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Scenario for the spring flower ball at a correctional school. Scenario for summer entertainment “Flower Ball” material (junior group) on the topic

Vera Vladimirovna Babicheva
Entertainment scenario "Flower Ball"

Entertainment script"Ball colors» for children of the middle group.

Target: Create a joyful and cheerful mood in children.

Tasks: To form children’s ideas about the variety of medicinal and flowering plants.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and the surrounding world, enrich vocabulary.

Materials and equipment:

Headband hats with images flowers - bell, chamomile, dandelion, poppy, cornflower. nettle, "Little Red Riding Hood"- child senior group, "Fairy colors» -adult, basket with sweets for a surprise moment, flowers for the game(poppies, daisies, dandelions, cornflowers, 4 hoops; audio recording: "Waltz colors» from the ballet by P. Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker", projector, fairy tale "Medicinal plants", treat.


(layouts - sun, flowers, images of insects, Balloons, musical bells, illustrations: box with poppy seeds, bakery products with poppy seeds, simple and pharmaceutical chamomile)

Preliminary work:

Conversation about the time of year - summer, reading and memorizing poems with children about flowers(meadow, forest, field, looking at pictures, illustrations.

Excursions to the park, around the city, to the forest,

Move: Children enter the music room to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: The sun shines for you and me.

Above us the sky is blue.

All nature is warmed with warmth,

Guys, it has come to us... (Summer).

Do you know what happens in the summer? Yes! But we'll check it now.

A game “What happens in the summer?”

Does it snow? No!

Does the hare change his coat? No!

Are birds flying south? No!

Are people freezing? No!

Do butterflies fly? Yes!

Leaves fall? No!

Is the bear sleeping? No!

Is the mosquito squeaking? Yes!

Flowers are blooming? Yes!

Kids are playing? Yes!

Leading: How attentive you are, well done! Guys, do you like summer? Yes!

Child: We waited a long time for summer, it seemed like a whole year.

We kept waiting, we kept counting, when will it come?

And now summer laughs through the open window.

And the sun and light are full again.

Child: In summer the sun shines,

Everything in summer flowers bloom,

In summer the birds sing -

They invite us to play with you!

Child: Summer is a glorious time!

The kids are so happy with her.

Sun, river, bird trills,

Ball, sandbox, swing,

Meadow, grasshoppers, flowers…

What else will you add?

Leading: All the miracles cannot be counted.

It's good that there is summer!

Leading: In a fairy meadow

On a wonderful clear day,

Let's get together, loudly

We'll sing a song!

Song "What summer colors (children sit on chairs)

Leading: It’s so bright today, fun party. And on holidays, I know, different miracles can happen. It seems that the miracle is already beginning.

Leading: - Summer time has come, kids!

Look around, there and here are different flowers bloom!

Listen, the music sounds quietly,

Floral The fairy is in a hurry to visit us.

(Music sounds. Fairy enters Colors)

Fairy: They call me the Flower Fairy,

I'm about flowers Guys, I know everything!

Fairy: Today I declare a holiday,

There's a ball today colors!

Flowers and adults, and child,

I am ready to give my love.

Field, meadow and garden flowers,

Come and visit us, don’t skimp on the beauty.

Each of flowers ready? We're starting the ball colors!

Leading: We are very glad to see you, Fairy Colors. And we also have a lot of different ones here colors. And now the first guests have come to our ball. Guess who it is?

Leading: What is this flower?

Like a bright light?

It shines so bright

Our favorite red (Poppy)

(2 poppy boys come out and read a poem)

Poppy: 1 As soon as the sun rises -

Poppy in the garden will bloom.

Cabbage Butterfly

On the flower will fall.

Look - and flower

Two more petals.

Poppy: 2. I am a beautiful poppy, like a scarlet flag,

There is no way not to take me.

