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What is determination? Purposefulness is a human quality. What is determination and what does it give to a person? What does it mean to be purposeful arguments

In my understanding, determination is not just a quality that characterizes its owner as a strong-willed person who knows how to set goals and, despite life’s obstacles and difficulties, achieve them. For me, determination is something more - it is a way of thinking, akin to mental discipline, as well as the ability to move with the times and adapt to a changing picture of the world.

Any goal is a choice of a person, and this choice is often accompanied by a preference for one thing over another. For example, for the sake of career growth many donate free time, which they could spend on their family. Therefore, the approach to goal setting and already at the initial stage, calculating all possible ways her achievements.

Each person has his own goals and dreams, but it is not them that characterize him, but the ways of achieving them. There are people who dream while lying on the couch, but do not even try to take any steps to realize their goals. The presence of perseverance and an unyielding will distinguishes goal-oriented people from ordinary dreamers.

Olympic athletes are striking examples of purposeful people. They work all their lives to get medals, giving up many of life's blessings. They get up and fall, get up again and go to the intended goal, get injured, wash their hands bloody, but do not give up on their dreams. These are people with strong character, high level discipline and willpower.

It is not necessary to set ambitious goals for yourself; often, due to high standards and inability to solve complex problems, people give up, begin to look for someone to blame, and even become depressed. To begin with, you can set small tasks that you are confident in solving. For example, you want to become an opera singer, but you have no talent and ability for music - in this case, the goal is not feasible and is therefore doomed to failure.

I am also moving towards my goals, and I thank my parents for supporting my interests and my choice. Now main goal is admission to the university faculty international relations, and for my part I am doing everything possible to realize this goal. The profession I have chosen is one of the most responsible, but I believe in my success!

Option 2

Determination is when with every step you get closer and closer to your goal. Determination is a quality given to a few, but it is thanks to it that they achieve success. If a person, without looking back, goes towards his goal, then all doors open to him.

A purposeful person works towards his goal and does everything to ultimately win. Purposeful people are the strongest, they are very difficult to break, they silently, gritting their teeth, continue to strive for victory. Their moral strength is unshakable and this is very good.

Absolutely each of us has some kind of goal, but not everyone can go towards it continuously, despite the pain, bitterness of failures and defeats. Most people give up, give up on their dreams, because they lack the strength of character. A purposeful person has a road along which he walks without changing his path.

Purposeful people love their life, the business they are engaged in, they are not discouraged by the mean things that life gives us, they like the very feeling of how you are moving towards your goal. They consider life itself a game in which it is simply necessary to emerge victorious.

I've met some truly goal-oriented people in my life. They loved study and sports, but they also had a business in which they were most interested and most extensively. They gave themselves completely to him, even if it was insignificant. One of my friends, thanks to his efforts, began to receive a large income from working on the Internet. He went to this for a very long time, spent a lot of money, effort, and in the end - he is doing his job, which he really likes, which he considers his favorite thing.

I believe that determination is very good, I want everyone to have the opportunity to achieve their goal, their dream. After all, a person who is ready to overcome any obstacles can overcome himself. Such a person is always very strong in spirit and, most importantly, he does not stop there. After all, he believes that you need to overcome more and more new obstacles in order to achieve new goals, because it is too easy to set yourself a small obstacle, because if overcoming it was easy for you, then it was not an obstacle and you are capable of more. Don’t be afraid to set new goals, believe in yourself and everything will work out.

Essay What is Determination

There are many needs and goals in a person's life. Almost each of us sets goals for ourselves and tries to achieve them. Someone wants to visit many countries, someone wants to open their own business or, for example, buy a cherished car model. The path to fulfillment of desires is not always easy. Determination promotes certain actions that bring you closer to your goal. This quality also helps to get rid of difficulties that arise on the way to a dream.

Determination, without any doubt, is a positive character trait of a person. People with this quality are always in demand in society. In most vacancies, employers prescribe exactly this requirement - the ability to achieve goals.

