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The best way to take a selfie. How to take a selfie correctly: the most important rules

There is a selfie epidemic sweeping the world. This mania has gripped millions of people: from schoolchildren to show business stars, politicians and government officials.

Vladimir Savelyev

One gets the impression that the newborn absorbs this passion with the milk of the mother, who certainly wants to immortalize him in her arms in the first minutes after birth.

One of the reasons for this passion is the simplicity of the procedure itself. I picked up my smartphone, pointed it at my face, pressed the desired button - done. You can admire yourself beloved. However, so that the image of admiration does not disappoint you, you still need to get a little theoretical knowledge.

10 simple tips for those who want to look cute in photos*

*Nyasha is a word that comes from the word “nya”, which the Japanese use to imitate the meow of a cat. In Russian it has become synonymous with the adjectives “cute”, “pleasant”.

1. If you are very concerned about the quality of selfies, buy a smartphone with a good camera. Pay attention to more than just the number of pixels. It is also important what camera optics, flash, shooting speed, and how autofocus works. Advanced smartphones even allow you to set exposure and white balance, which turns them into full-fledged cameras. Reviews of smartphones and reviews of their owners, of which there are plenty on the Internet, will help you choose a suitable gadget.

2. The main thing in photography is light. In good lighting, almost any camera can produce a picture of decent quality, the subject will be brighter, and the color rendition will be better. Conversely, if there is not enough light, the image may turn out dim. A flash will help here, but you need to use it correctly: position the camera not too close to the subject so as not to overexpose, and not too far away so that the frame is not underexposed.

To do good photo, pay attention to which side the sun is on. Stand so that it is opposite you or to the side, and wait until the clouds cover the sun. If the sky is cloudless, find shade. The light in these cases will be diffused, and you won’t have to squint. You will get a voluminous light-and-shadow pattern on your face.

If you're taking a selfie indoors, stand to the side of a window, facing it.

3. If the frame gets into horizon, make sure it is at the level of your neck or chest. It is also important that it is not overwhelmed and does not divide the frame in half.

4. Try to find some framing for your portrait - a window, a door, an arch. This compositional technique will add depth to the image.

5. Think over your image. Do a fashionable hairstyle and makeup, work on your outfit. There is huge scope for imagination here. The location against which you want to capture yourself also works to create your image. It can be any extraordinary place: the interior of a fashionable restaurant, an old manor, a palace, the roof of a tall building, a sunset horizon, a beautiful natural landscape, and so on.

6. The overwhelming level of narcissism, narcissism and stupidity that often characterizes many selfies of the fairer sex can cause allergies in critical men and a desire to parody such photos. There are plenty of examples on the Internet. The best way avoid ridicule - sense of proportion and self-irony in relation to your image. Add humor to your portrait.

7. Following the selfie comes into fashion gruffy. This concept was invented and put into use Chinese company Huawei, which is marketing its smartphone that allows you to take such photos. A groupie is a group photograph that is taken in the same way as a selfie.

If you have a different brand of smartphone, purchase a telescopic monopod that you can attach your smartphone to. With this stick, as if lengthening your arm, you increase the shooting angle. This will allow you to fit a large company into the frame. Another advantage of a monopod is the ability to take pictures from an unusual angle, from below or from above. Most monopod models are equipped with a camera control button, which is built into the handle of the device. The smartphone is controlled via Bluetooth. This greatly simplifies the process of taking selfies. There are also monopods with a separate remote control.

In some models, communication with the smartphone is carried out not via Bluetooth, but through a special cord that must be inserted into the headphone jack of the smartphone. And the cheapest selfie stick has neither a cord nor a button. In this model, in order to take a photo, you need to use a timer.

8. Take care of the lens. Before shooting, wipe it with a soft cloth. To avoid scratching the optics, carry your smartphone in a case.

9. To improve the quality of selfies, use editors or special programs, which allow you to quickly process images and add various visual effects. Among them there are both paid and free. Many smartphone models have built-in photo editors.

