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Comic nominations. A well-deserved reward for my talented preschoolers! (photo report) Nominations for awarding children for creative achievements

The winter needlewoman has a lot to do: hang frost shawls on trees and bushes, cover houses with snow caps, weave frosty lace on windows, build ice bridges on rivers and lakes.

We can only admire the creations of winter and look for inspiration in them for drawings and crafts. In this competition you will have to show the fragility and frosty transparency of the winter landscape, which we see every year, but still can’t stop admiring!

Works are judged in the following categories: drawing, crafts, photography.

The works are evaluated by a professional jury. The work file must be uploaded before last day acceptance of work.

Work requirements

  • The participant of the competition performs the work independently.
  • Nomination: drawing. The work can be done in any way available to the author, both on paper (pencils, paints, etc.) and using a graphic editor (Paint, PhotoShop, etc.).
  • Nomination: craft. The work can be made from a variety of materials.
  • Nomination: photo. A participant can act as a photographer, author of an idea or a photo model. The work of professional photographers (wedding, staged photo sessions, etc.) is not allowed in the competition. Works containing images of people in underwear, including swimsuits, are not allowed for publication.
  • Only works in in electronic format in JPEG format (photos of crafts or drawings, scanned copies of drawings, photographs).
  • Image width and height from 800px to 2000px.
  • The file size should not exceed 15 MB.
  • The work must correspond to the theme of the competition.

Summarizing procedure

  • Participants who scored the maximum number of points ( 20 points), take 1st place.
  • Participants who scored at least 90% of the maximum points ( 18 - 19 points), take 2nd place.
  • Participants who scored at least 80% of the maximum points ( 16 - 17 points), take 3rd place.

Diplomas and certificates

Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available after summing up in the section my diplomas.
All documents in electronic format are provided free of charge.

Theme: Needlewoman-winter

Participant diploma all event participants receive. The document is sent to email user within 1 hour after downloading the work.

Winner diploma are received by participants who take 1-3 prizes.

Certificate of the curator who prepared the participant(s) each teacher whose students took part in the event receives. The document is sent to the user's email within 1 hour after the work is uploaded.

Certificate of the curator who prepared the winner(s) is awarded to the teacher whose students took 1-3 prizes in the event.

Gratitude receives a teacher whose at least three students took 1-3 prizes in the event.

Gratitude educational institution awarded for training ten winners in one event.

Results of the event

You can view the evaluations of the work in your applications.
Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available in the section

II All-Russian competition creative works
"Round dance of autumn colors"

1. General position

These Regulations on the All-Russian Competition of Creative Works "Round dance of autumn colors"(hereinafter referred to as the Competition) was organized by the educational Internet portal ART-studio “Imaginations” () and determines the procedure for organizing and conducting the Competition, the criteria for selecting works, the composition of participants, the procedure for awarding winners and prize-winners.

2 . Basic goals and objectives

All-Russian competition of creative works "Round dance of autumn colors" sets as its goal: creating conditions for spiritual, moral and patriotic education, development of the creative potential of children and teachers.

The objectives of the Competition are:

  • development of imagination and creative thinking, observation; emotional perception of the competition topic;
  • nurturing cognitive interest in the world around us, its features, and respect for nature;
  • increasing the motivation of preschoolers and children school age To creative activity;
  • identifying and supporting talented students and creatively active teachers.

3. Dates of the competition

09/28/2016 - publication of the Regulations on the website.
10/1/2016 -10/22/2016 - acceptance of work (inclusive).
10/23/2016 - 10/30/2016 - examination.
10/31/2016 - results of the competition.

4. Criteria for evaluating creative works

- Execution technique;
- Fantasy and originality;
- Quality of the uploaded photo;
- Compliance with the theme of the competition;
- Independence of execution.

5. Conditions and procedure for the competition:

5.1. Preschoolers aged 5-7 years and students in grades 1-11 can take part in the competition.
5.2. Participation in the competition is free.
5.3. Competition nominations:

Nomination "Drawing"

Accepted quality photographs of drawings in .jpg format corresponding to the theme of the Competition. The drawing can be made in any technique, appliqué elements are possible, but not more than 10-15% of the entire drawing. Works are uploaded by participants or managers into the competition album "Drawing" our group In contact with.

