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You must know that when you let go, the best things come to you. Do not be afraid

When you realize that you have nothing to complain about, the whole world will belong to you.

You see my clothes, but not my soul. You know my name, but not my story. The saddest thing is that you have enough of this.

When you are happy, you enjoy music. But when you are sad, you begin to understand the text.

If something special comes into the lives of others because of you, then you are moving closer to immortality.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to become great!

It is not enough to know which notes to play; you must understand why they should be played.

Living the way you want is not selfishness. Selfishness is when others should think and live the way you want.

If you want to lead happy life, you should be attached to the goal, not to people or things.

Life doesn't give you the people you want. She gives you the people you need. They hurt you, they love you, they teach you, they break you in order to mold you into who you are meant to be.

Don't be afraid of losing someone. You will not lose the one you need in life. Those who were sent to you for experience are lost. Those who remain are those sent to you by fate.

Q: They say that in order to bring change to a system, you have to penetrate the system. But when we're inside the system, we're in a position where we don't want to upset the people who work with us. Then how to make changes?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: To do this you need skill. Truth does not mean rudeness. Often people who think they are just being truthful are very rude. Rudeness blocks communication and can disrupt harmony. And it also destroys the mood of listening. In order for people to hear you, their ears must first tune in to listen. If you block listening, no matter how right it is, it simply doesn't get absorbed. People don't perceive this. Therefore, to earn someone's attention, you should not be rude. And if you are rude, you cannot get anyone's attention. You can be firm, but you cannot afford to be rude. And often we do not realize the line between firmness and rudeness. This is the problem.

Q: Jay Gurudev! How many types of Gita are there? Gita – “song”, spiritual texts) exist and what are they about?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is Uddhava Gita, Anu Gita, Guru Gita, Gopi Gita... and so on. A lot of Gita.

Q: There is a lot of talk now about FDI( Foreign Direct Investment – foreign direct investment) V retail trade. Please express your point of view on this matter.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you travel around the world, be it West or East, from Malaysia to Argentina you will find stores of such global chains as Walmart, 7-Eleven . These supermarkets are everywhere, from Japan to Argentina. Only in India there is still free space. In China and India, things are a little different.

You come to India and you see various shops with... different names, local and national stores. Of course, India is a very big market for these large retail chains who want to come to this market and open their stores here, but before we open them, we must study the situation. We need to look into how this could adversely affect the economy here and the small shops.

In Delhi they told me that everyone is big shopping centers closed because people don't go there. They prefer to go to small shops. Thus, one point of view is this: so what if we open these large supermarkets, no one will go there anyway. People will go to their little shops. You can use this logic before you take such a step because once you take it, there is no going back. This issue should be studied and sudden decisions should not be made.

Also with the adoption of the nuclear agreement, our scientists raised many questions and serious concerns that the government did not address.

Q: Are there any signs that this is the purpose of life?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The first goal is to find the purpose of life. Once you have found it, relax.

Q: Guruji, I am not a very sad person, but I still find life sad. Very often when I wake up in the morning, my heart is heavy, I feel lonely and I want to cry. What is it and how can I stop feeling it?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Keep yourself busy with seva (service) - it doesn’t matter whether it is very significant or modest. If you engage yourself in service (seva), then such feelings will go away. And of course, along with this, listen to knowledge and do sadhana.

Q: Guruji, I always get answers to all my questions even before I ask you. But still, there is something that I want to tell you, but I am not able to explain it.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Fine! This is how many people feel. After they have said everything, however, they feel that they cannot say what they want. This is a normal feeling.

Q: Guruji, the exchange rate of the dollar against the rupee is increasing day by day. Suppose if we use Indian products, will the dollar exchange rate decrease?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This should help the economy. We have many Sumeru products which are much better and chemical free, you all should use them. There is ours own products Sri Sri Ayurveda. You should start using it.

Q: Guruji, no matter what happens, I cannot let go of my desires. I am so obsessed with them and uncontrollable that I am afraid - if I let them go, what will my life become?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You must know that when you let go, the best things come to you. Do not be afraid.

Q: Jay Gurudev! Can a follower, a disciple, become angry with the Guru? Is the student free to do this?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, a student can feel angry, no problem. It is very safe to be angry with the Guru. Tell me, does anger ask before it comes? No! You get angry, and later a feeling of guilt comes to you: “I shouldn’t have been angry.” Therefore, do not try to find an excuse for him at this time. You got angry because you were ignorant at the time. It's okay, move on!

Q: Guruji, you said to just smile at those who criticize us, but that is actually not what I can do when someone criticizes me and my work. I know it's their ignorance, but I can't smile at them. Please guide me.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No problem, relax! Do only what you can. I'm not telling you to do something you can't. If you can't, oh well, relax!