Here are a few free programs that have gained the most popularity among smartphone owners:

- Instagram (for iOS, Android, Windows Phone). In addition to the social network functions, Instagram has a built-in photo editor. This program offers 17 built-in photo processing effects.

- Snapseed (for iOS 5.1, and Android 4.0 and later)- a universal and quite powerful program for processing, viewing and cataloging photos. Has a fairly extensive set of tools. It can create the effect of blurring the background around the subject, highlight individual plans by depth of field, and includes a variety of filters that give the photo a vintage character.

- VSCO Cam (for iOS 5.0, and Android 4.0 and later)- one of the best photo editors for processing pictures on smartphones and tablets running iOS and Android. There are tools for retouching and fine-tuning the image, beautiful and high-quality filters.

- Fhotoroom (for iOS, Windows Phone).The developers offer many features in this editor. For example, setting individual frame parameters, using photo filters and various frames, creating collages. For smartphones running Windows Phone - the best photo editor.

- Cymera (for Android)- a photo editor, “tailored” for shooting and processing portraits. Equipped with advanced capabilities for face and hair retouching. Along with manual modes editing, there are automatic effects based on facial recognition technology. Cymera is the only photo editor in which you can transform a portrait using a template that simulates a photo taken with professional-level portrait lenses.

- PicsArt (for Android)- one of the most advanced and powerful photo editors in terms of functionality. At least among free applications. Its tools include not only filters and correction effects, but also opportunities for drawing, photomontage, full-fledged work in layers, and creating high-quality collages.

10. The most important rule: remember safety. If taking the most amazing and mind-blowing selfie means taking a risk and putting your life in danger, use your mind and think about the consequences. It may happen that there will be no one left to admire your own cool photo.

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What is the perfect selfie? Photos that get tons of likes? But how is this possible? Why are some photos quoted and liked by subscribers, while others are not? Grab your camera right now. Take a look and remember how your selfie turned out the last time. Most likely it was from 5 to 450,000 frames until the right one was found. We all do it. And all because choosing the perfect selfie is not easy - we're talking about about the right combination of light, angle, composition and photo filters.

Selfie experts (celebrity bloggers and makeup artists) know how to take a good selfie.

Rule #1.
Natural light is the key to success

A good selfie requires good lighting. Daylight. “Light is undoubtedly the best beauty product you don't have to pay for,” says vlogger Jordan. Even in the absence of makeup, natural light will give a beautiful and healthy shine.

Avoid fluorescent lighting! Instead of sitting in front of a computer or TV screen, face a window with natural light. It's much better to go outside, bask in the sun (don't forget the sunscreen!) and get some fresh air. Good lighting will hide dark circles and a tired look.

“If you’re taking pictures indoors, find a window,” advises beauty blogger Michelle Fan. “I usually use a blank piece of paper and hold it under my chin, which creates the effect natural light, and also reduces the effect of a double chin.”

When it’s impossible to find natural light, whether it’s a party or watching a movie at home, how to take a cool selfie with flash? This is where Snapchat comes in handy. The app has a flash feature for the front camera, while the iPhone's camera doesn't. Tap the small lightning bolt on the top left corner, then take a selfie. Voila! Don't expect the photo to look perfect - under no circumstances. But at least you can see your face.

Rule #2.
The best selfie is early in the morning

In the morning, the face is clean, the makeup is fresh, and the hair lies naturally, without having time to become disheveled due to wind/humidity or going to the gym. So it's really optimal time for selfies.

Rule #3.

The best selfies have an interesting background. Whether it's a random photo or a photo while skydiving (cool!). Experiment.

But don't forget, even if you, like Kendall, pose in the mirror, people see the surroundings around you through it. So before you take a selfie, take a look around.

Rule #4.

If there's one piece of advice you should take from Kim Kardashian, it's this: When it comes to selfies, keep your chin down and your camera up. All faces are different, but as a rule, this particular angle is considered the most successful. And to achieve the effect of a seductive beauty, you just need to slightly tilt your head to the side, says Kai.

