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How to glue advertisements on poles. How to post ads

Seven tips on how to post advertisements with maximum efficiency. Posting advertisements - inexpensive, but very effective way advertising. Minimum investment – ​​maximum result. Perhaps this is how we can characterize the posting in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. But it’s not enough to just print an ad; you need to know certain nuances:

How to glue correctly;
where to glue;
how to behave in case of extraordinary situations.

This will be discussed in the text below.

Post advertisements with maximum effect

If you decide to put up advertising yourself and want to improve your quality indicators. Or do you want to locally offer your services or things using the old and proven method to your neighbors? Great! So, seven tips from the company Posting St. Petersburg, which will help you post more advertisements and increase the influx of customers, are just for you!

1. Choose the right places to post your advertisements

Places to post advertisements must be chosen based on your target audience. If you want to work as a tutor, then there is no point in posting advertisements on the other side of the city from you. It is better to place goods for motorists or the B2B sphere along the road, etc. Of course, the most interesting places for posting, from the point of view of target coverage, are: stops, entrances (outside and inside), pillars, on streets with a high pedestrian flow and other places with a high concentration of people . However, these places are often not available for legal posting, and if a police officer catches you posting on such “advertising media,” you may be issued an administrative fine. The company "Post-up St. Petersburg" has an up-to-date database of places where there is a maximum concentration of people, where legal posting and distribution of advertisements is possible.

2. To post advertisements, use reliable glue

Ideally PVA, if not, then any other strong glue. You don't want the wind to blow your announcement, do you? or a child? or a harmful janitor? The latter will rip it off in any case, but it will take him much longer more effort. However, here too there is underwater rocks. If your advertisements are posted illegally, then it may be necessary to remove advertising materials from protected sites. Then the glue that was designed to preserve your ad for many years will need to be removed somehow so as not to pay for property damage. In this case, the promoters of our company carry with them various materials for placing your advertising products, so that in case of an emergency conflict situation Remove advertising from any surface simply and without consequences.

3. Properly post advertising at eye level

As practice shows, this height is most effective and gives a good response. A sentence at eye level is adequately perceived and remains in memory. In addition, the quality of the advertising message and the paper and print format itself have a significant impact on the conversion (response). You can read more about this in this article.

4. Having the right “equipment” will help you quickly put up advertisements.

A backpack where you can conveniently place advertisements (without jams or tears) and glue, gloves and comfortable shoes - this is the uniform best option. Remember, the right choice of work clothes is the key to effective working day. Convenience of placing advertisements, glue, keys and other things is a guarantee high speed and ease of use.

5. It is important to post advertisements at the right time

The janitor finishes his work (after about 11-12 o'clock), perhaps this is the time for you to start working. However, not all areas are covered by wipers every day. Posting time also depends on the type of your advertisement and target audience. For example, a good option– post an advertisement inside or near the entrances half an hour to an hour before, when people start returning from work (you can start from 16-17 hours).

6. Post advertisements without disturbing your neighbors

The unspoken rule of the poster is to respect your colleagues. Will you be pleased if your ad is sealed? No. So don't do that. However, as with almost any rule, there is an exception. If an advertisement “steals” a place, that is, it is pasted in such a way that it interferes with others, then it will definitely be “buried” under a new offer.

7. Stress resistance

Don't quarrel with housing cooperative managers, concierges and janitors. These comrades are very valuable personnel in your work. If you are with them good relations, then they may give you some concessions: other people’s advertisements are torn down - yours remain, the wipers do not drive, the concierges are not rude or rude (and even politely greet you) and other pleasant moments. Try to find a common language with these guys. If it doesn’t work out, then there’s no point in getting into trouble - they like to call the police.

That's all. Of course, as in any other advertisement, he must perform his duties efficiently and competently. Good luck to you and remember, you can always contact us for help in distributing your promotional products: layout, sticking up, doorhangers, etc. The company "Unsticking St. Petersburg" is a reliable assistant for your business!

On the Internet, newspapers and employment magazines you can often find an advertisement: “Job for students: advertisement poster. The schedule is free." At first glance, the work seems simple and attractive. You walk around your neighborhood and post notices. But... Few people know that these are the workers most often left without wages. Because they don’t know: even such a simple position has instructions. Not all employers inform students about them. And for failure to fulfill duties they are then fined. Or, if the employer is not deceiving, the police may punish you for posting leaflets in the wrong places. In order for the job of “advertiser” to bring even a small income, you need to take employment very seriously.

