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How to use telephone Internet on a computer. How to connect a computer to the Internet via a mobile phone

Nowadays, many people think that life does not exist without the Internet. Therefore, in modern conditions Wi-Fi routers are installed in public places, which provide free distribution to visitors to the place. But what to do if you need to do urgent work and there is no one nearby free internet? How to solve this problem? Many computer users have phones that have provider packages installed that provide not only voice communications, but also the Internet. But

Methods for transferring Internet from phone to computer

There are actually only three options for Internet transmission. However, their number may be reduced depending on the technical equipment of the computer and the accessories available to enable such transfer. So,

The first method is using a cable connecting your phone and computer. In this case, there is no need for additional devices or special requirements to the computer, except for the presence of a connection cable.

The second method is to distribute the Internet from your phone using Wi-Fi. But there are some peculiarities. The phone must have a Wi-Fi distribution option, the computer must have a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, or such an adapter must exist as a separate device.

The third way is to use BlueTooth connections. The restrictions that are imposed on this method are similar to those in the previous case. The choice of how to transfer the Internet from your phone to your computer will largely depend on your preferences, as well as technical features computer and phone. In the future, let's look at each of these methods separately.

Internet transmission via cable

The first thing you need to do is connect your phone to your computer using a cable. It is worth noting that some phones use the same connector for charging the battery. Therefore it is important to have USB cable for connecting your phone to a computer, which is not always included. In the future, it is necessary for the PC to identify your phone. Depending on the operating system installed on your computer and phone type, this operation may differ on different systems.

But the essence of this action is the same - the computer needs to provide drivers for a given phone model, thanks to which it will be able to transfer data from the phone to the computer and back. Some systems provide automatic detection of drivers in the operating system, and some cables have a disk with the appropriate software. But most often you have to look for drivers on the Internet.

After the phone has been identified, you need to perform the operations shown in the photo on it.

You need to go to your phone settings and select the “Other networks” tab. In it select "USB modem". And after that, the Internet appears on the computer almost immediately.

How to transfer Internet from phone to computer via Wi-Fi

This method of Internet distribution is the most popular and is most often used by users computer equipment. The advantage of this method is that there are no cable connections, and there is no need to search for drivers. In addition, most modern smartphones can distribute the Internet from the phone, with the phone acting as an access point. And any modern laptop has a Wi-Fi adapter. Therefore, first the access point is turned on on the phone, and if a secure connection is planned, a password is set for it.

After this, Wi-Fi is turned on on the computer and the phone’s Wi-Fi network is detected. The computer asks for a password, after entering it the Internet is already on your computer.

Internet sharing using BlueTooth connection

Usage BlueTooth connections are not so popular among computer owners. This is due to the short range of reliable BlueTooth connections, on the one hand, and on the other hand, this type of connection is less commonly used than Wi-Fi. With this type of connection, the phone's settings are very similar to those of a modem connected via a USB cable. Only in this case, the BlueTooth modem is selected in the phone settings.

You can access the Internet on almost any smartphone, not only using the mobile Internet, or via wireless Wi-Fi connections or Bluetooth, but also using a direct (end-to-end) connection to a desktop computer or laptop (with Internet access).

Let's look at the connection process using the example of an Android smartphone and a computer running Windows 10 (also relevant for other Windows operating systems).

  • We connect the smartphone to the computer using the included USB cable;
  • In the settings of your device, in the “Wireless Networks” section, select the “More...” option;

  • The following instructions will appear, click “OK” or “Finish” (depending on the Android version);

  • On your computer, open the Network and Sharing Center. This can be done by right-clicking on the network connection icon (in the system tray), and left-clicking to select the appropriate option in the context menu that appears, or like this: “Control Panel” → “Network and Internet” → “Network and Sharing Center” general access";

  • In the screenshot above the numbers are marked:

1)The main Internet connection of your PC or laptop;
2) Internet connection of the connected smartphone (without network access yet). IN in this example it is called “Ethernet 2” (in each specific case the name may be different). We are interested in our current (main) Internet connection, so at the next stage we select it (i.e. connection number 1), and click the “Properties” button;

  • Next, select the “Access” tab;

  • Check the box next to “Allow other network users to use this computer’s Internet connection.” "Connect home network"- here we select the Internet connection, which is displayed as a separate network, in our example “Ethernet 2”.

At this point, the creation of an end-to-end connection can be considered complete.

Articles and Lifehacks

This instruction will tell you how to use the Internet from your phone to your computer via USB - using a data cable and the appropriate settings on your phone and computer.

Windows 7 will be used as the base operating system, the settings of which can be easily adapted to both earlier and older versions.

Configuring mobile device settings

  • First you need to set a certain configuration for your mobile device;
  • You need to go to the settings section and there to the section wireless networks, enter “Modem Mode” and check the “USB” item;
  • Next, you should turn off the running network screens and connect to the mobile Internet.

