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Hurricane 1m multiple launch rocket system. From "Hurricane" to "Hurricane"

In the early 60s, in the Tula State Research Institute there were research papers to create a system with an increased amount of explosive in the projectile and increased firing range. It also provided high speed movement in the area of ​​70 km/h, sufficient cross-country ability and short readiness time for shooting.

In 1967, research work on the creation of a new MLRS was completed, after which research and design work began.

Development was carried out in the Tula "Splav" under the leadership of Ganichev. The characteristics of the future multiple launch rocket system were noticeably superior to the BM-21 Grad.

Since 1972, designers began testing the new product at the test site and improving it. In 1975, the 9K57 Uragan MLRS entered service with the Soviet army.


The artillery mount is located on the 9P140 combat vehicle. This chassis is built on the basis of the ZIL-135LM. The chassis provides sufficient maneuverability due to all-wheel drive on all 8 wheels and a propulsion system consisting of 2 V8 ZIL-375 engines with a power of 180 hp each. every.

In addition to the combat vehicle, the complex includes:

  • transport-loading machine 9T452;
  • fire control complex 1V126 “Kapustnik-B”;
  • meteorological complex 1B44;
  • machine for topographic survey 1T12-2M;
  • rockets;
  • educational equipment.

The transport-loading vehicle was created on a similar combat base ZIL-135LM, carries 16 shells and is capable of loading/unloading without additional training.

A mechanized loading device allows you to load shells not only from the vehicle, but also from the ground in 15 minutes.


When developing the Hurricane, the goal was to increase the efficiency, range and coverage area of ​​the salvo.

The artillery mount is assembled from 16 tubular guides and mounted on a cradle in the form of a rectangular platform. Guidance is carried out using an electric drive. It is duplicated by a manual drive.

To increase the accuracy and efficiency of firing, the missiles spin around their axis during launch thanks to a U-shaped groove in the guides.

There are several firing modes, including single shots, a burst mode, and a salvo.

When firing in a “ragged salvo,” the Uragan fires 8 shells with pauses of half a second, and another 8 with pauses of 2 seconds.

In salvo mode, the entire ammunition load is fired in 8.8 seconds at a range of 10 to 35 kilometers. You can fire both from the cockpit and remotely.

Compared to the Grad, not only the range has increased, but also the covered area has increased to 42 hectares, along with an accuracy that is one and a half times greater than that of its predecessor.

When creating the vehicle, engineers were ahead of the whole world by creating a cluster warhead for a multiple launch rocket system. 9K57 "Hurricane" received various ammunition, namely:

  • 9M27F with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead;
  • 9M27K with a cluster warhead containing fragmentation submunitions;
  • 9M27S with incendiary warhead;
  • 9M59, 9M27K2, 9M27K3 with cluster warheads containing anti-tank mines;
  • 9M51 with a volumetric detonating warhead.


9K512 Uragan-1m

It features a new chassis and a high-caliber artillery unit.

The base of the Astrologer combat and loading vehicle is identical to that used by the Iskander. The launcher, due to its dual caliber, is capable of using native 220 mm caliber rockets and 300 mm caliber projectiles used in the Smerch system.


The vehicle, created in Ukraine, is distinguished by the use of the KrAZ-6322 base, which was done to unify Ukrainian rocket artillery.

Combat use

The army widely used Hurricanes. The vehicle first appeared in Afghanistan, where projectiles with a volumetric detonating warhead demonstrated their effectiveness.

Later, the MLRS went through two Chechen wars, took part in the 2008 conflict in South Ossetia, was noted during the fighting in Ukraine that began in 2014 and in Syria, for example, it was noticed during the liberation of Palmyra.


More than 10 countries have Hurricanes in their arsenal. These include countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Syria, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.


Traditionally for the MLRS, developed in the USSR under the leadership of Ganichev, the 9K57 Uragan turned out to be an effective weapon in demand among the military.

Created back in 1972 and put into service in 1975, the system is still in service with the Russian and other armies and remains a reliable, effective and deadly weapon.

Testing of the new Uragan-1M MLRS / Photo: RIA Novosti, Vitaly Ankov

The new multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) "Uragan-1M" began to enter service Russian army— Currently, the Russian Ministry of Defense and the manufacturer of the complex are discussing the prospects for increasing its supplies, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov told reporters on Friday.

“Today we discussed with the management of Splav the problems of cooperation and ways to solve them, after which it will become possible to supply these MLRS in the volume required for us”

“Uragan-1M” is already being delivered to the troops, but so far in insufficient quantities that we would like,” said Yu. Borisov.

The Deputy Minister explained that today there are some problems among the contractors of the Hurricane manufacturer, the Splav holding.

Yuri Borisov / Photo: press service of the Russian Defense Ministry

“Their condition is different - today we discussed with the management of Splav the problems of cooperation and ways to solve them, after which it will be possible to supply these MLRS in the volume required for us,” noted Yu. Borisov.

The Uragan MLRS is intended to destroy manpower, armored and lightly armored vehicles of enemy tank and motorized infantry units on the march and in concentration areas, destroy command posts, military infrastructure facilities and communication centers, remotely install anti-personnel and anti-tank minefields at a distance of 10 to 35 kilometers.

Technical information

9K512 "Uragan-1M"- Russian promising bicaliber multiple launch rocket system.

History of creation

In the mid-1990s, Russia began development of a new 9K512 Uragan-1M bi-caliber rocket system. In 1995, the Bryansk Automobile Plant began work on designing a chassis based on the BAZ-6910 Voshchina-1 vehicles for the new MLRS, but due to lack of funding, all work was stopped at the end of 1996.

Combat vehicle 9A53 MLRS 9K512 “Uragan-1M” / Photo:

Simultaneously with the chassis produced by Bryansk automobile plant The designers of the Motovilikha plants worked out an option for placing the system on the basis of the MZKT-7930 “Astrologer” chassis. After reviewing the projects, the Ministry of Defense chose the option of placing wheeled tractors on a chassis produced by the Minsk Plant. In this form, the new Uragan-1M MLRS entered testing. In 2012, state testing of the system began. According to plans state program weapons Russian Federation, by 2017, two regiments equipped with the new Uragan-1M systems should enter service with the ground forces.

Description of design

The combat and transport-loading vehicles of the Uragan-1M system are based on the MZKT-7930 Astrologer chassis. The combat vehicle is capable of firing rockets from both 220-mm 9K57 Uragan systems and 300-mm 9K58 Smerch systems. Unlike previous generation systems, loading a combat vehicle is done by replacing the entire package with guides.

The 9K512 Uragan-1M system includes:

  1. Combat vehicle 9A53.
  2. Transport-loading machine 9T249.
  3. Missiles in transport and launch containers.

Tactical and technical indicators

multiple launch rocket system
Chassis MZKT-7930

Developer country Russia
Year(s) of operation
since 2016
Weight in firing position, kg
no more than 44500
Length in stowed position, mm
12 699
Width in stowed position, mm
Ground clearance, mm 400
Caliber, mm
Number of guides
Firing range, m: minimum - 8000;
maximum - 12000
Damage area, m²
672 000
engine's type
Engine power, hp 500
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h
Cruising range on the highway, km
Wheel formula 8x8




One of the artillery formations of the Western Military District (WMD), stationed in the Moscow region, received 8 Uragan multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and 16 transport-loading vehicles as part of the rearmament program. The head of the press service of the Western Military District, Colonel Igor Muginov, told TASS.
“These complexes will significantly increase the combat capabilities of artillerymen during defensive and offensive operations. MLRS are designed to destroy any group targets, open and hidden manpower, lightly armored and armored military equipment, artillery units, tactical missiles, command posts, communications centers and other infrastructure of a mock enemy,” the officer specified.