Rule #5.
Awaken your inner goddess

For hot and steamy photography, the main rule is to stop being shy. Pout your lips, raise your eyebrows, smile and talk with your eyes. Liberty advises opening your lips slightly and breathing through your mouth in a relaxed manner. He also recommends keeping your eyes closed until the shot takes place. - “The look is better when the eyes seem fresh.” you can find out on our blog.

Rule #6.
Light! Camera! Angle!

The perspective is very important, do not forget about it. You can smile directly at the camera, or you can raise the phone a little higher. Then the photo will turn out less intense, and by varying the shooting angle you can find a good angle.

Rule #7.
Be true to your filter

If you find a suitable filter that perfectly conveys the atmosphere, try to use it for all photos. This is the secret of bloggers to make the channel look harmonious.

Rule #8.
Sunglasses - the optimal solution

If you are shy in front of the camera or simply don’t want to take 457 photos in order to then choose the “ideal” one, keep your sunglasses handy in advance. All you have to do is make your lips, and let's face it, you will look stylish and cool in sunglasses.

After the advent of the social network Instagram, selfie photos have become a particularly popular trend in photography. More and more users are joining this network; millions of new photos are posted on their personal pages every day. However, not everyone who has a smartphone with a camera knows how to take a beautiful selfie, what poses and ideas to use to make this frame interesting for subscribers. This is a whole art and our review today will help you figure out how to take photos that will collect the maximum number of likes on social networks.

How to do it right

Today, even world stars and state presidents post pictures of their own faces on social networks.

In 2013, the word “selfie” became so popular in the UK that it was included in the Oxford Dictionaries.

Although this art of photography has not gained such widespread popularity in Russia, there are still a lot of people who like to take pictures of themselves on camera. Moreover, this passion for “yourself” manifests itself not only in girls, but also in many guys. But taking a beautiful selfie that will resonate with your audience is not so easy.

There are a few unspoken rules for taking a good selfie photo:

  1. Watch the lighting. A photo taken in daylight will add shine to your hair, smoothness to your skin, highlight the iris of your eyes and make them brighter. When photographing in twilight, you always take a risk - it can either ruin the photo or make it mysterious and charming. Play with light and you will definitely find your edge.
  2. Nothing can ruin a selfie more than a lack of background. Many people like to take selfies at home, but usually such pictures turn out boring and the same. It’s much more interesting to go outside and take a photo against the background of a blue sky or a painted wall. Even a photo in a shopping center mirror will look much more lively and interesting than a home selfie. However, you can post a couple of shots hugging your favorite teddy bear, a pet, or burying yourself in a blanket on Instagram with the hashtag #cute.
  3. Shoot your face at the right angle. It is known that the left and right sides of the face are slightly different from each other. Try taking a selfie by turning your head to the left and then to the right, and determine which side you are more photogenic on. When taking pictures, it is recommended to lift the phone up, this will make your eyes appear wider. Experiment, turn your face in different directions, and you will definitely find the right angle.

To create a beautiful selfie with more background coverage, it is recommended to use a special selfie monopod.

By moving your phone further away from you, you can fit more people into the frame or capture some incredible natural background. Another useful device for taking selfies is a silicone case with a sticky back. Everything is simple here - put the case on your phone, stick it to something (glass, mirror, wood, stone, etc.), and take a photo of yourself at least in full height.

But what you shouldn’t do is take selfies at serious events, for example, at religious ceremonies, memorial services or funerals; this is considered bad form.


Typical sexual poses and “cute” duckfaces are, of course, good, but when there are millions of similar photos, it’s very easy to get lost in the crowd. Only pictures with non-standard poses, bright accessories in the frame or incredible nature in the background attract attention.

For girls

There are not so many poses for taking a selfie, because when shooting at arm's length, usually only the girl's face and chest are visible in the photo. Therefore, the pose must be chosen so as not to distort the proportions of the body and emphasize the depth of the eyes. The best shots are obtained when shooting at an angle, the back must be straight, and the chin slightly raised to avoid the formation of wrinkles on the neck.

It is better to avoid taking full-face selfies altogether, since the camera tends to enlarge the nose, and such pictures are rarely successful.