Purposefulness is acquired during a person’s life and is not an innate quality of character. Despite this, there are not many people in the world who can attribute this trait to themselves, confirming all this with deeds. Although each of us has experience in developing this quality. From a young age, human character manifests this trait to one degree or another. For example, when a child learns to speak correctly and pronounce words, this is a fact of striving for a goal. This quality of character can be acquired by any person by motivating himself to take action, developing willpower and becoming more persistent and persistent in his affairs.

The definition of human purpose is actions and achievements. Without these achievements behind you, it cannot be said that determination is inherent in anyone. If you have skills and talents, but lack desire and perseverance, it is quite difficult to achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desires. By improving this trait, a person lays the foundation for further developments and larger-scale achievements.

The set goal is inextricably linked with the development of determination. To develop this quality you need to start small. Having chosen an extremely desirable goal, you need to be confident in achieving the desired result and rely only on your own strengths. It is in this way that by developing the ability to achieve set goals, receiving pleasure from it and an incentive to continue moving in the right direction, you can develop this quality of character. By gradually increasing the scale of the goal, you can achieve great results.

A person without a goal becomes like a ship without sails; the current will throw him from side to side, not giving him the right to make his own choice. By following this path, you become locked into many circumstances that prevent you from becoming the master of your life and being happy. In order to prevent “losing your sails” and keep your planned course, it is very important to develop your desire for your cherished goals.

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    Option 1

    Determination is the ability to achieve your dreams, no matter what. Purposefulness speaks of strength of character, perseverance, the ability to gather and step forward, despite difficulties, dangers, and circumstances.

    I am fascinated by purposeful people, probably because I cannot call myself such a person. It’s unlikely that I, like the Bull from the story I read, would have dared to swim again to the Devil’s Finger after being on the brink of death! But the “pale-faced boy” really turned out to be persistent. For me, the story about him is a story about a purposeful person.

    So is my older sister. In preparation for the city athletics competition, Galya refused a tourist trip to St. Petersburg: she needed to maintain a sleep and training regime. Staying home and devoting time to sports was her conscious decision.

    Consequently, determination is the ability to overcome obstacles that arise and not give up when encountering difficulties.

    Option 2

    If a person persistently pursues his goal, despite doubts, failures, dangers and risks, then such a person is called purposeful. He is constantly in action, striving to fulfill his cherished dream.

    This is exactly how the boy nicknamed Bull from the story I read behaves. Despite the fact that he almost drowned while struggling with the “dead swell,” the “bespectacled man” did not abandon his intention to sooner or later swim to the Devil’s Finger. The “skinny boy” showed the “desperate coastal brotherhood” an example of true determination.

    The same quality motivated the famous aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev, who created the aircraft on which the famous flights across the North Pole to America were made.

    Each person has his own dream and his own goal, but it is not they that characterize him, but how he achieves their fulfillment. Perseverance and inflexibility distinguish a winner from a dreamer.

    I am sure that determination helps to become successful in life.

    Option 3

    I understand determination as a person’s ability not to give up on the path to his goal, to rise again and again if circumstances knock him down, and to move forward. Material from the site

    In the story I read, an example of a purposeful person is the boy Bull, who, having decided to swim to the Devil’s Finger, almost drowned, but did not give up the thought of boldly conquering a dangerous path.

    I can call any of the winners of the Olympic Games purposeful. It is known how strict their training regime is and how long the path to the podium can be. However, difficulties, injuries and the need to overcome themselves every day do not stop them, but only strengthen their character.

    Is it possible to become an outstanding person without determination? Hardly! But you don't have to be brilliant to demonstrate your determination.

    This was proven to us by Bychok, the brave hero of L. Kuklin’s story.

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    What is determination, and what does it give a person?

    IN explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova defines a purposeful person as a person who has a clear and definite goal and strives to achieve it.

    Purposeful people are not born, they are made.

    Using examples of literary heroes, events from personal experience children learn and begin to understand the need to make efforts to achieve a goal. Our task is to instill in children the desire to achieve their goals.

    The child’s vocabulary begins to enrich and become more active:

    patient, diligent, my dream, goal, purposeful person - words that children use to characterize their efforts and purposeful activities.