  • Job title
  • Full name of the author
  • FULL NAME. head

Nomination "Floristry"

Floristics or Floral design- a type of decorative and applied art and design; creation of floral works (bouquets, compositions, panels, collages, wreaths) from a variety of natural materials (flowers, leaves, herbs, berries, fruits, nuts, etc.), which can be live or dried. Accepted quality photographs of floral works in .jpg format, corresponding to the theme of the Competition. Works are uploaded by participants or managers into the competition album "Floristics" our group In contact with.

The work must contain the following information:

  • Job title
  • Full name of the author
  • Class, OU, locality, region
  • FULL NAME. head
  • Nickname on the portal ART-studio “Izraziliya”

Nomination "Miracle Garden"

Accepted quality photographs of crafts made from natural materials in .jpg format, corresponding to the theme of the Competition. Works are uploaded by participants or managers into the competition album "Crafts" our group In contact with

The work must contain the following information:

  • Job title
  • Full name of the author
  • Class, educational institution, locality, region
  • FULL NAME. head
  • Nickname on the portal ART-studio “Izraziliya”

Nomination “Artists about autumn”

Participants in this nomination can be both teachers and students. Presentations and videos relevant to the theme of the Competition are accepted. Presentations must be uploaded to services from DocMi, Slideboom, videos - to YouTube. Then upload to the portal “ART - studio “Izraziliya” in the section.

  • Name of material;
  • UMC;

Master class for teachers “Drawing with paints and leaves”

Participants in this nomination can be teachers and kindergarten teachers. Nature itself helps us in creativity. She not only inspires, but also provides drawing materials. Presentations and videos corresponding to the theme of the Competition with a step-by-step explanation of unconventional drawing are accepted. Presentations must be uploaded to services from DocMe, Slideboom, videos - to YouTube. Then upload to the portal “ART - studio “Izraziliya” in the section.
The resource must have the following information, which is included in the “Brief Description” when posting the material:

  • FULL NAME. author of the downloaded material, position;
  • Place of work (full name of the educational institution, locality, region);
  • Name of material;
  • Class (for which this resource is created);
  • UMC;
  • If the material has been previously published, indicate the publication address;
  • Indicate to which section the material should be transferred after the end of the competition.

5.4. To participate in the competition, managers or participants must register on the website of the ART - studio "Izraziliya" - , and also join the open VKontakte group -

Nominations for awarding children at summer camp can be thought of in several directions.

I will give 3 examples of different trains of thought, and below I will write a long list of nominations.

Example 1.

The most familiar standard option. Everyone uses it, even if they don’t think about it.

Nominations for the responsibilities of children in the camp

Take the names of the child’s real responsibilities and add the words “best, main, first, super,” etc. You will receive nominations - Super-host of KVN, Chief radio announcer, Best squad officer on duty.

It's simple, but a little boring. So, let's make it more fun.

Example 2.

Nominations for children based on adult job titles

The same as in the 1st example, but inserting adult job titles into children's nominations:

The head of the library is a child who helped run the camp library.

Everyone understands that the real head of the library is one of the adults, but by nominating a student in this way, you are showing him respect and good humor. That is, at the same time – respectful.


  • The head of the dining room is the one assigned to help set the table. Or not fixed, but simply did it often and well.
  • 2nd shift chef - child helping in the kitchen
  • Best sous chef of the camp
  • Beach director
  • Pool Manager
  • and further in the same spirit.

Example 3.

