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Using a router, distribute 3g Internet. How to distribute mobile Internet from an Android smartphone to other devices? We use a Wi-Fi connection

Many people are wondering how to distribute the Internet with a 3G modem via WiFi from a home computer on Windows OS. The task itself is not difficult, but requires basic knowledge of network setup. To do this, we need a 3G modem, a free network port on the computer and a WiFi router.

First, let's connect all devices and perform preliminary configuration.
We will not touch on setting up the 3G modem since it is configured automatically when connected.
On the WiFi router you will need to make the following settings.
1.Disable DHCP server
2. Assign the modem an IP address from the network range, for example
Why exactly these settings will become clear later.

Let's move on to the settings in Windows.
If the 3G modem is already connected to the computer and configured, then in network Windows connections an appropriate network connection must be created. This is the connection that needs to be distributed.
Internet connection distribution in Windows 7 is configured in the following way.
1. Check whether the network connection to which the router is connected is configured to automatically obtain an IP address.

2. Disable the network connection of the 3G modem.
3. Go to the properties of the 3G modem network connection. In the window that opens, go to the “Access” tab and check the “Allow other network users to use this computer’s Internet connection.”

4. Turn on the network connection of the 3G modem.
When you distribute an Internet connection in this way, the network interface of the computer to which the WiFi router is connected will receive a static IP address

Now the computer began to act as a DHCP server and Internet gateway. All devices connecting to it will receive an IP address of the network and access to the Internet.

This solution has its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages: Low cost of implementation. It is much cheaper to buy a 3G modem and WiFi router separately than ready-made solution from the provider - 3G WiFi router.
Disadvantages: For constant access to the Internet via WiFi, the computer distributing the Internet must be turned on. While the 3G WiFi router works independently and is itself an Internet access point

If your smartphone or tablet has Internet access, but other devices are not connected to the network, you can use it as a modem and distribute the Internet to your other devices. For this, two types of connection are provided and all of them do not require any additional software or equipment. Everything is done using the smartphone or tablet itself, as well as operating system Android. In this article we will talk about all three methods, and you can independently choose how best to distribute Mobile Internet from your smartphone to other devices in your specific case.

Mobile Internet via Wi-Fi

  • Open Modem Mode and activate Wi-Fi Access Point.
  • In the access point settings, specify a name future network and a password for it.
  • Turn on Wi-Fi on the second device and search for and connect to the new Wi-Fi network you just created.

Mobile Internet via Bluetooth

If the device that will receive the signal does not have a Wi-Fi module or is unavailable for some reason, use the Bluetooth module as a transmitter. How to do it:

  • Open Settings on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Select the Wireless networks category and open More.
  • Activate Bluetooth tethering.
  • Return to the root menu of Settings and, opening the Bluetooth settings, activate the visibility mode to other devices.

In order to receive the Internet distributed by your smartphone via Bluetooth, download and install the BlueVPN application on a second device. In its main menu, turn on the search for Bluetooth devices, find the same smartphone or tablet that distributes the Internet and pair.

Mobile Internet via USB

  • To connect your smartphone as a USB modem for your laptop or computer, do the following:
  • First, connect your smartphone to your computer with a cable.
  • Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > enable USB tethering.
  • Select the created connection on your PC in the Network and Sharing Center.

If there is a small local network without the Internet and someone in this network has a 3G modem, one day the question arises of how to distribute this Internet to other users in local network so that they too can take advantage of this benefit of civilization. The solution turns out to be not so obvious, since the manufacturer “did not provide” for such a possibility in its software.

One of the options— buy a router with support for connecting a 3G modem, but practice shows that it is very rarely possible to set everything up right away and without problems. It often happens that a given model of router refuses to accept our modem and we need to wait for a firmware update, or change the modem (router) in the hope that they will still “make friends”. The second disadvantage of this method is the financial costs of purchasing a router.

Second option— set up a proxy server on a computer with the Internet, but this option requires a good IT specialist who will understand the intricacies of setting up on the main computer and will carry out a large amount of work on setting up the Internet on all other computers.

Having wandered through the modem settings, we assumed that there should be third option and they turned out to be right. Its essence lies in manually creating a Connection remote access and connecting other network users to it.

1. Find out the connection parameters

Look in the modem settings:

We see that Username: "mobilie", password hidden by asterisks, but we assumed that this was also “mobilie” (later it turned out that we were right); phone number: "#777"

2. Create a remote access connection

For Windows XP

Go to the “Network Connections” folder (Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet Connections -> Network Connections) and click on “Create a new connection” (File -> New Connection):

Select “Connect to the Internet”

Select “Set up a connection manually”

Select the item “Via a regular modem”

Enter an arbitrary name, for example “MTS”

Enter the dial-up phone number (in our case “#777”)

Enter the Username, Password and its Confirmation (in our case it is “mobilie”)

Click “Finish”

3. “Share” the connection

So, everything worked for us, the only thing left to do is make this connection publicly available. Now let’s do what this connection was created for and what cannot be done using a standard program from MTS - we will distribute the Internet to other users of the local network:

Open the Properties of our connection

Go to the “Advanced” tab and check the “Allow sharing…” checkbox (1); two other checkboxes (2) - as desired, click “OK” (3)

On our network card (which now distributes the Internet to the network), the IP address was automatically set to, the subnet mask was

After these manipulations, it is advisable to restart the computer.