    The work to develop determination in our group is at the initial stage - we are laying the “foundation of determination.”

    Our task is to introduce children to determination as a characteristic of a person, and to help create an opinion of themselves as a person who has a goal. Due to their age, children cannot say: “I don’t know how to do this, and my goal is to learn this,” but each child has his own “backpack” with an accumulated baggage of small achievements behind him. And in order to educate and develop determination in a child, these achievements (goals) must be shown to him as a picture. Inspire confidence in one’s strengths and capabilities, help the child reach his goal, praise him for his diligence and effort. We simply must “cherish” these tiny pillars of willpower and patience and diligence as important components in achieving the goal.

    Whatever goals the child and I set, we teach children to use a “hint-statement”: “If it doesn’t work out, then it will work out.” We are learning". With this hint, children decide more boldly how to cope with difficulties, what needs to be done to achieve this, and what efforts to make.

    Gaining personal and collective experience, children willingly introduce proverbs and sayings into the dictionary:

    Time for business - time for fun

    Don't give up

    You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty

    If you hurry, you will make people laugh

    Children use them in Everyday life. They involve mutual support and praise, and appreciation of efforts. To prevent desires and interest from disappearing, we use the “look back” technique.

    The first collective goal was the desire to learn how to make toys out of paper. Now let’s open the box and remember how it all began, what worked and what didn’t work right away. The children like it, they already have experience, they even talk about their first failures cheerfully, calmly, they feel confident, they see the result of their work, they know how to build a chain - what we did for this.

    Don’t forget to support your child with praise. Praise is a boat in which a child floats towards his goal. It is good to display the achievements and successes of children in some kind of visual form. In our group these are various achievement screens: “caterpillar”, “wallets”, “cars”.

    In any matter, when achieving a goal, a child needs patience. For this purpose, I created a game-aid “Where, when and why - I can always be patient.”

    Our group has already laid the “foundation of determination”! And the great Mother - Praise caresses and instills confidence in children. And we, adults, will help achieve goals, realize our desires and desires.

    (1) For local boys, the sea was not an exotic resort, but an everyday thing
    everyday life, home. (2) Therefore, me, a visitor, but floating in the present
    crawl - first category! - they took it as one of their own. (3) But in the newcomer’s skinny
    the boy, who looked with envy at their noisy, desperate coastal brotherhood,
    The locals stubbornly saw the stranger.
    (4) He wore bulging round glasses, for which the boys aptly nicknamed him
    pale-faced boy Goby - there is such a funny fish in the sea with a huge
    head and eyes wide in constant surprise. (5) They despised him
    and for his fussy manner of swimming, therefore they were not accepted into their fraternity.
    (6) But one day the incredible happened! (7) Bull, this frail bespectacled guy,
    dared to swim to the Devil's Finger - a gloomy sheer cliff at the very
    the far entrance to the bay! (8) For him, of course, it was truly desperate
    by action. (9) And the silent sniffling of the boys was evidence of this...
    (10) Back The goby swam too slowly, awkwardly waddling from side to side
    and raising his arms, weak as reeds, high. (11) In addition, he corrected every now and then
    glasses: apparently, water flooded the glasses. (12) He could not have foreseen one more
    (13) A dead swell came from the sea - a wide, slow wave. (14) Harmless in
    open sea, she raged in the narrow stone labyrinths of the bay. (15) With each
    the new wave of pressure near the shore became stronger and more dangerous. (16) Deal with him
    Only an experienced and strong swimmer could. (17) Of course, I couldn’t know this
    city ​​boy...
    (18) The rebound wave threw him back, like a blind kitten.
    (19) One of the boys said hesitantly in my ear:
    (20) - Guys, the Bull is drowning...

