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Fiscal memory. KKM errors (excerpts from standard instructions) Error 112 FP overflow how to fix

Any successful trading enterprise today it is unthinkable without the appropriate equipment. And first of all, these are cash registers, which include several components - a special device for printing a receipt, a device for entering information and a screen displaying the essence of the operations performed.

Any cash desk is intended, first of all, to control all financial transactions of the company on the part of government agencies. For this purpose, the device uses its fiscal memory - its most important part. Data about all transactions and actions ever performed are recorded and remain in fiscal memory. However, in addition to fiscal memory, any cash register contains another memory - EKLZ. EKLZ - protected electronic control tape. Simply put, this is an additional memory unit that is installed inside the cash register and is designed to remember the amounts of money passing through the cash register.

The use of the EKLZ block has been mandatory since 2004 and serves to suppress unauthorized operations with the fiscal memory of cash registers (hacking, resetting and correcting fiscal memory) in order to reduce the amount of revenue subject to taxation. EKLZ, unlike fiscal memory, is closed in its own case; all information to be recorded in EKLZ is securely encrypted using a special encryption code (key), which is constantly changing. It is this fact that forces annual replacement of ECLZ in all cash registers. Thus, “hacking EKLZ,” even if it is carried out, will not make it possible to obtain a “universal master key” for any given cash register for a long period of time, and especially not for other cash registers. With regular use of a cash register (cash register), the need to replace the ECLZ periodically arises. Replacement can be under warranty or planned; it is carried out only by special service organizations. Replacing EKLZ yourself is prohibited and can cause trouble with the tax office.

The Avangard Service company is one of the most recommended and trusted companies, offering services for planned and warranty replacement of EKLZ. We do the work quickly and efficiently.

A planned replacement of cash register ECLs is usually due to the fact that the memory is more than 90% full, or that more than 12 months have passed since the unit was activated. In this case, the organization or individual entrepreneur must contact the service organization, attaching to the application Letter of guarantee, which indicates consent to replace the ECLZ (removal of the old unit and installation of a new one). The law also allows unscheduled replacement of ECLZ. This is possible if the cash register machine is re-registered to another owner.

Regardless of what kind of EKLZ replacement, planned or warranty, was carried out, all work is confirmed by documents, and a report is drawn up based on the result. Documents must be submitted to tax office. All EKLZ removed from cash registers during replacement must be stored in an organization or with a private entrepreneur for at least 5 years.

However, there is another important point, when replacing ECLZ, to which we advise you to pay special attention. Fiscal memory The KKM is designed, on average, for 2000 shifts, which on average allows you to work with it for 5-6 years. ECLZ is changed once every 13 months. When replacing the FP, the ECLZ must be changed. Thus, if you have been working at your cash register for a long time, pay attention to the number of remaining FP work shifts. Since, if there are 150-200 free work shifts left at your cash register, they will last for six months, and the ECLZ installed at this time is designed for 13 months, this means that with the new installed ECLZ you will be able to work only half of its term, after Well, you'll have to change it again. So, it is much more profitable to “reset” the remaining shifts and simultaneously replace the ECLZ and FP. This will save your money and time on replacing them.


1 KKM ERRORS (excerpts from standard instructions) AMS 100 E PU no paper E NP no purchases E EP there are purchases E OGR amount limit E 24 shift exceeded 24 hours AMS 100F Version 16 (malfunction) Fault code Characteristics Error writing ROM 005 Malfunction of RAM 006 Violation of information in ROM (mismatch of control sum) 009 Malfunction in the TPG print pulse formation circuit 010 No connection with the BFP 011 No free space in the BFP Error when writing information to the BFP Violation of the control information block in the RPOM Malfunction of access via the interface to the EPROM (short circuit of the microcircuit pins) A distortion was detected when trying to record a purchase in free space Error in the cash register number (if the fiscal cash register is damaged, the number is corrupted) Version 18 (malfunction) Code Malfunction characteristics 01 Error writing to EEPROM 02 Error reading from EEPROM 03 Error writing to the clock chip 04 Error reading from the clock chip

2 05 Malfunction of the RAM 06 Violation of information in the ROM (checksum mismatch) 07 Error writing the product database 08 Error reading the product database 09 Malfunction in the TPG print pulse generation circuit 10 No connection with the BFP 11 No free space in the BFP Error when writing information to the BFP Violation of the CS of the control information block Hardware malfunction of the I2C interface When recording a purchase in the EZh, non-empty cells were found No cash register number Three faulty entries in the BFP Transition of the clock microcircuit through the century AMC-100K E EE error PFC with EKLZ E 50 no connection with EKLZ E 51 registration mismatch . EKLZ numbers E 52 shifts do not match 0 enter the cash register number (clean FP) Code Characteristics of malfunctions 01 Error writing to EEPROM 02 Error reading from EEPROM 03 Error writing to the clock chip 04 Error reading from the clock chip 05 Malfunction of RAM 06 Violation of information in ROM (checksum mismatch) 07 Error in writing the product database 08 Error in reading the product database 09 Malfunction in the TPG printing pulse generation circuit 10 No connection with the BFP 11 No free space in the BFP 12 Error when writing information to the BFP 13 Violation of the control information block CS

3 14 Hardware malfunction of the I2C interface 15 When recording a purchase, non-empty cells were found in the EZ 16 No cash register number 50 No connection with the EKLZ, the EKLZ is faulty or missing 51 Mismatch of the EKLZ registration number 52 Mismatch of the shift number in the FP and EKLZ 98 3 faulty records detected in the BFP 99 Transition of the clock chip through the century Error codes returned by the ECLZ and their interpretation: Malfunction code Type of ECLZ error: incorrect format or command parameter. ECLZ: incorrect state. ECLZ: accident. ECLZ: CS (cryptographic coprocessor) failure. ECLZ: the temporary resource of use has been exhausted. ECLES: crowded. ECLZ: incorrect date or time. EKLZ: no requested data. ECLZ: document overflow. In case of ECLZ errors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the printer displays the command number, ECLZ state, including the state of the flags: State of the flags before ECLZ activation: Flag_a = 0 Flag_s = 0 Flag_d = 0 Flag_w = ​​0 Flag_f = 0 Flag_i = 0 Flag_t1 = 0 Flag_t0 =0 State of the flags after closing the archive: Flag_a = 0 Flag_s = 0 Flag_d = 0 Flag_w = ​​0 Flag_f = 1 Flag_i = 0 Flag_t1 = 0 Flag_t0 =0

4 KASBI 02F Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them During operation, constant monitoring of the condition of the machine is carried out. If any discrepancy or error is detected in the operation of the equipment, a sound signal is issued and a corresponding message is displayed on the indicator. Any pressing of keys not described in the operating algorithm of the machine, violation of the sequence of key pressing, or pressing of two or more keys at the same time does not cause the machine to lock and does not produce any action. To identify possible malfunctions, the machine is equipped with a self-test. When you turn on the cash register, the information is verified and the hardware is tested: checking the keyboard; checking indicators; proper operation of the RAM; reliability of the control information block in the RPOM; reliability of information in program ROM; connection and reliability of information in the MFP Note - Any write operation to the MFP drive and RPOM is accompanied by a control reading with comparison during the entire operating time of the cash register. If one of the tests is completed, the name of the malfunction is displayed on the indicator; if this occurs, the machine is blocked. ATTENTION! If the machine becomes blocked, please contact a center specialist. Maintenance(TsTO). Descriptions of the malfunctions are given in Table 1 Table 1 The cashier's indicator displays FP OVERFLOW RAM MALFUNCTION ROM MALFUNCTION The cause of the malfunction was the maximum possible number of shift closures the corresponding microcircuit is faulty the corresponding microcircuit is faulty Cash register operation blocking yes yes yes

5 Table 1 The cashier’s indicator shows TPU MALFUNCTION OSH. ENTRIES IN FP OSH. ENTRIES IN THE RPOM VIOLATED. INF. In FP The cause of the malfunction was incorrect operation of the printing device, information was not written to the fiscal memory or it was distorted, information was not written to the RPOM or it was distorted, unauthorized writing to the fiscal memory. Blocking the operation of the cash register yes yes yes yes During the operation of the cash register, the following warning messages are issued , which serve to draw the operator’s attention to his incorrect actions. In this case, the operation of the machine is not completely blocked. The list of these messages is given in Table 2. Table 2 The cashier's indicator displays NO PURCHASES AMOUNT DEPOSITED! CLOSE SHIFT! OSH SV FIELDS FP The reason for the warning message is an attempt to obtain information when the check buffer is empty, an attempt to change the configuration when the initial amount has been entered, it is necessary to display a control tape on an already existing record about closing a shift, another record is being made NO PAPER! end of paper in TPU no VIOL. INFO THE RPZ IS NOT ENOUGH CASH. NO CASH The cash register is trying to restore data (if the test is successfully completed, further work is possible) an attempt to return amounts exceeding the cash in the cash register; an attempt to return any amounts if there is no cash in the FISKAL cash register. IMPOSSIBLE there are purchases or 16 fiscalizations/re-registrations were carried out Blocking the operation of the cash register no no no no no no no no

6 Table 2 The cashier's indicator shows LOW CASH! NO FISCALIZATION KKM BLOCKED. CHANGE THE PASSWORD Reason for the warning message: an attempt to withdraw amounts exceeding the revenue for the entire period of operation of the cash register (more than the non-zeroable total) The cash register is in a non-fiscal training mode The cash register is blocked by the tax inspector An attempt to record a cashier's password that matches the password of another cashier Blocking the operation of the cash register no no no no LADOGA- F (model version KKM 03) MACHINE BLOCKING During operation, EKKM monitors the correct execution of operations by the user. If the user violates the order of performing individual operations, a sound signal is heard. In some cases, user errors lead to the machine being blocked. At the same time, a blocking message appears on the indicator. Table 12 contains designations of blockages and methods for eliminating them. Table 12. Messages about blocking Designation Type of violation Method of elimination E PU Break (end) of paper Thread the tape or press the TPG of the tape or the TPG is not pressed into the BTP. (see paragraph 4). If the previous document is not completely displayed, press the "TOTAL" key. EGG document NP Attempt to output report Z when the control tape buffer is empty. EGG EP Prohibition of this operation if there are sales in the control tape buffer. EGG 24 The duration of the work shift from the moment the first sale was registered exceeded 24 hours or the control tape buffer overflowed. E ZO The department key is pressed, but will be printed first. To remove the lock, press the “Reset” key. The machine will return to the initial state of the "CASH" mode. Before performing a prohibited operation, you must remove the Z report (see clause 7.2). It is necessary to take a Z report (see clause 7.2)

7 to which sales are prohibited. E OGS The sales amount exceeded the maximum amount allowed for sales to this department. E PP Overflow of department revenue per shift. E NS There is no connection with the PC or the “Running Storage” device E Np The requested product code was not found. E But There is no requested quantity of goods. E BARRIED A ban has been received from the PC or the Operational Storage device to carry out this operation. Press the "Reset" button and enter the allowed amount. Cancel or close the current check and remove the Z report. Check the communication channel with the PC, the connecting cable and the EKKM settings necessary for collaboration with a PC or an “Operational Storage” device. If errors are detected in the operation of the EKCM, a message with a malfunction code is displayed: E ХХХ The meanings of the malfunction codes are indicated in Table 13; if a malfunction is detected, you must call a service technician.