A girl’s selfie against the backdrop of some landmark will look bright and unusual.

To capture more of the background, raise the camera above you. Also, don’t be afraid to take funny selfies; girls with a sense of humor are especially attractive. For example, use huge glasses or a funny hat for selfies. Make a face, make a fool, because these are the photos that look “alive” and are very successful. Selfies in the gym, where a girl takes pictures of herself in the mirror and stands in a half-turned position, showing the relief of her figure, are a great success among the opposite sex.

For men

In order not to look like a narcissist, it is better for men not to go out of their way to find unusual poses. Take pictures of yourself against a beautiful background, in extreme or unusual situations, near sports cars, with celebrities, with animals, and you will be guaranteed likes and subscriptions. Well, to consolidate the result, don’t forget to add brutal selfie photos from the gym, where you stand in the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger pose.


Running out of selfie ideas? Then read below, especially for you we have prepared several ideas that will help you create beautiful and original “yourself”.

For home

The home environment is an inexhaustible well of ideas for selfies.

To create a beautiful, romantic photo, lie on the bed, hang your head slightly over the edge, raise your hand with the camera up and move it back a little, and bend the other hand and bring it to your face in the lip area. In the frame, your eyes will appear in the foreground, then your lips with a playful hand, and then in the background, slightly blurred, the contours of your figure.
For selfies at home, do not forget to use any attributes, be it a mug of tea, a book, a plush toy, a pillow, and so on. Photos taken during the cooking process, when a girl stands in an apron, with a oven mitt and a ladle, and at the same time “conjures” a spell over a pan, look original.

For girlfriends

The best attribute for selfies with friends would be a mirror, since when shooting at arm's length it is quite difficult to fit two or three faces in the frame. The poses for such a shoot can be anything. When you see yourself in the mirror, try different options:

  • hug each other;
  • fool around;
  • jump up;
  • smile sweetly;
  • make funny faces;
  • eat ice cream;
  • drink a cocktail from a straw.

And don't forget about accessories, the cool girl pose with glasses is still relevant. Hats, scarves, glasses, wigs, hoops with ears greatly influence the dynamics of the photo and make it much more interesting. You can experiment with mirrors; a split or even tripled selfie looks extraordinary.

For lovers

Taking a selfie of a couple in love is called a “relfie,” that is, a romantic selfie.

Classic selfies are filmed in bed, hugging your significant other. However, even such pictures can be original and interesting. For example, the two of you lie down exactly at the same height, press your heads tightly against each other and take a photo so that half of your partner’s face and you are in the frame, visually you should be two halves of one whole. Original, symbolic and simple. By the way, you can still work on this photo - enlarge it and crop it at eye level. Then in the center of the frame there will be two eyes, but of different people.

Another pose that causes attacks of love and tenderness in the audience is when a couple stands as close as possible opposite each other, slightly tilting their heads down, touching their foreheads and closing their eyes. Only the faces of lovers should be in the frame.

A selfie taken from an angle above the couple’s head will look original. The lovers stand hugging each other, looking up, their eyes shining. But when posing such a shot, take care of the background, as it will be visible. This pose can be the basis for many other ideas - lying on the grass, sitting on a bed, in the water, in a car, on a merry-go-round. The main thing is that there are two people in the frame, and they are in love.

In conclusion, I would like to add that selfies are momentary entertainment.

You shouldn’t spend a lot of time creating “that” frame.

If it doesn't work out now, it will work out next time. Don't let social media become your source of leisure. Remember that life is in full swing around you, where there should always be a place for entertainment, walks in the park, travel, live communication, sports, books, family, pets and much more.

26.12.2016 22:31:23

In one of the articles we looked at how to set up the Internet on a Fly phone.

Today, selfies are the most common photo genre. Open the user’s page on a social network, on Instagram. 8 out of 10 photos will probably be taken in the selfie genre. The selfie genre is considered to be the simplest of all. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: he extended his hand, focused, and took a picture. Only even here there are many pitfalls, because of which a huge number of initially successful shots turn out to be hopelessly ruined. Let's try to figure out how to take a selfie correctly so as not to disappoint yourself and others.

