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Shchelkovo police department. Linen from the police department

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In the directory you will find the addresses and telephone numbers of all departments at which you can call the district police officer in Shchelkovo or receive necessary information, clarify operating hours or find out whether the Shchelkovo police department will accept an application in the event of a particular situation.

All the contact information you are interested in is on the website OMON Shchelkovo, FSB Shchelkovo and Gosnarkokontrol Shchelkovo

Every city has representatives of law enforcement agencies, and Shchelkovo is no exception: there is the FSB Shchelkovo, OMON Shchelkovo, as well as the State Drug Control Service Shchelkovo.

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Chairman of the Coordination Council

Interregional trade union

"Moscow Police Trade Union"

Pashkin M.P.


We, the undersigned employees of the police department for the city settlement. Shchelkovo Municipal Municipality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Shchelkovskoe”, we turn to you for assistance in the current situation indicated below.

Currently, at the Shchelkovskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the practice of lawlessness and legal chaos continues in relation to police officers in the urban settlement. Shchelkovo Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shchelkovskoye" and the management staff of the police department, namely the deputy head of the department, police lieutenant colonel A.A. Mironov, police lieutenant colonel A.A. Yakushev, acting. Deputy Head for OOP Lykov A.S. on the part of the management staff of the Shchelkovskoye MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, namely the head of the MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, police colonel Yu.A. Chernous, Chief of Police of the Shchelkovskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia I.A. Susnin. In particular, on June 24, 2015 at 08 a.m., the indicated heads of the Shchelkovo police department - A.A. Mironova, A.A. Yakusheva, A.S. Lykova. by oral order of the head of the Shchelkovskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yu.A. Chernous. were removed from their positions without notifying us with an order or decree, and the order to remove them from their duties by the heads of the police department was read to us at the divorce only at 14:00 in the afternoon. After which, the chief of police of the Shchelkovskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, I.A. Susnin. Together with three employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, a security check was immediately carried out in all sensitive offices of the criminal investigation department of the police department, with the opening of storage rooms (safes) and a formal check of the operative records, but thoroughly, which was clear and obvious, they checked the storage facilities and the office of the chief search for Yakushev A.A. with the involvement of FSB officers. For us, the criminal investigation officers, the chief of police, Susnin I.A. having gathered separately, in the office, he proposed to write explanations about shortcomings in work and service, in the management of operational affairs, materials of inspections at the request of citizens, the execution of certain orders specifically and directly in relation to the leaders - the head of the search, A.A. Yakushev. and deputy chief Mirovnoa A.A., i.e. as stated by Susnin I.A. - write to Yakushev and Mironov what I tell you, as “should”, to which we refused and threats were made against us for refusing to write explanations for problems in the service and dismissal from the authorities.

What could serve as a reason for the dismissal of the heads of our department who have worked in positions for less than 3 months, we believe that we do not give enough “sticks” on registered crimes, as well as our refusal to conceal reports and statements of crimes for the sake of statistics, quarterly and semi-annual reports. Moreover, the management of the OP for the civil settlement. Shchelkovo, statements have been made repeatedly that the city of Shchelkovo with a population of more than 230 thousand people. serves one police department, and the number of personnel is such that out of 15 people, only 7 employees of the Criminal Investigation Department are currently working, taking into account the fact that employees, in addition to their direct duties, are involved in daily duty, and criminal investigation officers are also involved as duty officers .P. Shchelkovo, as well as various activities to protect public order in different areas of the Moscow region, not counting the fact that it is necessary to carry out escorts, support criminal cases and perform other non-specific functions. Of the total staffing number of district police officers, there are 28 people, 9 people actually work, and due to the lack of inspectors to work with the delivered UUP OPs in the city settlement. Shchelkovo has to fill this vacancy, not to mention the fact that the district police officers must carry out daily duty at the department in the SOG. At the same time, due to the lack of personnel, UUP employees receive from 5 to 15 inspection materials at the request of citizens per day. At the same time, UUP OP according to g.p. Shchelkovo combines several administrative areas, but they refuse to pay for the combination, citing the “lack of Money" Responsibilities of the UUP OP according to g.p. Shchelkovo for the protection of public order during mass and sporting events– no one canceled it. We would also like to point out that after daily duty, employees of both the criminal investigation department and the Criminal Investigation Department are not given the day off required in accordance with regulations, and UUP and ESD employees complete their daily shifts only by noon. Considering the above, it is not possible to physically execute the inspection materials on time, but we would like to point out the fact that the head of the Shchelkovskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yu.A. Chernous. an unlawful and illegal order was given that he personally approves a request to extend the period of verification for reports of a crime beyond 10 days, without issuing an order or instruction, as a result of which the verification materials by the staff of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shchelkovskoe" are not accepted, that leads to red tape and violation of inspection deadlines. Regarding the duty station, I would like to clarify that currently, out of the full-time staff of the duty station, there is only one duty officer, the work schedule is every other day, without providing additional payments or compensation for overtime. The absence of staffing positions in the duty department is replaced from among the inspectors of the analysis group, UUP, ESD without relevant orders and regulatory documents.