    (21) They were confused by the fact that he did not shout: “Help!” or something like that.
    (22) The bull drowned silently and, if I may say so, with dignity.
    (23) I pulled on my fins, trying not to miss with my eyes the place where I last
    The boy's head flashed and he dived under the foamy crest of the next wave.
    (24) I was lucky: on the fourth or fifth pass I touched the boy’s hand.
    (25) He was already exhausted, went limp and swallowed water, but quickly came to his senses, although it would take a long time
    winced and cleared his throat. (26) Then, pulling on his shirt, he looked at me and said:
    (27) - Still, I didn’t swim at all... (28) Just a little...
    (29) “A little bit...” I imitated him, boiling. (30) - You didn’t drown just a little bit, you little runt
    (31) He was not offended and only took a deep breath. (32) And then suddenly asked:
    (33) - Will you be here tomorrow?
    (34) - Why do you need it? - I muttered not too politely.
    (35) - I’ll swim again! - the boy blurted out hotly. (36) - Do you understand? (37) I have to swim!
    (38) Definitely a must! (39) Well, if something happens... (40) You will save me again... (41) Okay?
    (42) I was simply taken aback by such impudence. (43) For several moments I peered into
    his serious bespectacled face, wondering whether to give him a good education
    purposes. (44) But there was something in the expression of his eyes that was completely unexpected for himself
    I blurted out myself:
    (45) - Okay... come, we'll see...
    (46) And all the boys crowded around us laughed joyfully:
    (47) - And what should I watch? (48) Let's swim together - and go crazy!
    (49) The bull jumped joyfully, and I suddenly realized: this one will certainly swim. (50) Not tomorrow, then
    day after tomorrow...
    (According to L. Kuklin)

    Task 15.2

    Write an argumentative essay.
    Explain how you understand the meaning
    final sentences of the text: “Bull
    jumped joyfully, and I suddenly realized: this
    will definitely get there. Not tomorrow, then
    day after tomorrow..."
    Give two arguments in your essay from
    read text confirming your
    When giving examples, indicate numbers
    necessary suggestions or apply

    less than 70 words.

    Analytical work with text (option 1)

    1) What is important to the author
    follow in
    Reason for change
    local relations
    boys to Bychko;
    the process of achieving it
    the set goal;
    the reason for the
    the narrator's conviction
    the boy's success.
    The reasons that caused
    negative attitude of locals towards
    Bychku (“stranger”)
    little boy."
    "They despised him
    and for the fussy

    2) Why does the narrator call Bychka’s action “desperate” and
    Is the event associated with this act “incredible”?
    (Sentence 7: Bull, this frail, bespectacled guy, dared to swim
    to the Devil's Finger - a gloomy sheer cliff at the farthest
    entrance to the bay!)
    3) What makes both the narrator, the boys, and the reader understand that
    Is Bychka’s act also dangerously desperate?
    Swimmer's condition
    Sea surface condition
    "I swam too
    slow, awkward
    waddling from side to side
    sideways and lifting high
    weak as reeds
    hands"; "he's every now and then
    adjusted his glasses: apparently
    water flooded the windows.”
    “There was a dead swell coming from the sea - a wide
    slow wave. Harmless in the open
    sea, she was furious in the narrow stone
    labyrinths of the bay. ...Round up near the shore
    became stronger and more dangerous. (Cope with
    only an experienced and strong one could handle it
    swimmer. I couldn't know this, of course.
    city ​​boy)...Breaker wave
    threw him back like he was blind

    4) What
    those around
    to Bychko?
    Boy's behavior in
    “...He didn’t shout:
    "Help!" or something like that
    kind. The bull was drowning
    “- I’ll swim again! blurted out hotly
    boy. Do you understand? I'm
    must swim!
    must! Well, in case
    why... You me again
    save..."; " was
    something like that in
    the expression in his eyes that
    unexpectedly for myself
    I blurted out myself:
    - Okay... come,
    We'll see there..."

    1) Introduction. Let's reveal the topic of the text and formulate
    Determination and willpower are what turns
    weak into strong. Such a person knows exactly what he wants, and
    will definitely achieve his goal. Therefore, the narrator is right,
    speaking about the Bull: “...This one will certainly swim. Not tomorrow, then
    day after tomorrow...".
    2) Let’s present arguments using introductory words.
    Firstly, the boy was desperately brave, despite the physical
    unpreparedness and poor vision (sentence 7).
    Secondly, he fights to the last, and only by chance
    having survived, he still does not deviate from his plans
    (sentences 35-40). Even local boys used to
    those who despised him could not help but recognize him as an equal in strength
    spirit, and therefore accepted Bychka into their society.
    3) Conclusion.
    Thus, the narrator convinces us that
    perseverance and determination help to achieve success in
    in any matter.

    The sea doesn't like the weak, so
    the hostile attitude is understandable
    local boys to the “frail, bespectacled guy” with
    by his “fussy manner of swimming.”
    However appearance The bull turned out to be
    deceptive: the boy’s audacity amazed
    teenagers (sentence 7).
    But the most important thing is what made
    locals and narrator change attitude
    to the boy - this is his desire
    make your dream come true: Bull almost
    died, but intends to swim to
    rocks (sentences 35-40).
    This courage and determination
    The "bespectacled man" made the narrator believe
    what a brave boy will do
    Bychka's willpower convinced everyone: he
    the dream will come true.
    In the essay
    main thoughts
    are confirmed
    two examples of arguments from
    text that

    The author is right when he says that
    Goby "must
    will swim."
    Before his eyes
    there was an example to those around him,
    who swam well
    (sentence 1-2). He himself
    trained constantly
    every day (suggestion)
    7). Of course, Bychko doesn’t have
    everything worked out right away, but
    he will still be there
    learn to swim,
    especially if he
    locals will help
    boys and newcomer.
    Everyone has everything
    it will work out if it takes a long time
    The student could not explain
    the meaning of the last phrases of the text
    due to incorrect
    interpretation of what you read.
    This is evidenced by
    factual errors in
    essay. At the graduate's
    lacking the ability to create
    statement on a given
    topic based on what you read.

    Working with text (option 2)

    a) Reading the source text.
    b) Conversation about the meaning of the last phrases of the text:
    “The bull jumped joyfully, and I suddenly
    I understood: this one will certainly swim. Not
    tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow...”
    c) Formulation of the thesis: “Strong
    It's not muscles that make a person, it's
    the desire to fulfill your dream."
    d) Selection of arguments from the text.
    e) Formulating a conclusion.
    "Dedication and willpower
    help a person achieve what he wants
    results and command respect
    those around you."
    Writing an essay.

    Essay sample

    The narrator's story about the "frail
    bespectacled" ends with the words: ""Bull"
    jumped up joyfully, and I suddenly realized:
    this one will certainly float. Not tomorrow, then
    day after tomorrow...".
    Indeed, it is what makes a person strong
    not muscles, but the desire to fulfill one’s
    Firstly, Goby is brave, and this is a property
    characteristic only of courageous people
    (sentences 7,8).
    Secondly, it hits him
    determination: even deadly
    danger could not defeat his desire
    implement your plans (suggestions 2738).
    Therefore, perseverance and willpower
    help a person achieve his desired goal.

    Task 15.3

    How do you understand the meaning of the word
    PURPOSE? Formulate and
    Comment on your definition.
    Write an essay-discussion on the topic:
    “What is determination?”, taking into account
    the definition you gave as a thesis.
    Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two)
    example-argument confirming your
    reasoning: one example argument
    quote from the text you read, and the second -
    from your life experience.
    The volume of the essay should not be
    less than 70 words.

    Task 15.3

    Determination - striving for a goal


    Ways to interpret concepts

    1) Classic definition: concept
    determined through generic and species
    2) description: properties and
    signs of this concept;
    3) characteristics: the most
    bright, essential features of this concept;
    4) comparison: this concept correlates with
    any concepts similar to it;
    5) distinction: the content of this concept
    determined by indicating differences in
    comparison with other concepts.
    In any case, the examinee
    must disclose the contents
    concept, that is, to define it
    significant features.

    Logical operation of defining a concept. Classical definition

    Word (concept,
    Determination -
    more general
    manifests itself in
    striving for


    Word (concept,
    Goal-oriented person
    Notice the general
    similar in two subjects
    express this similarity figuratively
    look like
    pushing through
    through the asphalt to
    to the sun.