Job description

Finding a job posting advertisements is easy. It’s more difficult to get a job properly. Even employers should familiarize themselves with the instructions defining the main points of his work.

The applicant must know: only the division has the right to hire a poster. The paster reports to him. He should follow the recommendations of other, lower-level managers only if they do not contradict the instructions of his immediate superior. The job of “advertiser” requires the following knowledge:

  • Locations of routes between them.
  • Rules for posting advertisements.
  • Terms of payment for your work.
  • Own rights and obligations.

If employers at least somehow introduce applicants to the latter, they rarely talk about the rules for posting. And they exist.

Rules for posting advertisements

There is one more subtlety. If you place leaflets only in the designated places, then there will be no response to them. Therefore, experienced pasters recommend placing them on the walls of houses, entrance doors, pillars, and shop windows. But... This, firstly, is contrary to the Law. Secondly, such a poster can simply be beaten by local residents. Conclusion: the job of “posting advertisements” requires intelligence and the ability to make quick decisions. This is simply necessary because standard instructions very clearly states that it is the poster who is personally responsible for:

  • violation of the provisions that determine the order of operation of the enterprise;
  • improper performance of one's duties (for example, violation of the law);
  • material damage caused (in particular, he may be forced to paint at his own expense the wall on which he stuck the advertisement).

The job “Advertising Poster” brings in pennies. Before you start, you should think carefully about whether this is necessary.

Dear Sergey, good day!

I would divide your question into 2 parts: “choosing a niche” and “promotion”.

In order to effectively promote a product/service in a HIGHLY competitive market segment, you need to very clearly identify/choose a niche. For this:

In the segment you are considering, “People with computers at home,” select subsegments based on user needs. These could be (offhand, so that your decision is informed, conduct the research available to you):
1) “Gamers” - users who use a computer for entertainment;
2) “Freelancers” - professionals (programmers, designers, copywriters, etc.) who use a computer to work and earn money (information businessmen - here);
3) “Family” - the computer is used in turn by different family members for their own purposes (games, Internet surfing, maintaining a family budget, etc.);
4) “Specific” - “narrow” and specific groups of consumers (for example, mothers “on maternity leave” and using a computer to communicate via the Internet and make purchases; relatives communicating with other relatives located far away or abroad via the Internet, etc.) d.).

Important - select subsegments based on their real needs related to using a computer.

Write down all your services.
Swipe competitive analysis: study the competitors’ offer and determine in which positions you are better than your competitors in terms of price/quality. You will have a “grid”: worse than competitors in quality and cheaper, worse in quality and more expensive, better in quality and cheaper, better in quality and more expensive.

Third: tabulate sub-segments (customer needs)/your services. The area where your winning positions and the subsegments you have identified will overlap as much as possible - your niche.

Different niches may have different promotion methods. And it’s not a fact that you will use “posting advertisements”.

For promotion:
I would use not only “posting notices”, but also:
1) “distribution” of printing materials to mailboxes/entrances. In order for the ad to “get into the house” (and not be thrown out immediately) it needs to be made useful potential client;
2) distributing leaflets near supermarkets located in the areas you intend to serve;
3) affiliate programs, for example with computer stores and/or Internet providers;

If the competition is really high, it will most likely be necessary to use additional means of sales promotion - “chips”, “promotions”, “discounts” and other promotional means.

Good luck!

Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer “Dear Sergey, good day! I would divide your question into 2 parts: “choosing a niche” and “promote...” to the question http://www.. Can I discuss this answer with you?

Discuss with an expert

I won’t write anything about creating ad content—there’s plenty of information about that on the Internet. And information business guru Andrey Parabellum teaches this best. If you want to write ads that actually sell, be sure to study it!
Today we will talk about how to put up ads, so that they hang longer, and how to print advertisements it is correct that they gave the best effect. I’ll also tell you WHERE to glue them.