Regarding the investigative and inquiry bodies, we would like to report the following. The inspection materials when the SOG goes to the crime scene are not accepted for execution by the investigator or interrogator, but are transferred to the department employees, although at the same time they conduct an inspection of the scene of the incident. When transmitting materials, checks with reports of a crime as persons, and even more so with an unidentified person, are not accepted for execution by the investigative and inquiry bodies without indicating the reasons for the refusal, or the check material is shelved, and subsequently returned to the executor without indicating the reasons for the refusal from execution, or individual instructions and instructions of the investigator, interrogator about any existing shortcomings. At the same time, the employees of the Criminal Investigation Department and the Criminal Investigation Department have to come to the head of the investigation of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Shchelkovskoe”, Colonel of Justice I.Yu. Gotsulyak (by unlawful order of the head of police of the department), where the head of the investigation directly expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that the criminal investigation officers have not taken any action measures to conceal the crime from being recorded, or indicating insignificant damage, as well as the head of the investigation, Gotsulyak I.A. repeatedly illegally demanded that criminal investigation officers require the applicant to provide a 2NDFL certificate in order to confirm the damage caused by the crime, and in the absence of a certificate, he did not accept the material on the statement of crime for production and sent the verification material back to the executor - i.e. to the police department, without providing any written orders or instructions, despite repeated requests.

Summarizing the above, I would like to add that the head of the MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Chernous Yu.A. does not enjoy respect and authority among employees, behaves rudely, defiantly, constantly speaks to employees with rude obscene language, provoking conflict, insults and does not listen to constructive comments and suggestions. Doesn't value personnel. In view of this, on Yu.A. Chernous received repeated complaints to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and this does not prevent him from remaining the head of the department, despite a number of emergency incidents during his leadership, namely: a fire in the building of the police department in the city district. Losino-Petrovsky, which damaged a significant part of the building of 450 sq. meters and according to the documents it was indicated 45 sq.m. to hide the scale of the incident, an attempt to escape from custody of persons held in the temporary detention center of the Municipal Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shchelkovskoye", during which the wall of the isolation ward was damaged and broken, this fact was also covered up, the death of a suspect in the temporary detention center, the illegal use of firearms by traffic police officers of the Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Shchelkovskoe”, as a result of which a minor was injured and the incident was made public in the media. However, neither the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs nor the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region took any measures against Yu.A. Chernousa.

We ask you to consider our application and protect us from illegal actions and arbitrariness of the head of the Shchelkovskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yu.A. Chernous and his deputies.

Sincerely, the OP team for g.p. Shchelkovo.

All search officers signed it.

The trade union has already sent this appeal to the Minister of Internal Affairs V.A. Kolokoltsev.

At the end of the working day on November 3, 2016, a woman in uniform ran out of the doors of the police station in Fryazino, Moscow Region. Blood was gushing from a wound on his face. She fell to her knees and began to apply snow to the wound; none of the colleagues who were numb around her even called an ambulance.

The victim was a 32-year-old juvenile inspector and police captain. Ekaterina Palivoda, wounded by a shot from a Makarov pistol in the room for handing over weapons. Her husband immediately ran up to her Roman Rudnitsky, who worked as deputy head of the Shchelkovskoye Municipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He ended up in Fryazino quite by accident - he was spending scheduled inspection department and was just leaving the parking lot when he saw his wounded wife in the rearview mirror. "What's happened?!" – Roman shouted. “They shot,” Ekaterina answered, barely able to move her tongue. "Did you shoot?" - “No, duty officer.” Roman was surprised that his wife was wearing two belts and two holsters, but Ekaterina could not explain anything else - the bullet shattered her lower jaw and cut off a quarter of her tongue, she only spat the blood that had accumulated in her mouth along with her own teeth into the snow. An ambulance arrived and took her to the Fryazino hospital, where Ekaterina once again - with signs - explained to the doctors that she did not shoot herself.

