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Side numbers of minesweepers of project 266 m. Mine protection system

Project 266-M minesweepers

Project 266-M minesweepers
Minesweepers of Project 266-M "Aquamarine" type "Vice Admiral Zhukov" / Natya class minesweeper
A country
Manufacturers Design Bureau of the Baltic Plant
Operators USSR Navy
Years of construction
In service partially operational
Main characteristics
Displacement 745 t (standard)
800 t (full)
Length 61 m
Width 10.2 m
Draft 2.97 m
Engines diesel engines M-503B-37, two diesel generators DGRA-200/1500, diesel generator DGRA-100/1500
Power 5000 hp (from diesel engines), 500 kW from generators
Travel speed 16.5 knots
Cruising range 1500 nautical miles (12 knots)
Sailing autonomy 10 days
Crew 68 (6 officers, 8 midshipmen)
Radar weapons
  • General detection radar MR-302 "Rubka"
  • 2 x Don-D navigation radar
  • State identification equipment "Nichrom-R"
  • Mine detection sonar MG-69 “Lan” and “Mezen”
  • GAS underwater communication MG-26 "Khosta"
Electronic weapons Fire control system MR-104 “Lynx”
Artillery 2 x 2 30 mm AK-230 M, 2 x 2 25 mm 2M-3M, 2 x 12.7 mm DShK
Missile weapons 2 x 4 SAM 9K32 "Strela-2" (16 anti-aircraft missiles 9M32)
Anti-submarine weapons 2 x 5 RBU-1200 M "Hurricane" (68 RGB-12)
Mine and torpedo weapons 32 BB-1 or 7 min KMD-1000
Anti-mine weapons:
  • Mine seeker-destroyer KIU-1
  • High-speed contact trawl BKT
  • Electromagnetic trawl TEM-4
  • Acoustic trawl AT-3

Basic fighting qualities


The case is made of low-magnetic steel and light alloys, and its parts are protected by a special dielectric coating. Sound-emitting mechanisms are also installed on special shock absorbers, the foundations are covered with a damping rubber coating, and the pipelines have flexible inserts. The ship itself is also equipped with anti-nuclear and anti-chemical protection, and it has an air conditioning system for living quarters.


The power plant has an echelon structure. The power plant includes two light high-speed diesel engines, which are equipped with remote self-adjusting pneumatic control, and three diesel generators. Deck mechanisms are equipped with hydraulic drives. The ship's seaworthiness is not limited; the use of weapons is possible in sea conditions of up to 4 points. The slip device in the stern mechanized the installation and removal of trawls, and in order to reduce the acoustic field of the ship, its main engines were installed on vibration-damping longitudinal beams, and large-diameter propellers with low-noise blades were placed in noise-reducing nozzles.


The operation of the main systems and most technical means is automated. The minesweepers are equipped with a deep-sea trawl with new control equipment, a trawl for destroying active mines, a three-channel broadband towed television and integrated mine seeker-destroyers, as well as a more advanced Mezen hydroacoustic system, which ensures the detection of bottom mines. The equipment also includes a demagnetization device with general ship and local windings and automatic control, which compensates for the fields of the ship, large mechanisms and eddy currents in the hull during rolling.

To protect against enemy ships, minesweepers were equipped with AK-230M and 2M-3M automatic guns, as well as DShK machine guns. For air defense, MANPADS of the Strela-3 and Igla type with corresponding missiles were supplied, which led to an increase in the length and total displacement of the modernized ship. To detect floating mines in the daytime and at night, there is special electro-optical equipment.


The lead ship "Semyon Roshal" entered service with the Navy in 1970, and until 1978, a total of 31 ships were built according to this project. Subsequently, a special modification was developed under the code number 266-ME. The good performance of modernized sea minesweepers attracted the attention of a number of foreign customers, who decided to purchase them, subject to taking into account some national characteristics of their use. So, thanks to this, minesweepers were in the navies of Syria, Yemen, Libya and India.


Displacement, t:
standard: 745
full: 800
Dimensions, m:
length: 61
width: 10.2
draft: 2.97
Full speed, knots: 16.5
Cruising range: 1500 miles (12 kts)
Autonomy, days: 10
Power plant: 2x2500 hp, M-503B-37 diesels, 2 CV propellers in nozzles, 2 DGRA-200/1500 200 kW diesel generators, 1 DGRA-100/1500 100 kW diesel generator
2x4 9K32 Strela-2 air defense missile launchers (16 9M32 missiles);
2x2 30 mm AK-230M - 2000 rounds;
2x2 25 mm 2M-3M - 2000 rounds;
2x1 12.7 mm DShK - on the Scout;
2x5 RBU-1200M "Uragan" (68 RGB-12)
32 BB-1 or 7 min KMD-1000;
Mine finder-destroyer KIU-1, high-speed contact trawl BKT, electromagnetic trawl TEM-4, acoustic trawl AT-3, cord charges ShZ-1 or ShZ-2;
Crew, people: 68 (6 officers, 8 midshipmen)

"Chernigov" U310(until 08/05/1997 "Anti-Gunner"; until 06/14/2004 "Zhovty Voda"):
The project 266M sea minesweeper "Zenitchik" was built in the village of Pontony on Sredne-Nevsky shipyard(serial number 928), entered service on September 10, 1974, became part of Black Sea Fleet.
From 1977 to 1988, the ship repeatedly participated in military service in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and Atlantic.
08/05/1997 "Zenitchik" was included in the Naval Forces of Ukraine, received a new name "Yellow Waters" in honor of the Ukrainian city of the same name, with the assignment of the hull number "U310". On June 18, 2004, the ship was renamed Chernigov.

The ship was based in the village of Novoozernoye (Lake Donuzlav).
On March 24, 2014, the flag of the Ukrainian Navy was lowered on the ship, and the flag of the Russian Navy was raised.