Given: you have a plump pack in your hands advertisements with terry brush tear-off phones. (I will consider such advertisements as the most effective, because the client is lazy by nature, and he is usually too lazy to copy contacts from sheets. And then he tore the piece of paper into his pocket and went).
Required: place them so that they bring maximum effect, that is, provide.
Let's solve the problem.
First of all, let's decide on the location.
If you are interested in preserving the reputation and good name of the advertised company, never, hear, NEVER spoil the walls of houses, pillars and all other places not intended for this with advertisements. Especially if you use glue a la “super moment, even a cop won’t tear it off.” I would call this “pasting everything and everyone” advertising spam. This is an elementary manifestation of disrespect for the city, for the people. " But it works, more ads mean more buyers, you object.". This is just one side of the coin.

On the other hand, the company’s reputation is noticeably shaky, because the very fact of posting it in the wrong places scares off many potential clients. Do you need such a reputation?

So here’s how to see in which case there will be more sales.

For fun, walk around the city and look at the advertisements that are neatly displayed on special signs. Remember your emotions.

Now look at the ones scrawled haphazardly on the walls. Remember your emotions.

Now try to explain to YOURSELF how the impressions differ in the 1st and 2nd cases. Write your answers in the comments to this article.
Usually, in cities - large and not so large - there are special boards in front of the entrances for these purposes. Yes, the boards are intended EXACTLY for these purposes. Don’t listen to the grumbling grandmothers that these structures are only used for housing and communal services announcements. I personally found out from lawyers - there is NO law prohibiting posting advertisements on these signs. Hang yourself boldly, and sincerely wish the grandmothers good health and personal happiness, for they are not grumbling at you from happy life. They are only trying to compensate for their internal complexes and anger. Moreover, you are doing the right thing - you are not covering walls, doors, etc.

In large cities, large billboards, also intended for these purposes, appeared right on the streets. You need to work as a scout for the first time and find out the locations of the notice boards.

So, the locations have been chosen.
Let's move on. Well, here in front of you is a simple design made from a piece of plywood with a frame. It is plastered with a mountain of advertisements. Somewhere one on top of the other. Solid lumps from glue. Advertisements are large and small, pasted evenly and not so smoothly. Some can be easily torn off, some are firmly attached - with a whole layer of tape.

Observations show that the majority of advertisements (%70-75) are made blankly on white paper, without graphic inserts. This the main weakness of most ads, on which we will profit.

Who will read the black and white font?
, with which all the boards are covered? Whose gaze will such a piece of paper attract? Remember what ads catch your eye? I'm willing to bet they're definitely not white. Except against a dark background.
Therefore, comrades, this is some practical advice for you all: print ads in color. Better in several colors.

At worst, buy colored printer paper and print your ads on it. Better paper of several colors. Colors for advertisements should be bright and light. Eat good sets(5 colors, 50 pcs.) - pastel colors. Take this. The most ideal option for the street.
Let's not take the case when you order glossy, beautiful advertisements from a printing house, but print them yourself - on a printer. Here, guys, arm yourself with printed advertisements in SEVERAL colors.

I'll explain why later.
Now there's another one good question: gluing method.

Traditionally, glue is used for this purpose. Well, I bought a couple bottles of glue - with a ball for ease of application. I was running around, gluing - I got tired. Well, you stand in front of the board, in front of the door, looking for a flat place to put a piece of paper and apply glue. It is especially difficult when the house is brick and the ad is large. And if there is little glue left in the bottle, it’s a disaster. It must be held vertically and puffed up, squeezing out the remaining glue. Plus dirty hands. Plus, in the cold it’s not fun at all.

Therefore, after suffering for a month, switched to scotch tape.

Some preparation in a warm, cozy house (gluing tape) - and outside you know, go and glue. In addition, when your ad is torn off the board (a favorite pastime of janitors and grandmothers), no traces are left on the board.

The board does not deteriorate, and this is respect for other people’s work and the city as a whole, and this, believe me, comes back a hundredfold. The tape covers your ad or part of it; it is difficult to stick anything else on top of it. In the worst case, this “something” is then removed from your loved one with a slight movement of the hand (checked several times!). So there are only advantages, In my opinion.
Now, perhaps the most important thing is placement on the board.

If your ads are A4 in size, then there’s not much to choose from - it’s usually half a board. So just hang it closer to the door. Usually there are fewer ads. Therefore, a choice arises: where to put it?

I read somewhere. that it should be hung at the eye level of the average person, somewhere - which is higher. But, gentlemen, we live in Russia. Here, people generally don’t have such a hectic life in general.

