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Anthracite coal and its application. What is anthracite

Anthracite coal is the oldest and highest quality fossil coal, the reserves of which account for only three percent of the total volume of world coal reserves. Anthracite has a high degree of carbonization: its carbon content is 95%, due to which anthracite coal burns without flame, without emitting smoke or odor. In color it can be either velvet or iron-black and always with a steel sheen. Anracite coal is widely used in many industrial areas, and for domestic needs as coal for heating residential premises, used as fuel in boilers and stoves using solid fuel. Largest deposits anthrancite is concentrated in the Donbass basin in Ukraine.

PRICE of anthracite coal in bags and in bulk from a warehouse in Odintsovo:

Coal Anthracite Package Unit change The price of anthracite is rubles per unit. measurements
up to 10 pcs 11-50 pcs 51-400 pcs from 401 pcs
plastic bag 25 kg 460
plastic bag 50 kg 800
Big Bag 1 ton 15000
Naval tn up to 5 tons 5-10 tons 10-20 tons from 20 tons
- -

Characteristics of Anthracite coal:

Anthracite(from the Greek anthrakitis - a type of coal), fossil humus coal highest degree metamorphism. Under a microscope, plant remains are difficult to distinguish. The color of anthracite is black, often with a grayish tint, and sometimes a variegated tarnish is observed. On a porcelain plate it gives a velvety black line. The shine is strong, metallic. It has high viscosity, does not sinter, and has good electrical conductivity. The highest hardness on the mineralogical scale is 2.0-2.5; organic mass density 1500-1700 kg/m3. The heat of combustion of organic mass is 33.9-34.8 MJ/kg (8100-8350 kcal/kg). Anthracite has a low analytical moisture content of 1-3% and in the combustible mass contains up to 9% volatile substances, 93.5-97.0% carbon, 1-3% hydrogen, 1.5-2.0% oxygen and nitrogen. Anthracite with a carbon content in the combustible mass of more than 97% is called superanthracite. Based on the volumetric yield of volatile substances, it is divided into 2 industrial grades: semi-anthracites with a content of 220-330 l/kg and anthracites proper with a volumetric yield of less than 220 l/kg.

Brand Anthracite AK, AKO, JSC
Piece size in mm 50-100 / 26-100 /26-50
Moisture content % 4,7
Ash content % 6,5
Mass fraction of sulfur 1,37
Mass fraction of chlorine %
Mass fraction of arsenic %
Heat of combustion (calorific value) kcal/kg 8100-8350
Fines content %
Visible rock content

Anthracite combustion.

Anthracite coal requires more heat and effort to ignite, but once ignited, it burns longer than WPC coal. Anthracite burns only with strong air draft. Moreover, it burns either with almost no flame or sometimes even without it at all. It is also worth noting that anthracite burns not only without flame, but without smell and without smoke. But at the same time it does not sinter. According to its characteristics, anthracite is harder than stone and brown coal. Although, like them, it is a product of the slow decay of plants and is obtained from what they form after decomposition.

Specific heat of combustion of anthracite(calorie content) - on average 8100 - 8350 kcal/kg.

Buy anthracite in Moscow and the Moscow region is not particularly difficult. A large number of companies offer it for sale. You need to understand what kind of anthracite you need.

Types of anthracite coal.

Anthracite coal divided into the following grades depending on the size of the fractions:

  • AKO- Anthracite fist walnut (fraction size 26-100 mm)
  • AK - Anthracite fist, coarse coal(fraction size 50-100 mm)
  • JSC- Anthracite walnut (fraction size 26-50 mm)
  • AM- Anthracite fine (fraction size 13-25 mm)
  • AC- Anthracite seed (fraction size 6-13 mm)
  • Ashlam - Anthracite sludge is a product of coal preparation
  • AS- Anthracite chip (fraction size less than 6 mm)

Application of anthracite.

  • Coal for solid fuel stoves and boilers, for heating residential and industrial premises.
  • Coal for forging and pressing production, used for heating metal.
  • Coal for filtering water and technical liquids.
  • Landscape design.

If you need coal for stoves or coal for solid fuel boilers, then the most suitable types of anthracite are AK, AK and AKO. You can buy anthracite of these brands from our company. The use of anthracite as coal for heating is due to its high calorie content. In addition, the burning time of anthracite is several times longer than that of WPC. This makes it possible to leave the stove in a hot state throughout the night, or even during the day if anthracite is used in smoldering mode. However, before doing this, you need to light the anthracite coal. Our advice is to light the stove using ordinary firewood, then pour Long-flame coal into the stove, which ignites easily and also burns out quickly. However, this time is enough to ignite the anthracite. After anthrancite flares up, natural draft is enough to maintain it in smoldering mode. This will allow your stove or boiler to remain hot for a long time and heat the premises.