A selfie (from the English selfie, self, oneself) is essentially a self-portrait taken using a smartphone or camera. The selfie genre began to gain popularity in 2000 when Cell phones and smartphones began to be equipped with good cameras. This word first appeared in 2002 in Australia on the ABC Online forum. The first self-photo portraits began to be taken at the beginning of the 20th century, when Kodak released the Kodak Brownie portable camera. So for over 100 years, everyone has been taking selfies, regardless of gender, age or social status. In 2013, it became so common that it was included in the Oxford Online Dictionary in English.

Selfies can be divided into several types:

Wifi – the most touching photo with friends.
Relfie – a selfie with your loved one.
Groofy – group photo. You can do this using a special selfie stick.
Beefy - selfie in a swimsuit.
Belphie - photo taken from the back. As a rule, girls do it to show off an expressive figure.
Liftlook - a photo taken in an elevator mirror.
Hot dog selfie - a shot of tanned legs.
Extreme selfie – photography in an extreme situation.

Basic rules for selfies

Just holding out your hand and taking a photo is not enough for a good selfie. Several important conditions must be met:

Select good camera. More often, selfies are taken using the front camera, which, as a rule, has a lower resolution than the rear one. If the front camera doesn’t have enough megapixels, but you can take a great shot, it’s better to turn the phone around and take a photo using the main camera. It's best to take selfies in good lighting. In twilight or semi-darkness of the room, the front camera may not capture the frame and the picture will turn out “noisy” and blurry. Try not to use wide-angle lenses. Pictures taken this way are stretched and distorted.

Correct angle. The ideal angle for a selfie is when the camera is slightly above eye level, with the head slightly tilted. If the selfie is taken in full height, it is better to stand slightly half-turned. This is especially important for girls who like to photograph a chiseled figure. Don't lower the camera too low if you don't want your face to blur, appearing like a double chin and giant nostrils. It is not recommended to take a selfie strictly from the front - the image turns out too flat and inexpressive. Don’t tilt the horizon too far so that you don’t get the feeling of a falling frame.

WITH the right angle, accordingly, the correct posture is also associated. The number of selfie poses is practically limitless. You need to start from what you want to emphasize or, conversely, hide in the photo.

Watch the lighting. Competent photographers advise choosing diffuse daylight for photographs, not standing in front of the sun, and using fluorescent lamps in the room. You need to make sure that there are not too many bright light sources in the frame.

Correct background. Even if you choose a good camera and take the right pose, you can ruin your selfie if you don’t think about the right background. When taking a selfie at home, pay attention that the frame does not include the mess in the apartment, unwashed dishes in the kitchen, or dull wallpaper. When taking photos on the street, make sure that there are no passers-by in the frame who could attract the viewer’s attention. Of course, the ideal background for a selfie is natural. It’s difficult to ruin a photo taken against the backdrop of mountains or a waterfall, even if you’re completely inept at photography.

Facial expressions. The best facial expression for a selfie is a sincere smile, which can reap a “harvest” of likes on social networks. Don't be afraid to experiment, show your acting talent. Try to portray sadness, fear, disappointment - the main thing is that the facial expression is natural. Falsity in the photo will not be forgiven.

Pets. A pet in the frame will, in any case, provide an excellent selfie. Animals do not need to “play” on camera; they are already as natural as possible. All that remains is to play along slightly for a greater “cuteness” effect.

Assistive devices. To get as many details as possible into the frame, for example, when taking a selfie with friends, or against the backdrop of landmarks, it is better to use a special selfie stick - a monopod. How to choose a selfie monopod, as well as about special applications for selfie sticks, read our article. Since the smartphone is fixed, the photo comes out clearer than one taken at arm's length. You can add some zest to your selfie using filters, for example, making the photo black and white or sepia for the effect of an old photo.