8 Table 13. Table of fault codes. Code Malfunction characteristics Method of troubleshooting E Violation of information in the ROM or Call the master controller “Master”. E Error writing RPOM Call the master E Failure of the date in the timer Call the master E Faulty recording of the serial number Call the machine master in the BFP or RPOM E Lack of communication with the BFP Call the master E Overflow of the BFP Call the master E Error when writing information to the BFP Call the master E Error in programmable parameters Call a MERCURY 115K technician Error messages Message on Explanation Actions indicator Err 001 I 2 C bus failure Contact service department NENOR ROM Failure of the program checksum Restart the cash register. Contact customer service Err 003 Timer malfunction Enter date and time. Contact the service department NP NENOR Malfunction of the fiscal memory Memory NON NOR Malfunction of the Data Flash Err 006 Faulty or unformatted Data Flash Contact the service department Err 007 Violation of the data structure Err 008 Failure of the timer RAM Err 009 Error during recovery after an emergency shutdown Err 010 Date not programmed Program date Err 011 Incorrect date Err EL01 Parameter error when transferring data to the ECLZ Err EL02 Incorrect status of the ECLZ Err EL03 ECLZ fault message Contact

9 Err EL04 The cryptoprocessor is faulty in the service department Err EL05 The time resource of the ECLZ has been exhausted Err EL06 The ECLZ is full Err EL07 The date/time error of the ECLZ Set the correct date Err EL08 There is no requested data in the ECLZ Refine the request Err EL09 The ECLZ registers are overflowing Err EL10 The FP and ECLZ data do not match Return happen to the service department Err EL11 EKLZ is not activated or is not the same Err EL12 Shift numbers in the FP and EKLZ do not match EL NENOR EKLZ is not connected or faulty NONOR PU Faulty NBU printing device No receipt tape Refill the paper tape OVERHEATING Print head overheating. Cool the KKM. Pod G Thermal head retracted Move the head. AP Power failure. Battery is low Turn off the machine. Charge the battery Err 025 Receipt buffer overflow Perform OSG Err 026 Incorrect operation Err 027 Operation interrupted Err 028 Input error Err 029 Attempt to sell an item by code in mode 0, or return by code when only a total refund is allowed To continue, press the “C” key, Err 030 Payment or refund: the requested amount is not available Err 032 Critical error in the check buffer Contact the PROV OSG service department The shift has not been closed. Close the OSG shift IN THE BASE The report with cancellation in the database has not been posted. Carry out the OSG in the database of goods or services Err 036 Register overflow Close check. If the error repeats when opening the next check, cancel it. Err 037 Attempt to sell to a closed section Err 038 Mismatch of section and operation types Err 040 Product blocked in the database Err 041 Attempt to sell a fractional part of a piece product in the database Err 042 Server does not respond Err 043 Error in the exchange protocol with the server Err 044 Refusal to process the request by the server Err 045 Invalid product code value > 1000 Err 046 Product not found in the database Err 047 Insufficient money when calculating change Err 049 Tax or tax group not programmed To cancel, press the “C” key Check connection with the PC To cancel, press the “C” key

10 Err 050 Error in the tax database Err 051 FP overflow Err 052 FP error Err 055 Recording error in FP Err 057 Non-fiscal mode Err 058 No ECLZ registration in FP Contact Err 060 Fiscal record damaged service department Err 062 No serial number Err 064 Incorrect time Enter time MICRO 103K (104K) Error messages. E incorrect operator actions. EP incorrect password. P bit overflow. The deposit amount is less than the sale amount. E07 lack of receipt tape. E38 wrong date. E66 shift not closed. Code Name of error Further actions of operator error E01* EKLZ is faulty or not installed Contact the control center E02* Error when testing the RAM area or error -//- control of information in the service area of ​​the RAM E03* Error in the safety of monetary and operational registers Contact the control center E04* Error when testing the processor - // - E05* Error in the checksum when testing the ROM -//- E06* Error in the printing device, the thermal head is open Perform a visual inspection and clean the PU, close the thermal head. If the error persists after switching on, contact the service center. E07 Lack of receipt tape Load a new roll E08* Voltage is removed from the power supply early when the machine is turned off Contact the service center E09* Information error in the area of ​​programmable prices of RAM See paragraph 6.10 E10* Information control error in the roll-up RAM area Contact the program center E11 Shift duration exceeds permissible Execute Z1-report E12* Foreign ECLZ Install ECLZ activated as part of the machine E13 Attempt to enter a date earlier than the last date Enter the correct date

11 E14* her entry in the FP. Timer error, the set date is less than the date in the FP, error when confirming the current date in the Z1 report Mismatch between the serial number of the machine and the serial number of the machine in the FP Contact the central service center Contact the central service center E15* FP is faulty, not installed or not initialized - // - E16 Overflow FP - // - E17 When switching to the fiscal reporting mode, it was not Return to mode Z and the Z1-report was executed, execute the Z1-report E18* Error when testing the FP control circuit and Contact the display center E19* ECLZ is faulty or activated -// - to a non-fiscalized machine E20 The machine is not fiscalized -//- E21 The report “For request for shift results” in Z1 was not printed - Run a report of the results of the shift report E22 The machine has detected an error that blocks the continuation of work Contact the central service center E23 ECLZ new, foreign, previously activated or new -//- E24 No access to the fiscal mode, car without a number Enter the tax inspector password E25 The archive in the previously used ECLZ is not closed Contact the central service center E26 Error when testing the RAM area (in -//- technological mode E27 Closed shift number in FP is not equal to the number -//- of the closed shift in EKLZ E28 The Z1-report number is not equal to the number of the closed shift -//- in EKLZ E29 The Z1-report number is not equal to the number of the closed shift -//- in FP E30 Operation on the machine is prohibited until entered the date or was Enter the correct date, attempt to enter a date earlier than the date of the last entry in the FP E31 No access for the cashier or administrator Enter the password of the cashier or administrator E32 Adjustment of the date and time is prohibited until Z1- Execute Z1 report report (purchase was made) E33 The number of purchases in one receipt is 15 Complete the receipt E34 Overflow of the list of barcodes Delete unused barcodes E35 Checksum error when working with barcodes Delete faulty barcode E36 Fiscalization parameters of financial transactions destroyed Contact the central service center

12 E37 Activation parameters of the ECLZ are destroyed Contact the central service center E38 The date in the timer exceeds the date of the last document See paragraph 10.3 in the ECLZ by an amount more than permissible Errors in the exchange driver of the machine with the ECLZ E50 Capture of the SCL line by the ECLZ exceeds the permissible time Contact the central service center time E51 ECLZ does not confirm reception byte -//- E52 Capture ECLZ of the SCL line exceeds 100 μs during -//- transmission or 300 μs when receiving information E53 Zero procedure length -//- E54 Capture ECLZ of the SCL line exceeds 1.5 s during -//- transmission or 30 s when receiving information E55 Checksum error when reading from EKLZ -//- E59* Exceeding EKLZ timeout time -//- EKLZ flag byte errors E60 Difference between command code and flag t at d=1 -//- E62 Archive closed E63 ECLZ inactivated/activated Contact the control center (inconsistency with the set flag) E64 The “report” flag is not cleared - // - E65 Document is open/closed (inconsistency - // - with the set flag) E66 Shift in ECLZ is not closed See paragraph E67 Incorrigible error EKLZ Contact the central service center E68 The shift number of the end of the period is less than the shift number Specify the correct number for the beginning of the shift period E69 There is no specified shift number in the EKLZ/FP -//- Errors in the response code EKLZ E70 An attempt to close an unopened shift when Contact the Central Service Center is overflowed EKLZ E71 Incorrect format or command parameter Turn off and on the cash register. If it repeats, contact the control center E72 Incorrect state of the ECLZ Contact the service center E73 Failure of the ECLZ -//- E74 Failure of the cryptographic coprocessor (CS) E75 The temporary resource for using the ECLZ has been exhausted -//- E76 ECLZ is full - / / - E77 Incorrect date or time E78 No requested data Specify the correct document number E79 Overflow/negative document total Contact vcto Notes. 1. * - the error is printed onto a tape and blocks the operation of the machine until the problem is eliminated. After eliminating the problem, you need to turn off/on the machine. 2. When two or more keys are pressed simultaneously, a continuous beep is heard.

13 signal with blocking of information input until the keys are released and the indication goes out. 3. If, during the process of issuing a check, the machine detects an error with the code “E71” - “E79”, the message “ECLZ FAILURE - ERR.7X” (x = 2 9) will be automatically printed and the check will be canceled Errors that occur when recording information in the FP When an error occurs, a long beep is heard, and the corresponding error codes are displayed on the indicator in the fifth and sixth digits: 01 - unauthorized entry into the FP; 02 - fiscalization and four re-registrations were carried out; 03 - the FP contains initial information; 04 - information is not recorded in the FP; 05 - an error occurred when entering fiscalization (re-registration) parameters; 06 - more than twenty zones are not suitable for entering information; 07 all ECLZ activations were carried out; 08 error in recording the fiscalization level in the ECLZ activation line. If it is impossible to complete the procedure using the actions described in the operator’s instructions, you must turn off the machine, remove the tape from the tape end sensor, close the thermal head and, by pressing the D key, turn it on. The machine will unlock and write the message “UNLOCKING DD/MM/YY HH:MM” to the ECLZ, which will be printed when the current control tape is requested. In the standard development of the procedure for reprinting a receipt after an emergency power failure, using this technique is prohibited. ORION-100F KSA error codes In case of incorrect operator actions or malfunction of the KSA blocks, an error message in the form No code is displayed on the indicator, sound signal Incorrect operator action 00 Program error 01 Memory error 02 Fiscal memory faulty 03 No paper, lever not pressed 04 The battery is discharged 05 Overheating of the printer is a general sign of an error: + Receipt overflow (exceeding registrations on the receipt) ± Counters overflow or negative result

14 ORION 100K No code, sound signal Incorrect operator action 00 Program error 01 Memory error 02 Fiscal memory faulty 03 No paper, lever not pressed 04 Battery discharged 05 Printer overheating 06 Failure or absence of ECLZ + Receipt overflow (exceeding 20 registrations per receipt) ± Overflow of counters or negative result SAMSUNG 250 Errors 250 Disp./PU External manifestation Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Error o0 (+sound message) Error o1 (+sound message) Error o2 (+sound message) Error o3 (+sound message) Message explanation Overflow. The daily GROSS TOTAL limit has been exceeded. The sequence of actions has been violated. Entering the wrong password to access the FP. 3000 entries of Z-reports have already been made in the FP. Corrective actions: Press RESET and run reports with blanking (in Z mode - press the SUBTOTALE key) Press RESET, continue working Press RESET and enter the correct access password to the FP Replace the fiscal memory block (Only reading fiscal notes is possible. Notes Cashier! Cashier! Mechanic! Tax inspector! Mechanic!