Fairy: What beautiful poppies have come to us, come to our ball. Guys, do you know that the poppy actually has such a capsule where small black seeds ripen, (the teacher attaches pictures to the easel) which confectioners love very much - they sprinkle bagels and buns with these seeds. pies, rolls. It turns out that poppy seeds are not only beautiful, but also delicious!

Leading: And now, my guys,

Listen to another riddle.

Along the road here and there

Snow-white parachute.

Standing on a straw

Just blow it and it will fly. (Dandelion.) 2 boys come out

Dandelion: 1. In the clearing, like bunnies

We appeared - Dandelions.

This is the sunshine flowers

Unprecedented beauty!

Dandelion: 2. I was yellow flower -

Then I became like a snowball.

Both light and airy

I fly wherever I have to

I am obedient to the wind

And so beloved by the sun.

Leading: Guys, do you think dandelions can bring some kind of

benefit? Children's answers.

Fairy: They attract bees with their fragrant nectar, from which bees

make honey. They even make jam from young dandelions, which is also

very helpful.

The dandelion boys go to the ball.

Leading: And now, another mystery-

He was affectionately named after the boy,

Friends with chamomile and dandelion

Its stem is slender and strong,

This blue one grows in the field flower.

What was his name? (Cornflower) the boy Cornflower comes out.

Cornflower: I'm turning blue in an open field

I am a free cornflower

It's good to grow in the wild

Decorate a simple wreath.

Fairy: Delicate blue petals not only please the eye, but also have unique healing properties, healers ancient Greece knew how to heal wounds with the juice of this plant. Decoctions and infusions of cornflower are good for colds and coughs.

(The Nettle girl appears to the accompaniment of loud music)

Leading: Who are you?

Nettle: Ah, Do not touch me:

I'll burn you without fire!

Leading: Guys, did you recognize this plant? - That's right, Nettle.

Nettle: Don’t sit on nettles.

If you sit down, don’t be angry!

Leading: Do you know, Fairy, that nettle is also very healthy, you can cook delicious vitamin soup from it, and that you can quickly stop bleeding with nettle if you cut your finger.

Nettle, stay with us for the holiday, but just don’t inject yourself!

Leading: The bells grew in a row,

It's just a shame they don't ring.

Blue buds -

This. . (Bells) (Bell girls come out)

Bell 1: What is the bell about?

Ringing in the meadow?

Reply to this

I can't help you.

But I think so:

It will ring in the morning

And they hear flowers -

It's time to wake up.

Bell 2: I am the purple bell,

Growing in the shade of the forest.

I'm in a pine clearing

I nod my head.

And take me with you.

Fairy: Guys, let's listen to how beautiful our bells ring.

(girls play musical bells) .

Leading: Well, thank you Bells, stay at our ball, and we

There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt,

Heart of gold, what is it? (Chamomile.)

Chamomile: I am a white daisy,

Yellow in the middle color.

Take me with you

I will decorate your bouquet.

Fairy: There is simple chamomile, and there is pharmaceutical chamomile, which is a medicinal plant. (teacher shows pictures).

This chamomile is brewed as tea. For colds, runny nose, sore throat, cough and drink with honey. Tasty and healthy!

Leading: Look, Fairy, in my opinion, everything the flowers have already gathered.

Fairy: We continue our ball

All flowers are invited to dance!

To the music "Waltz colors» from the ballet by P. Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker", children- flowers improvise dance moves.

Leading: Dear Fairy, play with our guys.

Fairy: With pleasure! And the game is called

"Gardener and flowers» . (Russian folk game)

Rules of the game: Children - « flowers» are on one side of the platform, and the driver is "gardener"- in the center of the site. Approaching flowers,he says:

Gardener: "I'm going to pick flower,

To weave it into a wreath."

Flowers answer: “We don’t want to be ripped off

And they wove wreaths out of us.

We want to stay in the garden

They will admire us."

With the last words, the children run to the other side of the playground, and "gardener" trying to catch someone. Whoever the gardener caught (touched) « flower» leaves the game. The game is played 2-3 times.