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How to take the right selfie for girls

Remember to tilt your head slightly. Don't bend too low so that your neck appears to be crooked. It is better to choose selfie poses in such a way as to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and the contours of the figure. For example, turn around 30 degrees. The chest can be slightly raised, just make sure that it does not look vulgar and vulgar. Watch the lighting so that it doesn’t turn out that one part of the body in the photo is well lit, while the other is in the shadow. Don't overdo it with makeup. It is better to slightly tint your eyelashes and apply a light lip gloss. By the way, do not overuse false eyelashes. Please note that the picture can also easily be ruined by thick shadows and sloppy eyebrows.

Here is an example of good photos:

But you don’t need to do this:

How to take the right selfie for guys

Men, unlike girls, rarely bother taking a selfie correctly. Guys are better off not trying to take pretentious poses. Guys take winning selfies hugging animals, celebrities, and in nightclubs.

Pumped up powerful biceps in the gym? Take a selfie in the mirror, and an influx of likes and new subscribers is guaranteed.

If you don’t have special muscles, you shouldn’t portray them. The spectacle will be pathetic:

Fans of extreme sports should take a monopod and a GoPro camera with them. Nothing attracts attention like photos taken during a skydive several kilometers high, under or above water, on a roller coaster at an amusement park, or over a raging river or waterfall. Don't overdo it - taking an extreme selfie involves risking your life.

The main rule for a good selfie is your sincerity. This applies to both boys and girls. The more natural you look in the frame, the more viewers will appreciate the photo. Forget duck lips. Not only is this an unnatural grimace, but it has not been trendy for a long time. Don't be afraid to try different angles, choose backgrounds, and invite your best friends into the picture.

If you are interested, you can read the article where we reviewed the main

On a walk in the park, when traveling to public transport We often meet unusual people holding a smartphone in their hands and making funny faces at it, as if someone sees them there. It's relative new format a photograph depicting the owner of the camera, called a selfie. Many people are interested in this quite seriously and are looking for new places and positions. But not everyone has the opportunity to run far. With this in mind, we will tell you not only how to do cool photo, but also how to take a beautiful selfie at home using your mobile phone camera.

Selfie: meaning, history, popularity

Self - yourself, Russian equivalent - selfie, slang - “sebyashki”. Selfie is a photo genre, the meaning of which is to photograph yourself using a smartphone or tablet. Simply put - a self-portrait. The term has become popular in recent decades due to the widespread use of various gadgets among the population.

“Selfies” are characterized by a certain angle, a tilt, which is due to the fact that the person is photographing himself and holding the camera at arm’s length. People started taking such pictures quite a long time ago, more than 100 years ago, during the appearance of the first Kodak cameras (1900).

At the beginning of its journey, the “crossbow” was popular mainly among teenagers; today adults, including celebrities, post self-portraits on social network pages. The word “selfie” began to be included in English dictionaries, and Oscars and awards were given for the most successful and original photographs taken in this genre.

In general, selfies have gained enormous popularity among the people, and even so much so that in some countries they are beginning to compulsorily treat selfie addiction.

Types and variety of selfies

  1. Wifi- a touching photo with friends, cheerful and cheerful.
  2. Relfi- a picture with your loved one.
  3. Ussy selfie - extras which depicts more than 30 people.
  4. Beefy- photos of girls in underwear, bikinis.
  5. Sagli- those same funny faces.
  6. Belphi- a photograph taken in the area of ​​the buttocks, buttocks.
  7. Duck lips selfies- lips like a tube, like a duck.
  8. Scotch selfie - the new kind gaining popularity. Its essence is clear from the name: a person wraps his face with adhesive tape, resulting in a distorted and smeared image of him.
  9. Donut video selfies filmed by rotating the camera around itself.
  10. Catman- a photo with a cat in half-face or any other cat creative.

As you can see, “selfies” are never sad, they are all made with a smile on the face and in order to evoke it in others. Anyone can become the inventor of a new type of selfie. Moreover, the most original people get paid in social networks a large number of likes and thereby promote their own pages, and this is already a whole business.

How to take a cool selfie?

