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How to write interesting texts. Attempt at writing

Now it is very difficult for everyone, and many participants in the SvetL Programs naively still continue to think that the presence of a Complex or a Bracelet in a person gives him an indisputable right to consider himself better than someone else. I think this is a misperception. What does "better" mean? As one Man said: “Light is purgatory,” and unfortunately, not everyone is destined to go through it and come out “clean” and steamed. Why? Another Person said that “It is wise to admit your own mistakes. How many people will agree that they are doing something wrong?” How many of us ask ourselves, “Am I doing or saying this or that right?” How many of us are ready to listen and listen to the arguments of our interlocutor without thinking in advance about what to answer? ... And, if today I am asked about how I would like to see the future of Humanity, then I will say with confidence: one where like-minded people will exchange the energies of harmonies, where there will be no place for lies, hatred and flattery, ambitions and envy, where new ideas will be born for joint implementation for the benefit of all, and where communication between People will be the same as it was at our meeting of Companions in Moscow.

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Attempt at writing

In this article I want to draw your attention to very serious problem, gradually covering everything most Earth and People - diseases of the nervous system. Unfortunately, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that we live in a kingdom of constant stress and apophatic madness that surrounds us on all sides. In my opinion, there is no point now in citing countless simply mind-boggling examples of the insane state of People, whose behavior is less and less reminiscent of the Action of Homo Sapiens.

Writing interesting texts is not difficult if you know how. The founder of the Profi business school, Ulyana Kulikova, and the editor of the weekly Business, Irina Chernyavskaya, at a lecture in the creative space Chasopis, talked about the basic rules of writing articles for beginners and shared secrets on how to hook the reader and keep him until the end of the text.

"Whoever owns the texts owns reality"

Nothing influences human consciousness more than information. It is very important to be able to collect and analyze data. But we live in an era of texts and pictures, online media and social networks. Therefore, it is even more important to express your thoughts correctly and clearly using texts. This will not only help you gain authority among your colleagues, but will also expand your business development opportunities.

Why learn to write texts?

I want to speak out. With the development of Internet communications, it has become fashionable to describe everything that happens to us on social network pages and blogs. But only those who convey information to readers in an accessible and correct manner become popular.

Deep understanding of the topic. Before you write, understand the topic you are researching.

Inspiration. For the text to turn out well, you must be inspired by something. But this does not always happen; most often they write in work mode.

Work to order. Additional income no one has canceled yet.

Self-PR. Modesty is the path to disgrace. One of the main components of self-PR is your articles and publications.

Expert positioning. Not only novice journalists, but also experts in various fields of activity want to learn how to write correctly: lawyers, financiers, economists, scientists.

Creating an information field for business. Before you create a product or bring it to market, it is important to talk about it and get people interested.

Myths of the epistolary genre

In journalism, there are several myths about writing and publishing.

Myth #1: “You can only write when you are inspired.” This only applies to professionals or those who write very rarely. But if you are just learning or writing is your immediate job, don’t wait for the muse. Gabriel García Márquez said that inspiration comes only while working.

Myth No. 2: “content is important, not form.” Don't express your thoughts hastily. Texts should be structured and written in simple language.

Myth #3: “Writing can be learned once and for all.” If you want to learn how to write quality articles and publications, practice every day.

Motivational techniques for those who have never written

To learn to write good lyrics, you can use the following motivational techniques:

  • retell an event or day (you will not only train your memory, but also learn to briefly formulate thoughts);
  • keep a diary of smart thoughts (a person has about 60,000 thoughts a day, one of them may be a good idea for an article);
  • make voice recordings (especially important at night, when everyone has creative ideas);
  • express your opinion about opinions (if you are caught up in some thought and you have your own opinion, write about it. Remember: every unexpressed thought does not allow a new one to be born);
  • imitate authoritative authors (read and analyze books and texts by professionals that you like);
  • staying in the professional space (try to attend creative evenings, presentations of books or magazines, where journalists, editors, and publishers gather);
  • reading interesting blogs (you can spy on current topics and trends).

Where to begin?

He who reads a lot writes well. But not posts in in social networks, A fiction or quality journalism. They will help shape your writing style.

Meditate. To expand your consciousness and list of topics, try to travel, meet interesting people or watch them. To make the text unique, collect materials on the topic. Any article must be supported by facts or expert comments. Always make short notes of test sections and make an outline for future material - this is an ideal tactic for those who are just learning to write. And remember, the article should have one main idea. If it is not there, the article is bad.

Before you write anything, motivate yourself. Society loves to read an interesting and emotionally mature person. Therefore, try to fill your life with bright events and tell the reader about your unique experience. Try to make yourself a brand whose opinion will be taken into account, be sure to useful tips and express a non-trivial point of view on sensitive topics for society. And try to come up with original quotes - people love it.

Literary styles

Be sure to determine your writing style. The style of the future material depends on the purpose of writing the article or publication. There is a scientific (dry, factual, laconic), artistic (emotional, rich, many literary techniques are used, long sentences), journalistic (a cross between artistic and scientific: laconic, emotional, motivating), colloquial and official business styles.