That’s why a person coming home from work (and that’s when he’s most likely to read the ad) usually looks down.

And only at the door he looks up... at the intercom level. Therefore, the height of the advertisements is approximately the level of the intercom. And closer to it horizontally. It is also human nature to read from top to bottom, so your ad will be read last, and this is remembered.
Next is the frame. Everyone knows that ANY information catches the eye and is read more often if it is in a frame.

Anything, be it just a border of a different color or a gold circle or something else. So we have to make an artificial frame on the board. For this, we will need advertisements on pieces of paper of different colors (not white!).
The frame can be the board itself (usually white - from a layer of previously torn advertisements and liters of glue). But the holy place is usually not empty, and the board is usually advertised (unless you got there right after the raid of another heroic grandmother).

If there is free space on the board, for God’s sake, hang it there and don’t cover other notices.

It is better to respect other pasters, since particularly embittered pasters will then take merciless revenge. One even called me and was very, very indignant.
Now we look at the prevailing color on the board.

If the ads are mostly white, the color of yours doesn't really matter.

If not, then try to hang the ad in a color that contrasts as much as possible with the background.

If the background color is dark, hang something light and vice versa.

For example, on a green background you can hang pink ad.

To Yellow - blue, to Red - yellow or green.

It stands out a LOT. And it catches your eye.

In addition, if on the same board from time to time you post advertisements of different colors, then they will not “become familiar” to people.

Well, for example, there is a yellow advertisement “custom furniture”. Then it is sealed. Then it hangs again.

People get used to it, and after a few weeks it’s already for them “ That yellow spot over there is custom-made furniture, I don’t think I need it«.

If the colors change, then people will pay attention to the ad every time.

In general, it was written somewhere that ANYTHING, EVEN THE BEST the ad starts working after 5-6 impressions- i.e. people seem to get used to the advertised product/service and begin to trust it.

It’s the same with advertisements - checked. In reality, after 5-6 “hangings” the calls begin.

So, great luck to everyone in their endeavors. A journey of 1000 km begins with !

P.S. In no case do I want to offend grandmothers here. I love grandmothers dearly, I try to understand evil grandmothers, I try to forgive terribly evil and offensive grandmothers, but sometimes it boils over!

Liked? Then tell your friends!

Entrance doors and house walls are the common property of apartment owners. Hanging advertisements on the walls of houses and doors is possible only with their permission. For permission you must contact management company. If the advertisement is placed without permission, then this is a violation. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses states: “installation of an advertising structure without permission provided for by law... entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1 thousand to 1.5 thousand rubles, for officials- from 3 to 5 thousand rubles; for legal entities - from 50 thousand to 80 thousand rubles.”

Article 1.14. Placing printed and handwritten materials, applying inscriptions and graphic images outside the designated areas.
1. Outdoor placement (posting, hanging) of announcements, leaflets, posters, posters, other printed and handwritten products, other information materials outside the places designated for these purposes, as well as the commission of these actions without the necessary permits and approvals - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles, for officials - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles, for legal entities- from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles. (paragraph as amended by the Law of the Kaluga Region dated July 1, 2013 N 451-OZ).

How to post advertisements correctly

When you decide to sell or buy real estate, for example, you need to not just announce it loudly, but simply shout it loudly on every corner. There are many ways to do this, because advertising is the engine of trade. Post advertisements This is just one of these ways, but it also needs to be done correctly and wisely.
If you decide to do without intermediaries, read on carefully. Post advertisements You can use poles, fences, porches and other places where there are no notice boards or where they exist. This simple matter has its own subtleties. Important post advertisements in such a way that it is not only visible to everyone, but also stays in its place for some, preferably a long time, because in this matter we will be confronted by a whole army of all kinds of janitors and cleaners.

