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Unified Russian employment agency.

There are several types of employment agencies that operate in Moscow and the region. Despite some problems experienced by such companies, they continue to work and develop. However, for last years their number has decreased significantly. This is due to the fact that people, wanting to save money when looking for work, use newspapers and news sites with advertisements. This method is free and often quite effective. Another reason is the wide job market. Finding a job in Moscow and the region is not difficult, but salaries, as a rule, are underestimated in the Moscow region.

The services of companies that help them find a job are most often used by highly qualified workers who want to find a job in their specialty.

There are two types of employment companies. First of all, it’s worth talking about recruiting companies. They work primarily with employers. Companies that want to find an employee for a vacancy pay a recruiting agency to select a professional for the open position. Accordingly, it is the agency and not the employing company that takes on the responsibilities for searching and selecting personnel. Cooperating with recruiting agencies is absolutely safe and very useful for employers.

There are also mixed-type employment agencies in Moscow. They provide recruitment services for companies and look for jobs for job seekers. Most often, payment to such an agency for job search is made upon hiring and corresponds to the size of the first salary. The services of such agencies can be useful for people who are experiencing problems due to lack of work experience, insufficient qualifications and other objective problems.

Agencies not only find jobs for applicants, but also help them present themselves correctly to a future employer. Agents tell you how to write a resume correctly and what to say at an interview. How quickly a job will be found depends primarily on the desired specialty, but, as a rule, this process lasts no more than three weeks. Working with such agencies is also safe, since no advance payments are provided and the applicant must pay for the services after getting a job. However, give the first wages Not everyone can work with an agency.

One way or another, it makes sense to contact employment agencies in Moscow only when the applicant is convinced that he needs help and cannot find a job alone. In this case, it is worth looking for vacancies with the qualifications you are interested in first in recruiting companies, and only then contacting mixed-type agencies.

First, you need to define the terms, since many people mistakenly assume that recruitment agencies and employment agencies are the same thing. So, how are these two organizations different, if at all?

Recruitment agency is a recruitment agency that works under a contract with the employer and at his expense; the services of such an agency are free for job seekers.

Thus, if you send your resume to Moscow recruitment agency for an open vacancy, do not expect that they will individually look for a job and offer you a hundred options. No! The recruitment agency will call you back only if your candidacy is of interest to its employer client. If you are not suitable for the vacancy, the maximum that the agency will do is leave your resume in “ personnel reserve"(until the next suitable vacancy appears), at a minimum - it will simply be thrown into the basket (especially if it is compiled "anyhow" and it is impossible to understand anything from it).

Among the most famous and leading recruitment agencies in Moscow for job seekers we can highlight Ancor, Manpower, StaffMax, Unity, Kelly Services.

Some recruitment agencies in the capital position their services as helping the applicant find a job, however, if the service is free for the applicant, then most likely this is a “personnel reserve”, which I wrote about above. You shouldn't hope for more. Let's be realistic, no one will help anyone “for free,” especially in Moscow!

So, to summarize, I advise you to send your resume to a recruitment agency either for an open vacancy (if you know for sure that you fit all or almost all of the requirements of the vacancy), or to the “personnel reserve”, if you already have a compiled resume, you are not are especially limited in time or you are a top or rare specialist (recruitment agencies themselves are “hunting” for such).

Things are a little different with employment agencies in Moscow. Employment agency works under a contract with the applicant and, accordingly, at the expense of the applicant. Sometimes there are recruitment agencies that provide services to both employers and job seekers, but now this is quite rare, especially in Moscow.

I’ll say right away that there are few of them (even in Moscow), in particular, due to the fact that the applicant cannot fully satisfy financial needs agencies. The maximum that can be taken from him as agency remuneration is the amount of one salary, usually no more than 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, such an amount is simply unaffordable for many applicants, while for an agency it is not a lot of money. It is for this reason that many recruitment agencies refuse to work with individuals, preferring companies. And those that exist mainly offer applicants not a job search until full employment, but only intermediary (so-called information) services.