"Cherkasy" U311(until 07/25/1997 Scout)
The sea minesweeper "Razvedchik" was built at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard in Leningrad (plant number 950) in 1976.
The ship repeatedly participated in military service in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and Atlantic. Thus, during the period January-August 1990, the Razvedchik MTSH repeatedly carried out combat trawling of mine-prone areas of the Red Sea. Carried out 29 trawl escorts and escorted civil vessels in the Red Sea, a total of 52 vessels. Of these, 11 convoys were carried out under rocket fire from islands occupied by the Eritreans.
On May 14, 1990, in the Red Sea, the tanker International, which was escorted by the Razvedchik MTSH, was attacked by 4 boats equipped with 106-mm recoilless rifles. The minesweeper's sailors opened barrage fire - the stern gun mount, small anti-aircraft artillery and two heavy-caliber DShK machine guns (model 1943) mounted on the rear side of the bridge fired. In addition, machine gunners from the fire countermeasures group entered the battle. Hydroacoustic sergeant major 2nd class Igor Shvets, who fired from a DShK, was wounded in the leg. One boat was blown up by the fire of Petty Officer 1st Article Alexander Nevzrachny. The battle lasted from 4.48 to 4.56, a total of 8 minutes. During this time, the minesweeper used up four and a half of the six tons of ammunition on board.
Based on the results of military service, 17 members of the ship's crew were awarded orders and medals, and the ship itself was awarded the USSR Ministry of Defense Pennant "For Courage".
07/25/1997 "Reconnaissance" was included in the Ukrainian Naval Forces, received a new name "Cherkasy" in honor of the Ukrainian city of the same name, with the assignment of the tail number "U311".
The ship has repeatedly taken part in various international exercises, as well as in gathering cruises of Ukrainian Navy ships.
In March 2014, the Cherkasy TSCH was blocked on the lake. Donuzlav with some other ships of the Ukrainian Navy, ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The offer to surrender was refused. After several days in Donuzlav, the crew decided to storm the sea and leave for Odessa. But it was not possible to do this because... the fairway was blocked by THREE sunken ships, the crew tried to pull one of them away and thereby free the passage, but he failed. The sea minesweeper "Cherkasy" after an attempt to escape from Lake Donuzlav took up defensive positions and remains faithful to its oath.
The commander of the Cherkasy TSC, Captain 3rd Rank Yuri Fedash, will tell you what happened next:
"...At 9 am on March 24, 2014, the ultimatum set by the Russian military expired. The ships "Konstantin Olshansky", "Kirovograd", "Chernigov" went to the quay wall on the orders of the brigade commander. "Cherkassy" refused to carry out such an order ". After this, the command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs removed the brigade commander, and the ships temporarily stopped, and the Konstantin Olshansky moved away from the pier and anchored. However, three hours later, the sea minesweeper Chernigov still went to the pier to hand over the ship . It was followed by the medium landing ship "Kirovograd" - "they did not see the support of the country, the state," the commander of the minesweeper "Cherkassy" later said.
After that, we (continued the commander of the TSC Yuri Fedash), the sea minesweeper "Cherkassy" to the songs "Our proud Varangian does not surrender to the enemy" went to the exit from Lake Donuzlav and tried to pull away one ship in order to free up an exit for ourselves. Since there was not enough power, the ends began to tear, but for about an hour we pulled the ship back. We asked for help from the sea minesweeper "Chernigov" so that we could hold off together, but we were refused."
The situation was escalating every minute, we did not pay attention to it, it did not frighten us. After it was no longer possible to do anything, the ship gave up the ends to avoid running aground. We went to take up defensive positions, anchored and are holding a perimeter defense with the large landing ship Konstantin Olshansky,” Fedash said. He also said that on Friday morning, 2 officers, one midshipman and 9 personnel left the ship and wrote a report on their dismissal. The ship and its crew remain, but not at full strength, but we continue to hold the line. “We are not going to give up. Every crew member said that he did not want to take part in such a shame as surrender...”

On March 25, 2014, after a two-hour assault, the minesweeper "Cherkasy" was captured; it remained the LAST ship of the Ukrainian Navy in Crimea.
Senior miner of the artillery mine-torpedo warhead, senior sailor of the Cherkassy ship Alexander Gutnik, tells how the ship was captured.
"...The pursuit of the sea minesweeper "Cherkassy" by two high-speed boats has begun Russian Federation", he said.
“So far, the sea minesweeper Cherkassy is evading the attackers by maneuvering,” he added.
As of 18:50, the assault on Cherkassy began with the help of two Mi-35 helicopters and three speed boats. “The personnel inside are battened down,” Gutnik added.
According to the head of the media center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in Crimea, Vladislav Seleznev, the Kovel tugboat is heading towards Cherkasy. According to some information, explosions and shots were heard.
As of 19:18, the seizure continues. “They drove us in and attached an explosive on board,” Gutnik said.
“As of 19:40, the ship’s main rudder control post was out of order,” Gutnik said.
Answering the question whether this happened because of the explosion, he said: “Yes.”
“The Cherkassy ship moved to the emergency steering position,” he added.
As of 20:00, shots and explosions were heard, reports an eyewitness located on the banks of Donuzlav.
"Cherkassy" is the only ship that remains in Crimea with the Ukrainian flag.
As of 20:17, the assault has been going on for more than two hours.
As of 20:30, according to Seleznev, citing an eyewitness who is located on the shore of Donuzlav, the Kovel tugboat is pulling the Cherkasy sea minesweeper towards the 5th military camp. The smell of smoke hangs over the lake. Gutnik's phone doesn't answer.
As of January 21, we managed to contact Gutnik. “That’s it. We were captured. None of the crew members were hurt. We weren’t beaten, everything is fine,” said Gutnik...”

Thus, the Ukrainian Naval Forces in Crimea ceased to exist.

Photo album:
1 - TSH "Chernigov":

2 - TSH "Cherkassy":






On December 25, 2015, the sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" went to sea from Sevastopol for sea trials.
The Navodchik sea minesweeper was built at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard (plant No. 929) in 1973. The naval flag on the ship was raised on November 21, 1974. It became part of the Black Sea Fleet.
Since July 1982, the ship received the name “Kursk Komsomolets”.
The sea minesweeper participated in the protection of Soviet fishing vessels in fishing areas in the Atlantic off the coast of West Africa, and also solved the problems of mine countermeasures for Soviet shipping in the Persian Gulf in conditions when the Iran-Iraq war continued. During its first trip to the Persian Gulf in 1987 (196 days), the minesweeper Kursk Komsomolets conducted 16 convoys (27 Soviet ships) through mine-prone areas, covering 17,900 miles. And in 1988, he guided 32 tankers and vehicles through mine-prone areas of the Persian Gulf. 14 crew members of this ship were awarded orders and medals.
After the breakup Soviet Union On February 15, 1992, the minesweeper was returned to its original name. And on July 25, 1999, the sea minesweeper received its new name - “Kovrovets”.
The minesweeper was part of the 418th minesweeper division of the 68th brigade of OVR ships based in the South Bay of Sevastopol.
From 2006 to 2007 underwent repairs at the shipyard in Streletskaya Bay (Sevastopol).
Currently, it is part of the 149th tactical group of anti-submarine ships of the 68th brigade of OVR ships.
VTS "BASTION", 01/10/2016

Designed at TsKB-363 (later Western Design Bureau, which became part of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsMKB (Almaz)) under the leadership of chief designer N.P. Pegova. These ships were the first domestic sea minesweepers that had minimal physical fields of their own. Minesweepers were intended to guide ships and vessels behind trawls, reconnaissance and control trawling, laying fairways in minefields, and participating in mine laying in the far zone from their bases.