Little Red Riding Hood enters the hall to the music with a basket in her hands.

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello guys! I heard that you are having a ball here colors, am I late? No no. you came just in time.

Leading: What do you have in your basket, probably pies for grandma?

Little Red Riding Hood: No, I had already visited my grandmother and was on my way back home. But along the way I met so many colors, and I began to collect them in a basket, but they were all mixed up there, now try to sort them out. Maybe you can help me?

A game "Plant flowers in a flowerbed» .

All flowers are laid out around the room, hoops (flower beds) at a distance from each other, children must move flowers in"flowerbed" (daisies with daisies, poppies with poppies, dandelions with dandelions, etc.)

Little Red Riding Hood: Well done guys, everyone coped with this task.

Flowers They give us medicines for diseases -

They are like doctors from the green kingdom.

Little Red Riding Hood: Flowers- not only decorate our homes, but they are also our natural helpers. And therefore, I suggest you watch a fairy tale about one incident that happened to an ant.

Fairy tale "Medicinal plants" (watching a video fairy tale)

Leading: Well, thank you, Little Red Riding Hood, for such an instructive cartoon. I hope the guys understood that each of the plants can bring some benefit. Therefore, we will protect and protect them.

Fairy: Come on guys

Let's not be bored!

I invite everyone

Come here to play!

Dance is a game "Three claps" (with acceleration)

Little Red Riding Hood: Accept your reward from us,

We will be happy to be friends with you.

Fairy: Thank you guys for the wonderful ball, I have to go back to flower meadows, to the forest, to the meadows, and I wish you a happy summer and a cheerful mood!

Little Red Riding Hood and the Fairy say goodbye to the children and give them candy.

Ustinova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: Municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 9 of general developmental type"
Locality: Magnitogorsk city, Chelyabinsk region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Scenario of the summer holiday "Ball of Flowers" for children older than school age.
Publication date: 13.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Scenario of the summer holiday “Ball of Flowers”

for children of senior preschool age.

Purpose of the holiday:
 Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.  Consolidate knowledge about flowers and where they grow in your region.  Foster a caring attitude towards nature and a desire to help.
Venue design:
 Hang between the flags – children’s drawings on the theme “My favorite flower”.
 Flower Fairy  Baba Yaga
 Flowers according to the number of girls st, preg. gr.  Hoops at the rate of 1 hoop for 4 children - 10  2 trays  8 watering cans  4 baskets with coloring books are prepared in certain areas  2 chairs Children enter the playground accompanied by cheerful music. Characters: flower fairy, Baba Yaga.
The miracle summer is flushed with kindness, love and light! The rye is spiking in the field, the summer rain is jumping and jumping! The grasses are ripening, the fields are ripening, and in the ravine, by the river, wonderfully colorful flowers are blooming for everyone. It’s so good that summer is still going on! After all, in just a little while Autumn will come to rule the earth. In the meantime, let's enjoy our fun, sultry Summer! Listen to how beautiful the music sounds, the Flower Fairy is in a hurry to visit us. During the Waltz of the Flowers, the Flower Fairy enters the stage.

Flower Fairy:
They call me the Flower Fairy, I know everything about flowers. Suddenly disaster struck - Baba Yaga stole all the flowers. Baba Yaga runs in to the music.
Baba Yaga:
Why are you all gathered here? Are you having fun and laughing? Who allowed?
: We have come to the flower festival!
Baba Yaga
: - For the flower festival?! Flowers are my main enemy. They are so beautiful, Everyone admires them, so I imprisoned them in prison, I have tasks prepared for you. If you fulfill them, I will release the flowers to freedom.
Flower Fairy:
Well, guys, help, And free the flowers!
Guys, can we help the Flower Fairy?
Baba Yaga
: Well, come on, surprise me, you will write poems for me.
Flower Fairy:
Guys, come out, tell us your poems, and depict them.
1. HOW DAISOMS APPEARED V. Orlov - Hey, daisies, Give me an answer: Where are you from, If it’s not a secret? “It’s no secret,” the daisies answered, “The sun carried us in its pocket!” - children of the group "Sun". 2. MAC E. Feyerabend As soon as the sun rises, the poppy will bloom in the garden. The cabbage butterfly will land on the flower. Look - the flower has two more petals - the children of the "Flowers" group.
Baba Yaga
:- You won again! Do you want to play? (Yes)
Game "Flowers and Gardeners" - senior, preparatory group.