Nominations with double meaning

– they sound scary, but in meaning they are kind

  • The main arsonist - the girl or boy who lights the fire or maintains the combustion
  • Permanent pourer (sand extinguisher, fire extinguisher) - to the one who extinguishes the fire - skillfully and conscientiously
  • The formidable woodcutter - who was good at collecting dry branches for the same fire
  • The fastest breaker - fell asleep before everyone else after lights out
  • The main gambler, oh, sorry - The main gambler ( say it all like that ) - a boy who distinguished himself in games
  • The first non-nuclear reactor - to the winner of the reaction games

Nominations for awarding children

at summer camp (list)

I will explain only a few, in general terms and in plain text, because everything will be clear to you anyway. But when nominating in the camp, you must comment on each one more gently than I wrote - it is awarded to someone for this and that reason - because otherwise those present, and the nominee himself, may not understand the meaning and not appreciate the humor. Go)

  1. Author of the best chant (or – Best performer of the chant)
  2. Best Pool Supervisor
  3. Pool tester
  4. Our peacemaker (Anti-aggressor) - for positivity, desire and ability to reconcile all parties to the conflict
  5. The main storyteller is a great liar
  6. Best storyteller - for best stories campfire
  7. Legendary boy, legendary girl - for the best knowledge of legends
  8. Press center (information bureau) - one or more people who prepared the news program
  1. Pioneer
  2. Columbo, Hercule Poirot and Agatha Christie - who managed to find the loss, real or in the game
  3. Volleyball and other adventures (instead of volleyball, substitute the appropriate word - the name of the game)
  4. Oblivious to prohibitions - camp anarchist)))
  5. Proof of life - for an active (sometimes too active) child
  6. A beautiful creature - literally or figuratively
  7. Do no harm - to a neat, careful child or to someone who gets everything dirty and breaks
  8. Gifted person

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  1. Life is like a show (or - Show is like life) - who holds himself well on stage or grimaces where seriousness is needed
  2. A guy discovers the world - either as someone who is keen on experiments, studying the forest, plants, etc., or as a boy who is a disaster (breaks his elbows, falls into nettles, falls out of a tree)
  3. Eight days a week – who systematically does something?
  4. Seventh heaven - for being in the 7th heaven with happiness when... ( name the event - won, won, was able ), or for an optimistic character and a consistently happy expression
  5. Ours in the city, go Girls in the camp - a nomination for a small group of girls who have clearly demonstrated themselves in some way (singing, dancing, drawing, flying kites) or they simply are together everywhere all the time - exercising, in the pool, at dinner, walking flock around the camp
  6. Ordinary magic - for a novice magician or a child who doesn’t know where his things went
  7. The mission is feasible - for a child who at first did not succeed in something, and then learned. Or who didn't like it in the camp, and then he got the taste
  8. Bedtime stories - who is good at telling stories to friends or a counselor in the evening))

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

  1. Miracle children
  2. The Taming of the Shrew (the Shrew) – I know who to address these two nominations to. I think you know too. And there are almost always candidates for them... But we want positive motivation, so it’s better to announce only the name here, pause and add that it has been decided not to announce the nominees. Let everyone mentally apply this nomination to themselves and think about how to live so as not to become a contender for the Taming of the Shrew
  3. Flying Blind - for real flying, jumping into water or falling from anywhere
  4. In search of justice
  5. A man without rules - you can look meaningfully at the applicant, but say: - Is this good or bad? Perhaps this is a matter for a whole discussion, so we will postpone this nomination for now. (And look at the potential owner again)
  6. Like little children
  7. Handyman
  8. Almost a jack of all trades
  9. A jack of all trades, mostly strangers - one who knows how to organize things well for other children

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  1. Worst 3 weeks of my life – who is very unhappy with the camp
  2. The best 3 weeks of my life – who is very happy with the camp
  3. Like a cool security guard
  4. Get it done in 30 seconds ( substitute your time ) - ran a distance in 30 seconds, set the tables for dinner in 10 minutes - that is, he did something quickly and well.
  5. Almost the end of the world - the main person involved in some camp incident
  6. All or nothing - for the maximalist
  7. An empty city - to the one who caused the camp to become empty for a time. For example, he got lost and everyone went looking for him
  8. Such different twins - twins or Gemini according to the horoscope
  9. Monsters on Vacation - only if children know and love this cartoon. Monsters are kind and cast spells with jokes, so this nomination is for the funniest jokers of a camp or squad
  10. A league of their own - a group of children with common interests, a team