The ship's hull was made of low-magnetic steel grade 45G17Yu3, assembled using a longitudinal system, and had an extended forecastle and a second bottom. The foundations of the main engines, many mechanisms, weapons, devices and equipment of the ship were also made in a low-magnetic design. Doors, hatches and their coamings, ladders, railings, numerous fenders, etc. were made of light aluminum-magnesium alloys (AMG). To reduce the acoustic field of the ship, the following were used: sound insulation using shock absorbers, covering the foundations of the main mechanisms and engine room bulkheads with a vibration-damping rubber coating, sound-insulating flexible inserts in pipelines, systems and points of connection to mechanisms (in particular, the shaft line to the power take-off flange of the main engine), the use of low-noise large-diameter adjustable-pitch propellers with relatively high rotation speeds. For the first time in domestic practice, special measures were envisaged to reduce low-frequency electromagnetic and electric (dielectric coatings of equipment in contact with sea water, electrical insulation of sea-bottom fittings, shaft lines from the hull, etc.) fields. The ship was equipped with anti-nuclear and anti-chemical protection. The ship's control instruments were placed in the conning tower and on the open navigation bridge. For setting and hauling trawls, two trawl cranes, a 3-drum winch and a fairlead were provided.
Unsinkability was ensured by dividing the hull into 9 compartments by waterproof bulkheads:

  1. Spire, artillery ammunition cellar, spare parts storeroom, bilge compartment (frames 5-13);
  2. Corridor No. 1, officer's cabins, latrine, officer's shower room, aggregate medicinal station, dry provisions pantry, refrigeration vehicle room and reefer chamber (frame 13-22);
  3. Corridor No. 2, cockpit No. 1, officer's cabins, wardroom, foremen's cabins, fender shaft, hydroacoustic compartment, gyropost (frame 22 - 36);
  4. Personnel canteen, dishwasher, bow engine room (36 - 51 frames);
  5. Corridor No. 3, PEJ, galley, aft engine room, personnel locker room, personnel shower, latrine, washbasin (frames 51 - 66);
  6. View room, cockpit No. 2, control propeller compartment (frame 66 - 78);
  7. Mine storeroom, mine-sweeping ammunition enclosure, wet provisions storeroom, hydraulic unit room (frame 78 - 85);
  8. Tiller compartment (85 - 100 frames);
The ship remained afloat when any two adjacent compartments were flooded while maintaining a positive initial metacentric height.

The steering machine was hydraulic with the Albatross control system, provided for simple, follow-up and automatic modes control with one rudder feather.

The deck mechanisms (winch, view, beam cranes) had hydraulic drives, which, along with ensuring a decrease in the level of the ship’s physical fields, made it possible to obtain mechanisms with a large range of smooth speed control. Oil was supplied to the hydraulic system of the deck mechanisms from three pumping units.

Life-saving equipment included one six-oared yawl, six life rafts of the PSN-10 type (for 10 people each), life buoys and individual life jackets.

The power plant is mechanical, two-shaft, with two M503B diesel gear units with a power of 2500 hp each. each at a rotation speed of 1780 rpm, located one in the bow and one in the aft engine rooms (MO). The engine life before the first overhaul was 3,500-4,000 hours, and the full life was up to 10,000 hours. The units provided forward, reverse and idle speed, transmitting rotation to two adjustable pitch screws of the VR-266 type. The propeller pitch was changed by a hydraulic system. Provision was made for remote control of units and propeller propellers from engine control posts and from the main gearbox. The full speed of the minesweeper was 16 knots and up to 14 knots with one trawl. An auxiliary boiler provided steam for household needs.

The three-phase alternating current electrical power system with a voltage of 380 V and a frequency of 50 Hz received power from two DG-200 diesel generators with a power of 200 kW each, located one in the bow and one in the aft engine room (MO). The minesweeper had one diesel generator DG-100 with a power of 100 kW.

The ships' armament consisted of:

  1. Of 2 bomb releasers in the stern and 36 depth charges BB-1. Total weight the large depth charge was 165 kg, and the weight of TNT was 135 kg with a length of 712 mm and a diameter of 430 mm. The immersion speed reached 2.5 m/s, and the damage radius ranged from 8 to 20 meters. The bomb provided an explosion depth setting from 10 to 210 meters.
  2. From 1 electromagnetic trawl TEM-2, for the destruction of magnetic and induction non-contact mines. A trawl with a large radius of action was used at trawling speeds of up to 14 knots and sea waves of up to 4 points. Electromagnetic trawl control devices could provide any form of tension magnetic field and synchronous operation with an acoustic trawl.
  3. From 1 acoustic trawl AT-3 for the destruction of acoustic bottom mines. It was an acoustic emitter mounted in a deepening device. A trawl with a wide range of action is used when the sea state is up to 4 points. The trawl towing speed ranges from 9 to 14 knots.

  4. For setting and hauling trawls, two trawl cranes, a 3-drum winch, a fairlead and a trawl view are provided.

The fire control system of the universal 30-mm artillery consisted of:

  • From the artillery fire control device (FACD) MR-104 "Lynx" which included:
    • automatic firing machine (calculating and solving device), which, based on incoming data from the tracking radar MR-104 "Lynx", provided vertical and horizontal aiming angles for the bow and stern installations of 30 mm caliber.
  • Equipment for selection of moving targets and noise protection.
  • The target was detected and tracked by the MR-104 Lynx firing radar.
The MR-104 Lynx tracking radar of the decimeter wave range made it possible to determine the range and track air, surface and coastal targets to control the fire of 30-mm caliber machine guns. The radar automatically tracked air targets at speeds of up to 300 m/s at a range of up to 26 km, and surface targets like torpedo boat up to 4 km.

The ships were equipped with the Don navigation radar, Nichrome state identification equipment, MG-69 Lan sonar, Khmel infrared night vision equipment, ME-5 electro-optical night vision equipment (Trombone), a demagnetization device (DE) and smoke MDS checkers.

The "Don" navigation radar of the 3-centimeter wave range was intended to illuminate the navigation situation and solve navigation problems and made it possible to determine the range to a cruiser-type target of up to 25 km and to an air target of up to 50 km with an all-round view. The radar antenna post is located on the tops of the masts; the antenna rotation frequency is 11-16 rpm. The indicator uses a CRT with a screen diameter of 310 mm. The station is activated from a completely switched off state in 5 minutes.

The state identification system is represented by two RAS - the interrogator “Nickel” with device 082 and the transponder “Chrome”. RAS "Nichrome" allows you to identify surface and air targets to determine their belonging to your armed forces. Two antennas are located on the mast.

Infrared night vision equipment "Khmel" made it possible to carry out covert communication in the dark, with ships completely darkened, as well as to observe and find direction of infrared lights. The continuous operation time of the device was 20 hours, the direction finding range was up to 3.7 km, and the distance determination was up to 750 meters. The system operated from a 27 V DC network.

The lead minesweeper MT-86 entered service Pacific Fleet in 1963.

Tactical and technical data of project 266 Displacement: standard 520 tons, full 560 tons Maximum length: 52.1 meters
Maximum width: 9.4 meters
Width along the vertical line: 9.3 meters
Hull draft: 2.65 meters
Power point: 2 DRA M-503B 2500 hp each, 2 RSh propellers, 1 rudder
Electric power

1 DG-100 per 100 kW
Travel speed:
Cruising range: 1500 miles at 12 knots
Seaworthiness: not limited
Autonomy: 7 days
Weapons: .
artillery: 2x2 30-mm AK-230 assault rifles from the MP-104 "Lynx" radar
anti-submarine: 2 bomb releasers, 36 BB-1 bombs
mine action: 1 contact trawl BKT, 1 acoustic trawl AT-1, 1 RU,
1 electromagnetic trawl TEM-2, cord charges ShZ-2
sonar: 1 GASM MG-69 "Lan"
radio engineering:
state identification "Nichrome"
1 gyrocompass, 1 radio direction finder ARP-50R

Crew: 56 people (6 officers)
    The guideline service life of Project 266 ships is 20 years.
    Time between repairs (current / average) - 3.5 years / 7.5 years;
    The interdocking period is 1.5 years.