15 Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. PU Error o4 (+sound message) Error o5 (+sound message) Error o6 (+sound message) Error o7 (+sound message) Error o8 (+sound message) Error o9 (+sound message) Error o10 (+ sound message) =VOLTAGE DROP= More than 24 hours have passed since the first registration of the purchase. Write-read failure when accessing the FP after 3 checks! Fiscal memory is disabled Display is disabled No paper Printer is switched off or the paper ribbon is jammed in the printer RAM failure, unauthorized replacement of FP Message every time you turn on reports!) Press RESET and run a daily Z-report by unlocking the cash register! Replace the fiscal memory block (Only reading fiscal reports is possible!) Connect the FP, check the connections of the FP to the processor board. Connect the display, check the connections of the display to the pl. processor Press RESET and insert the paper tape into the printer Connect the printer (fix the printer failure), correct the paper tape Carry out a technological reset (after checking the RAM power supply and changing the FP) Normal message every time you turn on the cash register Cashier! Mechanic! Mechanic! Mechanic! Cashier! Cashier! Mechanic! Cashier! PU = Write error Read-write failure Replace the unit Mechanic!

16 fiscal memory = when accessing fiscal memory FP! Addition for K 11 - EKLZ is disabled (disconnected) from the cash register. This error is accompanied by a message printed on the printer: CONNECT ECLZ; 12 - ECLZ accident; 14 - close the archive: a message about the need to close the ECLZ archive and its subsequent replacement; In the EKLZ connected to the cash register, the archive is closed; 2. To carry out re-registration, replace the ECLZ. The ECLZ is not activated. SAMSUNG4615 Samsung ER-4615RK, Sam4s ER-4615RK errors Display o1 - The sequence of actions is broken. Or a discrepancy in the number of shifts in the FP and in the ECLZ Open money box. See mash. option 24. Press RESET, close DYA, continue working. o4 - INCOME and EXPENDITURE operations are not completed. Press RESET, complete the INCOME and EXPENDITURE operations, press TOTAL/CAL 05 - An attempt to complete a multi-check operation without pressing SEPARATE CHECK. Press RESET, TOTAL/CAL Overflow in calculator mode. o7 - Error when programming mode passwords. Press RESET and repeat the programming of the par. dir. o8 - Error when programming date/time. Press RESET and repeat programming. o9 - Read-write failure when accessing the FP. o10 - Z-report checksum failure. o11 - It is necessary to make a Z-report. o12 - Entering an incorrect password to access the FP.

17 o13 - Entering a date prior to an already completed Z-report. o14 - Waiting for the FP access password to be entered. o15 - More than 24 hours have passed since the first purchase was registered. o16 - Attempt to reprogram option 10. (Impossible) o17 - Attempt to correct the date/time when the Z-report was not taken. o18 - Incorrect exit from fiscalization mode. o19 - The daily GROSS TOTAL limit has been exceeded. Press RESET, go to mode. Z, press 100, SUBTOTAL. o22 - RAM failure or unauthorized. FP replacement. o24 - An attempt to apply a discount when selling goods with different taxes. o99 - Enter password, inappropriate. serial number. NB - no paper IF - The movement of the printer carriage is difficult. heads. PO - You need to insert a supporting document into the printer, or the factory password has been reset. numbers during technical zeroing, or the backing document sensor is simply clogged. UBR - Remove the backing document from the printer (or debris from the sensor) PAR - Enter the cashier's password (or press the CASHIER1(2,3,4) key) PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, PAR4 - enter the password accordingly. mode Printout on control panel Error # FP disabled. Error # Attempting to program the manager a second time. number. Error# Attempting to perform the fifth re-registration. Error# 3650 entries have already been made in the FP. Error# Write-read failure when accessing FP. Error# Z-report checksum failure. Error# The daily GROSS TOTAL limit has been exceeded. Press RESET, go to mode. Z, press 100, SUBTOTAL.

18 ----- Errors EKLZ o31 - EKLZ is disconnected from the cash register. Accompanied by printing on the printer “Connect ECLZ”. o32 - ECLZ accident. o33 - ECLZ is not activated. o34 - close the archive. o35 - In the EKLZ connected to the cash register, the archive is closed, or for re-registration. required replace EKLZ, or zero total of a check Cash register errors with PTS o20 - overflow of the total for a separate RPLU o24 - you cannot apply a cash discount on sales after registering goods with different taxes. o25 - the setup password for working with the fuel dispenser has not been entered. (in the mode "Reg." 3999 [CONV1]). o26 - you cannot cancel a check by pressing the FULL REVERSE key if the check included RPL registrations. o27 - fuel dispenser is programmed as a department and PLU with the same number. o28 - errors in the department/plu/rplu oven format or errors in the department/plu parameters for the dispenser (no format for the oven, no parameters for the dispenser, etc.). At a gas station it is treated by issuing the “Stop” command to all columns (CONV1, FULL STORNO). o29 - exceeding the permissible amount when calculating the DOSE of filling (calculated DOSE > 999 liters) the RPLU DB is destroyed, the dispenser’s status is invalid, the KKM command in the dispenser is invalid, the return error is 0 liters (dispenser), when manually returning from the dispenser, the remainder of the dispenser failure when paying with a magnetic card does not match the amount of the dispenser is already loaded or there was no sale; the dispenser number is invalid; the dispenser command is not valid for the given dispenser state.

19 227 - error when exchanging with dispensers error when paying with a plastic card error when working with scales error when sending a copy of the receipt. tape the RPLU line is damaged timeout when receiving a command the length of the RPLU is exceeded when receiving from the keyboard the RESET key is pressed when entering from the keyboard the RPLU is missing in the database error when receiving a block error when transmitting a block there is no response within 10 seconds the RESET key is pressed when waiting for a command RPLU is already in DB non-zero totals of the RPLU database overflow of the RPLU database in the cash register, incorrect sequence of commands, unindicated error in the cash register. KKM "SHTRIKH-MINI-K" versions 01 and 02 Errors and malfunctions Error messages Error messages are accompanied by a short sound signal, and the KKM display shows: or ENNN where NNN is the error code, and the bottom line of the display contains short description errors. To clear the error code from the display and return to the POS printer operating mode, press the [C] key. Below is a list of errors that may occur when working with cash register: Code Description 001 Incorrect format or command parameters* 002 Incorrect ECLZ state* 003 ECLZ failure* 004 Cryptographic coprocessor failure * 005 ECLZ use time limit has been exhausted* 006 ECLZ overflow*

20 007 The date or time is incorrect 008 There is no data requested in the EKLZ 009 Receipt buffer overflow 021 Hardware error* (hardware failure of a peripheral device) 022 No installed memory* (register memory not installed, cash register is blocked) 023 Memory not initialized* (memory not initialized registers) 024 Initialization prohibited* (initialization is prohibited until the microbutton on the board is pressed) 025 No FP* (the fiscal memory block is missing or communication with it is broken) 026 Connection error* (connection error via the communication channel with external PC devices, scanner) 027 Lack of paper (the display shows the message “ROLL”) 028 The check is not open (this operation is not possible in the closed check state) 029 Incorrect value (the incorrect value of the entered value is more or less than the acceptable value) 030 The check is open (this operation is impossible in the open check state) 031 Incorrect quantity (incorrect value of the entered quantity) 032 Incorrect price (incorrect value of the entered price) 033 Customer's amount is less than the total of the check (the amount of money entered by the client is incorrectly entered) 034 Discount/markup entered (this operation is impossible, since a discount/markup was entered) 035 Operation prohibited in the table (the operation is prohibited in the cash register programming table) hours have expired (24 hours have ended since the start of the shift, the display shows the message “24 HOURS”) 037 Reversal amount is greater than the check total (the entered reversal amount is greater than the receipt total) 038 Overflow of the goods balance register ( the product balance register is full, further registration of this product is impossible) 039 EKLZ missing* (EKLZ block is missing or communication with it is broken) 040 Cash control violation (cash control violation, for example, the return amount is more than the cash in the cash register) 041 Shift is open (operation or entrance mode are not possible with an open shift) 042 ECLZ number does not match the activation record* ( registration number connected ECLZ does not match the number of the last activated ECLZ) 043 ECLZ is not activated* (operation is impossible, since the ECLZ is not activated) 044 ECLZ archive is closed* (operation or entering the mode is not possible, since the ECLZ archive is closed) 045 Operation is impossible without ECLZ * 046 Incorrect type of payment 047 Cash register is not fiscalized* (the operation is impossible, since the cash register is not fiscalized) 048 The last entry in the FP is incorrect* (the last entry in the fiscal memory is damaged, its contents do not match the checksum) 049 Re-entering the point is not possible ( re-entering a dot when entering a quantity or amount is impossible) 050 A non-sectional key is pressed (when entering an internal product code, pressing a sectional key is required) 051 Overflow of 10 decimal places (an error occurs if the number is exceeded) 052 There is no internal product (registration using internal product codes is not possible from -for their absence) 053 Incorrect section number (section number is set incorrectly)