Having analyzed the employment agencies in the capital, I would like to draw attention to the services of two agencies that offer their assistance to job seekers. Despite the fact that the methods of work in these agencies are fundamentally different, now you will understand everything yourself.

Employment agency in Moscow "Transit-Career" (not to be confused with the personnel agency “Transit Career”). So, the employment agency Transit-Career offers its applicants several employment rates, I would like to focus on two of them.

The first tariff is called “Effective Employment”. For 20 thousand rubles you will be offered analytical consulting, compilation professional resume, posting resumes on 10 leading job sites, updating resumes twice a week, sending resumes to suitable vacancies, as well as telephone consulting support. And all this within one month. Tariff extension costs 6 thousand rubles per month.

The second tariff is “Elite Employment +”. For just 45 thousand rubles, in addition to everything listed above, which is included in “effective employment”, you will be offered training to prepare for an interview and will develop several options cover letters to your resume, organize calls to companies regarding open vacancies to which the manager has sent your resume, direct search for employers, etc. Extension of the tariff 16 thousand rubles per month.

Result of service analysis of this agency allows us to conclude that not a single tariff provides a guarantee of 100% employment. That is, of course, the specialists of this agency will make every effort for this, but if, so to speak, it’s not fate, then the applicant will simply throw his money down the drain. Although it is possible that this option is a saving straw for many, because some people don’t know how to write a resume correctly, and some people simply don’t have the Internet (and this happens).

Recruitment agency "Maverick" , consulting company, operating in the personnel services market since 2007. One of the few that is well-known among job seekers. The company offers cooperation for individuals By the following directions: writing a resume “from scratch”, correcting an existing resume, posting a resume on Internet resources job search in Moscow, consulting services, as well as the “Job Search” service. The latter, in my opinion, is worth paying attention to in more detail, since it is this service in its pure form that is real help in finding a job. Payment of remuneration in the amount of one salary (but not more than 50 thousand rubles) is made within 40 calendar days from the moment the candidate is hired. This is exactly how many recruitment agencies (in the concept of employment agencies) work in the regions.

For those who really want to find help in finding work in the capital and are ready to pay for their work, this is not the worst option, so I think it’s worth taking a closer look.

Good luck in your job search!

One of the main activities of our company is the solution personnel issues for organizations and selection of vacancies for job seekers. The recruitment agency allows employers to form a team of professional staff, and for applicants to find a position that meets the requirements with a decent salary level.

Services for employers

Activity recruitment agency includes the following services for employers:

  • Searching for candidates for vacant positions;
  • Assessing the applicant’s compliance with the employer’s requirements;
  • Checking the candidate’s readiness to work in this position, assessing his qualifications and professional suitability;
  • Verification of the applicant's provided data and documents in order to protect the employer's business from fraudulent activities.

Contacting a professional recruitment agency relieves management of organizations from the need to select employees, which can take a lot of time. Our recruitment agency specialists have extensive experience in recruiting employees for any vacancies, including those with high level financial liability and related to the adoption management decisions. When selecting personnel for such positions, special attention is paid not only to the professionalism and skill level of the candidate, but also to his reliability.

Services for job seekers

Our recruitment agency has an extensive database of vacancies and provides the following services for job seekers:

  • Assistance in creating a professional resume;
  • Selection of vacancies in accordance with the candidate’s requirements;
  • Help in preparing for an interview;
  • Organizing a meeting with the employer.

Currently, there are many organizations offering their services in finding suitable vacancies and guaranteeing 100% employment. You should not trust such offers, especially if the company requires advance payment for its services. The final decision on hiring a person is made by the management of the employing company. The recruitment agency specializes in finding suitable vacancies and provides employment assistance.

Our main advantage is our extensive professional experience in the field of personnel selection. A team of professional staff of the recruitment agency exercises strict control at all stages of employee selection, ensuring the safety of the employer’s business.