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  1. Necessary people
  2. More than friends - for a close-knit team in sports or any other activity (radio news is prepared together) or for friendly brothers and sisters if they are all in camp
  3. 8 steps to success ( insert the required number ) - nomination for a child who, during his stay in the camp, achieved something noticeable that can be broken down into steps or stages of his success: could not swim at all - overcame fear, entered the water - start swimming near the shore with a circle, then - in inflatable armbands - then swam himself
  4. Nice guys - to a few boys whose fame is known to everyone. And what kind of fame is this - good or not so good - decide for yourself
  5. Mobile fashion magazine - for the most fashionable or stylish girl... a mobile phone not because it hangs in the phone, but because it moves)
  6. Everything is for the better - a participant in something problematic. But then everything turned out great
  7. First knight
  8. The Shawshank Redemption - to the one who escaped from the camp. If he is already at home, announce this nomination in absentia.

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

These are the nominations I came up with for awarding children at the summer camp. Please share your opinion or your ideas in the comments. What interesting responsibilities are assigned to children at your camp, from which you can later organize a fun nomination?

With the nomination “Tired but satisfied”,

Your Evelina Shesternenko

Founder of the competition - International educational portal for children and teachers " "

Autumn has come - the most colorful and most “golden” time of the year! Autumn is also the most “unpredictable” time of the year: sometimes it is golden and bright, sometimes rainy and cold, sometimes it is warm and welcoming, sometimes gloomy and windy. What's your autumn like? Draw your autumn and take part in International competition drawings "Autumn through the eyes of children".

Children's drawings on an autumn theme, made in any technique, are accepted to participate in the competition.

Teachers who trained 6 or more participants in the competition are given Thanksgiving letters“For organizing and preparing the participants.”

Competition dates:


Competition for preschoolers and center pupils children's creativity, schools, fine arts studios, competition for schoolchildren in grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and other educational institutions.

Competition nominations:

Job requirements:

The competition work can be submitted:

    in the form of a photograph in JPEG/JPG format (photos must be good quality- not blurry, clear).

The work must have a title and short description (in the description you need to indicate the age of the child, technique of execution, materials used, etc.)

The work must correspond to the age of the participant, adults can be assistants and curators.

The size of the file with a photograph of the work should not exceed 2 MB (if the file size exceeds the specified size, the application will not be sent) and should not be very large. small size, because the photograph cannot be seen.

Evaluation criteria:

    compliance of the work with the theme of the competition;

    quality of work;

    degree of independence and creative personal approach;

    novelty of the idea.

And also when summing up the results will be taken into account:

  • results of voting for the work, evaluations of the site jury.

How to participate in the competition?

    Register on the website (a teacher or parent of the participant can register).

    Carefully read the remote creative competitions for children.

    Pay the registration fee for participation with one of the funds presented on the site. Organizational fees for a group of participants are paid by the Curator with one receipt for the total amount.

    Select a nomination, click on the “add work” icon, fill out the application form, attach the competition work and a copy of the payment receipt.

    Carefully fill out all fields of the competition application. The data you enter will be used when processing incentive documents.

For detailed instructions on how to add work to the competition, see the section

About posting work on the site:

    Works on the site published within 3 days from the moment the application is received and the work is accepted for consideration.

    If after 3 days you do not receive a notification about the publication of your work on the site, contact the competition organizers or resend your applications.

    The administration of the site "Odarennost.RU" reserves the right to refuse participation in the competition if the submitted materials do not meet these requirements.

    Participants after the 3-day period, they independently check the availability of the published work on the site and if necessary (the work is not published on the website, etc.) contact the competition organizers by email. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    The organizers contact the competition participants only in exceptional cases, due to the large scale.

Summing up, awarding the winners:

The jury determines the Winners of the competition who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, the Laureates of the competition and Participants of the competition.

    The winners are awarded the Competition Winner Diploma.

    The laureates are awarded the Competition Laureate Diploma.

    Participants are awarded a Competition Participant Certificate.

After publishing your work on the site, you yourself download the competition PARTICIPANT CERTIFICATE (the link to the diploma is placed under competitive work). Attention! After the completion of the competition, you will not be able to download Certificates of participation, and voting for works will also stop.


More information about the rules for participation in competitions can be found in the section "