21 054 RAM error* (appears during a RAM test when the power is turned on, if an incorrect value is read from a RAM cell) 055 FP overflow* (there are no free fields left in the fiscal memory for recording shift totals) 056 Discrepancy between FP and ECLZ shift numbers* 057 Activation attempt already activated EKLZ with an open archive 058 Attempt to activate an already activated EKLZ with a closed archive 059 FP alarm* 191 Invalid dispenser number 192 Invalid dispenser command for this dispenser state 193 Incorrect checksum Note 1: When error messages appear, marked with an asterisk “*” , you should call a service center specialist. Note 2: Errors 191, 192 and 193 are present only in POS printer version 02. Note 3: Errors with numbers greater than 200 are returned by an external server program. See the software documentation for a description of these errors. Attention! If errors E048 and E059 occur, the cash register is blocked; after turning off/on the power, error E059 will be displayed on the indicator. In this case, the cash register is blocked due to a FP accident. Problems and their elimination The cash register does not respond to keyboard presses: 1. The cash register is turned off, turn on the power. 2. Some command is being processed, wait until the current operation is completed. 3. The cash register is out of order, contact the service center that services this cash register. When you press the keys, nothing is displayed on the display: 1. The cash register is turned off, turn on the power. 2. Some command is being processed, wait until the current operation is completed. 3. The cash register is waiting for confirmation of the operation (on the bottom line of the “C-00” display), confirm the operation with the [00] key or refuse to perform the operation with the [C] key. 4. The cash register is waiting for the section number to be entered (on the bottom line of the cash register display in the left digit is the symbol “c”), enter the section number or refuse this registration by pressing the [C] key. 5. The cash register displays an error code, press the [C] key. 6. The cash register is out of order, contact the service center that services this cash register. The cash register does not enter the mode: Invalid mode number or password, check the mode and password. The cash register constantly requests a password (immediately after turning on the power): the cash register is blocked because an attempt was made to enter the tax inspector mode, but the incorrect tax inspector password was entered. Enter the correct tax inspector password. Nothing is printed on the receipt, the paper is rewound normally: 1. Thermal paper is not loaded into the cash register, or the paper is not suitable for technical parameters thermal paper replace the paper. 2. Thermal paper is not loaded correctly. Load the thermal paper correctly.

22 3. The cash register displays the error “Roll” (No paper), but there is paper: the paper has formed a “wave”, wind the paper roll so that there is no “wave”; the printer has failed, contact the service center that services this cash register. The cash register does not rewind the paper when you press the key: 1. The paper is “stuck”, release the paper. 2. Some command is being processed, wait until the current operation is completed. 3. The cash register is out of order, contact the service center that services this cash register. EKR 2102F Possible malfunctions during operation Error messages During operation of the machine, messages may appear informing about cashier errors or malfunctions in the operation of the machine. Error data is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Message Cause Elimination methods In 2nd position Incorrect operator actions Press the reset key for the indicator "C" Incorrect operator actions (attempt to enter more than 10 purchases in one check) and repeat the operation Press the reset key “C” and close the check by pressing the “IT” key. Next purchase issue the following check. In the third overflow of the counter Call the master of the position of accumulated amounts of the National Bank of Ukraine The receipt or insert the paper and control tape has run out, press the “PI” key PU Failure or failure of the printing press the “PI” key. th device If the message does not disappear, call the specialist RES.P? Press “IT”, continue work according to the Cash register is turned on for the first time p AP The battery is discharged Charge the battery (with a built-in battery) If there is a decrease or dips Turn off the machine and

23 networks turn on again LEVER The thermal head is not pressed Press the thermal head and press the "PI" key OVERHEATING Thermal printer overheating Turn off the cash register and let the thermal printer cool down NP NENOR Fiscal pa- Device Turn off the cash register and vymata is not connected or do not call the technician properly RAM Faulty RAM Turn off the cash register and call the technician ROM Faulty ROM Turn off the cash register and call the wizard When you enter the cash register mode or print report mode, the message will appear: PROGRAM THE MASTER DATE. Typical malfunctions and methods for their elimination Malfunctions that arise during the operation of the machine are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Name of the malfunction, manifestation and additional symptoms - Probable cause Elimination methods signs 1. The machine does not turn on - The battery is completely Place the machine on the charger is discharged for 8 h in accordance with the OM 2. The machine has printed a line and beeps when you press any key A check has been opened Press the "C" key and close the check 3. The machine does not extinguish The register is full Call the master daily information and general savings message GHA1 appears 4 The receipt does not come out of Incorrectly installed Insert the receipt hole correctly onto the cash register cover 5. The dispenser does not work - The battery is discharged - Place the machine on the player or hardware charger for 20 minutes and turn it on again. If the problem persists, check the ind.

24 cations. When operating the machine at low temperatures Image contrast may deteriorate and display response time may slow down. 6. The machine has repeatedly discharged battery - Charge or replace it spontaneously or the battery is low. Turns off and turns on - the power supply voltage to the machine and call the master (restarts) or turns off during operation of the EKR 2102K Possible malfunctions during operation Error messages During operation of the machine, messages may appear informing about cashier errors or malfunctions in the operation of the machine . Error data is shown in Table 1.

25 Table 1 Message Cause Elimination methods In the second position of the indicator In the third position Incorrect actions of the operator Incorrect actions of the operator (attempt to break through more than 30 lines in one check) Overflow of accumulated counter amounts Receipt tape has run out Press the reset key “C” and repeat the operation Press the reset key “ C" and close the check by pressing the "IT" key. Make your next purchase using the following receipt. Call a repair specialist NBU PU REZ.P? AP NP NENOR Failure or failure of the printing device The machine is turned on for the first time The battery is discharged (with a built-in battery) When the power supply is low or fails The fiscal memory device is not connected or is faulty The RAM is faulty Insert the receipt tape and press the “PI” key Press the “PI” key ". If the message does not disappear, call a repair specialist Press "IT", continue work according to Charge the battery Turn off the machine and turn on the repair specialist again RAM Faulty RAM repair specialist RAM1 Faulty Additional RAM repair specialist RAM2 ROM INCORRECT COM ECLZ INCORRECT ECLZ STATUS Faulty ROM Incorrect ECLZ command Incorrect time, date Faulty ECLZ of repair specialist repair specialist Reissue the document. If the error occurs frequently, call a specialist to check the reliability of the ECLZ connection. Check that the date and time set in the machine are correct.

26 ECLZ ALARM CS ECLZ ALARM EXHAUSTED ECLZ TIME IS FULL ERROR DATE AND TIME NO DATA REQUESTED ECLZ is faulty ECLZ has ended in use ECLZ overflow time Error when entering date or time There is no requested specialist data in the ECLZ for closing the archive and replacing ECLZ specialist for closing the archive and replacing ECLZ Call a specialist to close the archive and replace the ECLZ Call a specialist to close the archive and replace the ECLZ Enter the correct date and time Repeat the request to read information from the ECLZ indicating the correct range (value) of the sample ECLZ IS FULL Negative document overflow or result Reissue the document If when entering cash register mode or report mode, the message is printed: PROGRAM THE DATE then turn off the machine and invite a machine repair specialist. If in the cash register mode the message is printed: ERROR OF ENTRY IN THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL, then run a financial (daily) report with cancellation “OSG1”. If the message repeats, turn off the machine and call a machine repair technician. If in the cash register mode or report mode the message is printed: TIMER FAILURE! then reprogram the date. If the message repeats, turn off the machine and call a machine repair technician. If an error occurs that changes the contents of the machine’s cash registers, or during a general clearing operation, the machine’s cash registers are forced to zero (the message “RES.P?” on the indicator), and then restore their values ​​according to the information stored in the ECLZ. When you press the IT key, the following message is printed: DATA FROM ECLZ RESTORED BY OP. X where X is the operator number.

27 If in cash register mode, when the connection between the machine and the ECLZ is broken at the command to complete the document (in the ECLZ the document is completed), the message is printed: THE ECLZ IS MISSING OR FALSE, you must turn off, check the connection of the machine with the ECLZ, and then turn on the machine. If, after turning on the machine, the indicator displays the message: AP, you need to reset the machine, to do this: turn off the machine, remove the shunt connector XS1 according to 2.3, after 30 minutes put on the shunt connector XS1, turn on the machine. The indicator will display: RES P? After pressing the IT key, the data from the ECLZ will be restored. Typical malfunctions and methods for eliminating them. Malfunctions that arise during the operation of the machine are given in Table 2.

28 Table 2 Name of the malfunction, manifestation and additional symptoms 1 The machine does not turn on 2 The machine has printed a line and beeps when any key is pressed 3 The machine does not extinguish the daytime information and the GHA1 message appears 4 The receipt does not come out of the receipt hole on the lid of the machine 5 Does not work indicator 6 The machine repeatedly turns itself off and on (restarts) or turns off during operation Probable cause The battery is completely discharged A receipt was opened The register of general savings is full The receipt tape is installed incorrectly The battery is discharged or the machine is faulty The battery is discharged or the supply voltage is low Methods of elimination Put the machine on charge 8 hours in accordance with the manual Press the “C” key and close the receipt Call a repair specialist Insert the receipt tape correctly 1 Check the operation of the machine from a 220V network. 2 Call a repair specialist. Note When operating the machine in low temperatures, image contrast may deteriorate and the indicator's response time may slow down. Charge or replace the battery. Turn off the machine and call a repair specialist Actions if you encounter emergency operating conditions The following should be considered emergency operating conditions of the machine: - break (end) of the receipt tape; - power failure (power outage). a) break (end) of the receipt tape. If the receipt tape breaks, the message “NBU” appears on the indicator in any mode of processing printed documents.

29 To continue working, insert the receipt tape according to Appendix A and press the PI key. Further actions depend on the operating mode of the machine. If the check tape breaks while you are issuing a check, close the check and press the Pov key to repeat the check. If the receipt tape is broken at the time of registration of the daily allowance financial report, after pressing the PI key, it cannot be repeated. It is recommended to first make sure that there is a receipt tape in the machine before filing a report. Note If option 7 (option for setting linked reports) is set to “1” and the receipt tape breaks between reports, then after installing the tape, press the PI key and then the IT key. The next receipt will begin printing; b) power failure (power outage). In the event of a power failure, turn off the machine and, after power is restored, turn it on. Upon turning on the power, and also before running a report with cancellation, the machine checks the values ​​of the cash registers with the information stored in the ECLZ. If a power failure occurs while issuing a check, then after turning on the machine, the check is canceled. If an accident occurred when printing a daily financial report, then after turning on the machine, it enters the cash register mode. Reprint the daily financial report. If an accident occurred at the time of printing the shift closing results from the ECLZ when running a report with blanking, then when the power is restored, printing of the shift closing results from the ECLZ starts again with the message: OFF. POWER SUPPLY EKR 3102K Error messages While working on the machine, messages may appear informing about cashier errors or machine malfunctions. Error data is shown in Table 2.