Date cable and drivers

Now we connect the data cable to the mini USB port of the mobile phone and to the USB socket of the computer.

In this case, in most cases, the necessary driver programs will have to be installed independently. Otherwise, they will need to be installed manually.

If everything is connected successfully and correctly, the screen will display a corresponding notification.

PC Settings Configuration

Next you need to configure the PC:
  1. To do this, you need to go to the “Control Panel” (Start menu) and set its viewing mode to “Large icons”;
  2. Then enter the “Modems and Phones” section, where a request may appear specifying the geographic location (here you can write anything you like and click confirmation);
  3. After this, the required “Modems and Phones” directory will become available, from which you can go to the tab with modems;
  4. Here you need to find in the proposed list the model of the mobile device you are using, which in this case acts as a modulation/demodulation unit, and by activating it go through the “Properties” section;
  5. In the directory that appears, you need to go to the section for additional communication parameters and enter the following code in the initialization line: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet";
  6. Now you need to close all open windows (OK) through confirmation, except for the main setup window, in which you should go to the “Sharing Control Center”, and from there to “Settings for a new network connection”, selecting the connection settings via phone option;
  7. Then click “Next” and select the desired modem from the proposed list, after which a form for entering data will open;
  8. Here you do not need to specify a password and username, but only the name of the operator used, as the connection name, and telephone number;
  9. Now you only need to activate the connection with confirmation and, after it has been successfully established, you can click on the network overview button, after which the default browser with a functioning Internet should open.
All. Connection to the network via your phone is successful.

On each individual phone there may be software differences in the menu from those indicated in this manual, but they will all be intuitively similar.

If the connected phone uses more than one SIM card, then the Internet connection will come from the card of the first value.

The APN must be specified correctly in the settings, and the tariff must allow connection to the network.

No matter how much we want it, the Internet has taken almost a central place in our lives. If you go deeper into history, it was originally invented to transmit secret data, then it began to be used for communication, and about 20 years ago it began to be actively filled with all kinds of information, multimedia and entertainment sites.

Hence the conclusion - we need the Internet everywhere. Now the thought runs through your mind - in order to distribute the Internet to your smartphone, you just need to connect to a wireless access point. But what to do if a desktop computer or laptop is occupied by a member of the household, the wireless wi-fi access point does not work, and the mobile traffic has long since ended. Don't run to the next cafe! - you thought.

Let us tell you one lifehack: armed with one USB cable via a PC, you can connect (distribute) the Internet to your smartphone, no matter what operating system it is running. Today we will discuss in detail below how to do this, how to connect, what methods and how it works.

Method one - WiredTether

Let's move on to the phone settings

This is quite simple to do (literally in a few clicks) and if you strictly follow our instructions. In order to make your work even easier, we strongly recommend downloading the GScriptLite program, in which you will need to work a little with scripts.

Next, install the program, create a new script in it and write this text there:

It is important to know: at the end of the registered address, in addition to four eights, you can use any server name.

That's all, now you can use the Internet from your PC via your phone. But before completing the work, you need to check something (we check whether the Internet is working correctly):

  • The phone must be connected to the PC using USB.
  • Then launch the application you downloaded on your Android device and activate the Internet connection.
  • Now create a new script, after which the Internet will automatically connect to your Android mobile device.

Once the connection is activated, you can fully surf the vastness of the World Wide Web without restrictions. In order to deactivate the Internet connection, you just need to restart WiredTether.

Possible problems

Even despite the simplicity of this procedure, the average user may have problems connecting to the Internet via a PC:

  1. The first and also the most common reason is that the PC does not detect the computer when connected via USB. In order to solve this fairly common problem, all you need to do is reconnect your smartphone. If the problem is not solved, then it is better to take another USB and try to connect the phone again.
  2. The second problem may be related to the program itself. There have often been cases when the utility does not support the version of Android you have installed. There is only one solution - you need to go online, find the necessary application there and transfer it to your phone and then install the utility.

The second method is USBTunnel

To begin, on your computer, go to Internet connections, then click the advanced tab. A new dialog box will open in front of you, where you will need to allow other users to use the Internet connection of this computer.

It is important to know: this method of distributing the Internet to a phone via a wired route is more complex and time-consuming, since you will need root access to work with the program. Instructions on how to obtain them can be easily found on the Internet.