Anthracite is mined in mines at a depth of up to 1,500 m; from the mine, coal goes to coal processing plants where anthracite is enriched and sorted into fractions, and then supplied to subcutters.

Anthracite coal- the densest of all types coal, which allows it to occupy a leading position in the class of heat transfer and combustion time of coal. If you buy anthracite coal for heating, you will need a significantly smaller amount to heat the same area than when using other brands of coal or firewood. But despite the undeniable advantages of anthracite coal, there are also disadvantages. Due to the high density of anthracite coal, it is not capable of igniting in all types of furnaces or boilers. For normal combustion of anthracite, a good air supply is required, usually forced in modern solid fuel boilers. Less dense coal includes: long-flame coal and low-caking coal.

Anthracite coal surpasses all hard coals in its calorific value - 8200 kcl/kg, for comparison natural gas 7000 kcl/kg. Anthracite coal is the hardest of all coals; only up to 5% of volatile substances are released during combustion. Anthracites are used in various fields of human activity - in industrial production (metallurgy, sugar industry, chemistry, etc.), in the public sector (heating, water heating, etc.), for individual heating, and also from anthracites to make filtrants for water purification, drains, etc.

Sale of anthracite.

If you decide to buy anthracite coal, then it will not cost you a lot of work. A great many companies in Moscow and the Moscow region will provide you with this opportunity. You will only need to decide in which package you want to buy this coal and how you want to receive it. Come and pick it up from our warehouse in Odintsovo, Moscow region. Or make a purchase with delivery. The price of anthracite will depend on the amount of material purchased. The larger the quantity, the lower the price. Our company sells anthracite coal packaged in bags of 25 kg and 50 kg. In MKR (Big Bags) 1 ton and in bulk.

The color is grayish-black and black-gray, the luster is metallic, the line on the surface of unglazed porcelain is velvety black. Doesn't bake. It has a high density of organic mass (1500-1700 kg/m3) and electrical conductivity. on the mineralogical scale 2.0-2.5. Under a microscope, in thin sections, anthracite is poorly visible; in reflected light, the gelified components turn pleochroic from bright and yellowish white to light gray and gray; anisotropic. The transition as a result of metamorphism of hard coals into anthracite occurred gradually; in (GOST 21489-76) the boundary between them is accepted according to reflectivity vitrinite (see) in oil immersion (for anthracite R 0 2.5%). The content of anthracite in the organic mass is 94-97%, 1-3%, specific heat combustion: Qs daf 33.8-35.2 MJ/kg, Qj r 23.9-31.0 MJ/kg.

The largest amount of anthracite was formed as a result of regional metamorphism during the subsidence of coal-bearing strata in the region elevated temperatures and pressure. The role of thermal and contact metamorphism in the formation of anthracite is limited and depends on the thickness of igneous bodies, their type, penetration depths, and the distance from them to coals subjected to thermal effects. The temperature during the formation of anthracite under conditions of regional metamorphism was apparently in the range of 350-550°C, which, along with changes in pressure, characteristics of the source material and other reasons, led to the formation of anthracite with different properties.

Anthracite grades

In a number of previously existing classifications, anthracites were divided into grades PA (semi-anthracite) and A (anthracite). In the newly introduced state standards The PA grade is not provided for the classification of coal and anthracite from the main basins and deposits of the CCCP. Classification parameters adopted in the standards: Vdaf and volumetric yield of volatile substances Vob daf. For anthracite of the main basins Vob daf 0.22 m 3 /kg, V daf less than 8% in the Donetsk basin less than 9% in the Gorlovka basin, the calorific value Qs daf is taken as an additional parameter - less than 35.2 MJ/kg.

Anthracite mining

In the CCCP, anthracites were identified in the Donetsk (main reserves), Taimyr basins, as well as in and in the fields of the Magadan region of the RSFSR. The presence of highly metamorphosed coals, incl. anthracite, known in the Uzgen basins, at the Kugitang deposit (). Reliable geological reserves of anthracite in the CCCP (1980) are over 14 billion tons; annual production more than 60 million tons, incl. in Donbass 99.3% of the total volume of anthracite production. The largest number of anthracite mines are located in the production associations "Donbassanthracite", "Rostovugol", "Gukovugol", "Toresanthracite", "Shakhterscanthracite", "Sverdlovanthracite". The production capacity of individual mines is 3 million tons per year or more.