    Word (concept,
    A man without
    goals in life -
    Point out differences
    compared to
    other concepts;
    establish a difference
    of this item from
    similar to him
    not a human,
    ship without


    Word (concept, property)
    List just a few
    internal essential properties
    phenomena, concepts.
    ability to organize your
    actions to achieve
    set goal and
    perform them consistently.


    Word (concept,
    Determination -
    this is what
    (one who (or
    which); all that
    What; anyone who
    Define properties and
    signs of this concept
    makes a person
    successful and

    Are these theses true? Justify your statements

    Determination is clarity of mind
    helping to define purpose and strength
    spirit, helping to achieve the goal, regardless
    to obstacles.
    Determination is the presence of
    a person of beliefs from which he is not
    refuses even under pressure
    Determination is always a skill
    keep the end goal in mind and not
    switch to nothing else in the process
    Determination is the compass in
    modern business world, helping
    a person always stays on the right course.

    Making a comment plan

    What are the distinctive features
    a purposeful person?
    What is its value?
    What may be the conditions
    (circumstances, reasons, prerequisites)
    manifestations of this property?
    How does this property characterize (quality,
    character trait) of its owner?
    Complete the plan with your own
    questions, answer them.
    Use the answers in your

    Reading time: 4 min

    Determination is a personal trait that is characterized by a conscious, consistent, long-term, stable focus on a conditioned result, called a goal. Purposefulness in psychology is a person’s ability to formulate a task with certain characteristics, plan activities, perform actions according to the needs of the goal, overcoming resistance, internal and external. A purposeful person is someone who has developed a sense of purpose; accordingly, he is able to consciously plan activities and consistently carry them out until the goal is achieved.

    What is determination

    Determination is a positive, individually and socially rewarded quality. It is listed in vacancies, wished for birthday people, and considered a valuable compliment. Despite the fact that this characteristic can be acquired, there are a fairly small number of people who can readily define themselves as a purposeful person and even fewer can back up the statement with real behavior.

    Purposefulness is an integrative concept in psychology. The main spheres of psychological essence in it are will, but this also applies to character. We are not talking about limitations, but about ways to develop this quality and the scale of its influence on the individual. There are no objective restrictions in the development of determination; there are no “innately unmotivated” people, just as there are no those who received this quality like a genetic lottery.

    A person’s determination is not an innate trait, therefore the lack of examples in generations does not matter, and there is no age, gender or cultural limiter in its development. This is an acquired trait that is developed through consistent actions. Denial of this trait in oneself is a betrayal of one’s essence, since there are no objective arguments in favor of the impossibility of developing this quality in a reasonable person. Everyone has experience of purposefulness and the naturalness of its manifestation. When a child learns to speak by forming a new word and then persistently repeating it, he is an example of determination. The formation of speech is a very complex process that requires the expenditure of large resources; the skill of correct speech requires a lot of effort; it is not so automatic that it develops on its own, as evidenced by physically healthy children with speech problems due to lack of training.

    Personal determination is a skill that absolutely anyone can possess, and by refusing the right to develop it, he deprives himself of the source of realizing his dreams. Even with great innate talent, its realization requires going through a stage of persistent effort.

    The definition of determination is associated with perseverance, perseverance, motivation, clarity of perception, and willpower.

    Purpose and determination

    Purposefulness is a quality that is prescribed based on the results of its implementation, and not allowed. You cannot be potentially, conditionally, passively purposeful. Only by achieving the set goals can an individual attribute this characteristic to himself. Similarly, if a person has achieved a certain goal, was purposeful for a certain period, then stopped the necessary actions, choosing passive behavior, purposefulness will weaken and after some time will not be a trait that can be declared. Without external manifestation, determination does not function.

    Purposefulness is one of the key concepts concerning the emotional-volitional sphere. Examples of determination are also stories of realizing one’s nature. Determination is a psychological tool that is universal because it can be applied to any trait, dream, goal or desire. By developing determination, a person gains everything more strength and the ability to influence ever larger and deeper layers of your life.