30 Table 2 Message Cause Methods of elimination OVERRUN.CH Counter overflow Call a repair specialist, reset the accumulated amounts of this counter Insert a receipt tape and NBU The receipt tape has run out, press any “PI” key Press the “PI” key. If the message does not disappear, SBOU PU Failure or printer failure, call a specialist to repair the device. Continue work according to paragraph 2.6. REZ P The machine is turned on for the first time There is no communication with the print controller of the repair specialist EG BPU The fiscal memory device of the repair specialist is faulty or there is no marking of the repair specialist NP NENOR The RAM is faulty or the chip installed is smaller than the required volume of the repair specialist EG RAM Checksum error of the specialist ROM for repair Turn off the machine and allow the faulty hardware timer to cool down the thermal printer EG ROM Thermal printer overheating A.HOUR NONOR OVERHEATING

31 EG EPZU EG HOUR RAM NEUUS EG NP.RAZ EG NP.REC EP NENOR EPZ NO EP RESEN Switching between ROM banks does not work Timer malfunction RAM malfunction or RAM size is less than permissible Fiscal memory marking error Error writing to fiscal memory ECLZ does not work The EKLZ number differs from the required one (the EKLZ was replaced without reactivation) The EKLZ overflow, when reactivated, the area in the FP of a repair specialist, a repair specialist, a repair specialist, a repair specialist, a repair specialist, a repair specialist, a repair specialist, is overflowed. Turn off the machine and let the thermal printer cool down Typical malfunctions and methods for their elimination Malfunctions that arise during operation of the machine are given in Table 3.

32 Table 3 Name of the malfunction, manifestation and additional symptoms 1. The machine does not turn on 2. The machine has printed a line and beeps when any key is pressed 3. The machine does not clear the day information and the message OVER.CHE appears 4. The check does not come out of the check hole on the cover of the machine 5. The indicator does not work Probable cause The power supply is faulty The check was opened The register of general savings is full The receipt tape is installed incorrectly The power supply is faulty Methods of elimination Call a machine repair specialist Press the “C” key and close the check Call a machine repair specialist Insert the receipt correctly tape Call a machine repair specialist Actions if you encounter emergency operating conditions The following should be considered emergency operating conditions of the machine: - breakage (end) of the receipt tape; - power failure (power outage). a) break (end) of the receipt tape When the receipt tape breaks, the message appears on the indicator: NBU in any mode of processing printed documents. To continue working, insert the receipt tape according to the recommendations in Appendix A and press the P key. Further actions depend on the operating mode of the machine. If the check tape breaks while you are issuing a check, close the check and press the Pov key to repeat the check. If the receipt tape breaks during the execution of the daily financial report, after refilling the receipt tape and pressing the P key, the printout will continue, but it is impossible to repeat the report. Before filing a report, it is recommended to first make sure that there is a receipt tape in the machine; b) power failure (power outage). In the event of a power failure, turn off the machine and turn it back on after power is restored. If a power failure occurs when issuing a check and the printed line is not completely printed, then after turning on the machine, the message “*POWER EMERGENCY*” will be printed on the receipt, the operation in which the failure occurred will be repeated, after which the cashier can continue performing cash transactions.

33 If a power failure occurred while printing the daily financial report, then when the machine is turned on, the report printing is repeated automatically with the words “*POWER EMERGENCY*”. ELVES-MICRO-K Error messages are accompanied by a short sound signal and the display of the cash register display shows: E HHH, where ННН error code. Press the [C] key to clear the error code from the display and return to the POS printer operating mode. 8 Incorrect price (amount) 10 Incorrect quantity 11 Exceeding the amount of the transaction in the section 12 Cannot reverse the last transaction 13 Cannot reverse by code (fewer quantities of goods are registered in the receipt with the specified code) 14 It is impossible to repeat the last operation 17 Invalid product code 60 Invalid tax group 99 Operation canceled 102 Incorrect mode 103 No paper 112 Document in EKLZ is closed 113 Error in reprinting the document 114 Zero check amount 115 Accumulation less than the refund or cancellation amount 127 Overflow during multiplication 128 Operation prohibited in the settings table 129 Receipt total overflow 132 Receipt buffer overflow 133 Cash registers overflow 134 The amount deposited by the client is less than the check amount 135 A refund check has been opened, the operation is not possible 136 Shift has exceeded 24 hours 137 A sales receipt has been opened, the operation is not possible 141 The control tape buffer is not overflowing 150 Receipt amount by sections less than the reversal amount 151 Calculation of the change amount is impossible 152 There is no money for payment in the cash register 153 Shift is closed (not opened), operation is impossible 154 Check is closed, operation is impossible 155 Check is open, operation is impossible 156 Shift is open, operation is impossible 160 FP error 161 FP data error 170 V FP no data 185 No rights u1076 to access mode (operation) 190 FP overflow 191 Software error 193 Software failure

34 195 KKM memory not initialized 196 Exchange error with RPOM 197 Clock error 198 I2C bus error (bus busy) 201 No communication 205 Error restoring state after failure (power off) 210 Communication error with ECLZ or ECLZ missing 211 Incorrect command format or ECLZ parameters 212 Incorrect state of the ECLZ 213 Failure of the ECLZ 214 Failure of the crypto-processor ECLZ 215 The temporary resource for using the ECLZ has been exhausted 216 Overflow of the ECLZ 217 Incorrect date or time transferred to the ECLZ 218 There is no requested data in the ECLZ 219 Overflow of the total of the ECLZ document 220 Unknown error 221 Error ka shift number 222 EKLZ is not activated 223 EKLZ is already activated 224 EKLZ archive is closed 225 Shift in EKLZ is open 226 There is no record of activation of this EKLZ in the FP (EKLZ is activated as part of another cash register) 227 This EKLZ is not the last 228 Shift results error 255 The key is not supported in this operating mode of the KKM . “WAB 04RK” ERRORS AND PROBLEMS Error messages Error messages are accompanied by a short sound signal, and the POS printer display shows: EHHH, where ННН error code. Press the [RESET] key to clear the error code from the display and return to the POS printer operating mode. Code Description 001 incorrect format or command parameters* 002 incorrect ECLZ state* 003 ECLZ failure* 004 cryptographic coprocessor failure* 005 ECLZ usage time limit has been exhausted* 006 ECLZ overflow* 007 date or time is incorrect 008 no data requested in ECLZ 009 receipt buffer overflow 021 hardware error* (peripheral hardware failure)

Table 1 Message Cause Elimination methods In the second position Incorrect operator actions Press the reset key “C” and the indicator indicator repeats the operation Incorrect operator actions Press the reset key “C”

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Documentation version: 1.01 (from 08/08/2012) Cash register FPrint-55K 3 Contents Introduction... 5 Launching the utility... 6 From the Start menu/Programs/...... 6 From the Start/Run menu.. 6 Fiscalization...

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LLC "Pioneer Engineering" CASH CONTROL MACHINE "PIONEER-114K" Tax inspector's instructions PRTM.014.01.RN Moscow 2014 Page: 1 Contents 1. Introduction.... 3 2. FISCAL MEMORY.... 3 2.1. Device....

Version: 1.02 (08.08.2012) Cash register FPrint-88K. 3 Contents Introduction... 5 Requirements for the hardware software.... 6 Launching the utility... 7 From the Start menu/Programs/...... 7 From the Start/Run menu...

CASH CONTROL EQUIPMENT CASH CONTROL MACHINE FPrint-5200K Tax inspector's manual AT009.00.00 RN Moscow, 2013 2 Cash register FPrint-5200K. Documentation version: 1.02 (from


Cash register machine Mercury-140K Moscow AVLG 418.00.00 NI Tax inspector's instructions Contents CONTENTS...2 1. INTRODUCTION...3 2. TECHNICAL DATA AND CHARACTERISTICS...4 3. OPERATION PROCEDURE

CASH CONTROL EQUIPMENT CASH CONTROL MACHINE FPrint-22K AT039.00.00 RN AV28 Moscow, 2011 Documentation version: 1.00 (from 09/15/2011) Cash register FPrint-22K 3 Contents Introduction...5

I APPROVED Chief Engineer FSUE "KZTA" S.V. Amelkin " " 2008 Protocol of operation of the cash register machine "KASBY FR-01K" 2 FSUE KZTA Contents Contents...3 Introduction...5 Copyrights...5 General provisions...5

Sooner or later all owners control cash register equipment encounter a situation where the cash register gives an error. Errors can be varied, and they do not always require emergency intervention from central control specialists and stop work point of sale, which, in turn, threatens loss of revenue.

In this article we present the most common errors and say what is required of the cashier when they occur. The error code is displayed on the cash register display.

Err 011 - invalid date. Err 010 - date not programmed

Solution: check and change the date/program the date.

Attention: You cannot change the date to an earlier date. Before changing the date, make sure that you have removed the Z-report, otherwise, when you try to enter the date programming mode, the message will appear: CHECK OSG, and the cash register will not allow you to change the date. There are two ways to adjust the date

1 way to correct the date

  1. Press the MODE key several times until the indicator appears: PROG?
  2. Press sequentially: IT 0 0 0 0 0 0 IT.
  3. Enter the date in the format: HH MM YY (day, month, year).
  4. Press sequentially: IT IT.

2 way to correct the date

NBU - no receipt tape

Solution: insert a 57 mm receipt tape.

Err EL02 - incorrect ECL state. Err EL07 - ECLZ date/time error

Solution: replace the EKLZ unit; to do this, contact the service center.

AP - power failure

Solution: Check if the charger is connected.

If the charger was not connected, you need to turn it on and wait 20-30 minutes for the battery to charge. If this procedure does not help and the cash register still shows an AP error, you will have to change the battery.

Replacement costs 600 rubles (including the cost of the battery).

PROV OSG - shift not closed

Solution: do a Z report.

A cancellation report must be made at the end of each work shift. If the shift exceeds 24 hours, the cash register will not allow you to perform any operations until the cashier takes the Z-report.

  1. Turn on the cash register.
  2. Press the MODE key several times until “OSG?” appears on the display. .
  3. Enter the password 0 0 0 0 0 0 .
  4. Click IT IT in sequence.

This is a list of the most popular mistakes that the cashier can handle on their own.

Below is the complete list possible errors and ways to solve them, most of them are eliminated by CTO engineers.

Table of error codes and methods for eliminating them

Error on the indicator



I²C bus failure

Reset the cash register


Program memory checksum failure

Reset to zero if reflash the cash register does not help

Timer fault

Fiscal memory malfunction

Check the cable or replace the FP


Data Flash failure

Do a full reset: CLEAr 5

Data Flash is faulty or unformatted

Data structure violation

Make a slaughter CLEAr 4

Timer RAM failure

Make a hole CLEAr 1

Error when recovering from a crash

Try to do all the faces one by one

Date not programmed

Program date/time

Invalid date

Enter the correct date

Parameter error when transferring data to EKLZ

Repeat the operation or replace the ECLZ

Incorrect status of ECLZ

It's time to change the ECLZ

ECLZ malfunction message

Check the EKLZ cable, wipe the contacts, if that doesn’t help, change the EKLZ

The crypt processor is faulty

The temporary resource of ECLZ has been exhausted

A year has passed since the previous EKLZ replacement - the cash register is blocked. Replace the ECLZ

ECLZ is overcrowded

Memory is out - replace the ECLZ

ECLZ date/time error

Check the date in the FP and EKLZ, then correct them

There is no requested data in EKLZ

To print a report on ECLZ, enter the correct data

ECLZ register overflow

Replace the ECLZ

The dates of AF and ECLZ do not match

Check the date in the FP and EKLZ and correct it

ECLZ is not activated or is not the same

Activate ECLZ

Shift numbers in FP and ECLZ do not match

Correct AF or replace ECLD

ECLZ is not connected or faulty

Check the ECLZ cable or replace the ECLZ

Printer malfunction

Often occurs due to burnout of the controller on the board, contact the service center

No receipt tape

Refuel receipt thermal tape 57 mm


Print head overheating.

often due to burnout of the controller on the board, contact the service center

Thermal head retracted

Pull down the lever to the right of the printer

Power failure. Low battery

Connect the charger

Receipt buffer overflow

Take a Z-report

Invalid operation

  • Press the C key. You are pressing the key sequence incorrectly, please read the instructions carefully.
  • The error often occurs because the cash register is operating in the wrong mode: set operating mode to 0.
  • Sometimes this error occurs when registering a NON-CASH transaction, when the option allowing the entry of non-cash funds is not programmed, see the instructions (do not forget to make a Z-report before programming)
  • If this error occurs during RETURN, then first enable the return procedure in programming mode, see the instructions (do not forget to make a Z-report before programming)

Operation aborted

Press C key

Input Error

An attempt to sell a product using a code in mode 0 or a return using a code when only a total return is allowed

Program the Mercury 130K operating mode or program the Return to mode 0 option

Payment or refund: the requested amount is not available

There is not enough cash at the register. Make a deposit at the cash register

Critical check buffer error

Do Clear2

The shift is not closed.

Do a Z report


The report with cancellation on the database of goods or services was not carried out

make OSG 3

Register overflow

Too much amount to break through: the cash register only breaks up to 1,000,000. Or there is a restriction on this section - remove it

Attempt to sell to a closed section

Open the appropriate section or enter a product/service into an open section

Section and operation types do not match

Program the section properly

The product is blocked in the database

Unlock a product in REFERENCE mode?

An attempt to sell a fractional part of a piece item based on the database

Item is a piece item: multiply it by a whole number or program it as a weight item

Server is not responding

Check the connection to the computer or change the operating mode of the cash register from R.RAB 1 → R.RAB 0

Server communication protocol error

Reboot the entire system, check the connection and settings

Refusal to process the request by the server

Check the COM port settings on your computer, try switching the COM port number

Invalid product code value > 1000

Enter a different item number

Product not found in the database

There is no product with this number in the database, please program it new product or enter a different item number

Not enough money when counting change

Cancel your purchase and then make a deposit to the cash register

Tax or tax group not programmed

Program the tax and tax group

Error in tax database

FP overflow

Replace fiscal memory

FP error

Error writing to FP

FP repair needed

Non-fiscal regime

The operation cannot be performed until the cash register is registered

No registration of EKLZ in FP

FP on the computer!

Fiscal record is damaged

Turn the cash register on and off, reset CLEAr 5, check the cable

No serial number

Program the KKM serial number

Incorrect time

Enter the correct time

If you have any questions about the cash register or KKM service, contact the specialists of our ASC.



Abbreviations used

Fiscal memory

FP device

FP replacement

Password system

Protected electronic control tape (for cash register machines)

ECLZ device

Blocking cash register with EKLZ

Tax inspector mode

Key functions

Entering the serial number

Entering a cash register security code


Fiscal reports

General provisions

Appearance reports

Fiscal reports by date range

Fiscal reports by shift range

Information about FP malfunctions

Application. Utility "Editing Tables". Entering a security code

[Introduction] Introduction The Tax Inspector's Guide is intended to familiarize you with the methods of working with the fiscal memory (hereinafter FP) and the secure electronic control tape (hereinafter EKLZ) of cash register machines of the ATOL FPrint-90AK model (hereinafter KKM), which are used to register sales weight and piece goods, payment for services. KKM included in State Register, applied in the territory Russian Federation organizations and individual entrepreneurs when they make cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards in cases of sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services.

This manual is also applicable to familiarize yourself with working with the memory of check printing machines of the ATOL FPrint-90ENVD model, which do not support work with EKLZ and are not cash register equipment, and are intended for cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards in cases sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services.

–  –  –

Considering the similarity of the design features of the ATOL FPrint-90AK cash register machine and the ATOL FPrint-90ENVD check printing machine, the term “product” or “machine” is used below in the text.

The Fiscal Memory section of this manual describes the organization of fiscal memory and the password system. In the section “Electronic control tape protected”

The basic concepts associated with EKLZ, the conditions for blocking the cash register with EKLZ and the procedure for replacing it are given. In the “Tax Inspector Mode” section, specific actions for entering the serial number, fiscalization and re-registration of the product, and obtaining fiscal memory reports (memory of the check printing machine) are described in the form of methods. The section “Information about FP malfunctions” describes messages associated with fiscal memory malfunctions and actions to eliminate them.


–  –  –

Fiscal memory FP device The product includes fiscal memory (FP) (memory of a check printing machine), which is a complex of software and hardware that provides uncorrected, daily (every shift) registration and non-volatile long-term storage of final information on monetary settlements with the population carried out on the product necessary for the correct calculation of taxes. Daily (every shift) registration means the unconditional recording of the final information on cash settlements in the FP/PCPM during the operation of closing a shift, and the duration of the shift should not exceed 24 hours. Each time a report with cancellation (closing a shift) is taken, another entry is made in the FP/PCHPM containing the date of recording, the serial number of closing the shift, and the total of daily (shift) sales. The capacity of the FP/PCM is enough for 6 years of daily recordings. Only the tax inspector has access to information in the FP/PPCHM.

Work with FP/PCPM is password protected. The tax inspector has the right to change the password, enter fiscalization and re-registration details, and remove reports from the FI/PCHPM.

The product provides operation in non-fiscal and fiscal modes. In non-fiscal mode (before fiscalization), all functions are supported except for registering daily reports and receiving a fiscal report. The fiscal mode ensures registration of fiscal data in the FP/PCPM, for cash registers - in the FP and EKLZ. The fiscal mode is activated upon completion of the fiscalization process. After fiscalization, the fiscal [Fiscal memory] mode cannot be disabled. On all documents issued in the fiscal mode of the product, in the line with the serial number at the beginning and at the end of the line, the fiscal sign - “” is printed. For cash register machines, “With FP” is also printed, informing that the machine is working with fiscal memory.

FP replacement

The FP is replaced in the following cases:

If there are less than 30 free fields left in the FP for recording summary information, then at the end of printing the daily report with cancellation the following message will be printed:

–  –  –







In this case, you need to contact the Central Technical Center/USC (for more information about replacing the FP/PCPM, see the “Instructions for service and repair” included in the product delivery package).

If the FP is full, the following message is printed:

–  –  –



In this case, you need to contact the Central Technical Service/USC.

If there are no free fields to record re-registration data. In this case, when you try to re-register, error E000–190 will be displayed. In this case, you need to contact the Central Technical Service/USC.

For KKM! If there are no free fields to record data on ECLZ activation. In this case, when attempting to activate, error E000– will be displayed.

216. In this case, you need to contact the central service center.

For KKM! If the remaining FP is not enough to use the entire resource of the installed ECLZ, it is necessary to simultaneously replace the FP. In this case, you need to contact the central service center.

In case of detection of a malfunction/accident of the FP/FCPM.

For more information on replacing the FP/FCPM, see the “Instructions for replacing the FP” and the “Service and Repair Instructions” included in the product delivery set.

[Password system] Password system Access to working with the product is protected by passwords, there are 12 passwords in total: 11 operator passwords and a FP access password. The maximum length of passwords is 8 decimal places (range of valid values: 00000000.. 99999999). To start working in registration mode, you must enter one of the passwords of operators who have access to work in this mode in accordance with the settings in Table 3. To work in the mode of taking reports and closing a shift, you must enter the password of the administrator or system administrator. The sequence of setting passwords is described in the “Operation Manual”. To enter the POS printer parameters programming mode, you must enter the system administrator password. To work with fiscal memory, you must enter a password to access the financial process.

[Electronic control tape protected (for cash register machines)] Electronic control tape protected (for cash register machines) EKLZ device Electronic control tape protected – hardware and software module included

KKM, providing control over the functioning of KKM by:

non-correctable (protected from correction) registration in it of information about all payment documents issued on the cash register and shift closing reports, carried out in a single cycle with their registration;

generation of cryptographic verification codes for specified documents and shift closing reports;

long-term storage of registered information for the purpose of its further identification, processing and receipt of the necessary information by tax authorities.

For this KKM model, a serial I2C interface is used to connect the KKM with the EKLZ. By default, for communication via the I2C interface, the operating mode is set to without timeout.

Cryptographic verification code (CPC) is a combination of two parameters:

CCP value is the checksum of the document, calculated from its parameters based on cryptographic algorithms;

CPC number is a continuously increasing serial number of the operation of generating the CPC value.

These parameters are printed on each fiscal document:

–  –  –

EKLZ registration number is the number assigned to this EKLZ during the process of its manufacture. Payment document – ​​a document issued on a cash register in the process of conducting cash transactions of sales and return of sales. EKLZ documents are printed in a 16-character format (information lines are supplemented on the left with spaces to the size of the cash register line).

In the case when the ECLZ is close to filling or the time limit for its use is close, a warning is issued in the daily report with cancellation:



–  –  –

Blocking a cash register with an EKLZ The KKM blocks the execution of all registration commands and functions of the EKLZ in the absence of an EKLZ in its composition, as well as when an EKLZ is installed on the KKM, activated as part of another KKM.

The blocking is removed by installing a non-activated EKLZ in the cash register, or an EKLZ activated within it.

The cash register blocks the execution of all functions, except for the commands “Archive integrity test”, “Close shift”, “Close archive”, commands for generating requests when returning an error code from the EKLZ indicating:

filling the ECLZ - error E000–216: “ECLZ is full”;

EKLZ accident – ​​error E000–213: “EKLZ emergency”;

exceeding the operating time limit of the ECLZ - error E000–215: “The time resource for using the ECLZ has been exhausted.”

The KKM blocks the execution of all functions, except for the commands “Fiscalization (re-registration)” or “Activation of EKLZ” when an inactivated EKLZ is installed in the KKM.

The procedure for replacing ECLZ as part of a cash register

ECLZ as part of the cash register must be replaced if:

The EKLZ archive was closed;

KKM is being re-registered;

ECLZ malfunction does not allow you to continue working or close the archive.

In case of replacement, only non-activated ECLZ can be installed in the cash register. For more information on replacing the ECLZ, see the “Installation Instructions for the ECLZ” and the “Service and Repair Instructions” included in the KKM delivery kit.

[Tax Inspector Mode] Tax Inspector Mode To work with fiscal memory, you must enter the access password to the FP/PCPM.

The methodology for working with FP/PCPM, the principles of entering and changing the tax inspector password are described below. The tax inspector mode is entered from the “Select” mode. Login is accomplished by sequentially pressing the keys , [X], and [IT].

In this case, a confirmation request for entering the mode appears on the display:

You need to confirm entering the tax inspector mode - press , to cancel the action and switch to the “Select” mode, you need to press [C].

After pressing, the product will go into the mode of entering the tax inspector password:

–  –  –

Entering the access password to the FP/PCM is carried out using the numeric keypad. The tax inspector's password consists of 8 characters. If the product is not fiscalized, the default password “00000000” is used. If the default password is used or the password “00000000” is programmed, then to enter it, simply press the [IT] button. As you enter the password, it appears on the display as dots.

–  –  –

The entered tax inspector password can be reset by pressing the [C] button before confirming the password entry by pressing the [IT] button, for example, if an error is made.

The product will enter password entry mode and you can re-enter the correct password value. Entering the password is completed by pressing the [IT] button.

If the password is entered correctly, the tax inspector mode menu will appear on the display:

If an incorrect password is entered and the entered password is confirmed by pressing the [IT] key, the product will be blocked until the correct tax inspector password is entered.

–  –  –

The tax inspector mode menu contains six items.

With their help you can do the following:

1. Enter the serial number of the product. The serial number can only be entered once and cannot be changed. The serial number is entered during production of the product. If the serial number is not entered, for example, after replacing the FP, you need to enter the serial number.

2. For cash register machines. Fiscalization/re-registration of cash registers with subsequent activation of ECLZ. At the cash desk it is possible to carry out one fiscalization and 24 re-registrations. In this case, the RNM (vehicle registration number), TIN (taxpayer identification number) and a new password for accessing the FP are entered.

3. For a check printing machine. Fiscalization/re-registration. In a check printing machine it is possible to carry out one fiscalization and 24 re-registrations. In this case, the RNM (vehicle registration number), TIN (taxpayer identification number) and a new password for accessing the FP are entered.

The entered data takes effect after the successful completion of the operation.

4. Print an abbreviated fiscal report by date range. Displays a fiscal report that includes a summary of sales for a specified period of time.

5. Print a complete fiscal report by date range. Displays a fiscal report that includes the total of sales for each date in the range, as well as the total of sales for the specified time period.

6. Print an abbreviated fiscal report for the shift range. Displays a fiscal report that includes the total sales for the specified shift range.

7. Print a complete fiscal report for the shift range. Displays a fiscal report that includes the amount of sales for each range shift, as well as the total sales total for the specified shift period.

[Tax inspector mode] Entering a serial number Each product must have a unique serial number (consists of 6! digits), which is usually set by the manufacturer, however, if the number is not specified, for example, after replacing the FP/PCPM, it must be entered before the product is fiscalized.

–  –  –

The serial number entry mode is entered from the tax inspector menu by pressing the button.

If the serial number has already been set, the product prints the corresponding information:

–  –  –

This will take you to the tax inspector menu.

If the serial number is not entered, the display will display a message requesting that you enter the serial number:

Input is made using numeric buttons. You must enter all six characters of the serial number, otherwise the product will return an error. If you enter more than six characters, the product will also return an error. When entered, the serial number appears on the display.

Let's enter, for example, the number “123456”:

The entered value of the serial number can be reset, for example, in the event of an input error, by pressing the [C] button before confirming the entry by pressing the [IT] button. In this case, the serial number entry mode is entered, and the entered data is not remembered. You can then re-enter the serial number value. Entering the serial number is completed by pressing the [IT] button. In this case, a line containing the entered serial number is printed on the tape:

–  –  –

To confirm entering the serial number, press . In this case, the entered serial number is stored in the fiscal memory of the cash register (memory of the check printing machine), after which the tax inspector mode menu is exited.

To cancel the action, use the [RE] button, in which case the product will go to the tax inspector mode menu and the entered serial number will not be remembered, the product will print the message:


Next, to check the entered serial number for compliance with the previously entered security code No. 4, you need to reboot the product (turn it off, then turn it on after 5 seconds). If the product prints a message when turned on:


you need to enter a security code (for more information on entering a security code, see the next section).

Entering a cash register security code The security code is entered into the cash register during production.

KKT security code. Sequence of numbers (16 bits). This is, in fact, an encrypted key that allows the use of a certain set of cash register functions. The meaning of the product security code depends on the serial number of the product and the product security code number. That is, a correct product protection code with number N issued for a product with serial number M will be an incorrect product protection code with number N for a cash register with number A (A M) and an incorrect product protection code with number B (B N) for a product with serial number M .

Activation of the cash register security code - after entering the correct cash register security code, a subset of functions, determined by the product protection code number, becomes available for use. Thus, the process of activating a product security code can be called “function activation.” By purchasing a product security code number N for a product serial number M, you are “purchasing a specific subset of features for that product.”

Security code number 4 expands the capabilities of the product - the product has cash register functions and can work with a PC and control terminals.

If the security code has not been entered, for example, if the product memory was previously initialized in the control center, then you need to enter the security code by programming Table 9 Row 1 Field 4.

–  –  –

Fiscalization/re-registration The fiscalization/re-registration mode involves entering new values ​​for such product parameters as:

RNM (vehicle registration number);

TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number);

access password to FP/PCPM.

The product provides for one fiscalization and 24 subsequent re-registrations. During fiscalization/re-registration, KKM automatically activates the EKLZ installed in KKM (during the process of fiscalization/re-registration, the details of fiscalization/re-registration are recorded in EKLZ).

If the re-registration limit has been reached, an error message will be printed when entering the mode:

The fiscalization/re-registration mode is entered from the tax inspector mode menu by pressing a button and only if the product has a serial number (for more information on entering a serial number, see the section “Entering a serial number”). If the serial number is not specified, the printer will print “PRODUCTION NUMBER NOT SET”, and the product will go to the tax inspector mode menu for subsequent entry of the serial number.

–  –  –

If the serial number is set, the re-registration limit has not been exhausted (an inactivated EKLZ is also installed for the cash register), then the display shows the current date set in the product (setting the date and time in the product is described in the document “Operation Manual” included in the product delivery set). If you need to change the current date, press the [X] key and enter the date and time values. To continue the fiscalization/re-registration procedure, you must confirm the date - press the [IT] key.

To cancel the action and go to the tax inspector mode menu, you need to press the [C] button or the [RE] button, while fiscalization/re-registration is interrupted, the product will print the message:


If the product is not fiscalized, then when you press the button it will print:

KKM 0000001 ChPM 0000001




For KKM! If the KKM was previously fiscalized and re-registered, a new copy of the EKLZ is installed in the KKM, then the following message will be printed sequentially:


Then information about all previously carried out fiscalizations and re-registrations, if any, will be printed:

–  –  –


KKM 0000001 ChPM 0000001


RNM 1234567890 RNM 1234567890 TIN 123456789012 TIN 123456789012 DATE 08/15/14 DATE 08/15/14 RE-REGISTRATION No. 1 RE-REGISTRATION No. 1 RNM 1111111111 RN M 1111111111 TIN 222222222222 TIN 222222222222 DATE 16-08-14 DATE 16-08-14


ACTIVATION No. 1 RN EKLZ 2689339455 DATE 08/15/14 SHIFT NUMBER 0000 ACTIVATION No. 2 RN EKLZ 3841396923 DATE 08/16/14 SHIFT NUMBER 0001

The registration number is a 10-digit number. Input is made using numeric buttons. However, it is not necessary to enter all 10 digits. If you enter fewer numbers, the registration number will be padded with zeros up to 10 characters. For example, if you enter the numbers “123456”, then the RNM value will be “0000123456”. For example, you need to enter

RNM “1234567890”, and the display will show:

–  –  –

To cancel the entry of the RNM, you need to press the [RE] button and the product will go to the tax inspector mode menu (in this case, the product will print “OPERATION CANCELED!”), and the entered RNM is not remembered. You need to confirm the entry of the PNM by pressing the [IT] button.

In this case, the next line of the fiscalization/re-registration check is printed on the product, containing the entered RNM:

ENTERED RNM 1234567890

The entered PNM value can be reset, for example, in the event of an input error, by pressing the [C] button before confirming the entry by pressing the [IT] button. In this case, you enter the RNM input mode and you can re-enter the RNM value, then confirm the entry by pressing the [IT] button.

After entering the RNM, the display will prompt you to enter your taxpayer identification number (TIN):

TIN is a 12-digit number. The TIN is entered using the number buttons.

For example, you need to enter the TIN “123456789012”, and the display will show:

–  –  –

You need to confirm entering your TIN by pressing the [IT] button.

In this case, the next line of the fiscalization/re-registration check is printed on the product, containing the entered TIN:

ENTERED TIN 123456789012 The entered TIN value can be reset, for example, if an error is made when entering, by pressing the [C] button before confirming the entry by pressing the [IT] button. In this case, you enter the TIN input mode and you can re-enter the correct TIN value, then confirm the entry by pressing the [IT] button. Entering the TIN can be canceled by pressing the [RE] button, which will exit to the tax inspector mode menu, and the entered TIN and TIN will not be remembered (in this case, the product will print “OPERATION CANCELED!”).

After successfully entering the TIN value and confirming it, you will be prompted to enter a new tax inspector password:

The tax inspector's password is an 8-digit number; numeric buttons are used to enter it.

When entering a new password, you need to take into account that the password is displayed on the display, for example, the password is “00054321”:

[Tax inspector mode] The entered value of the tax inspector password can be reset, for example, if an error is made when entering, by pressing the [C] button before confirming the entry by pressing the [IT] button.

In this case, you enter the password entry mode and you can re-enter the correct password value, then confirm the entry by pressing the [IT] button. Entering the tax inspector password can be canceled by pressing the [RE] button. In this case, you exit to the tax inspector mode menu, and the entered RNM, INN and new password are not remembered. When canceling fiscalization, the following line is printed on the printer:


When re-registration is cancelled, the following line is printed on the printer:


–  –  –

The password is remembered, and a request appears on the display to confirm all entered information and carry out the fiscalization/re-registration operation:

To cancel the action, you need to press [C], while the entered data is not remembered, and the product goes to the tax inspector mode menu. To confirm the operation, you need to press the button.

When carrying out fiscalization, the following information is printed:

–  –  –

[Tax Inspector Mode] Fiscal Reports Fiscal reports include abbreviated and full reports by date range as well as by shift range. To obtain a report on a date range, you must enter the start and end dates, thereby specifying the range. To receive a report on a range of shifts, enter the number of the starting and ending shifts.

General provisions

The fiscal report generation mode is entered from the tax inspector mode menu by pressing the corresponding key. If the cash register is not fiscalized, it is impossible to withdraw fiscal reports.

In this case, the cash register displays the error “E143–003” - “The cash register is not fiscalized”, the cash register does not enter the fiscal reporting mode, and the following information is printed:

–  –  –


If the product’s fiscal memory does not contain a single record (in this case, the product can be fiscalized), i.e., no canceled report was taken on the product, then receiving a fiscal report is impossible and the mode does not enter.

In this case, the product prints out a receipt and displays the error “E000–170” - “There is no data in the FP/Memory of the NFM”, while the product does not enter the fiscal reporting mode.

Appearance of reports

At the beginning of each report, product registration details are printed, including the values ​​of RNM, TIN, dates of re-registration and numbers of the latest closed shifts before re-registration.

For example, if fiscalization and two activations of EKLZ were carried out on a given cash register, then the following information is printed (sample document for cash register):


KKM 0000001


RNM 1234567890 INN 123456789012 DATE 08/16/15


ACTIVATION No. 1 RN EKLZ 2689339455 DATE 08/16/15 SHIFT NUMBER 0000 ACTIVATION No. 2 RN EKLZ 3841396923 DATE 08/17/15 SHIFT NUMBER 0001 The difference between the reports lies in the content of the report itself. The abbreviated fiscal report indicates the sum of the shift totals of all shifts falling within the specified range. The full fiscal report shall indicate:

number and closing date of each shift falling within the specified range;

[Tax inspector mode] shift total for each shift that falls within the specified range;

the sum of the shift totals of all shifts falling within the specified range.

The methodology for obtaining reports is no different, so the description is common for both an abbreviated and a full fiscal report.

Date Range Fiscal Reports Date Range Fiscal Reports include abbreviated and full reports. To receive a report, you must enter the start and end dates, thereby specifying the date range for generating the report. Entering the mode for generating a fiscal report by date range is carried out from the tax inspector mode menu by pressing the key for an abbreviated report, or - for full report. If the fiscal memory contains at least one record, then the report generation mode is entered.

In this case, a receipt is printed containing registration details, and a request to enter the start date of the fiscal report range appears on the display:

a If you press the [IT] button before entering the first character of the date, the display will show the date of the first entry in the fiscal memory. Thus, you can find out the date from which you can take out the fiscal report. For example, if the first entry is dated August 16, 2014, then when you press the [IT] button, the display will show “16-08-14”:

Also, before entering the first character of the date, you can exit the fiscal report mode in the tax inspector mode menu by pressing the [RE] button. The date is entered using numeric keys, and it is displayed on the display in the format HH-MM-YY, where HH is the day, MM is the month, YY is the year.

If you press the [C] button while entering, the entered data will be reset and you will switch to the start date input mode (the “aH” request). Entering the start date of the report is completed by pressing the [IT] button.

If the date is entered incorrectly, or it is less than the date of the last entry in the FP/PCHPM or EKLZ (for cash register), then the product will return the error “The date and time in the KKM is less than FP” or “The date and time in the KKM is less than EKLZ” ( for cash register), and when you try to switch to another mode, the product will also display the error “Invalid cash register status.” In this case, the product will only allow you to switch to the report mode with cancellation and enter the date.

If the entered date is correct, then the transition to entering the end date of the range will occur, and the corresponding request will be displayed on the display:

a [Tax Inspector Mode] Entering the end date of the range is practically the same as entering the start date, with the exception that when you press the [IT] button before entering the first character of the date, the display shows the date of the last fiscal memory entry. Let's enter, for example, the end date of September 17, 2014:

–  –  –

In the reports of the check printing machine there will be no information about the ECLZ; instead of the line “KKM with FP 0000001”, “CHPM 0000001” will be printed.

Fiscal reports by shift range Fiscal reports by shift range include abbreviated and full reports. To receive a report, you must enter the start and end shifts, thereby setting the interval for the reporting shifts. The method of obtaining reports by shift range is similar to the method of reporting by date range, with the exception that instead of dates you must enter shift numbers. The mode for generating a fiscal report for a range of shifts is entered from the tax inspector mode menu by pressing the key for an abbreviated report, or for a full report. If the fiscal memory contains at least one record, then the report generation mode is entered.

In this case, a receipt is printed containing registration details, and a request to enter the number of the initial change of the fiscal report range appears on the display:

–  –  –

_______/ If you now press the [C] button, you can edit the initial band change number.

Also, before entering the first character of the shift, you can exit the fiscal report mode in the tax inspector mode menu by pressing the [RE] button. The shift number is a 4-digit number.

The number is entered using the numeric keys, and it is displayed on the display.

Let us introduce, for example, the initial shift “1”:

If you press the [C] button while entering, the entered data will be reset and you will enter the mode for entering the starting shift number. Entering the starting shift number is completed by pressing the [IT] button. If the number is entered incorrectly or it is greater than the number of the last entry in the fiscal memory, the cash register will return to the beginning of the shift entry mode (the “ ” prompt). If the entered shift number is correct, then the transition to the final range change input mode will occur, and the corresponding request will be displayed on the display:

Entering the shift number of the end of the range is practically no different from entering the starting shift number, with the only exception that when you press the [IT] button before entering the first shift character, the display shows the number of the last shift saved in the fiscal memory:

–  –  –

Entering the number of the last report shift is completed by pressing the [IT] button. If the shift number is entered incorrectly, or it is less than the initial shift number, then the cash register will return to the mode of entering the number of the final shift of the range (request " "). If the entered shift number is correct, a fiscal report will be printed on the receipt tape, after which the product will return to the tax inspector mode menu (sample reports for cash register machines).

Information about FP malfunctions The product has a mechanism for checking the integrity of fiscal data. Each time the product is turned on, it monitors the presence of the FP/FCPM and its serviceability.

If the FP/PCM or the fiscal memory processor fails, then when turned on the product will print an autotest receipt:

–  –  –

In this case, the FP/PCM software may be NOT NORMAL or NOT, the FP/PCPM memory may be NOT NORMAL or NOT.

If an error occurs when accessing the drive, the FP/PCHP prints a line with an error message when the product is turned on.

In this case, the display shows an error code:

and all operating modes of the product will be blocked, except for the reporting mode without blanking. For more information about error codes, see the “Operation Manual” supplied with the product.

If a failure in the FP/PCM occurs during operation of the product, the line “EXCHANGE FAILURE WITH FP”/“EXCHANGE FAILURE WITH FCPM” will be printed, all operating modes are blocked, and an error code will be displayed on the display.

FP/PCPM records are checked when generating fiscal reports; if an error is detected in the FP/PCPM record when printing a full fiscal report, the damaged line will be marked with the line “No. 0006 DAMAGED”.

Also, to diagnose faults of the FP/FCPM, you can print out the “Technological run” document, which contains information about the FP/PCPM (for more information about starting a technological run, see the “Instructions for service and repair” included in the product delivery package).

[Application. Utility "Editing Tables". Entering the security code] Application. Utility "Editing Tables". Entering a security code This product has the ability to be programmed not only using the method described in the “Entering a security code” section, but also using a special programming utility “Table Editor”, which is included with the product. Before starting work, you need to save the “Table Editor” utility on your PC (provided by the supplier).

–  –  –

To program product tables, perform the following steps:

1. Connect the product to the PC using a micro USB cable.

2. Turn on the product if it was turned off.

3. Go from the “Selection” mode to the “Programming” mode:

3.1. Press the button.

3.2. Enter the access password to the programming mode (default “30”), confirm with the [IT] button.

4. Launch the “Table Editor” utility. For more information on programming tables, see the “Operation Manual” supplied with the product. The utility's working window looks like this:

–  –  –

The names of the tabs correspond to the tables (this product has seven tables with settings). The table content view area will display the data that is programmed into the table. In the reading and writing area there are buttons and, with which you can read data from the table and write new values ​​to the tables. In the area for loading and saving settings, you can save the current product settings (button) in order to load them in the future (button) into another instance of the product or into the instance in use after initializing the tables.

5. Select the COM port to which the product is connected from the drop-down list. If the port number is unknown, then you need to go to the “Device Manager” of the PC. The ATOL FPrint USB device will be displayed in the list of ports.

[For notes]

–  –  –

6. Press the button. The message “Connection established” will be displayed in the results area. Otherwise, for example if you are using a faulty micro USB cable, the message “No connection” will be displayed.

7. Go to the “Table 9” tab.

8. Press the button. The tab looks like:

reprogram (in this case Field 4). Double-click the left mouse button in the cell of the “Security Code” column in the fourth row. The previously programmed value will be highlighted in blue and the cell will be available for editing.

10. Enter a new value for this field, in our example, the security code “1234567890123456”.

Figure 4.

“Table 9” tab (entered value from the valid range of values) If you enter a value that is not included in the range of valid values ​​for this field, the cell will be colored red, as shown in the figure:

[For notes] Figure 5. Tab “Table 9” (the entered value is greater than the maximum allowable value)

11. Press the button.

12. Upon completion of programming the tables, you need to close the utility and reboot the product.

13. Disconnect the micro USB cable from the product and from the PC.

Tax Inspector's Guide Documentation Version

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