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Where and how to receive a parcel from AliExpress: a short guide for users. Receiving a parcel from AliExpress: what to pay attention to Where to pick up a parcel from Aliexpress

Delivery of parcels directly from China has gained immense popularity. The main shipper is Aliexpress. This marketplace provides an opportunity for Chinese manufacturers to offer their services to private clients around the world. Now anyone can order an item by mail from abroad, and without leaving home.

And the choice is huge - the website presents the products of a large number of companies. You just need to place an order, and very soon you will receive the long-awaited notification of the arrival of the goods, which are sent by both paid and free postal services.

Let's take a closer look, how to receive the goods and use the service correctly.

Delivery from Aliexpress is possible to any corner of the world. Millions of buyers from Russia and other countries use this service.

What is important to consider when placing an order? There are several such nuances.

  • Correctly indicate the delivery address and recipient contacts. In the absence of such data, you may simply not pick up the parcel. And postal workers have the right to refuse you.
  • You don't have to wait for a message from the mail. If you tracked on the Internet that your order has arrived, feel free to go to the branch. Employees are simply obliged to satisfy your request.
  • Be sure to take your passport. Without it, you will most likely be denied the shipment.
  • By registering on the AliExpress website, you can buy any item you like and, if necessary, argue.

How does an order arrive from Aliexpress?

Having paid for your order with Aliexpress, the exciting and not the most pleasant waiting time begins. Every buyer often faces a question: how to find out where the shipment is located? After the site has verified payment for the order, the seller is ready to send your package. This procedure requires 3 to 5 working days.

How can you track your shipment? Where can I find the data? To do this, you need to log into your personal account on the AliExpress website. In the section called “My Orders”, select the desired item and click on the inscription “Show details”. A lot of information will be revealed to you. You need to find the “Logistics Info” item. This is where the tracker number for tracking is indicated, with which you can understand that the goods have arrived.

Important! The information appears only after the seller sends the parcel.

You can check the location of the sent item on the Russian Post website. She is the one who delivers orders from Aliexpress throughout the Russian Federation. When parcels arrive from Aliexpress, an alert is sent to the recipient.

Before arriving at post offices, parcels go through several stages. The process can take quite a long time, and the duration depends on the location of your region.

As soon as you realize that a package has arrived from Aliexpress, hurry up to get it.

When picking up your delivery, be sure to check whether the package is intact, as well as the contents. And only after that sign the papers. If the parcel arrives damaged or with different contents, you have every right issue a refund.

Where do parcels from Aliexpress arrive?

Where will the goods from Aliexpress that you have been waiting for so long arrive?

Before making a purchase, you should decide on the transportation option. There are only two of them:

  • paid;
  • free.

What are their differences?

Free way , has one advantage - they won’t take money from you. Although this is not entirely true. The fee is already included in the price of the ordered products. They can last longer than two months - up to 90 days. You need to come to pick them up at a Russian Post office. You can find out this branch on the website

Paid option bites. The cost of moving is quite impressive. But there is a greater chance that the contents will arrive, as they say, safe and sound. And much faster - the journey will take from one to three weeks. After the shipment is accepted, it will be delivered by courier directly to your home.

The last method is worth choosing if you are purchasing valuable things: a computer, smartphone, etc.

What companies deliver goods from Aliexpress in Russia? Most Popular -

  • Post office;

On their portals you can find information about how cargo is moved, by what transport, about services with discounts, and will also provide technical support and provide consultations.

Track item at paid service You can also visit the carrier's website.

We already discussed how parcels with free transportation are tracked and where to find the tracking number at the beginning of the article.

How to properly receive a parcel from Aliexpress?

So, you have received a notification that you have received a package from the post office. You can take your passport and go pick up your shipment. Also bring the tracking number. Once you've picked up the box, don't rush to sign the documents and leave. It needs to be checked first.

Look at the integrity of the packaging. It should not be torn or open. If such unpleasant nuances were discovered, you should not pick up the parcel at the post office. Draw up a return certificate. They must explain to you how to do this.

It is better to unpack the received box in the compartment. It wouldn’t hurt to videotape the entire process. This way you can prove that you are right if the item inside is of poor quality or is not at all what you bought.

It will be good if you leave your review about the product. It will be useful for future buyers. This will also be a plus for the seller, which forms your personal rating on Ali.

If you are satisfied with everything, you will need to confirm receipt of the parcel by signing the documents.

Sometimes there may be an amount exceeding the duty-free transport limit. In this case, you will need to pay the difference. But situations where you need to pay an additional duty are extremely rare for the average buyer.

What documents are needed, or is it possible to pick up a parcel without a passport?

When the shipment has already arrived at the department transport company, the postman issues a notice. They drop it in your mailbox, and you may think that this is a document and it gives you the opportunity to pick up the parcel.

But it is not so. The official portal of the Russian Post notifies citizens that the recipient can only pick up the item with a document confirming the person’s identity. You can use:

  • Citizen's passport Russian Federation(foreign passport is not suitable);
  • A temporary certificate if the passport is lost;
  • Refugee certificate;
  • Seaman's passport;
  • A foreign document that confirms identity (if the person is a foreigner);
  • Military ID;
  • Residence permit.

The child only needs a birth certificate.

Important! You won't be able to pick up the goods using a driver's license, since they are not a document that confirms a person.

Who can pick up a parcel from the post office other than the recipient?

Let's say that you made an order on the AliExpress website. But it’s impossible to pick up the goods - an unexpected business trip. Can another person receive the shipment for you?

Yes, you can entrust this to another person: one of your family members or a friend. Then the department will require a power of attorney written by you for this person. But not just done by hand, but certified by a notary. This is necessary because anyone can write such a paper.

Such a document is produced only in paper form, and it states the right of receipt by the representative.

It happens that the document is formatted incorrectly. Then the postal employee can refuse to issue parcels from Aliexpress and has the right to do so legal right.

What main positions should a power of attorney contain?

  • Full name, passport details of the recipient and authorized representative.
  • Number and full physical address of the post office.
  • Date and place of writing the power of attorney.
  • Signatures and wet seal of a notary.

What if you have the recipient's passport? This still cannot serve as a basis. Only a certified power of attorney will do.

What will happen to the parcel if it is not picked up from the post office?

What will happen to items that are delivered to the department but not picked up? This could happen, for example, if the order arrived unexpectedly quickly and was not tracked.

This question interests many. The shipment is stored at the post office for 30 calendar days. When they pass, employees will be forced to send the package back. Boxes that have already been delivered cannot be returned.

Aliexpress dispute is the main protection provided to buyers. If you don't know what to do, sometimes this option can come in handy. After all, this is where your money is stored until the shipment is received.

But is there an option not to send the goods to the seller? In some postal services It is possible that, for a fee, the shipment may lie longer than usual.

In this article we will find out how to correctly receive parcels from Aliexpress.

How does an order arrive from Aliexpress?

How does a package arrive from Aliexpress?

After you make payment for the order, the funds appear in the internal account of the site. The seller will receive money for the product only after you confirm its receipt and you have no complaints about the purchase.

If you have a need, then you can do this only before sending the goods. Usually dispatch is carried out within 1-3 days.

Where to pick up a parcel with goods from Aliexpress?

Where to pick up a parcel with goods from Aliexpress?

After making payment and sending the order, the seller provides tracking for it. It will allow you to quickly find out where on this moment the package is located and when it will arrive. You can find out what a track number is and where to look for it.

To pick up your order, you need to complete several steps:

  • Write your phone number on the parcel machine screen
  • Next, enter the code that will be sent to you via SMS.
  • This will allow you to access your account.
  • The display will indicate that you have an undelivered package.
  • Select "Receiving a parcel" and the cell where the shipment is located will automatically open
  • Take it and examine it for damage. It is advisable to open the package on the spot and look at what is inside.

You will not have to pay any additional fees. Information that the parcel has been received will be automatically sent to the seller. If it turns out that the product turns out to be unsuitable or the parcel is damaged, then you can return it to the seller through the same parcel terminal. There's even a special function. However, it is better to connect it in advance so that the process of receiving the goods and opening it is not necessary.

  • Receiving a parcel via courier

If the product is ordered with delivery DHL , FedEx or EMS, then expect a call from a specialist. They will explain to you how you can pick it up or offer to send a courier to you. Talk to the operator convenient time and place of delivery of the parcel. Show your passport to your career and carefully inspect the parcel. If everything is in order, then sign the receipt document and enjoy your purchase. If there are traces of tampering, then refuse to accept the order. The courier will draw up a special report, but for this you often have to go to the office.

Don't worry if you received something else. Any conflicts on Aliexpress can be resolved quickly with help and you will receive your money back or a new parcel with the desired product.

Don't panic if your package doesn't arrive or they send you another item. Any conflict situations on Aliexpress are resolved quickly, and you will receive your money back or a new parcel with the necessary goods.

How do you know that a parcel has arrived from Aliexpress?

How do you know that a parcel has arrived from Aliexpress?

After making a purchase on Aliexpress, many people wonder how to know that the goods have already arrived? This issue becomes especially acute if... How do you know that the package has already arrived?

Most parcels can be tracked using. When the item arrives at its final destination, you will see this data in the tracking information.

Even if the shipment is not tracked, then you should not worry, since this is the norm and such parcels arrive without problems. As a rule, items up to $2 are sent using this method. Basically, the parcel arrives anywhere in the world in a couple of weeks, but no more than 60 days.

In any situation, when the order reaches the post office, the postman brings a notification and throws it in the mailbox - this means that you can come and pick up the goods with your passport and notification.

Although in some situations, if the item is very small, it may be put in the mailbox. And more advanced postal workers call customers and warn them about the arrival of a package, but this happens very rarely.

In addition, many parcels indicate a telephone number, but most often they notify about the arrival of the parcel using notifications.

How do you know that a parcel has arrived from Aliexpress if it is not tracked?

Aliexpress parcel is not tracked

In this case, you have two options:

  • Wait for the postman to deliver the notice to you
  • Or visit the post office with your passport and find out if there are parcels arriving in your name
  • Another option is to call the desired department and inquire about the parcel.

How to fill out a notification to receive a parcel from Aliexpress?

A postal notice is a document that contains information about the parcel and its sender and recipient. It is issued in accordance with generally accepted postal regulations and delivered through a mailbox or into the hands of the recipient. Let's look at how to fill out this document correctly.

The form is filled out on both sides:

  • The front side contains information about the parcel, its sender and recipient. You don’t need to touch it, this data is indicated in the mail.
  • On the reverse side there is a form to fill out, where you need to enter your data, date and signature. In finished form it looks like this:

Filling out the notification form (SAMPLE)

Video: How to pick up parcels at the post office? Watch until the end

If you have never purchased on Aliexpress before, then naturally you are interested in the question of how to receive a parcel from Aliexpress by mail. In fact, there is nothing complicated - by following the instructions below, you will almost completely eliminate the possibility of being deceived, and therefore save your money.

Do you use the cashback service when shopping on Aliexpress to get back up to 5% of the cost of the product? If not, register and start saving.

The most important thing in this whole process is to film a video of unpacking the order from start to finish. And you need to do this so that you have evidence if any problems arise. But first things first.

How to correctly receive a parcel by mail from Aliexpress

Let's start from the beginning. Having selected and paid for the order, after the seller has sent the delivery, you will receive a so-called track number, thanks to which you can track your order.

From the moment it is mailed until it reaches your post office, it will go through various stages of processing and “travel”. And in terms of time, this can take, on average, from a week to a month.

Delivery time depends on many factors:

  • location of the warehouse in China from which your order will be shipped;
  • courier services, both in China and here;
  • delivery method - air, land, sea;
  • clearance time at sorting points, customs, etc.
  • and the region in which you live.

How to pick up a parcel from Aliexpress at the post office

What do you need to receive the parcel? Having received information that the shipment is at the post office, you can take the notice and passport and go get your delivery. Presenting Required documents, receive your parcel.

One more nuance: upon receipt you do not need to pay anything, everything is paid for when placing an order on the website.

After you receive the parcel, do the following DIRECTLY at the post office:

  • inspect the packaging for visible damage . If there are holes in the packaging, for example, this may mean that the product may have been damaged. Or if the packaging is heavily dented, and you ordered, for example, the same phone or something fragile, then there is a high probability that the product is damaged. Therefore, in this case, inform the postal employee that you will be issuing a return certificate. He should help you arrange it correctly;
  • if there is no damage to the packaging, I recommend it, open it at the post office, be sure to film the unpacking process. Having done this, you will have video evidence that the package did not contain what was ordered, or you received a defective product, etc. and you have absolutely nothing to do with it. This video will need to be uploaded to Aliexpress.
  • If everything is fine, you can collect your receipt and confirm receipt of the order.

How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress by mail without notification

It happens that you see from tracking that the order has already been in the department for several days, but the postman does not deliver a notification. The question naturally arises: how to pick up a parcel at the post office without notification? There is nothing complicated, I picked up almost all my orders without waiting for notification.

On the official website of the Russian Post there is information of this nature

To receive your order at the branch, you need to present a notice (you can fill it out on the Russian Post website) or track number, as well as identification.

As you can see, you don't have to wait for a notification. Either follow the link, print and fill out the notification yourself and go to the post office with it, or write out the tracking number and go to the post office that way.

How to receive an order from Aliexpress by mail without a passport?

Again, we turn to the official website of the Russian Post, where information is provided that in order to receive an order at the post office you need to present an identification document.

What can serve as such a document?

How to pick up goods from Aliexpress from the post office without a recipient?

There are situations when, for some reason, you cannot pick up your parcel, the question arises: can someone else come to the post office instead of you and receive your delivery.

Yes, you can. To do this, you must present a document confirming your identity and ALWAYS a power of attorney certified by a notary or by the head of the post office, but for this the recipient will need to personally contact the post office in advance with this request.
That's all, more information in other articles.

You can figure out the procedure for ordering products on a Chinese site in a few minutes. Questions regarding how to receive a parcel on Aliexpress by mail are more worrying for buyers. This is not surprising, given the reputation of domestic postal networks, delivery from distant China, long waits, and so on.

How to find out that a parcel from Aliexpress has been delivered

The first thing you need to do after placing and paying for your order is to wait for the track number provided by the seller. From the moment you pay for the parcel, it may take a week or even more before you receive a tracking number. How to find it?

If the parcel is sent to the Russian Federation, then you need to go to the Russian Post website. Right on the main page we see the inscription "Track". Below we enter the track number and find out where the parcel has already reached.

If you are expecting a parcel in Ukraine, then you need to visit the official UkrPoshta resource and open the page "Unfasten". Now all that remains is to enter the track number in the search field and click on the tracking button.

If the products go to Belarus, go to the Belposhta website, select in the right menu "Post tracking".

Using this analogy, you can go to the website of any country and track the parcel. Official portals of state postal services are not difficult to find.

How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress

So, you once again track your parcel and see that it has been delivered. Information about which post office the item arrived at will also be indicated here. Write it down.

If you see that the goods arrived at the post office today, most likely you will not be able to receive the parcel on the same day. It takes postal employees approximately one day to sort through a pile of letters and parcels. Therefore, it is better to go to the post office 1-2 days after the delivery of your purchase from the Chinese site.

Is notice required? This is a common myth. In fact, the notification is solely a notification to you about the delivery of the package. The notice is not a document. Postal employees have no right to demand it. Therefore, all questions related to how to receive a parcel from Aliexpress without notification are completely frivolous. No need to wait for notification. In large cities, it happens that they do not arrive at all, or arrive 1-2 weeks after the parcel arrives. And some parcels, according to the current rules of the Russian Post, are stored for 15 days. Therefore, you risk simply not having time to receive the ordered products.

Many people still don’t know how to buy on AliExpress or are afraid to do so. We will show you the purchasing process from start to finish and tell you about all the associated nuances.

Registration and first steps

You can search for products without registering an account, but when you try to buy something you will be asked to create a profile. It is needed to access order history, wish lists, communicate with sellers, and statistics.

How to register

Registration form

The corresponding button is located in the upper right corner of the site. When you click on it, the registration form opens. You need to enter your email address, first and last name, and password. Can be tied Facebook account, in this case you don’t have to enter your email: it will appear automatically.

Personal Area"My AliExpress"

After registration, you can go to your profile. Here are orders, messages, reviews, wish lists, disputes and so on. At this stage, you can only add a delivery address; everything else is not needed yet.

How to add an address

To add delivery addresses, go to the side menu item of the same name. There may be several addresses. This is convenient if you plan to send gifts to friends and family. When paying for your order, simply select the one you want.

Add address form

You only need to fill out the form here in Latin. It is important. Chinese sellers do not have keyboards with Cyrillic and, perhaps, even an encoding that displays it correctly. Everything, from the name to the address, must be written in transliteration.

Sellers don’t care what they put on the parcel. But the postmen will scratch their heads until they understand what you meant by Lenin Avenue or Boulevard of Peace.

  • Receiver name- indicate your full last name, first name and patronymic.
  • Street, house, flat- simply write ulitsa Pobedy or pereulok Mostovoi. The post office will understand.
  • Postcode - important point. Even if you make a mistake with the address, the postal code will ensure that the shipment reaches the right place. You can find out the index of the nearest branch.
  • Telephone / mobile phone - do not forget that numbers must be entered in international format, starting with the country code.

Product selection and purchase

Now you can go shopping. Don’t rush to order the first product you come across and chase the lowest price. First of all, a few nuances.

Which language to choose

AliExpress automatically includes Russian language. If you wish, you can choose any other one or switch to English. For convenience, it is better to leave Russian. The only time this will do more harm than good is reading the descriptions. A crooked translation can lead into such a jungle that you won’t immediately understand what it’s all about.

How to search

AliExpress search results

There are millions of products on AliExpress, it's easy to find what you need. It's harder to choose from thousands of search results. You can search in Russian. If there are no results or you are not satisfied with them, try formulating your request in English. To narrow your search, it is useful to use filters and advanced sorting functions.

  • Price- weed out products that are too expensive or look for them in a certain price category.
  • Free shipping- you can immediately filter out cunning sellers. These people include part of the cost in the shipping price to make their products look cheaper.
  • Only by piece- filter out offers for wholesalers.
  • 4 stars or more- do not waste time on low-quality products.
  • Sort by- choose sorting by the number of orders or seller rating - you won’t go wrong.
  • Ships from- for popular products there is an option to ship from local warehouses, choose it if you don’t want to wait a long time.
  • Group similar products- the option should remove similar products from the search results, but it does not work perfectly.

For example, you need a LEGO minifigure of Darth Vader. That's what we write in the search. Choose free shipping, piece goods and sorting by number of orders. The desired figure appears already in the fifth position in the search.

Which seller to choose

Product page with description and other details

Several sellers have these mini-figures. Which one to choose? In this particular case, you can simply choose at random; the product costs a penny. When buying expensive things, it is better not to do this. Your choice determines the quality of the product, whether it matches the description, and whether you will receive it at all. We open several potential options in new tabs and carefully look at the following:

  • Rating- the same medals, crystals and crowns next to which the points are displayed. The rating is calculated based on positive reviews for the entire existence of the seller. The higher it is, the better. This is an indicator of reliability and reputation.
  • Percentage of positive reviews- the percentage shows the ratio of positive customer ratings to the total number of all reviews over the past six months. Should be as close to 100% as possible.
  • The number of orders- there should be a lot of them. People won't buy bad products. Choose the seller with the largest number of orders for this product.
  • Product rating- product quality on a five-point scale based on customer reviews. Products with hundreds or thousands of orders usually have a rating of 4–4.5 or higher.
  • Reviews- this is the most important thing, you can safely start the comparison with them. Carefully study what people who bought it write about the product, what they say about the seller, how long delivery takes, and so on. Very helpful.

With the mini-figure everything is simple: she has minimum price and the first seller has more than two thousand orders with an average rating of 4.7 points. You don’t have to look any further, let’s take this one.

Order and payment

After searching and choosing, you need to place an order and pay for the purchase. In fact, payment does not go through immediately, but this no longer depends on us.

How to order

To order, click the “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart” button. It depends on whether you are going to immediately proceed to payment or whether you want to continue shopping and pay for all the goods together. Please indicate the size, color or model, as well as the quantity of goods. Please note that price may vary depending on color and model.

Confirmation of an order

After clicking the purchase button, you will be taken to the checkout screen. Here you can double-check all the data about the product (color, quantity), select a delivery address if you have several, and also leave a comment for the seller, use a discount coupon and select a delivery method.

The standard shipping method is ordinary shipment without tracking (ordinary). For inexpensive purchases, as in our case, this does not matter. For valuable goods, you should choose a delivery method with a track number (registered). The final price will increase by 1.5–2 dollars, but you will have peace of mind and will be able to track all the movements of your parcel.

What you need to know about payment

Selecting a payment method

Clicking on the “Place Order” button will take you to the payment screen. Here you need to select one of the proposed methods available for your country.

  • Map- credit or debit. The simplest method that most people use.
  • QIWI Wallet- an electronic wallet that is easy to top up through terminals. An option for those who do not want to use cards.
  • WebMoney, Yandex.Money» - electronic payment systems. A convenient option if you get money for them.

Payment is the most popular method. Don't be afraid of it: it's absolutely reliable. All your data is sent over a secure connection and is visible only to AliExpress, but not to sellers. We advise you to choose this option.

Which card is suitable?

Any Visa and MasterCard cards that support online payments are suitable for payment. AliExpress works with rubles, so Russians pay with a regular ruble card. Residents of other CIS countries cannot avoid automatic conversion to the standard currency of the site - dollars.

To pay for your order, online transactions must be enabled on your card. Many banks have special Internet cards, they are often designed specifically for purchases. The map can be virtual; its maintenance is relatively inexpensive. Before paying for the goods, you need to know the following details:

  • Card number- those same 16 digits.
  • Validity- month and year of expiration. Four numbers on the front of the card, for example 12/19.
  • CVV code- three-digit security code on back side cards. For virtual cards, you can find it in the application or on the Internet banking website.

How to pay

Select the payment method “Card” and proceed to filling out the form. Just enter the card number and expiration date, CVV code and owner's name.

Payment by card

Click on the “Pay now” button, your bank’s page will open, where you will need to enter a transaction confirmation code (it will be sent via SMS or via mobile app). This depends on the type of card you have (you can check with your bank).

If you made no mistakes anywhere, you will receive a notification that the payment was successful. The card number can be saved and linked to your AliPay account. You won't have to enter it in the future. This way you will save time when next purchases. But this is not necessary; you don’t have to bind anything.

Receiving an order

The product has been selected, ordered and paid for, leaving the most tedious part - waiting for delivery. After a few weeks of waiting, the parcel will be at your office and can be picked up.

How to find out the status

The seller must prepare your order, package it and ship it to you. You will be provided with a tracking number if your chosen shipping method provides this. About all status changes AliExpress order informs you via notifications by email and profile on the website.

History of orders

Go to the “All orders” section and look at the status of the latest products. There may be several of them:

  • Payment expected- you have confirmed, but have not yet paid for the order. After the allotted time for payment has expired (can be found on the product page), the order is cancelled.
  • Payment verification- AliExpress processes and confirms the payment transaction. Usually takes up to 24 hours, but during sales it can take 2-3 days.
  • Expected shipping- the seller processes your order, packs it and prepares it for shipment. Usually 2-4 days depending on conditions, they are indicated on the product page.
  • The order has been sent- your purchase has been transferred to the delivery service and is already on its way to you. This takes from 15 to 60 days.
  • Confirmation received- you confirm receipt of the order.
  • Completed- the deal is closed. Appears after you have confirmed receipt of the item.

On average, delivery takes approximately 1–1.5 months. If you pay the seller extra for a tracking number, you will be able to track where your shipment is at one time or another all this time.

Package tracking

The seller must add a tracking number to the order within three days after shipment. It will appear on the order line. Here you can view brief information on it or use third-party tracking services.

Data on shipments is updated no more than once a day (or even less often). It makes sense to check your order 2-3 times a week. Once sent, it may not be tracked for a week. Do not panic. Often, sellers assign a tracking number to the parcel in advance, while it lies at the post office for several days and awaits dispatch.

How to receive a parcel

So, the package has arrived. It can get to you in two ways: the postman will put it in your mailbox (this often happens with small packages) or he will bring you a notice that there is a package for you to receive.

More often, a notification comes and you need to go to the nearest post office to pick up the parcel. In this case, you need to take your passport and the same notice with you.

Upon receipt, carefully inspect the parcel and if the integrity of the packaging is damaged, request an inspection report. Even if everything looks fine with the package or box, it’s a good idea to check the contents right here at the post office and record the whole process on video. In case of misunderstandings, you will have evidence for the seller and a chance for a positive outcome when it comes to a dispute.

At home, when you fully test the product, do not forget to leave a review and rate it. This will help other buyers make their choice.

Guarantees and protection

Sometimes you can run into low-quality or damaged goods, or even not receive your order at all. For such cases, AliExpress provides buyer protection. It provides a guarantee of compensation or a full refund in case of an unsuccessful purchase.

How protection works

Protection is valid for certain period. It depends on the delivery time specified by the seller, and on average is 60 days. If during this time you do not receive the product or it does not correspond to the description, you can open a dispute. After reviewing it, AliExpress will return the money spent or provide compensation.

Order details

You can find out the expiration date of protection in “My Orders”. Just click “Details” next to the desired purchase. If the protection ends and you still haven’t received your order, it can be extended. This is important because disputes can only be opened for orders in the “Sent” status or within 15 days of receipt.

How to open a dispute

Usually, the delivery of goods depends more on our mail than on the seller. If enough time has passed and still no parcel, you can open a dispute and request a refund.

Open a dispute button

The button of the same name is located in the order details in the “My Orders” section. To open a dispute, you need to fill out the form. Indicate the details of the problem and the amount of compensation that suits you, and also attach a photo. In some fields, simply select ready-made options, in others, write details.

After considering the arguments on both sides, AliExpress makes a decision on a refund (if the product did not arrive) or compensation (if the wrong size, model or poor quality product was sent). This takes from two weeks to two months. Most often the administration trading platform takes the buyer's side.