Application of anthracite

Anthracite is widely used as a high-quality smokeless energy fuel, as well as a technological raw material in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical, electrical industries and a number of other industries related to anthracite processing products. For technological purposes, the increased mechanical and thermal stability of anthracite, its electrical conductivity and low yield of volatile substances are important. The main non-fuel areas: production of thermoanthracite, carbon-graphite blocks, electrodes, electrocorundum, calcium and silicon carbides, thermographite, microphone powder, use for agglomeration, roasting of carbonate rocks in technological purposes. Despite the relatively low percentage of anthracite consumption for technological purposes (from 0.12 to 7% depending on the type of production), the requirements for its quality in comparison with fuel and energy use are the highest. Even a relatively slight deterioration of some properties of anthracite often negatively affects the quality of industrial products.

Product Price per bag, rubles*

From 1 to 10 tons, rubles*

Over 10 tons, rubles*

Anthracite grade AK

from 600 (bag 50 - 52 kg)

from 11500

from 9000

Anthracite grade AKO

from 600 (bag 50 - 52 kg)

from 11500

Anthracite grade AO (anthracite-walnut)

from 600 (bag 50 - 52 kg)

from 11500

You can place an order by phone, or use the “send request” form on the website.

Anthracite coal is the best fuel

Coal is one of the types of natural resources. Man began to use this natural raw material as fuel a very long time ago. Coal has a wide range of uses. Previously, it was used mainly on the farm to heat the house and cook food. It was also used in industrial production at metallurgical plants, in chemical industry. Today, coal is also used to heat private homes and industrial areas.

What is the value of anthracite?

Coal has many varieties: brown coal, hard coal, anthracite. The most valuable of all is anthracite.

The value of anthracite lies in its natural origin, namely in the very action called metamorphism. Coal is the fossilized remains of plants. In anthracite, these residues are extremely altered, so they are practically impossible to identify and recognize. Anthracite is the highest quality coal. The share of anthracite in the entire structure of natural fossil coals is insignificant, amounting to approximately 3% of the total amount.

Features of anthracite

  • High quality. Anthracite is a hard natural mineral that is black in color with a brilliant sheen. It is of high quality. This type of coal contains 95% carbon, so combustion occurs without combustion and does not emit an unpleasant odor or smoke. Thanks to its thermal and chemical properties, anthracite coal is the most optimal type of fuel.
  • Practicality and convenience. Unlike wood, the use of anthracite for stoves and boilers is more practical and convenient. The burning time is longer and the degree of heat transfer is greater compared to other types of coal. However, there is one small drawback - it is not suitable for all types of stoves and boilers; in some it does not flare up.
  • Wide application. Anthracite coal is used in almost all areas of human activity: individual heating, industrial production, public utilities, water purification, etc. The demand for this type of fuel is very high.

You can get professional advice from our managers. They will answer all your questions and help you choose the right type of coal to suit your needs.

May your home always be warm!


Anthracite fist-nut (AKO), fractions 25-70 mm

Anthracite - the oldest of fossil coals.

The best grade of coal, distinguished by its black color, strong shine, and high calorific value.

The highest type of coal is a solid combustible mineral formed from plant residues as a result of humification and carbonization.

Coal is black-gray in color with a metallic sheen, hard, high density and high electrical conductivity.

Anthracite can be considered as a transitional stage between coal and graphite. Most often, anthracite deposits are found in areas that have been subject to significant movements of the earth's crust, such as the spurs of mountain ranges. During the process of coalification, peat buried in the bowels of the Earth is successively transformed (under appropriate conditions) first into brown coal, then into hard coal and anthracite.


The largest amount of anthracite was formed as a result of regional metamorphism during the immersion of coal-bearing strata into an area of ​​elevated temperatures and pressures. The temperature during the formation of anthracite under conditions of regional metamorphism was in the range of 350-550°C, which, along with changes in pressure, characteristics of the source material and other reasons, led to the formation of anthracite with different properties.

Depending on the carbon content and according to its technological application, anthracite is also usually divided into the following gradations - standard quality (SG), high quality(HG) and ultra high quality (UHG).

Classification properties of anthracite

SG anthracite

HG anthracite

UHG anthracite


Moisture (max, %)

Ash (max, %)

Volatile substances (max, %)

Fixed carbon (min, %)

Sulfur (max, %)

Phosphorus (%)





In a number of previously existing classifications, anthracites were divided into grades PA (semi-anthracite) and A (anthracite). The newly introduced state standards for the classification of coal and anthracite from the main basins and deposits do not provide for the PA grade.

Brands (grades) of anthracite

  • AKO - (Anthracite Large Walnut, size 25-100 mm);
  • AK - (Anthracite Fist, coarse coal, size 50-100 mm);
  • AO - (Anthracite Walnut, size 25-50 mm);
  • AM - (Anthracite Small, size 13-25 mm);
  • AS - (Anthracite Seed, size 6-13 mm);
  • A(sludge) - (Anthracite sludge) - product of coal enrichment;
  • AS - (Anthracite Shtyb, size less than 6 mm).