Quote from Elena Besedkina's message

58 things your man should do

1. Don’t be silent if you have cooked something delicious. Eat silently if it doesn’t taste good.
2. Don't knock on my bathroom door. I `ll exit...
3. Bring marshmallows at night if I want.
4. Do not pretend that the mountain of dirty dishes in the sink came to visit from the neighbors.
5. Bring to orgasm.
6. Know and love to cook meat.
7. Dance. At least a little. At least when we're both drunk
1351181768_2 (604x454, 46Kb)

8. Be able to communicate with children of any age.
9. Intercede if someone is rude/harassing someone weaker on the street.
10. Correctly answer the question what he liked best of the five proposed clothing options.
11. Turn off the water in the apartment and understand what is flowing in the drain tank.
12. Deal with a completely outraged neighbor who said that I scratched his car.
13. Remember that when I’m in heels, I need to move slowly and not far.
14. Don't yell when I'm driving.
15. Choose the ring yourself.
16. Make children and get pleasure from raising them.
17. Be silent.
18. Hug at night so that it is not hot, but cozy.
19. Be able to earn money and spend it generously on me.
20. Decide who the main woman in his life is, and make her happy.
21. Hug.
22. Never get upset by rudeness.
23. Contain your emotions after learning about the amount I spent.
24. Light a fire with one match.
25. Cook with pleasure, starve with humor.
26. Give gifts.
27. Just kiss for hours, delicious, sweet and varied, until your knees tremble.
28. Worry about your family.
29. Don’t get drunk before a woman.
30. Be smarter than a woman in a form that is not offensive to her.
31. Never say “I told you so!”
32. Build a house.
33. Be able to explain the multiplication tables to a seven-year-old dunce.
34. To drag you, cheerful and not very sober, into the apartment, undress, take off your shoes, make the bed, put you to bed, put a glass of water next to you, and in the morning pretend as if nothing happened.
35. Compose exciting fairy tales for your son before bed.
36. Leave you personal space.
37. Smell delicious.
38. Be jealous|Don't be jealous.
39. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Listen, listen, listen.
40. Understand wine, football and bra sizes.
41. Ride the subway “without hands” and pitiful attempts to grab the handrail.
42. Be able to unfasten your bra unnoticed.
43. Be able to forgive you even in the most unpleasant situations. And don’t force yourself to ask for forgiveness. The phrase “Okay, we forgot” is just that.
44. Cum quickly from a blowjob.
45. Understand subtle hints. Even very subtle and very hints.
46. ​​Give jewelry with diamonds.
47. Quickly realize that right is where I point.
48. Forget the phrase “You don’t understand.”
49. Kiss the butt.
50. Share shopping with me.
51. Don’t be ashamed to buy me pads/tampons.
52. Turn the winter-summer mattress over in winter and summer.
53. Find your car keys, wallet, tickets and TV remote control yourself.
54. Remember all sorts of pleasant nonsense. Aloud.
55. Be able to stand up for yourself and for you.
56. Give a fever-reducing candle to a screaming and vomiting child.
57. Be my man.
58. With all the above-mentioned splendor, it is not possible to be my father.

Hmmm. And God forbid your man to discover that life without you is also very good.

You must know that when you let go, the best things come to you. Do not be afraid.

Sri Shankar ---

If you want to live easily, learn to let go.

Let go of what is not yours anyway... Find what you have never lost.

Accept everything when it comes to you, enjoy everything while it lasts, let go of everything when it has to go. Nisargadatta Maharaj

Learn to let go...

Happiness will always find its way back.

If I don't learn to let go of what's gone forever, nothing new will appear in my life.

Jorge Bucay

Learn not to hold. The absence of certain people in your life can only benefit you. Don't be afraid to change your environment. You need to be able to let go of those people from your life who bring discomfort into it.

Let go of everything, and yours will remain with you.

Fate saved us, or God punished us...
Perhaps it's better that it didn't work out.
Perhaps the case saved it from disaster.

Don't try to keep anyone or anything in your life. This will only lead you to suffering. Take a look around. Nature is very wise. Everything around is made up of elements. Try to hold the fire and you will get burned. Wind, water or earth, and they will rush to pour out through your fingers. Everything is born free. Your task is only to create conditions for the fire to burn brighter, but not to hold it, otherwise it will consume you. Freedom is what matters. Give people and things around you freedom, do not hold them, do not cling to them, to ideas about them. And then you will create the most comfortable conditions for your free life and for the lives of those around you. People themselves will strive to be with you, because you give them the most important thing - freedom.