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Safe Internet for children. Pictures on the topic “Safe Internet” Children’s drawing on the topic of Internet and security

“And the terrible Hacker was caught,

served tea with raspberries and delicious sweets

and offered a job at the largest Internet bank as chief programmer.”

Second place - Alexey Kadyshev, 11 years old

If there were no signature, would you guess where the positive character is and where the negative character is? For me, the virus is also prettier than the evil antivirus. What is this drawing even about? About the struggle between good and evil? Or about a war between two street gangs? By the way, let me remind you that according to the terms of the competition, the drawing had to be “about how important it is to know the rules of safe use of the Internet, what role the Internet plays in your life and how you spend time on the Internet.” Obviously, in this case the boy chose the latter. Wow, safe Internet for children! However, this is the jury's choice.

I liked third place the most. He was occupied Evgenia Nesterenko, 14 years old

Well, this is a poster made in the best Soviet traditions. The girl clearly knows how to draw and was able to express the main idea of ​​the competition in a laconic form. It’s even strange that she only got third place

So, as I already said, all three prize places according to the jury were taken by “paper” drawings (BY THE WAY, FOURTH AND FIFTH PLACES ALSO). This is a very interesting fact. You can build different hypotheses, but the fact remains: the teachers in this competition were not ready to evaluate works in the genre of computer graphics. Or computer graphics in our schools it is so repressed that there is practically nothing to evaluate. and in fact - look at the drawings that won audience awards - how much time a fourteen-year-old teenager had to spend to create something like this:

In my humble opinion, no more than ten minutes. Of course, it’s not worth talking about any artistic merits here. Ideas are also not noticeable. Technological skills are at the second grade level. Nevertheless, this drawing took fourth place according to the audience. However, a lot can be said about the quality of voting. In the FAQ section, the organizers themselves admit that the voting results were “inflated” and then reset by the administration. So looking at the “popular vote” rating is largely pointless. But the fact that only four participants voted for all three winners according to the jury, while the number of votes in the “top” of the popular vote exceeded several thousand is, to put it mildly, puzzling. The rules of the “popular vote” were clearly not thought out by the organizers and provided scope for abuse.

An event aimed at attracting public attention and raising the level of awareness of children and youth about the problem of safety when using the Internet, as well as to identify and support talented children in the field of computer technology.

Dear participants of the creative competition.

The evaluation of competition entries has been completed.

Competitive works that won prizes based on the evaluation results

Nomination "Video"

Average Score

Title of the competition work

Participant age (years)

Competition entry

Anxious night

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 s. Yumaguzino, 3A class

Safe communication on the Internet

Republic of Bashkortostan, Kumertau, MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 named after. N.T. Antoshkina, 5A class

"Dangerous communications!"

Duvansky district, village Voznesenka, MBOU secondary school village. Voznesenki, 3rd grade

We will make the Internet safer

MAOU Bashkir boarding school in Belebey, Republic of Belarus, grade 5a

The Internet is great! And... dangerous!

Ufa MBOU "Lyceum No. 21"

Safe Internet

MOBU secondary school No. 6 named after. M.A. Kinyashova, Blagoveshchensk RB, 5A

Sea of ​​whales

With. Verkhneyarkeyevo, MBOU Gymnasium No. 1, grade 11B

MBOU secondary school in the village of Tashtimerovo, Abzelilovsky district

Safe Internet through the eyes of children

Republic of Bashkortostan, urban district Kumertau, MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 named after. N.T. Antoshkina, class 10 B

Nomination "Poster"

Average Score

Title of the competition work

Participant age (years)

City and educational organization

Competition entry

Safe Internet Rules

MBOU "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 9" urban district Oktyabrsky city of the Republic of Bashkortostan, class 3B

Safe Internet

Belebey, MAOU secondary school 1, 3G class

Safe Internet through the eyes of children

Agidel, MAOU Secondary School No. 2 4B

Dangers of the Internet

Ufa, MAOU "Lyceum No. 155", 6B

We are for a safe Internet

Ufa, MBOU gymnasium No. 105, 5B


Virus protection

Dyurtyuli, MBOU Bashkir Gymnasium named after. Nazara Najmi, 10A class

Safe Internet through the eyes of children

Ufa, GAPOU Ufa College of Entrepreneurship, Ecology and Design, 1st year

Safe use of the Internet

Nomination "Story"

Average Score

Title of the competition work

Participant age (years)

City and educational organization

Competition entry

Message from a stranger

MBOU "UGBG No. 20 named after F.Kh. Mustafina" 5B

A story about a girl and the Internet

MOBU secondary school No. 1, Baymak

City Ufa MBOU School No. 118, grade 1A

Frightening communication

RB, Belebeevsky district, village of Glukhovskogo sanatorium, MAOU OOSH village. Glukhovsky sanatorium, 5th grade

Rule 1

Never reveal your personal information. It happens that the site requires you to enter your name. In this case it is simply necessary
come up with a pseudonym (another name). Never fill out the lines where you need to enter your personal information: address, last name, date of birth, telephone number, last names and first names of friends, because everyone can view their coordinates. And this is quite enough to find out about your family and your level of well-being. Thieves and scammers can take advantage of this not only in the virtual world, but also real life.

Rule 2

If you suddenly want to meet an “Internet friend” in real life, be sure to tell your parents about it. Doesn't always happen
so that “friends” on the Internet are familiar to us in real life. And if suddenly your new friend invites you to meet, consult with your parents. On the Internet, a person may not be at all who he claims to be, and in the end, a supposedly twelve-year-old girl turns out to be a forty-year-old man who can offend you.

Rule 3

Try to visit only those Internet pages that your parents advise you to do. They are adults and know better what is good and what is bad. And, besides, they love us very much and will never give bad advice. We often want adulthood and independence. Don't be stubborn!

Rule 4

On the Internet, you may find yourself on harmful pages with content that is not at all childish. Tell your parents about it if something worries or confuses you. Almost any “click” on an interesting, necessary or useful link can lead to a transition to a site offering to download and view “adult pages” for free.

Rule 5

Never send SMS to obtain information from the Internet without the knowledge of adults. Sometimes a window pops up - very bright, even blinking, with approximately the following words: “Only today - unique chance- participate and win!” Tempting, isn't it? You click on it and here is a message: “In order to take part in the draw, you need to send an SMS!” Stop! Under no circumstances do this without the knowledge of adults, because they could be scammers. And one seemingly harmless SMS can cost you a lot of money.

Don't forget that the Internet is not the main hobby in life. In addition to this, you should have your favorite books, sports and walks with friends in the fresh air!

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