    Purpose and determination are inseparable. If the goal is unattractive and does not inspire even at the stage of dreams, then it will be possible to ignite from it and direct strength only through a strong willpower, and then not for long. If the goal is extremely necessary, but does not have a response in the soul, you should consciously bring an emotional background into it. After all, if you need it so much, it means that there is something behind it that you dream about. Those. you can include it in the structure of a larger, attractive goal by making it a sub-item. The pleasure of achieving a large-scale goal is always slightly delayed; keeping this in mind, you can feel the meaning of the word “anticipation.”

    IN English language One of the spellings of the word purposefulness is the phrase “sense of purpose,” literally “the meaning of purpose.” And this is where you should start for yourself - why and for what purpose to spend a resource to achieve a goal. For example, you may be too lazy to do minimal exercise or go to the gym just “for health”, but presenting your athletic body on the beach, in beautiful clothes at a celebration or running a marathon will spur. Accordingly, the first step is to imagine the final goal, at least approximately. Over time, it may change and fade into the background, but now it should have an incentive meaning.

    How to overcome laziness and develop determination?

    Often called an obstacle to developing a sense of purpose. This is a conditional enemy within us, which we would like to overcome and become collected and purposeful.

    Laziness can arise for a number of reasons, which can relate both to physical illness and internal contradictions with the goal. To understand yourself, you need to analyze the goal, its scale, scope, resource costs, including time.

    Viktor Frankl, the creator of the psychotherapeutic direction "", said that for better motivation the goal should be a little more than achievable, being a little “beyond the horizon”, always a little unattainable dream. Then it will be good stable level motivation and prevention of “disappointment in achievement.” The man who went through the horrors of a concentration camp, driven by his goals, knew what he was talking about.

    And develop a sense of purpose? Sometimes laziness masks not living up to your own expectations, when it seems that the goal bar is too high, but you honestly don’t want to admit it to yourself. To do this, the global goal should be divided into subgoals and the one that does not cause such stress should be taken as a guideline. Let the global remain a dream that allows for some unattainability this moment. As you progress, the plan will be revised, and the steps and achievements already taken will strengthen confidence in the possibility of realizing your dream. Or it will become a sub-goal to a larger one.

    Lack of motivation is often cited as a barrier, or rather, its decline during implementation or even at the planning stage. Motivation is part emotional sphere, the “fuel” of will. If you postpone implementation for a long time, engaging in long-term planning, emotional energy is spent, but there is no reinforcement with the result, motivation decreases. At the implementation stage, motivation decreases due to increased stress from the workload.

    To level out this decline, you need to remind yourself of the results, as well as plan intermediate stages with a certain, desired result so that the pleasure received reinforces motivation. The best option is when such an exchange occurs constantly; for this, to achieve the goal, certain steps should be taken daily. Therefore, at the initial stage of the formation of this quality, it is worth starting with the formation of some kind of habit, when actions should be daily and every day there is positive reinforcement in the form of a “tick” for the action performed and the pleasure of self-overcoming. Moreover, it is more effective to create a new, useful one, rather than fight the old one, i.e. do not deprive yourself of anything that can increase stress, but add something necessary. Gradually, you need to make your tasks more difficult, since performing an overly easy task for a long time reduces pleasure, since it is no longer assessed as an achievement. A certain satisfaction will remain in the background, but to constantly maintain a tangible level, you need to step to the next level.

    How to become a purposeful person

    Purpose and determination are concepts of the emotional-volitional sphere. It is no coincidence that emotions and will are considered together. In a sense, we can rephrase that a goal is an object of emotion. Imagining it, thinking about achievement and results, a person feeds himself with delayed emotions of pleasure and joy.

    Purposefulness is the result of volitional efforts, coordinated and consistent behavior. Volitional effort is behavior in which a person acts under self-pressure, and emotions help him withstand this pressure, keeping in mind the result.