Upon the fact of the emergency, the Shchelkovo Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately began an internal investigation, and already on March 7, the Deputy Head of the Department Vladimir Katkov, acting as his boss who was on vacation Dmitry Ryabov, issues an order stating that as a result of careless handling of the weapon, the shot was fired... by Ekaterina Palivoda herself. Katkov relied on reports from witnesses - the officer on duty, Andrei Ilyushchenko, who accepted the weapons, and two district commissioners, Natalya Zykova and Natalya Eremina, allegedly saw how, while handing over the pistol after shooting practice, Ekaterina bent down, stuck her head into the window where weapons were accepted, and pulled the trigger with the finger of her left hand. – the bullet ricocheted off the wall and hit her in the cheek. Vladimir Katkov ordered to punish the head of the juvenile affairs department - Ekaterina’s immediate supervisor, as well as the head of the Fryazino police department, duty officer Andrei Ilyushchenko and even Ekaterina’s husband Roman - “for failure to ensure that subordinate employees comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and official discipline.” Catherine herself should have been subject to disciplinary action upon leaving the hospital. The incident was not written about either on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or even in the local media - the police leadership clearly did not need publicity. But rumors spread around the city that what happened at the police station was a suicide attempt. “Katkov told me this to my face,” says Roman Rudnitsky. “He, they say, is sure that Katya herself shot, because I somehow influence her differently. I asked a simple question: if she wanted to shoot herself, why She didn’t do it in her office or in the corridor, why did she have to shoot herself after squeezing through the duty officer’s window?” The gossip even reached the children of Roman and Ekaterina: they decided not to immediately tell them the details of what happened, but a classmate of 12-year-old Yulia learned from her parents who worked in the police that her mother allegedly tried to shoot herself: “Our friends who were sitting with them said that Yulia came running home in tears. We had to calm them down. Then we told them, of course,” says Ekaterina.

Extra ammo

After leaving the hospital, on January 6, Palivoda wrote a report about how the incident occurred, and on the same day she went to give an explanation to the investigator of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region, Oleg Vostryakov. “When he listened to me, he was simply amazed,” says Ekaterina. “He says, you painted me a picture that only now became clear, and what you showed me [ other witnesses to the emergency], is not true."

The investigator learned from Ekaterina that on that day the police department actually held fire training classes; in the morning Palivoda received her Makarov pistol, but did not take cartridges for it - they were not needed for the shooting. There are corresponding marks in the service weapons logbook. But her colleague, also a PDN inspector Yulia Andreeva, took not only a pistol, but also two magazines with live ammunition - the rules do not prohibit this. The inspectors returned from the shooting range to the police department, but were unable to immediately hand over the weapons - Palivoda’s husband had just arrived at the department for an inspection. “I cleaned the gun in the office while they were sitting, and Yulia [ Andreeva] he tells me, hand over my pistol too, I have a lot of materials. I say, give it to me along with the belt and holster,” says Ekaterina, pronouncing the word “holster” in professional slang with an emphasis on the first syllable: “kabura.” On the way, Palivoda met two district police officers, Zykova and Eremina, who asked her where she was going walks with two “kaburas” on his belt - both of them that same evening, at the request of the management, will write in their explanations that they personally saw Palivoda shoot.

Entering the room for handing over weapons, Ekaterina gave the duty officer Ilyushchenko her pistol, he accepted it and pulled out a substitute card, which employees hand over in exchange for weapons. “I tell him: Andrey, here Yulia handed over her weapon, if you accept, then I’ll hand it over to you, she has a lot of materials, she doesn’t want to be distracted,” says Palivoda. “He agreed. I say: you remember that she has a pistol with a full magazine? He says: come here, I'll figure it out myself. I put the pistol with the handle towards him so that he could see that there was a magazine with cartridges at the base, and put another magazine on top. I'm standing there, he says: Katya, take it my substitute card. I ran my hand over the window - no. I lean over there and see that he put it near him, I take it, put it in my pocket and at that time I see how he takes Andreeva’s pistol and pulls the trigger. I I saw sparks from the barrel, screamed and closed my eyes, and then felt pain in my cheek.” Palivoda clutched her cheek with her hand and rushed into the corridor, again running into Zykova and Eremina there, and from there to the street to apply snow to her face - she thought that she would feel better due to the temperature change.

