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Fix price ekb. How to open a Fix Price store in your city

Do you dream of starting your own business, but have heard about the unsuccessful starts of other entrepreneurs? There is a simple and legal way protect yourself by minimizing risks. This method is franchising. It's simple and effective form cooperation: a well-promoted company “leases” its trademark, equipment and goods to you, and you are engaged exclusively in making money. One of the most interesting and promising options franchising is cooperation with Fix network Price. Let's see how open a Fix Price store in your city , what is needed for this and how much you can earn.

What is Fix Price

Fix Price - trademark famous company Best Price, engaged in the sale of various goods fixed price. That is, absolutely everything in these stores costs the same (the “Everything for 10” stores and similar ones borrowed the idea from Fix Price). The assortment is amazing - on this moment it includes more than 2 thousand units of goods.

The assortment in Fix Price stores is simply huge

Here you can buy:

  1. Tea, coffee, chocolate and other food products.
  2. Household chemicals.
  3. Clothes for children and adults.
  4. Cosmetics.
  5. Household goods.
  6. Napkins, handkerchiefs and hygiene products.
  7. Toys.

Fix Price offers a truly wide selection of useful products - you are guaranteed to have customers, but competitors will not.


Since Fix Price offers franchise cooperation, you will need to meet certain requirements. Firstly, the price is strictly limited. You cannot change the price of goods - everything is set at a fixed price. Secondly, the purchase of goods occurs only from them - you do not have the right to cooperate with anyone else. Thirdly, your a store should be located either in a passageway or in the center residential area with a large number of multi-storey buildings.

In return you get:

  1. Access to the company’s full range (2 thousand items). The assortment is constantly updated with new items.
  2. Low transaction costs.
  3. Delivery of goods directly from the Fix Price warehouse (work without intermediaries and mark-ups).
  4. Connection to a unified accounting software and trading network.

You can open a Fix Price store as follows: mall, and in a separate building

How to start?

In order to get started, you need to purchase a Fix Price franchise. To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The required investment is currently estimated at 3 million rubles. At the same time, 2 million is spent on paying for goods, 1 million on repairs and equipment.

The requirements for the premises are quite simple - volume trading floor 250 m2, beautiful showcase with advertising (provided), 4 employees per shift.

In this case, you will need to carry out monthly fee for using a franchise in the amount of 3 percent of turnover, and the average markup on all goods will be approximately 30%.

Note:the 3 million investment does not include rent, taxes and payroll. On average, about 2 million more are needed per year for these items.

But these are already current expenses that will be recouped through sales, so the initial investment of 3 million is the amount of the required starting capital.


We have already described above, how to open a Fix Price store in your city from scratch , now let's study the profitability of this business. In cities with a population of over 500 thousand people, a store opened in a convenient location pays for itself in about 7-8 months. In small towns (100,000 or more), payback is usually 12-14 months. This is an excellent return on investment for such an investment.

Such stores are always popular among the population

Why is this beneficial?

There are several reasons to buy a Fix Price franchise rather than work on your own:

  1. Complete lack of competition in 95% of cities.
  2. Low purchase and selling prices: you will have customers even in the most serious crisis.
  3. A well-thought-out system of working with the supplier. You will have no delays, overlaps, or errors.
  4. Relevance of the product. You can independently choose which product to sell from the presented assortment. The company itself regularly conducts targeted and marketing research that accurately reflect customer needs.
  5. Detailed training in the work process and the basics of doing business. Experienced consultants, lawyers and accountants will always help you in your work.
  6. Connection to unified network will allow you to save on accounting and warehouse software. All stores are connected to a single network, so you will receive the necessary goods as soon as their quantity drops below a specified value.
  7. Excellent return on investment for a fairly moderate investment.

Many entrepreneurs consider stores with fixed fee something frivolous, but it is not so. This is great and profitable business, which pays off in a maximum of a year and then brings serious income to the owner. If you leave the business, you simply hand over all the goods to the company, and it returns the money you invested in it. You can also sell the point to another person - with the right approach, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

I worked in the “best price” store at the address Moscow Ave., Novoyasenevsky 1b, building 4, store number 750, for only 10 days, and I suffered a lot. I am an honest girl, from a very good and decent family. It all started with the fact that I The phone was constantly lying next to the cash register, but no one saw it, and I didn’t use it, it was lying there because my mother was sick, God forbid... because of this, we had our first conflict with the manager. More precisely, her bar was torn off. And she shouted in her own language, since I, a Russian, did not understand anything. A little later, I had a slight plus at the cash register, for which the manager ordered me to write an explanatory note, to which I sat down at the table and began to carry out the order, at that time a scandal began between her and the administrator, they screamed, fought, the work computer flew, the admin crashed. mouse, honestly I was very scared. I worked in fixed price stores for many years and this is my first time. Then, on December 1, 2018, a delivery of 8 pallets of products arrived; I, a cashier, a girl doing an internship, and a mobile loader were forced to manually lift this product from the first to the second floor, since the freight elevator was not working. Everything would be fine, the three of us brought it all in, the administrator showed up as if he was working, but when I went into the manager’s office, he was lying on chairs, the manager was looking at the cameras, the minor daughter was sitting at the cash register, this is the height of disrespect for us. Next, on December 2, 2018, I came to work exactly at 9:00, as usual, there were no higher-ups yet, the store opened at half past 10. We had a conflict with the manager because there was a queue of more than 4 people, honestly I don’t look at what the queue is , and I don’t take it into account, knowing that I can serve clients within 5 minutes. Then they counted me very often, at the cash register there is always plus 10.20 rubles, since these kopecks are inconvenient to work with, and people are like that and leave a ruble, two, five at the cash register, saying they don’t need change. Although the manager said not to put this little thing away, but to put it in the cash register, and then the day before she told me to put it away so that it would not be visible. Good That’s what I did, since I put a lot of people in the pocket of my work jacket. Then I was accused of theft, at the checkout the man tried 4 cans of energy drink, its cost was 25 rubles per can. As a result, the final amount is 100 rubles. The administrator comes up and starts emptying his pockets and there is small change, he starts shouting that it’s a thief and they took me to the manager’s office, they say there is a video that proves that I’m stealing, they showed it to me, supposedly I broke through not 4 cans but 2. And the cost of the energy drink is not 25 rubles, but 50 rubles . In general, I appropriated 100 rubles for myself. The store administrator reached into his jeans pockets and pulled out 250 rubles of my last personal money, and took it for himself. And they forced me to write an explanatory note, to which I refused, packed my things and left. I ask you to take action against the administrator and manager of the store. Don't leave it like this... I'm not the only one....