Place watering cans near the hoops at a short distance.

Announce the characters: breeze – 1 person per group, 4 (6) gardeners

– 2 (3) people per group.

Rules of the game.
2 breezes stand opposite each other. Gardeners near their watering can. All other children are flower seeds. While the music is playing, they fly all over the site. When the music ends, 4 people sit in the hoop. After the sound signal (ring the bells), the children - the seeds are transferred to another lawn. They fly into another hoop. So, 3 times. At the end, the gardener comes up to them and waters them. Children - seeds gradually “grow”.
The presenter tells a story about a flower, starting with a seed and

ending with a grown flower.
A light breeze blew and all the seeds scattered throughout the forest lawn. They fell into the ground (hoop), but did not germinate. The conditions were unsuitable. It was very cold. The wind blew again, the seeds flew, fell into the ground - a hoop, but did not germinate. The conditions were unsuitable. It was really hot. The wind blew for the third time and again all the seeds fell into the ground and began to germinate. Then the gardeners approached them and began to water them.
outdoor game “Wreath”, in which Baba Yaga plays the role of “gardener” -

all children.
Children stand in a line at one end of the hall: this is “Flowers in the Garden”
- the gardener is at a distance of 3-4 meters from the children. The gardener approaches the flowers and says: I’m going to pick a flower, Weave a wreath from the flowers. Children - flowers answer: We don’t want to be plucked and weaved into wreaths. We want to stay in the garden, They will admire us. Having uttered the last words, the children run away, and the gardener tries to insult someone. The one who is caught becomes the gardener.
All children sit on benches.

“Dance with Flowers” ​​- girls senior, prep. gr.

Baba Yaga:
You beat me! But nothing! I'll see how smart you are. Now guys, guess the riddles! Baba Yaga asks several riddles about flowers. 1. Here is the blue bell, He shakes his head. Only the sounds are not heard, what is his name, tell me. (Bell.) 2. We will weave wreaths in the summer for Oksana, Masha, Sveta, Alyonka, two Natashas. All the wreaths are made from... (daisies) 3. We carried mushrooms in a basket And also a blue flower. This wildflower is a thin delicate... (cornflower)
Baba Yaga:
Well done! And now my favorite game.
Game "Collect a bouquet".

Attributes. Set up 2 chairs, 2 trays with 5 bouquets of flowers in each.

Rules of the game.
Children are formed into teams of 5 people. When the music starts, they run to the girl sitting on a chair and give her a flower. They run around the chair, return to their column, touch the next child’s shoulder and stand at the end of the column.
Baba Yaga: Everything
! Guard! It's time to give up! I can't compete with you! It's time to get out of here! (It's time for me to leave).
Flower Fairy:-
We won’t let you go, Baba Yaga, come play with us! The sun is burning hot, all the flowers are withering. Help us. B.Y. Okay, I’ll help. Only you guys will be my assistants.
Game "Granny - Yozhka"

Baba Yaga
: That’s it, guys, I’ll go to my home too. I will now take care of the flowers and look after them. Goodbye!
: Guys, the Flower Fairy invites you to have fun and spin in a merry dance! Children dance "Happy Dance"
Flower Fairy:
Well, it’s time for me to say goodbye, to return to my kingdom! I have prepared a surprise for you. You will find it in a clearing where there are no flowers. Goodbye, guys! See you again! The children, together with their teachers, go and find surprises - coloring books in a pre-prepared place.