If you are trying to convey the meaning of your offer to the masses using an advertisement posted somewhere, take into account the following:

  • The survivability of an advertisement in an authorized place is about two days, in an unauthorized place – several hours, depending on the work schedule of the janitors;
  • It would be more correct post advertisements at eye level of a potential buyer, so that it can be easily noticed and read;
  • The font of the text in the ad should be large enough so that people with low vision, who for some reason do not wear glasses, can also read it;
  • Don't give 100% of the information in your ad. Your task is to intrigue a potential client and force him to dial your phone number. After all, it is easier to convince a person in words than through written presentation. If you present the information completely, many simply will not call, perhaps they are looking for something a little different;
  • It is better to start posting advertisements after 15:00, by this time all the janitors have already finished walking around the territory under their jurisdiction and your advertisement has a chance to catch potential sellers or buyers returning from work;
  • Advertisements need to be posted “in a circle” every two days, believe me, those previously pasted have already been torn off and disposed of;
  • You only need to post advertisements in areas you are interested in, this will significantly reduce the number of unnecessary calls;
  • If you trusted post advertisements to outsiders, be sure to then, before paying for the service provided, check whether your order was carried out at all, and if so, how it was carried out, so that it does not turn out that way;
  • The size of the ad itself should be at least a quarter of an A4 sheet, but the larger it is, the better;
  • The ad should have labels with a phone number and a brief summary of the essence of the offer, this is necessary so that the client who has torn off such a label after a while does not suffer from guessing what kind of piece of paper with an unknown phone number is in his pocket and does not throw it away like that and without calling;
  • Labels on advertisements should be trimmed not only on the sides, but also on the top, by approximately 2/3 of the width of the label, so that if you tear off one label, half of the advertisement will not be torn off;
  • It would also be a good idea to create a little excitement around your offer. After you have pasted your ad, we tear off one or two labels ourselves, this is done in order to show the potential client that your offer is in demand and that there is no point in delaying the call, because there are already competitors (there is an opinion that if you leave one or two labels on the ad, the client will bite faster, it’s worth experimenting here);
  • You need to paste more than one advertisement in one place; if someone tears or sticks one over, the second one will remain;
  • You need to paste advertisements at the entrance to the entrance in such a way that the person opening the door rests his gaze on your advertisement, and does not block the view with the door being opened;
  • You need to post advertisements in places where people are concentrated, this will increase the chances of a call.

In order to properly post advertisements, you should not do the following:

  • Your stickers or advertisements need to be glued in such a way that it can be removed and does not leave marks on walls, boards, doors, etc. Otherwise, instead of the client, you may hear the dissatisfied voice of a janitor or other person who has to tear off not only the ad itself, but also the glue that has dried from the wall after it. In this case, it is possible that you can hear a lot of new things about yourself;
  • You should also not put up advertisements in “very public” places, for example, near the city hall. One of the methods to combat this type of posting is to set the telephone number specified in the ad to automatically dial. A robot will call and tell you what you did wrong; calls will be made from different numbers every five minutes for several days. Save your nerves;
  • You shouldn't give your number in the ad. mobile phone, because After the transaction has been completed, people may call you for a very long time. To do this, get yourself a temporary SIM card.

I hope that what is stated in this article will be useful to you. And if necessary post advertisements You will quickly achieve the desired result.

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Material taken from the site:

How to post advertisements correctly?

I have been working as a tutor for many years. I study chemistry with schoolchildren. I conduct classes at home and look for clients in my area. In this regard, there is a need for outdoor advertising.

The price seemed high to me and I decided to place ads myself. My friend designed the ad:

Seal 1000 such advertisements (minimum circulation) cost me, as last year, 2090 rubles.
Behind design last year he paid Nikita 1000 rubles, it seems he also drew me a business card. This year the revision cost 100 rubles on the website

Since my clients are schoolchildren, I do the posting near schools. At home, a homemade map of the area hangs on the wall, with schools marked on it. I did this back when I wanted to take courses.

There is also a map of Moscow hanging in the room, with my area circled.


In order to start posting, we need to prepare for it. Cut pieces of tape 5 centimeters long, glue advertisements to them and carefully place them in a pile.

Posting advertisements

Tips for sticking up:

  • No matter where you put an ad, it will be torn off by windshield wipers. The only question is how quickly they will do it.
  • Post up in the afternoon, when the wipers finish working. Optimal time from 16 to 18 hours on weekdays.
  • The wipers don't work on weekends, so there's glue all day long.
  • If you have a phone number on the bottom of your ad, as in my case, rip off a few of them. This way people will see that the ad is in demand. Out of my four, I pick 2-3. I leave one or two.
  • Do not try to paste on billboards- I tried it once, they called me from the advertising agency and scolded me.
  • Don't put it on trash cans or other places you wouldn't want to be associated with.
  • Place the ad slightly below eye level; people coming home from work or school are tired, with their heads slightly lowered, this will increase the number of views.
  • If the board is located at the entrance, try to take the place closest to the entrance, but you should not paste over someone else’s if there is already an advertisement there, and there is emptiness on the board in another place. It's better to stick it where it's empty. Respect other posters!