  • To get started, download the USBTunnel utility, and download AndroidTool to your computer.
  • Now let's move on to working directly with the phone. You need to get to the menu and enable USB debugging.
  • We connect the phone to the PC via a standard USB connector.
  • Launch AndroidTool on your computer.
  • After the program starts, click search for devices - search for android devices - show list of devices.
    It is important to know: the program may ask if you have administrator rights to make such significant changes to the operation of devices. Answer yes immediately. Also, the application can be extremely unstable in some places. Therefore, the program may crash from time to time.
  • And finally, click done.
  • Various additional requests may also appear, which in most cases must be agreed to.
    It is important to know: it is not crippled that the program will generate a system or other error. In this case, all of the above steps will have to be done from the very beginning.
  • After you have agreed with all the program’s requests, a joyful “connect” message will appear in front of you.
  • Then your device will ask if you have root rights. You just need to click yes.
  • If all the above steps were performed in the correct order, then connecting to the Internet through the computer will start automatically.

There are situations when, it would seem, everything has been done correctly, but the Internet still does not want to work with a wired connection through a computer. The most common mistakes:

  1. The computer simply does not see or does not sync with your phone.
  2. The phone does not see the program you need.
  3. All steps were completed correctly, but the Internet still did not appear on the phone.

Solving these problems

    • If you did not find the required program on Google Play and downloaded it from the Internet, then make sure that you download the program to the ADB folder, as the program starts working automatically. But, if you accidentally threw it into the wrong folder, there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that system errors and the like are possible in the future.
    • If after you have done everything according to the instructions, but the Internet still does not want to work on your phone, then most likely you have not enabled routing on it (before starting work, you need to make sure whether the service is enabled or not). In order to do this, you need to go to my computer - management of services and applications - routing - remote access. After this, the problem should disappear.

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On this moment Often Mobile Internet can be unreasonably expensive. In this regard, if you have a home high-speed Internet and a smartphone on the Android platform, you can connect via a USB cable.

But first you will need to carry out some manipulations with your personal computer. Also, if necessary, you need to find and install a special driver that is suitable specifically for your smartphone.

This must be done in order to. If it is already installed, then when you connect the phone to the computer, a system window will appear. In it, the user, if necessary, can view the files stored on the smartphone.

Having checked the availability of the necessary driver, we begin working with the PC:

  1. First you need to go to “Connect via local network" As a rule, the icon for this system window is located in the lower right corner of the screen.
  2. In the new system window, right-click on the current connection and go to “Properties”.
  3. After that, select the “Access” section and mark the line where it says “Allow other network users to use the Internet connection.”

To solve the question of how to connect your phone to the Internet via a computer via a USB cable, you will need to install a special application, which in this case will act as a link between the mobile device and the PC.

Android Debug Bridge

Most simple option Connecting a mobile device to the Internet via a PC is installing Android Debug Bridge. After downloading, the program must be unzipped.

You will also need to enable debugging mode using a USB cable. To do this, you will need to become a smartphone developer. I’ll say right away that it’s not difficult.

To get developer rights on your smartphone you need:

  1. Go to your phone settings and select the “About phone” or “Phone” section (it may have different names, since it all depends on the smartphone model).
  2. Then look for the line where the build number is indicated, click on it 10 times.
  3. After this, in the settings you will see new section Developer, Developer Options, or Developer Options.

After this, you can activate USB debugging. Now let's return to the program itself. Once you unzip it, find and open the AndroidTool.exe file.

Then a new system window will appear in front of you, in it you need to click on “Refresh”. Next, select “Select DNS to use”, check “DNS” and click on “Connect”. As a result, a window with a running connection line will appear in front of you.

At correct connection an entry “Connect Done” should appear in this window. This will mean that your personal computer can be used as your smartphone.

In this case, an entry may appear on the phone asking for rights for the user. Don't be alarmed, just click on "Allow" and that's it. It is noteworthy that in this case root rights are not required.


To solve the question of how to connect your phone to the Internet via a computer via a USB cable, you can use the “AndroidTool” utility.

Also, there is very important point, in this case it is absolutely necessary. To do this, you will need to install the “Kingo Android Root” application on your personal computer.

After this, you need to enable USB debugging mode on your mobile device. You also need to enable permission to install applications from unknown sources.

Now we connect the smartphone via USB and turn on the previously installed application on the PC, which will independently install the required drivers on the phone.

Once the driver installation is complete, a red button with the word “Root” will appear. Click on it and wait for the work to finish. As soon as everything is finished, the program will ask you to reboot your smartphone.

Now you can safely install and work with the AndroidTool application. After launching it, in the “Android Reverse Terthering” window, click on the “Refresh” button.

Then find your device using the “Select a device” field. Next, select “DNS” and click on “Connect”. In the “Select DNS to use” list, open the “Progress” window.

The following message will appear: “Request for superuser “USB tunnel”. If you need to provide root rights, you need to click “Grant”. Thus, a message should appear stating that “Connection has been established.” After this, you can safely use the Internet.

Bottom line

If you are interested in how to connect your phone to the Internet via a computer via a USB cable, then, as you can see, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

In addition, this option is convenient in situations where... It is worth noting that this article presented applications that are popular among users. I wish you success!

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