The latest multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) “Tornado-S” (caliber 300 mm) and “Uragan-1M” (220 mm) are already entering service with the Russian army.
This was announced on Saturday by Colonel Mikhail Osyko, head of the department for ensuring state defense orders (GOZ) of arms and military equipment of general purpose forces and interspecific support means of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for provision of state defense orders, on the air of the Russian News Service radio station.
“Today, instead of the MLRS “Grad”, “Uragan” and “Smerch”, we are now entering service with new complexes: instead of “Grad” - “Tornado-G”, instead of “Uragan” - “Uragan-1M”, instead of “ Smercha" - "Tornado-S". They operate at longer ranges, they have more powerful missiles,” Osyko said.
The effectiveness of their defeat, according to him, is much higher.
RIA News

Materials provided by: S.V. Gurov (Hero City of Tula); A.V. Klochkov (city of St. Petersburg)

The 9K512 Uragan-1M multiple launch rocket system is designed to destroy area targets, the vulnerable elements of which are open and covered manpower, unarmored vehicles, lightly armored and armored vehicles of motorized infantry and tank companies, artillery units, tactical missiles, anti-aircraft systems and helicopters in parking lots ; command posts, communications centers and military-industrial structures.

The Uragan-1M multiple launch rocket system was developed by specialists from OJSC NPO SPLAV (Hero City of Tula) in cooperation with PJSC Motovilikha Plants (Perm), the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and related enterprises.

MLRS "Uragan-1M" is fundamentally new system, with the possibility of using various missiles of different calibers. Bicaliber is realized by using two types of rockets: from a 220-mm MLRS and from a 300-mm system, as well as new types of RS.

The first photographic images of the experimental combat vehicle began to appear on the Internet in 2009 - for the RS 220mm: photo1 (date in the photo data 11/07/2008), photo2 (no date) and for the RS 300mm: photo3 (date in the photo data 12/10/2008).

State tests of the Uragan-1M MLRS have been carried out since 2012 and were successfully completed in 2015. According to PJSC Motovilikha Plants, the Uragan-1M system was put into service armed forces Russian Federation in 2016.

For the first time publicly, the new 9K512 Uragan-1M bi-caliber multiple launch rocket system was demonstrated during a display of equipment and weapons in honor of the Day missile forces and artillery, which took place on November 19, 2016 on the territory of the Luga artillery range (33rd range, Luga district of the Leningrad region).

Uragan-1M multiple launch rocket systems are included in the promising missile and artillery weapons system. These systems are equipped with individual artillery units and formations.


Basic composition of the system:

  • combat vehicle 9A53;
  • transport-loading machine 9T249;
  • rockets of 220 and 300 mm calibers in transport and launch containers (packages).

The design of the artillery part of the combat vehicle provides for the possibility of mounting on its cradle interchangeable transport and launch containers loaded with rockets of two calibers 220 and 300 mm.

During the work carried out, the designers of the Motovilikha plants worked on options for placing the system on the basis various types chassis. After reviewing the projects by specialists from the Ministry of Defense, the option of placing wheeled tractors on a chassis produced by the Minsk Plant was chosen. The Uragan-1M MLRS combat and transport-loading vehicle is based on the Astrologer chassis, which is used in the Iskander operational-tactical missile system.

All processes in the Uragan-1M MLRS are fully automated.

The design of the transport and launch container for 220 mm caliber rockets includes 15 tubular guides, and the design of the TPK for 300 mm caliber rockets includes 6 tubular guides.

The 9T249 transport-loading vehicle is designed for placing and transporting rockets, loading and unloading the 9A53 combat vehicle. Unlike previous generation systems, loading a combat vehicle is done by replacing the entire package with guides.

Performance characteristics

Combat vehicle 9A53
Chassis type MZKT-7930
Wheel formula 8x8
Weight, t
without containers
with Hurricane containers
with Smerch containers

Length in stowed position, m:
with Hurricane containers
with Smerch containers

Width in stowed position, m:
with Hurricane containers
with Smerch containers

Height, m 3,35
Travel speed, km/h 70
Time to transfer from traveling to combat position, s 20
OP leaving time, s 45
Cruising range, km 1000
Calculation, persons 3
Number of installed containers, pcs 2
Firing time, s:
products 220 mm "Hurricane"
products 300 mm "Smerch"


Testing and operation

During preliminary and State tests of the 9A53 combat vehicle MLRS "Uragan-1M" the required accuracy characteristics were confirmed.

The BM 9A53 uses a self-orienting gyro directional guidance system (SSGKKU) with a maximum error of 3 d.u. Determination of navigation errors was carried out on marches up to 10 kilometers.

In 2008, Director of the Exhibition Center of the Institute of High-Precision Systems named after V.P. Gryazeva, Professor of the Department of Small Arms and Cannon Weapons of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "TulGU" Vlasov Viktor Alekseevich, Head of the group of LLC "SARAR" Vorontsov Alexey Mikhailovich, Devyataykin Alexander Mikhailovich were awarded the Prize named after S.I. Mosin for work

Testing of the new Uragan-1M MLRS / Photo: RIA Novosti, Vitaly Ankov

The newest multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) "Uragan-1M", capable of firing two calibers, entered the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy in St. Petersburg, Colonel Igor Muginov, head of the press service of the Western Military District, told RIA Novosti on Thursday.

“The newest MLRS Uragan-1M, capable of firing two calibers, has entered the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy. In the near future, cadets and students of the academy will begin studying new artillery equipment,” said I. Muginov.

The Uragan-1M complex consists of a combat and transport-loading vehicle, made on the basis of the Astrologer chassis, which is already used for installation missile systems. Two guides with replaceable packages are mounted on the chassis of the combat vehicle.

Technical information

9K512 "Uragan-1M"- Russian promising bicaliber multiple launch rocket system.

History of creation

In the mid-1990s, Russia began development of a new 9K512 Uragan-1M bi-caliber rocket system. In 1995, the Bryansk Automobile Plant began work on designing a chassis based on the BAZ-6910 Voshchina-1 vehicles for the new MLRS, but due to lack of funding, all work was stopped at the end of 1996.

Combat vehicle 9A53 MLRS 9K512 “Uragan-1M” / Photo:

Simultaneously with the chassis produced by the Bryansk Automobile Plant, the designers of the Motovilikha Plants worked out the option of placing the system on the basis of the MZKT-7930 “Astrologer” chassis. After reviewing the projects, the Ministry of Defense chose the option of placing wheeled tractors on a chassis produced by the Minsk Plant. In this form, the new Uragan-1M MLRS entered testing. In 2012, state testing of the system began. According to the plans of the state armament program of the Russian Federation, by 2017, two regiments equipped with the new Uragan-1M systems should enter service with the ground forces.

Description of design

The combat and transport-loading vehicles of the Uragan-1M system are based on the MZKT-7930 Astrologer chassis. The combat vehicle is capable of firing rockets from both 220-mm 9K57 Uragan systems and 300-mm 9K58 Smerch systems. Unlike previous generation systems, loading a combat vehicle is done by replacing the entire package with guides.

The 9K512 Uragan-1M system includes:

  1. Combat vehicle 9A53.
  2. Transport-loading machine 9T249.
  3. Missiles in transport and launch containers.

Tactical and technical indicators

multiple launch rocket system
Chassis MZKT-7930

Developer country Russia
Year(s) of operation
since 2016
Weight in firing position, kg
no more than 44500
Length in stowed position, mm
12 699
Width in stowed position, mm
Ground clearance, mm 400
Caliber, mm
Number of guides
Firing range, m: minimum - 8000;
maximum - 12000
Damage area, m²
672 000
engine's type
Engine power, hp 500
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h
Cruising range on the highway, km
Wheel formula 8x8