4. Check the network settings on other computers

If you have problems with automatic connection other computers, you need to check their network settings and, if necessary, manually register on each of them: IP address - 192.168.0.X (X - a number from 2 to 255 (for each computer - UNIQUE); Subnet mask: 255.255 .255.0; Default Gateway:; Preferred DNS Server:

1. Local network connection properties. 2. Select the line “Internet Protocol TCP/IP”. 3. “Properties” button. 4. Enter the specified values: IP address: 192.168.0.X (X is a number from 2 to 255); Subnet mask:; Default gateway:; Preferred DNS server: 5. Close

Now access to the Internet will appear on other computers on the network.

Also, your laptop (or) should have . AND wireless network must work.

Copy (or enter) this command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow

And paste it into the command line.

Click Enter to execute the command. The following result will appear:

That's it, the window can be closed. With this command we allowed the use of the network. If this is not done, then later, in the VirtualRouter Plus program, the error “ “ will most likely simply appear, and nothing will work.

Allowing shared access to the Internet connection

Your modem connection must be disabled.

Let's go to manage network connections: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections.

Right-click on the Internet connection via a USB modem. Choose Properties.

In a new window, go to the tab Access. Check the box next to “ Allow other network users...“. Then, select a connection from the list. For me, this is “ Wireless network connection 3“You will have approximately the same, only the number may be different. Click Ok.

Now, we connect to the Internet via our USB modem. I just started the connection (double click on it) and chose Challenge.

Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet.

Now, you can launch a virtual Wi-Fi access point.

Launching HotSpot using VirtualRouter Plus

First, you need to download VirtualRouter Plus. You can do this from our website, or on the official website

Extract the files from the archive and run the file VirtualRouterPlus.exe.

Specify the network name, password that will be used when connecting to your access point and select the connection from which you want to distribute the Internet. There must be a connection via a USB modem. If it is not there, then most likely it will not be possible to configure it.

To start the access point, click on the Start Virtual Router Plus button.

A message will appear indicating that the network is running.

That's it, our laptop distributes Wi-Fi.

Connecting your smartphone to a virtual Wi-Fi hotspot

Turn on Wi-Fi on your phone and open the list of available networks. There, you will see the network we created, select it. You will be prompted for a password. Enter the password you specified in VirtualRouterPlus and click To plug.

The phone must connect to the network running on the laptop. Or see more details on connecting Android devices to a wireless network.

We are trying to open the site. Everything worked for me!

How to start the network again after rebooting the computer?

After reboot (turn off/on) computer, you just need to connect to the Internet via your modem and launch the access point in the Virtual Router Plus program. And, you will be able to connect your devices to Wi-Fi again.

If a problem arises when everything seems to be working normally, the devices will connect, but the Internet will not work on them, then most likely your antivirus or firewall will block access to the Internet. Try turning them off completely.

And check again whether Internet sharing is allowed in the properties of your connection via a USB modem.


I hope I was able to clarify the situation at least a little with setting up HotSpot via a wireless 3G/4G modem. If you don't want to bother with this, then I advise you to buy Wi-Fi router, which can take the Internet from USB modems and distribute it via Wi-Fi. You can find tips on choosing such a router in the article.

Wireless Internet is actively entering our lives, previously it was GPRS, EDGE then 3G, a more modern version of 4G is capable of providing speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s. In the days of GPRS/EDGE, Internet speed was barely enough to open a web page; there was no talk of “distributing” the Internet via Wi-Fi. But times are changing and with the advent of 4G such a need arises, because even if the Internet speed is about 10-20 Mbit/s, it is already quite enough to connect 2 or more devices (smartphone, laptop, TV, etc.) without any brakes watch online video play Online Games and quickly open web pages. In this regard, a reasonable question arises - how to organize the distribution of 4G Internet (3G if speed allows) over a network (LAN, Wi-Fi)? There are several options for how to do this, in this article I will describe all that I know.

I suggest starting with the simplest:

1 A way to distribute the Internet from a smartphone or tablet.

Almost all smartphones and tablets support 3G/4G communications. The easiest way to "distribute" the Internet using these gadgets. Here is an example article on how to set this up - How to distribute the Internet using Wi-Fi from an Android tablet/phone . The advantages of this method are obvious - for this method you do not need to purchase any additional equipment (almost everyone has a smartphone or tablet), the disadvantages are battery drain.

2 A way to distribute the Internet using a mobile 3G/4G Wi-Fi router.

To use this method, you just need to purchase a mobile 3G/4G Wi-Fi router, insert a SIM card into it and use it. The advantages of this method are the autonomy of the device, we can take it with us and use it anywhere, the disadvantages are its purchase and dependence on the battery level.

4 Method. Distribute the Internet using a Wi-Fi router + 3G/4G modem combination.

For this method, you must have a router that supports a 3G/4G modem and the modem itself. Connect the modem to the router, configure the Internet in the router and that’s it. You not only get wireless wifi Internet, but also 4 LAN ports for connecting additional equipment that is not equipped with a Wi-Fi module (computer, TV). An example of how to organize this on routers TPLink 3220 / 3240 . Pros - such a system can work around the clock 24/7, cons - purchase of additional equipment - a router.

5 Method. Distribute the Internet using a router with a built-in 3G/4G module.

Another method follows from method 4, if you want to use only 3G/4G Internet, then it will be more convenient for you to buy a router with a combined modem, i.e. a single device into which a SIM card is inserted and this device distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi, has LAN ports for connecting a computer, TV or NAS. Pros - one combined device, cons - the price of this device.

In this article I described all the methods of distributing 3G\4G Internet known to me. If you know other ways, you can write in the comments.