The total number of minesweepers built from 1963 to 1971 was 41 units.

    Sea minesweepers project 266M "Aquamarine"
- this is a modernized version with the ability to search and destroy bottom mines, a modified hull, radio engineering, mine action and artillery weapons. Chief designer of the project T.D. Pokhodun, then N.P. Pegov, chief observer from the Navy, captain 2nd rank V.T. Kuzmin.

The ship's hull received changes in the contours and configuration of the stern. The stern was made of a slip type, equipped with rotating rollers and a rotating frame, which made it possible to more mechanize the installation and removal of trawls, as well as ensure greater safety for the trawl crew when working with trawls. The lines of the superstructure have changed, with the advent of a longitudinally located false pipe appearance has become more attractive and aesthetically pleasing. The propellers were placed in guide nozzles rigidly connected to the ship's hull, which led to a decrease in the level of the acoustic field. The attachments gave additional emphasis to the propellers, and the deterioration in controllability (especially in reverse) was fully compensated by the installation of two rudders. In addition, to reduce the level of the acoustic field, an air supply was provided to the nozzles (noise reduction system (OSH)) and the installation of counter-propellers on the propeller hubs.
Unsinkability was ensured by dividing the hull into 11 compartments by waterproof bulkheads:

  1. Forepeak, chain box, paint store (0-5 frames);
  2. Shpilevaya, artillery ammunition cellar, spare parts storeroom No. 1, electromechanical storeroom (5-12 frames);
  3. Corridor No. 1, officer's cabins, latrine, officer's shower room, aggregate medicinal station, dry provisions pantry, refrigerated vehicle room and reefer chamber (12-20 frame);
  4. Corridor No. 2, cockpit No. 1, officer's cabins, wardroom, foremen's cabins, fender shaft, hydroacoustic compartment, spare parts room No. 2, utility block (20 - 35 frames);
  5. Corridor No. 3, midshipmen's cabin, cockpit No. 2, gyropost (frame 35 - 43);
  6. Personnel canteen, dishwasher, arsenal, bow engine room (43 - 57 frames);
  7. Corridor No. 4, PEZH, galley, auxiliary machinery compartment (frames 57 - 63);
  8. Corridor No. 5, personnel locker room, personnel shower, latrine, washbasin, laundry, bathhouse, duty room, aft engine room (frame 63 - 78);
  9. View room, cockpit No. 3, control propeller compartment (frame 78 - 90);
  10. Mine storeroom, mine-sweeping ammunition enclosure, wet provisions storeroom, hydraulic unit room (frame 90 - 102);
  11. Tiller compartment (frame 102 - 112).
According to calculations, the ship was supposed to remain afloat if any two adjacent compartments were flooded, provided that the compartments adjacent to the flooded ones were kept “dry”. In this case, the stability of the ship will always be positive (h > 0), the freeboard height will be at least 0.4 m (Hnad.b. > 0.4 m).

Deck mechanisms (winch, view, beam cranes) had hydraulic drives. Instead of conventional davits, gravity davits with an LGSh-2 hydraulic winch were installed, which ensured fast and smooth lowering of the boat.

The steering gear was hydraulic with the Dolphin control system and provided for simple, tracking and remote-automatic control modes for two rudders. It was planned to install computing device(MVU) to solve problems of navigation and tactical maneuvering associated with the autopilot and allowing maneuvering, in particular divergence from ships, in automatic mode.

The power plant is mechanical, two-shaft, with two M503B diesel gear units with a power of 2500 hp each. and two-stage shock absorption at a rotation speed of 1780 rpm, located one in the bow and one in the aft engine room (MO). The engine life before the first overhaul was 3,500-4,000 hours, and the full life was up to 10,000 hours. The units provided forward, reverse and idle speed, transmitting rotation to two adjustable pitch propellers of the VR-266K type. The propeller pitch was changed by a hydraulic system. Provided for remote separate control of units and CV propellers from the bow and stern control posts of engines and CV propellers with main gearbox, as well as shared management units and control propellers according to a special program for combining engine speed and pitch position of the control propeller (with one handle), using a new electro-pneumatic system remotely automatic control Main thruster and propeller propeller "Dolphin". The full speed of the minesweeper was 17 knots and up to 14 knots with one trawl. The auxiliary boiler provided steam for household needs and, using refrigeration machines, provided year-round air conditioning for residential, office premises and combat posts. The ventilation system included air coolers and air heaters, which were supplied with cold from refrigeration machines in the summer and steam from the auxiliary boiler unit in the winter.

The ships' armament consisted of:

  1. Of 2 twin 30-mm AK-230 assault rifles with a barrel length of 71.3 calibers, located one on the tank and one in the stern. The installations were used to destroy boats, air and low-flying targets, as well as to destroy detected mines. The rate of fire of the installation was 1000 rounds/min. on the trunk. The vertical guidance angle is from -12 to +87°, and the horizontal guidance is up to 180°. The initial projectile speed is 1060 m/s, the firing range is up to 5 km. The machine guns are powered by a belt, each barrel contains 500 rounds of ammunition. Firing is carried out in bursts of up to 100 shots per barrel, after which cooling is required for 15-20 minutes. Shooting is allowed until the ammunition is used up (500 rounds) with breaks every 100 shots for 15-20 seconds. After this, the barrel needs to be replaced and the machine repaired. The crew of the gun included 2 people. The machines had a system remote control from PUAO "Lynx" with the tracking radar MR-104 "Lynx" and from two local sighting posts "Kolonka". Installation weight 1,926 kg.
  2. Of 2 twin turret 25-mm machine guns 2M-3M with a long barrel of 79 calibers, located on the side in the middle part of the hull. The barrels are cooled by air when firing. When replacing magazines, water was supplied to the barrels through a hose with a nozzle from the breech for cooling. Cooling time with water is at least 15 seconds. The sighting device of the installation consisted of a mechanical ring sight mounted on a parallelogram mechanism. It provided firing at air and surface targets. The machine guns were loaded by belt; a belt of 65 rounds was placed in a round magazine. The rate of fire of the installation was 480 rounds/min. on the trunk. The vertical guidance angle is from -10 to +85°, and the horizontal guidance is up to 120°. The initial projectile speed is 850 m/s, the firing range is up to 3 km. The crew of the gun included 2 people. Installation weight 1,500 kg. The machines had a manual control system.
  3. From mine rails and 10 KB-3 anchor mines into overload. The large ship mine with a galvanic impact fuse weighed 1065 kg, and the charge weight was 230 kg. The depth of the deployment site ranged from 12 to 263 meters, the minimum mine interval was 35 meters, the highest speed during deployment was 24 knots with a side height of 4.6 meters. The time to reach the combat position was 10-20 minutes, the accuracy of installation at a given recess was 0.6 meters, the explosion delay was 0.3 seconds.
  4. From 1 set of high-speed contact trawl BKT, located in the stern. A single contact trawl with cutting action had a working width of up to 420 m, a depth of up to 160 m, a towing speed of up to 14 knots with sea waves of up to 4 points.
  5. From 1 electromagnetic trawl TEM-4, for the destruction of magnetic and induction non-contact mines. A deep-sea trawl with a large radius of action was used at trawling speeds of up to 14 knots and sea waves of up to 4 points. The PAUT-4E automatic trawl control device could provide any form of magnetic field strength and synchronous operation with an acoustic trawl.
  6. From 1 acoustic trawl AT-3 for the destruction of acoustic bottom mines. It was an acoustic emitter mounted in a deepening device. A trawl with a wide range of action is used when the sea state is up to 4 points. The trawl towing speed ranges from 9 to 14 knots. The PAUT-4A automatic trawl control device provided any types of acoustic radiation and synchronous operation with an electromagnetic trawl.
  7. 4 sets of cord charges (ShZ-200) 200 meters long are designed to create safe passages in minefields by destroying or rendering bottom and near-bottom mines out of combat readiness and provide marking of the axis of safe passage with acoustic marker buoys or minesweepers. ShZ is used at depths from 5 to 100 meters with a towing speed of up to 6 knots.
    For setting and hauling trawls, there are two trawl cranes, a 3-drum winch, a slip with rollers and a frame and a trawl view.

