and fauna);

- "Nature and People"(man in nature, relationship between man and nature)

5. Requirements for competition work:

· the photo must be printed on A4 photo paper,

· framed in a passe-partout: color – white, width – 4 cm on all sides,

· stick a label in the lower right corner of the passe-partout (on white paper, Times New Roman font, font size – 16 point, single line spacing): job title– highlight in bold, full name, class, school, principal.

ATTENTION! annotation (no more than 5 sentences) sent to the competition organizers in electronic format to the email address krasnzdt @ yandex. ru with a note in the Subject: “photo competition”.

Photos that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted for the competition!

6. Criteria for evaluating materials submitted to the Photo Contest

The works submitted for the competition will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- originality of the plot;
- reflection and disclosure of the theme through the skill of photography, composition;
- artistic and technical quality of the work;
- surprise of a creative solution.

7. Summing up

The results will be summed up in two age categories:

1 - 4 grades, 5 - 8 grades, 9 - 11 grades. Based on the results of participation in the Competition, winners and prize-winners are awarded diplomas and memorable prizes, the rest are awarded Certificates of participation.​

IN official group library on the Odnoklassniki website, we created a photo album with the name of the competition, there we also provided a link to the regulations on the competition and an invitation to everyone to participate in it. Exactly on the appointed day, the system automatically counted the votes and selected the winners in the audience vote. Based on the results of this voting, the three photographs that received the most votes won. Their authors are Tamara Vladimirovna Fomina from the village of Khudoelan and Anna Vladimirovna Pushkarnaya from the village of Ukar. Certificates for winning the competition based on the results of virtual voting were posted on our group’s page in Odnoklassniki. Then the results were summed up by the jury in individual nominations. Let me remind you that there were four nominations: “I am a patriot small homeland", "History is written by people", "Cultural heritage", "We are young!" In the nomination "I am a patriot of my small homeland" 45 photographs were presented by residents of Nizhneudinsk, Alzamay, Khudoelani, Ukar, Atagay, Irgei and Shumsky. Mostly these are photo of our beautiful nature in different times of the year. All works were evaluated according to such parameters as completeness of the theme, quality and artistry of execution, idea and originality. And the photo work of Lyudmila Demidchik from the village of Khudoelan called “Winter” received the most votes. All jury members gave high scores on the required parameters. Only two people took part in the “History is written by people” category. These are Valentina Voloshina (Irgei village) and Tamara Fomina (Khudoelan village). They presented five works. In the conditions for this nomination it was said that in addition to the photograph itself of a person who, in the author’s opinion, should be inscribed in the history of the village, there should also be short description his merits. This condition was fulfilled by the participants. The winner in this category was Valentina Voloshina from the village of Irgei. She provided information about her fellow countryman Alexander Voroshilov. Moreover, this information was given in the form of a poem written by Alexei Sobolev in memory of this wonderful man. Five photographs in the “Cultural Heritage” category were sent from the village of Khudoelan. It was very interesting to learn the history of ancient buildings. One of the participants considered the creation of her hands to be the cultural heritage of her native village. She decorated the fence and gate of her house herself and sent photos of them to us. And the winner in this nomination was Tamara Fomina from the village of Khudoelanskoye. The jury members were impressed by this photo and a little story, associated with it. It turns out that right on the side of the Moscow highway there are still ancient houses - the “old-timers” of the village of Khudoelanskoye. A small window was once cut out in the entrance of such huts, and the owners put bread there in the hope that one of the convicts who were driven in shackles along the highway would be lucky enough to take this piece. And the last nomination called “We are young!” was represented by seven works. The winner in this category was Valentina Voloshina, in her photo the children came to congratulate their veteran grandmother on the eve of the holiday. Many thanks to all participants of the competition! The winners in four categories received diplomas and prizes. And soon an electronic photo book will be issued, in which all the competition works will be posted. It can be viewed on our website. We invite everyone to participate in our future competitions. And so as not to miss information about them, visit our website (