Police against evidence

According to Roman and Ekaterina, the leadership of the Shchelkovo police began falsifying evidence in order to make the emergency look like a crossbow immediately after the incident. Vladimir Katkov arrived at the department, asked to bring a cleaned Palivoda pistol from the weapons room, took a cartridge from one of the detectives, went around the corner where there were no cameras, and, putting a bag on his hand, fired. Ekaterina’s pistol and the cartridge case were given to the investigator, who was called only at 10 pm - three and a half hours after the incident, having thoroughly cleared the scene. Albert Khabchaev, the head of the Fryazino police department, who was soon fired for “systematic violation of discipline,” later told about this entire investigation. The same Khabchaev also found a bullet in the snow with teeth stuck to it - he also gave it to Katkov, but it never reached the Investigative Committee.

By the time the investigator arrived, all the witnesses were already sitting in the Shchelkovo department with ready-made reports: Yulia Andreeva wrote that she handed over her pistol herself, Zykova and Eremina confirmed that they saw Palivoda shoot, the same version was stated in Andrei Ilyushchenko’s report. In the service weapons logbook, over the dashes in the columns for magazines with live ammunition, opposite Palivoda’s last name, signatures were written in someone else’s hand stating that she nevertheless received these clips. Believing the facts presented, the investigator did not seize Andreeva’s pistol, did not take swabs from the hands of the duty officer Ilyushchenko (but swabs from Palivoda’s hands and face were done at the hospital where she was admitted - no traces of powder gases were found), and in general he thought that the case was “abandoned.” “- until I talked to the victim herself.

However, after talking with Palivoda, investigator Vostryakov, according to Ekaterina, took up the case responsibly: he met with Khabchaev, who told him about the bullet found, and with Ilyushchenko, who confirmed that it was he who shot. The officer on duty explained the shot as an unexpected spasm in the back, however, Roman Rudnitsky does not believe in the spasm: “Most likely, when Andreeva fired, she inserted a clip of live ammunition into the pistol and accidentally pulled the bolt, so that one of the cartridges entered the firing position. Ilyushchenko took it out magazine and fired what we call a control shot to make sure that the barrel was empty. But it turned out to be not empty," explains Rudnitsky.

The investigator’s persistence led to the fact that on February 27, the Shchelkovo department unexpectedly “found” Palivoda’s report, written on January 6: “When preparing documents for processing insurance payments [...] in the package of documents, an explanation by police captain E. Yu. Palivoda was found,” - appears in a document signed by the head of the department, Dmitry Ryabov. In the facts presented by Palivoda, the police quite reasonably saw crimes stipulated by at least two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 224 (“Careless storage of firearms”) and 118 (“Causing grievous bodily harm through negligence”). But even after submitting the report to the Investigative Committee, the Shchelkovo leadership decided to stick to its version: on March 9, Ekaterina was familiarized with Ryabov’s order, which again stated that she fired the shot herself, for which she was warned of incomplete service compliance and was deprived of her bonus.

Complain - retired

Realizing that they would not achieve anything from their own leadership, Ekaterina and Roman began to write complaints to all possible authorities: not only the honor of the officer was at stake, but also the costs of treatment: in the departmental hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Palivoda they provided first aid, strengthening the jaw, but further operations She must pay for dental restoration herself. “We wrote everywhere,” says Roman Rudnitsky, “to the FSB, to the Internal Security Service ( Control own safety Ministry of Internal Affairs. – Approx.), to the General Prosecutor's Office and the regional prosecutor's office, to all authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - both to the Moscow region, and to the Main Directorate, and to Kolokoltsev himself. We went to a reception at the Presidential Administration, wrote to the Commissioner for Human Rights - that there was not only the infliction of grievous bodily harm, but also abuse of power on the part of the leadership in order to hide evidence. But no one initiated a criminal case, and we received replies to all the letters: the FSB writes that this is not their business, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs writes that they sent them to the Moscow region, in the Moscow region they write that they sent them to Shchelkovo, and in Shchelkovo to achieve truth is impossible."