The ships were equipped with the Don navigation radar, Nichrome state identification equipment, MG-69 Lan anchor mine detection sonar, MG-79 Mezen bottom mine mine detection sonar, MG-29 Khosta sound underwater communication sonar, demagnetizing device (RU) ) and MDS smoke bombs.

The Don navigation radar of the 3-centimeter wave range was intended to illuminate the navigation situation and solve navigation problems and made it possible to determine the range to a cruiser-type target of up to 25 km and to an air target of up to 50 km in a circular view. The radar antenna post is located on the tops of the masts.

GASM MG-69 "Lan" was intended to search, detect and determine the coordinates of anchor mines ahead along the ship's course. The station provided simultaneously; viewing sector 30° in the horizontal plane and circular 180° search for anchor mines. Detection of mines occurred at a range of up to 800-1000 meters, and classification (mine-like, not mine-like) and determination of coordinates at a range of up to 200 meters. The error in determining the coordinates was 2° according to the heading angle, and 4 meters according to the calculated distance. The ship's search speed is up to 6 knots with sea waves up to 4 points.

The MG-29 “Khosta” underwater sound communication system provides identification and determination of the distance to submarines, as well as communication with them underwater in telegraph and telephone modes.

The reactor was intended to protect against non-contact bottom magnetic and induction mines and provided compensation for all components of the ship’s magnetic field. RU with system automatic regulation consisted of three general ship windings - the main horizontal (OSHT), course frame (KS) and course buttock (KB) and three local windings for the main largest mechanisms (OSHT, KB, KSh on the main engines, diesel generators and auxiliary boiler unit, capstan electric motor ). In addition, eddy demagnetization was provided with an automatic control system to compensate for the magnetic fields of eddy currents arising in the ship's hull during roll, with the main vortex winding - OV, buttox vortex windings - BV.

The MDSh marine smoke bomb was intended for ships that did not have stationary smoke equipment. A solid smoke mixture based on ammonia and anthracene is used as a smoke generator in the bomb. With a length of 487 mm and a weight of 40-45 kg, its operating time is eight minutes, and the created smoke screen reaches 350 meters in length and 17 meters in height.

Minesweepers were built at the Sredne-Nevsky plant No. 363 in the village. Pontoon and at plant No. 876 in Khabarovsk.

The lead minesweeper "Semyon Roshal" entered service with the fleet in 1970.

Tactical and technical data of project 266M Displacement: standard 700 tons, full 790 tons Maximum length: 61 meters
Maximum width: 10.2 meters
Width along the vertical line: 10 meters
Hull draft: 2.98 meters
Power point:
Electric power
2 diesel generators DG-200, 200 kW each,
1 DG-100 per 100 kW
Travel speed: full 17 knots, economic 12 knots
Cruising range: 2700 miles at 12 knots
Seaworthiness: not limited
Autonomy: 10 days
Weapons: .
artillery: 2x2 30-mm AK-230 assault rifles from the MP-104 "Lynx" radar,
2x2 25-mm machine gun 2M-3M with manual control
mine: 10 KB-3 anchor mines and mine rails
mine action: 1 contact trawl BKT, 1 acoustic trawl AT-3, 1 RU,
1 electromagnetic trawl TEM-4, cord charges ShZ-2
GAS underwater communication MG-26 "Khosta"
radio engineering: infrared night vision device "Khmel", equipment
state identification "Nichrome"
electro-optical night vision device ME5 "Trombone"
navigation: 1 Don navigation radar, 2 UKP-M 127 mm magnetic compasses,
1 gyrocompass, 1 radio direction finder ARP-50R, MGL log – 25,
computing device MVU-2, echo sounder NEL – 10
chemical: VPKhR chemical reconnaissance device, 4 MDSh smoke bombs,
radiation monitoring devices DP-62, chemical kits
KZI-2, emergency batch of gas masks IP-46.
Crew: 68 people (6 officers, 8 midshipmen)

During the construction of the ships, changes and improvements were made to the project. So, starting in 1974, instead of crane beams of the KBG-2 type, “folding crane beams” of the KBG-5 type began to be installed on the ships of the project, which gave an even more aesthetic appearance to the ship. Changes were also made to the controllable pitch propeller by installing blocking valves of the hydraulic system on the oil inlets of the control propeller, which make it possible to keep the control propeller blades in the position of a given pitch in the event of a drop in oil pressure in the system (when the ship loses power, failure of the control propeller pump, loss of oil). This also made it possible to deactivate the control propeller pumps at constant speed conditions in order to save their resource. On ships of the project that do not have such devices, in cases of power failure, failure of the CV propeller pump, loss of oil on the move and during moorings, the CV propeller blades became in the full reverse position, creating in narrow areas there are prerequisites for navigational accidents (landing on piers and ships, groundings).

  • The guideline service life of Project 266M ships is 20 years.
  • The standard service life of Project 266M ships is 16 years.
  • Time between repairs (current / average) - 3.5 years / 7.5 years;
  • The interdocking period is 1.5 years.

The total number of minesweepers built from 1970 to 1978 was 31 units.