Scenario of the holiday "Ball of Flowers"

Tarasenko Victoria Vladimirovna, teacher-defectologist
GBU RH "Sayanogorsk rehabilitation center for children" Khakassia, Sayanogorsk.
Description: This material can be used to carry out extracurricular activities. It will be useful for teachers working with children, both correctional and secondary schools, teacher-organizers, educators working with children of senior preschool, junior, middle, and school age.
Target: Organization of exciting, educational leisure activities for children of senior preschool, primary and secondary school age.
1.Expand children's knowledge about flowers, their cultivation and meaning.
2. To promote the development of aesthetic feelings, instilling in children love and respect for nature, and creative abilities.
3. Develop logical thinking, memory, and attention in children.

Scenario of the holiday "Ball of Flowers"

Presenter and Flower Fairy: (they enter the hall holding a flower - a seven-flowered one and, tearing off a petal, says):
-Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground,
Let's start our holiday!
Leading: Guys! Today we invited you to the Flower Ball and will tell you a lot of new and interesting things about them.
Flowers are an amazing and beautiful creation of nature. You see a huge variety of them around you. They are varied in color, shape and smell. But whatever they are, they decorate our planet. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine our life without flowers. Even in winter, when it’s cold and cold outside, people have indoor flowers growing on the window in their house, and in the summer they are visible and invisible around them. It’s like a rainbow descends to the ground and covers meadows and fields, clearings in the forest with a multi-colored carpet, even flowers and water lilies bloom on the water. There are many of them in flower beds, parks, and gardens.
Flowers in the human world have become a symbol of beauty. They are admired and sung by poets, artists, and musicians. You and I decorate our homes, clothes, and give flowers to each other as a sign of love, gratitude, and respect.
Leading: Flowers can tell about the culture and history of many countries. Among the ancient Slavs, during festivities, girls wondered about their fate by dipping wreaths and flowers into the water. Flowers can also be seen in the state symbols of countries - on the coats of arms of Colombia, Panama, Canada, Pakistan, Sweden, France, Florence. For example: the lily is a symbol of France; the coat of arms depicts 3 crossed lilies, which symbolize mercy, justice and compassion. In Japan, the chrysanthemum is considered a sacred flower. She is depicted on the national flag and coins.
Fairy: Flower festivals are held in many countries. And Holland is called the land of flowers. This country has the famous Keikenkof flower park. A huge territory, 32 hectares, is occupied by entire fields of tulips, gladioli, daffodils, and roses. They say that if the country of elves where Thumbelina met the prince existed in reality, it would be Holland.
(Slideshow of Keikenkoff Park).

Leading: Do you know that flowers can talk? I myself heard their babble, they speak quietly, tenderly, they probably tell their stories to each other. Each flower has its own story, its own legend. Now the guys will tell us stories about flowers. Let's listen to them.
The Legend of Forget-Me-Not

Forget-me-not: “One day the goddess Flora descended to earth to give names to flowers, but she did not see a small flower among the herbs. Suddenly she heard a thin voice: “You forgot. Me, Flora, please give me a name.” The goddess called this flower forget-me-not, and endowed it with miraculous power - to return memory to people who begin to forget their loved ones or their homeland.

It’s not for nothing that they called me forget-me-not. I will remind you of myself everywhere. If you see a blue sky, you will remember me; if you come to a blue lake, you will remember again, and your blue eyes will remind you of me, the forget-me-not.
We grow in gardens, parks, balconies, near a river, a pond. We are small in stature, and our flowers are drip, there is no pleasant smell. But no one will ever forget us.”