    And to become a purposeful person, you need to integrate these concepts. Choose a goal that is desirable, inspires and performs consistent volitional actions. At the initial stages, the goal must be chosen, in which there is practically no doubt about achieving it and the actions necessary for implementation are perceived as insignificant. But the pleasure from implementation should be quite subjectively significant. The goal should be environmentally friendly, positive, and when planning, take into account personal resources as much as possible, and not be focused on others, i.e. as autonomous as possible for the individual.

    Having completed this step, the goal bar will be raised, and the required actions will accordingly become more difficult. The factor of obtaining perceived satisfaction from completed actions with a low level of development of the trait of purposefulness has great importance, subsequently it will be more automatic, remaining an active link in interaction. Completing the previous task will give you confidence in your strength to complete the next one, the skill will be strengthened in your own eyes, as well as in the eyes of others, the image of a purposeful person will be formed. A person may think that achievements are for others or at some stages become discouraged.

    Examples of determination in other people can inspire your own activity. Studying biographies and success stories, admiring the perseverance and dedication of heroes, increases confidence in people's capabilities. And looking at them, we think about how to develop determination in ourselves.

    How to develop determination

    Like any trait, determination is the habit of acting in accordance with the intended goal; it is a neural connection in the brain like a “beaten path”. With each subsequent “pass”, performing the required action, this happens with increasing ease, less and less conscious volitional effort is required. Man with good development With this skill, he no longer thinks about whether he can stick to the planned plan, since past experience reinforces confidence in his abilities.

    From the outside, one gets the impression that as soon as he wants, he easily achieves results, determination is in his blood, but in reality this is the result of a well-practiced skill, just as it is not difficult for an athlete to run several kilometers, but for an untrained one, one kilometer seems insurmountable. Also, the pleasure that a person trained in purposefulness receives from the process is better and of higher quality, and his emotional-volitional integration works smoothly and as independently as possible from external circumstances, independently regulating and compensating the level of stress from volitional efforts.

    When wondering how to develop sense of purpose, it is important to remember that human psychology is systemic and by following rules that seem unrelated to will, you can indirectly influence the development of sense of purpose.

    Analyze what situations and words disturb everyday calm. The more hectic and distracted a person is, the fewer resources there will be for the right areas. We must remember that the emphasis is not on who is distracting, but why we ourselves are distracted. It is highly advisable to engage in any physical exercise, even if sports and appearance are not areas of interest. This helps to indirectly train will, patience, consistency on a daily basis, and also reduces excessive emotional lability. This will strengthen self-confidence, since it will constantly remind you of your ability to overcome reluctance and laziness. Exercise can be considered the very first step in developing a sense of purpose for any person.

    Consider the reasons why you procrastinate necessary steps and remind yourself that this is your desire. Perhaps the goal is not so interesting, does not have a response. But if this is not the case, then the obstacles are solvable. Here it is important not to get hung up on the brain bubble of soul-searching, but to develop a conditioned reflex in yourself. If there is no doubt about the need for an action, do it first, and then think about why you didn’t want to, if it makes sense.

    The best option encouragement for action should be pleasure from the process of achieving the goal. At the initial stages, you can formulate an abstract prize for perseverance, but upon receiving it, associate it with the action performed, forming a connection between the necessary action and pleasure. Positive reinforcement in habit formation works more effectively than negative reinforcement when there is punishment for non-compliance. WITH necessary activities you need to associate a maximum of positive associations; negative ones arise from unusual efforts, and an additional increase in them with stress from punishment can completely deprive you of motivation for the goal.

    If your goals seem large-scale and your strengths seem small, you should start with small goals or subgoals. Let endurance be the goal, determination as the goal. This may seem like a petty and stupid task, but achieving the most global goal requires a sequence of small but systematic steps. There is also a “plateau” phenomenon, when some time the efforts do not bring results or the results are small. Most often, during this period, emotional inspiration is already reduced or depleted, and only the habit of daily work does not allow you to stop. What is also important here is the desire for the goal, reminding yourself why it all started, what pleasures it promises and what joy it brings. The larger the goal, the more difficult it is this process in structure, but the principle is the same as when forming any everyday habit, which also requires determination.

    Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"