    Sea minesweepers project 266ME "Aquamarine"
- this is an export option for deliveries to foreign customers, taking into account operating experience in the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

The ships' armament consisted of:

  1. Of 2 six-barreled 30-mm AK-306M assault rifles with a 54-caliber barrel length, one located on the tank and one in the stern. The rate of fire of the installation was 4000-5000 rounds/min, and the ammunition included 2149 rounds per installation. The vertical guidance angle is from -12 to +88°, and the horizontal guidance is up to 180°. The initial projectile speed is 960 m/s, the firing range is up to 8.1 km. The machine guns are powered by a belt; the 2,000-round belt is located in a round magazine. The crew of the gun includes 2 people. Installation weight 1,918 kg. The machines had a remote control system from the Column control system.
  2. Of 8 sets of MANPADS "Strela-3". As soon as the head of the rocket leaves the launch tube, the rudders open under the action of springs. Then the stabilizers are folded back and the main engine fires at a distance of 5-6 m from the launcher. At the beginning of the operation of the main engine, under the influence of inertial forces, a special inertial stopper is turned off, which prepares the explosive device for arming. At a distance of 80-250 m from the launcher, the second stage of protection is activated - the pyrotechnic fuses completely burn out, and the preparation of the explosive device is completed. In flight, the homing head constantly controls the direction to the target: regardless of the position of the longitudinal axis of the missile, the head monitors the target and adjusts the missile's course until it meets the target. In case of a miss, after 14-17 seconds from the moment of launch, the self-destruct device is activated and the missile is destroyed. The speed of the 9K34 homing anti-aircraft missile is 670 m/s, the firing range is from 500 meters to 4.5 km, the ceiling is from 15 meters to 3 km with a target speed of up to 310 m/s. Control system: passive infrared homing head. Weight (complex): 16 kg.
  3. Of 2 RBU-1200 rocket launchers of 251.7 mm caliber with 5 guides from the Uragan PUSB, placed side by side on the tank near the conning tower. RBU-1200 had launchers stabilized on pitching. The firing range of the RBU-1200 ranged from 400 to 1200 meters and varied due to the elevation angle of the launcher, which could be set from 0 to 51 degrees. The installations did not have horizontal guidance. Propulsion devices are electric drives. The depth of target destruction is up to 350 meters, and the diving speed is up to 6.25 m/s. The weight of the launcher reached 620 kg.
  4. From mine rails and 8 universal bottom mines UDME into overload. A universal bottom mine with a three-channel proximity fuse (acoustic, electromagnetic and hydrodynamic) had a response radius of 30 - 50 m, a minimum mine interval of 35 meters.
  5. From 1 set of deep-sea contact trawl GKT-2, it was located in the stern. A single contact trawl with cutting action had a working width of up to 280 m, a depth of up to 200 m, a towing speed of up to 14 knots with sea waves of up to 4 points.
  6. From 1 electromagnetic trawl TEM-3, for the destruction of magnetic and induction non-contact mines. A deep-sea trawl with a large range and a feeder up to 455 meters long, it was used at trawling speeds of up to 10 knots and sea waves up to 4 points. The Mikron-E trawl control device could provide different forms of magnetic field strength and synchronous operation with an acoustic trawl.
  7. From 1 acoustic trawl AT-2 for the destruction of acoustic bottom mines. It was an acoustic emitter mounted in a deepening device. The trawl is used at trawling speeds of up to 12 knots with sea waves up to 4 points. The Mikron-A trawl control device provided different types acoustic radiation and synchronous operation with an electromagnetic trawl.

  8. For setting and hauling trawls, there are two trawl cranes, a 3-drum winch, a slip with rollers and a frame and a trawl view.

The ships were equipped with the Vaygach navigation radar, the MG-69 Lan anchor mine detection sonar, the MG-79 Mezen bottom mine mine detection sonar, the MG-35E Shtil sound underwater communication sonar, and a demagnetization device (RU).

The Vaygach navigation radar of the 3.2-centimeter wave range was intended to illuminate the surrounding and navigational situation and solve navigation problems. The station had range scales with intervals: 0.5/0.25, 1/0.25, 2/0.5, 4/1, 8/2, 16/4, 32/8, 64/8 and an indicator with a CRT diameter 310 mm. The radar antenna post is located on the mast and has a rotation speed of 19 rpm. The width of the antenna radiation pattern by points (half power (at the level of 0.5) in the horizontal plane is 1 and 0.7°, in the vertical plane 20°. Range resolution is not worse than 20 m.

GASM MG-69 "Lan" was intended to search, detect and determine the coordinates of anchor mines ahead along the ship's course. The station provided simultaneously; viewing sector 30° in the horizontal plane and circular 180° search for anchor mines. Detection of mines occurred at a range of up to 800-1000 meters, and classification (mine-like, not mine-like) and determination of coordinates at a range of up to 200 meters. The error in determining the coordinates was 2° according to the heading angle, and 4 meters according to the calculated distance. The ship's search speed is up to 6 knots with sea waves up to 4 points.

GASM MG-79 "Mezen" was intended to search, detect and determine the coordinates of bottom mines and silted mine-like objects ahead of the ship. The station provided simultaneously; 60° viewing sector in the horizontal plane and 240° circular search for bottom mines. Detection of mines occurred at a range of up to 600 meters, sunken objects - 1000 meters, and classification (mine-like, not mine-like) and determination of coordinates at a distance of up to 180 meters. The error in determining the coordinates was 2° for the heading angle, and 1.5% for the calculated distance. The ship's search speed is up to 6 knots with sea waves up to 4 points.

The MG-35E Shtil underwater sound communication system provides identification and determination of the distance to submarines, as well as communication with them underwater in telegraph and telephone modes. The station has a communication range in telephone and telegraph mode: between surface ships at low frequency (LF) - 16 km, at high frequency (HF) - 10 km, distance measurement - 16 km, between surface ship and submarine at low frequency (LF) - 20 km, at high frequency (HF) - 10 km, distance measurement - 20 km. The speed of information transmission in telephone mode is 40 words/min., and in telegraph mode - 20-30 characters/min. Power consumption in standby mode is 1 kVA, and in radiation mode - 6 kVA. Station weight - 510 kg.

The reactor was intended to protect against non-contact bottom magnetic and induction mines and provided compensation for all components of the ship’s magnetic field. The switchgear with an automatic control system consisted of three general ship windings - the main horizontal winding (OSHT), the course frame winding (KS) and the course buttock winding (KB).

Minesweepers were built at the Sredne-Nevsky plant No. 363 in the village. Pontoon.

The lead minesweeper was handed over to the customer in 1978.

Tactical and technical data of project 266ME Displacement: standard 700 tons, full 750 tons Maximum length: 61 meters
Maximum width: 10.2 meters
Width along the vertical line: 10 meters
Hull draft: 2.3 meters
Power point: 2 DRA M503B 2500 hp each, 2 RSh propellers, 2 rudders
Electric power
2 diesel generators DG-200, 200 kW each,
1 DG-100 per 100 kW
Travel speed: full 16 knots, economic 12 knots
Cruising range: 2700 miles at 12 knots
Seaworthiness: not limited
Autonomy: 10 days
Weapons: .
artillery: 2x6 30-mm AK-306 assault rifles from the Kolonka fire control system
anti-submarine: 2 RBU-1200 rocket launchers from PUSB "Uragan"
mine: 8 UDME bottom mines and mine rails
mine action: 1 contact trawl GKT-2, 1 acoustic trawl AT-2, 1 RU,
1 electromagnetic trawl TEM-3
sonar: 1 GASM MG-69 "Lan", 1 GASM MG-79 "Mezen",
navigation: 1 navigation radar "Vaigach", 2 127 mm magnetic compasses UKP-M,
1 gyrocompass, 1 radio direction finder "Rumb", MGL log - 25
chemical: 4 smoke bombs MDS.
Crew: 58 people (6 officers)

Until 1991, sea minesweepers Project 266ME were actively supplied to the fleets of foreign countries - India, South Yemen, Libya, and Vietnam. One minesweeper "Valentin Pikul" was completed and in 2001 included in the Russian fleet.

The total number of minesweepers built from 1978 to 2001 was 24 units.

    Sea minesweeper project 02668
- developed at the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau under the leadership of chief designer V.S. Sergeev using the finished hull of a Project 266ME minesweeper unfinished in 1994 for the Vietnamese Navy. The minesweeper received modern means search and destruction of mines, as well as automated control systems for mine action.

The ship's armament consists of:

  1. From 1 six-barreled 30-mm AK-306M assault rifle with a 54-caliber barrel length, located on the tank. The rate of fire of the installation was 4000-5000 rounds/min, and the ammunition included 2149 rounds. The vertical guidance angle is from -12 to +88°, and the horizontal guidance is up to 180°. The initial projectile speed is 960 m/s, the firing range is up to 8.1 km. The installation is powered by a belt, the belt for 2000 rounds is located in a round magazine. The calculation includes 2 people. Installation weight 1,918 kg. The machine has a remote control system from the Column control system.
  2. From 8 sets of Igla MANPADS. As soon as the head of the rocket leaves the launch tube, the rudders open under the action of springs. Then the stabilizers are folded back and the main engine fires at a distance of 5-6 m from the launcher. In flight, the homing head, with increased noise immunity from natural and artificial thermal interference, constantly controls the direction to the target: regardless of the position of the longitudinal axis of the missile, the head monitors the target and adjusts the missile's course until it meets the target. In case of a miss, after 14-17 seconds from the moment of launch, the self-destruct device is activated and the missile is destroyed. The 9K38 homing anti-aircraft missile has a firing range from 1 km to 5.2 km, a ceiling from 10 meters to 2.5 km with a target speed of up to 360 m/s. Control system: passive infrared homing head with the ability to determine the nationality of the target and automatically block the launch of missiles against “friendly” air targets. Weight (complex): 18 kg.
  3. From mine rails and 6 sea bottom mines MDM-2 into overload. The sea bottom mine with a three-channel non-contact fuse (acoustic, electromagnetic and hydrodynamic) has a diameter of 630 mm, a length of 2250 mm, an explosive mass of 975 kg and a dead weight of 1425 kg. The depth of the installation site ranged from 8 to 125 meters at a ship speed of 15 knots. The service life of the mine is at least 10 years.
  4. From 1 set of deep-sea contact trawl GKT-2, it was located in the stern. The single double-sided contact trawl with cutting action had a hydroacoustic meter. Working width up to 260 m, maximum depth up to 200 m, towing speed up to 12 knots with sea state up to 4 points. Trawl weight 2,000 kg.
  5. From 1 electromagnetic trawl TEM-3M, for the destruction of magnetic and induction non-contact mines. A deep-sea trawl with a large radius of action and a feeder up to 455 meters long, it was used at trawling speeds of up to 12 knots and sea states of up to 4 points.
  6. From 1 acoustic trawl AT-6 for the destruction of acoustic bottom mines. It was an acoustic emitter mounted in a deepening device. The trawl is used at trawling speeds of up to 12 knots with sea waves up to 4 points.
  7. From 1 self-propelled remote-controlled seeker-destroyer STIU-3 "Mayovka" for additional search and destruction of bottom and anchor mines according to the target designation of the ship's hydroacoustic mine detection station ahead of the ship's course. The device is equipped with a color television camera, a high-resolution sonar station, a cable cutter that cuts steel cables with a diameter of up to 12 mm, an ejectable destroyer charge, a propulsion system and a motion control system. The GUS has ranges for detecting bottom mines of 2.5; 5;10; 25; 50; 100; 200; 300; 450 meters, for detecting anchor mines up to 640 meters, and the range resolution is 5 cm. The viewing time of the 90° sector in the range of 100 meters is 140 ms. The maximum search speed of the device is 6-8 knots, and the search depth is up to 300 meters. The propulsion system included 2 main propulsors with adjustable pitch propellers, 2 vertical propulsors for moving up and down, and 1 lag propulsion unit. The motion control system has the ability to automatically launch a self-propelled vehicle onto a mine based on target designation from the ship's information and control system.

  8. For setting and hauling trawls, a trawl crane, a 3-drum winch, a fairlead with rollers and a lowering frame, and a trawl view are provided.

The ships were equipped with the Nayada navigation radar, the Livadia-ME mine-detecting sonar, the MG-35 Shtil underwater sound communication sonar, a demagnetization device (RU), automated system mine action control system (ACS PMD) "Diez-E".

The MR-231-2 navigation radar was intended to illuminate the surrounding and navigational situation and solve navigation problems. The station with a wavelength of 3 cm has range scales up to 89 km and an indicator with a 15" LCD monitor. The radar antenna post is located on a mast and has a rotation diameter of 1.6 meters. The station can automatically detect and signal the presence of targets in security zone, automatically track up to 30 targets with an indication of their movement parameters and play a maneuver to diverge from them, show traces of the relative or true movement of targets with adjustable time their duration. In addition, the radar displays the course, speed, geographical coordinates of its ship, as well as the depth under the keel, the current time and has inter-view accumulation.

GASM "Livadia-ME" is designed to search, detect, automatically classify and display sea mines of all types (anchor, bottom (silted)) ahead of the ship. The station provided simultaneously; detection and classification of anchor mines at a range of up to 800 meters, detection and classification of bottom mines (mine-like, not mine-like) at a range of up to 560 meters. The under-keel detection system is supplemented with a sonar path for controlling a self-propelled remote-controlled vehicle, which expands the capabilities of surveying complex water areas and increases the safety of the carrier ship from explosion, and also compensates for the influence of unfavorable hydroacoustic conditions. The ship's search speed is up to 8 knots at sea waves up to 4 points.

The MG-35 Shtil underwater sound communication system provides identification and determination of the distance to submarines, as well as communication with them underwater in telegraph and telephone modes. The station has a communication range in telephone and telegraph mode: between surface ships at low frequency (LF) - 16 km, at high frequency (HF) - 10 km, distance measurement - 16 km, between surface ship and submarine at low frequency (LF) - 20 km, at high frequency (HF) - 10 km, distance measurement - 20 km. The speed of information transmission in telephone mode is 40 words/min., and in telegraph mode - 20-30 characters/min. Power consumption in standby mode is 1 kVA, and in radiation mode - 6 kVA. Station weight - 510 kg.

The reactor is designed to protect against non-contact bottom magnetic and induction mines and provides compensation for all components of the ship’s magnetic field. The reactor plant with an automatic control system consists of three general ship windings - the main horizontal winding (OSHT), the course frame winding (KS) and the course butt winding (KB) and three local windings for the main largest mechanisms (OSHT, KB, KSh on the main engines, diesel generators and auxiliary boiler unit, capstan electric motor). In addition, eddy demagnetization is provided with an automatic control system to compensate for the magnetic fields of eddy currents arising in the ship's hull during rolling, with the main eddy winding - OV and the buttocks eddy winding - BV.

ACS PMD "Diez-E" is designed to automate the daily activities of a minesweeper and increase the combat effectiveness of a ship or a ship's mine sweeping group when planning mine action, deploying ships to combat areas, searching for mines and minefields, destroying mines and minefields, mine countermeasures for ships, ships and submarines during sea passage, mine defense of ships and submarines in areas of combat operations.
The system consists of:

  • From the automated workstation (AWS) of the ship commander, to solve the process of collecting, processing and displaying information on the tactical situation for the ship and the ship's mine sweeping group, planning the mine action of the ship and the ship's mine sweeping group, combat and tactical maneuvering of the ship and the ship's mine sweeping group when performing mine action actions.
  • From the automated workstation (AWS) of the watch officer, to solve the process of documenting information about the situation, the circumstances of the voyage, the state of the ship’s combat and technical equipment and the results of solving information and calculation problems, information support ship's command staff during the fight for survivability.
  • From the helmsman's workstation (PM), to control the movement of the ship, including dynamic positioning.
  • From the navigator's automated workstation (AWS), to solve the process of ensuring navigational safety and other navigational tasks, as well as correcting electronic navigation maps.
  • From the automated workstation (AWS) of the commander of warheads-2, warheads-3, to solve the process of controlling combat and technical means ship when using contact and non-contact trawls, underwater vehicles, mine sweeping helicopters, control of a ship's minesweeper group, planning and control of air defense of a ship and ship's minesweeper group.
  • From the automated workstation (AWS) of the warhead-7 commander, to solve the process of information exchange via radio communications.
  • From the automated workstation (AW) of the operator-hydroacoustics of the underwater sonar, to solve the process of collecting, processing and displaying information on the detection and classification of sea mines of all types (anchor, bottom (silted)) ahead along the ship's course.
  • From the automated workstation (AW) of the operator-hydroacoustics of an underwater vehicle, to solve the process of collecting, processing and displaying information on the detection, classification of sea mines of all types (anchor, bottom (silted)) ahead along the ship's course.
  • From the automated workstation (AWS) of the pilot of an underwater vehicle, to solve the process of controlling the movement of a self-propelled underwater vehicle, including dynamic positioning, as well as the destruction of mines.
  • From a data exchange device.
  • From the database device.
  • From the radar interface device.
  • From power supply system devices.
The Diez-E system provided training and training for system operators, protection against unauthorized and incorrect user actions, network diagnostics and monitoring of the system state, as well as documentation and registration of each incoming/outgoing signal/packet/form on hard magnetic disks with binding in time, with an accuracy of 1 ms and transfer of documented episodes to external media, as well as their playback in real, accelerated and slow-motion time scales.

The minesweeper was built at the Sredne-Nevsky plant No. 363 in the village. Pontoon.

The minesweeper "Vice Admiral Zakharyin" became part of the Black Sea Fleet in 2008.

Tactical and technical data of project 02668 Displacement: standard 800 tons, full 852 tons Maximum length: 61 meters
Maximum width: 10.2 meters
Width along the vertical line: 10 meters
Hull draft: 2.9 meters
Power point: 2 DRA M503B 2500 hp each, 2 RSh propellers, 2 rudders
Electric power
3 diesel generators DG-200, 200 kW each
Travel speed: full 16 knots, economic 12 knots
Cruising range: 2700 miles at 12 knots
Seaworthiness: not limited
Autonomy: 10 days
Weapons: .
artillery: 1x6 30-mm AK-306 assault rifle from the Kolonka fire control system
mine: 8 MDM-2 bottom mines and mine rails
mine action: 1 contact trawl GKT-2, 1 acoustic trawl AT-6, 1 RU,
1 electromagnetic trawl TEM-3M, 1 STIU-3 "Mayovka"
sonar: 1 GASM "Livadia-ME",
GAS underwater communication MG-35E "Shtil"
navigation: 1 navigation radar MR-231-2, 1 gyrocompass, MGL log
radio engineering: ACS PMD "Diez-E"
Crew: 60 people (6 officers)

The total number of minesweepers built in 2008 was 1 unit.

The sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" is the 16th in a series of 26 ships of Project 266M (code "Aquamarine-M"), which was built in the village of Pontony at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard.

The ships of this project are intended for escorting ships and vessels behind trawls, reconnaissance and control trawling, laying fairways in minefields, and participating in mine laying in the far zone from their bases.

The ship, named “Novodchik”, was laid down under construction number 929. Built on November 8, 1974. The naval flag on the ship was raised on October 21, 1974. Became part of the Black Sea Fleet.

Had tail numbers: 918 (1984), 912 (1986), 913 (since 1990).

Main characteristics: Standard displacement 745 tons, total displacement 800 tons. Length 61 meters, beam 10.2 meters, draft 2.97 meters. Full speed 16.5 knots. Cruising range: 2700 miles at 10 knots. The crew consists of 68 people, including 6 officers and 8 midshipmen.

Power plant: 2 diesel engines M-503B 2500 hp each, 2 diesel generators 200 kW each, 1 diesel generator 100 kW each, 2 shafts.

Armament: 2x2 30-mm AK-230 artillery mounts, 2x2 25-mm 2M-3M artillery mounts, 2 RBU-1200 rocket launchers, trawls.

Radio equipment: SU MR-104 “Lynx”, General radar detection MR-302 "Rubka", 2 navigation radars "Don-D", hydroacoustic mine detection station MG-69 "Lan", hydroacoustic mine detection station MG-79 "Mezen", hydroacoustic underwater communication station MG-26 "Khosta".

Since July 1982, the ship received the name “Kursk Komsomolets”.

The sea minesweeper participated in the protection of Soviet fishing vessels in fishing areas in the Atlantic off the coast of West Africa, and also solved the problems of mine countermeasures for Soviet shipping in the Persian Gulf in conditions when the Iran-Iraq war continued. During its first trip to the Persian Gulf in 1987 (196 days), the minesweeper Kursk Komsomolets conducted 16 convoys (27 Soviet ships) through mine-prone areas, covering 17,900 miles. And in 1988, he led 32 tankers and vehicles through mine-prone areas of the Persian Gulf. 14 crew members of this ship were awarded orders and medals.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union on February 15, 1992, the minesweeper was returned to its original name "Gunner".

From 2006 to 2007, repairs took place at the shipyard in Streletskaya Bay (Sevastopol).

On April 28, 2015, in accordance with the combat training plan at the training grounds of the Black Sea Fleet, in a tactical exercise for mine-sweeping ships. May 09, participation in Sevastopol in the naval parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. November 05, the actions of a single ship at sea as intended.

According to a message dated February 13, 2016, together with the Zeleny Dol MRK, to carry out tasks as part of the permanent grouping of the Navy in the Mediterranean Sea in accordance with the force rotation plan. On February 14, he passed through the Bosphorus Strait. February 17 to the port of Tatrus.

On New Year's Eve, he left Sevastopol and headed to the Mediterranean Sea. According to a message dated January 09, 2017, it became part of the permanent group of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea and has already begun to carry out its intended tasks. According to the message dated May 02