The Legend of the Tulip

Tulip:“The tulip came to us from Persia. It is believed that the name of the proud flower comes from the Turkish word “dulbash” - turban, which denotes an oriental headdress shaped like a flower. The legend of the tulip says that it is in the bud yellow tulip happiness was contained.
That is why the Turkish sultans, wanting to gain happiness, grew carpets of fresh flowers in their gardens. Poets composed poems and songs in honor of tulips, in the hope that the flower would open its petals to them and give them the secret of happiness:
Young and beautiful girls Every evening the tulips were watered from the purest sources. They brought water in clay jugs from open streams and reservoirs. They loosened the earth, each dreaming of getting their own happiness. But the bud did not open to anyone.
And then one day, a little boy took the flower in his hands, and the tulip opened on its own. A child’s soul, carefree joy and laughter opened the bud.”

The Legend of Chamomile
Chamomile: “Here I am, chamomile. Isn't it true, I look like the sun. You can see me wherever there is sun, open clearing. I am connected with Russia forever. Chamomile is considered a native Russian plant, although its homeland is America. The name was borrowed from abroad, then I turned from “navel,” as they called me in Rus', into “Romanov’s grass.” At the end of the 18th century, the Russian agronomist Bolotov called me a chamomile.
Not all of my secrets have been learned yet. One of the legends says: In ancient times, we served as umbrellas for the gnomes. And there is also a folk legend that says that I, a daisy, grow where a star falls from the sky."

Fairy: Now guys, let's play the game “Collect a bouquet”
From what flower was Thumbelina born? (tulip-flower of happiness).
What flowers did Kai and Gerda grow? (Roses)
Which flower means “Star” in Russian? (Astra is home to China).
What flowers are the main symbol of the March 8 holiday? (mimosas and tulips).
Who is involved in the preparation of various bouquets and flower arrangements? (florist).
Remember the songs where the names of flowers or flowering trees are mentioned? (white roses, lilies of the valley, a bouquet of lilacs, golden tea rose).
What flowers are customary to give on the first of September? (gladioli).
Remember the names of wildflowers? (cornflower, chamomile).
What flowers should the heroine of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” have found? (snowdrops).
What flower do girls use to tell fortunes about love? (chamomile).
Presenter: There are songs and poems about flowers. Flowers decorate our lives, we admire their beauty. There are different flowers growing in our flowerbed. (Children stand up one by one, name the flowers and read poems about them).
B. Rye is earing in the field,
There, in the rye, you will find a flower:
Bright blue and fluffy
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.
The sun dropped a golden ray,
The first young dandelion has grown.
It has a wonderful golden color
A small portrait from the big sun.
Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,
There is not a stain on the beautiful clothes.
These daisies are so funny.
Now, they’ll play tag like children.
Snowdrop peeked out
In the twilight of the forest.
Little scout
Sent in the spring.
Bell! Bell!
Is it really you!
You ring so much and you tremble so much
Where the grass and flowers are.
Fairy: We can talk about flowers endlessly. Flowers are music, they are legends, they are poems. Without flowers our life would be boring. Be sensitive and kind to flowers.
For you guys, now is our dance with my friends - flowers. And you guys will spin in the waltz with you.

Presenters: three boys, the rest are members of the jury. It is necessary to equally divide the girls into two teams. Prepare in advance the necessary attributes for each team: a sheet of A4 paper, felt-tip pens, a button, thread and needle, a small piece of any material, 3 potatoes.

Presenter 1:
On this wonderful spring day,
We want to congratulate you, dear ladies.
Each of you is as beautiful as a flower,
But not only on March Eighth.
We wish you, dear girls
Always remain like this:
Kind, smart, brave.

Presenter 2: Our dear girls, allow me to join in these congratulations. Indeed, International Women's Day is the most important and beloved spring holiday. Today we have gathered here to wholeheartedly congratulate our girls, mothers, teachers, grandmothers, in a word, all women.

Presenter 1. Undoubtedly, every girl loves flowers, so today we will arrange a kind of ball of beautiful flowers. First you need to name your teams and choose captains.

Presenter 2: Dear girls, please name your teams in honor of any flower.

Presenter 1: When you have decided on the name of the teams. We will hold our first competition, which is called “Floral Coat of Arms”. To do this, each team is invited to draw the coat of arms of their team, the main image of which will be the flower after which the team is named. And our fair jury will evaluate your work on a five-point scale.