It takes me 1.5 hours to put up a hundred pieces. This year, there were posting boards near schools that were not there in the past. Apparently the administration is tired of the information stands being half covered with various advertisements by the end of the day.

Out of the hundred pieces posted yesterday, we received 2 calls from parents, which is pretty good and not expensive. It works out to 100 rubles per call.

If we talk about tutoring, this is a good indicator. Out of 3-4 calls, one client will come to work and will generate weekly income for a year, or maybe two or three years. This is more profitable than working with agencies for selecting tutors.

Material taken from the site:

Posting nuances

Our practice shows that the return on posting depends even on such seemingly insignificant things as: the height at which the ad is located and how smoothly it was glued. Any negligence shown when posting advertisements can result in significant financial losses for the person posting the advertisements and loss of work for the person who distributed such advertisements.

Where are the fattest places to distribute advertising? Posting advertisements is a massive form of advertising, so advertisements need to be posted in public places so that they can be seen from afar. Let's assume that your the target audience- women aged 18 to 35 years who do not have a husband. At the same time, it is desirable that women are not stupid - educated. In this case, you can first of all pay attention to universities where many girls study. Typically, humanities and pedagogical courses and faculties are considered female. Advertising must be distributed at the approaches to educational institution- transport stops where students come to study, underground passages, and at the entrance to the dormitories of a given university. In addition, for all types of audiences, sticking up works well in crowded places - in the path of traffic flows and at transport stops.

About fines. Be careful, because posting advertisements in subway cars, metro station lobbies, on cultural monuments, etc. threatens with fines or confiscation of remaining leaflets.

When is the best time to glue? Janitors, who are the worst enemies of posters, usually destroy advertisements on weekday mornings. Therefore, on Friday afternoon - perfect time for posting, your ads will most likely hang until Monday. Posting advertisements at night can attract additional attention from the police, since patrols quite often drive around the city at night. Why do you need extra fines?

What to glue with? PVA glue is perfect for gluing. It has a convenient spout and closes quite tightly.

Updating advertisements. It makes sense to update ads weekly, because... they are torn off or covered with other advertisements.

How to glue? It is best to place ads on empty places, where there are no or few other advertisements. It is best if the ad is placed at the level human face- approximately 160-180 cm from the ground. When gluing advertisements with tear-off spines, make sure that the glue does not get on the spine, otherwise it will be difficult to tear it off.

Material taken from the site:

How to put up your own ads correctly

The correct way to paste your own advertisements is if you paste them on boards specially designed for this purpose. These boards are available near the entrances. Usually there are 2 boards placed at the entrances. One board is large and located under glass; advertisements are placed there for money. Another board is located nearby and anyone can post their own ad there.

If you paste your own ads anywhere, then this is already wrong. Sometimes there is only one notice board near the entrance, which is behind glass. Some ill-mannered citizens manage to stick their advertisements on the glass of such a board - this is also wrong. It is also wrong to post your own advertisements on poles, on walls, at bus stops, if there is no specially designated place for this.

I use PVA glue to post my own advertisements. Here is a photo of a very convenient bottle for posting advertisements.

A tube of glue like this costs a little more than 30 rubles at KOMUS and is enough for 100 advertisements.

For 500 rubles, your ad will be posted on 50 thematic Internet sites, followed by links to your ad.

It is ideal to first publish an ad on the Internet; this can be done at any time convenient for you, even at night. But then it makes sense to go and put up your own advertisements on the entrances, or rather on boards specially designed for this. Best time for posting your own advertisements this is the morning, or rather the first half of the day from 10:00 and then when you finish.

When posting notices on boards located at entrances, it makes sense to look around; sometimes in courtyards there are separate information boards where you can also paste notices, if these boards are not covered with glass.

Good luck in posting advertisements and finding clients. It is best to combine real bulletin boards and virtual bulletin boards with one another. This results in greater returns.