Import of anthracite

The largest consumer of anthracite today is China, followed by Japan and South Korea, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, and Spain.

Application of anthracite

Until the 1980s, anthracite was relatively rarely used for technological purposes; mainly anthracite of the standard grade variety was used as fuel in the energy sector, in transport and in everyday life. Currently, anthracite, in addition to being used in the energy sector, is used for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, as well as for the production of adsorbents, electrodes, electrocorundum, and microphone powder.

Anthracite UHG is used as a substitute for coke and coke breeze (as part of a mixture with coke) in blast furnaces for pulverized coal injection (PCI), in the production of iron ore agglomerates, iron ore pellets, and electrodes.

The quality requirements for anthracite compared to fuel and energy use are the highest. Even a relatively small deterioration of some properties of anthracite often negatively affects the quality of industrial products.

According to the interstate standards for coals and anthracites adopted in Russia and the CIS (classification according to genetic and technological parameters), anthracites are used in the production of water gas, thermoanthracite, calcium carbide, electrocorundum, in pulverized combustion, layer combustion in stationary boiler plants and fluidized beds, furnaces of ships, steam locomotives, for municipal and domestic needs, production of lime, cement, in the agglomeration of ores, production of electrodes.

National Coal Corporation (National Coal Corporation) country Russia offers to buy coal, coal briquettes, of various brands and qualities. For any consumer, on an industrial scale, according to carriage standards, and also offers services for organizing the transportation of coal by railway, transshipment in Russian ports, freight of ships, paperwork at customs, provision of qualified legal assistance, we can represent your interests in transactions, if you are interested in something, then come to us. It is necessary to inform the required quality of coal, it is necessary to confirm the need and solvency, we deliver only on the condition of FCA (departure station) payment by letter of credit 100% covered by our executing bank or by prepayment for carrier services, transshipment at the port, if necessary, freight of ships and the cost of coal. You must fill out an application using our form on our website.

ANTHRACITE is fossil coal of the highest stage of coalification. Density 1500-1700 kg/m3; calorific value 33.8-35.2 MJ/kg. Contains (in the combustible mass) up to 9% volatile substances, 93.5-97% carbon. High quality energy fuel. Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • anthracite - ANTHRACITE -a; m. [from Greek. antrax (antrakos) - coal]. The best grade of coal, distinguished by its black color, shine, and high calorific value. ◁ Anthracite, -aya, -oe. Ah baby. Anthracite, -aya, -oh. A. plast. A deposits. Dictionary Kuznetsova
  • anthracite - -a, m. The best grade of coal, distinguished by its black color, strong shine, and high calorific value. [From Greek ’άνθραξ - coal] Small academic dictionary
  • Anthracite - I cm. Coal. II belongs to fossil coals and is close to hard coal, differing from it in its high carbon content (over 90%), i.e. best qualities in the sense of flammable material. Color... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • anthracite - noun, number of synonyms: 6 hard coal 3 cocaine 7 glossy coal 1 superanthracite 1 thermoanthracite 1 coal 99 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • anthracite - Fossil coal the highest degree of carbonization (metamorphism). The color is grayish-black, metallic luster, high density (1600 kg/m³). Carbon content 92–97%, hydrogen 1–3%. Geography. Modern encyclopedia
  • anthracite - Anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite, anthracite Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • Anthracite - City in Lugansk region. (Ukraine), center of the coal mining industry of Donbass; 77 km to the southwest. from Lugansk, on the Kharkov-Rostov highway. 64 thousand inhabitants (2001). A group of mining villages (Bokovo, Verkh. Nagolchik, Bokovo-Platovo, Shchetovo, Dubovsky) in 1938... Dictionary of geographical names
  • Anthracite - City, district center, Lugansk region, Ukraine. Originated in late XIX V. like the village at the mine of the joint-stock company Bokovsky anthracite mines; name of the company after the local village of Bokovo. In 1904... Toponymic dictionary
  • anthracite - orf. anthracite, -a Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • Anthracite - I Anthracite (from the Greek anthrakitis - type of coal) is a fossil humus coal of the highest degree of metamorphism. Under a microscope, plant remains are difficult to distinguish. The color of A. is black, often with a grayish tint, and sometimes a variegated tarnish is observed. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • ANTHRACITE - ANTHRACITE, a form of coal consisting of more than 90% carbon; it is relatively hard, black in color, with a metallic sheen and a conchoidal fracture. When burned, it produces a hot, almost colorless flame and burns completely. Scientific and technical dictionary