Five minutes later, when the girls have completed the task, Leader 3 enters the class looking unkempt (hair not combed, shirt slightly unbuttoned).

Presenter 3: Crazy day. All the men went crazy: they were running and fussing. All the flowers have been sold out. Today is March Eighth again?

Presenter 1: How again?

Presenter 2: Why again?

Presenter 1: In general, what do you allow yourself? Why are you late, came here in an unkempt state? Where are your congratulations to our girls?

Presenter 3: I don’t want to congratulate anyone. I consider this holiday absolutely unnecessary and completely useless.

Presenter 1: And I had an idea. Our dear girls, let's prove to our friend that March Eighth is a truly magical and wonderful holiday for all women.

Presenter 3: Well, try it. What do you have here: Ball of Beautiful Flowers?

Presenter 2: Yes. Let's see how our girls coped with the task. Has everyone managed to draw their team's coat of arms? The jury please evaluate the work.

Presenter 3: Well, flowers are like flowers. Nothing special. Can I ask the girls questions? I want to see how they cope with my task.

Presenter 1: Of course, for this we need one participant from each team. For the correct answer, the jury gives five points to one or another team.

Presenter 3:
1. What flowers are the main symbol of the Eighth of March holiday? (mimosas and tulips).
2. What quantity is customary to give for any holiday? (odd number).
3. Which flower is a symbol of passionate love? (Red Rose).
4. What color flowers are usually given in China in connection with separation or separation? (yellow flowers).
5. Who is involved in preparing various bouquets and flower arrangements? (florist).
6. Remember the songs where the names of flowers or flowering trees are mentioned? (white roses, lilies of the valley, a bouquet of lilacs, golden tea rose).
7. What flowers are usually given on the first of September? (gladioli).
8. Remember the names of wildflowers? (cornflower, chamomile).
9. What flowers should the heroine of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” have found? (snowdrops).
10. What flower do girls use for fortune telling? (chamomile).

Presenter 2: Well done, girls. Now I propose to look at what kind of needlewomen our girls are. To do this, I invite the participant selected from each team to sew this button to this piece of fabric. The one who does it quickly, firmly and beautifully will bring her team five points.

Presenter 3: You know, dear friends, I’m starting to notice. that our girls are very smart, and also great needlewomen. But I want to check how they will cope with the next task. The selected participant must peel 3 potatoes. Whoever does it faster and better will bring another five points to their team.

Presenter 1: Well, our girls coped with this task. So that you have no doubt at all about the significance of the Eighth of March. Let each participant now compare herself with some flower and tell why she compares herself with it.

Presenter 2: Our dear girls, you are all as beautiful as flowers. Now the jury will sum up the results. Then gifts will be presented.

While the jury is summing up the results, Presenter 3 speaks.

Presenter 3: Our dear girls, thank you for proving and showing me the special meaning of March Eighth. Now I understand that not only on this day we must surround you with care and protect you. The eighth of March is the day when we can prove to you our devotion and love, especially to our dear mothers and grandmothers. I join all the congratulations and will look forward to the next Eighth of March.

Presenter 2: Well, in order to express your love and devotion, you don’t have to wait for this holiday, you can do it every day.

Presenter 1: Dear friends, the jury is ready to announce the results. Now allow me, dear girls. give you gifts.

Presenter 3:
Today we have gathered here,
To congratulate you.
The eighth of March is a day of miracles,
When all women deserve many compliments.

Presenter 1:
We will not tire of repeating,
That you are as beautiful as flowers with us,
Smart, kind, sweet,
And you are charming, friendly, you are the best in the world.

Presenter 2:
So stay like this forever,
To make life easier.
And we, I hope, will save
Our sweet friendship forever.

All together: Happy holiday, our beloved and dear ones!