There was still an effect from the spouses’ activity. In March 2017, Roman Rudnitsky turned 56. According to the law, upon reaching the age of 55, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must renew their contract every year by passing a medical examination. Rudnitsky did not complain about his health, the order to extend his term of service was signed by Dmitry Ryabov back in February, all the documents were sent to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all that remained was to wait for confirmation of the order. But no order came: at the end of February, Ryabov called Rudnitsky and demanded that he stop washing dirty linen in public: “He says, if you don’t calm down, I will find justice for you so as not to extend your service life. I ask: Dmitry Nikolaevich, and how can you do this? The documents are already gone." A few days after this conversation, Rudnitsky received a call from the personnel department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region, saying that “there is no order and, most likely, there will not be,” and in general all the documents on him were confiscated, ordering him to prepare a new package for dismissal.

The dismissal of Rudnitsky did not help the management Shchelkovsky Ministry of Internal Affairs avoid repeat internal audit, already carried out by the Department of Internal Security of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region. All witnesses to the incident this time confirmed that it was not Palivoda who fired, but the duty officer Ilyushchenko. The order of the head of the Moscow Region Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Viktor Paukov, dated March 22, canceled all penalties from the Shchelkovo leadership and imposed new ones: Palivoda and Andreeva were brought to justice for the fact that one was forced to hand over a pistol to the other, the duty officer Ilyushchenko was fired, Rudnitsky was punished again, but they were punished along with them. Vladimir Katkov - for “failure to ensure compliance with official discipline” and “failure to reliably establish the circumstances of the emergency.” The order, however, did not contain a word about the deliberate concealment of evidence; it did not mention Dmitry Ryabov, who was responsible both for discipline among the personnel and for establishing the facts of what happened.

There is business, but there is no business

The materials from the investigation of the CSS were sent to the Investigative Committee to the same investigator Vostryakov, who in private conversations with Rudnitsky and Palivoda says that he has enough materials to initiate a criminal case not only on the fact of a gunshot wound, but also on abuse of power by police chiefs, but the alleged suspects are too powerful a lobby. “He issues one decision after another to initiate proceedings, but the prosecutor’s office does not sign them!” Rudnitsky is indignant. “Six months have passed, and there is no case!”

According to Ekaterina and Roman, there may be one reason for this - the desire of the police leadership of the Moscow region to shield the head of the Shchelkovo department, Dmitry Ryabov. “If I shot at myself, I’m punished and that’s it. But if, as I say, and even with a criminal case, then many suffer: the duty officer is fired, the personnel chief, deputy police chief Katkov, the head of the Fryazinsky police department, me, Andreeva and the chief of duty - see how many already? For so many people punished, Ryabov should also have been punished."

However, they did not want to draw attention to Ryabov, perhaps because he had already been dismissed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs before - in January 2015, he was scandalously removed from the post of head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Basmanny District of Moscow for "systemic unsatisfactory results in operational and service activities" - a rare case in the police “system”, where people prefer to be fired quietly. However, already in the spring of the same year he ends up in the criminal investigation department of the Moscow Region Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in October he is promoted to Shchelkovskoye municipal government. “In order to stay afloat like this, we need good intercessors,” Ekaterina Palivoda is sure. “And who could be such an intercessor if not Paukov ( Viktor Paukov is the head of the MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Moscow region. – Approx.)? If Ryabov’s name had sounded in such a context, Paukov would also have had a hard time.”

Today Roman Rudnitsky is applying for a pension, complaining that at his age you can only find one job - as a security guard in a supermarket, and Ekaterina continues to receive treatment and write complaints. “If they had told the truth right away, no one would have fired them, they would have immediately opened a criminal case. But they were afraid,” says Ekaterina with a slightly trembling voice. “And then no one even came to the hospital, no one called! Andreeva, how As soon as she found out that I was going back to work, I immediately went on sick leave, and then sent a letter of resignation by mail - she felt ashamed to look me in the eye. And now I work with these people and I’m completely alone, I have all my materials recheck a hundred times. But I won’t leave until a case is opened for concealing evidence. I have no complaints against the duty officer, he has already suffered his punishment, but people like Ryabov and Katkov should not work in the authorities, says Ekaterina , adding upset: “I didn’t think before that these stories are about criminal cases being brought against innocent people or, on the contrary, not being brought, that all this is true... But now I understand: while you are working, you are needed, but as soon as who “If you’re in the way, no one will stand up for you.”