Genres in journalism

In fact, there are many genres in journalism, but there are the most popular:

  • the note ( the main task- convey information to the reader in a short and concise form, volume - up to 3000 characters);
  • article (the task is the same as the note, but here you need to use facts, details, arguments and conclusion, more than 3000 characters);
  • longread (a large amount of information with a photo report and infographics);
  • reportage (the author’s task is to convey what he saw);
  • investigation (the main thing is to answer all questions);
  • feature (informative article in an informal style);
  • expert column (provides only one thought, it is important that the column is provocative);
  • interview (conversation, conversation between two or more people).

Learn to write differently than everyone else

When you have learned to use classic styles, try to develop your own. How to do it? Use the following techniques:

  • write history within history;
  • use the “chamomile” technique (the article is written in separate fragments, but the main thing is to come to the core: the main topic);
  • it would be so if only (description of an ideal picture that breaks into reality);
  • in medias res (we start the article with the climax, then move on to a description of the topic and conclusions);
  • false start (the topic is about finances, and the author begins to talk about how he was driving to work in the morning);
  • unhappy ending.

How to write for a new generation

The new generation is the short frame generation. They don’t read longreads, relationship or diet content, but are interested in targeted articles that can inspire and motivate them. Short notes, articles, expert columns about career development, creating startups, expert positioning, ecology - the ideal format for such people. The biggest problem of today's generation is dyslexia. This is one of the common learning problems in children, which manifests itself as a specific reading disorder. Therefore, do not forget about visualizing materials.

How to start writing an article

Initially, in two or three sentences, formulate a thesis - the main idea of ​​​​the future article. It must be narrative, but at the same time provocative and original to hook the reader. Be sure to look for non-trivial approaches to any trivial topics. The most popular articles are those that answer the question “how?”, reveal hot, controversial or always relevant topics and are sure to motivate the reader.

Article structure

  • title(the title helps to reveal the topic);
  • subzig, cut, lead(a concise main idea of ​​the article, a properly combed thesis with a trick, should hook the reader);
  • introduction(should motivate the reader to read the article: consists of several sentences, has an intriguing beginning, the first sentence is the most important);
  • main part(be consistent in presenting your thoughts, help the reader see the picture, do not forget about the climax, do not write long sentences and large paragraphs, support statements with facts, most importantly, do not teach the reader how to live);
  • completion(can be either the end of a dialogue with the reader or a continuation);
  • signature- always sign your texts;
  • additional elements: photo (do not search on Google, use photos from photo banks; infographics; be sure to check quotes, numbers and facts for accuracy).

Editing rules

There are rules that will help you turn your material into a full-fledged article:

Adhere to the principle of unity (the article is written in the same style);

Break complex sentences into simple ones and watch the pace;

Follow the logic of paragraphs;

Select synonyms (you cannot use words with the same root, use constructions);

Watch for emotional coloring (remove exclamation marks and emoticons, express emotions with words, not punctuation marks).

If the article seems ready to you, do not rush to send it to print. Set it aside for one day. After that, print it out - it’s more convenient to edit the material, read it again. And be sure to give it to someone to read. Find out if everything is clear and make appropriate changes.

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And he brought it to show you (Chekhov. Three years).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what a “test of pen” is in other dictionaries:

    attempt at writing- first experience, debut, first steps Dictionary of Russian synonyms. attempt at writing noun, number of synonyms: 3 debut (10) ... Synonym dictionary

    Attempt at writing- (foreign language) the first, like a trial essay. It has passed from the custom of testing the pen, in the literal sense, when they are going to write on a clean pen and, choosing a good pen, write a few letters for testing... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    attempt at writing- (foreign language) the first, like a test essay. It has moved from the practice of trying out a pen in the literal sense, when they are going to write completely and, choosing a good pen, write a few letters for testing... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Attempt at writing- Book About the first literary work, experience. FSRY, 360; BMS 1998, 474; Yanin 2003, 239; FM 2002, 362 ...

    try- Trying out my first literary experience. However, jokes aside, it was resolved, brother, I brought one article, a test of the pen, so to speak, and brought it to show you. Chekhov. Low standard 1) with an insignificant content of noble metal (alloy);... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    TRY- TEST, samples, women. (from Lat. probo I test). 1. units only Action under Ch. sample; test, check. Take it for a test. Test of voices. Machine test. 2. A small part of some material, taken for analysis or testing and used for ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

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    TRY- pen. Book About the first literary work, experience. FSRY, 360; BMS 1998, 474; Yanin 2003, 239; FM 2002, 362. High (highest) standard. Razg. Approved Very highly qualified and quality. BMS 1998, 474; FSRY, 361. There is no place to put samples. Unraveling... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    try- noun, f., used. infrequently Morphology: (no) what? samples, what? try, (see) what? sample, what? breakdown, what? about the sample; pl. What? samples, (no) what? samples, what? I try, (see) what? samples, what? samples, about what? about samples 1. Under a sample of something... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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  • Test of the pen, Serbin I.. Test of the pen...