- learn to pronounce poems and riddles clearly, with intonation, expressively



MBDOU Komsomolsky kindergarten"Chamomile"

Scenario summer fun"Flower Ball"

2nd junior – middle group year 2012

Chebotova M. V.

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the diversity of flowering plants.

-foster respect for plants and the environment,
-replenish children’s active vocabulary,
-develop the articulation apparatus of children,
- learn to pronounce poems and riddles clearly, with intonation, expressively.

Children enter to the music. They go around the hall and sit on chairs.

VED: Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the flower ball.!!!

Many surprises and guests await us today. It seems that one of the guests is already here...

(The FLOWER FAIRY enters waltzing to the music).

FAIRY: I’m waiting for everyone to visit today, I’ll take you to the flower ball,

All flowers bloom in spring for joy and beauty

But let’s not tear them, friends, do you agree with me?

Children: YES...

Children wearing flower caps come to the center of the music hall. They stand in a semicircle, facing the audience, and read riddle poems.

1.Child in a hat Forget-me-nots
Small, tender,
Right by the water
As if in the heat of midday
Asking to get drunk
They are friends with the blue sky
These cute flowers
I know them, Olya knows them
Well, do you know them?

2.Child in a hat poppy
The poppies wandered along a narrow path into the meadow
“Who is the smartest here?
Come out to the circle!”
And in the wind the poppies took off their jackets,
Preparing for a fight, we clenched our fists.
These are the poppies
Maki are bullies!

3.Baby in a hat Daisies
In the meadow and field
We meet chamomile
We count the white petals on it
The yellow core of a flower like this
Like a little sunshine
Got into it.

4.Child in a hat Dandelion
The sun dropped
Golden ray
Dandelion has grown -
First, young.
He has a wonderful

Golden color
He's a big sun
Little hello.

4.Child in a hat Vasilka
Rye is spiking in the field
You will find cornflower there
Although it is not red, but blue,
It still looks like a star.

5.Baby in a hat Bluebell
This bell
Doesn't want to be loud
Or maybe I'm not used to the noise
Or swallowed his tongue.

6.Child in a hat Irisa
I am a herbaceous plant
With lilac flowers
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy.

7.Baby in a hat Roses
There are different flowers
Field and greenhouse
All flowers are different
And they are all beautiful
But there is one flower
That you can’t take your eyes off-
This is a beautiful rose!
Like an angel, airy and tender
At the flower ball - she's a baroness!
After reading poems and riddles, children sit on chairs in the auditorium.

F: I suggest you play this game “Who knows more.” I will ask riddles, and you will guess them.
1. white peas on a green stem (lily of the valley)

2. rye is earing in the field,
There's a flower there, you'll find it in the rye.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity. Which is not fluffy. (cornflower)

3. Sisters are standing in the meadows -
golden eye, white eyelashes (chamomile)

4.Hey, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but no ringing (bell)

5.I'm a fluffy ball
I turn white in a clean field,
And the wind blew -
Stem left (dandelion)

6. The sun is burning the top of my head
Wants to make a rattle (poppy)

7. The face is fragrant
And the tail is prickly (rose)

8. Parachutes over the meadow
Swinging on a twig. (dandelion)

F: You guys are so savvy and quick-witted. You have guessed all my riddles!
And I also prepared a game for you. Do you want to play?
Let's play - "Yellow Game".

The yellow sun looks at the earth (raises hands up)

A yellow sunflower watches the sun. (shaking hands)

Yellow pears hang on the branches. (flashlights)

The yellow chicks squeak loudly. (pecking)

Yellow butterfly, yellow bug. (wave hands)

Yellow buttercups, yellow chamomile. (rotate with hands)

Yellow sun, yellow sand.

Yellow is the color of joy, rejoice, my friend! (clap)

F: And now we can dance! (audio recording of “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from Tchaikovsky’s ballet, “The Nutcracker” is played)

F: Our flower festival has come to an end! Did you enjoy the holiday?
And I enjoyed visiting you. I will definitely come to visit you again. See you soon! (The fairy leaves).