Most often, it is girls who post self-portraits, since young people are more serious people. Therefore, we have selected recommendations specifically for women’s selfies, but some of them are of a general nature. So, what to concentrate your attention on to get a beautiful photo: light, background, smile, accent. Let's take a closer look:

  • Any photograph is a game with light and shadow. The light source should not be behind you or to the side, but in front of you and slightly above eye level. If you are taking a photo at home and the sun's rays are shining through the window, curtain it with a fabric that is not too thick. Diffused lighting will give a more favorable shot and help hide minor facial defects.
  • The main character of the self-portrait is you, but you will agree that countless photos of yourself will bore you, your fans, and your friends. Try to find a new background: nature, weather conditions, a gym. Original, unexpected places. But do not forget to observe etiquette, selfies at a funeral are no longer creative.
  • Girls better focus on strengths appearance. Most often it is hair, eyes, legs. But be realistic, sometimes things are not as we imagine.
  • Of course, a smile that should be natural. Considering that a selfie is a self-portrait and your face in the photo will be very close, a wide, heartfelt smile is not exactly the right option for this case. Touching, modest, unobtrusive would be more suitable.

Digital technology allows us to experiment, redo, delete - it is extremely convenient.

Common mistakes

What should you not do when doing “yourself” tasks? What mistakes are most often made?

  1. Selfie sponge-ducks, bows - one big mistake. Many girls allow it, thinking that it is cute, funny, maybe erotic. No, round mouth close-up usually causes ridicule.
  2. The poses with which women try to show their attractiveness and flexibility are unnatural to say the least. And if you look at this process from the side of passers-by, it is ridiculous in the extreme.
  3. Bright makeup looks vulgar when taking a selfie. After all, this is usually done by an actor when the viewer looks at him from afar in the twilight.
  4. You shouldn’t conquer electric trains, high-rise buildings and their roofs, or other dangerous places for the sake of taking a photo. The Internet is full of cases fatal outcome in pursuit of expressive shots. It's not worth it.

Today there are a lot of additional gadgets and applications to perform amazing, beautiful photos, even for taking selfies underwater. With their help, you can truly turn this photography genre into art.

What kind of selfies can you take?

We have already listed the types of “self-portraits” above, what other original options can you come up with. Here everything depends on the possibilities, sometimes the imagination of the profession.

  • A simple way to surprise is to sit in front of a large TV and select the desired picture, an unusual place and capture yourself as if it were really happening. More often than not, no one can tell the difference from reality.
  • Extreme photographs always attract attention, especially if a woman performs a bold act. Jump with a parachute, from a mountain on a paraglider, from a bridge on an elastic band. Bring your phone on the flight. However, think about your safety first.
  • When a traffic police officer issues a fine to you, take a photo with him. Well, you should never lose your sense of humor.

How to take a selfie at home?

Not everyone can jump with a parachute, but anyone can take a selfie, even while sitting at home.

  1. First, tidy up the place where you will be filming or, on the contrary, create a proper mess. It depends on the goal. Basically, create the necessary background, take a photo and see what happens.
  2. If there are siblings, make sure they don't get into the frame when you don't want them to. Many people like to attract helpers, asking them to make a grimace behind their shoulders and jump.
  3. Girls love to do beautiful pictures In the bed. Lie down, hang your head slightly, and lift your hand with the camera up and move it back a little. In general, the best angle is when the gadget is looking at you from above. In this position, the body looks slimmer and the legs are longer.
  4. Climb onto the windowsill, put your glasses on your nose, take a book and slightly lower your jacket from your shoulder. Such a self-portrait can be sent to a guy, they love chaste girls, but with a hint.

Look around, there are many interesting objects and places in your apartment or house. There are old clothes piled in the closet, perhaps my mother's wedding dress. Taking a selfie at home can be no less interesting than taking a selfie against a beautiful, original background.

A selfie is just a moment’s entertainment; you shouldn’t spend all your time, money, or travel to the other side of the world on it. We have given you several examples of how to take a beautiful selfie at home, post your ideas on the Internet, be bolder and more creative.

In this video, Polina will tell you how you can take the perfect selfie without leaving home, tips and tricks: