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College victory day scenario. Scenarios for Victory Day

Scenario for the Victory Day holiday kindergarten

Scenario for Victory Day in kindergarten. Poems about the war, about the Motherland, stories about the Great Patriotic War, poems for Victory Day. Characters: presenter, 3 women - teachers in military uniform, children - readers. What is needed in preparation: military uniform for women, military props for the stage, special lighting, hall decoration, military-themed music.

Scenario for Victory Day at school. Poems and quotes about the war, a story about the Great Patriotic War, poems for Victory Day. Characters: presenter, postman, Tanya Savicheva, performers of other roles. What is needed in preparation: equipment for listening to recordings, recording Levitan’s voice, military songs, air raid sounds. Costumes for participants. Paper for triangles. Black stale bread (a slice for each child).

Literary and musical composition for May 9 for students. Scenario for Victory Day at a university or college. Poems and stories about the war, poems for Victory Day. Characters: readers (a girl and a boy). What is needed in preparation: a screen, videos about the war, military uniforms for presenters, military props for the stage, decoration of the hall, military-themed music.

Scenario of the concert for May 9 in junior school. Poems and songs about the war, about the Motherland, stories about the Great Patriotic War. Characters: children - readers, storytellers (10 people in total). What is needed in preparation: military uniform for readers and storytellers, military props for skits, decoration of the hall, recordings of songs about war and music on military themes.

Scenario for May 9th for school, group, rally, class hour. Poems about war and victory, skits on military themes. Characters: 6 participants in the composition in soldier caps. What is needed in preparation: costumes for participants, props for skits,

Scenario of the rally for Victory Day. Poems, songs about the war, stories and facts about the Great Patriotic War, poems about Victory Day. Characters: 2 presenters, 3 readers, a dance group, first-graders, performers of other roles. What is needed in preparation: recording of Levitan’s voice and flying bullets, explosions, songs of the war years. Costumes for participants, balloons, doves, gifts for veterans.

The scenario of a rally-concert for Victory Day on May 9 for a large number of people is a city, school-wide, district event. Poems and pensions about the war, congratulations to veterans on Victory Day. Characters: presenter, presenter, announcer, children, drummers, brass band and other participants. What is needed in preparation: prepare performances by drummers, dancers, and a brass band. Musical accompaniment, sound equipment.

Concert script for May 9 at school or other educational institution. Poems and songs about the war, a theatrical performance for Victory Day. Characters: presenter, voiceover, 3 readers, he and she, dancers (extras). What is needed in preparation: musical accompaniment, songs about war, thematic decoration of the stage and hall, military costumes for participants.

Classroom script for May 9th for patriotic education. For middle and high school students. Poems and prose about the war, stories about participants in the Great Patriotic War. Characters: 2 presenters, 2 readers. What is needed in preparation: military paraphernalia, musical accompaniment - you can use recordings of the sounds of war (if available), Levitan's voice, war songs.

Scenario of the rally for Victory Day “There was a war for four years”

This rally can be held in a memorial, park or other place where wreaths and flowers can be laid to those who died in the Great Patriotic War. The event is open to students in grades 1–11. Poems about war, congratulations on Victory Day. Characters: presenter, readers. What is needed in preparation: inviting veterans of the Great Patriotic War, flowers and wreaths for laying, musical accompaniment.

Scenario of the holiday “Salute, Victory!”, dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Scenario for students in grades 5-9. Poems, songs of the war years. Congratulations to veterans on Victory Day. Dramas on military themes. Characters: two presenters, voice-over, readers. What is needed in preparation: military costumes, fragments of the film “Battle of Moscow”, songs of the war years, sounds of shell explosions, a metronome. Fireworks. Posters drawn by students.

Scenario for May 9, Victory Day in kindergarten. Poems for children about war, war, poems for Victory Day. Characters: 2 presenters, children's choir. What is needed in preparation: learn songs with the children, make themed decorations for the hall, select military-themed music.

Sports relay races, games, dances, poems and songs about the war, for Victory Day. The event takes place in the gym. Characters: presenter, children - readers. What is needed in preparation: postman bags, toy trucks, food models (milk, bread, canned food), toy machines, children's bathrobes, bandages, skittles, gymnastic benches, hoops and other equipment.

Scenario of the “Immortal Regiment” project for children for Victory Day

Scenario for the event for May 9, for which children make banners with photographs of their relatives who participated in the war. Poems about the war, congratulations on Victory Day in verse. Characters: 2 presenters, children - readers. What is needed in preparation: pillars that children should make at home for the holiday. A festively decorated hall, a model of the eternal flame.

Evening of outdoor games for children for Victory Day

Scenario sports festival May 9, Victory Day. Competitions, games, active entertainment for children, poems about Victory Day. Characters: presenter (adult), children: painter, fisherman, fish. What is needed in preparation: decorating the stage with special drawings, colorful ribbons for children, props for games, musical accompaniment.

The event is dedicated to the date of the Battle of Stalingrad. Poems for Victory Day, songs about war, congratulations to war veterans. Characters: presenters (boy and girl). What is needed in preparation: a thematically decorated hall, documentary footage about the Battle of Stalingrad, information about fellow countrymen who took part in the battle.

Scenario for Victory Day “It was a long time ago...”

A beautiful script for Victory Day on May 9 for adults. Poems and songs about the war, for Victory Day. Characters: presenters, women - readers. What is needed in preparation: special lighting, women's costumes, candles, thematic decoration of the room, musical accompaniment, a mirror ball, the sound of bells.

Sports script for Victory Day “It’s a feat to live for centuries!”

Sports holiday on May 9. Relay races, sports games, poems and songs about the war for Victory Day. The event takes place in the gym. Characters: presenter, veterans, children - readers. What is needed in preparation: sports equipment, musical accompaniment, thematic design of the room.

Scenario on May 9 for a big (school-wide, city, district) holiday. Poems in honor of Victory Day, songs about war. Characters: 2 presenters, dance group, veterans (if any), other speakers (if any). What is needed in preparation: wreaths, flowers for laying, dance and costumes for dancers, teachers’ choir and songs, musical equipment with powerful speakers.

Script for a sketch about the war and Victory Day. Poems and songs about the war. A theatrical performance about the war. Characters: presenters (male and female), announcer, participants in skits. What is needed in preparation: props for skits, military music, recordings of Levitan’s voice and other sounds of war, costumes for participants.

Scenario for the Victory Day holiday for adults “On the Roads of War”

The script for May 9 is about the war and Victory Day. Scenes about the war, poems and songs about the war. Characters: two presenters (a boy and a girl), a soldier (reader), participants in skits (up to 10 people). What is needed in preparation: military and pre-war costumes for participants and presenters, props for skits, songs of the war years.

Scenario for a big event on Victory Day - a rally on May 9. A theatrical performance about the war. Parade of military or cadets on May 9. Poems and songs about the war. Characters: presenters, voice-overs, artists, speakers. What is needed in preparation: a large number of props, military costumes for performers, music and songs of the war years, equipment for showing videos, a large screen.

Scenario for May 9 with laying flowers at the monument or eternal flame. Poems and songs about the war, memories of war participants. Characters: two presenters, one veteran or home front worker - any eyewitness of the war. What is needed in preparation: thematic decoration of the hall, flowers for veterans, costumes for speakers, musical equipment, songs and music of the war years, a metronome.

Scenario of the propaganda team for Victory Day “Let us bow to those great years”

Scenario for the propaganda team on May 9. Skits about poems about war and Victory Day. Literary and musical event for Victory Day. Can be used for any event on May 9th. Characters: poetry readers, presenter. What is needed in preparation: recordings of Levitan's voice and other sounds of war, songs about war, flowers for veterans.

Scenario for a lesson in courage for Victory Day

Scenario for a lesson in courage for May 9 at school. Poems and songs, stories about the Great Patriotic War, poems for Victory Day. Characters: presenter, reader. What is needed in preparation: equipment for listening to recordings, thematic stage design, songs from the war years and about the war, slides about the war, a large screen.

Clouds are floating across the sky
To some distant place
They're like pillows with downy sides.
My sadness floats away
And above on those clouds
The uncrying rain lives
He looks at the ground with purple glasses
My little ghost leader

Chorus: And behind the clouds there is a blue sky
Snow queens ice countries
A world in which Gerda loves Kaya so much
The world when mom puts mustard plasters.
And behind the clouds are red mountains
I will braid the manes of pink horses
A bright, unhurried dream

Clouds fly and fly
Where is my childhood left?
Where the sky rests on thin legs
Where mom washes clothes
They fly away like smoke
Lost in the magical river
Where did daddy stay so young?
And holds me in his hand
And on the blue-blue sky
The moon appeared yellow and bright
The world when December smelled like tangerine
And on New Year gifts under the tree
Childhood flew away into distant distances
That magical land cannot be found on the map
The world when they played snowballs in the yard
Peace when snowdrops are given in March

And mountains hid behind the clouds
Scarlet Sails not visible in the bay
A world in which childhood disappears by sea,
A bright, unhurried dream

Clouds are floating across the sky...

One, two, I love you

The beautiful maiden curled her curls,

Yes, she left buckets on the river.

Tell me, dear darling,
Why aren't you dressed up?
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Why aren't you dressed up?

That's why I didn't dress up
Yes, I was in a hurry for water,
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, I was in a hurry to get water.

Walk a mile for water,
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, I took a handful of nuts.

You, darling, can’t beat him back,
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, I decided to love the young man.

I fell in love not for my intelligence, not for my beauty,
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, I fell in love with the cheerful look.

His look is cheerful,
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, a card came from my dear.

A card arrived - a drawn portrait,
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, describe, dear, whether you love it or not.

I wrote to my friend Vanyusha,
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Don't marry Tanyusha, my friend.

If you get married, you get married,
Yes, with a thin wife you will get tired.
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, with a thin wife you will get tired.

You'll get wet with a thin wife,
Yes, you can make up with a good one!
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, you can make up with a good one!

The music is the Charleston waltz.

June! The sunset was approaching evening,

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

Phonogram of bomb explosions

What happened, tell me, wind?
What pain is there in your eyes?
Doesn't the sun shine just the same?
Or do the herbs in the gardens wither?

Why are people all at dawn
Suddenly froze, eyes wide open?

What happened, tell us, wind?
Is this really war?!

The German invaders attacked our country unexpectedly, without declaring war on June 22, 1941.

For four long years, 1418 days, 34,000 hours, the bloodiest and most terrible war in the history of mankind took place on our land. “Russia must be liquidated,” Hitler declared on August 1, 1940.

But our soldiers stood up to defend our Motherland. Every day, trains carried Red Army soldiers to the front. Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes, but with faith in victory.

Song "Ogonyok"

The coals are burning out in the iron stove,
Covered with gray ash.
Dinner is over. The soldiers are resting.
The tobacco smoke is thickening.

Presenter 1:
It's midnight outside, the candle is burning out,
High stars are visible.
You write a letter to me, my dear,
To the blazing address of war.

Presenter 2:
How you live and serve, dear son,
The mother will write, sighing sadly.
And in response, a precious piece of notebook paper:
“Don’t be sad, I’m fine.”

He was a son, a child, a schoolboy, a boy, a soldier. I wanted to correspond with the neighbor girl, I wanted to return home, I wanted to wait for the holiday on our street. And he also wanted to live, he really wanted to live.

People knew that war is an abyss, it is death

How many mothers, sisters, daughters did not wait for their sons, brothers, fathers from the front.

But they waited, even if a funeral came.

Song "Light the Candles"

The metronome sounds.

Grateful humanity will always remember the perseverance, courage, and feat of Soviet soldiers. They not only defended the freedom and independence of their fatherland, but also saved other nations from fascism.

The song “Cranes” is playing

Words to music

We honor the memory of those who fell for the freedom and independence of our Motherland with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence. The Cranes song is playing.

We will always remember the soldiers and warriors who shed blood and gave their lives for our Motherland, for you and me, for Peace and Victory!

Host: Moscow has always been the heart of Russia. In 1940 Hitler signed Plan Barbarossa. The main point of this plan was the capture of Moscow. Capture at any cost. Already in the first kilometers of our land, valiant Soviet soldiers stood in the way of the Nazis. The Battle of Moscow is the first victorious battle of the Great Patriotic War. Here, in the harsh snows of the Moscow region, this song was born.

"In the dugout"

They perform the song “In the Dugout”

We went to war in heated vehicles,

Straw replaced the reserved seat for us,

Overcoat - both blanket and pillow,

Packed rations - carriage restaurant...

We gathered together at the stove,

The warmth of the fire brought us closer together,

We threw birch logs at him,

So that our cheerful fire does not go out.

The blue evening looked into the carriages,

And from the heated vehicles into the vastness of Russia:

“Get up, huge country!” - rushed.

Song "The locomotive will rush away"

We've been away from home for a long time.

The lights of our rooms

Wars are not visible behind the smoke.

But the one who is loved

But the one who is remembered

At home and in the smoke of war!

Song "Evening on the Roadstead".

Today the holiday enters every home,
And joy comes to people with him.
We congratulate you on your great day,
Happy day of our glory! Happy Victory Day!

Song "A Soldier Walks Through the City"

Everyone fought the enemy: both those who fought and the rear workers. We must not forget them. Women and children replaced husbands and fathers at the machines. The work did not stop for a single day. Women and children did the hard work of men. How my hands hurt and seemed to break off after hard work. But still this was done in the name of Victory!

Dance "Katyusha"

There were mortal battles not for glory, but for life! But even in the days of difficult trials - in the battles near Moscow, on the Volga, near Kursk on the Dnieper - our soldiers and the entire people believed that the hour of reckoning with the hated enemy would come. In rare moments of rest, songs were sung by the soldiers. They inspired hope and faith in Victory!

Song "Sing Soldier"

68 years have already passed since the war ended, a war that claimed more than 27 million lives, a war that left entire cities and towns in ruins, and put our factories and factories out of action. The war brought a lot of fear and grief, and it lasted 1418 days and nights. But, despite the cold, hunger and widespread devastation, our people survived, our people won! And he defeated the most terrible enemy, who was able to enslave many states.
Although many years have passed, we must remember and know about that harsh time. We must not forget those who saved our Motherland and the whole world from fascism. Who are these people?

Children in chorus - Veterans.

Time passes, and every year there are fewer and fewer of our veterans.
And our holiday is a dedication to all veterans who won this victory in the rear and at the front. For all representatives of the older generation.

Song "Veterans"

On May 9th, we all celebrate this great holiday - this is Victory Day. May 9 is celebrated almost all over the world, showing solidarity with the Russian people for our great feat. This holiday is carefully and reverently passed on from generation to generation. Today we want to congratulate everyone on this great holiday, and I would like to wish everyone that there will never be such terrible wars in our world again, that no one will ever hear bombs exploding, that all the peoples of the world will live in friendship and harmony.

Medley of Soldiers' Songs

Victory Day is a great holiday for our country. On this day we honor the memory of those who died in the war and bow deeply to those who survived.

In total, during the Great Patriotic War, more than 20 million Soviet citizens died, mostly civilians who died of hunger and disease. Millions of soldiers and officers gave their lives in the name of the Great Victory.

We honor and remember the memory of those who fought the enemy, worked for the front in the rear, bringing the long-awaited Victory closer.

We need peace on the blue planet,

Both adults and children want it.

They want to wake up at dawn,

Do not remember or think about the war.

We need peace to build cities

Plant trees and work in the fields.

All people of good will want it,

We need peace forever, forever!!!

Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day!

The song “Victory Day” is playing

The scenario is intended to celebrate Victory Day for high school students. This scenario can be used at the site of laying flowers at monuments of military glory. In addition to high school students, teachers can invite Veterans of the Great Patriotic War. It is necessary to prepare flowers in advance for veterans and for ascension to the monument.

Four long years of the Great War

The scenario is designed to hold a solemn assembly dedicated to the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. If the school's students have grandparents who are war veterans, they can be invited to the assembly hall to hold a assembly. It is necessary to select in advance a presenter and 4 schoolchildren for a story about the war. Scenario for children of primary school age.

Scenario for the school holiday for May 9 “Victory Day - the brightest holiday of spring”

School holiday script dedicated to the Day Victory. Students who have prepared amateur performances in advance take part in the celebration. Primary school students draw cards and pictures. WWII veterans are invited to the meeting.

Scenario for adults “Victory Day is a great day!”

The scenario is intended for holding a holiday honoring veterans, home front workers and widows of fallen heroes. The entire celebration takes place according to the “Ogonyok for Veterans” type, using tables. It can be held in the assembly hall, banquet hall, etc.