Material taken from the site:

How to post advertisements

It seems like it's not a tricky thing. Even more. But this is only at first glance. The lifespan of an ad may vary, so you need to carefully consider the method of posting them.

I used only two methods: with glue and with tape.

Some advertisements, glued to the walls in March, are still hanging. But this method is slow and inaccurate. Then it takes a long time to wash your hands off the glue, especially since I used glue for ceiling tiles. Like this:

But such advertisements can only be torn off from the wall (and there are those who can tear them off - competitors and partisan grandmothers). They are not afraid of snow or rain and do not curl up from the wind.

Gluing with tape takes less than a second, clean and neat, but not very reliable or durable. Such advertisements do not last long. But it doesn’t take long.

If with glue sticking everything is clear - smear and glue, then the second method has its own trick: I myself would not have guessed such a method, suggested a girl who also used to work in an agency.

It takes a long time to describe, watch the video (please don’t throw stones, this is my first recording experience):

These two methods are quite enough to convey to citizens the purpose of your service. And here, the more ads you post, the cooler it naturally becomes.

Where to post advertisements

This is also a separate question. I’ll write to you like this: everywhere where people walk. These are stops, arches leading to courtyards, entrances and notice boards.

Just remember that all this is not entirely legal. Their owners will tear them off the notice boards, sticking them at bus stops is prohibited and you can run into an administrative fine, and the entrances are vigilantly guarded by grannies, especially now in the summer.

And NEVER, do you hear, never put notices on the entrance doors! This is very annoying for residents, any of them.
Nearby - please, on the door, no, no.

There is no need to paste advertisements on other people's advertisements, especially those posted for money (there is such a profession). It’s not known when you will pass there, but they will be there tomorrow and the service life of the ad will be reduced. Below I’ll tell you about one paster.

There is no need to put notices in the entrances, even if you manage to get there. People are already annoyed by the abundance of advertising in their mailboxes, and if you dirty the walls of their home, it certainly won’t increase their loyalty.

The leaflet will be equated to an abusive inscription, and you know what that means. Our people, due to a lack of emotions, can call back the specified number and express many unpleasant facts, this happened in my practice, although everything seemed to be done in a civilized manner. Apparently grandma wasn’t having a good day, but here my flyer is displayed at the entrance. Proud and lonely.

If you see that the entrance is clean, then it’s up to you to decide whether to glue it there or not. The wipers are clearly working. And it depends on everyone’s personal luck whether it will be torn off before the potential seller sees it or not.

A lot here depends on the design and content of the ad, but this is the topic of a separate article and not for me, I did it by touch. But I witnessed how my advertisements, which were posted in the morning at the same time as the girl’s, were torn off by lunchtime, and hers were hanging.

They differed only in color (it was on yellow paper) and the name next to the phone number. That's it. Who tore them off and how he thought about it is anyone's guess.

Job posting advertisements

If there is some need in the market, then there will always be someone ready to fulfill it for you for a modest reward.

There is such a job as posting advertisements. For their services in our city they charge 2 rubles. for the ad. And since I did this personally, I will say that this is an affordable price.
The work is nervous, hard and illegal.

One of my clients was a poster poster. So he found mine, called (he was selling the room) and we started talking while I was photographing his property.
It turns out that they travel all over the region to hang out, and their main clients are all sorts of “Money on loan” and “Office work”.

I'll tell you that if I posted 100 ads in an evening, it was considered a cool result, but these guys, in order to earn more or less decent money, have to post hundreds every day in any weather.

I wouldn’t go posting advertisements for money, even for 5 rubles a piece. At the same time, I don’t know how much the office from which they work takes. Also probably no less than half.

But this type of work may well be suitable for students as an option for earning money; no skills are required, and walking along the entrances in the evening is not so stressful. I even liked it if you weren’t the only one doing it, you walked and talked and worked.

What's the exhaust like?

To be honest, I didn’t put much effort into this method of attracting clients (but in vain), and during all the work I put up at most 500 leaflets.

They brought me 5 calls (CTR = 1%), which in general, considering the level of competition, is not bad.

But these are the best clients. They are aware that you are an agency, and there is no need to fuss and deceive before entering the apartment with a camera.

Another thing is that such comrades simultaneously apply to 4 more agencies, and this only interferes with the matter, but that’s a completely different story...

Material taken from the site: