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How to take beautiful pictures. How to take high-quality photos of products at home

Have fun, smile and create with our photo effects!

The service site contains a unique collection of beautiful photo effects, and modern ones (like Instagram effects). You'll love the photo editing process on our site because it's fun and easy. Using photo effects, you can easily turn a photo into a pencil drawing or oil painting, or for any occasion. Fashionable ones today will help you make your photo look old and get a photo card in a retro style. And if you are interested in the world of glamor and luxury, then thanks to our photo montages you can find yourself, get to or different countries peace!

How it works? You select an effect and click on it. Then upload your photo (or several photos) and you're done! You can upload photos from your computer or phone, from Facebook, or add them via a link. You can also apply effects to example pictures from the site and to previously uploaded photos. All photo effects work in automatic mode, and the results are comparable to processing in Photoshop! If you need more fine-tuning of the final image, you can use our online photo editor: add stickers and text, make color correction. You can save the processed photo to your desktop computer or mobile device, and also publish the photo on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Our service presents effects for every taste: complex installations, modern and retro, static and adult. However, there is no limit to perfection and we are constantly working on creating new photo effects and improving photo processing algorithms.

  • Unlimited fun with portrait photography!

    Become another person, animal or superhero in an instant thanks to. Our intelligent algorithm recognizes a face in a photo and automatically inserts it into the picture. Using the same algorithm, they also work.

  • Can't choose one photo? Collage!

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  • Changing the background of a photo is easy

    In your photos, placing flowers, autumn leaves, snowflakes, heart-shaped bokeh and romantic views of famous cities. Your photo will be transformed in an instant!

  • Art effects: turn photos into works of art

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02.10.2010 11877 Photography Tips 2

1. Contrast

How to attract the viewer's attention to your photo? There should be contrast in the frame:

A lighter object is photographed against a dark background, and a dark object against a light one.
Do not photograph people against a yellow or brown background, the color of the photo will be unnatural.
Do not photograph people against a colorful background; such a background distracts the viewer’s attention from the model.

2. Accommodation

Important plot elements should not be placed randomly. It is better that they form simple geometric shapes.

3. Balance

Objects located in different parts of the frame must match each other in volume, size and tone.

4. Golden ratio

The golden ratio was known back in ancient Egypt, its properties were studied by Euclid and Leonardo da Vinci. The simplest description of the golden ratio is that the best point to position your subject is approximately 1/3 of the horizontal or vertical edge of the frame. The placement of important objects at these visual points looks natural and attracts the viewer's attention.

5. Diagonals

One of the most effective compositional techniques is diagonal composition.
Its essence is very simple: we place the main objects of the frame along the diagonal of the frame. For example, from the top left corner of the frame to the bottom right.
This technique is good because such a composition continuously leads the viewer’s eye through the entire photograph.

6. Format

If the frame is dominated by vertical objects, shoot vertical frames. If you are photographing a landscape, shoot horizontal frames.

7. Shooting point

The choice of shooting point directly affects the emotional perception of the photo. Let's remember a few simple rules:

For a portrait, the best point is at eye level. For a portrait in full height- at waist level. Try to frame the frame so that the horizon line does not divide the photo in half. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the viewer to focus on the objects in the frame. Keep your camera level with your subject or you risk skewed proportions.

An object taken from above appears smaller than it actually is. So, taking a person from the top point, you will get a short person in the photo. When photographing children or animals, get down to their eye level.

Bright photos that can decorate an album and get hundreds of likes on social networks are created not only on the seashore or in an expensive studio. Your own apartment can easily become a backdrop for great photos! Do you want to know how to do beautiful photo at home? Read the tips in our article!

How to take a beautiful photo of a house on a smartphone

We will make do with minimal resources - no SLR cameras or professional lighting. Just you, a smartphone and available tools. The techniques that you can use to get high-quality images depend on what exactly you are photographing.

1. Portrait

Shooting from the front (the face looks straight into the camera) often creates flaws even where there were none. Try turning half a turn towards the camera - this is one of the universal options that will suit most people. This angle visually makes the face narrower, emphasizing the cheekbones and slender neck.

Even a slight turn of the head makes the face more attractive in the photo.

    Even if you're shooting a portrait where the viewer's attention is focused on the face, don't forget about what's around you. Untidy clothes on a chair or a half-eaten lunch can quickly ruin an attractive picture. Try to have an interesting interior behind you.

Make sure the background is aesthetically pleasing

2. Subject photography

If you like to take photos for Instagram, you will definitely need the ability to photograph small objects. Despite its apparent simplicity, there is enough pitfalls. It is necessary to convey the texture, the smallest details, the exact color. Our tips will help you take a beautiful photo with your smartphone:

For subject photography It’s a good idea to use a small table where the object will be located. If you use natural light, you can settle down on the windowsill. It is highly advisable to use a tripod, even if shooting from a phone. This will avoid hand shaking and achieve maximum clarity.

How to make a photo even better

Even a successful photo needs processing. The program allows you to improve the quality of a photo, remove unnecessary things from the frame, retouch a portrait or apply effects. What features does it offer?

Firstly, such photographs are of poor quality, and secondly, it means that you don’t even have friends who could take your picture.

2. Photo as for a passport

Girls usually show only two emotions in photographs – “I’m smiling” and “I’m mega sexy with a serious look.” The guys in the photo generally have one emotion - “I’m a very serious guy.” It is much better to have a photo of poorer quality, but with interesting emotions, than to take a photo with a good DSLR with a neutral facial expression. Few people are interested in such photographs.

3. Banal poses and plots

Another one of common mistakes take photos like “I’m in front of a monument”, “I’m standing with the sea behind me” or “I’m in front of a car”. Who do you want to impress with your Ford Focus?

4. Wrong angle

There is one joke: “The model has two good angles and she knows them, but common man there is only one angle and he never gets into it.”

Be aware of the flaws in your appearance and figure and try not to show them in the photo. Know your winning angles and poses, and show them off in your photos. Big nose, thin face, short stature, fatness or thinness - for each of the shortcomings there is ready-made solutions how to hide them.

5. Too many photos of the same type

Many people put several photos on their avatar from one photo shoot, event or party. For the viewer, such a sequence of similar photographs looks boring. It's better to post two or three the best photos from each event than many identical ones (the law of psychology!).

6. Lack of photos with friends

The lack of photos of you with friends indicates that you are an uninteresting and unsociable person. Even complete sociopaths have close people with whom they communicate, study, relax and work. Take photos with friends every chance you get.

7. Cropped limbs - arms and legs

The cropped limbs in the photos give her a very casual amateur look. When taking full-length photographs, warn the photographer that you will tear off his arms if he cuts off your legs in the photo. When photographing from the waist up, make sure your arms are fully included in the frame.

8. (At a party) Taking pictures in an “imperfect” state

If you take photos while the party is in full swing, you run the risk of appearing red-eyed and looking rather shabby. Therefore, if you would like to have attractive photos that you can put on your avatar or post on social networks, then take photos at the beginning of the party, as soon as you arrive.

9. Cut yourself out of a photo

Let's say you turned out well in the photo, but in this photo you are not alone, but with a friend or a group of people. However, you take this photograph and carefully cut yourself out of it. The end result is a photograph where part of your shoulder or arm is cut off, and other people's arms and legs protrude from the edge of the photograph. The question is WHY?

If you like a photo and you are not alone in it, then post the photo with your friends. See point 6.

10. Taking photos in poor light

If you take photographs under the light of an ordinary lamp, the photographs will have an unsightly yellowish tint. This, of course, can be corrected in Photoshop, if you know how to do it. But it is much easier to take photographs in daylight. Or make friends with Photoshop and the “white balance” function in your camera.