Scenario for children for May 9 “How did our grandfathers fight?”

With the help of such events, our children learn about the military victories of their great-grandfathers. Get acquainted with the history of your city or village during the war. They meet veterans and learn a lot of details about their families and the families of their friends.

Scenario “Victory Day - a holiday of bright souls”

Scenario for a children's holiday event dedicated to Victory Day. Conducted for children 6-8 years old. The venue is any spacious room. Invited guests are parents, grandparents, and WWII veterans. The place where the holiday is organized is hung in advance with ropes with dark (preferably khaki) materials thrown over them. The hosts of the holiday are Leshy and the clown Kuzya.

Scenario for Victory Day!

Scenario for a formal school event. It is well known that educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland is a priority. To achieve this, school celebrations must be rich and interesting in content.

Scenario for May 9th at primary school “We will never forget”

The war was a great tragedy for many. She left painful memories and brought a lot of pain and grief. It is not surprising that Victory Day in our country is celebrated on such a grand scale, because it is not just a tribute to memory, but also a holiday in the name of peace.

Each of us should remember the wonderful holiday that we owe to the veterans who gave peace to us all! Victory Day is an event that no one should forget about and should be proud of. We are pleased to present to you best scripts celebrations of Victory Day, emphasizing the significance and majesty of this bright holiday! No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!


There's a song playing The presenters come out

    th presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd presenter: We are glad to welcome you in our gala hall!

1st presenter: (m)
The holiday is approaching - Victory Day. We, the younger generation, will always remember the heroic exploits of our people during the Great Patriotic War. The names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future will forever remain in our hearts. We will never forget those who, without sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations. We promise to study hard in order to be worthy of our great Motherland, our heroic people.

2 - presenter: (d)
Do you remember, soldier, many springs ago
Was the sky ablaze with sunsets?
You walked through the pain and repeated it like a password,
Like a sacred oath: “Victory.”
Do you remember, soldier, the burnt Reichstag,
A scarlet banner that lit up half the sky?
Do you remember friends?
Visit them for a few days
The victory in Berlin was late.
The world remembers, soldier, many springs ago
Your firm word: “Victory!”

1st presenter:
Let us honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence...

Minute of silence (metronome)

A student of group M-21 Alina Kulinich will perform a wonderful song for you with the song “Ah, war...”

2 - presenter:
The Victory Banner is scarlet - a symbol of friendship and happiness of people!
The Victory Banner is scarlet - this is peace for the planet of people!
Happy holiday, dear veterans!
Happy spring holiday!

Happy Victory Day!

The poem "." will be read for you. TV-1 group student Daria Oreshina

1st presenter:

Dear friends, on the eve of this significant day, holiday. Victory Day, allow me to begin the ceremony of laying flowers at the fire of Eternal Glory.

2 - presenter:

I ask everyone to stand up!
(music plays, guys slowly carry flowers)

1st presenter:

On May 9, Victory fireworks go off. And the immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immeasurable courage of the people are still alive in the people’s memory.
The whole world knows the day of May 9, 1945. Our country has been moving towards this day for 4 years. But what years those were...
We understand that for everything we have, we owe everything to those who fought, died, and survived in those hellish conditions when it seemed impossible to survive. And with a feeling of deep gratitude, we turn on this day to our veterans who saved our people.

And in gratitude from all of us for the Victory, a song will now sound“In the hands of a machine gun” performed by boys….

2 - leader : For you Waltz performed by... (Grisha and Nastya)Waltz

1 - presenter:

Let everyone remember the feat of your life,
Let people remember your names.
And let the wars that exist in the world be silent

2nd presenter:

On the day when the bird cherry blossomed.
Yes, this is a holiday of your gray hair,
You have been through a lot of troubles.

All participants together:

The lowest bow, to the very ground (they bow)
May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!

Scenario of the event “Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory...”

Description material: I present to your attention a script for an educational event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. This script will help in preparing for the event in the form of a conversation, a meeting, a lesson in courage for social educators and teachers of professional institutions.

- to form in students knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, its defenders, veterans, and their exploits.
- contribute to the moral and patriotic education of students;
- to cultivate patriotic feelings, historical memory, love of the Motherland, pride and respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Age group of pupils 6-11 grades.

Progress of the event:

In the background is a video about veterans: "Victory Day".
1 .Good afternoon dear friends!
2. Today is an unusual day for us, we celebrate the Great Holiday, Victory Day over Nazi Germany.
1 .Dear guests, veterans of the Great Patriotic War Grigory Semenovich Prasolov and Praskovya Davydovna Drabkova are present at our holiday dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory!!!
2. Grigory Semenovich and Praskovya Davydovna, like many veterans, bore all the hardships of a terrible and cruel war on their shoulders. It's hard to imagine how huge life path They marched, defending their native land from the Nazis.
1 Dear veterans, we dedicate our meeting to you!

The waltz “School Years” sounds.
2. Just yesterday it was a peaceful day, the girls were dreaming, reading poetry, making dates, trying on prom dresses, and tomorrow...

1 . June twenty second
At exactly four o'clock
Kyiv was bombed, they told us
That the war has begun.
2. Having disrupted peaceful life, suddenly, without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked our country.

Poems by A. Zharov “Sad Willows”
Sad willows leaned towards the pond,
The moon floats over the river,
There, at the border, I stood on duty
At night the fighter is young.
Black shadows grew in the fog,
The cloud in the sky is dark,
The first shell exploded in the distance -
Thus began the war.

1 .During those war years, everyone had one desire: only to go to the front to defend the Motherland!

2 . Everyone had their own road to the front, but the goal was the same - to win.

The front-line song “Oh, roads...” sounds.
Poems by A. Mityaev “The native land can do anything”
Our native land can do anything:
Feed with your bread,
drink from your springs,
surprise with its beauty.
But he can’t defend himself:
Protecting their native land is the duty of those
who eats her bread, who drinks her water,
admires her beauty."

"Women and War". Girls come out with candles.
1 .A woman comes into the world,
To light a candle.
A woman comes into the world
To protect the hearth.
A woman comes into the world.
To be loved.
A woman comes into the world
To give birth to children.
A woman comes into the world
To make a flower bloom.
A woman comes into the world
To save the world.
2 . "Women and War"? It would seem that these are incompatible concepts. Nevertheless, in life they were combined. And more than once. More than once, girls with weapons in their hands defended their Motherland, were on the front line, and bombed fascists from the air. The working women stood at their machines and did everything for the front, everything for victory!
1 . Poems by M. Isakovsky
"Russian woman"
Can you really tell me about this?
What years did you live in?
What an immeasurable burden
It fell on women's shoulders!..
That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you and your destiny
Left alone.
One on one with tears,
With unharvested grain in the field
You met this war.
And all - without end and without counting -
Sorrows, labors and worries
We fell for you for one.

2. Love, pure and bright, helped us survive during this difficult time for everyone.
Poems by I. Utkin “Sister”
When, having fallen on the battlefield -
And not in poetry, but in reality, -
I suddenly saw above me
A living look at the blue,
When she leaned over me
My sister's suffering -
The pain immediately became different:
Not as strong, not as sharp.
It's like I've been watered
Living and dead water,
It’s as if Russia is above me.
Bowed her brown head!..

The front song “We need one victory” is played.

1 Our dear veterans, we say thank you and thank you for your courage and perseverance, for your greatest feat during the war.
2. You are soldiers of worldwide Victory! It was you who survived and won this terrible war.
1 And our duty is to always remember at what cost this Victory was achieved, to take care of veterans and honor the memory of those who did not return from the battlefields. Their feat will forever remain in our hearts.

2. Poems
The war ended in victory.
Those years are behind us.
Medals and orders are burning
On many people's chests.

1 The floor is given to our veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Grigory Semenovich Prasolov:
-We veterans wish that the horrors of war will never be repeated, that the current and future generations will always remember the heroic deeds of our people during the Great Patriotic War, and be worthy descendants of that great generation. Eternal glory to the heroes!

All participants go on stage with flowers and balloons. Students give flowers to veterans.

Sounds like a dog"Victory Day"
Victory Day, how far it was from us
Like a coal melting in an extinguished fire
There were miles burnt in dust
We brought this day closer as best we could
This Victory Day smelled like gunpowder
This holiday with gray hair at the temples
This joy with tears in my eyes
Victory Day Victory Day
Victory Day!!!